

姓名 严启龙 性别
学校 西北工业大学 部门 航天学院
学位 理学博士学位 学历 博士研究生毕业
职称 正高 联系方式 【发送到邮箱】
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个人经历 personal experience 工作经历 2017.2-至今: 西北工业大学,航天学院,教授,博士生导师2015.6–2017.1: 以色列特拉维夫大学,化学工程学院,博士后2008.4–2011.9: 中国兵器集团第二O四研究所,固体火箭动力技术研究部,工程师



教育教学 Education and teaching 教育教学 招生信息 (1)本科生课程:主讲专业课《航天推进化学基础》、《Structural Characterization》(玛丽女王工程学院)、留学生专业课《火箭推进(英)》、选修课《航天动力前沿讲座》等(2)研究生课程:主讲硕士生核心必修课《含能材料与推进剂》、主讲硕士生专业选修课《推进剂燃烧热化学》、辅讲博士生专业基础课《燃烧化学》 (1) 研究生招生:主要招收航空宇航推进理论与工程方向或材料化学方向的硕士和博士研究生,具体招生指标以学院公布为准,欢迎广大有志青年踊跃报名。(2) 博士后招聘:依据不同项目招聘钝感含能材料制备与表征、固体推进剂的催化热分解及燃烧性能实验及模拟、含能离子液体的催化点火及燃烧、新型多功能含能材料的制备与表征等方向的博士后。 本文来自织梦


荣誉获奖 Awards Information (1)2014年4月,获得留学基金委“优秀自费留学生奖”(2)2015年7月,获得以色列特拉维夫大学纳米科学中心优秀博士后奖学金(3)2020年10月,获得西工大“吴亚军”优秀教师特等奖(4)2022年10月,获得西工大模范导学团队(5)2023年10月,获得西工大优秀研究生导师 内容来自dedecms


科学研究 Scientific Research 主要研究方向(1)新型多功能含能材料的制备及应用(2)高能钝感金属基燃料的制备与应用(3)推进剂能量高密度存储与可控释放(4)推力随控固体推进剂的开发及应用

copyright dedecms


学术成果 Academic Achievements 近五年代表论文(1)  Xu, R., Xue, Z., Yang, S., Xu, J., Nie, H., Yan, Q.-L.*, Enhancing the reaction efficiency and ignition performance of core-shell Al@HMX composites by precise catalysis of graphene-based carbohydrazide complexes, Fuel (2023), 347, 128442. DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2023.128442 (中科院1区,IF=6.1) (2) Yang, D., Liu, R., Li, W., Yan, Q.-L.*, Recent advances on the preparation and combustion performances of boron-based alloy fuels, Fuel, (2023)342, 127855. DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2023.127855 (中科院1区,IF=6.1) (3) Akhinzhanova, A., Sultahan, S., Tauanov, Z., Mansurov, Z., Capobianachi, A., Amrousse, R., Atamanov, M., Yan, Q.-L.*, Preparation and evaluation of effective thermal decomposition of tetraamminecopper (II) nitrate carried by graphene oxide, Combustion and Flame, (2023) 250, 112672. DOI: 10.1016/j.combustflame.2023.112672 (中科院1区,IF=4.5) (4) Xiong, K., Zhang, W., Wang, Y., Liu, R., Yang, S., Nie, H., Yan, Q.-L.*, The effects of fluoropolymers with optimized contents on reactivity and combustion behavior of Al/MxOy nanocomposites, Combustion and Flame, (2023) 249, 112606. DOI: 10.1016/j.combustflame.2022.112606. (中科院1区,IF=4.5) (5) Yang, S.-L., Yu, M.-H., He, W., Nie, H., Yan, Q.-L.*, The ignition and combustion performances of core-shell Al-based intermetallic nanocomposites surrounded with AP, Combustion and Flame, (2023) 248, 112555. DOI: 10.1016/j.combustflame.2022.112555. (中科院1区,IF=4.5) (6) J.-Y. Lyu, S.-L. Yang, S.-X. Wu, G. Tang, W.-M. Yang, Q.-L. Yan*, Burning rate modulation for composite propellants by interfacial control of Al@AP with precise catalysis of CuO, Combust Flame, 2022, 240, 112029. (中科院1区,IF=4.5) (7) H.-R. Zhang, X.-X. Zhang, X.L. Fu, J.P. Liu, X.F. Qi, Q.-L. Yan*, Decomposition mechanisms of insensitive 2D energetic polymer TAGP using ReaxFF molecular dynamics simulation combined with Pyro-GC/MS experiments, J Analytic Appl Pyrolysis, 162, 2022, 105453. (中科院2区,IF=4.6) (8) B.L. Zuo, S.-Z. Wang, S.-L. Yang, P.J. Liu*, Q.-L. Yan*, Thermal decomposition and combustion behavior of solid propellant containing Si-based composites, Combust Flame, 2022, 240, 111959. (中科院1区,IF=4.5) (9) S.-L. Yang, K.-J. Meng, W.X. Xie, H.Q. Nie, Q.-L. Yan*, Thermal reactivity of metastable metal-based fuel Al/Co/AP: Mutual interaction mechanisms of the components, Fuel, 2022, 315(2), 123203.(中科院1区,IF=5.8) (10) K.-J. Meng, H.R. Zhang, S.-Z. Wang, Y. Wang, Q. Zhang, Q.-L. Yan*, Unique thermal and combustion behaviors of composite propellants containing a high-energy insensitive nitropyrimidine derivative, Combust Flame, 2022, 237, 111855. (中科院1区,IF=4.5) (11) Yu, M.-H., Xie, W.-X., Zhu, Z.-Y., Q.-L. Yan*, Stability, reactivity and decomposition kinetics of surface passivated α-AlH3 crystals, Inter J Hydrogen Energy, 2022, 47, 14, 8916-8928. (中科院1区,IF=6.3) (12) R. Xu, G. Tang, X.-L. Fu, Q.-L. Yan*, Phase Equilibrium and Thermodynamics Studies on Dissolving Processes of Energetic Compounds: A Brief Review, Cryst. Growth Des. 2022, 22, 1, 909–936. (中科院2区,IF=4.8) (13) S.-L. Yang, S.-Z. Wang, B.L. Zuo, X.L. Fu, X. Fan, Q.-L. Yan*, Fabrication and Combustion Behavior of High Volumetric Energy Density Core-shell Si/Ta -based Nano-energetic Composites, J Alloys Compounds, 2021, 161443.  (中科院2区,IF=5.3) (14) Z.-H. Xue, X.-X. Zhang, B. Huang, J. Cheng, K. Wang, Z. Yang, Q.-L. Yan*, Assembling of Hybrid Nano-sized HMX/ANPyO Cocrystals Intercalated with 2D High Nitrogen Materials, Cryst. Growth Des. 2021, https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.cgd.1c00386. (中科院2区,IF=5.1) (15) Q.-L. Yan*, Luigi T. DeLuca, Urgent demand for high energy insensitive propellants with controllable burn rates, Energet Mater Frontiers, 2021, 2(1), 1-2.   (16) S.-Z. Wang, J.-Y. Lyu, W. He, P.J. Liu, Q.-L. Yan*, Thermal decomposition and combustion behavior of ion conductive PEO-PAN based energetic composites, Combust Flame 2021, 230, 111421. (中科院1区,IF=4.5) (17) M. Yu, Z. Zhu, H.-P. Li, Q.-L. Yan*, Advanced preparation and processing techniques for high energy fuel AlH3, Chem Eng J, 2021, 421, 129753.  (中科院1区,IF=13.3) (18) B.B. Huang, Z.H. Xue, X.L. Fu, Q.-L. Yan*, Advanced crystalline energetic materials modified by coating/intercalation techniques, Chem Eng J, 2021, 417, 128044.  (中科院1区,IF=13.3) (19) X.-X. Zhang, Z. Yang, F.-D. Nie, Q.-L. Yan*, Recent Advances on Recrystallization Engineering of Energetic Compounds, Energet Mater Frontier, 2020, 1(3–4), 141-156.(20) L. Tan, X. Lu, N. Liu , Q.-L. Yan*, Further enhancing thermal stability of thermostable energetic derivatives of dibenzotetraazapentene by PDA/GO coating, Appl Surf Sci 2021, 543, 148825. (中科院1区,IF=7.2) (21) X.-X. Zhang, Z.-H. Xue, Z.K.P. Wang, S.W. Chen, Z.J. Yang, Q.-L. Yan*, Hybrid RDX crystals assembled under constraint of 2D materials with largely reduced sensitivity and improved energy density, J Hazard Mater, 2020, 398, 5, 122842. (中科院1区, IF=9.3) (22) D.-Y. Tang, Z.-M. Fan, G.C. Yang, Y.-L. Wang, P.-J. Liu*, Q.-L. Yan*,Combustion performance of composite propellants containing core-shell Al@M(IO3)x metastable composites, Combust Flame  2020, 219, 1–11. (中科院1区, IF=4.5) (23) W. He, J.-Y. Lyu, D.-Y. Tang, G.-Q. He*, P.-J. Liu*, Q.-L. Yan*, Control the combustion behavior of solid propellants by using core-shell Al-based composites, Combust Flame 2020,  221, 441–452. (中科院1区, IF=4.5) (24) Z.-H. Xue, X.-X. Zhang, B.-B. Huang, X. Bai, L.-Y. Zhu, S. Chen, Q.-L. Yan*, The structural diversity of hybrid qy-HMX crystals with constraint of 2D dopants and the resulted changes in thermal reactivity,  Chem Eng J, 2020, 390, 124565. (中科院1区, IF=13.3) (25)  Lyu, J.-Y., Yu, J.-H., Tang, D.-Y., He, W., Tao, B.-W., Guo, X., Q.-L. Yan*, Unexpected burning rate independence of composite propellants on the pressure by fine interfacial control of fuel/oxidizer, Chem Eng J, 2020, 388, 124320. (中科院1区, IF=13.3) (26)  S.W. Chen, D.-Y. Tang, X.-X. Zhang, J.-Y. Lyu, W. He, P. Liu, Q.-L. Yan*, Enhancing the combustion performances of metastable Al@PVDF/AP nanocomposites by doping of graphene oxide, Engineering, 2020, 6, 1019–1027. (中科院1区, IF=6.2) (27) S. Hanafi, D. Trache, W. He, W.-X. Xie, A. Mezroua, Q.-L. Yan*, Thermostable Energetic Coordination Polymers Based on Functionalized GO and Their Catalytic Effects on the Decomposition of AP and RDX, J Phys Chem C, 2020, 124 (9), pp.5182-5195. (中科院2区, IF=4.5) (28)  K. Wang, T. Liu, Y. Jin, S. Huang, N. Petrutik, D. Shem-Tov, Q.-L. Yan*, M. Gozin*, Q.H. Zhang*, Tandem-action ferrocenyl iodocuprates promoting low temperature hypergolic ignitions of "green" EIL–H2O2 bipropellants, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2020, 8, 14661-14670. (中科院1区,IF=11.3)  (29)   D.-Y. Tang, J.-Y. Lyu, W. He, J. Chen, G.C. Yang, P.-J. Liu, Q.-L. Yan*,Metastable Intermixed Core-shell Al@M(IO3)x Nanocomposites with Improved Combustion Efficiency by Using Tannic Acid as a Functional Interfacial Layer, Chem Eng J, 2020, 384, 123369. (中科院1区, IF=13.3) (30)   W. He, Z.H. Li, S.W. Chen, G.C. Yang, Z.-J. Yang, Z.Q. Guo, P.-J. Liu, Q.-L. Yan*, Energetic Metastable n-Al@PVDF/EMOF Composite Nanofibers with Improved Combustion Performances, Chem Eng J, 2020, 383, 123146.(中科院1区, IF=13.3,ESI高被引) (31)  W. He, W. Ao, G.C. Yang, Z.-J. Yang, Z.Q. Guo, P.-J. Liu*, Q.-L. Yan*, Metastable Energetic Nanocomposites of MOF-activated Aluminum Featured with Multi-Level Energy Releases,  Chem Eng J, 2020, 381, 122623. (中科院1区, IF=13.3,ESI高被引) (32)   D.-Y. Tang, S.-W. Chen, X.-L. Liu, W. He, G.C. Yang, P.J. Liu*, M. Gozin*, Q.-L. Yan*, Controlled Reactivity of Metastable n-Al@Bi(IO3)3 by Employment of Tea Polyphenols as an Interfacial Layer,  Chem Eng J, 2020, 381, 122747. (中科院1区, IF=13.3) (33)  S.-W. Chen, W. He, C.-J. Luo, T. An, J. Chen, Y. Yang, P.-J. Liu, Q.-L. Yan*, Thermal Behavior of Graphene Oxide and its Stabilization Effects on Transition Metal Complexes of Triaminoguanidine, J Hazard Mater, 2019, 368, 404–411. (中科院1区,IF=7.7)  (34)  Q.-L. Yan*, Z. Yang, X. Zhang, J. Lyu, W. He, S. Huang, P. Liu, C. Zhang, Q. Zhang, G. He and F. Nie, High Density Assembling of Energetic Molecules under Constraint of Defected 2D Materials, J Mater Chem A,2019, 7, 17806-17814. (中科院1区,IF=11.3)  (35)  W. He, B.-W. Tao, B. Z.-J. Yang, G.C. Yang, X. Guo, P.-J. Liu, Q.-L. Yan*, Mussel-Inspired Polydopamine-directed Crystal Growth of Core-shell n-Al@PDA@CuO Metastable Intermixed Composites, Chem Eng J, 2019, 369, 1093–1101. (中科院1区,IF=13.3,ESI高被引)  (36)   J.-Y. Lyu, S. Chen, W. He, X.-X. Zhang, D.-Y. Tang, P.-J. Liu, Q.-L. Yan*, Fabrication of High-Performance Graphene Oxide doped PVDF/CuO/Al Nanocomposites via Electrospinning, Chem Eng J, 2019, 368,129–137. (中科院1区,IF=13.3,ESI高被引)(37)   W. He, P.-J. Liu, F.-Y. Gong, B.W. Tao, J. Gu, Z.-J. Yang, Q.-L. Yan*, Tuning the Reactivity of Metastable Intermixed Composite n-Al/PTFE by Polydopamine Interfacial Control, ACS Appl Mater Interfaces, 2018, 10(38), 32849-32858. (中科院1区,IF=8.7)    (38) A.K. Chinnam, N. Petrutik, K.-C. Wang, A. Shlomovich, O. Shamis, D. Shem Tov, M. Suceska, Q.-L. Yan*, R. Dobrovetsky, M. Gozin*, Effects of closo-Icosahedral Periodoborane Salts on Hypergolic Reaction of 70% H2O2 with Energetic Ionic Liquid. J Mater Chem A, 2018, 6(41),19989-19997.  (中科院1区,已选为封面文章,IF=11.3) (39) W. He, P.J. Liu, G.Q. He, M. Gozin, Q.-L. Yan*, Highly Reactive Metastable Intermixed Composites (MICs): Preparations and Characterizations. Adv Mater, 2018, 30(41), 1706293. (中科院1区,IF=23.8, 特邀综述)(40) Q.-L. Yan*, P.-J. Liu,  A. F. He,  et al. Photosensitive but mechanically insensitive graphene oxide-carbohydrazide-metal hybrid crystalline energetic nanomaterials. Chem Eng J. 2018, 338(15) 240-247. (中科院1区,IF=13.3)   专著、章节与教材[1]  Q.-L. Yan, M. Gozin, P.-J. Liu, G.-Q. He, Chapter 3: Insensitive Energetic Materials Containing Two-Dimensional Nanostructures as Building Blocks, October 2018, DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-813908 -0.00003-4, In book: Nanomaterials in Rocket Propulsion Systems, 81-111, Publisher: Elsevier. WOS:000470056400004.[2] 严启龙,聂福德,杨志剑,高聚物粘结炸药及其性能,国防工业出版社,2020.6,ISBN 978-7-118-12056-1.[3]  Meiram Atamanov, Jie-Yao Lyu, Xiang Lyu, Q.-L. Yan*, Recent Achievements and Future Challenges on the Modeling Study of AP-based Propellants, 2020, In: Pang W., DeLuca L., Gromov A., Cumming A. (eds) Innovative Energetic Materials: Properties, Combustion Performance and Application. Springer, Singapore, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-4831-4_10, Print ISBN 978-981-15-4830-7, ISBN, 978-981-15-4831-4.[4]  Q.-L. Yan, G.-Q. He, P.-J. Liu, M. Gozin, Nanomaterials in Rocket Propulsion Systems, ISBN: 9780128139097, 9780128139080, 30th October 2018. Publisher: Elsevier.[5] 严启龙,刘林林,含能材料前沿导论,科学出版社,2022.3,ISBN 978-7-03-067165-3.受理授权专利石墨烯基碳酰肼金属配合物晶体含能材料及其制备方法, 2017, ZL201710104307.X (发明专利,已授权).一种掺杂改性硝铵炸药晶体的制备方法, 2018, ZL201810242628.0 (发明专利,已授权).金属有机框架材料改性纳米金属颗粒的制备方法, 2018, ZL201811365411.5 (发明专利,已授权)二维材料限域掺杂条件下HMX/ANPyO共晶的制备方法, 2020,ZL2020111350856 (发明专利,已授权); 一种聚基于多巴胺界面调控硝胺炸药改性铝粉及制备方法,2019,CN201910020312.1 (发明专利,已受理) 聚合物基复合含能材料包覆改性纳米金属颗粒的制备方法,2019,CN201910671433.2 (发明专利,已受理)一种晶格插层诱导FOX-7炸药致密化的方法,2019,201910712383.8 (发明专利,已受理)一种触发式含能材料气相产物收集系统与方法,2020,CN201910716172.1 (发明专利,已受理)一种多巴胺改性石墨烯钝感化掺杂硝胺氧化剂的制备方法,2020, 202010101184.6 (发明专利,已受理)基于硝胺氧化剂包覆铝粉的复合固体推进剂及制备方法,2020,201911231169.7(发明专利,已受理)含碘酸盐包覆铝粉的四组元复合推进剂及其制备方法,2020,201911312356.8 (发明专利,已受理)一种石墨烯增韧二维高氮材料掺杂硝胺氧化剂及制备方法,2021,CN202011177470.7 (已受理);申请公布号:CN112266312A.一种聚氧化乙烯基离子导电型推进剂及制备方法, 2021,CN202011198344.X (已受理), 公布号:CN112299933A.基于含能复合物原位增强Ta/Si燃烧合成多孔结构的方法, 2021,CN202110184848.4 (已受理), 公布号:CN112875705A dedecms.com


综合介绍 General Introduction 严启龙同志系湖南华容人,中共党员,教授,博士生导师。2008年4月在兵器科学研究院获得含能材料专业硕士学位,并留兵器204所参加工作。2011年9月留学捷克,2015年5月获得“军事化学与烟火技术”专业博士学位。2015年7月前往以色列特拉维夫大学纳米科学中心从事做博士后研究工作。2017年2月到西工大工作,入选国家青年人才计划。目前,担任航天学院“航空宇航推进理论与工程”学科负责人,兼任中国工程物理研究院化工材料研究所客座教授、“火炸药燃烧”和“航天化学动力技术”两个国家级重点实验室学术委员会委员、陕西宇航学会动力技术委员会委员等;《含能材料》副主编,《Cent Eur J Energet Mater》、《火炸药学报》、《固体火箭技术》、《火工品》、《Energetic Mater Frontier》和《FirePhysChem》等期刊编委。主要从事新型低易损性固体推进剂用钝感含能材料制备及性能等方面研究工作。已出版专著3部、受理授权专利21项,发表学术论文200余篇,论文共被引4800余次,ESI高被引6篇,H指数为38。 个人相册




