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宋文龙 ( 教授 ) 赞17 教授 所在单位:化学学院 学历:博士研究生毕业 办公地点:长春市前进大街2699号 性别:男 学位:博士 在职信息:在职 毕业院校:Jilin University 学科:高分子化学与物理 学科:高分子化学与物理 个人简介 课题组的研究方向:1 研究受生物启发的高分子表/界面材料设计制备与应用; 2 应用各种响应性高分子材料制备智能表/界面材料. 教育经历 [1]. 1998.9 -- 2002.6 吉林大学 应用化学 学士学位 [2]. 2002.9 -- 2007.6 吉林大学 高分子化学与物理 博士学位 研究方向 [1] 课题组的研究方向:1 研究受生物启发的高分子表/界面材料设计制备与应用; 2 应用各种响应性高分子材料制备智能表/界面材料. 工作经历 [1]. 2011.6 -- 2019.8 吉林大学超分子结构与材料国家重点实验室,化学学院 副教授 [2]. 2007.10 -- 2011.5 葡萄牙米尼奥大学 高分子工程系 博士后 科研项目 暂无内容 论文成果 J. Wang, X. W. Zhang, S. Zhang, J. Y. Kang, Z. C. Guo, B. Y. Feng, H. Zhao, Z. Luo, J. Yu, Wenlong Song,* S. T. Wang,* Semi-convertible Hydrogel Enabled Photo-Responsive Lubrication, Matter, 2021, 4, 675-687. Haijun Cui, Wenshuo Wang, Lianxin Shi, Wenlong Song,* and Shutao Wang*, Superwettable Surface Engineering in Controlling Cell Adhesion for Emerging Bioapplications, Small Methods, Dec 11, 2020, 4, 2000573 Mussel-Inspired Biocoating for Improving the Adhesion of Dental Pulp Stem Cells in Dental Pulp Regeneration, Macromol. Rapid Comm. Dec. 2020, 41, 2000102. Xuewei Zhang, Jian Wang, Hui Jin, Shutao Wang,* Wenlong Song*, Bio-inspired supramolecular lubricating hydrogel induced by shear force, J. Am. Chem. Soc, Mar 2018, 140(9), 3186-3189. Hao Li, Wenqian Qi, Wenlong Song*, Investigation on the Human Hepatoma HEPG2 Cells Adhesion under the Synergy of Stiffness and Superhydrophobicity, Colloid and Interface Science Communications, 2018, 22, 49-53. Jian Wang, Hao Li, Haoyang Zou, Chenmiao Wang, Hao Zhang, João F. Mano, and Wenlong Song*, Flexible method for fabricating protein patterns on superhydrophobic platforms controlled by magnetic field, Biomater. Sci., 2017, 5, 408 - 411. H. Li, D. Z. Hao, J. B. Fan, S. F. Song, X. L. Guo*, Wenlong Song*, M. J. Liu and L. Jiang, A Robust Double-Network Hydrogel with Under Sea Water Superoleophobicity Fabricated via One-Pot, One-Step Reaction, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2016, 4, 4662-4666. C. M. Wang, C. Y. Qiao, Wenlong Song*, H. C. Sun*, Ultrafast Spreading Effect Induced Rapid Cells Trapping into Porous Scaffold with Superhydrophilic Surface, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, Aug 2015, 7(32), 17545-17551. Wenlong Song*, Adhesion switch on a Gecko-foot inspired smart nanocupule surface, Nanoscale, Sep 2014, 6, 13435–13439. Wenlong Song*, H. Li, C. M. Wang and B. Yang, Design of Multi-Stage Thermal Responsive Wettable Surface, Adv. Mater. Interfaces, Sep 2014, 1, 1400009. Wenlong Song, M. B. Oliveira, P. Sher, S. Gil, J. M. Nóbrega and J. F. Mano, Bioinspired methodology for preparing magnetic responsive chitosan beads to be integrated in a tubular bioreactor for biomedical applications, Biomed. Mater. 2013, 8 045008. 9. Wenlong Song* and J. F. Mano*, Interactions between cells or proteins and surfaces exhibiting extreme wettabilities, Soft Matter, 2013, 11, 2985-2999. (selected as back cover) 10. C. G. Obeso, M. P. Sousa, Wenlong Song, M. A. Rodriguez-Pérez, B. Bhushan, J. F. Mano, Modification of paper using polyhydroxybutyrate to obtain biomimetic superhydrophobic substrates, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects, 2013, 416, 51-55. 11. M. B. Oliveira, C. L. Salgado, Wenlong Song and J. F. Mano, Combinatorial On-Chip Study of Miniaturized 3D Porous Scaffolds Using a Patterned Superhydrophobic Platform, Small, 2013, 9(5), 768-778; 12. B. N. Lourenco, G. Marchioli, Wenlong Song, R. L. Reis, C. A. V. Blitterswijk, M. Karperien, A. V. Apeldoorn and J. F. Mano, Wettability influences cell behavior on superhydrophobic surfaces with different topographies, Biointerphases, 2012, 7, 46. 13. A. I. Neto, C. A. Custódio, Wenlong Song*, J. F. Mano*, High-throughput evaluation of interactions between biomaterials, proteins and cells using patterned superhydrophobic substrates, Soft Matter, 2011, 7, 4147-4151. 14. M. B. Oliveira, Wenlong Song, L. Martín, S. M. Oliveira, S. G. Caridade, M. Alonso, J. C. Rodríguez-Cabello and J. F. Mano, Development of an injectable system based on elastin-like recombinamer particles for tissue engineering applications, Soft Matter, 2011, 7, 6426-6434. S. M. Oliveira, Wenlong Song, N. M. Alves, J. F. Mano, Chemical modification of bioinspired superhydrophobic polystyrene surfaces to control cell attachment/proliferation, Soft Matter, 2011, 7, 8932-8941; 16. A. C. Lima, Wenlong Song, B. Blanco-Fernandez, C. Alvarez-Lorenzo, J. F. Mano, Synthesis of Temperature-Responsive Dextran-MA/PNIPAAm Particles for Controlled Drug Delivery Using Superhydrophobic Surfaces, Pharmaceutical Research, 2011, 28(6), 1294-1305; 17. G. M. Luz, Á. J. Leite, A. I. Neto, Wenlong Song, J. F. Mano, Wettable arrays onto superhydrophobic surfaces for bioactivity testing of inorganic nanoparticles, Materials Letters, 2011, 65, 296-299; 18. J. Ballester-Beltrán, P. Rico, D. Moratal, Wenlong Song, J. F. Mano, M. Salmerón-Sánchez, Role of superhydrophobicity in the biological activity of fibronectin at the cell–material interface, Soft Matter, 2011, 7, 10803-10811 19. C. Sousa, D. Rodrigues, R. Oliveira, Wenlong Song, J. F. Mano, J. Azeredo, Superhydrophobic poly(L-lactic acid) surface as potential bacterial colonization substrate, AMB Express, 2011, 1:34, doi:10.1186/2191-0855-1-34. 20. Nuno M. Oliveira, Ana I. Neto, Wenlong Song, Joao F. Mano, Two-Dimensional Open Microfluidic Devices by Tuning the Wettability on Patterned Superhydrophobic Polymeric Surface, Applied Physics Express, 2010, 3(8), 085205; 21. Wenlong Song, Ana C. Lima, J. F. Mano, Bioinspired Methodology to Fabricate Hydrogel Spheres for Multi-applications Using Superhydrophobic Substrates, Soft Matter, 2010, 6, 5868-5871; 22. Wenlong Song, V. S. Gaware, Ögmundur V. Rúnarsson, M. Masson, J. F. Mano, Functionalized superhydrophobic biomimetic chitosan-based films, Carbohydrate Polymers, 2010, 81, 140-144; 23. Wenlong Song, D. D. Veiga, C. A. Custódio, J. F. Mano, Bioinspired Degradable Substrates with Extreme Wettability Properties, Advanced Materials, 2009, 21, 1830-1834. This work was selected as cover. 24. Q. L. Zhang, F. Xia, T. Sun, Wenlong Song, T. Zhao, M. Liu, L. Jiang, Wettability switching between high hydrophilicity at low pH and high hydrophobicity at high pH on surface based on pH-responsive polymer, Chem. Commun., 2008, 1199–1201 25. Wenlong Song, Fan Xia, Yubai Bai, Fengqi Liu, Taolei Sun, Lei Jiang, Controllable Water Permeation on the Poly (N- isopropylacrylamide) Modified Nanostructured Copper Mesh Film, Langmuir, 2007, 23, 327-331. 26. Fan Xia, Lin Feng, Shutao Wang, Taolei Sun, Wenlong Song, Wuhui Jiang, and Lei Jiang, Dual-Responsive Surfaces That Switch between Superhydrophilicity and Superhydro- phobicity, Adv. Mater., 2006, 18, 432–436. 27. Zhaoyue Liu, Min Liu, Wenlong Song, Kai Pan, Jinghong Li, Yubai Bai, Tiejin Li, Multi-fluorescent dye-doped SiO2/ lanthanide complexes hybrid particles, Materials Letters, 2006, 60, 1629–1633. 28. Rongwei Zhang, Dan Zhang, Hui Mao, Wenlong Song, Ge Gao, Fengqi Liu, Preparation and characterization of Ag/AgO nanoshells on carboxylated polystyrene latex particles, Journal of Materials Research, 2006, 21: 349-354. 29. Wenlong Song, Taolei Sun, Yanlin Song, Yubai Bai, Fengqi Liu, Lei Jiang, An atomic force microscopic investigation of electro–sensitive polymer surface, Talanta, 2005, 67, 543-547. 30. Wenlong Song, Taolei Sun, Lei Jiang, Fengqi Liu, Yubai Bai, Surface Patterning on the Electro-sensitive Polymer Film, Chem. J. Chinese Universities, 2005, 26, 1765-1767. 31. Taolei Sun, Wenlong Song, Lei Jiang, Control over the responsive wettability of poly (N–isopropylacrylamide) film in a large extent by introducing an irresponsive molecule, Chem. Commum, 2005, 1723-1725. 32. Taolei Sun, Huan Liu, Wenlong Song, Xi Wang, Lei Jiang, Lin Li, and Daoben Zhu, Responsive Aligned CarbonNano-tubes, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2004, 43, 4663–4666. Xia Hong, Li Wei, Wei Guo, Jun Li, Wenlong Song, Yubai Bai, Tiejin Li, Direct Fabrication of Magnetite Nanoparticles Patterns via“Dip-Pen”Nanolithography, Chem. J. Chinese Universities, 2002, 23, 1778-1780. 著作成果 Wenlong Song, N. M. Alves, J. F. Mano, “Surfaces with Extreme Wettability Ranges for Biomedical Applcations” in the book entitled: Biomimetic Approaches For Biomaterials Development. 2012, 237-257, Wiley-Vch Verlag. 获奖信息 暂无内容 社会兼职 暂无内容 授课信息 暂无内容 其他联系方式 [1] 邮编 : 130023 [2] 通讯地址 : 长春市前进大街2699号吉林大学超分子楼B308 [3] 电话 : 85168283 [4] 邮箱 : songwenlong@jlu.edu.cn