姓名 | 冯艾寒 | 性别 | 邮箱 : aihanfeng@tongji.edu.cn |
学校 | 同济大学 | 部门 | 材料科学与工程学院 |
学位 | 发明专利包写包过 特惠申请 | 学历 | 工作电话 : - |
职称 | 软件著作权666包写包过 | 联系方式 | 【发送到邮箱】 |
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个人简介 Personal Profile 冯艾寒,同济大学材料科学与工程学院副教授/博士生导师,在Ti2AlNb、TiAl基合金制备和精密热成形等领域有多年的工作积累,先后主持和参加多项航空航天新材料设计、组织与性能控制方面的课题,包括国家自然科学基金(青年、面上)、国家自然科学基金(云南联合重点基金)、国家科技重大专项课题、预研基金等项目,取得了重要的研究成果。近年来在Acta Mater、Scripta Mater、J Mater Sci Tech等国际著名期刊上发表学术论文60余篇,其中SCI收录50余篇,EI收录50余篇。发表文章被引频1200余次(数据来源:ElsevierScience、Webof Science)。2018年申请人作为第二作者和通讯作者在CritRev Solid State Mater Sci (43(4) (2018) 269-333)上发表长篇综述,目前文章引频202次,2019至2023连续五年入选ESI高被引论文。获国家发明专利授权四项。 研究方向Research Directions 航空航天钛合金精密热成型,Ti2AlNb、TiAl基合金精密热成形,增材制造钛基合金,搅拌摩擦焊接钛合金、铝基复合材料 2. 机电结构优化与控制 研究内容:在对机电结构进行分析和优化的基础上,运用控制理论进行结构参数的调整,使结构性能满足设计要求。1. 仿生结构材料拓扑优化设计, 仿生机械设计 研究内容:以仿生结构为研究对象,运用连续体结构拓扑优化设计理论和方法,对多相仿生结构(机构)材料进行2. 机电结构优化与控制 研究内容:在对机电结构进行分析和优化的基础上,运用控制理论进行结构参数的调整,使结构性能满足设计要求。1. 仿生结构材料拓扑优化设计, 仿生机械设计 研究内容:以仿生结构为研究对象,运用连续体结构拓扑优化设计理论和方法,对多相仿生结构(机构)材料进行整体布局设计。 整体布局设计。 项目情况 主持科研项目:1、国家自然基金(面上)项目:“Ti2AlNb基合金O相形成机理研究”,项目编号:52271012,项目起止:2023.01-2026.122、横向课题:“金属多层薄膜制备及其相互扩散机理分析”,项目起止:2021.12-2023.123、横向课题:“增材制造高熵合金制备及微观组织与力学性能研究”,项目起止:2021.12-2023.124、国家自然科学基金(青年)基金:“基于多相组织演化控制的Ti2AlNb基金属间化合物合金搅拌摩擦焊接研究”,项目编号:51305304,项目起止:2014.01-2016.12.5、国家科技重大专项课题:“难变形材料构件组织调制及精密热成形技术”,项目编号:2013ZX04011061,项目起止:2013.01-2017.12. 科研项目 主持科研项目:1、 国家自然基金(面上)项目:“Ti2AlNb基合金O相形成机理研究”,项目编号:52271012,项目起止:2023.01-2026.122、 横向课题:“金属多层薄膜制备及其相互扩散机理分析”,项目起止:2021.12-2023.123、 横向课题:“增材制造高熵合金制备及微观组织与力学性能研究”,项目起止:2021.12-2023.124、 国家自然科学基金(青年)基金:“基于多相组织演化控制的Ti2AlNb基金属间化合物合金搅拌摩擦焊接研究”,项目编号:51305304,项目起止:2014.01-2016.12.5、 国家科技重大专项课题:“难变形材料构件组织调制及精密热成形技术”,项目编号:2013ZX04011061,项目起止:2013.01-2017.12. 研究成果 代表性论文与著作:[1] X.R.Guan, Q. Chen, S.J. Qu*, G.J. Cao, H. Wang*, A.H. Feng, D.L. Chen*.Adiabatic shear instability in a titanium alloy: Extreme deformation-inducedphase transformation, nanotwinning and grain refinement. J. Mater. Sci. Technol.150 (2023) 104-113.[2] W.F.Lu, A.H. Feng*, J. Shen*. Exploration of the icosahedral clusters inNi-Nb binary metallic glasses via first-principles theory. Journal ofNon-Crystalline Solids. 575 (2022) 121232.[3] H.R.Jiang, J. Tseng, N. Neuber, J. Barrirero, B. Adam, M. Frey, A.C. Dippel, S.Banerjee, I. Gallino, A.H. Feng*, G. Wang, F. Mucklich, R. Busch, J.Shen*. Acta Materialia 226 (2022) 117668.[4] H.R.Jiang, J.Y. Hu, N. Neuber, B. Bochtler, B. Adam, S.S. Riegler, M. Frey, L.Ruschel, W.F. Lu, A.H. Feng*, R. Busch, J. Shen*. ActaMaterialia. 212 (2021) 116923.[5] J.Chen#,Q. Chen#, S.J. Qu*, H.P. Xiang, C. Wang, J.B. Gao, A.H. Feng, D.L. Chen*. Oxidationmechanisms of an intermetallic alloy at high temperatures. Scripta Materialia.199 (2021) 113852.[6] Y.L.Zhang, Z. Chen, S.J. Qu*, A.H. Feng,G.B. Mi, J. Shen, X. Huang, D.L. Chen*. Multiple a sub-variants and anisotropicmechanical properties of an additively-manufactured Ti-6Al-4V alloy, J.Mater. Sci. Technol. 70 (2021) 113-124.[7] B.Y.Hu, H. Zhang, L.Y. Liu, D.B. Liu, A.H.Feng*, D.L. Chen*. Effect of microstructure evolution on corrosion behaviorof friction stir welded joint for 2195-T8 alloy. Corrosion 76(12)(2020) 1099-1108.[8] Y.L. Zhang, S.J. Qu, A.H.Feng*, D.L. Chen*. Tensile behavior of a titanium alloy additivelymanufactured via selective electron beam melting. Proceedings of the thirdinternational conference on theoretical, applied and experimental mechanics. ICTAEM2020, STIN 16 (2020) 14-19.[9] Y.L.Zhang, Z. Chen, S.J. Qu*, A.H. Feng,G.B. Mi, J. Shen, X. Huang, D.L. Chen*. Microstructure and cyclic deformationbehavior of a 3D-printed Ti-6Al-4V alloy. J. Alloys Compd. 825 (2020)153971.[10] Y.L.Zhang, A.H. Feng*, S.J. Qu, J. Shen,D.L. Chen*. Microstructure and low cycle fatigue of a Ti2AlNb-basedlightweight alloy. J. Mater. Sci. Technol. 44, (2020) 140-147.[11] Z.G.Zhang, S.J. Qu*, G.R. Cui*, A.H. Feng,J. Shen, D.L. Chen*. A new mechanism of dynamic phase transformations in anisothermal forged beta-gamma intermetallic alloy. Materials. 12(17)(2019) 2787.[12] G.D.Wu, G.R. Cui, S.J. Qu*, A.H. Feng,G.J. Cao, B.H. Ge, H.P. Xiang, J. Shen, D.L. Chen*. High-temperature oxidationmechanisms of nano-/submicro-scale lamellar structures in an intermetallicalloy. Scripta Materialia. 171 (2019) 102-107.[13] Y.X.Chen, J.C. Wang, Y.K. Gao*, A.H. Feng.Effect of shot peening on fatigue performance of Ti2AlNbintermetallic alloy. International Journal of Fatigue.127 (2019) 53-57.[14] C.K.Yan, G.R. Cui*, S.J. Qu, A.H. Feng,J. Shen, D.L. Chen. Static recrystallization of pure titanium aftercryo-deformation. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. IOP pubishing,1270 (2019) 012040.[15] K.Zhu, S.J. Qu, A.H. Feng*, J.L. Sun,J. Shen. Microstructural evolution and refinement mechanism of a beta-gammaTiAl-based alloy during multidirectional isothermal forging. Materials.12 (2019) 2496.[16] Y.J.Wu, A.H. Feng*, S.J. Qu, X. Hu, J.Shen. Macro-microscopic field evolution of Ti6Al4V alloy during isothermalupsetting based on deform platform. Materials Research Express. 6(2019) 056505.[17] Z.X.Zhang, S.J. Qu*, A.H. Feng, X. Hu,J. Shen. Microstructural mechanisms during multidirectional isothermal forgingof as-cast Ti-6Al-4V alloy with an initial lamellar microstructure. J.Alloys Compd. 713 (2019) 277-287.[18] 朱凯,冯艾寒,曲寿江,沈军,铸态Ti-44Al-4Nb-(Mo,Cr,B)合金的热变形行为及热加工图,有色金属工程,9(9) (2019) 34-39.[19] 闫辰侃,曲寿江,冯艾寒,沈军,钛及钛合金形变孪晶的研究进展,稀有金属,43(5) (2019) 449-460. (Cover page of the journal issue)[20] 张胜雷,陈卓,曲寿江,冯艾寒,陆煦,沈军,陈道伦,热处理对电子束选区熔化制备的Ti-6Al-4V合金组织与力学性能的影响,热加工工艺,47(10) (2018) 226-231.[21] S.J.Qu, A.H. Feng*, M.R. Shagiev, H. Xie,B.B. Li, J. Shen. Superplastic behavior of the fine-grainedTi-21Al-18Nb-1Mo-2V-0.3Si intermetallic alloy. Letters on Materilals.8 (4s), (2018) 567-571.[22] J.M.Xiang, G.B. Mi, S.J. Qu*, X. Huang, Z. Chen, A.H. Feng, J. Shen, D.L. Chen**. Thermodynamic and microstructuralstudy of Ti2AlNb oxides at 800oC. Scientific Reports.8 (2018) 1276.[23] Z.Y.Ma*, A.H. Feng**, D.L. Chen, J.Shen. Recent advances in friction stir welding/processing of aluminum alloys:microstructural evolution and mechanical properties. Critical Reviews in SolidState and Materials Sciences. 43(4) (2018) 269-333. (Highlycited paper as of 2019.10 (Essential ScienceIndicators))[24] K.Zhu, S.J. Qu, A.H. Feng, J.L. Sun,J. Shen*. Evolution of the microstructure and lamellar orientation of a beta-solidifyinggamma-TiAl-based alloy during hot compression. Metals. 8 (2018)445.[25] C.K.Yan, A.H. Feng*, S.J. Qu, J.L. Sun,J. Shen. Hot deformation and grain refinement mechanisms of commercially puretitanium processed via three-directional cryo-compression. Mater. Sci. Eng. A731 (2018) 266-277.[26] C.K.Yan, A.H. Feng*, S.J. Qu, G.J. Cao,J.L. Sun, J. Shen, D.L. Chen**. Dynamic recrystallization of titanium: Effectof pre-activated twinning at cryogenic temperature. Acta Mater. 154(2018) 311-324.[27] Z.X.Zhang, S.J. Qu, A.H. Feng, X. Hu, J.Shen*. The low strain rate response of as-cast Ti-6Al-4V alloy with an initialcoarse lamellar structure. Metals. 8 (2018) 270-1-13.[28] S.J.Qu*, S.Q. Tang, A.H. Feng, C. Feng,J. Shen, D.L. Chen**. Microstructural evolution and high-temperature oxidationmechanisms of a titanium aluminide based alloy. Acta Mater. 148(2018) 300-310.[29] S.Q.Tang, S.J. Qu, A.H. Feng, C. Feng,J. Shen*, D.L. Chen**. Core-multishell globular oxidation in a new TiAlNbCralloy at high temperatures. Scientific Reports. 7 (2017) 3483.[30] Z.X.Zhang, S.J. Qu*, A.H. Feng, J. Shen,D.L. Chen*. Hot deformation behavior of Ti-6Al-4V alloy: Effect of initialmicrostructure. J. Alloys Compd. 718 (2017) 170-181.[31] Z.X.Zhang, S.J. Qu*, A.H. Feng, J. Shen.Achieving grain refinement and enhanced mechanical properties in Ti-6Al-4Valloy produced by multidirectional isothermal forging. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 692(2017) 127-138.[32] A.H. Feng, D.L. Chen, Z.Y. Ma, W.Y. Ma,R.J. Song. Microstructure and strain hardening of a friction stir weldedhigh-strength Al-Zn-Mg alloy. Acta Metall. Sin (Engl. Lett.)27(4) (2014) 723-729.[33] 沈军*,冯艾寒. Ti2AlNb基合金微观组织调制及热成形研究进展,金属学报,49(11) (2013) 1286-1294.[34] M.Jafarzadegan, A.A. Zadeh, A.H. Feng,T. Saeid, J. Shen, H. Assadi. Microstructure and mechanical properties of adissimilar friction stir weld between austenitic stainless steel and low carbonsteel. J. Mater. Sci. Technol. 29(4) (2013) 367-372.[35] P.Lin, A.H. Feng, S.J. Yuan*, G.P. Li,J. Shen. Microstructure and texture evolution of a near-a titanium alloy duringhot deformation. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 563 (2013) 16-20.[36] Q.Yang, A.H. Feng, B.L. Xiao, Z.Y.Ma*, Influence of texture on superplastic behavior of friction stir processedZK60 magnesium alloy. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 556 (2012)671-677.[37] M.Jafarzadegan, A.H. Feng, A.A. Zadeh,T. Saeid, J. Shen, H. Assadi. Microstructural characterization in dissimilarfriction stir welding between 304 stainless steel and st37 steel. Mater.Characterization 74 (2012) 28-41.[38] X.J.Gu, C. Li, A.H. Feng, D.L. Chen.Application of flat-clad optical fiber bragg grating sensor in characterizationof asymmetric fatigue deformation of extruded magnesium alloy. IEEESensors Journal. 11 (2011) 3042-3046.[39] A.H. Feng, D.L. Chen*, Z.Y. Ma.Microstructure and cyclic deformation behavior of a friction-stir-welded 7075Al alloy. Metall. Mater. Trans. A. 41A (2010) 957-971.[40] A.H. Feng, D.L. Chen*, Z.Y. Ma.Microstructure and low-cycle fatigue of a friction-stir-welded 6061 aluminumalloy. Metall. Mater. Trans. A. 41A (2010) 2626-2641.[41] A.H. Feng, D.L. Chen, C. Li, X.J. Gu.Flat-cladding fiber bragg grating sensors for large strain amplitude fatiguetests. Sensors 10 (2010) 7674-7680.[42] C.Li, A.H. Feng, X.J. Gu, D.L. Chen.Localized cyclic strain measurements of friction stir welded aluminum alloyusing a flat-clad optical fiber sensor array. IEEE Sensors Journal10 (2010) 888-892.[43] A.H. Feng, Z.Y. Ma*. Microstructureevolution of cast Mg-Al-Zn during friction stir processing and subsequentaging. Acta Materialia 57 (2009) 4248-4260.[44] A.H. Feng, B.L. Xiao, Z.Y. Ma*, R.S. Chen.Effect of friction stir processing procedures on microstructure and mechanicalproperties of Mg-Al-Zn casting. Metall. Mater. Trans. A. 40A(2009) 2447-2456.[45] D.R.Ni, D. Wang, A.H. Feng, G. Yao, Z.Y.Ma*. Enhanced the high-cycle-fatigue strength of Mg-9Al-1Zn casting by frictionstir processing. Scripta Mater. 61 (2009) 568-571.[46] A.H. Feng, B.L. Xiao, Z.Y. Ma*. Effect ofmicrostructural evolution on mechanical properties of friction stir weldedAA2009/SiCp composite. Compos. Sci. Technol. 68(2008) 2141-2148.[47] A.H. Feng, B.L. Xiao, Z.Y. Ma*. Grainboundary misorientation and texture development in friction stir weldedSiCp/Al-Cu-Mg composite. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 497 (2008)515-518.[48] A.H. Feng, Z.Y. Ma*. Enhanced mechanicalproperties of Mg-Al-Zn cast alloy via friction stir processing. ScriptaMater. 56 (2007) 397-400. (Scripta Materialia Top Cited Article 2007-2011:中国百篇最具国际影响力文章)[49] A.H. Feng, Z.Y. Ma*. Formation of Cu2FeAl7phase in friction-stir-welded SiCp/Al-Cu-Mg composite. Scripta Mater. 57(2007) 1113-1116.[50] S.J.Qu*, A.H. Feng, L. Geng, Z.Y. Ma,J.C. Han. DSC analysis of liquid volume fraction and compressive behavior ofthe semi-solid Si3N4w/Al-Si composite. ScriptaMater. 56 (2007) 951-954. 授课情况 (1) 《金属成形原理》:博士研究生(2) 《材料化学》:博士研究生 (英文授课)(3) 《材料现代研究方法》:博士/硕士研究生(4) 《材料热力学》:博士/硕士研究生(5) 《材料科学新进展》:本科生 (英文授课)(6) 《材料物理性能》:本科生 (英文授课) 学生信息 当前位置:教师主页 > 学生信息 入学日期 所学专业 学号 学位 招生信息 当前位置:教师主页 > 招生信息 招生学院 招生专业 研究方向 招生人数 推免人数 考试方式 招生类别 招生年份