

姓名 侯兵 性别
学校 西北工业大学 部门 航空学院
学位 博士 学历 博士研究生毕业
职称 正高 联系方式 【发送到邮箱】
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个人经历 personal experience 工作经历 教育经历 2011.4-2014.3,西北工业大学,航空学院,讲师;2014.4-2020.7,西北工业大学,航空学院,副教授;2020.7-今,西北工业大学,航空学院,教授。  2000.9-2004.7,西北工业大学,航空学院,本科;2004.9-2007.3,西北工业大学,航空学院,硕士,导师,李玉龙2007.9-2008.9,法国ENS-Cachan,LMT实验室,博士,导师,赵涵2006.9-2011.3,西北工业大学,航空学院,博士,导师,李玉龙。

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教育教学 Education and teaching 教育教学 招生信息 主讲课程:1、本科生课程《线性代数》2、研究生课程《材料动态变形与断裂》 3、本科生课程《弹塑性力学基础》4、研究生课程《应力波理论与应用》  招生专业:1、固体力学2、机械工程3、航空器结构与适航技术 dedecms.com


荣誉获奖 Awards Information 1、航空学院最满意青年教师,2012和2013;2、陕西省科学技术奖一等奖,2018;3、航空学院优秀共产党员,2018;4、教育部自然科学奖一等奖,2020;5、西北工业大学先进女教职工,2021。



科学研究 Scientific Research 主要研究方向:1、轻质吸能材料动态力学行为;2、冲击防护材料/结构设计3、复合材料结构冲击损伤特性;4、非晶态合金剪切变形机理;5、先进冲击动力学实验技术;6、生物冲击动力学。近年来共计发表论文60余篇,其中SCI收录40余篇。主持自然基金面上项目2项,重点项目1项,军口国家级重点项目子课题1项。参与民机科研、两机专项等国际级和省部级课题多项。



学术成果 Academic Achievements 1) Yu Duan, Xiaopeng Chen, Biao Yin, Xianhang Zhao, Zhenqiang Zhao, Bing Hou, Yulong Li. Understanding the effect of defects on compressive behaviors of closed-cell foams: Experiment and statistical model. Composites Part B 244 (2022) 110179 2) Y. Duan, X. P. Chen, B. Du, Z. Q. Zhao, B. Hou?, Y, L, Li*. A predictive model for strain hardening and inertia effect of aluminum tubes filled with aluminum foam. Composite Structures 2022, 300,15 116177   3) Kun Jiang, Jianguo Li *, Yifei Meng, Bing Hou, Tao Suo, Dynamic tensile behavior of Al0.1CoCrFeNi high entropy alloy: Experiments, microstructure and modeling over a wide range of strain rates and temperatures.  Materials Science & Engineering A 860 (2022) 144275 4) Kun Jiang, Qian Zhang, Jianguo Li* , Xiaoyan Li, Feng Zhao, Bing Hou, Tao Suo. Abnormal hardening and amorphization in an FCC high entropy alloy under extreme uniaxial tension, International Journal of Plasticity 159 (2022) 103463.5) Han, Yang, Xu, Zejian, Dou, Wang, Fan, Changzeng, Hou, Bing, He, Xiaodong, Liu, Yan, Huang, Fenglei. Pure mode II dynamic fracture characteristics and failure mechanism of Zr41.2Ti13.8Cu12.5Ni10Be22.5 bulk metallic glass. Materials Science and Engineering A,833。6) Zhang C.; Zhou D.; Hou B. Influence of Defects to Zr65Cu18Ni7Al10 Bulk Metallic Glass Properties Under Dynamic Compression. Frontiers in Materials, 2022, 8: 0-820158 7) B. Hou, Y. Wang, Z.B. Tang, H. Zhao, X.L. Xi, Y.L. Li*, The mechanical behaviors of corrugated sandwich panel under quasi-static and dynamic shear-compressive loadings. International Journal of Impact Engineering 156 (2021) 103965. 8) R. Xiao, B. Hou, Q.P. Sun, H. Zhao*, Y.L. Li, A numerical investigation of the nucleation and the propagation of NiTi martensitic transformation front under impact loading. International Journal of Impact Engineering 152 (2021) 103841. 9) R Xiao,B Hou,QP Sun,H Zhao,YL Li, Mechanical behaviors of polycrystalline NiTi SMAs of various grain sizes under impact loading. Science China Technological Sciences, 64 (2021) 1401–1411. 10) Zhang, HW;He, R;Hou, B;Li, YL;Cui, H*;Yang, W*, Artificial hail ice impact damage of laminated composite T-joint with stitching reinforcement. COMPOSITE STRUCTURES 278 (2021) 11471411) Yu Duan, Xianhang Zhao, Zhiyong Liu, Naidan Hou, Huifang Liu, Bing Du, Bing Hou* , Yulong Li*. Dynamic response of additively manufactured graded foams. Composites Part B 183 (2020) 107630 12) Yu Duan, Yi Ding, Zhiyong Li, Naidan Hou, Xianhang Zhao, HuifangLiu, Zhenqiang Zhao, Bing Hou*, Yulong Li*, Effects of cell size vs. cell-wall thickness gradients on compressive behavior of additively manufactured foams. Composites Science and Technology. Volume 199, 20 October 2020, 108339. 13) YuDuan, Zhiyong Liu, Xianhang Zhao, Naidan Hou, Bing Du, Huifang Liu, Zhenqiang Zhao, Bing Hou*, Yu long Li*, Lev N.Rabinskiy, Crushing behavior of honeycomb vs. foam under combined shear-compression loading, International Journal of Impact Engineering, Volume 146, December 2020, 103696. 14) Y.Duan, X.H.Zhao B.Du, X.P.Shi, H.Zhao, B. Hou*  , Y.L.Li*, Quasi-static compressive behavior and constitutive model of graded foams. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 177 (2020) 105603 R. Xiao, B. Hou, Q.P. Sun, H. Zhao?, Y.L. Li,An experimental investigation of the nucleation and the propagation of NiTi martensitic transformation front under impact loading, International Journal of Impact Engineering, 140 (2020) 103559. 15) XM. Xiang, W. Qiang, B. Hou, P. Tran, GX. Lu, Quasi-static and dynamic mechanical properties of miura-ori metamaterials. Thin-walled Structuress. 2020 157: 106993. 16) Ma, Xinyang; Diao, Xiaoou; Li, Zhirui; Xin Haitao, Suo tao, Hou Bing, et al. Simulation analysis of impact damage to the bone tissue surrounding a dental implant  SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2020:10 (1) 6927. 17) B. Hou?, R. Xiao, T. F. Sun, Y. Wang, H. Zhao, Y. L. Li,  A new testing method for the dynamic response of soft cellular materials under combined shear–compression. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 159, 2019, 306-314. 18) B. Hou?, Y. Wang, T. F. Sun, J. G. Liu, H. Zhao, On the quasi-static and impact responses of aluminum honeycomb under combined shear-compression. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 131, 2019, 190-199. 19) Yu Duan, Bing Du, Xianhang Zhao, Naidan Hou, Xiaopeng Shi , Bing Hou?, Yulong Li?, The cell regularity effects on the compressive responses of additively manufactured Voronoi foams. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 164 (2019) 105151.  20) Duan Yu, Du Bing, Shi Xiaopeng, Hou Bing, Li Yulong?, Quasi-static and dynamic compressive properties and deformation mechanisms of 3D printed polymeric cellular structures with Kelvin cells. International Journal of Impact Engineering 132 (2019) 103303  21) Ding Zhou, Xianhang Zhao, Bingjin Li, Naidan Hou, Zihao Ma, Tianfu Sun, Bing Hou?, Yulong Li?, Shear-band-to-crack transition in bulk metallic glasses under quasi-static and dynamic shearing, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 521 (2019) 119484.  22) D. Zhou, B.J. Li, S.Y. Zhang, B.Hou?, Y.L. Li?, Rate-dependent shear banding and fracture behavior in a ductile bulk metallic glass, Materials Science & Engineering A 730 (2018) 270–279.23) D. Zhou, B. Hou, B.J. Li, S.Y. Zhang, Y.L. Li*, A comparative study of the rate effect on deformation mode in ductile and brittle bulk metallic glasses. Intermetallics 96 (2018) 94–103 24) B. T. Cao, B. Hou, H. Zhao*, Y. L. Li, J. G. Liu, On the influence of the property gradient on the impact behavior of graded multilayer sandwich with corrugated cores. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2018, 113 98-105. 25) B. T. Cao, B. Hou, Y. L. Li, H. Zhao*, An experimental study on the impact behaviour of multilayer sandwich with corrugated cores. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2017, 109 33-45. 26) B. Hou, S.B. Tan, R. Xiao,  Han Zhao*, Impact Combined Shear-Compression Testing of Honeycombs Using a Rotatable Hopkinson Bar, Key Engineering Materials, (2016), 725, 168-173.27) J. G. Liu, B. Hou, F. Y. Lu, H. Zhao*, a theoretical study of shock front propagation in the density graded cellular rods. International Journal of Impact Engineering.2015 80, 133-142. 28) B. Hou*, M. Zhao, P. yang, Y. L. Li, Capture of shear crack propagation in metallic glass by high-speed camera and in-situ SEM. Key Engineering Material, 2015 626, 162-170.29) F. F. Shi, R. Merle, B. Hou, Y. L. Li, H. Zhao*, A critical analysis of plane shear tests under quasi-static and impact loading.  International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2014 74, 107-119. 30) B. Hou*, X. Chen, L. Zhao, Y. L. Li On the impact tensile behavior of nylon and aramid silks for parachute, Advanced Materials Research, 2013 821-822, 1365-1371.31) B. Hou, H. Zhao*, S. Pattofatto, J. G. Liu, Y. L. Li Inertia effects on the progressive crushing of aluminium honeycombs under impact loading, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2012 49, 2754–2762. 32) B. Hou, A. Ono, S. Abdennadher, S. Pattofatto, Y. L. Li, H. Zhao*, Impact behavior of honeycombs under combined shear-compression, Part I Experiments, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2011, 48, 687-697. 33) B. Hou, S. Pattofatto, Y. L. Li, H. Zhao*, Impact behavior of honeycombs under combined shear-compression, Part II Analysis, International Journal of Solids and Structures. 2011, 48, 698-705. 34) B. Hou, Y. L. Li, H. Zhao* Impact enhancement of the out-of-plane behavior of honeycomb core, Materials Research Innovations.2011 15 1 S209-S212. 35) Hou, B.; Li, Y.L.; Xing, L.Q.; et al.Dynamic and quasi-static mechanical properties of fibre-reinforced metallic glass at different temperatures PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE LETTERS, 87(8) 595-601. 本文来自织梦





