姓名 | 高乃平 | 性别 | 男 |
学校 | 同济大学 | 部门 | 机械与能源工程学院 |
学位 | 博士 | 学历 | 博士研究生 |
职称 | 教授 | 联系方式 | 【发送到邮箱】 |
邮箱 | 【发送到邮箱】 | 人气 | |
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个人简介 Personal Profile 高乃平,博士,教授,现任同济大学机械与能源工程学院副院长。主要从事建筑热物理、人工环境等领域研究。担任Building and Environment期刊编委、DiscoveryMechanical Engineering期刊副主编、全国通风专业委员会委员、全国热泵专业委员会理事专家、国际系列会议Healthy Buildings、Building Simulation、Indoor Air、COBEE学术委员会委员。主持多项国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划课题、上海市科委社会发展创新项目、国际合作项目等,发表期刊论文百余篇、授权发明专利20余项,曾获上海市科技进步二等奖,华夏建设科技二等奖,连续多年获评中国高被引学者。 研究方向Research Directions 建筑通风,多孔介质传热传质,热泵干燥 2. 机电结构优化与控制 研究内容:在对机电结构进行分析和优化的基础上,运用控制理论进行结构参数的调整,使结构性能满足设计要求。1. 仿生结构材料拓扑优化设计, 仿生机械设计 研究内容:以仿生结构为研究对象,运用连续体结构拓扑优化设计理论和方法,对多相仿生结构(机构)材料进行2. 机电结构优化与控制 研究内容:在对机电结构进行分析和优化的基础上,运用控制理论进行结构参数的调整,使结构性能满足设计要求。1. 仿生结构材料拓扑优化设计, 仿生机械设计 研究内容:以仿生结构为研究对象,运用连续体结构拓扑优化设计理论和方法,对多相仿生结构(机构)材料进行整体布局设计。 整体布局设计。 报考意向 招生信息 机械与能源工程学院 硕士研究生 序号 专业 招生人数 年份 1 动力工程及工程热物理 1 2024 2 能源动力 1 2024 博士研究生 序号 专业 招生人数 年份 1 动力工程及工程热物理 1 2024 2 能源动力 1 2024 博士1: 智慧能源与低碳能源博士2: 储能科学与技术博士3: 智慧能源与低碳能源博士4: 储能科学与技术 报考意向 姓名: 手机号码: 邮箱: 毕业院校: 所学专业: 报考类型: 博士 硕士 个人简历*: 上传附件 支持扩展名:.rar .zip .doc .docx .pdf .jpg .png .jpeg 成绩单*: 上传附件 支持扩展名:.rar .zip .doc .docx .pdf .jpg .png .jpeg 其他材料: 上传附件 支持扩展名:.rar .zip .doc .docx .pdf .jpg .png .jpeg 备注: 提交 科研项目 1. 上海市科委科技创新行动计划-社会发展科技攻关:面向“零碳城轨”的轨道交通车站节能降碳关键技术研究及示范 (2022-2025), 负责人, No. 22DZ12081042. 上海市科委国际合作项目:高密度城市住区微尺度风热环境调控机理与长时间跨度快速预测关键问题研究 (2022-2025) 负责人, No. 222007114003. 国家自然科学基金:夏热冬冷地区住区微尺度风热环境时空变化规律与调节机理 (2021-2024), 负责人, No. 52078353 4. 上海市科学技术委员会:大型车间非稳态空气污染物高效捕集与处理关键基础问题研究 (2020-2022), 负责人, No. 20dz12078025. 国家自然科学基金:下送风空调温度分层流动稳定性与人员移动等动态扰动的影响机理研究 (2019-2022), 负责人, No.51878462,6. 中央高校基本科研业务费学科交叉项目: 工业化建筑运维管理信息化系统关键技术研究(2018-2019), 负责人, kx01000201814747. 十三五重点研发计划:高耗能特种设备能效检测与评价关键技术研究(2017-2021) ,子课题负责人8. 中央高校基本科研业务费: 高密度小区中尺度和小尺度风热环境研究, (2015-2016), 负责人, 201536929. 国家自然科学基金项目:高层居民住宅污染物垂直跨户传播机理研究 (2013-2016), 负责人, No.5127834810. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目: 个性化气流条件下人体热舒适性和吸入空气品质研究(2012-2013), 负责人, 2012321411. 国际合作项目: 分层空调系统负荷有效系数研究, (2011-2012),负责人, 2011024012. 国家自然科学基金项目:生物气溶胶在三种典型空调气流下的扩散与分布研究 (2009-2012), 负责人, No.50808133 完成校企合作项目50余项。 研究成果 代表性专利1. 一种可调节的贴附射流送排风装置 发明专利 ZL202110853707.72. 一种可用于船舶涂装并可调节送风口面积的通风设备 实用新型专利 ZL202120374519.13. 一种可降低烟气温度的加热不燃烧卷烟装置 发明专利 ZL202011367750.44. 一种基于半导体制冷制热功能的加热不燃烧卷烟 发明专利 ZL202011292052.25. 一种高效节能型烟草干燥系统 发明专利 ZL202010809041.06. 一种有机朗肯循环系统 发明专利 ZL202010518774.97. 燃气锅炉烟气再循环率的测量方法 发明专利 ZL202010221218.58. 一种基于热管技术的电子烟 发明专利 ZL202010068817.89. 余热利用型加热不燃烧卷烟装置 发明专利 ZL202010058096.210. 一种冷凝液回收型电子烟 发明专利 ZL201911249173.611. 一种组分动态可调的非共沸工质有机朗肯循环系统 发明专利 ZL201811268320.X12. 一种烟油预热型电子烟 发明专利 ZL201810225537.613. 一种烟丝加热型电子烟 发明专利 ZL201810225018.X14. 一种有机朗肯循环系统工质充注量的预估方法 发明专利 ZL201810200943.715. 多热源耦合有机朗肯循环(ORC)发电及供热采暖系统 发明专利 ZL201710928907.816. 基于低品质热量回收的火电机组负荷指令快速响应装置 发明专利 ZL201710574086.217. 一种涡旋膨胀机性能测试系统 发明专利 ZL201610164576.018. 一种低品位余热驱动的冷热电联产系统 发明专利 ZL201510631318.419. 一种汽车尾气余热回收利用的冷电联产系统 发明专利 ZL201510430508.X20. 一种基于光热光电分频利用的有机朗肯循环发电系统 发明专利 ZL201510353121.9 代表性SCI索引 期刊论文发表1. FengL, Li RB, Wu Y, Gao NP (2023) Azonal model to predict the vertical temperature distribution of displacementventilation system during human movement. Building and Environment, Vol. 231, 1100402. ZhuSJ, Causone F, Gao NP, Ye Y, Jin X,Zhou X, Shi X (2023) Numerical simulation to assess the impact of urban greeninfrastructure on building energy use: A review. Building and Environment, Vol228, 109832.3. LiRB, Zeng FX, Zhao Y, Wu Y, Niu JL, Wang L, GaoNP, Shi X (2023) CFD simulations of the tree effect on the outdoormicroclimate by coupling the canopy energy balance model. Building andEnvironment, Vol. 230, 109995.4. Gao NP, Wang RG, Wu Y, Wu Z (2022) Study on impactfactors of tracer gas method in investigation of gaseous pollutant transportand building ventilation. Building Simulation: An International Journal. Vol.16,no.3, pp. 413-426.5. MengC, Liu D, Gao NP, Li LR (2022)Investigation on improving fume hood performance via elimination of internalvortices: Experiments and CFD. Indoor and Built Environment, Vol.31, no.10, pp.2467-2481.6. WuY, Feng L, Liu M, Wu Z, Gao NP(2022) Numerical study on transient airflows and air exchange induced by doormotion in thermally stratified environment. Building and Environment. Vol. 223,109498.7. ZhaoY, Li RB, Feng L, Wu Y, Gao NP(2022) Boundary layer wind tunnel tests of outdoor airflow field around urbanbuildings: A review of methods and status. Sustainable and Renewable EnergyReviews. Vol.167, 112717. 8. LiRB, Liu ZP, Zhao Y, Wu Y, Niu JL, Wang LZ,Gao NP (2022) Fast fluid dynamics simulation of airflow around a singlebluff body under different turbulence models and discretization schemes.Building and Environment, Vol. 219, 109235.9. WuJL, Gao YH, Li D, Gao NP (2022) Emissionand Gas/Particle Partitioning Characteristics of Nicotine in Aerosols forElectronic Cigarettes. Chemical Research in Toxicology, Vol.35, no.5, pp.890-897.10. Zhao C, An W, Zhang YF, Dong QC, Gao NP (2022) Impact of enhanced electricfield on light-induced evaporation process of plasmonic nanofluid.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 189, 122708.11. Yin YL, Gao NP, Zhu T (2022) Effect of resistive load characteristics onthe performance of Organic Rankine cycle (ORC). Energy, Vol. 246, 123047.12. Zhao C, An W, Zhang YF, Dong QC, Gao NP (2022) A Molecular DynamicsAnalysis on Interfacial Thermal Resistance between Particle and Medium inLight-Induced Heat Transfer of Plasmonic Nanofluid. Langmuir, Vol.38, no.7,2327-2334.13. Li RB, Liu ZP, Feng L, Gao NP (2022) Fast fluid dynamicssimulation of the airflow distributions in urban residential areas. Energy andBuildings, Vol.255, 111635.14. Wu JL, Huang JJ, Gao YH, Li D, Gao NP (2021) A scaled-modelexperimental study on the thermodynamic characteristics of electroniccigarettes. Thermochimica Acta, Vol. 704, 179020.15. Gao YH, Li D, Ru JX, Yang MY, LuLH, Lu L, Wu JL, Huang ZH, Xie Y, Gao NP(2021) A numerical study on capillary-evaporation behavior of porous wick inelectronic cigarettes. Scientific Reports, Vol. 11, no.1, 10348.16. Liu ZP, Li RB, Wu Y, Ju R, Gao NP (2021) Numerical study on theeffect of diner divider on the airborne transmission of diseases in canteens.Energy and Buildings, Vol. 248, 111171.17. Liu LC, Wu JL, Zhong F, Gao NP, Cui GM (2021) Development of anovel cogeneration system by combing organic rankine cycle and heat pump cyclefor waste heat recovery. Energy, Vol.217, 119445.18. Wu JL, Yang MY, Huang JJ, Gao YH,Li D, Gao NP (2021) Vaporizationcharacteristics and aerosol optical properties of electronic cigarettes.Environmental Pollution, Vol. 275, 116670.19. Wu Y, Gao NP, Niu JL, Zang JB, Cao Q (2021) Numerical study on naturalventilation of the wind tower: Effects of combining with different windowconfigurations in a low-rise house. Building and Environment, Vol.188, 107450.20. Feng L, Zeng FX, Li RB, Ju R, Gao NP (2021) Influence of manikinmovement on temperature stratification in a displacement ventilated room.Energy and Buildings, Vol. 234, 110700.21. Zhao C, An W, Gao NP (2020) Light-induced latent heat reduction of silvernanofluids: a molecular dynamics simulation. International Journal of Heat andMass Transfer, Vol.62, 120343.22. Jin YL, Gao NP, Wang TT (2020) Influence of heat exchanger pinch point onthe control strategy of Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC). Energy, Vol. 207, 118196.23. Ai ZT, Mak CM, Gao NP, Niu JL (2020) Tracer gas is a suitable surrogate ofexhaled droplet nuclei for studying airborne transmission in the builtenvironment. Building Simulation: An International Journal, Vol.13, No.3, pp.489-496.24. Zeng FX, Lei CW, Liu JL, Niu JL, Gao NP (2020) CFD simulation of thedrag effect of urban trees: Source term modification method revisited at thetree scale. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2020, 56, 102079.25. Jin YL, Gao NP, Zhu T (2019) Techno-economic analysis on a new conceptualdesign of waste heat recovery for boiler exhaust flue gas of coal-fired powerplants. Energy Conversion and Management, 2019, 200, 112097.26. Wang TT, Liu LC, Zhu T, Gao NP (2019) Experimentalinvestigation of a small-scale Organic Rankine Cycle under off-designconditions: From the perspective of data fluctuation. Energy Conversion andManagement, 2019, Vol. 198. 111826.27. Dong L, Zhang X, Xiao Y, Feng L,Zhu XH, Ju R, Gao NP (2019)Investigation on Re-independence of air flow and pollutant concentration fieldin the basement space of an underground sewage treatment plant. Building andEnvironment, 2019, Vol.163, 106327.28. Zhang X, Dong L, Xiao Y, Feng L,Zhu XH, Ju R, Gao NP (2019)Performance evaluation of ductless ventilation system in basement space of anunderground sewage treatment plant: A scaled model case study. Building andEnvironment, Vol. 160, 106211.29. Liu LC, Zhu T, Wang TT, Gao NP (2019) Experimentalinvestigation on the effect of working fluid charge in a small-scale OrganicRankine Cycle under off-design conditions. Energy, Vol.174, pp. 664-677.30. Wang TT, Gao NP, Zhu T (2018) Investigation on the optimal condensationtemperature of supercritical organic Rankine cycle systems consideringmeteorological parameters. Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 174, pp.54-64.31. Liu LC, Zhu T, Gao NP, Gan ZX (2018) A review ofmodeling approaches and tools for the off-design simulation of organic Rankinecycle. Journal of Thermal Science, Vol.27, no.4, pp. 305-320.32. Mu D, Gao NP, Zhu T (2018) CFD investigation on the effects of wind andthermal wall-flow on pollutant transmission in a high-rise building. Buildingand Environment, Vol. 137, pp. 185-197. 33. Jin YL, Gao NP, Zhu T (2018) Controlled variable analysis of counter flowheat exchangers based on thermodynamic derivation. Applied Thermal Engineering,Vol.129, pp. 684-692.34. Liu WD, Liu D, Gao NP (2017) CFD study on gaseouspollutant transmission characteristics under different ventilation strategiesin a typical chemical laboratory. Building and Environment, Vol.126, pp.238-251.35. Mu D, Shu C, Gao NP, Zhu T (2017) Wind tunnel tests of inter-flat pollutanttransmission characteristics in a rectangular multi-storey residentialbuilding, part B: effect of source location. Building and Environment, Vol.114,pp. 281-292.36. JiaQ, Xia CJ, Zang JB, Pan D, Xu J, Gao NP(2016) Numerical simulation on the temperature field in an equipment cabin of ahigh-speed railway train. Building Simulation, Vol.9, pp. 689-700. 37. MuD, Gao NP, Zhu T (2016) Wind tunneltests of inter-flat pollutant transmission characteristics in a rectangularmulti-story residential building, part A: effect of wind direction. Buildingand Environment, Vol.108, pp. 15-170. 38. AnW, Zhang J, Zhu T, Gao N (2016)Investigation on a spectral splitting photovoltaic/thermal hybrid system basedon polypyrrole nanofluid: preliminary test. Renewable Energy, Vol.86, pp.633-642.39. Xu H, Gao NP, Zhu T (2016) Investigation on the fluid selection andevaporation parametric optimization for sub- and supercritical organic Rankinecycle. Energy, Vol.96, pp. 59-68.40. Mao JC, Gao NP (2015) The airborne transmission of infection between flatsin high-rise residential buildings: A review. Building and Environment, Vol.94,pp. 516-531.41. Mao JC, Yang WW, Gao NP (2015) The transport of gaseouspollutants due to stack and wind effect in high-rise residential buildings.Building and Environment, Vol.94, pp. 543-557.42. Luo ZW, Gao NP (2015) Ventilation for Healthy Indoor Environments inVarious Types of Buildings Extended Papers from Indoor Air 2014. InternationalJournal of Ventilation, Vol.15, no.2, pp. 109-110.43. YangWW, Gao NP (2015) The Transport ofGaseous Pollutants due to Stack Effect in High-Rise Residential Buildings. InternationalJournal of Ventilation, Vol.14, no.2, pp. 191-208.44. Wu Z, Pan D, Gao NP, Zhu T, Xie FB (2015) Experimental testing and numericalsimulation of scroll expander in a small scale Organic Rankine Cycle system.Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol.89, pp. 529-537.45. An W, Zhu T, Gao NP (2015) Accelerative iteration for coupledconductive-radiative heat transfer computation in semitransparent media.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 82, pp. 503-509.46. WuY, Gao NP, Wang LH, Wu XP (2014) Anumerical analysis of airflows caused by train-motion and performanceevaluation of a subway ventilation system. Indoor and Built Environment,Vol.23, no.6, pp. 854-863.47. Wu Y, Gao NP (2014) The dynamics of the body motion induced wake flow andits effects on the contaminant dispersion. Building and Environment, Vol.82,pp. 63-74.48. ChenYD, Niu JL, Liu XP, Gao NP (2013)Experimental and numerical investigations on stratified air distributionsystems with special configuration: thermal comfort and energy saving. Energyand Buildings, Vol.64, pp. 154-161.49. Li X P, Niu J L, Gao NP (2013) Co-occupant’s exposure toexhaled pollutants with two types of personalized ventilation strategies undermixing and displacement ventilation systems. Indoor Air, Vol.23, no. 2, pp. 162-171.50. ShenC, Gao NP, Wang TQ (2013) CFD studyon the transmission of indoor pollutants under personalized ventilation.Building and Environment, Vol. 63, pp.69-78.51. AnW, Zhu QZ, Zhu T, Gao NP (2013)Radiative properties of gold nanorod solutions and its temperature distributionunder laser irradiation: Experimental investigation. Experimental Thermal andFluid Science, Vol.44, pp. 409-418.52. Chen YD, Niu JL, Gao NP (2012) Stratified airdistribution systems in a large lecture theatre: a numerical method to optimizethermal comfort and maximize energy saving. Energy and Buildings, Vol.55, pp.515-525. 53. Li X P, Niu JL, Gao NP (2012) Co-occupant's exposure ofexpiratory droplets-Effects of mouth coverings. HVAC&R research, Vol.18,no.4, pp. 575-587.54. Gao NP,He QB (2012) Calculation of particle deposition velocity in the Lagrangianframe. Indoor and Built Environment, Vol 21, no. 2, pp. 348-350.55. AnW, Zhu T, Gao NP (2012) Accelerateiteration of least-squares finite element method for radiative heat transfer inparticipating media with diffusely reflecting walls. Journal of the HeatTransfer-Transactions of the ASME, Vol.134, no.4, pp. 044502 1-5.56. Gao NP,He QB, Niu JL (2012) Numerical study of the lock-up phenomenon of human exhaleddroplets under a displacement ventilated room. Building Simulation: AnInternational Journal, Vol.5, no.1, pp. 51-60.57. Gao NP,He QB, Niu JL, Zhu T, Wu JZ (2012) Using RANS turbulence models and Lagrangian approach topredict particle deposition in turbulent channel flows. Building and Environment, Vol.48, pp. 206-214.58. Li X P, Niu JL, Gao NP (2012) Characteristics ofphysical blocking on co-occupant’s exposure to respiratory droplet residuals.Journal of Central South University, Vol.19, no.3, pp. 645-650.59. Chen YD, Niu JL, Gao NP (2012) Thermal comfort models:A review and numerical investigation. Building and Environment, Vol.47,pp.13-22.60. Li XP, Niu JL, Gao NP (2011) Spatial distribution ofhuman respiratory droplet residuals and exposure risk for the co-occupant underdifferent ventilation methods. HVAC&R Research. Vol.17, no.4, pp.432-445.61. Niu JL, Tung CW, Gao NP (2011) Inter-flat airflow and airbornedisease transmission in high-rise residential buildings. Hong Kong MedicineJournal, Vol.18, no.1, pp. 1-3.62. He QB, Niu JL, Gao NP, Zhu T, Wu J Z (2011) CFD studyof exhaled droplet transmission between occupants under different ventilationstrategies in a typical office room. Building and Environment, Vol.46, no.2,pp. 397-402.63. Xu HT, Gao NP, Niu JL (2009) A Method to Generate Effective Cooling LoadFactors for Stratified Air Distribution Systems Using a Floor-Level Air Supply.HVAC&R Research, Vol.15, no.5, pp. 915-930.64. Gao NP,Niu JL, Perino M, Heiselberg P (2008) The airborne transmission of infectionbetween flats in high-rise residential buildings: Tracer gas simulation.Building and Environment, Vol. 43, no.11, pp. 1805-1817.65. Gao NP, Niu JL,Moraskwa L (2008) Distribution of Respiratory Droplets in Enclosed Environmentsunder Different Air Distribution Methods. Building Simulation, Vol.1, no.4, pp.326-335. 66. Gao NP,Niu JL, Perino M, Heiselberg P (2008) The airborne transmission of infectionbetween flats in high-rise residential buildings: particle simulation. Buildingand Environment, Vol.44, no. 2, pp. 402-410. 67. Gao NP,Niu JL (2008) Personalized ventilation for commercial aircraft cabins. Journalof Aircraft, Vol. 45, no.2, pp. 508-512.68. Gao NP,Niu JL, Zhang H (2007) Investigating indoor air quality and thermal comfortusing a numerical thermal manikin. Indoor and Built Environment, Vol.16, no. 1,pp. 7-17.69. Gao NP,and Niu JL (2007) Modeling particle dispersion and deposition in indoor environments.Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 41, no. 18, pp. 3862-3876.70. Gao NP, Niu JL,Zhang H (2006) Coupling CFD and human body thermoregulation model for theassessment of personalized ventilation. Journal of HVAC&R Research, Vol.12, no. 3, pp. 497-518.71. Gao NP,Niu JL (2005) CFD study of the thermal environment around a human body: areview. Indoor and Built Environment, Vol.14, no.1, pp. 5-16.72. Niu JL, Gao NP, Ma P, Zuo HG (2005) Experimental study on a chair-basedpersonalized ventilation system. Building and Environment, Vol. 42, no. 2, pp.913-925.73. Gao NP, Niu JL(2005) Transient CFD simulation of the respiration process and inter-personexposure assessment. Building and Environment, Vol.41, no. 9, pp. 1214-1222.74. Gao NP,Niu JL (2005) Modeling the performance of personalized ventilation underdifferent conditions of room air and personalized air. HVAC&R Research,Vol.11, no.4, pp. 587-602.75. Gao NP,Niu JL (2004) CFD study on micro-environment around human body and personalizedventilation. Building and Environment, Vol. 39, no. 7, pp.795-805. 科研获奖 1. 上海市水务海洋科学技术特等奖,20222. 华夏建设科学技术二等奖,20223. 中船集团科技进步一等奖或二等奖,20224. 同济大学教学成果二等奖,20215. Elsevier中国大陆地区BuiltEnvironment领域高被引学者6. 中国商业联合会科学技术三等奖,20207. 上海市科技进步二等奖,20188. 浙江省科学技术进步三等奖,2017 学生信息 当前位置:教师主页 > 学生信息 入学日期 所学专业 学号 学位 招生信息 当前位置:教师主页 > 招生信息 招生学院 招生专业 研究方向 招生人数 推免人数 考试方式 招生类别 招生年份