姓名 | 平倩 | 性别 | 邮箱 : pingqian@tongji.edu.cn |
学校 | 同济大学 | 部门 | 环境科学与工程学院 |
学位 | 发明专利包写包过 特惠申请 | 学历 | 工作电话 : - |
职称 | 软件著作权666包写包过 | 联系方式 | 【发送到邮箱】 |
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个人简介 Personal Profile 平倩,女,工学博士,同济大学环境科学与工程学院助理教授。2019年3月获同济大学环境科学与工程专业博士学位,在环境领域顶级期刊Water Research等期刊上发表学术论文二十余篇,申请/授权发明专利十余项,参编中英文教材2部;获中国有色金属学会循环经济科技创新青年优秀贡献奖、同济大学优秀出站博士后、肯特-杨钦环境教育奖励金科技创新团队银奖、同济大学环境学院优秀博士学位论文等奖项;主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、“固废资源化”国家重点研发计划二级课题、中国博士后基金项目、学科交叉联合攻关项目4项,主要研究方向包括污泥厌氧消化碳源磷源资源化、污水氮磷去除与回收、微生物群落转化及代谢规律及污水/污泥新兴污染物降解。 研究方向Research Directions 污水污泥处理及资源化 2. 机电结构优化与控制 研究内容:在对机电结构进行分析和优化的基础上,运用控制理论进行结构参数的调整,使结构性能满足设计要求。1. 仿生结构材料拓扑优化设计, 仿生机械设计 研究内容:以仿生结构为研究对象,运用连续体结构拓扑优化设计理论和方法,对多相仿生结构(机构)材料进行2. 机电结构优化与控制 研究内容:在对机电结构进行分析和优化的基础上,运用控制理论进行结构参数的调整,使结构性能满足设计要求。1. 仿生结构材料拓扑优化设计, 仿生机械设计 研究内容:以仿生结构为研究对象,运用连续体结构拓扑优化设计理论和方法,对多相仿生结构(机构)材料进行整体布局设计。 整体布局设计。 科研项目 1、国家自然科学基金青年项目:CaO2促进化学-生物混合污泥两相厌氧消化产甲烷及碳代谢机制研究,52100158,2022.01-2024.12,主持2、“固废资源化”国家重点研发项目子课题:市政污泥厌氧生物转化过程碳氮互作机制及产物定向调控,2019YFC1905003-02,2020.01-2023.12,主持3、中国博士后基金面上项目:CaO2对剩余污泥常温厌氧消化中ARGs和抗生素的削减机制,2019M661627,2020.01-2021.12,主持4、学科交叉联合攻关项目:市政污泥定向资源化过程中大分子有机质构象解析及转化机理,2023.06-2025.05,主持5、国家自然科学基金面上项目:过氧化钙促进剩余污泥发酵产酸并去除有害有机物的化学生物协同机理研究,51578392,2016.01-2019.12,参与6、国家水专项项目:城市污水磷酸盐回收利用工艺系统研究开发与工程示范,2015ZX07306001-03,2015.01-2018.12,参与7、国家863计划项目:污水高效除磷脱氮-氮磷回收耦合关键技术及工艺,2011AA060902,2011.01-2015.12,参与8、上海市科委国际合作项目:城镇污水资源回收工艺中磷的去除回收及过程模拟,18230712100,2018.01-2021.12,参与 研究成果 (一)发表论文1、Qian Ping, Tingting Yan, Lin Wang*, Yongmei Li, Yuqian Lin. Insight into using a novel ultraviolet/peracetic acid combination disinfection process to simultaneous removal of antibiotics and antibiotic resistance genes in wastewater: Mechanism and comparison with conventional processes, Water Research, 2022, 210, 118019.2、Qian Ping, Ming Zheng, Xiaohu Dai, Yongmei Li*. Metagenomic characterization of the enhanced performance of anaerobic fermentation of waste activated sludge with CaO2 addition at ambient temperature: Fatty acid biosynthesis metabolic pathway and CAZymes, Water Research, 2020, 170:115309.3、Qian Ping, Bingqian Zhang, Zhipeng Zhang, Kexin Lu, Yongmei Li*. Speciation analysis and formation mechanism of iron-phosphorus compounds during chemical phosphorus removal process, Chemosphere, 2023, 310: 136852.4、Qian Ping, Zhipeng Zhang, Liping Ma, Tingting Yan, Lin Wang, Yongmei Li*. The prevalence and removal of antibiotic resistance genes in full-scale wastewater treatment plants: Bacterial host, influencing factors and correlation with nitrogen metabolic pathway, Science of The Total Environment, 2022, 827: 154154.5、Qian Ping, Jingyi Zhang, Ruijie Tang, Shuting Liao, Zhipeng Zhang, Yongmei Li*. Effect of surfactants on phosphorus release and acidogenic fermentation of waste activated sludge containing different aluminium phosphate forms, Chemosphere, 2022, 287: 132213.6、Siyuan Wang#, Qian Ping#, Yongmei Li*. Comprehensively understanding metabolic pathways of protein during the anaerobic digestion of waste activated sludge, Chemosphere, 2022, 297: 134117.7、Zhipeng Zhang, Qian Ping, Wenjie Guo, Chen Cai, Yongmei Li*. A novel approach using protein-rich biomass as co-fermentation substrates to enhance phosphorus recovery from FePs-bearing sludge, Water Research, 2022, 218: 118479.8、Yifeng Chen, Qian Ping, Dunjie Li, Xiaohu Dai, Yongmei Li*. Comprehensive insights into the impact of pretreatment on anaerobic digestion of waste active sludge from perspectives of organic matter composition, thermodynamics, and multi-omics, Water Research, 2022, 226: 119240.9、Kexin Lu, Qian Ping, Qinyuan Lu, Yongmei Li*. Understanding roles of humic substance and protein on iron phosphate transformation during anaerobic fermentation of waste activated sludge, Bioresource Technology, 355: 127242.10、Qiya Sun, Yuqian Lin, Qian Ping, Qinyuan Lu, Lin Wang*, Mingyan Liu, Yongmei Li. Exploring recycled agricultural wastes for high-rate removal of nitrogen in wastewater: Emphasizing on the investigation of the inner driving force and comparison with conventional liquid carbon sources, Water Research, 2022, 226: 119292.11、Qian Ping, Zhipeng Zhang, Xiaohu Dai, Yongmei Li*. Novel CaO2 beads used in the anaerobic fermentation of iron-rich sludge for simultaneous short-chain fatty acids and phosphorus recovery under ambient conditions, Bioresource Technology, 2021, 322: 124553.12、Tingting Yan#, Qian Ping#, Ai Zhang, Lin Wang*, Yicheng Dou, Yongmei Li. Enhanced removal of oxytetracycline by UV-driven advanced oxidation with peracetic acid: Insight into the degradation intermediates and N-nitrosodimethylamine formation potential, Chemosphere, 2021, 274: 129726.13、Ming Zheng, Qian Ping, Lin Wang, Xiaohu Dai, Yongmei Li, Shane A. Snyder. Pretreatment using UV combined with CaO2 for the anaerobic digestion of waste activated sludge: Mechanistic modeling for attenuation of trace organic contaminants, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 402: 123484.14、Kexin Lu, Qian Ping, Yongmei Li*. Understanding the abiotic interaction between phosphate and macromolecular organic compounds in waste activated sludge during anaerobic treatment, Science of the Total Environmental, 2021, 782: 146864.15、Zhipeng Zhang, Qian Ping, Dan Gao, Peter A. Vanrolleghem, Yongmei Li*. Effects of ferric-phosphate forms on phosphorus release and the performance of anaerobic fermentation of waste activated sludge, Bioresource Technology, 2021, 323: 124622.16、Lin Wang*, Tingting Yan, Ruijie Tang, Qian Ping, Yongmei Li, Jie Wang. Motivation of reactive oxidation species in peracetic acid by adding nanoscale zero-valent iron to synergic removal of spiramycin under ultraviolet irradiation: Mechanism and N-nitrosodimethylamine formation potential assessment, Water Research, 2021, 117684.17、Qian Ping, Xiao Lu, Yongmei Li*, Giorgio Mannina. Effect of complexing agents on phosphorus release from chemical-enhanced phosphorus removal sludge during anaerobic fermentation, Bioresource Technology, 2020, 301: 122745.18、Ming Zheng, Yongmei Li*, Qian Ping, Lin Wang. MP-UV/CaO2 as a pretreatment method for the removal of carbamazepine and primidone in waste activated sludge and improving the solubilization of sludge, Water Research, 2019, 170:115309.19、Qian Ping, Xiao Lu, Ming Zheng, Yongmei Li*. Effect of CaO2 addition on anaerobic digestion of waste activated sludge at different temperatures and the promotion of valuable carbon source production under ambient condition, Bioresource Technology, 2018, 265: 247-256.20、Qian Ping, Yongmei Li*, Xinghai Wu, Lu Yang, Lin Wang. Characterization of morphology and component of struvite pellets crystallized from sludge dewatering liquor: Effects of total suspended solid and phosphate concentrations, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2016, 310: 261-269.21、金旖玮, 平倩, 李咏梅. 污泥蛋白质和多糖成分分析与结构解析研究进展. 中国环境科学, 2022, 网络首发.22、王林, 李咏梅, 谢丽, 吴冰, 徐静, 平倩. “双碳”背景下环境类专业实践课程模块化教学探索——以同济大学环境工程专业为例, 2022, 04: 32-24.23、桂肖山, 徐闯, 王泽茜, 平倩, 李咏梅. CaO2投加量及投加方式对剩余污泥厌氧发酵产生短链脂肪酸的影响. 中国环境科学, 2018, 38(05): 1785-1791.24、吴健, 平倩, 李咏梅. 鸟粪石结晶成粒技术回收污泥液中磷的中试研究. 中国环境科学, 2017, 37: 941-947.25、杨露, 平倩, 李咏梅. 低磷浓度下鸟粪石结晶成粒及反应器流态模拟. 中国环境科学, 2016, 36: 1017-1026.26、平倩, 陈静霞, 李咏梅. 鸟粪石法回收制肥工业废水中氨氮的中试研究. 环境工程学报, 2014, 8: 3585-3590.27、李咏梅, 平倩, 马璐艳. 鸟粪石成粒法回收污泥液中的磷及颗粒品质表征. 同济大学学报, 2014, 42: 912-917.(二)出版专著《城镇污水磷回收与达标排放的工艺技术》,李咏梅 著,2020.11,“十三五”国家重点图书出版规划项目,参编第三章“磷回收理论和工艺技术”(三)发明专利1、李咏梅, 平倩, 刘鸣燕, 马璐燕. 一种将污水中高浓度氨氮回收为高纯度大颗粒鸟粪石的方法. ZL201410110867.2(授权)2、王林,平倩,严婷婷,李咏梅,林雨倩.利用紫外过氧乙酸去除污水中抗生素和抗性基因的方法.ZL202111152435.4(授权)3、李咏梅, 卢霄, 平倩, 卢可馨, 郑明. 促进含磷酸盐沉淀的污泥在室温条件下释磷与产气的方法. ZL201710854846.5(授权)4、李咏梅,张志鹏,平倩, 郭文杰.一种利用高蛋白生物质废弃物从富含化学磷沉淀的污泥中回收磷的方法.ZL202110782246.9(授权)5、Yongmei Li, Zhipeng Zhang, Wenjie Guo, Qian Ping, Lin Wang. Method for recovering phosphorus from sludge rich in chemical phosphorus precipitates using high-protein biomass waste. 17861322(美国专利)6、Lin Wang, Yunpeng He, Yongmei Li, Qian Ping, Yuqian Lin, Zhicheng Xi. Method for promoting methane production from sludge by anaerobic digestion in high ammonia-nitrogen habitat using biochar with high C/N ratio. 17981533(美国专利)7、王林, 何云鹏, 李咏梅, 平倩, 林雨倩, 奚志成. 一种利用高碳氮比生物质碳促进高氨氮生境下污泥厌氧消化产甲烷的方法. 202210479834.X8、李咏梅, 奚志成, 王林, 何云鹏, 朱政豫, 平倩, 陆沁园. 一种利用碳酸氢铵提升污泥厌氧消化产甲烷量的方法. 202210370755.59、 李咏梅, 张爽, 张志鹏, 李敦杰, 王林, 平倩.一种利用高含硫农业废弃物促进富含化学磷沉淀的污泥释磷和产甲烷的方法. 202210881160.610、王林, 孙启雅, 平倩, 林雨倩, 丁义哲. 一种强化村镇污水处理效能的低能耗分段式人工快渗系统. 202211291711.X11、王林, 孙启雅, 李咏梅, 平倩, 陆沁园. 强化低碳氮比生活污水处理效能的可直排式污水处理系统. 202211133182.012、王林, 何云鹏, 李咏梅, 平倩, 孙启雅, 奚志成. 减缓高含固污泥高氨氮胁迫促进定向生物转化的方法. 202111080943.613、王林, 严婷婷, 李咏梅, 平倩, 孙启雅. 一种利用低浓度过氧乙酸中过氧化氢组分协同降解村镇污水中难降解有机物的方法. 202110581259.X14、李咏梅, 平倩, 王策, 王美玲, 沈幸妤. 一种颗粒型过氧化钙缓释剂及其制备方法. 201811509728.115、李咏梅, 平倩, 郑明, 高丹. 一种同时去除泵站废水中有机物和磷的方法. 201811430615.2 学生信息 当前位置:教师主页 > 学生信息 入学日期 所学专业 学号 学位 招生信息 当前位置:教师主页 > 招生信息 招生学院 招生专业 研究方向 招生人数 推免人数 考试方式 招生类别 招生年份