

姓名 李伟 性别 邮箱 : liw@tongji.edu.cn
学校 同济大学 部门 生命科学与技术学院
学位 发明专利包写包过 特惠申请 学历 工作电话 : 021-65989262
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个人简介 Personal Profile         博士毕业于华中科技大学,美国密歇根大学博士后。2012 年加入同济大学生命学院。长期研究神经系统的疾病与功能,在神经环路层面系统解析神经系统疾病和功能的分子与细胞神经机制、信息的整合与提取以及环路的发育和功能开展研究。成果发表于 Nature,Cell,Nature Communications以及PNAS 等,并被分别被Cell、Current Biology 等刊物专述评论。学术成果被《纽约时报》(The New York Times)科学版 首页报导, 并有两篇论文被 Faculty of 1000 遴选为必读论文。曾担任中国心胸血管麻醉学会疼痛学分会常务委员、Nature 旗下刊物 Communications Biology 编委 (editorial board member)。获得教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”、上海市科委“浦江学者”等。指导同济大学代表队获得国际基因工程机器设计大赛(International Genetically Engineered Machine Competition,iGEM)2015全球总决赛(美国波士顿)金牌。2014年获得同济大学首届“青年五四奖章”。    Dr. Li joined the faculty of the School of Life Sciences and Technology in 2012. Li received her Ph.D. degree in Biophysics from Huazhong University of Science and Technology. Prior to joining Tongji University, Li completed her post-doctoral training at the University of Michigan, where she was awarded the American Heart Association Postdoctoral Fellowship.    The Li lab combines the genetic model organism C. elegans and mammalian system to study the mechanisms of mechanosensation and pain, and uses a multidisciplinary approach of molecular genetics, functional imaging, electrophysiology, optogenetics and behavioral analysis. 研究方向Research Directions 神经科学;生物物理;表观遗传 2. 机电结构优化与控制 研究内容:在对机电结构进行分析和优化的基础上,运用控制理论进行结构参数的调整,使结构性能满足设计要求。1. 仿生结构材料拓扑优化设计, 仿生机械设计 研究内容:以仿生结构为研究对象,运用连续体结构拓扑优化设计理论和方法,对多相仿生结构(机构)材料进行2. 机电结构优化与控制 研究内容:在对机电结构进行分析和优化的基础上,运用控制理论进行结构参数的调整,使结构性能满足设计要求。1. 仿生结构材料拓扑优化设计, 仿生机械设计 研究内容:以仿生结构为研究对象,运用连续体结构拓扑优化设计理论和方法,对多相仿生结构(机构)材料进行整体布局设计。 整体布局设计。 团队展示 科研项目         课题组主要研究神经系统的疾病机制。选择具有简洁清晰的神经系统、丰富的行为表型和便于遗传操作的优良模式动物建立相应的疾病模型和行为范式,利用多学科交叉的非侵入性技术手段,建立微观的分子/细胞水平和宏观的功能/行为之间的联系、在神经环路层面系统解析感觉传导的分子与细胞神经机制、信息的整合与提取以及环路的发育和功能异常,研究神经系统疾病(疼痛、帕金森)和功能(睡眠、记忆的跨代遗传等)的机制。        课题组近年在表观遗传因子调控神经环路的可塑性与神经系统疾病和功能的研究中取得了一定的进展,发现了表观遗传调控神经系统高级功能 (学习记忆、成瘾等) 的新机制。主持科技部重点研发项目子课题、国家自然科学基金面上项目、基础研究能力提升计划高层次人才科研项目、美国心脏学会博士后基金等项目。 研究成果 Representative Publications1. Wei Li, Zhaoyang Feng, Paul W. Sternberg and X. Z. Shawn Xu. (2006) A C. elegans stretch receptor neuron revealed by a mechanosensitive TRP channel homologue. Nature. 440:684-7.·      Commented on bythe review article “Proprioception: achannel for body sense in the worm.” in Current Biology (16,R509-11)·      Selected as a Must-Read by Facultyof 1000. 2. Zhaoyang Feng*, Wei Li*, Alex Ward, Beverly J. Piggott, Erin R. Larkspur, Paul W. Sternberg, and X.Z. Shawn Xu. (2006) A C. elegans Model of Nicotine-Dependent Behavior: regulation by TRP-Family Channels. Cell. 127:621-33. (*co-first author)·       The New York Times published the article “Nematodes with acraving for nicotine” to highlight this work on the front page of itsscience edition on Nov 21, 2006 ·       Previewed by the article “Wormsclear the smoke surrounding nicotine addiction” in Cell(127, 460-2). ·       Selected as a Must-Read by Faculty of 1000.3. Li, Wei, Gao, Shang-Bang,Lv, Cai-Xia,Wu, Ying,Guo, Zhao-Hua,Ding, Jiu-Ping,Xu, Tao,Characterization of voltage- and Ca2+ -  activated K+ channels in rat dorsal root ganglionneurons, Journal of Cellular Physiology,2007,212(2):348-357.4. Wei Li, Lijun Kang, Beverly J. Piggott, Zhaoyang Feng, X. Z. Shawn Xu. (2011) The neural circuits and sensory channels mediating harsh touch sensation in Caenorhabditis elegans. Nature Communications. 2:315     ·       Highlighted by the report “Touchingon the mechanisms of pain” in theBiomedical Beat. (June 15,2011).5. Geng Zhu, Fen Zhang and Wei Li. Nematodes feel your craving-Using C. elegans as a model to study alcohol addiction. Neuroscience Bulletin. 2014, 30(4): 595–600. (*Corresponding author)6. Pan L, Xie W, Li KL, Yang Z, Xu J, Zhang W, Liu LP, Ren X, He Z, Wu J, Sun J, Wei HM, Wang D, Xie W, Li W, Ni JQ, Sun FL. (2015). Heterochromatin remodeling by CDK12 contributes to learning in Drosophila. PNAS. 2015 Nov 10;112(45):13988-93.7. Zhuoyu Zhang, Yijue Shen, Hang Luo, Fen Zhang, Dan Peng, Li Jing, Yuanyuan Wu, XiaofeiXia, Yunping Song, Wei Li*& Lingjing  Jin*. MANF protects dopamine neurons andlocomotion defects from a human α-synuclein induced Parkinson‘s disease model in C.  elegans by regulating ER stress and autophagy pathways. Experimental Neurology. 2018 Oct;308:59-71. (*Corresponding author) Our Research     As a neuroscience lab, we are interested in identifying novel mechanisms that mediate neurological diseases. The advantage of carrying out these studies in the model system C. elegans is that this system is more amenable to various genetic and molecular genetic approaches than are more complex mammals, as well as has well-annotated neural circuits and cell lineages. Because the major neurotransmitters, sensory receptors and channels are evolutionarily conserved, we investigate the broader implications for human physiology and disease — including in transgenerational memory formation, pain and sleep disorders.1、Neuronal signaling in sensory transduction.2、Mechanisms of mechanosensation and pain.3、Sleep-related genes and drugs screen.4、Transgenerational epigenetic inheritance of memory 社会兼职 中华全国青年联合会第十二届委员会委员上海市青年联合会第十一届、十二届委员上海市杨浦区青年联合会第十届常委2015 Young leaders forum member by National Committee on U.S.-China Relations (NCUSCR) and the Chinese People’s Institute of Foreign Affairs (CPIFA) (美中杰出青年论坛成员) 招生及招聘信息         我们欢迎有志于神经科学研究的本科生与研究生(脱产或在职)报考、实习和毕业设计,同时欢迎具有生物和医学(分子生物学、生物信息生物学、神经生物学、表观遗传)相关研究经历的副研究员,助理研究员、 博士后、科研助理加盟合作。        应聘请发简历和个人材料至邮箱: liw@tongji.edu.cn 学生信息 当前位置:教师主页 > 学生信息 入学日期 所学专业 学号 学位 招生信息 当前位置:教师主页 > 招生信息 招生学院 招生专业 研究方向 招生人数 推免人数 考试方式 招生类别 招生年份



