

姓名 沈薇 性别 发明专利4999代写全部资料
学校 江苏科技大学 部门 沈薇,教授,环境与化学工程学院
学位 沈薇,教授,环境与化学工程学院 学历 东校区综B602
职称 沈薇,教授,环境与化学工程学院 联系方式 【发送到邮箱】
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沈薇 教授 环境与化学工程学院 个人邮箱: chmsw@just.edu.cn 办公地点: 东校区综B602 通讯地址: 镇江市梦溪路2号 邮政编码: 212003 传真: 您是第23144 位访问者 个人简介 教授,硕导,博士。2011年本科毕业于浙江大学,2016年博士毕业于新加坡国立大学,同年就职于江苏科技大学。 主持国家自然科学基金1项,江苏省自然科学基金1项,江苏省“333工程”优秀青年人才专项1项,镇江市重点研发计划1项,企业横向2项,江苏科技大学人才引进基金1项;参与国家自然科学基金2项,新加坡科学院与法国国家科学院联合项目3项。2017年入选江苏省六大人才高峰资助对象,江苏省“双创博士”。2018年入选江苏科技大学“青年学者计划”第二层次。2020年入选镇江市“十大杰出青年”、镇江市“出彩教育人”,江苏省侨联青年委员会委员。2021年被评为镇江市优秀共产党员,被选为中国共产党镇江市第八次代表大会代表。2022年入选江苏省第六期“333工程”第三层次培养对象,江苏省归侨侨眷先进个人。目前任江苏科技大学学术委员会委员,《Journal of Analysis and Testing》、《Targets》、《Eurasian Journal of Analytical Chemistry》、《江苏科技大学学报(自然科学版)》编委。在J. Am. Chem. Soc., Chem. Soc. Rev., Biosens. Bioelectron., Adv. Funct. Mater., Anal. Chem.等SCI期刊发表论文80余篇,其中一作及通讯40篇(一区25篇),被引7000余次,h-index为27。获授权国家发明专利10件。参译出版专著、参编出版教材各1部。曾获国家优秀自费留学生奖学金(全球500人),江苏省分析测试协会科学技术一等奖、二等奖,新加坡国立大学理学院研究生最佳科研奖(1人/年),新加坡总统奖学金(2人/年)等。指导学生获全国大学生生命科学创新创业大赛特等奖1项、一等奖3项,中国“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛国赛银奖、铜奖各1项,省一等奖、三等奖各1项,江苏省优秀硕士学位论文,省三好学生等。主持江苏省高等教育教改研究课题1项,获批江苏省一流本科生课程1门。ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8159-5728 研究方向 (1)核酸分析检测:疾病标志物miRNA灵敏分析检测、DNA单核苷酸多态性分析检测(2)纳米材料合成及生物标志物分析应用(3)文物保护与文物分析检测 教育经历 2011.08~2016.02,理学博士, 新加坡国立大学(分析化学专业)2007.08~2011.06,理学学士, 浙江大学(化学专业)2010.07~2010.08,学术访问, 北卡罗来纳州立大学(化学分析专业) 课程教学 (1)仪器分析(本科生)(江苏省一流本科课程)(2)仪器分析实验(本科生)(3)Modern Analytical Chemistry(全英文)(4)分析化学(本科生)(5)现代仪器分析(硕士研究生,双语)(6)Modern Analysis and Testing Technology(留学硕士研究生,全英文)(7)仪器分析开放选修实验(本科生)(8)化学工艺(硕士研究生) 专利成果 [1] 沈薇; 李亚拿; 祁桐; 唐盛; 孙俊; 朱安妮; 许孟婵; 许孟媛; 吴天韵; 一种基于脱氧核酶修饰的磁珠颗粒用于锌离子检测的荧光方法, 2018-8-6, 中国, ZL201810920626.2 (2020-12-25授权) CN 208982458 B[2] 沈薇; 祁桐; 宋畅; 何静; 唐良秀; 唐盛; 何万娇; 姚瑶;一种基于DSN循环扩增技术对多种microRNA同时进行检测的液相色谱法, 2020-2-7, 中国, ZL 202010082179.5 (2022-9-23授权) CN 111118120 B[3] 沈薇; 孙俊; 祁桐; 唐盛; 宋畅; 一种基于DSN循环扩增技术同时检测多种microRNA的液相色谱法, 2021-2-7, WIPO, PCT/CN2021/075728 通过国际阶段,已进入美国[4] 唐盛; 孙俊; 李亚拿; 沈薇; 祁桐; 毛威; 刘凯; 朱安妮; 许孟媛; 许孟婵; 一种具有类过氧化物酶特性的氧化锡锑纳米颗粒及其制备方法和应用, 2018-8-29, 中国,ZL201810993299.3 (2020-11-25授权)CN 108998022 B[5]韩飞; 沈薇; 张成智; 刘金水; 李轩科; 张福全;一种电池负极材料及其制备方法, 2018-06-08, 中国, 201810583702.5 (2021-04-30授权) CN 108832087 B.[6] 唐盛; 祁桐;许孟婵; 许孟媛; 朱安妮; 沈薇; 一种利用顶空单滴液相微萃取法和智能设备比色测定硫化氢的方法, 2019-3-18, 中国, 201910201539.6 (2021-06-01授权) CN 109946249 B[7] 彭银仙; 王晓静; 沈薇; 宋洪伟; 夏大厦; 一种磺酸型阴离子纳米吸附剂的制备方法与应用, 2018-11-14, 中国, ZL201811354165.3 (2021-04-06授权) CN 109351346 B[8] 姚瑶;陈天瑜; 胡涛; 唐盛; 毛威; 沈薇; 鞠嘉和; 柴雅倩; 一种基于金银纳米星“尖峰暴露”检测抗生素的方法, 2021-04-23, 中国, 202110440402.3 (2022-11-29授权) CN 113218939 B[9] 陈天瑜; 毛威; 潘玉泉; 唐盛; 沈薇; 曾学民; 王丽娜; 马正言; 一种人工单细胞结构材料及其制备方法和应用, 2021-04-23, 中国, 202110440578.9(2023-8-22授权) CN 113210012 B[10] 王丽娜; 沈薇; 莫檬嘉; 唐盛; 张景慧; 曾学民; 陈天瑜; 一种磁性单滴微萃取荧光开关结合PDA涂层囊泡检测GST的方法,2021-11-19,中国,202111399405.3 (2023-11-授权) CN 114018892 B 获奖动态 (35)第八届全国大学生生命科学竞赛(创新创业类)一等奖(指导老师1/2),2023.(雷姿等)(34)第八届全国大学生生命科学竞赛(创新创业类)二等奖(指导老师2/2),2023.(殷钰淇等)(33)“兆易创新杯”第十八届中国研究生电子设计竞赛三等奖(指导老师2/2),2023. (王丽娜等)(32)iCAN大学生创新创业大赛江浙赛区二等奖(指导老师1/2),2023.(雷姿等)(31)iCAN大学生创新创业大赛江浙赛区二等奖(指导老师1/1),2023.(李云心等)(30)iCAN大学生创新创业大赛江浙赛区二等奖(指导老师1/2),2023.(马紫玉等)(29)“双良杯”第三届江苏省大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛二等奖(指导老师1/2),2023.(28)第一届中国研究生“双碳”创新与创意大赛三等奖(指导教师1/2),2022. (27)“兆易创新杯”第十七届中国研究生电子设计竞赛商业计划书专项赛总决赛团队三等奖(指导教师1/2),2022.(26)第十六届iCAN大学生创新创业大赛三等奖(指导教师1/2),2022.(25)中国“互联网+”创新创业大赛国赛银奖(指导教师1/5),2022.(24)江苏省分析测试协会科学技术奖一等奖(3/8),2022.(23)全国大学生生命科学竞赛(2022,创新创业类)二等奖(指导教师1/2)、三等奖(指导教师2/2),2022. (22)第二届全国大学生化学实验创新设计大赛“微瑞杯”华东赛区三等奖(指导教师1/2),2021. (21)中国“互联网+”创新创业大赛国赛银奖(指导教师2/3),2021. (20)中国“互联网+”创新创业大赛国赛铜奖、江苏省一等奖(指导教师1/3),2021. (19)镇江市“出彩教育人”,2020. (18)镇江市“十大杰出青年”,2020. (17)江苏科技大学2019年本科生创新创业训练计划优秀指导老师,2020. (16)江苏省分析测试协会科学技术奖二等奖(1/5),2020. (15)中国“互联网+”创新创业大赛江苏省三等奖、校一等奖(指导教师2/3),2020. (14)第十三届全国大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛全国优秀奖、校二等奖(指导教师2/3),2020. (13)第五届全国大学生生命科学创新创业大赛特等奖(指导教师1/2)、一等奖(指导教师2/2),2020. (12)第四届全国大学生生命科学创新创业大赛一等奖(指导教师2/2),2019. (11)国家优秀自费留学生奖学金,2015年(10)新加坡国立大学总统奖学金,2014年(9)新加坡国立大学理学院研究生最佳科研奖,2013年(8)浙江大学优秀毕业论文,2011年(7)浙江大学优秀毕业生,2011年(6)浙江大学学业优秀二等奖学金,2010年(5)浙江大学三好学生,2010年(4)浙江大学优秀学生干部,2009年(3)浙江大学学业优秀三等奖学金,2009年(2)浙江大学三好学生,2009年(1)浙江大学基地奖学金,2009年 论文著作 [1]    W. Shen, H. Deng, Z. Gao, Gold nanoparticle-enabled real-time ligation chain reaction for ultrasensitive detection of DNA, J. Am. Chem. Soc.134 (2012) 14678-14681.  (一区,IF: 14.612)[2]   W. Shen, H. Deng, Y. Ren, Z. Gao, A label-free microRNA biosensor based on DNAzyme-catalyzed and microRNA-guided formation of a thin insulating polymer film, Biosens. Bioelectron. 44 (2013) 171-176. (一区,IF: 10.257)[3]  W. Shen, H. Deng, Y. Ren, Z. Gao, An electronic sensor array for label-free detection of single-nucleotide polymorphisms,  Biosens. Bioelectron. 43 (2013) 165-172. (一区, IF: 10.257)[4]     W. Shen, Z. Gao, Quantum dots and duplex-specific nuclease enabled ultrasensitive detection and serotyping of Dengue viruses in one step in a single tube, Biosens. Bioelectron. 65 (2015) 327-332. (一区, IF: 10.257)[5]    W. Shen, H. Deng, A.K.L. Teo, Z. Gao, Colorimetric detection of single-nucleotide polymorphisms with a real-time PCR-like sensitivity, Chem. Commun. 48 (2012) 10225-10227. (一区, IF: 6.164)[6]     W. Shen, H. Deng, Y. Ren, Z. Gao, A real-time colorimetric assay for label-free detection of microRNAs down to sub-femtomolar levels, Chem. Commun. 49 (2013) 4959-4961. (一区, IF: 6.164)[7]   W. Shen, C.L. Lim, Z. Gao, A ferrofluid-based homogeneous assay for highly sensitive and selective detection of single-nucleotide polymorphisms, Chem. Commun. 49 (2013) 8114-8116. (一区, IF: 6.164)[8]    W. Shen, H. Deng, A.K.L. Teo, Z. Gao, An electrodeposited redox polymer-laccase composite film for highly efficient four-electron oxygen reduction, J. Power Sources 226 (2013) 27-32. (一区, IF: 8.247)[9]  W. Shen, Y. Tian, T. Ran, Z. Gao, Genotyping and quantification techniques for single-nucleotide polymorphisms, TrAC, Trends Anal. Chem. 69 (2015) 1-13. (二区, IF: 12.296)[10]   W. Shen, K.H. Yeo, Z. Gao, A simple and highly sensitive fluorescence assay for microRNAs, Analyst 140 (2015) 1932-1938. (二区, IF: 3.978)[11]   W. Shen, H. Deng, Z. Gao, Synthesis of polyaniline via DNAzyme-catalyzed polymerization of aniline, RSC Adv. 4 (2014) 53257-53264. (二区, IF: 3.119)[12]   W. Shen, H. Deng, Z. Gao, Synthesis and anticancer properties of a novel bis-intercalator, Anti-Cancer Agents Med. Chem. 13 (2013) 632-638. (三区,IF: 2.722)[13]  S.Y. Lim, W. Shen, Z. Gao, Carbon quantum dots and their applications, Chem. Soc. Rev. 44 (2015) 362-381. (一区,IF: 42.846,热点文章,被引>2000次)[14]   H. Deng, W. Shen, Y. Ren, Z. Gao, A highly sensitive and selective homogenous assay for profiling microRNA expression, Biosens. Bioelectron. 54 (2014) 650-655. (一区, IF: 10.257)[15]   H. Deng, W. Shen, Y. Ren, Z. Gao, A highly sensitive microRNA biosensor based on hybridized microRNA-guided deposition of polyaniline, Biosens. Bioelectron. 60 (2014) 195-200. (一区, IF: 10.257)[16]   H. Deng, W. Shen, Z. Gao, Colorimetric detection of single nucleotide polymorphisms in the presence of 103-fold excess of a wild-type gene, Biosens. Bioelectron. 68 (2015) 310-315. (一区, IF: 10.257)[17]   Z. Gao, W. Shen, H. Deng, Y. Ren, Detection of single-nucleotide polymorphisms based on the formation of an electron-transfer impeding layer on an electrode surface, Chem. Commun. 49 (2013) 370-372. (一区,IF: 6.164)[18]   H. Deng, W. Shen, Z. Gao, Synthesis of water-soluble and cross-linkable ferrocenyl redox polymers for uses as mediators in biosensors, Sens. Actuators, B 168 (2012) 238-242. (一区,IF: 7.100)[19]    H. Deng, Y. Ren, W. Shen, Z. Gao, An ultrasensitive homogeneous chemiluminescent assay for microRNAs, Chem. Commun. 49 (2013) 9401-9403. (一区,IF: 6.164)[20]  Y. Ren, H. Deng, W. Shen, Z. Gao, A Highly Sensitive and Selective Electrochemical Biosensor for Direct Detection of MicroRNAs in Serum, Anal. Chem. 85 (2013) 4784-4789. (一区,IF: 6.785)[21]   Z. Gao, H. Deng, W. Shen, Y. Ren, A Label-Free Biosensor for Electrochemical Detection of Femtomolar MicroRNAs, Anal. Chem. 85 (2013) 1624-1630. (一区,IF: 6.785)[22] Y. Yu, Y. Ren, W. Shen, H. Deng, Z. Gao, Applications of metal-organic frameworks as stationary phases in chromatography, TrAC, Trends Anal. Chem. 50 (2013) 33-41. (二区,IF: 12.296)[23]   H. Deng, W. Shen, Y. Peng, X. Chen, G. Yi, Z. Gao, Nanoparticulate Peroxidase/Catalase Mimetic and Its Application, Chem. - Eur. J. 18 (2012) 8906-8911. (二区,IF: 5.16)[24]  F. Xu, D. Huang, C. Han, W. Shen, X. Lin, Y. Wang, SPINOL-derived phosphoric acids: synthesis and application in enantioselective Friedel− Crafts reaction of indoles with imines, J. Org. Chem. 75 (2010) 8677-868. (二区,IF: 4.8)[25]  H. Deng, W. Shen, Z. Gao, An Interference-Free Glucose Biosensor Based on an Anionic Redox Polymer-Mediated Enzymatic Oxidation of Glucose, ChemPhysChem 14 (2013) 2343-2347. (三区,IF: 3.1)[26]  H. Zhang, M. Shi, W. Shen, Z. Li, B. Zhang, R. Liu, R. Zhang, Damage or protection? The role of smoked crust on sandstones from Yungang Grottoes, J. Archaeol. Sci. 40 (2013) 935-942. (三区,IF: 3.0)入职之后[27]   S. Tang, Y. Chang, W. Shen, H. K. Lee, Selective extraction by dissolvable (nitriloacetic acid-nickel)-layered double hydroxide coupled with reaction with potassium thiocyanate for sensitive detection of iron (III), Talanta 154 (2016) 416-422. (二区,IF: 5.339)[28]   L. Liu, W. Shen, B. Zhang*, Y. Han, Determination of proteinaceous binders for polychrome relics of Xumi mountain grottoes by using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and immunofluorescence microscopy, Inter. J. Conserv. Sci. 7 (2016) 3-14.[29]   L. Liu, W. Shen, B. Zhang*, Q. Ma, Microchemical study of pigments and binders in polychrome relics from Maiji Mountain Grottoes in northwestern China, Microsc. Microanal. 22 (2016) 845-856. (三区,IF: 2.7)[30]   W. Shen, J. Sun, Y.H.S, Jowy, L. Shi, S. Tang*, H.K. Lee*, Needle-based sampling coupled with colorimetric reaction catalyzed by layered double hydroxide peroxidase mimic for rapid detection of the change of D-glucose levels with time in bananas, Anal. Chim. Acta 1001(2018) 32-39. (二区,IF: 5.977)[31]   S. Tang, J. Sun, Y. Li, D. Xia, T. Qi, K. Liu, H. Deng, W. Shen*, H.K. Lee*, pH-dependent selective ion exchange based on (EDTA-nickel)-layered double hydroxide to catalyze the polymerization of aniline for detection of Cu2+ and Fe3+, Talanta 187 (2018)287-294. (二区,IF: 5.339)[32]   J. Sun, Y. Li, C. Chen, T. Qi, D. Xia, W. Mao, T. Yang, L. Chen*, W. Shen*, S. Tang*, Magnetic Ni/Fe layered double hydroxides nanosheets as enhancer for DNA hairpin sensitive detection of miRNA, Talanta 187(2018)265-271. (二区,IF: 5.339)[33]   W. Shen, Y. Li, T. Qi, S. Wang, J. Sun, H. Deng, H. Lu, C. Chen, L. Chen, Sheng Tang*, Fluorometric determination of zinc(II) by using DNAzyme-modified magnetic microbeads, Microchim. Acta 185 (2018) 447-454. (二区,IF: 6.232)[34]   S. Tang, T. Qi, P. D. Ansah, J. C. N. Fouemina, W. Shen, C. Basheer, H. K. Lee*, Single-Drop Microextraction, TrAC- Trends Anal. Chem. 108 (2018) 306-313. (一区,IF: 12.296)[35]   S.Tang*, J.Sun, D. Xia, B. Zang, Y. Gao, C. Chen, W. Shen, H. K. Lee*, In-syringe extraction using compressible and self-recoverable, amphiphilic graphene aerogel as sorbent for determination of phenols, Talanta 195(2019) 165-172.  (二区,IF: 5.339)[36]   H. Deng, G. Tang, Z. Fan, S. Liu, Z. Li, Y. Wang, Z. Bian,  W. Shen,  S. Tang*, F. Yang*, Use of autoclave extraction-supercritical fluid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry to analyze 4-(methylintrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone and N'-nitrosonornicotine in tobacco, J. Chromatogr. A 1595(2019) 207-214.  (二区,IF: 3.9)[37]   S. Tang*, Y. Li, A. Zhu, Y. Yao, J. Sun, F. Zheng, Z. Lin,  W. Shen*,  A triple-amplification strategy based on the formation of peroxidase-like two dimensional DNA/Fe3O4 networks initiated by hybridization chain reaction for highly sensitive detection of microRNA, Chem. Commun. 55 (2019) 8386-8389. (一区,IF: 6.164)Back cover.[38]   Y. Li, J. Sun, W. Mao,  S. Tang*, K. Liu, T. Qi, H. Deng,  W. Shen*, L. Chen, L. Peng, Antimony doped tin oxide nanoparticles as peroxidase mimics for paper-based colorimetric detection of glucose using smartphone read-out, Microchim. Acta 186 (2019) 403. (二区,IF: 6.232)[39]   S. Tang*, T. Qi, D. Xia, M. Xu, M. Xu, A. Zhu,  W. Shen, H. K. Lee*, Smartphone nanocolorimetric determination of hydrogen sulfide in biosamples after silver-gold core-shell nanoprism-based headspace single drop microextraction, Anal. Chem. 91 (2019) 5888-5895. (一区,IF: 6.785)[40]   S. Tang*, D. Xia, Y. Yao, T. Chen, J. Sun, Y. Yin, W. Shen, Y. Peng*, Dye adsorption by self-recoverable, adjustable amphiphilic graphene aerogel,  J. Colloid Interf. Sci. 554 (2019) 682-691. (一区,IF: 6.4)[41]   S. Tang*, Y. Yao, T. Chen, D. Kong, W. Shen, H. K. Lee*, Recent advances in the application of layered double hydroxides in analytical chemistry: A review, Anal. Chim. Acta 1103 (2020) 32-48. Invited review (二区,IF: 5.977)[42]   I. D. Tegladza, T. Qi, T. Chen, K. Alorku,S. Tang*, W. Shen*, D. Kong, A. Yuan, J. Liu, H. K. Lee*, Direct immersion single-drop microextraction of semi-volatile organic compounds in environmental samples: A review,  J. Hazard. Mater.  393 (2020) 122403. (一区,IF: 10.588)[43]   Z. Li, C. Zhang, F. Han*, F. Wang, F. Zhang, W. Shen, C. Ye, X. Li, J. Liu*, Towards high-volumetric performance of Na/Li-ion batteries: a better anode material with molybdenum pentachloride–graphite intercalation compounds (MoCl5–GICs), J. Mater. Chem. A 8 (2020) 2430-2438. (一区,IF: 10.7)[44]   T. Qi, C. Song, J. He, W. Shen*, D. Kong, H. Shi, L.Tan, R. Pan, S. Tang*, H. K. Lee*, Highly Sensitive Detection of Multiple MicroRNAs by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography Coupled with Long and Short Probe-based Recycling Amplification, Anal. Chem. 92 (2020) 5033−5040.(一区,IF: 6.785)[45]   T. Qi, M. Xu, Y. Yao, W. Chen, M. Xu, S. Tang*, W. Shen,  D. Kong, H. Shi, H. K. Lee*, Gold nanoprism/Tollens' reagent complex as plasmonic sensor in headspace single-drop microextraction for colorimetric detection of formaldehyde in food samples using smartphone readout,Talanta 220 (2020) 122388. (二区, IF: 5.339)[46]   S. Tang*,  T. Qi, Y. Yao, L. Tang, W. Chen, T. Chen,  W. Shen,  D. Kong, H. Shi, T. Liu,  H. K. Lee*, Magnetic three-phase single-drop microextraction for rapid amplification of the signals of DNA and microRNA analysis, Anal. Chem.92 (2020) 12290-12296.(一区,IF: 6.785)[47]   W. Chen, Y. Yao, T. Chen, W. Shen, S. Tang*, H. K. Lee*, Application of smartphone-based spectroscopy to biosample analysis: A review, Biosens. Bioelectron. 172 (2021) 112788. (一区, IF: 10.257)[48]  T. Qi, C. Song, W. Chen, L. Tang, J. Ju, W. Shen, D. Kong, S. Tang*, Duplex specific nuclease-enabled isothermal signal amplification combined with high-performance liquid chromatography for highly sensitive detection of dual-target microRNAs as disease biomarkers, Chinese J. Anal. 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Lee*, Logarithmic Data Processing Can be Used Justifiably in Plotting of Calibration Curve, Anal. Chem. 93 (2021) 12156−12161 (一区, IF: 6.986)[53]  Y. Yao, T. Hu, C. Song, C. Liu*, D. Kong, C. Huang, J. Zhu, W. Shen*, H. Shi, S. Tang*, Multiply-amplified strategy for the ultrasensitive detection of kanamycin via aptamer-triggered three-dimensional G-quadruplex/Ni-Fe layered double oxide frame networks, Anal. Chim. Acta 1187 (2021) 339169 (二区, IF: 6.558)[54]  Y. Yao, J. Kuang, J. Ju, T. Hu, W. Shen*, S. Tang*, C. Liu, D. Kong, H. Shi, H. K. Lee*, Solvent-free magnetic-tip microextraction into a single drop for fluorescence sensing, Sensor Actuat. B-Chem. 352 (2021) 131044. (一区, IF: 7.460, TOP)[55] Y. Yao, M. Xue, W. Mao, Y. Li, A. Zhu, T. Chen, W. Shen*, C. Liu, L.Chen, S.Tang*, Ni/Fe layered double hydroxide nanosheet/G-quadruplex as a new complex DNAzyme with highly enhanced peroxidase-mimic activity, Analyst 146 (2021) 6470-6473 (二区, IF: 4.616)[56] M.Xue, W.Mao, J.Chen, F.Zheng*, W.Chen, W.Shen*, S.Tang*, Application of Au or Ag nanomaterials for colorimetric detection of glucose, Analyst 146 (2021) 6726-6740 (二区, IF: 4.616)[57] A. R. Bagheri, N. Aramesh, J. Chen, W. Liu, W. Shen, S. Tang*, H. K. Lee*, Polyoxometalate-based materials in extraction, and electrochemical and optical detection methods: A review, Anal. Chim. Acta 1209 (2022) 339509 (二区, IF: 6.558)[58] A. R. Bagheri, N. Aramesh, Z. Liu, C. Chen, W. Shen*, S.Tang *, Recent Advances in the Application of Covalent Organic Frameworks in Extraction: A Review, Crit. Rev. Anal. Chem. (2022) Accepted (二区, IF: 6.535)[59] Q. Duan, H. Shi*, L. Tan, Z. Liu, Q. Huang, W. Shen, L. Cao, H. K. Lee*, S. Tang*, Ultra-high-performance supercritical fluid chromatography and detection of multiple biogenic amines in gentamicin sulfate: method development using computer-assisted modeling, Anal. Chem. 94 (2022) 7229-7237 (一区, IF: 8.008)[60] Y. Yao, T. Hu, Y. Chai, J. Ju, J. Zhang*, W. Shen*, H. Shi, C. Liu, C. Huang, S. Tang*, A rapid cusp-covering to Au nanostar as plasmonic sensor in a single-drop microreactor for the determination of kanamycin in biosamples, Sensor Actuat. B-Chem. 366 (2022) 131993 (一区, IF: 7.460)[61] J. He, W. Mao, W. Chen, W. Shen*, Q. Duan, H. Shi, L. Tan, Y. Kuang, H. K. Lee*, S. Tang*, Three-dimensional printed microdevice to enhance headspace microextraction for enrichment of histamine in milk, Anal. Chem., 94 (2022) 10595-10600 (一区, IF: 8.008)[62] L. Wang, J. Zhang, W. Shen*, X. Zeng, H. K. Lee*, S. Tang, Can direct-immersion aqueous-aqueous microextraction be achieved when using a single-drop system? Anal. Chem. 94 (2022) 12538-12545 (一区, IF: 8.008)[63] C. Song, C. Liu, Z. Ma, R. Pan*, H. Shi, D. Kong, J. Zhang, W. Shen, S. Tang*, Detection of four biogenic amines by liquid chromatography based on aptamer signal replacement combined with cyclic amplification, Chin.J.Chromatogr. 40 (2022) 1014-1021(国内期刊)[64] J. Ju, Y. Chen, Z. Liu, C. Huang, Y. Li, D. Kong*, W. Shen, S. Tang*, Modification and application of Fe3O4 nanozymes in analytical chemistry: A review, Chinese Chem. Lett. 34 (2022) 107820 (二区, IF: 8.455)[65] C. Song, C. Liu*, J. Chen, Z. Ma, S. Tang*, R. Pan, X. Suo, Z. Yan, H. K. Lee, W. Shen*, Self-generation of distinguishable fluorescent probes via one-pot process for multiple microRNA detection by liquid chromatography, Anal.Chem. 95 (2023) 4113-4121 (一区, IF: 8.008, TOP)[66] M. Mao, X. Cai, R. Pan, S. Tang*, F. Yang, Y. Cui, J. Sun*, W. Shen*, Light-enhanced transparent hydrogel for uric acid and glucose detection by four different analytical platforms, Anal.Chim.Acta. 1239 (2023) 340717 (一区, IF: 6.558, TOP)[67] J. Kuang, J. Ju, Y. Lu, Y. Chen, C. Liu, D. Kong*, W. Shen*, H. Shi, L. Li, J. Ye, S. Tang*, Magnetic three-phase single-drop microextraction for highly sensitive detection of aflatoxin B1 in agricultural product samples based on peroxidase-like spatial network structure, Food Chem. 416 (2023) 135856 (一区,IF: 9.231, TOP)[68] J. Kuang, L. Wang, Y. Yin, W. Shen*, Chang. L. H. K. Lee*, S. Tang*, Spatial confinement of single-drop system to enhance aggregation-induced emission for detection of microRNAs, Anal.Chem.95 (2023) 5346-5353 (一区, IF: 8.008, TOP)[69] Y. Yang, F. Xu, J. Chen, C. Tao, Y. Li, Q. Chen, S. Tang*, H. K. Lee*, W. Shen*, Artificial intelligence-assisted smartphone-based sensing for bioanalytical applications: A review, Biosens. Bioelectron. 229 (2023) 115233 (一区, IF: 12.545, TOP) 教学随笔 科研项目 (14)镇江市重点研发计划(社会发展),2023-2026(主持,在研)(13)江苏省“333工程”优秀青年人才专项,2023-2026(主持,在研)(12)基于可编程DNA三维有序阵列分析结肠癌协同标志物组的方法研究,江苏省自然科学基金面上项目,2021-2024(主持,在研)(11) 工业涂装行业中VOCs吸附催化降解关键材料研究,企业横向项目,2019-2022(主持,结题)(10) 江苏科技大学“青年学者计划”第二层次,2018-2022(主持,结题)(9)江苏省“六大人才高峰”高层次人才项目,2017.12-2020.12(主持,结题)(8)江苏省“双创计划”,2017.10-2020.10(主持,结题)(7)仿细胞结构水滑石材料的合成及其对肽类激素的萃取性能研究,国家自然科学基金青年基金(21705060),2018.1-2020.12(参与,结题)(6)Ultrasensitive and label-free assays,A*STAR-ANR(R143000588112),2014.8.1-2017.7.31,S$146500 (参与,结题)(5)Developing new microfluidic chambers for cancer cell screening, A*STAR-ANR(R143000516305),2012.7.31-2015.6.30,(参与,结题)(4)Ultrasensitive biosensors, A*STAR-ANR (R143000463133), S$350000, 2011.7.31-2014.6.30 (参与,结题)(3)基于信号放大的高效检测多种疾病相关微RNA的分析检测,江苏科技大学引进人才启动基金,2016.12~2019.12(主持,结题)(2)靶向钌配合物功能化金纳米粒子复合体系的构建及其荧光成像研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目(21671137) ,2017/01-2020/12(参与,结题)(1)基于等温循环信号放大的多通路同时检测多种微RNA的分析方法,国家自然科学基金青年基金(21605105),2017.1~2019.12(主持,结题)

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