姓名 | 左曙光 | 性别 | 邮箱 : sgzuo@tongji.edu.cn |
学校 | 同济大学 | 部门 | 汽车学院 |
学位 | 发明专利包写包过 特惠申请 | 学历 | 工作电话 : - |
职称 | 软件著作权666包写包过 | 联系方式 | 【发送到邮箱】 |
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个人简介 Personal Profile 1996年7月获吉林大学工学博士学位。1996年~1998年在南京航空航天大学航空与宇航技术博士后流动站做博士后研究;1997年~1998年在春兰制冷设备有限公司博士后工作站工作,2012年半年密西根大学高级访问学者。历任上海铁道大学副教授,同济大学副教授、教授、博士生导师。兼任美国汽车工程师学会高级会员。获上海市第十一届“曙光学者”奖、获上海市教学成果一等奖一项。2010年入选同济大学攀登高层次人才计划,2011年同济大学首届十佳“我心目中的好导师”, 2015-2016年同济大学师德师风优秀教师, 2017年 “立德树人”优秀教师奖。现在汽车学院新能源汽车工程中心工作。长期从事汽车振动与噪声控制、汽车系统动力学等方面的研究。 主讲本科生课程有“汽车理论”、“汽车设计“、“机械振动分析”等,主讲研究生课程有 “模态理论与试验”、“多体系统动力学”、“工程信号分析与处理”等。已培养硕士研究生一百二十余名、博士研究生二十余名、指导博士后三名。学术兼职和其他荣誉:1、美国汽车工程师学会会员(SAE International会员);2、国家科技进步奖励评审专家库专家;3、国家“863计划”专家库专家;4、国家自然科学基金同行评议专家;5、上海市科学技术委员会科技项目评审专家;6、上海市高新技术成果转化项目评审专家 ;7、IEEE TRANSACTION ON industrial electronics, IEEETransactions on Energy Conversion, IET Electric Power Applications, Journal ofSound and Vibration等国际多家学术期刊的审稿专;8、第三届中国机械工业教育协会车辆工程学科教学委员会委员;9、《振动与噪声控制》第六届编委。 研究方向Research Directions 新能源汽车振动与噪声控制,汽车系统动力学与控制,车用电机的振动与噪声 2. 机电结构优化与控制 研究内容:在对机电结构进行分析和优化的基础上,运用控制理论进行结构参数的调整,使结构性能满足设计要求。1. 仿生结构材料拓扑优化设计, 仿生机械设计 研究内容:以仿生结构为研究对象,运用连续体结构拓扑优化设计理论和方法,对多相仿生结构(机构)材料进行2. 机电结构优化与控制 研究内容:在对机电结构进行分析和优化的基础上,运用控制理论进行结构参数的调整,使结构性能满足设计要求。1. 仿生结构材料拓扑优化设计, 仿生机械设计 研究内容:以仿生结构为研究对象,运用连续体结构拓扑优化设计理论和方法,对多相仿生结构(机构)材料进行整体布局设计。 整体布局设计。 团队展示 项目情况 科研项目 主持或参与完成国家及产学研等科研项目四十余项,其中主持国家重大仪器开发专项一项、国家自然科学基7项,承担国家973计划子项一项,国家863计划子项目二项,现正在主持或作为主要研究人员参与国家科技部以及上海科委、教委等资助的重大课题或人才支持项目近二十项;上海大型汽车企业及跨国企业等合作的横向项目近二十项。代表性项目有:1、 燃料电池汽车动力系统动态性能综合测试仪器开发及应用 国家重大仪器专项 总负责人2、开关磁阻电机直驱式燃料电池车用离心压缩机系统的声振机理研究及控制 国家自然科学基金 负责人3、 分布式驱动电动汽车电动轮悬架系统高频振动特性研究 国家自然科学基金 负责人4、 燃料电池汽车空辅系统噪声源理论分析与控制方法研究 国家自然科学基金 负责人5、 汽车轮胎多边形磨损的自激振动与控制方法研究 国家自然科学基金 负责人6、 高速行驶的汽车轮胎周向多边形磨损机理研究及预测 国家自然科学基金 负责人7、 基于声子晶体带隙特征的电动车悬置总成多频带减振方法研究 国家自然科学基金 参加人8、 分布式驱动电动汽车复杂耦合动力学系统特性与建模 "973计划"子项 负责人9、 燃料电池轿车声振特性实验研究及理论分析 “863项目”子项 负责人10、燃料电池轿车车身振动与噪声分析 “863项目”子项 负责人11、燃料电池汽车空辅系统噪声源的关键问题研究 教育部博士点基金 负责人12、燃料电池轿车减振降噪控制技术研究 上海市曙光计划项目 负责人13、燃料电池汽车噪声级控制研究 汉高投资限公司 负责人14、汽车轻量化知识库建立和后桥轻量化技术研究 上海汽车工程研究院 负责人15、压缩机用永磁同步电机电磁噪声分析诊断及仿真平台建设 美芝制冷设备有限公司 负责人16、车用爪极发电机振动噪声分析平台建设 法雷奥汽车电器公司 负责人17、MF515变速器NVH解决方案 青山变速器有限公司 负责人18、电池及其电池包的结构分析及优化 苏州安靠电源有限公司 负责人19、电传动自卸车系统匹配及整车性能分析平台建设 广州电力机车有限公司 负责人20、三缸发动机主动悬置及控制策略研究 上海汽车工业基金 负责人21、解耦式液压悬置数学建模及仿真工具开发 泛亚汽车技术中心有限公司 负责人22、燃料电池系统及整车降噪技术及应用 大同氢雄云鼎氢能科技有限公司 负责人 研究成果 出版专著一部《车用同步电机噪声与振动》,由机械工业出版社出版;与美国Fairfield大学的Dr. Rao V. Dukkipati教授及福特汽车公司的专家合著教材《Road Vehicle Dynamics》及辅助教材《Road Vehicle Dynamics: Problems and Solutions Workbook》两部,已由美国SAE出版社出版发售。在国内外高水平学术期刊和国际会议上发表学术论文300余篇、其中SCI/EI检索论文240余篇,已授权的软件著作权登记26项,已授权的发明专利30余项。代表性论文有:2022年论文及成果:[1]吴志鹏,左曙光*,胡潇睿,胡胜龙,陈思越,刘畅 Modeling and analysis ofelectromagnetic force in interior permanent magnet synchronous motor used forelectric vehicles PROCEEDINGS OF THEINSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART C-JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERINGSCIENCE 236,13,7560-7575 SCI. [2]吴志鹏,左曙光*,黄志勇,胡潇睿,陈思越,刘畅 Modelling, Calculation andAnalysis of Electromagnetic Force and Vibroacoustic Behavior of Integer-SlotPermanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Considering Current Harmonics JOURNAL OF VIBRATION ENGINEERING &TECHNOLOGIES 10,3,1135-1152 SCI. [3]吴志鹏,左曙光*,胡胜龙,胡潇睿,陈思越,刘畅 Electromagnetic torqueprediction and harmonic reduction of interior permanent magnet synchronousmotor for electric vehicles using an analytical method PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PARTD-JOURNAL OF AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING 236,10-11,2318-2330 SCI. [4]殷斌 左曙光* 许玉林陈胜鹏 Performance ofliquid cooling battery thermal management system in vibration environment Journal of Energy Storage 2022, 53, 105232 SCI. [5]刘畅,左曙光*,胡胜龙,屈盛寒,吴志鹏 Quasi-3-D NonlinearAnalytical Modeling of Magnetic Field in Axial-Flux Switched Reluctance Motors IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 58、3、1-12 SCI. [6]左曙光*,陈胜鹏,殷斌 Performanceanalysis and improvement of lithium-ion battery thermal management system usingmini-channel cold plate under vibration environment International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 2022, 193: 122956. SCI. [7]左曙光*,黄志勇 Analytical model of electromagnetic torque ofsurface PM motors considering current harmonicsin electric vehicles "Proceedings of the Institution ofMechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering" SEP 2022(在线发表)、1-13 SCI. [8]吴志鹏,左曙光*,陈思越 Accurate Modeling of PMSMConsidering Orthotropic Material Parameters of Stator System for VibroacousticPrediction SAE Technical Papers 2022,1-11 EI国际会议. [9]刘畅,左曙光*,胡潇睿,陈思越,吴志鹏Analytical Modeling of Open-circuit Magnetic Field in Permanent Magnet Assisted Synchrynous Reluctance Motors Considering Iron Bridge Saturation Effects SAE Technical Papers 2022、1-10 EI国际会议. [10]黄志勇,左曙光* Separation of AverageTorque and Torque Ripple in PMSMs Considering Saturation, Cross-Coupling andFlux Harmonics Using Frozen Permeability Method SAETechnical Papers 2022,1-12 EI国际会议. [11]陈思越,左曙光*,吴志鹏,刘畅 Comprehensivevibro-acoustic characteristics and mathematical modeling of electric high-speedcentrifugal compressor surge for fuel cell vehicles at various compressorspeeds MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNALPROCESSING 178(109311) SCI. [12]陈思越,左曙光*,吴志鹏,刘畅 "Dynamic Modeling of FuelCell Air Management System and Influence Analysis of Motor Torque Ripple" SAE Technical Papers 2022-01-0695 EI国际会议. [13]左曙光,刘盼学,吴旭东*,张旗,孔艺,周大为 Study on broad flexuralwave bandgaps of piezoelectric phononic crystal plates for the vibration andnoise attenuation Thin-Walled Structures 178(109481) SCI.[14]刘盼学,左曙光,吴旭东*,陈思越,孔艺 Acoustic attenuation characteristics of themuffler phononic crystal with hybrid resonators InternationalJournal of Mechanical Sciences 234:15(107677) SCI. [15]Deng, Wenzhe; 左曙光 Analysis of the SidebandElectromagnetic Noise in Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors Generated by RotorPosition Error IEEE TRANSACTIONS ONINDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS 44682 SCI. [16]Fu, Luyao; 左曙光; Zhou, Dawei Analysis onIrreversible Demagnetization Condition of Linear Oscillatory Actuator withMoving Magnets SAE 2022 Annual WorldCongress Experience, WCX 2022 April 5,2022 - April 7, 2022 EI国际会议. [17]Deng, Wenzhe; 左曙光; Chen, Wei; Qian,Zhe; Qian, Cheng等6名作者 Comparison of Eccentricity Impact onElectromagnetic Forces in Internal- and External-Rotor Permanent MagnetSynchronous Motors IEEE TRANSACTIONSON TRANSPORTATION ELECTRIFICATION Mar-22 SCI. [18]Wu, Zhipeng[1]; 左曙光[1]; Huang, Zhiyong[1]; Hu, Xiaorui[1]; Chen,Siyue[1]; Liu, Chang[1]; Zhuang, Haijun[1]; Effect of Hall Errors on Electromagnetic Vibration and Noise ofInteger-slot Inset Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON TRANSPORTATION ELECTRIFICATION 2022 SCI.[19]Zhuang, Haijun; 左曙光*; 马志勋;Yu, Qiang; Wu, Zhipeng等6名作者 Magnetic Analysis of Skew Effect inSurface-Mounted Permanent Magnet Machines with Skewed Slots IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 2022 SCI.[20]Nan Zequn; Behrendt Matthias; Bause Katharina; Albers Albert; WeiXuezhe; Ma Tiancai; Lin Weikang; 左曙光 Method to investigate the short-termeffects of vibration on the output performance of the proton exchange membranefuel cell in fuel cell vehicles ENERGYCONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT 2022 SCI. [21]左曙光1]; Pan,Jian[1]; 吴旭东1]; Feng, Zhaoyang[ Parameter optimization of electricvibration table to suppress low frequency transverse vibration Zhendong yu Chongji 2022 EI.2021年论文及成果:[1]左曙光*,胡潇睿,李多强,毛钰,吴志鹏,熊云* Analysis and Suppression ofLongitudinal Vibration of Electric Wheel System Considering Rotor PositionError IEEE Transactions onTransportation Electrification 7(2):671-682 SCI. [2]吴志鹏,左曙光*,胡胜龙,胡潇睿,陈思越,刘畅 Electromagnetic torque prediction and harmonic reduction ofinterior permanent magnet synchronous motor for electric vehicles using ananalytical method Proceedings of TheInstitution of Mechanical Engineers Part D-Journal of Automobile Engineering SCI.[3]吴志鹏,左曙光*,胡潇睿,胡胜龙,陈思越,刘畅 Modeling and analysis of electromagneticforce in interior permanent magnet synchronous motor used for electric vehicles Proceedings of The Institution ofMechanical Engineers Part C-Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science SCI. [4]刘畅,左曙光*,胡胜龙,屈盛寒,吴志鹏 Quasi-3-d nonlinearanalytical modeling of magnetic field in axial-flux switched reluctance motors IEEE Transactions on Magnetics SCI. [5]胡潇睿,左曙光*,李凡 Multi-physicsModeling of Electromagnetically Excited Acoustic Noise of Induction Motor SAE WCX Digital Summit 2021 2021-01-0772 EI. [6]吴志鹏,左曙光*,陈思越 Analytical Modeling andCalculation of Electromagnetic Torque of Interior Permanent Magnet SynchronousMotor Considering Ripple Characteristics SAEInternational Journal of Advances and Current Practices in Mobility 3(4): 2088-2099 EI. [7]左曙光*, 李凡, 胡潇睿 考虑变频器供电影响的异步电机电磁噪声特性分析 机电一体化 (4): 12-21 [8]左曙光,殷斌,许玉林,吴旭东*,李祎明,王杰 A simplified method of softconnected battery module for finite element method model of battery pack INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENERGY RESEARCH 45,7,10546-10561 SCI. [9]陈思越,左曙光*,韦开君 Experimental and numerical investigationson the acoustic characteristics and unsteady behaviors of a centrifugalcompressor for fuel cell vehicles PROCEEDINGSOF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART C-JOURNAL OF MECHANICALENGINEERING SCIENCE 235,8,1344-1356 SCI. [10]陈思越,左曙光*,韦开君 Numerical Investigation ofthe Centrifugal Compressor Stability Improvement by Half Vaned Low SolidityDiffusers JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCE 30,2,696-706 SCI.2020年论文及成果:[1] 刘盼学,左曙光,吴旭东*A method for determining the minimum period number in finitelocally resonant phononic crystal beams Journal of Vibration and Control 2020.9-10(26),801-813 2020 SCI. [2]左曙光*,刘盼学,吴旭东,孙铃洲,张旗, Optimization of the Finite Hybrid Piezoelectric Phononic CrystalBeam for the Low-Frequency Vibration Attenuation,SAETechnical Paper 2020-April 2020 EI. [3]刘盼学,左曙光,吴旭东*,孙铃洲,张旗. Study on the vibration attenuation property of one finite andhybrid piezoelectric phononic crystal beam, European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 2020(8) 2020 SCI. [4] 吴旭东*,李祎明,左曙光* The study of a locally resonantbeam with aperiodic mass distribution APPLIED ACOUSTICS 2020(165) 2020 SCI. [5]左曙光,潘健,吴旭东*,冯朝阳. 考虑动圈偏心的电动振动台等效电磁力计算方法西安交通大学学报 54、8、132-1392020 EI. [6] 左曙光,冯朝阳,潘健,吴旭东*. Electromechanicalcoupling dynamic modeling and analysis of vertical electrodynamic shakerconsidering low frequency lateral vibration ADVANCES IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING2020,10(12) 2020 SCI. [7] 胡胜龙,左曙光*,刘明田 Modeling and analysis of radial electromagnetic force andvibroacoustic behaviour in switched reluctance motors MECHANICAL SYSTEMS ANDSIGNAL PROCESSING 142卷 2020 SCI. [8] 左曙光*,刘泽旭,胡胜龙 Influence of Rotor Eccentricity onRadial Electromagnetic Force Characteristic in Switched Reluctance Motors andCompensation ELECTRIC POWER COMPONENTS AND SYSTEMS 48(4-5): 388-398 2020 SCI. [9]左曙光*,刘泽旭,胡胜龙 Vibrationreduction of switched reluctance motor under static eccentricity with optimizedcurrent harmonic IET ELECTRIC POWER APPLICATIONS 14(8): 1480-1487 2020 SCI. [10]左曙光*,刘明田,胡胜龙Torque ripplereduction of switched reluctance motor by optimising switch angle based onanalytical modelling IET ELECTRIC POWER APPLICATIONS 14(8): 1488-1495 2020 SCI.[11] 吴志鹏,左曙光*,胡胜龙,胡潇睿Analytical modelling of air-gap magnetic field of interior permanent magnetsynchronous motors IET ELECTRIC POWER APPLICATIONS 14,11,2101-2110 2020 SCI. [12]左曙光*,胡潇睿,张耀丹,吴双龙 Rotor ShapeOptimization of Claw-Pole Alternator to Reduce Acoustic Noise Caused byElectromagnetic Forces IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENERGY CONVERSION 34,4,2118-2125 2019 SCI. [13] 周大为,左曙光*,王珺,胡坤,吴旭东 固定解耦式液压悬置集总参数建模及模型修正 振动与冲击 2020,39(5): 32-44 2020 EI. [14] 左曙光*,周大为,胡坤 Nonlinear modeling and verification of an electromagnetic actuatorwith consideration of friction PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICALENGINEERS PART D-JOURNAL OF AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING 2020,234(6):1759-1769 2020 SCI. [15] 陈思越,左曙光*,韦开君 Experimental and Numerical Investigations on the AcousticCharacteristics and Unsteady Behaviors of a Centrifugal Compressor for FuelCell Vehicles PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PARTC-JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE 2020 SCI. [16] 周大为, 左曙光*, 吴旭东, 王珺考虑变刚度解耦膜的液压悬置动特性快速预测模型 华南理工大学学报(自然科学版) 2020, 48(6): 8-15 2020EI.2019年论文及成果:[1] 胡胜龙,左曙光*,武昊,刘明田. An Analytical Method for Calculating the Natural Frequencies of a Motor Considering Orthotropic Material Parameters. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS . 66、10、7520-7528 2019 SCI一区[2] 邓文哲,左曙光*. Comparative Study of Sideband Electromagnetic Force in Internal and External Rotor PMSMs With SVPWM Technique. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS. 66、2、956-966 2019 SCI一区[3] 邓文哲,左曙光*. Electromagnetic Vibration and Noise of the Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motors for Electric Vehicles: An Overview. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON TRANSPORTATION ELECTRIFICATION. 5、1、59-70 2019 SCI一区[4] 邓文哲,左曙光* .Noise reduction of axial-flux motors by combining various pole-arc coefficients and circumferential shifting of permanent magnets: analytical approach . IET ELECTRIC POWER APPLICATIONS. 13、7、951-957 2019 SCI [5] 胡胜龙,左曙光*,刘明田,武昊. Method for acquisition of equivalent material parameters considering orthotropy of stator core and windings in SRM . IET ELECTRIC POWER APPLICATIONS. 13、4、580-586 2019 SCI[6] 左曙光*,李多强,毛钰,邓文哲. Longitudinal vibration analysis and suppression of electric wheel system driven by in-wheel motor considering unbalanced magnetic pull. PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART D-JOURNAL OF AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING. 233、11、2729-2745 2019 SCI[7] 左曙光,谢朝锋,吴旭东*,李悦姣,韦开君. Numerical simulation and optimization of aerodynamic noise for claw pole alternator. PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART C-JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE. 233、3、857-879 2019 SCI[8] 刘洋,左曙光*,邓文哲. 含辅助槽轴向永磁电机的电磁力波分析及抑制. 西安交通大学学报. 53、1、77-85 2019 EI[9] 左曙光*,黄荣奎,冯朝阳,吴承喜. 考虑非线性电磁分布力的虚拟电动振动系统建模 . 振动与冲击 38、2、152-158 2019 EI[10] 左曙光,王珺,周大为,阎礁,安一领,吴旭东*. 考虑连杆惯性参数的三缸发动机激励建模与分析. 振动与冲击 .38、2、247-252 2019 EI[11] 左曙光*,刘明田,胡胜龙. 考虑铁芯磁饱和的开关磁阻电机电感及转矩解析建模. 西安交通大学学报. 53、7、118-125,143 2019 EI[12] 周大为,左曙光*,刘敬芳,吴旭东. 燃料电池车用可调频微穿孔消声器试验研究. 汽车工程. 41、1、80-85 2019 EI[13] 左曙光*,黄荣奎,冯朝阳,胡坤. 考虑驱动线圈位移变化的电动振动台非线性电磁力建模与分析. 电工技术学报. 34、21、4441-4448 2019 EI[14] 周大为,左曙光*,吴旭东. A Lumped Parameter Model Concerning the Amplitude-Dependent Characteristics for the Hydraulic Engine Mount with a Suspended Decoupler. SAE Technical Papers. 2019、4 2019 EI[15] 冯朝阳,左曙光*,毛钰. Influence Mechanism of Electromechanical Parameters on Transient Vibration of Electric Wheel System. SAE Technical Papers. 2019、4 2019 EI[16] 吴旭东,孙铃洲,左曙光*,刘盼学,黄海东. Vibration reduction of car body based on 2D dual-base locally resonant phononic crystal. APPLIED ACOUSTICS .151、1-9 2019 SCI[17] 吴旭东*,张茗海,左曙光,黄海东,武昊 .An investigation on interior noise reduction using 2D locally resonant phononic crystal with point defect on car ceiling. Journal of Vibration and Control .25、2、386-396 2019 SCI[18] 吴旭东,孙铃洲,左曙光*,刘盼学,张茗海. Transfer Path Analysis and Low-Frequency Vibration Reduction by Locally Resonant Phononic Crystal . SAE Technical Papers. 2019、4 2019 EI[19] 吴旭东,张茗海,左曙光*,黄海东. 二自由度振子型的二维LR声子晶体弯曲振动带隙研究. 振动与冲击 .38、2、164-171 2019 EI2018年论文及成果:[1] 邓文哲,*左曙光. Analytical Modeling of the Electromagnetic Vibration and Noise for an External-Rotor Axial-Flux in-Wheel Motor . IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 65(3):1991-2000 2018 SCI SCI一区[2] 邓文哲,*左曙光 .Axial Force and Vibroacoustic Analysis of External-Rotor Axial-Flux Motors .IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 65(3):2018-2030 2018 SCI SCI一区[3] 林福,*左曙光,邓文哲,吴双龙. Modeling and Analysis of Acoustic Noise in External Rotor In-Wheel Motor Considering Doppler Effect . IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 65(6):4524-4533 2018 SCI SCI一区[4] 吴双龙,*左曙光,张耀丹. Optimization for Electromagnetic Noise Reduction in Claw Pole Alternator by Rotor Claw Chamfering . IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 65(12):9325-9335 2018 SCI SCI一区[5] 毛钰,*左曙光,曹佳楠 .Effects of Rotor Position Error on Longitudinal Vibration of Electric Wheel System in In-wheel PMSM Driven Vehicle. IEEE-ASME TRANSACTIONS ON MECHATRONICS 23(3):1314-1325 2018 SCI SCI二区[6]左曙光,黄海东,*吴旭东,张茗海,倪天心. Low-frequency band gap of locally resonant phononic crystals with a dual-base plate . JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA 143(3):1326-1332 2018 SCI [7] 吴双龙,*左曙光. Characteristics analysis of electromagnetic force and noise of claw pole alternators with different pole and slot combinations and phase number. IET Electric Power application 12(9):1357-1364 2018 SCI [8] 林福,*左曙光,邓文哲. Impact of rotor eccentricity on electromagnetic vibration and noise of permanent magnet synchronous motor. Journal of Vibroengineering 20(2):923-935 2018 SCI [9] 林福,*左曙光,邓文哲,吴双龙 . Reduction of vibration and acoustic noise in permanent magnet synchronous motor by optimizing magnetic forces. JOURNAL OF SOUND AND VIBRATION 429:193-205 2018 SCI [10] 林福,*左曙光 . Influence of rotor eccentricity on electromagnetic vibration and noise in permanent-magnet synchronous motor with different slot-pole . Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics 29(1) 2016 EI会议[11] 邓文哲,*左曙光,林福,吴双龙. Investigation of vibration and noise characteristics in axial flux permanent magnet synchronous motor with different magnet shapes . Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics 29(1) 2016 EI会议[12] 毛钰,*左曙光,林福,曹佳楠,郑玉平 . 基于弹性连接结构的电动轮纵向振动特性 . 吉林大学学报(工学版) 48(1):74:82 2018 EI[13] *左曙光,李多强,毛钰,*吴旭东. 轮毂电机驱动电动车的纵向动力学分析及参数优化 . 华南理工大学学报(工学版) 66(2):65-72 2018 EI[14] *左曙光,李多强,毛钰,邓文哲,*吴旭东. 考虑机电耦合的电动轮系统纵向振动特性建模及验证 . 农业工程学报 33(22):61-68 2018 EI[15] 吴双龙,*左曙光,钟鸿敏,张耀丹,孙罕. 车用爪极发电机转子极爪倒角对电磁振动的影响研究 . 电动技术学报 33(1):48-54 2018 EI[16] 吴双龙,*左曙光,邓文哲,钟鸿敏,孙罕. 基于试验的车用爪极发电机噪声源识别与分析 . 振动、测试与诊断 38(2):292-298 2018 EI[17] *左曙光,张耀丹,钟鸿敏,吴双龙. 爪极发电机转子结构对电磁力谐波和振动噪声的影响分析 . 西安交通大学学报 52(3):111-118 2018 EI[18] *左曙光,刘洋,邓文哲. 轴向磁通轮毂电机电磁力波灵敏度分析和优化 . 电动技术学报 33(11):2423-2430 2018 EI2017年论文及成果:[1] Wu SL; Zuo SG; Wu XD; Lin F; Zhong HM; Zhang YD. Vibroacoustic Prediction and Mechanism Analysis of Claw Pole Alternators [J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. Jun. 2017, Volume: 64, Issue: 6, Pages: 4463-4473. 【一区论文SCI. 影响因子:7.168】[2] Lin F; Zuo SG; Deng WZ; Wu SL. Modeling and Analysis of Acoustic Noise in External Rotor In-wheel Motor Considering Doppler Effect. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronic.【一区论文SCI. 影响因子:7.168】[3] Deng WZ, Zuo SG. Axial Force and Vibroacoustic Analysis of External Rotor Axial Flux Motors [J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 【一区论文SCI. 影响因子:7.168】[4] Deng WZ, Zuo SG. Analytical Modeling of the Electromagnetic Vibration and Noise for an External Rotor Axial Flux in-Wheel Motor [J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 【一区论文SCI. 影响因子:7.168】[5] Lin F; Zuo SG; Deng WZ; Wu SL. Noise Prediction and Sound Quality Analysis of Variable-Speed Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor [J]. IEEE Transactions On Energy Conversion. Jun. 2017, Volume: 32, Issue: 2, Pages: 698-706. 【二区论文SCI. 影响因子:3.808】[6] Mao, Y ; Zuo, SG; Wu, XD; Duan, XL. High frequency vibration characteristics of electric wheel system under in-wheel motor torque ripple. JOURNAL OF SOUND AND VIBRATION. JUL 21 2017,Volume: 400 Pages: 442-456. 【二区论文SCI. 影响因子:2.955】[7] Shuguang Zuo; Tianxin Ni; Xudong Wu. Studies of Band Gaps in Flexural Vibrations of a Locally Resonant Beam with Novel Multi-oscillator Configuration Attached [J]. Journal of Vibration and Control. 2017, 23 (10): 1663-1674. doi: 10.1177/1077546315598032 【二区SCI检索, 影响因子: 2.101】[8] Xudong Wu; Shuguang Zuo; Tianxin Ni; Bifurcation and factors influence analysis on self-excited vibration of tire tread [J]. Journal of Vibration and Control. 2017, 23 (6): 930-947. 【二区SCI检索, 影响因子: 2.101】[9] Deng WZ, Zuo SG, Lin F, Wu SL. Influence of Pole and Slot Combinations on Vibration and Noise in External Rotor Axial Flux In-Wheel Motors. IET Electric Power Applications. APR 2017, Volume: 11 Issue: 4 Pages: 586-594. 【三区论文SCI. 影响因子:1.865】[10] Wu SL; Zuo SG; Wu XD; Deng WZ; Zhong HM; Zhang YD. Numerical Prediction and Analysis of Electromagnetic Vibration and Noise of Claw Pole Alternator [C]//Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics. Jan. 2017, Volume: 26, Issue: 1 Pages: 1-12. 【顶级会议,EI检索】[11] Lin F; Zuo SG. Influence of Rotor Eccentricity on Electromagnetic Vibration and Noise in Permanentmagnet Synchronous Motor with Different Slot-Pole Combinations [C]//Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics. Volume: 29, Issue: 1. 【顶级会议,EI检索】[12] Deng WZ, Zuo SG, Lin F, Wu SL. Investigation of Vibration and Noise Characteristics in Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor with Different Magnet Shapes [C]//Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics. Volume: 29, Issue: 1.【顶级会议,EI检索】[13] Shuguang Zuo; Tianxin Ni; Xudong Wu; Xianwu Yang; Yong Li. STUDY ON THE MECHANISM AND CONDITIONS OF POLYGONAL WEAR OF VEHICLE TIRE [C]// APAC19 (2017): APAC-CIT-073.【国际会议,EI源】[14] MAO Yu, ZUO Shuguang, WU Xudong, Longitudinal Vibration Analysis of Electric Wheel System in Starting Condition[J] SAE International Journal of vehicle dynamics stability and NVH, 2017, 1(2): 156-164.【国际会议,EI源】[15] 毛钰, 左曙光, 林福, 转矩波动下电动轮系统机电耦合振动特性[J]. 吉林大学学报(工学版),2017,47(3): 908-915.【EI检索】[16] 左曙光, 黄海东, 吴旭东, 等. 基于声子晶体及其缺陷态特性的车内降噪方法[J]. 汽车工程, 2017, 39(5): 569-574.【EI检索】[17] 林福,左曙光,毛钰,吴双龙,邓文哲. 考虑电流谐波的永磁同步电机电磁振动和噪声半解析模型[J]. 电工技术学报. 2017, 32(9): 24-31.【EI期刊论文】[18] 左曙光,刘晓璇,于明湖,吴旭东,张国辉. 永磁同步电机电磁振动数值预测与分析[J]. 电工技术学报. 2017, 32(1): 159-167.【EI期刊论文】[19] 钟鸿敏,左曙光,吴旭东,吴双龙,孙罕. 电励磁爪极发电机气隙磁场与径向电磁力的解析计算模型[J]. 电工技术学报. 2017, 32(7): 49-58.【EI期刊论文】[20] 邓文哲, 左曙光, 林福, 等. 偏心条件下轴向磁通轮毂电机不平衡弯矩建模与分析[J]. 电工技术学报, 2017, 32(13):153-161. 【EI期刊论文】[21] 邓文哲, 左曙光, 孙罕, 等. 考虑定子铁芯和绕组各向异性的爪极发电机模态分析[J]. 振动与冲击, 2017, 36(12):43-49. 【EI期刊论文】[22] 左曙光, 张耀丹, 阎礁, 张国辉, 林福, 吴双龙. 考虑定子各向异性的永磁同步电机振动噪声优化[J]. 西安交通大学学报, 2017, 51(5): 60-68. 【EI期刊检索】[23] 吴双龙, 左曙光, 钟鸿敏, 张耀丹,孙罕. 车用爪极发电机转子极爪倒角对电磁振动的影响研究[J]. 电工技术学报.【EI期刊论文】[24] 左曙光, 李多强, 毛钰, 邓文哲, 吴旭东. 考虑机电耦合的电动轮系统纵向振动特性建模及验证[J]. 农业工程学报, 2017, 33(22): 61-68.【EI刊源】[25] 毛钰, 左曙光, 林福, 曹佳楠, 郑玉平. 基于弹性连接结构的电动轮纵向振动特性分析[J/OL]. 吉林大学学报(工学版):1-9. (2017-04-17). http://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/22.1341.T.20170417.1629.028.html【EI刊源,在线发表】[26] 左曙光, 张耀丹, 刘晓璇, 吴双龙, 钟鸿敏. 转子偏心对永磁同步电机振动噪声的影响分析[J]. 机电一体化, 2017, 23(6): 38-45.【A类核心期刊】发明专利受理和公开情况正在公开阶段的发明专利2项[1] 左曙光, 冯朝阳, 章桐, 赵治国, 吴承喜, 毛钰. 一种模拟实际驾驶工况的车载燃料电池振动试验系统.【公开号CN106596008A】[2] 左曙光, 冯朝阳, 高海宇, 章桐, 赵治国, 陈觉晓. 一种用于燃料电池汽车动力综合测试仪器的主控系统.【公开号CN106909084A】2016年论文及成果:[1] Fu Lin; Shuguang Zuo; Wenzhe Deng; Shuanglong Wu. Modeling and analysis of electromagnetic force, vibration and noise in permanent magnet synchronous motor considering current harmonics. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 2016, 63 (12): 7455-7466. 【SCI刊源】[2] Fu Lin; Shuguang Zuo; Xudong Wu. Electromagnetic vibration and noise analysis of permanent magnet synchronous motor with different slot pole combinations. IET Electric Power Applications. 2016, 10 (9): 900-908. 【SCI刊源】[3] Shuanglong Wu, Shuguang Zuo, Xudong Wu, Fu Lin, Jian Shen. Magnet Modification to Reduce Pulsating Torque for Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines. Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal. 2016, 31 (3): 294-303. 【SCI:000377293300011 / EI:20162102418591】[4] Zuo, SG; Wei, KJ; Wu, XD. Multiobjective Optimization of a Multi-chamber Perforated Muffler Using an Approximate Model and Genetic Algorithm. International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration. 2016, 21 (2): 152-163. 【SCI:000378851800004】[5] Longyang Xiang, Shuguang Zuo, Xudong Wu, Jun Zhang, Jingfang Liu. Acoustic behaviour analysis and optimal design of multi-chamber reactive muffler. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering. DOI: 10.1177/0954407016630112【SCI刊源】[6] Shuanglong Wu, Shuguang Zuo, Xudong Wu, Wenzhe Deng, Hongmin Zhong and Yaodan Zhang Numerical prediction and analysis of electromagnetic vibration and noise of claw pole alternator. 171st Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America. DOI: 10.1121/2.0000208 【国际顶级会议】[7] 左曙光; 毛钰; 吴旭东; 段向雷. 基于柔性环轮胎模型的电动轮固有特性分析. 振动与冲击. 2016, 35 (3): 41-47. 【EI:20161302173837】[8] 左曙光; 毛钰; 吴旭东; 蒋维旭; 韦锡晋. 磁流变减振器高频硬化特性建模及优化. 振动与冲击. 2016, 35 (10): 120-125+150. 【EI:20162302468465】[9] 左曙光; 韦开君; 吴旭东; 聂玉洁; 许思传. 采用Kriging模型的离心压缩机叶轮多目标参数优化. 农业工程学报. 2016, 32 (2): 77-83. 【EI:20160701941203】[10] 左曙光; 刘敬芳; 吴旭东; 相龙洋; 张珺. 车用离心风机转子系统振动特性分析. 农业工程学报. 2016, 32 (4): 84-90. 【EI:20161102109609】[11] 左曙光; 孙晓华; 吴旭东; 李凯; 冯朝阳; 倪天心. 考虑电动轮转矩波动的汽车悬架液压衬套设计. 农业工程学报. 2016, 47 (7): 354-360. 【EI刊源】[12] 林 福; 左曙光; 吴旭东; 吴双龙;毛 钰.基于阶次分析的永磁同步电机噪声源识别. 农业工程学报. 2016, 32 (17): 69-76. 【EI:20163502759519】[13] 左曙光; 刘敬芳; 吴旭东; 相龙洋; 张珺. 考虑抗性消声器结构参数的传递损失预估模型. 农业工程学报, 2016, 32(19): 95-99. 【EI检索:20163902855589】[14] 左曙光; 吴双龙; 吴旭东; 林福; 邓文哲. 电励磁爪极发电机气隙磁场解析计算模型. 浙江大学学报(工学版). 2016, 50 (6). (EI刊源,在线发表)[15] Shuguang Zuo, Kaijun Wei, Xudong Wu. Numerical study on the unsteady behavior of a centrifugal compressor for the fuel-cell vehicle. Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics. 2014, 21: Article Num: 040008; http://dx.doi.org/10.1121/2.0000032 【EI检索: 20163802821445, 2016新检索文章】发明专利受理和公开情况[1] 一种可调式电动轮悬架系统振动噪声测试台. 左曙光, 段向雷, 吴旭东. 2013/4/22, 2013101255840; 2013/8/7, CN103234766A【公开】[4] 一种穿孔段长度可变的可调频微穿孔管消声器. 左曙光, 相龙洋, 龙国, 张孟浩, 胡佳杰, 韦开君. 2013/9/30, 201310461444.0; 2014/1/8, CN103486394A【公开】[5] 一种内置扭转减振的电动轮轻量化结构. 左曙光, 毛钰, 林福, 邓文哲, 吴双龙, 冯朝阳. 2016/5/11, 201610308846.0; 2016/9/28, CN105966228A【公开】[6] 一种永磁同步电机偏心诊断方法. 左曙光, 邓文哲, 林福, 刘晓璇, 吴双龙, 毛钰. 2016/3/30, 201610191963.3; 2016/6/22, CN105698740A【公开】2015~2010年的主要论文及成果:[1]Noise Analysis, Calculation, and Reduction of External Rotor Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motor.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS Volume: 62 Issue: 10 Pages: 6204-6212 DOI: 10.1109/TIE.2015.2426135 Published: OCT 2015 .【SCI收录,影响因子:6.498】[2]Design and analysis of novel magnetic flux-modulated mnemonic machines, IET ELECTRIC POWER APPLICATIONS, Volume: 9 Issue: 7 Pages: 469-477 DOI: 10.1049/iet-epa.2014.0388 Published: AUG 2015.【SCI收录】[3]Black-box Method of Identification and Diagnosis of Abnormal Noise Sources of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines for Electric Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 2014, 61(10): 5538-5549.【SCI收录,影响因子:6.498】[4]Study on Dynamics of Polygonal Wear of Automotive Tire Caused by Self-Excited Vibration, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. 2014, Article ID 653803, 12 pages, 2014. doi:10.1155/2014/653803.【SCI收录】[5]Optimization of Interior Permanent Magnet Motor on Electric Vehicles to Reduce Vibration Caused by the Radial Force.APPLIED COMPUTATIONAL ELECTROMAGNETICS SOCIETY JOURNAL ,卷: 29 期: 4 页: 340-350【SCI收录】[6]Study on the aerodynamic noise of internal flow of regenerative flow compressors for a fuel-cell car.PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART C-JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE 卷: 228 期: 7 页: 1155-1174 出版年: MAY 2014 【SCI收录】[7]PREDICTION PROCEDURE FOR WEAR DISTRIBUTION OF TRANSIENT ROLLING TIRE. 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