姓名 | 孙超 | 性别 | 男 |
学校 | 中国矿业大学 | 部门 | 资源与地球科学学院 |
学位 | 博士 | 学历 | 版权登记666包过 代写全部资料 |
职称 | 博士 | 联系方式 | 【了解更多】 |
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同专业硕导 孙超 赞12 的个人主页 http://faculty.cumt.edu.cn/sunchao/zh_CN/index.htm 硕士生导师 主要任职:教师 教师英文名称:Chao SUN 教师拼音名称:sunchao 电子邮箱:kang2008ping2008@163.com 所在单位:资源与地球科学学院 学历:博士研究生毕业 办公地点:中国矿业大学文昌校区科创3号楼406 性别:男 联系方式:sunchao@cumt.edu.cn 学位:博士 在职信息:在岗 个人简介 孙超,男,中国矿业大学资源与地球科学学院副教授,博士学位,硕士研究生导师。2011、2014年于中国石油大学(华东)先后取得勘查技术与工程学士学位,地球探测与信息技术硕士学位(保送);2020年于中国石油大学(北京)获得地质资源与地质工程博士学位;2021年于巴黎高等师范学院攻读地球科学与环境科学博士学位,并获得巴黎文理研究大学博士学位。研究兴趣涉及地震岩石物理,地球物理正反演,高性能并行计算,数字信号处理,以及机器学习在地球物理中的应用等。主持国家自然基金青年项目,油气资源与国家重点实验室开放基金项目,徐州市科技局青年人才项目,中石化开放基金,中石油开放基金,曾参与国家重点基础研究发展规划973项目,国家自然科学基金重点项目等5项科研项目的研发。代表性文章主要发表在《Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth》、《Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering》、《Geophysical Journal International》等期刊上,受邀参加国际会议并发表会议论文数篇。担任《Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth》和《Geophysical Prospecting》审稿人。 招收:地球探测与信息技术学术硕士,地质工程专业硕士。 研究兴趣涉及地震岩石物理,地球物理正反演,高性能并行计算,数字信号处理,以及机器学习在地球物理中的应用等。 发表文章: Authors Title Publication Volume Number Pages Year Publisher He, Yan-Xiao; Wang, Shangxu; Xi, Bo; Tang, Genyang; Yin, Hanjun; Zhao, Liming; Sun, Chao; Ma, Xiaoyi; Role of pressure and pore microstructure on seismic attenuation and dispersion of fluid-saturated rocks: laboratory experiments and theoretical modelling Geophysical Journal International 231 3 1917-1937 2022 Oxford University Press Sun, Chao; Fortin, Jérôme; Borgomano, Jan VM; Wang, Shangxu; Tang, Genyang; Bultreys, Tom; Cnudde, Veerle; Influence of fluid distribution on seismic dispersion and attenuation in partially saturated limestone Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 127 5 e2021JB023867 2022 Wiley Online Library Tang, Genyang; Guo, Fenghua; Wang, Shangxu; Sun, Chao; Liu, Tao; Dong, Chunhui; He, Yanxiao; Han, Xu; Effects of porosity, orientation and connectivity of microcracks on dispersion and attenuation of fluid-saturated rocks using an upscaling numerical modelling of the squirt flow mechanism Exploration Geophysics 53 4 425-438 2022 Taylor & Francis Zhao, Liming; Tang, Genyang; Sun, Chao; Zhao, Jianguo; Wang, Shangxu; Dual attenuation peaks revealing mesoscopic and microscopic fluid flow in partially oil-saturated Fontainebleau sandstones Geophysical Journal International 224 3 1670-1683 2021 Oxford University Press Han, Xu; Wang, Shangxu; Tang, Genyang; Dong, Chunhui; He, Yanxiao; Liu, Tao; Zhao, Liming; Sun, Chao; Coupled effects of pressure and frequency on velocities of tight sandstones saturated with fluids: measurements and rock physics modelling Geophysical Journal International 226 2 1308-1321 2021 Oxford University Press He, Y‐X; Wang, SX; Sun, C; Tang, GY; Zhu, W; Analysis of the frequency dependence characteristics of wave attenuation and velocity dispersion using a poroelastic model with mesoscopic and microscopic heterogeneities Geophysical Prospecting 69 6 1260-1281 2021 Borgomano, Jan VM; Gallagher, Ariel; Sun, Chao; Fortin, Jérôme; An apparatus to measure elastic dispersion and attenuation using hydrostatic-and axial-stress oscillations under undrained conditions Review of Scientific Instruments 91 3 34502 2020 AIP Publishing LLC Sun, Chao; Borgomano, Jan VM; Fortin, Jérôme; Wang, ShangXu; Effect of pore collapse and grain crushing on the frequency dependence of elastic wave velocities in a porous sandstone Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 1月13日 2020 Springer Sun, Chao; Effect of mechanical compaction and biphasic saturation on the frequency dependence of elastic wave velocities in porous rock 2020 Université Paris sciences et lettres; China University of Petroleum Sun, Chao; Tang, Genyang; Fortin, Jérôme; Borgomano, Jan VM; Wang, Shangxu; Dispersion and attenuation of elastic wave velocities: impact of microstructure heterogeneity and local measurements Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 125 12 e2020JB020132 2020 Wiley Online Library Min*, Li; Genyang, Tang; Liming, Zhao; Yanxiao, He; Chunhui, Dong; Chao, Sun; Shangxu, Wang; A match-filter method for measuring group velocity and attenuation in the laboratory 2nd SEG Rock Physics Workshop: Challenges in Deep and Unconventional Oil/Gas Exploration 6月7日 2020 Society of Exploration Geophysicists Sun, Chao; Tang, Genyang; Zhao, Jianguo; Zhao, Liming; Long, Teng; Li, Min; Wang, Shangxu; Three-dimensional numerical modelling of the drained/undrained transition for frequency-dependent elastic moduli and attenuation Geophysical Journal International 219 1 27-38 2019 Oxford University Press Zhao, Liming; Tang, Genyang; Wang, Shangxu; Zhao, Jianguo; Wang, Xingmou; Liu, Haojie; Wei, Guohua; Sun, Chao; Li, Minlong; Li, Min; Laboratory study of oil saturation and oil/water substitution effects on a sandstone’s modulus dispersion and attenuation Exploration Geophysics 50 3 324-335 2019 Taylor & Francis Li, Min; Tang, Genyang; Dong, Chunhui; Zhao, Liming; Sun, Chao; Han, Xu; Wang, Shangxu; The measurement of reflection coefficient dispersion in the ultrasonic frequency range SEG International Exposition and Annual Meeting 2019 OnePetro Liu, X; Tang, G; Dong, C; Sun, C; Wang, J; Wang, S; Numerical Modeling of Stress-Strain Oscillation Experiments Using the Finite Element Method 81st EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2019 2019 1 1月5日 2019 EAGE Publications BV Sun, Chao; Tang, Genyang; Zhao, Jianguo; Zhao, Liming; Wang, Shangxu; An enhanced broad-frequency-band apparatus for dynamic measurement of elastic moduli and Poisson’s ratio of rock samples Review of Scientific Instruments 89 6 64503 2018 AIP Publishing LLC Sun, C; Tang, GY; Dong, CH; Zhao, JG; Wang, SX; Fluid saturation effect on the characteristic frequency and attenuation of tight sandstone 79th EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2017 2017 1 1月5日 2017 EAGE Publications BV 教育经历 [1]. 2004.9 -- 2007.6 康平县高级中学 高中毕业 [2]. 2018.1 -- 2021.6 巴黎高等师范学院(ENS) 地球科学 博士研究生毕业 博士 [3]. 2016.9 -- 2020.12 中国石油大学(北京) 地质资源与地质工程 博士研究生毕业 博士 [4]. 2007.9 -- 2014.6 中国石油大学(华东) 勘查技术与工程 本科毕业 学士 [5]. 2011.9 -- 2016.6 中国石油大学(华东) 地球探测与信息技术 硕士研究生毕业 硕士 工作经历 [1]. 2014.7 -- 至今 资源与地球科学学院 讲师 [2]. 2021.1 -- 至今 中国矿业的大学 资源于地球科学学院 研究方向 [1] 研究兴趣涉及地震岩石物理,地球物理正反演,高性能并行计算,数字信号处理,以及机器学习在地球物理中的应用等。 其他联系方式 邮箱 : sunchao@cumt.edu.cn