姓名 | 李冰 | 性别 | 邮箱 : libing210@tongji.edu.cn |
学校 | 同济大学 | 部门 | 汽车学院 |
学位 | 发明专利包写包过 特惠申请 | 学历 | 工作电话 : 021-69583850 |
职称 | 软件著作权666包写包过 | 联系方式 | 【发送到邮箱】 |
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个人简介 Personal Profile 2011年毕业于同济大学汽车学院,获工学博士学位,同年10月,进入同济大学机械工程博士后流动站从事两年的博士后研究工作,2013年11月出站后进入汽车学院从事教学科研工作,历任助理教授、副研究员和研究员。目前主要研究方向为能源材料的开发与应用。工作以来,作为负责人或核心骨干完成包括国家重点研发计划、国家863主题项目、国际合作项目、国家自然科学基金项目、中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目在内的纵向课题10余项,产学研合作项目1项。至今已在国内外专业学术期刊累计发表科技论文近80篇 研究方向Research Directions 能源材料、燃料电池技术及车用能源系统 2. 机电结构优化与控制 研究内容:在对机电结构进行分析和优化的基础上,运用控制理论进行结构参数的调整,使结构性能满足设计要求。1. 仿生结构材料拓扑优化设计, 仿生机械设计 研究内容:以仿生结构为研究对象,运用连续体结构拓扑优化设计理论和方法,对多相仿生结构(机构)材料进行2. 机电结构优化与控制 研究内容:在对机电结构进行分析和优化的基础上,运用控制理论进行结构参数的调整,使结构性能满足设计要求。1. 仿生结构材料拓扑优化设计, 仿生机械设计 研究内容:以仿生结构为研究对象,运用连续体结构拓扑优化设计理论和方法,对多相仿生结构(机构)材料进行整体布局设计。 整体布局设计。 科研项目 教学情况:承担车用新能源方向本科专业实验课《车用新能源技术综合实验》和博士专业课《燃料电池技术与科学前沿》的教学任务;承担研究生学位论文指导工作,已毕业研究生8名,在读博士研究生8人,硕士研究生8名。代表科研项目:1) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,52176198,燃料电池铂基催化剂浆料微团簇构筑过程及稳定机理研究,2022/01-2025/12,58万元,在研,主持;2) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,21676204,燃料电池铂基八面体合金催化剂的微观结构调控及电池性能研究,2017/01-2020/12,64万元,已结题,主持3) 国家重点研发计划,2020YFB0106601,燃料电池堆设计需求及性能衰减过程机理研究 (课题),2020/12-2023/11,910万元,在研,主持;4) 国家重点研发计划,2018YFB1502703,测试系统多维度在线监测、健康诊断及寿命预测模块开发(课题),2019/04-2022/03,219万元,在研,主持;5) 国家重点研发计划,2021YFB4001801,多场景、多类型氢能动力系统特征工况及需求分析(子课题),2021/12-2025/11,500万元,在研,主持;6) 国家重点研发计划,2018YFB0106503,大功率燃料电池电堆开发(子课题),2018/07-2021/06,450.25万元,在研,主持;7) 国家自然科学基金青年项目,21206128,燃料电池阴极Pt-Fe/C纳米线立体网络电催化剂研究,2013/01-2015/12,25万元,已结题,主持;8) 未势能源,2022,膜电极关键技术开发,600万,在研,主持;9) 中车重大专项,TJ-CRRC-2017-PM2,长寿命高活性MEA开发,2017/10-2021/08,240万元,在研,主持;10) 中央高校交叉学科,22120180091,锂离子电容器多孔碳表面调控与负极匹配的性能强化机制研究,2018/01-2019/12,20万,在研,主持;11) 国家博士后管理办公室,2012M510115,燃料电池Pt-Ir纳米线立体网络结构阳极催化剂研究,2012/06-2013/10,8万元,已结题,主持;12) 国家科技部科技支撑项目,2015BAG06B00,面向产业化的燃料电池动力系统,2015/01-2017/12,888万元,在研,参加;13) 国家科技部863项目,2014AA052501,压缩储供一体化高密度氢储系统开发,2014/01-2016/12,100万元,已结题,参加;14) 国家科技部863项目,2012AA053301,基于风-光互补发电耦合电解制氢的站制氢技术,2013/01-2015/12,375万元,已结题,参加;15) 国家科技部863项目,2012AA053305,70MPa加氢站系统集成、示范与安全评价技术,2013/01-2015/12,555万元,已结题,参加;16) 国家科技部重大仪器项目,2012YQ150256,燃料电池汽车动力系统动态性能综合测试仪器开发及应用,2012/10-2016/08,233万元,已结题,参加。 研究成果 代表学术论文:1) 第一.Nitrogen-doped activated carbon for a high energy hybrid supercapacitor, Energy Environ. Sci., 2016, 9: 102-106. (JCR Q1, IF=39.714)(高被引论文);2) 第一.Electrode materials, electrolytes and challenges in nonaqueous lithium-ion capacitors, Advanced Materials, 2018, 30(17): e1705670. (JCR Q1, IF=32.086);3) 第一.Activated Carbon from Biomass Transfer for High Energy Density lithium-Ion Supercapacitors, Adv. Energy Mat., 2016, 6(18): 1600802. DOI: 10.1002/aenm.201600802. (JCR Q1, IF=29.698);4) 通讯. The Controllable Design of Catalyst Inks to Enhance PEMFC Performance: A Review. Electrochem. Energ. Rev., 2021, 4, 67-100. (JCR Q1, IF=32.804);5) 通讯. MOF-derived CoFe alloy nanoparticles encapsulated within N,O Co-doped multilayer graphitized shells as an efficient bifunctional catalyst for zinc–air batteries, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2022, 10, 14866-14874. (JCR Q1, IF=14.511);6) 通讯. Understanding the functions and modifications of interfaces in membrane electrode assemblies of proton exchange membrane fuel cells. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2021, 9, 15111. (JCR Q1, IF=14.511);7) 通讯.Recent Advances in Pt-based Octahedral Nanocrystals as High Performance Fuel Cell Catalysts. J. Mater. Chem. A, 2016, 4: 11559-11581. (JCR Q1, IF=14.511);8) 第一.Durability degradation mechanism and consistency analysis for proton exchange membrane fuel cell stack, Applied Energy, 2022, 314: 119020. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2022.119020 (JCR Q1, IF=11.446);9) 通讯.Power evolution of fuel cell stack driven by anode gas diffusion layer degradation, Applied Energy, 2022, 313: 118858. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2022.118858 (JCR Q1, IF=11.446);10) 通讯.Failure of cathode gas diffusion layer in 1 kW fuel cell stack under new European driving cycle, Applied Energy, 2021, 303: 117688. DOI:10.1016/j.apenergy.2021.117688 (JCR Q1, IF=11.446);11) 通讯.Effect of Dispersion Solvents and Ionomers on the Rheology of Catalyst Inks and Catalyst Layer Structure for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces, 2021, 13: 27119-27128. (JCR Q1, IF=10.383);12) 通讯. Preparation of a Graphitized-Carbon-Supported PtNi Octahedral Catalyst and Application in a Proton-Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12: 7047-7056. (JCR Q1, IF=10.383);13) 通讯.Advanced Reversal Tolerant Anode in Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells: Study on the Attenuation Mechanism during Fuel Starvation. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces, 2021, 13 (2): 2455-2461. (JCR Q1, IF=10.383);14) 第一.High performance octahedral PtNi/C catalyst investigated from rotating disk electrode to membrane electrode assembly. Nano Research, 2019,12(2): 281-287. (JCR Q1, IF=10.269);15) 通讯. Failure of cathode gas diffusion layer in 1 kW fuel cell stack under new European driving cycle, Journal of Power Sources, 2021, 515:230655. (JCR Q1, IF=9.794);16) 通讯. From rotating disk electrode to single cell: exploration of PtNi/C octahedral nanocrystal as practical PEMFC cathode catalyst. J. Power Sources, 2018, 406: 118-127. (JCR Q1, IF=9.794);17) 通讯. Rapid activation of a full-length proton exchange membrane fuel cell stack with a novel intermittent oxygen starvation method, Energy, 2022, 260: 125154, (JCR Q1, IF=8.857);18) 通讯. Investigation of the reversible performance degradation mechanism of the PEMFC stack during long-term durability test, Energy, 2022, 258: 124747 (JCR Q1, IF=8.857);19) 通讯. Experimental study of the influence of dynamic load cycle and operating parameters on the durability of PEMFC, Energy, 2021, 239: 122356, in press (JCR Q1, IF=8.857);20) 通讯. Performance degradation and process engineering of the 10 kW proton exchange membrane fuel cell stack. Energy, 2021, 219: 119623. (JCR Q1, IF=8.857);21) 通讯.Property evolution of gas diffusion layer and performance shrink of fuel cell during operation, Renewable Energy, 2022, 194: 596-603. (JCR Q1, IF=8.634);22) 通讯. Preparation optimization and single cell application of PtNi/C octahedral catalyst with enhanced ORR performance. Electrochim. Acta, 2018, 288: 126-133. (JCR Q1, IF=7.336);23) 通讯.Improved Electrochemical Performance of Biomass-Derived Nanoporous Carbon/Sulfur Composites Cathode for Lithium-Sulfur Batteries by Nitrogen Doping. Electrochimica Acta, 2016, 202:131-139. (JCR Q1, IF=7.336);24) 第一. Controlling the microscopic morphology and permeability of catalyst layers in proton exchange membrane fuel cells by adjusting catalyst ink agglomerates, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2021, 46: 32215-32225. (JCR Q2, IF=7.139);25) 第一.Optimization of cathode microporous layer materials for proton exchange membrane fuel cell. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2021, 46 (27): 14674-14686. (JCR Q2, IF=7.139);26) 通讯. Degradation analysis of the core components of metal plate proton exchange membrane fuel cell stack under dynamic load cycles, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2022, 47: 7432-7442. (JCR Q2, IF=7.139);27) 通讯. Topology optimization design for the lightweight endplate of proton exchange membrane fuel cell stack clamped with bolts, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2022, 47: 9680-9689. (JCR Q2, IF=7.139);28) 通讯. Highly active and durable carbon support Pt-rare earth catalyst for proton exchange membrane fuel cell, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2020, 45: 27291-27298. (JCR Q2, IF=7.139);29) 通讯.Highly Efficient, Cell Reversal Resistant PEMFC Based on PtNi/C Octahedral and OER Composite Catalyst, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2020, 45: 8930-8940. (JCR Q2, IF=7.139);30) 通讯. Unique spatial effect of Zr-doped ceria on the anti-free radicals and performance of PEMFC. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2021, 46 (39): 20693-20701. (JCR Q2, IF=7.139);31) 通讯.Review of hydrogen crossover through the polymer electrolyte membrane, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2021, 46: 22040-22061. (JCR Q2, IF=7.139);32) 通讯. Recent progress of the gas diffusion layer in proton exchange membrane fuel cells: Material and structure designs of microporous layer. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2021, 46 (5): 4259-4282. (JCR Q2, IF=7.139);33) 通讯. Highly active and durable Pt-Co nanowire networks catalyst for the oxygen reduction reaction in PEMFCs. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 2016,41: 18592-18601. (JCR Q2, IF=7.139);34) 通讯. Effect of rheological properties of catalyst slurry on the structure of catalyst layer in PEMFC, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2022, 47: 8956-8964. (JCR Q2, IF=7.139);35) 通讯.Effect of mesoporous carbon on oxygen reduction reaction activity as cathode catalyst support for proton exchange membrane fuel cell, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2022, 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2022.06.131. (JCR Q2, IF=7.139);36) 第一. Simple numerical simulation of catalyst inks dispersion in proton exchange membrane fuel cell by the lattice Boltzmann method, Physics of Fluids, 2021, 33, 115116; doi: 10.1063/5.0061704. (JCR Q1, IF=4.98);37) 通讯.Preparation, Performance and Challenges of Catalyst Layer for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell, Membranes, 2021, 11, 879. (JCR Q1, IF=4.562);38) 第一.A High-Durability Graphitic Black Pearl Supported Pt Catalyst for a Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Stack, Membranes, 2022, 12, 301, https://doi.org/10.3390/membranes12030301. (JCR Q1, IF=4.562);39) 通讯.A Review of the Transition Region of Membrane Electrode Assembly of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells: Design, Degradation, and Mitigation, Membranes, 2022, 12, 306, https://doi.org/10.3390/membranes12030306. (JCR Q1, IF=4.562);40) 通讯.Oxygen doped activated carbon/SnO2 nanohybrid for high performance lithium-ion capacitor. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2019, 850: 113398. (JCR Q1, IF=4.598);41) 通讯.Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Reversal: A Review, Catalysts 2016, 6(12): 197. (JCR Q2, IF=4.501);42) 通讯.The synergetic effect of air pollutants and metal ions on performance of a 5 kW proton-exchange membrane fuel cell stack, International Journal of Energy Research, 2021, 45: 7974-7986. (JCR Q1, IF=4.672);43) 通讯. High-Repetitive Reversal Tolerant Performance of Proton-Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell by Designing a Suitable Anode. ACS Omega, 2020, 5 (17): 10099-10105. (JCR Q2, IF=4.132) ;44) 通讯.Control of Cluster Structures in Catalyst Inks by a Dispersion Medium, ACS Omega 2021, 6, 32960−32969. (JCR Q2, IF=4.132);45) 第一.Biomass-derived activated carbon/sulfur composites as cathode electrodes for Li–S batteries by reducing the oxygen content. RSC Advances 2020, 10 (5): 2823-2829. (JCR Q2, IF=4.036) ;46) 第一. Agricultural waste-derived activated carbon/graphene composites for high performance lithium-ion capacitors, RSC Advances, 2019, 9: 29190 - 29194. (JCR Q2, IF=4.036);47) 第一.Agricultural waste-derived activated carbon for high performance lithium-ion capacitors. RSC Advances, 2017, 7: 37923-37928. (JCR Q2, IF=4.036);48) 通讯. Self-assembled silicon/phenolic resin-based carbon core-shell nanocomposite as an anode material for lithium-ion batteries. RSC Adv, 2018, 8: 3477-3482. (JCR Q2, IF=4.036);49) 通讯. Accelerated Test of Silicone Rubbers Exposing to PEMFC environment. Progress in Natural Science: Materials International 2020, 30 (6): 882-889. (JCR Q2, IF=4.269);50) 通讯.Carbon-supported Pt-Co nanowires as a novel cathode catalyst for proton exchange membrane fuel cells. Fuel cells, 2017, 17: 635-642. (JCR Q2, IF=2.25)。 学生信息 当前位置:教师主页 > 学生信息 入学日期 所学专业 学号 学位 招生信息 当前位置:教师主页 > 招生信息 招生学院 招生专业 研究方向 招生人数 推免人数 考试方式 招生类别 招生年份