

姓名 郑江滨 性别
学校 西北工业大学 部门 软件学院
学位 工学博士学位 学历 博士研究生毕业
职称 正高 联系方式 【发送到邮箱】
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个人经历 Personal experience 工作经历 1996.04至今             西北工业大学           教师 2000.05至2001.02     香港理工大学           助理研究员 2002.07至2002.12     香港理工大学           助理研究员 2004.12至2005.06     澳大利亚悉尼大学     访问学者 2008.03至今             西北工业大学            教授 2009.03至今             西北工业大学            教授/博士导师



科学研究 Scientific Research 计算机科学与技术学科:计算机视觉与虚拟现实、人工智能和图像处理、嵌入式信息计算技术 软件工程学科:移动应用信息处理及计算、物联网操作系统软件、大数据处理方法与平台



综合介绍 General Introduction     1971年生,男,汉族,中共党员,博士,教授,博士生导师。现为西北工业大学软件院长、国家外专局国家软件人才国际培训(西安)基地主任、陕西省移动应用技术工程研究中心主任、教育部软件工程教学指导委员会委员、计算机专业认证专家、西北工业大学-悉尼科技大学数字媒体和智能网络国际联合实验室主任、中国计算机学会高级会员、中国图形图像学会多媒体专业委员会委员、陕西省信号处理学会常务理事。承担多个国际学术期刊审稿人,曾为BICS2018和BICS2019国际会议主席,主持和参研国家自然基金、国家863、核高基、国防863和国防基础研究等项目,获得国防科学技术进步奖二等奖、陕西省高等学校科学技术奖一等奖、陕西省科学技术奖二等奖、陕西省信息产业厅科技成果奖一等奖、陕西省自然科学优秀学术论文奖三等奖、陕西教育委员会科学技术进步奖二等奖、陕西省教学成果奖一等奖、国家高等教育教学成果奖二等奖。 个人相册 织梦内容管理系统


社会兼职 Social Appointments 国家软件人才国际培训(西安)基地        主任陕西省移动应用技术工程研究中心           主任教育部软件工程教学指导委员会               委员软件学院联盟                                   副理事长 织梦内容管理系统


荣誉获奖 Awards Information 高等教育国家级教学成果奖,校企全过程深度融合的软件工程实践教学体系构建与实践,二等奖,2018年12月陕西省教学成果奖,校企深度融合全过程的软件工程人才培养体系构建与实践,一等奖,2015年12月国防科学技术进步奖,海量军用图像快速处理技术,二等奖,2011年12月陕西省高等学校科学技术奖,多源多目标协同感知技术研究,一等奖,2009年6月陕西省科学技术奖,SAR图像处理关键技术研究及应用,二等奖,2009年1月陕西省信息产业厅2007年度科技成果奖,SAR图像处理关键技术研究及应用,一等奖,2008年3月陕西省自然科学优秀学术论文奖,可恢复的脆弱数字图像水印,三等奖,2006年7月陕西教育委员会科学技术进步奖,VCP-1中英互译声控打字系统,二等奖,1996年4月 本文来自织梦


学术成果 Academic Achievements 国际会议:1. Conference Co-Chairs. IEEE/ACIS 21st International Fall Virtual Conference on Computer and Information Science(ICIS 2021-Fall), Oct. 13-15, 2021,Xi’an, China 2. Conference General Co-Chairs. The 10th International Conference on Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems, BICS2019. July 13-14 2019. GuangZhou, China.3. Conference Proceedings Editors, Advances in Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems, Proceedings of BICS2019. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, LNAI 11691, Springer, 2019.4. Conference General Co-Chairs. The 9th International Conference on Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems, BICS2018, July 7-8, Xi’an, China.5. Conference Proceedings Editors, Advances in Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems, Proceedings of BICS2018, Proceedings of BICS2018. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, LNAI 10989, Springer, 2018.发表文章:1. Muhammad Irfan, Jiangbin Zheng, Muhammad Iqbal, Muhammad Hassan Arif. A novel lifelong learning model based on cross domain knowledge extraction and transfer to classify underwater images. Inf. Sci. 552: 80-101, 2021. (SCI 1,IF:6.795)2. Muhammad Irfan, Jiangbin Zheng, Shahid Ali, Muhammad Iqbal, Zafar Masood, Umar Hamid:DeepShip: An underwater acoustic benchmark dataset and a separable convolution b ased autoencoder for classification. Expert Syst. Appl. 183: 115270, 2021. (SCI 1,IF:6.954)3. Yue Xi, Wenjing Jia, Jiangbin Zheng, Xiaochen Fan, Yefan Xie, Jinchang Ren, Xiangjian He.DRL-GAN: Dual-Stream Representation Learning GAN for Low-Resolution Image Classification  in  UAV  Applications. IEEE  J.  Sel.  Top.  Appl.  Earth  Obs.   Remote. Sens. 14: 1705-1716, 2021. (SCI 1,IF:3.784)4. Xinxin Zuo, Sen Wang, Jiangbin Zheng, Weiwei Yu, Minglun Gong, Ruigang Yang, Li Cheng. SparseFusion: Dynamic Human Avatar Modeling from Sparse RGBD Images. IEEE Trans. Multim. 23: 1617-1629, 2021. (SCI 1,IF:6.513)5. Chen Zhanlan, Wang Xiuying, Huang Jing, Lu Jie, Zheng Jiangbin. Deep Attention and Graphical Neural Network for Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Segmentation from MR Imaging Sequences. IEEE J Biomed Health Inform. 2021 Sep 1;PP. doi:10.1109/JBHI.2021.3109119. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34469321. (SCI 1,IF:5.772)6. Yuanfang Zhang, Jiangbin Zheng, Long Li, Nian Liu, Wenjing Jia, Xiaochen Fan, Chengpei Xu, Xiangjian He. Rethinking feature aggregation for deep RGB-D salient object detection. Neurocomputing 423: 463-47, 2021. (SCI 1,IF:5.719)7. Fei  Li, Jiangbin Zheng, Yuanfang   Zhang, Nian  Liu, Wenjing  Jia:  AMDFNet: Adaptive multi-level deformable fus ion networkfor RGB-D saliency detection. Neurocomputing 465: 141-156, 2021. (SCI 1,IF:5.719)8. Yefan Xie, Jiangbin Zheng, Xuan Hou, Yue Xi, Fengming Tian: Dynamic Dual-Peak Network: A real-time human detection network in crowded scenes. J. Vis. Commun. Image Represent. 79: 103195, 2021. (SCI 3,IF:2.915)9. Fei Li, Jiangbin Zheng, Yuanfang Zhang: Generative adversarial network for low-light image enhancement. IET Image Processing 15(7): 1542-1552, 2021. (SCI 3,IF:2.481)10. Xie YF, Jiangbin Zheng, Xuan Hou, Naqvi IR, Yue Xi, Nailiang Kuang. Multi-dimensional weighted cross-attention network in crowded scenes. IET Image Processing, early access, 2021 (SCI 3,IF:2.481) 11. Muhammad Pervez Akhter, Jiangbin Zheng, Farkhanda Afzal, Hui Lin, Saleem Riaz, Atif Mehmood. Supervised ensemble learning methods towards automatically filtering Urdu fake news within social media. PeerJ Comput. Sci. 7: e425, 2021. (SCI 4,IF:1.39)12. Padfield, N, Ren, JC, Qing, CM, Murray, P, Zhao, HM, Zheng, JB. Multi-segment Majority Voting Decision Fusion for MI EEG Brain-Computer Interfacing. Cognitive Computation. (SCI 1,IF:5.418)13. Jinchang Ren, Amir Hussain, Jiangbin Zheng, Cheng-Lin Liu, Bin Luo: Editorial: Special Issue  on  Recent  Advances  in  Cognitive   Learning   and   Data   Analysis. Cogn. Comput. 13(4): 785-786, 2021. (SCI 1,IF:5.418)14. Lipeng  Gao, Jingyu  Wang, Qixin  Wang, Wenzhong  Shi, Jiangbin   Zheng, Hongping Gan, Zhiyong Lv, Honghai  Qiao:  Road Extraction Using a Dual Attention Dilated- LinkNet Based on Satellite Images and Floating Vehicle Trajectory Data. IEEE J. Sel.Top. Appl. Earth Obs. Remote. Sens. 14: 10428-10438, 2021. (SCI 2,IF:3.784)15. Chen ZL, Wang XY, Yan K, Zheng Jiangbin. Deep multi-scale feature fusion for pancreas segmentation from CT images. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER ASSISTED RADIOLOGY AND SURGERY. JAN 2020. (SCI 3)16. Xi, Yue; Zheng, Jiangbin; Jia, Wenjing. See Clearly in the Distance: Representation Learning GAN for Low Resolution Object Recognition, IEEE ACCESS, Vol. 8, Pp. 53203-53214, 2020. (SCI 2)17. Akhter, Muhammad Pervez; Jiangbin, Zheng; Naqvi, Irfan Raza. Document-Level Text Classification Using Single-Layer Multisize Filters Convolutional Neural Network. IEEE ACCESS, Vol. 8, Pp. 42689-42707, 2020. (SCI 2)18. Zuo X, Wang S, Zheng Jiangbin, Pan Z, Yang R. Detailed Surface Geometry and Albedo Recovery from RGB-D Video under Natural Illumination. IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence. 2019-Nov-25 2019. (CCF A)19. Xi Y, Zheng Jiangbin, He X, et al. Beyond context: Exploring semantic similarity for small object detection in crowded scenes. Pattern Recognition Letters. Elsevier B.V. 2019 (SCI 3).20. Yang J, Zhao W, Han Y, Zheng Jiangbin, et al. Aircraft tracking based on fully conventional network and Kalman filter. IET Image Processing. 2019;13(8):1259-1265 (SCI 4)21. Khan F, Ur Rehman A, Zheng Jiangbin, Jan MA, Alam M. Mobile crowdsensing: A survey on privacy-preservation, task management, assignment models, and incentives mechanisms. Future Generation Computer Systems. 2019;100:456-472 (SCI 3).22. Zhu T, Zheng Jiangbin, Lai Y, Liu Y. Image blind detection based on LBP residue classes and color regions. Plos One. Aug 29 2019;14(8) (SCI 3).23. Feng M, Zheng J, Ren J, Zheng Jiangbin, et al. Big Data Analytics and Mining for Effective Visualization and Trends Forecasting of Crime Data. IEEE Access. 2019;7:106111-106123 (SCI 2).24. Chen X, Kong X, Xu M, Sandrasegaran K, Zheng Jiangbin. Road Vehicle Detection and Classification Using Magnetic Field Measurement. IEEE Access. 2019;7:52622-52633 (SCI 2).25.  Kamal SM, Chen Y, Li S, Shi X, Zheng Jiangbin. Technical Approaches to Chinese Sign Language Processing: A Review. IEEE Access. 2019;7:96926-96935 (SCI 2).26. Chen X, Kong X, Xu M, Sandrasegaran K, Zheng Jiangbin. Road Vehicle Detection and Classification Using Magnetic Field Measurement. IEEE Access. 2019;7:52622-52633 (SCI 2).27. Xi Y, Zheng Jiangbin, Li X, Xu X, Ren J, Xie G. SR-POD: Sample rotation based on principal-axis orientation distribution for data augmentation in deep object detection. Cognitive Systems Research. 2018;52:144-154 (SCI 4).28. Wang S, Zuo X, Du C, Wang R, Zheng Jiangbin, Yang R. Dynamic non-rigid objects reconstruction with a single RGB-D sensor. Sensors (Switzerland). 2018;18(3) (SCI 3).29. Yan Y, Ren J, Zhao H, Zheng Jiangbin, etal. Cognitive Fusion of Thermal and Visible Imagery for Effective Detection and Tracking of Pedestrians in Videos. Cognitive Computation. 2018;10(1):94-104 (SCI 2).30. Zheng Jiangbin, Rui C, Chunyan M, Hao Z, Hao L. Cloud flat access and control for plug and play devices. Paper presented at: 5th International Conference on Internet of Things: Systems, Management and Security, IoTSMS 2018, October 15, 2018 - October 18, 2018, 2018; Valencia, Spain (EI).31. Xi Y, Zheng Jiangbin, He X, Jia W, Li H. Beyond Context: Exploring Semantic Similarity for Tiny Face Detection. Paper presented at: 25th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP 2018, October 7, 2018 - October 10, 2018, 2018; Athens, Greece (CCF).32. Zheng Jiangbin, Rui C, Hao Z, Lei Z, Chunyan M. Intelligent fish tank control system based on internet of things cloud computing platform. Paper presented at: 2nd International Symposium on Computer Science and Intelligent Control, ISCSIC 2018, September 21, 2018 - September 23, 2018, 2018; Stockholm, Sweden (EI).33. Chen C-IP, Zheng Jiangbin. Improved Big Data Analytics Solution Using Deep Learning Model and Real-Time Sentiment Data Analysis Approach. Paper presented at: 9th International Conference on Brain-Inspired Cognitive Systems, BICS 2018, July 7, 2018 - July 8, 2018, 2018; Xi'an, China (EI)34. Zhang Y, Zheng Jiangbin, Kou X, Xie Y. Night View Road Scene Enhancement Based on Mixed Multi-scale Retinex and Fractional Differentiation. Paper presented at: 9th International Conference on Brain-Inspired Cognitive Systems, BICS 2018, July 7, 2018 - July 8, 2018, 2018; Xi'an, China (EI).35. Li N, Zheng Jiangbin, Feng M. A Big Data Analytics Platform for Information Sharing in the Connection Between Administrative Law and Criminal Justice. Paper presented at: 9th International Conference on Brain-Inspired Cognitive Systems, BICS 2018, July 7, 2018 - July 8, 2018, 2018; Xi'an, China (EI).36. Hou J, Zhou H, Ma C, Zheng Jiangbin. Method for Automatically Generating Test Cases for Web Services. Xibei Gongye Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University. 2018;36(1):149-155 (EI).37. Zhang Y, Zheng Jiangbin, Kou X, Xie Y. Traffic Image Defogging Based on Bit-Plane Decomposition. Paper presented at: 9th International Conference on Brain-Inspired Cognitive Systems, BICS 2018, July 7, 2018 - July 8, 2018, 2018; Xi'an, China (EI).38. Wang, Sen, Zuo, Xinxin; Du, Chao; Wang, Runxiao; Zheng Jiangbin; Yang, Ruigang. Dynamic non-rigid objects reconstruction with a single RGB-D sensor. Sensors (Switzerland), v18, n3, March 16, 2018.(EI)39. Mohi-Ud-Din G, Zhiqiang, Zheng Jiangbin, Bo Cheng. Secure addressing mechanism in MIPv6 by routing-header verification. Paper presented at: 17th IEEE International Conference on Communication Technology, ICCT 2017, October 27, 2017 - October 30, 2017, 2017; Chengdu, China (CCF).40. Wei Q-R, Feng D-Z, Zheng W, Zheng Jiangbin. Rapid Line-Extraction Method for SAR Images Based on Edge-Field Features. Ieee Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters. Oct 2017;14(10):1865-1869 (SCI 3).41. Zuo X, Wang S, Zheng Jiangbin, Yang R, Ieee. Detailed Surface Geometry and Albedo Recovery from RGB-D Video Under Natural Illumination. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision; 2017: 3152-3161 (CCF A).42. Li H, Zheng Jiangbin. Blind image forgery detection method based on noise variance estimation. Application Research of Computers. 2017 2017;34(1):314-316 (EI).43. Zabalza J, Ren J, Zheng Jiangbin. Novel segmented stacked autoencoder for effective dimensionality reduction and feature extraction in hyperspectral imaging. Neurocomputing. 2016; 185:1-10 (SCI 2).44. Yan Y, Ren J, Zhao H, Zheng Jiangbin, Zaihidee EM, Soraghan J. Fusion of thermal and visible imagery for effective detection and tracking of salient objects in videos. Paper presented at: 17th Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia, PCM 2016, September 15, 2016 - September 16, 2016, 2016; Xi’an, China (EI).45. Ren Z, Xu B, Shi W, Zheng Jiangbin et al. IGen: A realistic request generator for cloud file systems benchmarking. Paper presented at: 9th International Conference on Cloud Computing, CLOUD 2016, June 27, 2016 - July 2, 2016, 2016; San Francisco, CA, United states (EI).46. Zheng Jiangbin, Liu Y, Ren J, Zhu T, Yan Y, Yang H. Fusion of block and keypoints based approaches for effective copy-move image forgery detection. Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing. 2016;27(4):989-1005 (SCI 3).47.  Zabalza J, Ren J, Zheng J, et al. Novel segmented stacked autoencoder for effective dimensionality reduction and feature extraction in hyperspectral imaging. Neurocomputing. APR 12 2016; 185:1-10 (SCI 2).48. Zheng Jiangbin, Xi Y, Feng M, Lie X, Li N. Object Detection Based on BING in Optical Remote Sensing Images; 9th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, Biomedical Engineering and Informatics 2016 (EI).49. Zuo X, Wang S, Zheng Jiangbin, Yang R. High-speed Depth Stream Generation from a Hybrid Camera. Acm. 2016 ;878-887(EI).50. Zheng Jiangbin, Zhao D, Ren J. Effective removal of artifacts from views synthesized using Depth Image Based Rendering. Paper presented at: 21st International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems, DMS 2015, August 31, 2015 - September 2, 2015, 2015; Vancouver, BC, Canada (EI).51. Chen F, Wang Z, Zheng Jiangbin, Wen C. An improved nonlinear model for a helicopter and its self-repairing control with multiple faults via quantum information technique. International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems. 2015;13(3):557-566 (EI).52. Zabalza J, Ren J, Zheng Jiangbin, et al. Novel two-dimensional singular spectrum analysis for effective feature extraction and data classification in hyperspectral imaging. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. Aug 2015;53(8):4418-4433 (SCI 2).53. Zheng Jiangbin, Zuo X, Ren J, Wang S. Multiple Depth Maps Integration for 3D Reconstruction Using Geodesic Graph Cuts. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering. 2015;25(3):473-492 (SCI 4).54. Zheng Jiangbin, Zhu T, Li Z, Xing W, Ren J. Exposing image forgery by detecting traces of feather operation. Journal of Visual Languages and Computing. Apr 2015;27:9-18 (SCI 4).55. Zuo X, Du C, Wang S, Zheng Jiangbin, Yang R, Ieee. Interactive Visual Hull Refinement for Specular and Transparent Object Surface Reconstruction. 2015 Ieee International Conference on Computer Vision; 2015: 2237-2245 (CCF A).56. Zabalza J, Ren J, Zheng Jiangbin, et al. Novel two-dimensional singular spectrum analysis for effective feature extraction and data classification in hyperspectral imaging. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 2015;53(8):4418-4433 (SCI 2).57. Qiao T, Ren J, Sun M, Zheng Jiangbin, Marshall S. Effective compression of hyperspectral imagery using an improved 3D DCT approach for land-cover analysis in remote-sensing applications. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 2014;35(20):7316-7337 (SCI 3).58. REN Jinchang, Vlachos Theodore, Zhang, Yi, Zheng Jiangbin, Jiang Jianmin. Gradient-based subspace phase correlation for fast and effective image alignment. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation. 2014;25(7):1558-1565 (SCI 3).59. Ren J, Zabalza J, Marshall S, Zheng Jiangbin. Effective feature extraction and data reduction in remote sensing using hyperspectral imaging [Applications Corner]. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine. 2014;31(4):149-154 (SCI 1).60. Qiao T, Ren J, Sun M, Zheng Jiangbin, Marshall S. Effective compression of hyperspectral imagery using an improved 3D DCT approach for land-cover analysis in remote-sensing applications. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 2014;35(20):7316-7337 (SCI 3).61. Zheng Jiangbin, Song X, Ren J, Zhu T. Exposing photo manipulation using geometry and shadows. 6th International Conference on Digital Image Processing, ICDIP 2014, April 5, 2014 - April 6, 2014, 2014; Athens, Greece (EI).62. Lei L, Zheng Jiangbin, Song X. Improved Census transform for stereo matching. Application Research of Computers. 2013;30(10):3185-3188 (EI).63. Yang Y, Zheng Jiangbin. Edge-guided depth map resampling for HEVC 3D video coding. Paper presented at: 2013 International Conference on Virtual Reality and Visualization, ICVRV 2013, September 14, 2013. Xi'an, Shaanxi, China (EI).64. Zuo X, Zheng Jiangbin. A refined weighted mode filtering approach for depth video enhancement. Paper presented at: 2013 International Conference on Virtual Reality and Visualization, ICVRV 2013, September 14, 2013; Xi'an, Shaanxi, China (EI).65. Xu H, Zheng Jiangbin. A Novel Inpainting Algorithm for Kinect Depth Image. Microelectronics & Computer. 2013 2013;30(11):98-103 (EI).66. Li X, Zheng Jiangbin, Zhang Y, Chen N. Multiple photo-consistency constraints for 3D volumetric reconstruction in multi-view. Journal of Jilin University Engineering and Technology Edition. 2012 2012;42(4):992-996 (EI).67. Zhou Y, Zheng Jiangbin, Li X. Voxel model repair using variational level set method. Application Research of Computers. 2012 2012;29(5):1967-1969,1973 (EI).68. Li X, Zheng Jiangbin, Xu H. Motion estimation for 3D rigid object shapes based on 3D-2D color-consistency in multi-view. Paper presented at: 2nd Sino-Foreign-Interchange Workshop on Intelligent Science and Intelligent Data Engineering, IScIDE 2011, October 23, 2011 - October 25, 2011, 2012; Xi'an, China . 7202:546-553. (EI).69. Li H, Zheng Jiangbin. Blind detection of digital forgery image based on the edge width. Paper presented at: 2nd Sino-Foreign-Interchange Workshop on Intelligent Science and Intelligent Data Engineering, IScIDE 2011. October 23, 2011 - October 25, 2011, 2012; Xi'an, China. 7202:546-553 (EI).70. Lei W, Zheng Jiangbin. Voxel data based marker-less human motion capture using geometry model. Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference 2011, APSIPA ASC 2011, October 18, 2011 - October 21, 2011, 2011; Xi'an, China (EI).71. Xiuxiu L, Zheng Jiangbin, Yanning Z, Ning C. 3D dynamic reconstruction of rigid object using space-time correlation in multi-view. Paper presented at: International Conference on Green Communications and Networks, GCN 2011, July 15, 2011 - July 17, 2011; Chongqing, China (EI).72. Li H, Zheng Jiangbin. An useful blind detection method of digital forgery image of artificial blur. Xibei Gongye Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University. 2012;30(4):612-616 (EI).73. Han B, Zheng Jiangbin, Zhong S. An Improved Multi-view Video Coding Prediction Structure. Microelectronics & Computer. 2012 2012;29(5):62-66 (EI).74. Gao F, Zheng Jiangbin, Cai L. An effective method for blind detection of image splicing with nonsubsampled contourlet transform and image quality evaluation. Xibei Gongye Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University. 2012;30(2):291-295 (EI).75. Lei W, Zheng Jiangbin, Cai L. An Automatic Marker Initialization Method in a MCP System. Microelectronics & Computer. 2012 2012;29(2):81-85 (EI).76. Wang Z, Zheng Jiangbin. Scalable Video Coding of Arbitrary Resolution in DCT Domain. Microelectronics & Computer. 2012 2012;29(4):58-61,66 (EI).77. Gao F, Zheng Jiangbin, Cai L. Copy-move detection of large image. Application Research of Computers. 2011 2011;28(12):4782-4785 (EI).78. Sheng Z, XuBang S, Zheng Jiangbin, YanLing W. Research of Data Parallel Computation Method of Lifting Wavelet Transform. Chinese Journal of Computers. 2011 2011;34(7):1323-1331 (SCI 2).79. Cui L, Zheng Jiangbin, Li X. Detecting small targets based on SVD for background suppression and particle filter. Application Research of Computers. 2011 2011;28(4):1553-1555,1572 (EI).80. Chen N, Li X, Zheng Jiangbin. 3D voxel reconstruction under multiple constraints in multi-view environment. Journal of Computer Applications. 2011 2011;31(2):344-346 (SCI 2).81. Tianxu W, Xulin Z, Lijie CUI, Zheng Jiangbin. The Vehicle Detection Based on Background Model. Microelectronics & Computer. 2011 2011;28(7):65-67 (EI).82. Zheng Jiangbin, Feng S, Zhang Y. A color image watermarking scheme in the associated domain of DWT and DFT domains based on multi-channel watermarking framework. Chinese Journal of Electronics. 2009;18(4):665-670 (SCI 4).83. Zheng Jiangbin, Liu, M, A Digital Forgery Image Detection Algorithm Based on Wavelet Homomorphic Filtering. 7th International Workshop on Digital Watermarking. Korea Inst Informat Secuity & Cryptol, Busan, SOUTH KOREA. NOV 10-12, 2008. 5450:152-160. (SCI 4).84. Li Xiu-xiu, Zheng Jiangbin, Wu Jian-min, Huo Guo-feng. Detecting abnormal activities in video surveillance with multi-models. 5th International Conference on Visual Information Engineering (VIE 2008).29 July-1 Aug. 2008:695~698(EI).85. Li Z, Zheng Jiangbin. A novel method of blind detection of digitally forged image. Xibei Gongye Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University. 2009;27(5):731-735 (EI).86. Miao LIU, Zheng Jiangbin. Digital forgery image detection method using wavelet homomorphic filtering. Computer Engineering and Application. 2009 2009;45(34):169-170,179 (EI).87. Gu E, Zheng Jiangbin, Zhang H. 3D Motion Parameters Fusion under a Multi-Vision Motion Capture System; Proceedings of the 2009 2nd International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, CISP'09, 2009. 1908-1911 (EI).88. Yu R, Yang T, Zheng Jiangbin, Zhang X. Real-time camera pose estimation based on multiple planar markers. Paper presented at: 5th International Conference on Image and Graphics, ICIG 2009, September 20, 2009 - September 23, 2009, 2010; Xi'an, Shanxi, China . 640-645. (EI).89. Xin-bo Zhao, Xiao-chun Zou, Zheng Jiangbin g. An efficient mosaic panorama technique for medical video. IEEE/ICME International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering.13-15 July 2010(EI).90. Jie CAI, Zheng Jiangbin. 3D human motion tracking algorithm in binocular camera system. Application Research of Computers. 2009 2009;26(4):1279-1281 (EI).91. Zhe LI, Zheng Jiangbin. Blind detection of digital forgery image based on distribution of noise. Application Research of Computers. 2009 2009;26(3):1092-1094 (EI).92. Wen-bo SHI, Zheng Jiangbin. Shape and texture acquisition of objects in real scenes based on volumetric presentation. Journal of Computer Applications. 2009 2009;29(3):732-735 (SCI 2).93. Yan-jun C, Zheng Jiangbin, Wen-bo SHI, Xiu-xiu LI. Algorithm for eliminating mismatching points in motion capture system. Application Research of Computers. 2009 2009;26(2):422-423,450 (EI).94. Juan-hua K, Zheng Jiangbin. An Algorithm of Generating Unstructured Tetrahedrons from 3D Discrete Points. Computer Engineering and Science. 2009 2009;31(1):35-37 (SCI 4).95. Si-cong YUE, Zheng Jiangbin, Rong-chun Z. Wide-baseline Image Correspondence Based on Scale and Rotation Invariant Feature. Computer Science. 2009 2009;36(3):223-225,265 (SCI 4).96. Li Z, Zheng Jiangbin. Blind Detection of Digital Forgery Image Based on the Local Entropy of the Gradient. In: Kim HJ, Katzenbeisser S, Ho ATS, eds. Digital Watermarking. Vol 5450; 2009: 161-169 (EI).97. Zheng Jiangbin, Feng S. A Color Image Watermarking Scheme in the Associated Domain of DWT and DCT Domains Based on Multi-channel Watermarking Framework. In: Kim HJ, Katzenbeisser S, Ho ATS, eds. Digital Watermarking. Vol 5450; 2009: 419-432 (EI).98. Tao XU, Yan-ning Z, Jin-qiu SUN, Zheng Jiangbin, Zeng-gang LIN. Zero-watermarking Scheme for 3D Meshes Based on Geometric Property. Journal of Image and Graphics. 2009 2009;14(9):1819-1824 (EI).99. Tao XU, Yan-ning Z, Jin-qiu SUN, Zheng Jiangbin, Zeng-gang LIN. Zero-watermarking Scheme for 3D Meshes Based on Geometric Property. Journal of Image and Graphics. 2009 2009;14(9):1819-1824 (EI).100. Huan-huan Z, Zheng Jiangbin. Multi-View Object Tracking for Motion Capture. Microelectronics & Computer. 2009 2009;26(6):66-69 (EI).101. Jianyun YAN, Zheng Jiangbin, Xiuxiu LI. Multi-marks 3D Tracking Algorithm in Video Motion Capture System. Computer Engineering. 2008 2008;34(24):206-207,210 (SCI 2).102. ZHENG Jiangbin, ZHAO Rongchun. Moving objects detection under slow moving background. Application Research of Computers. 2008. 25(7):2185-2188.103. Zheng Jiangbin, Feng S, Ieee. A color image multi-channel DWT domain watermarking algorithm for resisting geometric attacks; Proceedings of 2008 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Vols 1-7, (25):1046-1051, 2008 (EI).104. Zhang Y-N, Zhai P-F, Shi J-Y, Zheng Jiangbin, et al. A New System for Computer-Aided Intraoperative Simulation and Postoperative Facial Appearance Prediction of Orthognathic Surgery; Proceedings of 2008 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Vols 1-7 2008 (CCF).105. Han W, Zheng Jiangbin, Li X-X. A fast and accurate stereo matching algorithm based on epipolar line restriction; Computer Engineering and Application 2008 :271-275(EI).106. Zheng Jiangbin , Zhou Bo , Li Xiu-xiu , Yan Jian-yun. Multi-markers 3D tracking algorithm in a video motion capture system. 5th International Conference on Visual Information Engineering (VIE 2008). 29 July-1 Aug. 2008:52-55(EI).107. Zhang YN, Tong XM, Zhang XW, Zheng Jiangbin, Zhou J, You SW. Pedestrian Detection Based on Multi-modal Cooperation. 2008 IEEE 10TH WORKSHOP ON MULTIMEDIA SIGNAL PROCESSING, VOLS 1 AND 2. 2008(EI).108. Kong J-H, Zheng Jiangbin, Ieee. An algorithm of generating unstructured tetrahedron from 3D discrete points; Proceedings of International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Vols 1-7, 2008 (CCF).109. Sun J, Zhang Y, Zheng Jiangbin, Jiang L, You S, Ieee. Small and Dim Moving Target Detection in Deep Space Background; IEEE 10th Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, MMSP 2008, October 8, 2008 - October 10, 2008 (CCF).110. Xiuxiu LI, Zheng Jiangbin, Yanning Z. Novel automatic method for image registration. Application Research of Computers. 2008 2008;25(1):290-291 (EI).111. Wei HAN, Zheng Jiangbin, Xiuxiu LI. Fast and accurate stereo matching algorithm based on epipolar line restriction. Computer Engineering and Application. 2008 2008;44(1):51-53 (EI).112. Zheng Jiangbin, Shi W. An improved algorithm of fundamental matrix estimation based on epipolar line restriction. Paper presented at: 2008 9th International Conference on Signal Processing, ICSP 2008, October 26, 2008 - October 29, 2008, 2008; Beijing, China . 1351-1355(EI).113. Yue S, Zhao R, Zheng Jiangbin. MERF Based Edge Detection with Adaptive Threshold. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology. 2008 2008;30(4):957-960 (EI).114. Zheng Jiangbin, Zhao Rongchun. A Novel Multi-Channel Image Watermarking Method for Resisting Effectively Geometric Attacks. Xibei Gongye Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University. 2008;26(4):513-517 (EI).115. YAN Jianyun, ZHENG Jiangbin. Multi-targets Tracking Algorithm in a Video 3D Motion Capture System. Microelectronics & Computer. 2008 2008;25(8):88-91 (EI).116. Zheng Jiangbin, Xiuxiu LI, Yanning Z. Novel tacking algorithm for video surveillance. Systems Engineering & Electronics. 2007 2007;29(11):1991-1993 (EI).117. Zhenhua DU, Yanning Z, Zheng Jiangbin, Hejin Y. A real-time video denoising method based on lifting scheme. Computer Applications. 2007 2007;27(3):666-668 (SCI 2).118. Shi Shen; Zhang Yanning; Xi Runping; Zheng Jiangbin. A Fast-High-Quality Image Rotation Approach Based on Bresenham Algorithm. Journal of Compute-Aided Design and Graphics. 2007, 2007;19(11)1387-1392(EI).119. Zhenhua DU, Yanning Z, Zheng Jiangbin, Ming XU. A Method of Detecting Targets in Caliginous Background Based on Video Enhancement. Microelectronics & Computer. 2007 2007;24(7):16-19 (EI).120. Yue S-C, Zhao R-C, Zheng Jiangbin, Ieee. Adaptive threshold edge detection with noise immunity by multi-scale analysis; International Conference on Wavelet Analysis and Pattern Recognition, Vols 1-4, Proceedings 2007 (EI).121. Li X-X, Zheng Zheng Jiangbin, Zhang Y-N, Yuan H-J. Activity analysis based on SOM; Proceedings of 2007 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Vols 1-7, 2007 (EI).122. Xiao J, Zhang Y, Hu F, Zheng Jiangbin. A robust automatic multi-target tracking algorithm in complex environments. Signal Processing. 2007 2007;23(3):437-440 (SCI 4).123. Zheng Jiangbin, Feng DD, Zhao RC. A multi-channel framework for image watermarking. Proceedings of 2005 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Vols 1-9, PROCEEDINGS. 2005:5099-5104(CCF).124. Zheng Jiangbin , David Dagan Feng , Rong-chun Zhao. Trajectory Matching and Classification of Video Moving Objects. 2005 IEEE 7th Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing. 30 Oct.-2 Nov. 2005(EI).125. Zheng Jiangbin, Feng D, Zhang Y, Zhao R. Fragile Digital Image Watermarking with Restoration Capability. Chinese journal of computers. 2004 2004;27(3):371-376 (EI).126. Zheng Jiangbin, Feng DD, Zhao RC. An auto-restorable fragile digital image watermarking; ICCC2004: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Communication Vol 1and, 2004 (CCF)127. Zheng Jiangbin , Zhang Yan-ning , Feng Da-gan , Zhao Rong-chun. Color image watermarking based on DCT-domains of color channels. 2002 IEEE Region 10 Conference on Computers, Communications, Control and Power Engineering. TENCOM '02. Proceedings. 28 February 2003(EI).128. Zheng Jiangbin, Zhang Y, Feng D, Zhao R. Moving Object Detection and Tracking Algorithm for Video Monitoring. System engineering & electronic technology. 2002 2002;24(10):34-37 (SCI 4).129. Zheng Jiangbin, Zhao Rongchun. A New and Practical Method for Color Image Watermarking. Xibei Gongye Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University. 2002;20(4):70-74 (EI).130. Zhang Y, Zheng Jiangbin, Liao Y, Zhao R. Recognition of remote sensing target based on support vector machine. Xibei Gongye Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University. 2002;20(4):536-539 (EI).131. Zhang Y, Zheng Jiangbin, Wang X, Zhao R. An Efficient Image Target Recognition Method for Remote Sensing. Signal Processing. 2002 2002;18(1):1-4 (SCI 2).132. Zheng Jiangbin, Feng DD, Zhang YN, Siu WC, Zhao RC. An algorithm for video monitoring under a slow moving background. 2002 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MACHINE LEARNING AND CYBERNETICS, VOLS 1-4, PROCEEDINGS. 2002:1626-1629 (CCF).133. Zhang Y, Zheng Jiangbin, Hou Y, Zhao R. Remote Sensing Target Recognition Based on SOM and SVM. System engineering & electronic technology. 2002 2002;24(7):9-11 (EI).134. Zheng Jiangbin, Feng DD, Siu WC, et al. The accurate extraction and tracking of moving objects for video surveillance; International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Vols 1-4, Proceedings 2002 (CCF).135. Zhang YN, Zheng JB, Liu HR, Jiao LC. An efficient method of radar target detection in complex background. 2001 CIE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RADAR PROCEEDINGS. 2001:397-400(CCF).136. Zhang, Yanning, Zheng Jiangbin, Liu Huarui, Jiao Licheng. An efficient method of radar target classification. CIE International Conference of Radar Proceedings. 2001:502-505(EI).137. 面向WEB服务的测试用例自动化生成方法Method for Automatically Generating Test Cases for Web Services  [期刊论文] 侯俊, 周红, 马春燕, 郑江滨,Hou Jun, Zhou Hong, Ma Chunyan, Zheng Jiangbin- 《西北工业大学学报》2018年1期138. 基于噪声方差估计的伪造图像盲检测方法Blind image forgery detection method based on noise variance estimation  [期刊论文] 李杭, 郑江滨,Li Hang, Zheng Jiangbin- 《计算机应用研究》2017年1期139. Kinect深度图像修复算法A Novel Inpainting Algorithm for Kinect Depth Image  [期刊论文] 徐欢, 郑江滨,XU Huan, ZHENG Jiang-bin- 《微电子学与计算机》2013年11期140. 基于改进Census变换的立体匹配算法Improved Census transform for stereo matching  [期刊论文] 雷磊, 郑江滨, 宋雪梅,LEI Lei, ZHENG Jiang-bin, SONG Xue-mei- 《计算机应用研究》2013年10期141.  基于稀疏表示的红外小目标跟踪Tracking infrared small targets based on sparse representation models  [期刊论文] 李志, 郑江滨,LI Zhi, ZHENG Jiang-bin- 《电子设计工程》2013年10期142. 航天器部件真空检漏试验管理系统的设计Design of vacuum leak testing management system for spacecraft component test  [期刊论文] 汪力, 郑江滨, 闫荣鑫, 张海英,Wang Li, Zheng Jiangbin, Yan Rongxin, Zhang Haiying- 《航天器环境工程》2012年6期143. 多视觉下基于多重颜色一致性约束的三维体重建Multiple photo-consistency constraints for 3D volumetric reconstruction in multi-view  [期刊论文] 李秀秀, 郑江滨, 张艳宁, 陈宁- 《吉林大学学报:工学版》2012年4期144. 一种人工模糊的伪造图像盲检测方法An Useful Blind Detection Method of Digital Forgery Image of Artificial Blur  [期刊论文] 李杭, 郑江滨,Li Hang, Zheng Jiangbin- 《西北工业大学学报》2012年4期145.  一种改进的多视点视频编码预测结构An Improved Multi-view Video Coding Prediction Structure  [期刊论文] 韩宝英, 郑江滨, 钟升- 《微电子学与计算机》2012年5期146. 基于变分水平集方法的体素模型修复Voxel model repair using variational level set method  [期刊论文] 周跃, 郑江滨, 李秀秀,ZHOU Yue, ZHENG Jiang-bin, LI Xiu-xiu- 《计算机应用研究》2012年5期147.  基于NSCT变换和图像质量评价的拼接图像检测An Effective Method for Blind Detection of Image Splicing with Nonsubsampled Contourlet Transform and Image Quality Evaluation  [期刊论文] 高芳, 郑江滨, 蔡里宁,Gao Fang, Zheng Jiang bin, Cai Li ning-《西北工业大学学报》2012年2期148. 基于DCT域的任意分辨率视频可伸缩编码Scalable Video Coding of Arbitrary Resolution in DCT Domain  [期刊论文] 王峥, 郑江滨- 《微电子学与计算机》2012年4期149. 运动捕获系统中标记点自动初始化方法An Automatic Marker Initialization Method in a MCP System  [期刊论文] 雷伍琴, 郑江滨, 蔡里宁- 《微电子学与计算机》2012年2期150. 大尺寸图片的复制粘贴检测Copy-move detection of large image  [期刊论文] 高芳, 郑江滨, 蔡里宁,GAO Fang, ZHENG Jiang-bin, CAI Li-ning- 《计算机应用研究》2011年12期151. 提升小波变换的数据并行计算方法研究Research of Data Parallel Computation Method of Lifting Wavelet Transform  [期刊论文] 钟升, 沈绪榜, 郑江滨, 王艳玲,ZHONG Sheng, SHEN Xu-Bang, ZHENG Jiang-Bin, WANG Yan-Ling- 《计算机学报》2011年7期152. 基于背景模型的车辆目标检测The Vehicle Detection Based on Background Model  [期刊论文] 王天旭, 周煦林, 崔丽洁, 郑江滨,WHANG Tian-xu, ZHOU Xu-lin, CUI Li-jie, ZHENG Jiang-bin- 《微电子学与计算机》2011年7期153. 基于SVD背景抑制和粒子滤波的弱小目标检测Detecting small targets based on SVD for background suppression and particle filter  [期刊论文] 崔丽洁, 郑江滨, 李秀秀,CUI Li-jie, ZHENG Jiang-bin, LI Xiu-xiu- 《计算机应用研究》2011年4期154. 多视觉环境下联合多约束的三维目标体重建3D voxel reconstruction under multiple constraints in multi-view environment  [期刊论文] 陈宁, 李秀秀, 郑江滨,CHEN Ning, LI Xiu-xiu, ZHENG Jiang-bin- 《计算机应用》2011年2期155. 利用小波域同态滤波的伪造图像检测方法Digital forgery image detection method using wavelet homomorphic filtering  [期刊论文] 刘苗, 郑江滨- 《计算机工程与应用》2009年34期156. 基于边缘特征的伪造图像盲检测算法A Novel Method of Blind Detection of Digitally Forged Image  [期刊论文] 李哲, 郑江滨,Li Zhe, Zheng Jiangbin- 《西北工业大学学报》2009年5期157. 基于几何特征的3维网格模型零水印算法Zero-watermarking Scheme for 3D Meshes Based on Geometric Property  [期刊论文] 徐涛, 张艳宁, 孙瑾秋, 郑江滨, 林增刚,XU Tao, ZHANG Yan-ning, SUN Jin-qiu, ZHENG Jiang-bin, LIN Zeng-gang- 《中国图象图形学报A》2009年9期158. 基于视觉运动捕获数据的三维模型驱动方法Method of driving a 3D model based on vision-based motion capture data  [期刊论文] 高湘冀, 郑江滨- 《中国体视学与图像分析》2009年2期159. 运动捕获系统中多摄像机布局优化方法Multi-Camera Layout Optimization Method for Motion Capture System  [期刊论文] 袁金刚, 张艳宁, 郑江滨, 郗润平,YUAN Jin-gang, ZHANG Yan-ning, ZHENG Jiang-bin, XI Run-ping- 《微处理机》2009年3期160. 运动捕获系统中基于多视觉的目标跟踪算法Multi-View Object Tracking for Motion Capture  [期刊论文] 张欢欢, 郑江滨,ZHANG Huan-huan, ZHENG Jiang-bin- 《微电子学与计算机》2009年6期161. 双目视觉下三维人体运动跟踪算法3D human motion tracking algorithm in binocular camera system  [期刊论文] 蔡杰, 郑江滨,CAI Jie, ZHENG Jiang-bin- 《计算机应用研究》2009年4期162. 基于奇异值分解的宽基线图像匹配算法Wide-baseline Image Correspondence Based on Scale and Rotation Invariant Feature  [期刊论文] 岳思聪, 郑江滨, 赵荣椿,YUE Si-cong, ZHENG Jiang-bin, ZHAO Rong-chun- 《计算机科学》2009年3期163. 基于噪声分布规律的伪造图像盲检测算法Blind detection of digital forgery image based on distribution of noise  [期刊论文] 李哲, 郑江滨,LI Zhe, ZHENG Jiang-bin- 《计算机应用研究》2009年3期164. 真实场景中基于体表示的目标外形和纹理获取Shape and texture acquisition of objects in real scenes based on volumetric presentation  [期刊论文] 史文波, 郑江滨,SHI Wen-bo, ZHENG Jiang-bin- 《计算机应用》2009年3期165. 一种运动捕获系统中误匹配点的剔除算法Algorithm for eliminating mismatching points in motion capture system  [期刊论文] 陈燕军, 郑江滨, 史文波, 李秀秀,CHEN Yan-jun, ZHENG Jiang-bin, SHI Wen-bo, LI Xiu-xiu- 《计算机应用研究》2009年2期166. 一种三维离散点数据生成非结构四面体算法An Algorithm of Generating Unstructured Tetrahedrons from 3D Discrete Points  [期刊论文] 孔娟华, 郑江滨,KONG Juan-hua, ZHENG Jiang-bin- 《计算机工程与科学》2009年1期167. 视频运动捕获系统中多标记点的三维跟踪算法Multi-marks 3D Tracking Algorithm in Video Motion Capture System  [期刊论文] 晏剑云, 郑江滨, 李秀秀,YAN Jian-yun, ZHENG Jiang-bin, LI Xiu-xiu- 《计算机工程》2008年24期168. 三维人体模型的自动驱动方法Method of drive 3D model to move automatically  [期刊论文] 申磊, 郑江滨,SHEN Lei, ZHENG Jiang-bin- 《计算机工程与设计》2008年19期169. 抗几何攻击的多通道数字图像水印A Novel Multi-Channel Image Watermarking Method for Resisting Effectively Geometric Attacks  [期刊论文] 郑江滨, 赵荣椿,Zheng Jiangbin, Zhao Rongchun- 《西北工业大学学报》2008年4期170. 视频三维运动捕获系统中多运动目标跟踪方法Multi-targets Tracking Algorithm in a Video 3D Motion Capture System  [期刊论文] 晏剑云, 郑江滨- 《微电子学与计算机》2008年8期171. 慢运动背景下运动目标提取算法Moving objects detection under slow moving background  [期刊论文] 郑江滨, 赵荣椿,ZHENG Jiang-bin, ZHAO Rong-chun- 《计算机应用研究》2008年7期172. 基于多尺度边缘响应函数的自适应阈值边缘检测算法MERF Based Edge Detection with Adaptive Threshold  [期刊论文] 岳思聪, 赵荣椿, 郑江滨,Yue Sicong, Zhao Rong-chun, Zheng Jiang-bin- 《电子与信息学报》2008年4期173. 一种新的自动图像配准技术Novel automatic method for image registration  [期刊论文] 李秀秀, 郑江滨, 张艳宁,LI Xiu-xiu, ZHENG Jiang-bin, ZHANG Yan-ning- 《计算机应用研究》2008年1期174. 基于外极线约束的快速精确立体匹配算法Fast and accurate stereo matching algorithm based on epipolar line restriction  [期刊论文] 韩伟, 郑江滨, 李秀秀,HAN Wei, ZHENG Jiang-bin, LI Xiu-xiu- 《计算机工程与应用》2008年1期175. 视频监视中的运动目标跟踪算法Novel tacking algorithm for video surveillance  [期刊论文] 郑江滨, 李秀秀, 张艳宁,ZHENG Jiang-bin, LI Xiu-xiu, ZHANG Yan-ning- 《系统工程与电子技术》2007年11期176. 基于Bresenham画线算法的图像快速-高精度旋转算法A Fast-High-Quality Image Rotation Approach Based on Bresenham Algorithm  [期刊论文] 石慎, 张艳宁, 郗润平, 郑江滨,Shi Shen, Zhang Yanning, Xi Runping, Zheng Jiangbin- 《计算机辅助设计与图形学学报》2007年11期177. 基于视频增强的昏暗背景下目标检测方法A Method of Detecting Targets in Caliginous Background Based on Video Enhancement  [期刊论文] 杜振华, 张艳宁, 郑江滨, 须明,DU Zhen-hua, ZHANG Yan-ning, ZHENG Jiang-bin, XU Ming- 《微电子学与计算机》2007年7期178. 一种鲁棒的多目标自动跟踪算法A robust automatic multi-target tracking algorithm in complex environments  [期刊论文] 肖敬若, 张艳宁, 胡伏原, 郑江滨,Xiao Jingruo, Zhang Yanning, Hu Fuyuan, Zheng Jiangbin- 《信号处理》2007年3期179. 基于提升框架的实时视频降噪方法A real-time video denoising method based on lifting scheme  [期刊论文] 杜振华, 张艳宁, 郑江滨, 袁和金,DU Zhen-hua, ZHANG Yan-ning, 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