姓名 | 刘春宝 | 性别 | 发明专利4999代写全部资料 |
学校 | 吉林大学 | 部门 | 发明专利包写包过 加急申请 |
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刘春宝 ( 教授 ) 赞192 的个人主页 https://teachers.jlu.edu.cn/liuchunbao/zh_CN/index.htm 教授 主要任职 : 吉林大学 ”唐敖庆学者“ 领军教授 性别 : 男 学历 : 博士研究生毕业 学位 : 博士 在职信息 : 在职 所在单位 : 机械与航空航天工程学院 学科 : 机械设计及理论 办公地点 : 机械与航空航天工程学院 个人简介 个人介绍:刘春宝:工学博士,吉林大学“唐敖庆学者”领军教授、博士生导师,吉林大学威海仿生研究院副院长,吉林省中青年突出贡献专家、吉林省中青年科技领军创新人才。2015年被遴选为博士生导师,2016年被聘任为教授。建立多学科交叉为特色、流体传动为核心、创新为追求的BTI研究组(Fluidic Bioinspiration & Green Transmission & Equipment Intelligent),致力于复杂机电系统与智能化方向研究,主要研究兴趣包括仿生流体驱动及软体机器人、仿生健康及服务机器人、4D打印及GF应用设计、车辆绿色传动、复杂流动数值模拟与传热机理等。研究工作涉及机械、仿生、汽车、控制、材料等多学科交叉领域。获教育部科技进步二等奖1项(2019年,第一完成人)、吉林省科技进步一等奖1项(2020年,第一完成人)、吉林省科技成果转化贡献奖1项(2021年,贡献人)、中国机械工业科学技术二等奖2项(2019年和2022年)、教育部科学技术一等奖(2023年)。近五年,承担国家重点研发计划(课题)、科技部863项目、国家自然科学基金、教育部装备联合基金等13项,还负责横向课题5项(超千万1项),参与国自然共融机器人重点项目和集成项目。 积极响应国家“节能减排”战略,突破了液力元件设计、液力调速节能与车辆液力传动节能等核心技术瓶颈,创新技术“瞬态流动尺度解析计算与性能预测”、“高效大能容变矩器设计”和“多档位变速器耦合分析”等被谭建荣院士、王立军院士领衔的专家组鉴定为“国际领先”。同时深化高端装备自主开发,作为主要开发人,研制的大功率液力变矩器、大功率液力偶合器等产品,打破国外产品封锁,在国家重大工程中凸显“国之重器”作用。以第一/通讯作者在Adv. Funct. Mater.、ACS Energy Lett.、Chem. Eng. J.、J. Colloid Interf. Sci.、Int. J. Heat Mass Tran.、Phys Fluids.、Eng. Appl. Comp. Fluid、Appl. Surf. Sci.等Top期刊发表论文60余篇,以第一发明人/责任人授权发明专利20件(国际2件)、领衔团体标准1项,实施成果(技术)转化(转移)11项。担任中国机械工程学会、力学学会、农业机械学会、液压气动密封件工业协会等学会的流体传动与控制方向专业委员。还担任《液压与气动》青年编委,是 INT J HEAT MASS TRAN、APPL THERM ENG、ENG APPL COMP FLUID、NUMER HEAT TR A-APPL、CHIN J MECH ENG-EN等20多个SCI期刊特邀审稿人,也是《吉林大学学报工学版》、《华南理工大学自然科学版》、《北京理工大学学报》、《兵工学报》等期刊特邀审稿人。 每年招收学术博士1名、专业博士1名。常年招收机械、电子、材料背景博士后加盟,共谋发展!主持项目: 主持国家重点研发计划、科技部“863”项目、国家自然科学基金、工信部“强基工程”项目、教育部装备联合基金、GF项目、吉林省重点研发项目、吉林省重点成果转化项目等 20多项国家、省部级项目。 纵向(源自国家经费)Ø 科技部国家重点研发计划,膝踝一体化仿生智能下肢假肢关键技术与应用研究,任务(课题)负责人,2019-2022(在研)Ø 国家自然科学基金项目面上项目,仿生流体驱动器结构功能融合原理与柔顺高承载工作机制研究,2021-2024(在研)Ø 国家自然科学基金“共融机器人”重大研究计划重点项目,仿生拉压体双足机器人原理与关键技术,子项目负责人,2019-2022(在研)Ø GF项目,***仿生设计软件平台设计,2021-2023(在研)Ø GF项目,***系统设计与开发,2018-2022(在研)Ø 吉林省科技厅,吉林大学复杂机电系统集成及智能化创新团队,2021-2023(在研)Ø 吉林省科技厅,大功率齿轮箱数字孪生关键技术研究及应用,2022-2024(在研)Ø GF项目,高机动仿生蜘蛛机器人研究,2017-2018(结题)Ø 国家自然科学基金面上项目,捕鱼蛛液压传动运行机制与驱动机理及仿生驱动系统研究,2017-2020(结题)Ø 教育部装备联合基金,快速机动跨介质智能仿生液压驱动系统开发,2018-2019(结题)Ø 吉林省科技厅重点科技攻关项目,绕流叶片仿生超疏水/超疏油、减阻多功能耦合设计与制备关键技术,2017-2019(结题)Ø 工信部“强基计划”项目,大功率工程机械机电液控制自动换档变速器换挡控制系统开发,2015-2017(结题)Ø 科技部“863计划”先进制造技术领域主题项目,面向土方机械动力总成全生命周期 设计关键技术,2014-2016,吉林大学分项负责人(结题) 横向(源自企业委托)Ø 浙江国丰集团有限公司,仿生智能建造机器人开发,2021-2024(在研)Ø 浙江中新电力工程建设有限公司,融合低成本、高安全新型锂电池的分布式储能集成系统开发,2021-2022(在研)Ø 柳工柳州传动件有限公司,土方机械传动系统热耦合与热平衡计算和优化设计开发,2020-2022(在研)Ø 杭州速博雷尔有限公司,破碎机减速机构关键技术,2020-2021(结题)Ø 一汽解放集团股份有限公司,重型车用并联液力缓速器流体仿真技术开发,2020-2021(结题)Ø 杭州钱航船舶修造有限公司,高性能航船整体造型设计开发,2020-2020(结题)Ø 吉林省东元精密机械有限公司,智慧产业园公共服务云平台开发,2018-2019(结题)Ø 杭州鸿立机械有限公司,薄膜包装自动化成套设备开发,2019-2020(结题)Ø 杭州申发电气有限公司,电气物联信息系统,2018-2019(结题)Ø 杭州杰牌传动科技有限公司,“JRWXF01电梯驱动主机”优化设计,2018-2019(结题)Ø 浙江中新电力发展集团有限公司,智能云平台能源管控软件开发,2019-2020(结题)科技奖励:Ø 2021年获批吉林省第二届科技成果转化贡献奖(贡献个人)Ø 2020年吉林省科技进步一等奖,第一完成人Ø 2019年度中国机械工业科技进步二等奖,第一完成人Ø 2019年获批吉林省第十六批享受政府津贴专家(省突出贡献专家)发表主要论文、著作、专利情况:主要论文2023年Ø 刘春宝(共同通讯作者).Recyclable and Ultrafast Fabrication of Zinc Oxide Interface Layer Enabling Highly Reversible Dendrite-Free Zn Anode. ACS Energy Letters 8(2) 1201-1208. 2023, IF=24.05Ø 刘春宝(共同通讯作者).Facile MOF-on-MOF isomeric strategy for ZnO@Co3O4 single-shelled hollow cubes with high toluene detection capability. Applied Surface Science 609 155271. 2023, IF=6.596Ø 刘春宝(共同通讯作者).N-Rich carbon as Zn(2+)modulation layers for dendrite-free, highly reversible zinc anodes. Chemical Engineering Journal 452(1) 139257. 2023, IF=14.61Ø 刘春宝(通讯作者).Design, fabrication and experiments of a hydraulic active-passive hybrid prosthesis knee. Technology and Health Care. 2023, IF=1.341Ø 刘春宝(通讯作者).Design, Manufacture, and Experimental Validation of a Hydraulic Semi-Active Knee Prosthesis. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitaion Engineering 31 1394-1404. 2023, IF=5.345Ø Fangzhou Zhao, Yingjie Wang , Sijia Liu, Miao Jin, Luquan Ren, Lei Ren, 刘春宝(通讯作者). Rapid Energy-saving Bioinspired Soft Switching Valve Embedded in Snapping Membrane Actuator. Journal of Bionic Engineering 20(1) 225-236. 2023, IF=3.275Ø 刘春宝(共同通讯作者).Bioinspired flexible piezoresistive sensor for high-sensitivity detection of broad pressure range. BIO-Design and Manufacturing 6(3) 243-254. 2023, IF=6.759Ø 刘春宝(共同通讯作者).Application and Development of Autonomous Robots in Concrete Construction: Challenges and Opportunities. Drones 6(12) 424. 2023, IF=5.532Ø 刘春宝(共同通讯作者).Facile -MoB2-modified separators with effectively lithium polysulfide adsorption and conversion for high-performance Li-S batteries. Ionics 29(1) 173-181. 2023, IF=2.81Ø 刘春宝(共同通讯作者).Calculation of stresses on 3D scaffolds fabricated using extrusion-based bioprinting using a semi-analytical approach. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 135 105471. 2023, IF=4.437Ø 刘春宝(通讯作者).Interfacial heat transfer and boiling transition of the droplets on superheated surface with Leidenfrost effects. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. Accepted.Ø 刘春宝(通讯作者).Thermohydraulic characteristics of water–cooling oil heat exchanger with vortex generators and its enhanced heat transfer mechanism. International Journal of Thermal Sciences. Accepted.2022年Ø 刘春宝, Chen Xiaomin, Su Hang, Xia Liang, Lu, Diyu.Case report: Rare isolated cystic hepatic metastasis of a patient with squamous cell lung carcinoma history and the prognosis. Frontiers in Oncology 12 986603. 2022, IF=6.122Ø 刘春宝(共同通讯作者).Hydration Enables Air-Stable and High-Performance Layered Cathode Materials for both Organic and Aqueous Potassium-Ion Batteries. Advanced Functional Materials 32(41) 2204318. 2023, IF=19.978Ø 刘春宝(通讯作者). Bouncing dynamics of impact droplets on bioinspired surfaces with mixed wettability and directional transport control. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 629 1-2. 2022, IF=8.554Ø 刘春宝(通讯作者). CFD-aided approach of modeling and dynamic characteristic optimization for a highly nonlinear auxiliary braking system. Engineering Aplications of Computational Fluid Mechanics 16(1) 1546-1566. 2022, IF=5.917Ø 刘春宝, Xiong Jiawei, Wang Yanzhe, Yang Konghua, Zeng Yi. Novel Au-activated SnO2@Fe2O3 hetero-alternated multilayer nanosheets with enhanced low- concentration acetone detection. Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical 358. 2022, IF=7.460Ø Yang Konghua, Liu Qi, Lin Zhaohua, Liang Yunhong ,刘春宝(通讯作者).Investigations of interfacial heat transfer and phase change on bioinspired superhydrophobic surface for anti-icing/de-icing. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer; 134. 2022, IF= 5.6826Ø Ran, Zilin, Wang, Ma Wenxing ,刘春宝(通讯作者). Design Approach and Mechanism Analysis for Cavitation-Tolerant Torque Converter Blades. Applied Sciences-Basel; 12(7). 2022, IF=2.6792Ø Li Jing, Qian Xu, 刘春宝(通讯作者). Comparative study of different moving mesh strategies for investigating oil flow inside a gearbox. International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow. 2022, IF=4.170Ø Liu Sijia, Wang Yingjie, Li Zhennan, Jin Miao, L. Ren and 刘春宝(通讯作者). A fluid-driven soft robotic fish inspired by fish muscle architecture. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics; 17(2). 2022, IF=2.956Ø Wang Yingjie, 刘春宝(通讯作者), Ren Luquan and Ren Lei. Load-dependent Variable Gearing Mechanism of Muscle-like Soft Actuator. Journal of Bionic Engineering; 19(1): 29-43. 2022, IF=2.682Ø Ma Wenxing, Xie Dapeng, Wang Zhihao, Ran Zilin, 刘春宝(通讯作者) and Wang, Songlin. Modeling, calculation, and analysis of torsional vibration characteristics of the hydrodynamic transmission system in engineering vehicle. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part D-Journal of Automobile Engineering 236(8): 1824-1839. 2022, IF=1.484Ø Wang Yingjie, 刘春宝(通讯作者), Ren Luquan and Ren Lei. Bioinspired soft actuators with highly ordered skeletal muscle structures. Bio-Design and Manufacturing 5(1): 174-188. 2022,IF=6.302Ø Yang Konghua, 刘春宝(通讯作者), Wu Qingtao and Li Xuesong. Multi-objective optimization design for a hydrodynamic retarder based on CFD simulation considering cavitation effect. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part C-Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science 236(3): 1443-1460. 2022, IF=1.762Ø 刘春宝(共同通讯作者). High-performance Multilayer Flexible Piezoresistive Pressure Sensor with Bionic Hierarchical and Anisotropic Structure. Journal of Bionic Engineering 19(5): 1439-1448. 2022, IF=3.275Ø 刘春宝(通讯作者). Numerical simulation and experimental study of gas-liquid two-phase flow pattern of hydrodynamic retarder. AIP Advance 12(10). 2022, IF=1.6892021年Ø Li Jing, 刘春宝 and Li Xiaoying. Effects of Wavy Leading-Edge Protuberance on Hydrofoil Performance and Its Flow Mechanism. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 9(10). 2021, IF=2.458Ø 刘春宝, Wang Yingjie, Qian Zhihui, Wang Kunyang, Zhao Fangzhou, Ding Peng, Xu Daojie, Wei Guowu, Ren Luquan and Ren Lei. Bioinspired actuators with intrinsic muscle-like mechanical properties. Iscience 24(9). 2021, IF=5.458Ø Ran Zilin, Ma Wenxing, 刘春宝(通讯作者) and Li Jing. Multi-objective optimization of the cascade parameters of a torque converter based on CFD and a genetic algorithm. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part D-Journal of Automobile Engineering 235(8): 2311-2323. 2021, IF=1.484Ø Li Jing, 刘春宝(通讯作者), Ran Zilin and Chai Bosen. Numerical investigation of unsteady cavitating turbulent flows around a three-dimensional hydrofoil using stress-blended eddy simulation. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part E-Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering 235(6): 1971-1983. 2021, IF=1.620Ø Zheng Yingying, Wang Lianqiang, Tian Hongwei), Qiao Liang, Zeng Yi and 刘春宝(通讯作者). Bimetal carbonaceous templates for multi-shelled NiCo2O4 hollow sphere with enhanced xylene detection. Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical 339. 2021, IF=7.460Ø Ran Zilin, Ma Wenxing and 刘春宝(通讯作者). 3D Cavitation Shedding Dynamics: Cavitation Flow-Fluid Vortex Formation Interaction in a Hydrodynamic Torque Converter. Applied Sciences-Basel 11(6). 2021, IF=2.679Ø Yang, Konghua, 刘春宝(通讯作者), Li Jing and Xiong Jiawei. Calculation and analysis of thermal flow field in hydrodynamic torque converter with a new developed stress-blended eddy simulation. International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow 31(11): 3436-3460. 2021, IF=4.170Ø Han Yang., 刘春宝(通讯作者). Design of Decision Tree Structure with Improved BPNN Nodes for High-Accuracy Locomotion Mode Recognition Using a Single IMU. Sensors 21(2). 2021, IF=3.5762020年Ø Hao Xin, Ma Wenxing, 刘春宝(通讯作者), Qian Zhihui, Ren Luquan and Ren Lei. Locomotor mechanism of Haplopelma hainanum based on energy conservation analysis. Biology Open 9(12). 2020, IF=2.422Ø Li Xuesong, Wu Qingtao, Miao, Liying, Yak Yuying and 刘春宝(通讯作者). Scale-resolving simulations and investigations of the flow in a hydraulic retarder considering cavitation. Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A 21(10): 817-833. 2020, IF=2.263Ø 刘春宝, Liu Qi, Jin Renyun, Lin Zhaohua, Qiu Haifeng and Xu Yao. Mechanism analysis and durability evaluation of anti-icing property of superhydrophobic surface. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 156. 2020,IF=5.5839Ø Jin Renyun, Liu Junping, Qiu Haifeng, Xu Chong, Weng Liguo, 刘春宝(通讯作者) and Zeng Yi . Synthesis of porous nanosheet-assembled ZnFe2O4@polypyrrole yolk-shell microspheres as anode materials for high-rate lithium-ion batteries. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 863. 2020,IF=4.4636Ø 刘春宝, Yang Konghua, Li Jing, Xu Zhixuan and Wang Tongjian. Performance improvement and flow field investigation in hydraulic torque converter based on a new design of segmented blades. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part D-Journal of Automobile Engineering 234(8): 2162-2175. 2020,IF=1.484Ø 刘春宝,Liu Qi, Lin Zhaohua. Dynamical behavior of droplets transiently impacting on superhydrophobic microstructures. Physics of Fluids, 2020, 32(10). IF= 3.521Ø Wu Guanghua,Ma Wenxing, 刘春宝(通讯作者), Wang Songlin. IOT and cloud computing based parallel implementation of optimized RBF neural network for loader automatic shift control[J]. Computer Communications. 2020,158 . IF= 3.167Ø 刘春宝, Yang Konghua,Li Jing, Xu Zhixuan, Wang Tongjian. Performance improvement and flow field investigation in hydraulic torque converter based on a new design of segmented blades. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering. 2020,234(8). IF= 1.4839Ø Wang Yanzhe, 刘春宝, Qiao Liang. Localized inside-out Ostwald ripening of hybrid double-shelled cages into SnO2 triple-shelled hollow cubes for improved toluene detection. Nanoscale. 2020, 12(3): 2011-2021. IF=7.78952019年Ø Cai Wei, Li Yuan, 刘春宝(通讯作者). Comparative Study of Scale-resolving Simulations for Marine-Propeller Unsteady Flows. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 100: 1-11. IF= 5.683Ø Wang Jiaxin, Ma, Wenxing, Li Xiaomei, 刘春宝(通讯作者). Slip theory-based numerical investigation of the fluid transport behavior on a surface with a biomimetic microstructure. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 2019, 13(1): 609-622. IF= 8.391Ø 刘春宝, Chen Shanshi, Sheng Chuang. The art of a hydraulic joint in a spider’s leg: modelling, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation, and bio-inspired design. Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 2019: 1-14. IF= 2.200Ø 刘春宝, Wang Yingjie, Ren Luquan. A Review of Biological Fluid Power Systems and Their Potential Bionic Applications. Journal of Bionic Engineering, 2019, 16(3): 367-399. IF= 2.682Ø 刘春宝, Zhu Ling, Li Jing, et al. Fabrication of superhydrophobic bionic surface integrating with VOF simulation studies of liquid drop impacting. Microscopy research and technique, 2019, 82(5): 615-623. IF= 2.769Ø Tan Yue, Li Jing, Li Yuan, 刘春宝(通讯作者). Improved Performance Prediction of Marine Propeller: Numerical Investigation and Experimental Verification. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2019, 2019. IF= 1.305Ø Sun Jin, Liu Qi, Liang Yunhong, Lin Zhaohua,刘春宝(通讯作者). Three-dimensional VOF simulation of droplet impacting on a superhydrophobic surface. Bio-Design and Manufacturing, 2019, 2(1): 10-23. IF= 6.302Ø 刘春宝,李静,卜卫羊,徐东,徐志轩.尺度解析湍流模拟方法在液力传动流动数值模拟中的应用[J].液压与气动,2019(06):58-62.Ø 彭贺,马文星,王忠山,刘春宝,黄健,赵恩鹏.丘陵山地拖拉机车身调平控制仿真分析与试验[J].吉林大学学报(工学版),2019,49(01).2018年Ø Bu Weiyang, Shen Guang, Qiu Haifeng, 刘春宝 (通讯作者),Investigation on the dynamic influence of thermophysical properties of transmission medium on the internal flow field for hydraulic retarder; International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer; 126: 1367-1376. 2018, IF= 5.584Ø Qian Zhihui, Yang Mingming, Zhou Liang, Liu Jing, Akhtar Riaz, 刘春宝 (通讯作者), Liu Yan, Ren Luquan, Ren Lei,Structure, mechanical properties and surface morphology of the snapping shrimp claw;Journal of Materials Science;15;10666-10678. 2018, IF= 4.220Ø 刘春宝,Sheng Chuang,Yang Hualong,Yuan Zhe, Design and Optimization of Bionic Janus Blade in Hydraulic Torque Converter for Drag Reduction;Journal of Bionic Engineering;1;160-172. 2018,IF= 2.682Ø 刘春宝, Li Jing, Bu Weiyang, Large eddy simulation for improvement of performance estimation and turbulent flow analysis in a hydrodynamic torque converter;Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics; 12(1): 635-651. 2018, IF= 8.391Ø 刘春宝, Zhu Ling,Bu Weiyang,Liang Yunhong,Superhydrophobic surfaces: From nature to biomimetic through VOF simulation;Micron;94-100; 2018, IF= 2.251Ø Zhao Qian, Lin Zhaohua, Liang Yunhong, 刘春宝 (通讯作者), Zhihui Zhang, Zhenglei Yu, Luquan Ren, Microstructure characteristics and mechanical properties of Meretrix lusoria shell; Microscopy research and technique. 2018, IF= 2.769Ø 刘春宝,陈山石,盛闯,钱志辉,任露泉,任雷.蜘蛛生物液压驱动原理研究及其功能仿生探索.吉林大学学报(工学版)Ø 刘春宝,李静,徐志轩,马文星.液力变矩器热流动尺度解析模拟与特性精确预测.机械工程学报,2018,54(18):146-153.Ø 刘春宝,盛闯,葛林杉,李雪松.重型车辆液力缓速器设计与计算关键技术研究.液压气动与密封,2018,38(01):30-34.Ø 刘春宝,盛闯,李雪松.基于结构参数相关性的液力缓速器优化设计.液压与气动,2018(01):78-83.2017年Ø 刘春宝, Bu Weiyang, Xu Dong, Multi-objective shape optimization of a plate-fin heat exchanger using CFD and multi-objective genetic algorithm ;International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer;65-82. 2017, IF= 5.584Ø 刘春宝, Bu Weiyang, Wang Tongjian, Numerical investigation on effects of themophysical properties on fluid flow in hydraulic retarder; International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer;1146-1158. 2017, IF= 5.584Ø 刘春宝, Bu Weiyang, Xu Dong , Lei Yulong, Xuesong Li, Application of Hybrid RANS/LES turbulence models in rotor-stator fluid machinery A comparative study; International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow;12;2717-2743. 2017, IF= 4.1702Ø 刘春宝, Xu Zhixuan , Ma Wenxing ,Songlin Wang, CFD investigating medium temperature influences on performance prediction and structure stress calculation in hydrodynamic torque converter; Numerical Heat Transfer Part A:Applications;7;563-578. 2017, IF= 2.9279Ø Cai We , Li Yuan , Li Xingzhong, 刘春宝 (通讯作者). Numerical Investigation of Fluid Flow and Performance Prediction in a Fluid Coupling Using Large Eddy Simulation. International Journal of Rotating Machinery, 2017Ø 马文星,刘浩,刘春宝. 液力调速风电机组变速恒频双模控制[J]. 华中科技大学学报(自然科学版), 2017(3).Ø 马文星,刘浩,刘春宝. 液力调速风电机组的传动系统特性分析[J]. 华南理工大学学报(自然科学版), 2017(5).Ø 刘春宝,李静,徐东. 液力变矩器闭锁过程仿真与不同摩擦副热固耦合分析[J]. 液压气动与密封, 2017, 37(12):1-4.著作Ø 动静干涉流动数值模拟技术与用,刘春宝,化学工业出版社,2022专利 第一发明人授权与公开专利30件,已授权专利:Ø 刘春宝; 钱旭;杨孔华等,一种齿轮箱内部挡油盘性能测试装置及测试方法,2023Ø 唐钰骁; 刘春宝; 任露泉等,一种具有智能自适应减阻的水下航行器仿生动态变构蒙皮,2023Ø 刘春宝;杨孔华等,自動車用ブレーキ制御システム及び制御方法(汽车用液力控制系统及控制方法,国际专利),2022Ø 李振男; 刘春宝; 单绍鹏等,具有膝踝联动功能的主被动驱动假肢液压回路及驱动方法,2022Ø 刘春宝; 杨孔华; 熊佳伟等,一种变矩器的铸造叶片塌陷位置检测装置,2022Ø 刘春宝; 杨孔华; 熊佳伟等,一种用于液力变矩器的多孔导流式动力叶片,2022Ø 刘春宝; 杨孔华; 钱旭等,The dual-adjustment intelligent hydraulic auxiliary braking system and control method for heavy commercial vehicle(国际专利),2021Ø 刘春宝; 车达; 许金凯等,一种自动化卷材薄膜包装设备,2021Ø 刘春宝; 杨孔华; 钱旭等,一种重型商用车智能液力辅助制动系统及控制方法,2021Ø 郝歆; 刘春宝; 任雷等,一种高度仿生的全柔性驱动仿蜘蛛机器人,2021Ø 刘思佳; 刘春宝; 任雷等,一种基于环形液动人工肌肉的多关节刚柔耦合仿生鱼,2021Ø 杨孔华; 刘春宝; 熊佳伟等,一种带有仿生缝隙的能容可调式液力变矩器,2021Ø 李振男; 刘春宝; 任雷等,一种主被动混合式液压膝关节假肢及其控制方法和应用,2020Ø 刘春宝; 王影杰; 徐道杰等,一种用于测试仿生骨骼肌驱动器性能的液压试验台及方法,2019Ø 刘春宝; 李振男; 任雷等,一种具有能量回收功能主被动结合假肢膝踝关节液压回路,2019Ø 刘春宝; 刘志达; 马文星,一种基于NASA翼型体系的液力变矩器叶片设计方法,2019Ø 刘春宝; 李静; 徐志轩,一种液力变矩器分段式涡轮叶片,2017Ø 刘春宝; 吴鹏辉; 马文星等,一种液力变矩器内部流场分离式测试装置,2017Ø 刘春宝; 马文星; 张玉博等,一种用于缓速器内部流场测试的粒子图像测速试验装置,2017Ø 刘春宝; 葛林杉; 郭爱东等,闭式双腔双排叶片液力缓速器,2016Ø 刘春宝; 杨化龙; 马文星等,一种定子叶轮内部流场粒子图像测速试验装置,2016Ø 刘春宝; 刘长锁; 马文星等,双涡轮液力变矩器导轮仿生叶片,2016指导学生获奖项:Ø 2020年指导研究生获研究生国家奖学金:刘琦Ø 2020年指导研究生获吉林省优秀硕士论文:刘琦Ø 2019年指导研究生获吉林省优秀硕士论文:朱玲Ø 2018年指导研究生获吉林省优秀硕士论文:卜卫阳Ø 2018年指导研究生获研究生国家奖学金:卜卫阳Ø 2020年吉林省“互联网+大学生“创新创业大赛”高教主赛道“金奖”:床椅一体化智能护理机器人研发及产业Ø 2019年中国“互联网+”大学生”创新创业大赛全国总决赛高教主赛道“铜奖”:MMES模块化制造执行系统研发机推广应用Ø 2018年吉林大学实验技术成果奖一等奖:激光粒子图像跟踪测速平台教师其他联系方式:[1] 邮编 : 130022[2] 通讯地址 : 吉林省长春市南关区人民大街5988号机械材料馆[3] 邮箱 : liuchunbao@jlu.edu.cn 内容来自dedecms