

姓名 张俊豪 性别 发明专利4999代写全部资料
学校 江苏科技大学 部门 张俊豪,教授,环境与化学工程学院
学位 张俊豪,教授,环境与化学工程学院 学历 长山校区18号楼225室
职称 张俊豪,教授,环境与化学工程学院 联系方式 【发送到邮箱】
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张俊豪 教授 环境与化学工程学院 个人邮箱: jhzhang6@just.edu.cn 办公地点: 长山校区18号楼225室 通讯地址: 江苏省镇江市丹徒新区长晖路666号 邮政编码: 212100 传真: 您是第21719 位访问者 个人简介 张俊豪,教授,博士,博士生导师,江苏科技大学环境与化学工程学院副院长,2015年荣获玛丽居里学者称号,2016入选江苏省“青蓝工程”优秀青年骨干教师培养对象,2018年入选江苏科技大学“深蓝工程”青年学者第一层次培养对象,2022,2023年受聘为International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials青年编委,入选2022,2023年版全球前2%顶尖科学家,2022年获中国石油和化学工业联合会科学技术三等奖1项,2023年获江苏省科技副总。主持完成或在研国家自然科学基金面上项目、欧盟玛丽居里联合基金(AMAROUT II奖学金)1项、江苏省自然科学基金面上项目2项、中国博士后基金2项、江苏省产学研项目1项、江苏省高校自然科学基金2项、镇江市碳达峰碳中和专项产业前瞻与共性关键技术攻关项目1项,火灾国家重点实验室开放基金等4项;参与国家自然科学基金3项、日本住友矿山公司资助项目1项。授权中国发明专利5项,日本发明专利1项,其中2项专利已转让。近年,在以第一作者或通讯作者Angewandte Chemie International Edition、Advnced Energy Materials、Nano Letters、Advanced Functional Materials、Green Chemistry、Journal of Materials Chemistry A、Nano Research等国内外学术期刊共发表论文80余篇,发表论文共被SCI源刊引用1500余篇次,其中11篇论文为高被引论文,2篇热点论文。指导5篇江苏科技大学优秀硕士论文(2015, 217, 2019,2021),指导本科生获全国大学生生命科学创新创业大赛特等(2021)、一等(2023)和三等(2023)奖各一次,中国研究生双碳创新与创意大赛一等奖1次(2023),获镇江市优秀科技论文3篇,镇江市师德先进个人、江苏科技大学优秀教师、江苏科技大学优秀党务工作者等,另外, 3篇论文获江苏科技大学青年教师学术研讨会优秀论文。Journal of Materials Chemistry A、Chemical Engineering Journal等国际权威期刊的审稿人和仲裁人。 研究方向 (1)无机功能材料的合成和自组装(2)新能源材料及能源存储与转换(锂二次电池、超级电容器、电催化,等) 教育经历 博士后, 10/2014~12/2015, 西班牙马德里先进材料研究所(材料化学)博士后, 07/2012~09/2013, 日本高知大学(材料化学)博士后,05/2010~05/2012, 山东大学大学(材料化学)理学博士, 09/2005~06/2008,中国科学技术大学(无机化学专业)工学硕士, 09/2002~06/2005,汕头大学(工业催化专业)理学学士, 09/1998~06/2002,安徽师范大学(化学教育专业) 课程教学 (1)无机及分析化学、能源化学、新能源材料的设计与制备等(本科生)(2)现代化工技术、先进功能材料制备技术、近代表征与测试技术等(硕士研究生)(3)纳米材料科学与技术(博士研究生)拟招收研究生情况:材料科学与工程专业博士1名,化学(学硕)、化学工程与技术(学硕)、材料与化工(专硕),3-4 名/年课题组诚邀感兴趣、勤奋、有志向的本科生、研究生加盟,化学、新能源材料与器件背景的优先考虑。 科研项目 17. 整体式双梯度空气电极的原位构筑及锌空电池三维界面催化机制,国家自然科学基金面上项目(22379056),2024.01-2027.12。(主持,在研)16. 江苏省产学研合作项目,BY20230347,2023-2024,50万元,在研,主持。15. 具有伸缩界面的硅/碳纤维锂离子电池负极材料的关键技术研发,镇江市碳达峰碳中和专项产业前瞻与共性关键技术攻关项目 (CG2023003),2023.07~2026.06。 (主持,在研)14. 阻燃型PEO/MOFs基电解质膜的构筑及其全固态锂离子电池的安全性能,镇江市重点研发计划(社会发展),2019.06-2021.05。 (主持,已结题)13. 江苏科技大学‘深蓝人才工程’第一层次人才培养对象,2018.09~2022.08. (主持,在研)12. "锂硫电池阻燃型MOFs基聚合物固态电解质膜的构筑和性能研究" (BK20181469), 江苏省自然科学基金面上项目,2018.07~2021.06. (主持,已结题)11. "异原子掺杂多孔碳包覆硅团簇的构筑及其协同储锂性能", 中国博士后基金(no. 2017M611747),  2017.07~2018.12. (主持,已结题)10. "混合动力船舶锂离子电池硅基负极材料的制备及其储锂性能研究", 江苏高校协同创新中心资助项目,  2016.01~2017.12。(主持,已结题)9.  “新一代高效阻燃聚烯烃纳米复合材料及其可持续循环:设计、制备、构效关系和机理”. AMAROUT-II EUROPE (291803),2014.10~2016.10(主持,已结题)8. “资源再生型磁性多孔碳纳米材料的宏量可控制备及吸附性能研究”,江苏省自然科学基金面上项目(BK20141293), 2015.1~2017.12(主持,已结题)7. “聚烯烃/功能化蒙脱土体系的成炭行为及阻燃机理研究”,火灾国家重点实验室开放基金(HZ2015-KF03), 2015.1~2016.12(主持,在研)6.  “磁性多孔碳材料的废塑料转化制备及重金属离子吸附性能研究”,江苏省高校自然科学面上基金(13KJB430012) , 2014.1~2015.12(主持,已结题)5.  “磁性多孔碳的可控合成及其吸附性能研究”,中科院能源转换重点实验室开放基金(KF 2014006), 2013.09~2014.09(主持,已结题)4.  “新型铁氧化物石墨夹层化合物的合成及电化学性能研究”,中国博士后基金(20110491569), 2011.06~2012.12(主持,已结题);3.  “低温液相合成特殊形貌和结构的碳纳米材料及其性能研究”,江苏省高校自然科学基础研究基金(10KJB430016) , 2010.1~2010.12(主持,已结题);2. “磁性材料与碳包覆磁性复合材料的合成、表征及性能研究”,江苏科技大学博士启动基金(35060810), 2008.10~2011.10(主持,已结题);1. “《无机与分析化学》网络教学平台开发及应用研究”,省现代教育研究所教改项目(2010-R-17091), 2010.01~2012.12(主持,已结题)。 专利成果 [11] 张俊豪,高明月,薛凯 , 张书亚 , 王靖。一种锂离子电池用碳包锗复合负极材料及其制备方法与应用,中国发明专利,授权号:202210594918.8.[10] 张俊豪,陈家乐,孙上清,郭兴梅,刘元君。一种锂离子电池负极用自支撑氮掺杂多孔碳包覆硅纳米纤维材料及其制备方法与应用,申请号:202110776569.7.[9] 张俊豪,薛艳春,郭兴梅。一种多孔碳负载硒化钴镍双功能电极材料的制备方法与应用,申请号:202110667248.3.[8] 薛艳春,张俊豪,郭兴梅,蔡星伟,万小晗,陈家乐。一种钠离子电池用软硬碳复合多孔负极材料及其制备方法,中国发明专利,授权号:202010185778.X。[7] 陈家乐,张俊豪,苏冬芹,郭兴梅,蔡星伟,薛艳春,万小晗。一种碳包覆硒化镍超薄纳米片复合材料及其制备方法,中国发明专利,申请号:202010333219.9.[6] 张俊豪,于婷婷,袁爱华。一种锂离子电池柔性负极材料及其制备方法,中国发明专利(201710833929.6).[5] 张俊豪,刘慧丽,于婷婷,袁爱华。一种制备铁纳米颗粒/大直径碳纳米管复合材料的方法,申请号:201710778856.5.[4] 张俊豪,利用温和路线室温合成四氧化三锰纳米材料的方法,中国发明专利(ZL 2010 1 0520394.5)。[3] 张俊豪,万盛,闫博. 一种处理废旧聚烯烃塑料的方法,中国发明专利(ZL201310139683.4)。[2] 张俊豪. 水热氢气还原废水中镍离子制备多孔镍微粒的方法,中国发明专利(ZL201410182662.5),。[1] 张俊豪,袁爱华,张龙梅. 低温固相反应制备钛酸锶纳米粉末的方法,中国发明专利(ZL201410201919.7)。 科研团队                课题组导师介绍         张俊豪           郭兴梅          刘元君          郑祥俊         凡倩倩       段中尧   2012-2023级研究生介绍 获奖动态 (37) 2023年中国研究生“双碳”创新与创意大赛优秀指导教师。(36) 2023年 第二届中国研究生“双碳”创新与创业大赛一等奖(指导教师)。(35) 2023年 全国大学生生命科学创新创业大赛一等奖(指导教师)。(34) 2023年 全国大学生生命科学创新创业大赛三等奖(指导教师)。(33) 江苏省“科技副总”, 2023.(32) 面向高效电化学储能 的MOFs及其衍生纳米 多孔材料的可控构筑 及应用, 中国石油和化学工业联合会科学技术三等奖,4/5, 2022.(31) 江苏科技大学优秀硕士论文 (学生:高明月,指导老师:张俊豪),2022.(30) 入选2022年版全球前2%顶尖科学家(world's Top 2% Scientists 2022).(29) 2022年 全国大学生生命科学创新创业大赛三等奖(28) 受聘为International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials青年编委,2022.(27) 全国大学生生命科学创新创业大赛特等奖(学生:童祥芝,周东成,牛桂玲,王敬敬;指导老师:郭兴梅,张俊豪)(26) 江苏科技大学优秀硕士论文 (学生:薛艳春,指导老师:张俊豪),2021.(25) 江苏科技大学优秀硕士论文 (学生:陈家乐,指导老师:张俊豪),2021.(24) 镇江市优秀科技论文(1/8),2021.(23)江苏省研究生新能源材料与器件科研创新实践大赛优胜奖 (学生:薛艳春,高明月,吴梦荣,指导老师:张俊豪),2020.(22) 江苏科技大学优秀党务工作者,2020.(21)江苏科技大学优秀本科毕业论文(学生:杨丹丹、张帝、乔苏钰、钱龚敏,指导老师:张俊豪、郭兴梅、朱佳), 2020.(20)江苏科技大学教学优秀奖(A+),2019(19)江苏科技大学优秀硕士论文(学生:苏冬芹,指导老师:张俊豪), 2019。 (18)江苏科技大学青年学者第一层次, 2018。(17)江苏科技大学第二届“悦读•起航”“数字资源利用之星”荣誉称号, 2018.(16)江苏科技大学优秀本科毕业论文(学生:陈家乐,指导老师:张俊豪), 2018.(15) 第十届全国大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛(三等奖)(学生:于婷婷、黄曼、刘慧丽、苏冬芹、唐泽华、陈家乐。指导老师:张俊豪)(14) 江苏科技大学优秀硕士论文(学生:黄曼,指导老师:张俊豪), 2017。(13)  镇江市“师德先进个人”,2017。(12) 江苏科技大学"优秀教师", 2017。(11) 江苏省"青蓝工程"优秀青年骨干教师培养对象, 2016.(10) 镇江市优秀科技论文三等奖(1/6), 2016.(9)  江苏科技大学优秀硕士论文(学生:闫博,指导老师:张俊豪), 2015。(8) 欧盟委员会“居里学者”, 2014。(7) 江苏安全生产科技项目成果奖励(江苏安全生产技术奖)三等奖(2/5), 2010。(6) 镇江市优秀科技论文三等奖(1/5),2010。(5) 江苏科技大学“三育人”先进个人, 2012。(4) 江苏科技大学“优秀班主任”, 2012。(3) 江苏科技大学“优秀教师”,2010。(2) 江苏科技大学“优秀班主任”, 2010。(1) 江苏科技大学“优秀标兵班主任”, 2010。 论文著作 2024[140] Ming Li, Jing Shi, Bingrong Xu, Xinran Yang, Fei Gao*, Xiangjun Zheng, Yuanjun Liu, Fu Cao, Xingmei Guo*, Junhao Zhang*. Size-controlled Co/CoO heterogeneous nanoparticles confined in N-doped mesoporous carbon for efficient oxygen reduction in zinc-air batteries. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,  2024, 653, 1317-1325.[139] Ming Zhou#, Mengrong Wu#, Xiangjun Zheng*, Xingmei Guo, Yuanjun Liu, Fu Cao, Qinghong Kong, Junhao Zhang*. Controllable fabrication of FeCoS4 nanoparticles/S-doped bowl-shaped hollow carbon as efficient lithium storage anode. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2024, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cjche.2023.12.003. [138] Peixue Fu, Haixing Song, Chuanqi Song, Ruize Yin, Jiacheng Wang, Yaoyao Liao, Yuchang Yan, Weiwei Xiong*, Fenfen Zheng*, Aihua Yuan, Junhao Zhang*. NixSy/N, S-codoped carbon (NSC) hollow microspheres derived from a novel metal organic porous polymer for high performance lithium ion batteries. Electrochimica Acta, 2024, 478: 143823.2023[137] Xingmei Guo, Jing Shi, Ming Li, Junhao Zhang*, Xiangjun Zheng, Yuanjun Liu,  Baojuan Xi, Xugang An, Zhongyao Duan, Qianqian Fan, Fei Gao, Shenglin Xiong.Modulating coordination of iron atom clusters on N, P, S triply-doped hollow carbon support towards enhanced electrocatalytic oxygen reduction. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2023, 62(49), e202314124[136] Xingmei Guo, Junhao Zhang*, Lei Yuan, Baojuan Xi, Fei Gao, Xiangjun Zheng, Ruiyu Pan, Liuyang Guo, Xuguang An, Tongxiang Fan, Shenglin Xiong*. Biologically assisted construction of advanced electrode materials for electrochemical energy storage and conversion. Advanced Energy Materials, 2023,  13(24): 202204376.[135] HuiGu#, Mingyue Gao#, Tianli Zhang, Junhao Zhang*, XiangjunZheng, Xingmei Guo, YuanjunLiu, FuCao, Qinghong Kong, ShenglinXiong*. F127 assisted fabrication of Ge/rGO/CNTs nanocomposites with three-dimensional network structure for efficient lithium storage. Chinese Chemical Letters, 2023, 35 109273.[134] Haiwei Yu#, Mingyue Gao#, Ming Zhou, Hui Gu, Xiangjun Zheng,* Xingmei Guo, Yuanjun Liu, Fu Cao, Qinghong Kong, Junhao Zhang*. F127/PDA dual-assisted fabricating high dispersed Ge nanoparticles /N-doped porous carbon composites with efficient lithium storage. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2023, 26: 5055-5064. [133] Tianli Zhang#, Mengrong Wu#, Hui Gu, Haiwei Yu, Ming Zhou, Xingmei Guo, Yuanjun Liu, Xiangjun Zheng, Qinghong Kong, Junhao Zhang*. Double carbon modified CoS2/NiS2 as anode material for efficient lithium storage performance. Journal of Energy Storage, 2023, 73: 108981.[132] Xingwei Cai, Jinfeng Xie, Xingmei Guo, Xiangjun Zheng, Yuanjun Liu, Fu Cao*, Xiaohong Dong, Qinghong Kong, Junhao Zhang*. Suppressing polysulfide shuttle in lithium-sulfur batteries using CNTs/C3N4/S cathodes. Materials Today Communications, 2023, 35: 106138.[131] Kai Xue#, Yanchun Xue#, Jing Wang, Shuya Zhang, Xingmei Guo*, Xiangjun Zheng, Fu Cao*, Qinghong Kong, Junhao Zhang*, Zhong Jin*. KOH-assisted aqueous synthesis of ZIF-67 with high-yield and its derived cobalt selenide/carbon composites for high-performance Li-ion batteries. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2023, 57:214-223.[130] Jing Wang, Jiale Chen, Shuya Zhang, Kai Xue, Junhao Zhang*, Fu Cao*, Qinghong Kong, Xingmei Guo*. Si nanoparticles confined in N, P- doped double carbon as efficient anode materials for lithium ion batteries. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2023, 935(1): 167850.[129] Yue Sun#,Shiqi Li#,Xinran Yang#,Yutang Zhang,Bangzheng Liao,Chengxing Zhu,Jiajun Yang,Bingrong Xu, Fu Cao*,Xingmei Guo*,Junhao Zhang*. Bacteria-assisted synthesis of Fe-Co-Ni-S/hollow carbon spheres as high-performance supercapacitor electrode materials.Chemistryselect, 2023, 8:e202203439.[128] Shuya Zhang, Yanchun Xue, Yutang Zhang, Chengxing Zhu, Xingmei Guo*, Fu Cao, Xiangjun Zheng, Qinghong Kong, Junhao Zhang, Tongxiang Fan*. KOH-assisted aqueous synthesis of bimetallic metal-organic frameworks and their derived selenide composites for efficient lithium storage. International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, 2023,30(4): 601-610.2022年[127] Xingmei Guo, Mengting Duan, Junhao Zhang*, Baojuan Xi, Ming Li, Rui Yin, Xiangjun Zheng, Yuanjun Liu, Fu Cao, Xuguang An, and Shenglin Xiong*. A General Self-Assembly Induced Strategy for Synthesizing Two-Dimensional Ultrathin Cobalt-Based Compounds Toward Optimizing Hydrogen Evolution Catalysis. Advanced Functional Materials, 2022, 32,2209397.[126] Xiangjun Zheng, Yuhang Qian, Hongyu Gong, Wenhua Shi, Jin Yan, Wentao Wang, Xingmei Guo, Junhao Zhang*, Xuecheng Cao*, Ruizhi Yang*, Bridge-linking interfacial engineering of triple carbons for highly efficient and binder-free electrodes toward flexible Zn-air batteries, Applied. Catalysis B: Environmental, 2022, 319, 121937. (一区,IF= 24.319)[125] Xingmei Guo, Shanjing Liu,Xiaohan Wan, Junhao Zhang*, Yuanjun Liu, Xiangjun Zheng, Qinghong Kong,. Zhong Jin*. Controllable Solid-PhaseFabrication of Fe2O3/Fe5C2/Fe-N-C Electrocatalyst Towards Optimizing the Oxygen Reduction Reaction in Zinc-Air Batteries. Nano Letters, 2022, 22: 4879-4887. [124] Mingyue Gao#, Yanchun Xue#, Yutang Zhang, Chengxing Zhu, Haiwei Yu, Xingmei Guo*, Shasha Sun, Shenglin Xiong*, Qinghong Kong, Junhao Zhang*. Growing Co-Ni-Se nanosheets on 3D carbon frameworks as advanced dualfunctional electrodes for supercapacitors and sodium ion batteries. Inorganic Chemistry Frontier, 2022, 9(15): 3933-3942.[123] Shanjing Liu#, Xiaohan Wan#, Yue Sun, Shiqi Li, Xingmei Guo*, Ming Li, Rui Yin, Qinghong Kong, Jing Kong, Junhao Zhang*. Cobalt-based multicomponent nanoparticles supported on N-doped graphene as advanced cathodic catalyst for zinc-air batteries. International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, 2022, 29(12): 2212-2220. [122] Xingmei Guo#, Jinfeng Xie#, Jing Wang, ShangqingSun, Feng Zhang, Fu Cao, Yuanjun Liu, Xiangjun Zheng, Junhao Zhang*, Qinghong Kong. Fabricating TiO2/N-doped carbon nanofibers as advanced interlayer for improving cycling reversibility of lithium-sulfur batteries. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2022, 52, 88-94.[121] Xingmei Guo, Wei Zhang, Jing Shi, Mengting Duan, Shanjing Liu, Junhao Zhang*, Yuanjun Liu, Shenglin Xiong*, Qinghong Kong. A channel-confined strategy for synthesizing CoN-CoOx/C as efficient oxygen reduction electrocatalyst for advanced zinc-air batteries. Nano Research, 2022, 15(3): 2092-2103.[120] Gao Mingyue, Chen Yongming, Wang Jing, Yang Ru, Guo Xingmei, Cao Fu, Sun Shasha, Zhang Junhao*, Kong Qinghong. In situ carbon-coated Ni0.85Se@C composite with high performance for sodium-ion batteries. Chemistry Letters, 2022, 51: 221-223.[119] Shi Jing, Guo Xingmei*, Liu Shanjing, Zhang Junhao*, Liu Yuanjun, Zheng Xiangjun, Kong Qinghong. An altered nanoemulsion assembly strategy for in-situ synthesis of Co2P/NP-C nanospheres as advanced oxygen reduction electrocatalyst for zinc-air batteries. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2022, 231: 109589.[118] Duan Mengting, Liu Shanjing, Jiang Qiming, Guo Xingmei*, Zhang Junhao*, Xiong Shenglin. Recently progress on preparation and applications of layered double hydroxides. Chinese Chemical Letters, 2022, 33(10): 4428-4436. [117] Duan Mengting, Qiu Mingjun, Sun Shangqing, Guo Xingmei*, Liu Yuanjun, Zheng Xiangjun, Cao Fu, Kong Qinghong, Zhang Junhao*. Intercalating assembly of NiFe LDH nanosheets/CNTs composites as high-performance electrocatalyst for oxygen evolution reaction. Applied Clay Science, 2022, 216:106360. [116] Kong Qinghong, Zhu Haojie, Huang Shuai, Wu Ting, Zhu Fang, Zhang Yunlong, Wang Yuan, Zhang Junhao*. Influence of multiply modified FeCu-montmorillonite on fire safety and mechanical performances of epoxy resin nanocomposites. Thermochimica Acta, 2022, 707:179112.[115] Chen Yongming#, Huang Shuai#, Zhao Han, Yang Ru, He Yining, Zhao Tianyu, Zhang Yunlong, Kong Qinghong*, Sun Shasha*, Zhang Junhao. Influence of beta-cyclodextrin functionalized tin phenylphosphonate on the thermal stability and flame retardancy of epoxy composites. 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Nano Research, 2021, 14(10): 3598-3607.(111) Wu Mengrong, Gao Mingyue, Zhang Shuya, Yang Ru, Chen Yongming, Sun Shangqing, Xie Jinfeng, Guo Xingmei*, Cao Fu, Zhang Junhao*. High-performance lithium-sulfur battery based on porous N-rich g-C3N4 nanotubes via a self-template method. International Journal of Minerals Metallurgy and Materials, 2021, 28(10):1656-1665.(110) Duan Mengting, Wu Mengrong, Xue Kai, Bian Zhengxu, Shi Jing, Guo Xingmei*, Cao Fu, Zhang Junhao*, Kong Qinghong, Zhang Feng. Preparation of Co/SnO2@NC/S composites as high-stability cathode material for lithium-sulfur batteries. International Journal of Minerals Metallurgy and Materials, 2021, 28(10): 1647-1655.(109) Zhang Chunyang, Tan Pengfei, Cheng Zhijie, Song Jinbo, Zhao Yuyuan, Chen Lei*, Cai Xingwei*, Zhang Junhao*, Yuan Aihua*. CoS2 nanoparticles embedded in two-dimensional sheet-shaped N-doped carbon for sodium storage. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistrty, 2021, 16:1536-1543.(108) Gao Mingyue, Tang Zehua, Wu Mengrong, Chen Jiale, Xue Yanchun, Guo Xingmei, Liu Yuanjun, Kong Qinghong, Zhang Junhao*. Self-supporting N, P doped Si/CNTs/CNFs composites with fiber network for high-performance lithium-ion batteries. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021, 857: 157554.   (107) Shi Jing, Zhang Shuya, Wang Jing, Bian Zhengxu, Duan Mengting, Guo Xingmei*, Liu Yuanjun, Zhang Junhao*, Kong Qinghong. CoSnO3 nanocubes wrapped by carbon nanofibers for improving lithium-sulfur battery performances. Chemistryselect, 2021, 6(5): 9453-9457.(106) Kong Qinghong, Zhu Haojie, Fan Jinsong, Zheng Guolin, Zhang Caijiao, Wang Yuan, Zhang Junhao*. Boosting flame retardancy of epoxy resin composites through incorporating ultrathin nickel phenylphosphate nanosheets. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2021, 138(16): e50265.(105) Haojie Zhu, Yongming Chen, Shuai Huang, Yuan Wang, Ru Yang, Huiyu Chai, Fang Zhu, Qinghong Kong, Yunlong Zhang, Junhao Zhang. Suppressing fire hazard of poly(vinyl alcohol) based on (NH4)2[VO(HPO4)]2(C2O4)·5H2O with layered structure. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2021, 138: e51345.(104) Zhang Feng, Liu Huachen, Wu Zhaofeng, Zhang Junhao, Cui Entian, Yue Lu, Hou Guihua. Polyacrylamide gel-derived nitrogen-doped carbon foam yields high performance in supercapacitor electrodes. ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2021, 4(7): 6719-6729.  (103) Han Yang, Liu Zhoujia, Zheng Fenfen, Bai Yixuan, Zhang Zhiqian, Li Xiaogang, Xiong Weiwei, Zhang Junhao, Yuan Aihua. Two-dimensional flower-like cobalt-porphyrin MOF/rGO composite anodes for high-performance Li-ion batteries. Journal of Alloys and Coumpounds, 2021, 881: 160531.(102) Tong Xiangzhi, Zhou Dongcheng, Qiu Mingjun, Zhou Yisong, Ai Yanli, Guo Xingmei*, Zhang Junhao, Cai Yibing, Kong Qinghong. Biomorphic NiO/Ni with a regular pore-array structure as a supercapacitor electrode material.  European Journal of Inorganic Chemistrty, 2021, 2021(6): 562-566.2020年(101) Su Dongqin, Huang Man, Zhang Junhao*, Guo Xingmei, Chen Jialei, Xue Yanchun, Yuan Aihua,* Kong Qinghong. Hierarchical porous carbon networks with expanded interlayers for efficient sodium storage. Nano Research, 2020, 13(10): 2862-2868. (一区, ESI高被引论文)(100) Chen Jiale, Bian Zhengxu, Wu Mengrong, Gao Mingyue, Shi Jing, Duan Mengting, Guo Xingmei, Liu Yuanjun, Zhang Junhao*, Kong Qinghong. Preparation of CoSnO3/CNTs/S and its electrochemical performance as cathode material for lithium-sulfur batteries. ChemElectroChem, 2020, 7(20): 4209-4217.(99) Xue Yanchun, Gao Mingyue, Wu Mengrong, Su Dongqin, Guo Xingmei, Shi Jing, Duan Mengting, Chen Jiale, Zhang Junhao*, Kong Qinghong. A promising hard carbon-soft carbon composite anode with boosting sodium storage performances. ChemElectroChem, 2020, 7(19): 4010-4015. (98) Guo Xingmei, Qian Cheng, Wan Xiaohan, Zhang Wei, Zhu Haowei, Zhang Junhao*, Yang Hongxun, Lin Shenglin, Kong Qinghong, Fan Tongxiang*. Facile in situ fabrication of biomorphic Co2P-Co3O4/rGO/C as efficient electrocatalyst for oxygen reduction reaction. Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 4374-4382. (二区,ESI高被引论文)(97) Zhang Kailong, Zhang Feng, Pan Honglin, Yu Jia, Wang Li, Wang Di, Wang Liangbiao, Hu Guang, Zhang Junhao*, Qian Yitai. Dual taming of polysufides by phosphorus-doped carbon for improving eletrochemical performances of lithium-sulfur battery. Electrochimica Acta, 2020, 354, 136648. (二区)(96) Zhang Di(本科生), Guo Xingmei*, Tong Xiangzhi, Chen Yifan, Duan Mengting, Shi Jing, Jiang Chengwei, Hu Leilei, Kong Qinghong, Zhang Junhao*. High-performance battery-type supercapacitor based on porous biocarbon and biocarbon supported Ni-Co layered double hydroxide. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2020, 837, 155529. (二区,ESI高被引论文)(95) Xie Jingfeng, Gao Mingyue, Wu Mengrong, Guo Xingmei, Xiong Weiwei, Kong Qinghong, Zhang Feng, Zhang Junhao*. Hollow N-doped carbon/metal phosphate structure as sulfur host for an advanced cathode of lithium-sulfur battery. Chemistry Letters, 2020, 49(6): 677-680.(94) Sang Lei, Cheng Yongming, Yang Ru*, Li Jing, Kong Qinghong*, Zhang Junhao*. Polyphosphazene-wrapped Fe-MOF for improving flame retardancy and smoke suppression of epoxy resins. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, doi: 10.1007/s10973-020-09481-6.(93) Xue Yanchun, Yu Tingting, Chen Jiale, Wan Xiaohan, Cai Xingwei*, Guo Xingmei, Zhang Feng*, Xiong Weiwei, Liu Yuanjun, Kong Qinghong, Yuan Aihua, Zhang Junhao*. Fabrication of GeO2  microspheres/hierarchical porous N-doped carbon with superior cyclic stability for Li-ion batteries. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2020, 286: 121303. (热点论文,ESI高被引论文)(92) Bian Zhengxu, Tang Zehua, Xie Jinfeng, Zhang Junhao*, Guo Xingmei, Liu Yuanjun, Yuan Aihua, Zhang Feng, Kong Qinghong. Preparation and lithium storage performances of g-C3N4/Si nanocomposites as anode materials for lithium-ion battery. Frontier in Energy, 2020, 14: 759-766.(91) Tang Zehua, Xie Jinfeng, Bian Zhengxu, Zhang Junhao*, Liu Yuanjun, Guo Xingmei, Kong Qinghong,Yuan Aihua*. Fabrication of Si nanoparticles encapsulated into porous N-doped carbon for superior lithium storage performances. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2020, 20(2):  946-956.(90) Zhang Di (本科生), Xue Yanchun, Chen Jiale, Guo Xingmei*, Yang Dandan, Wang Jingcheng, Zhang Junhao*, Zhang Feng, Yuan Aihua*. N, S,O self-doped porous carbon nanoarchitectonics derived from pinecone with outstanding supercapacitance performances. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2020, 20(5): 2728-2735.(89) Ding Jiemin, Zhang Yi, Zhang Xi, Kong Qinghong*, Zhang Junhao*, Liu Hong*, Zhang Feng. Improving the flame-retardant efficiency of layered double hydroxide with disodium phenylphosphate for epoxy resin. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2020, 140(1): 149-156.(88) Wang Junli, Jin Lei, Wang Tingting, Zhao Lijun, Guan Fan, Li Shaopeng, Wang Dan, Zhang Junhao. Length and composition tunable Sb-Bi-S nanowires for optoelectronic devices prepared via an isostructure-favored solvothermal synthesis. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020, 831: 154886.(87) Wang Liangbiao, Mei Tao, Zhang Kailong, Zhang Junhao, Lou Shiyi, Yang Tinghuai. One-step chemical synthesis of superconducting MgCNi3 microparticles at low temperature. Chemistry Letters, 2020, 49(4): 354-356.(86) Yan Peng, Ye Huaibo, Han Yang, Wang Jingjing, Zheng Fenfen, Xiongweiwei, Yang Hongxun, Zhang Junhao, Yuan Aihua, Wu Xingcai. Dual-templating approaches to soybeans milk-derived hierarchically porous heteroatom-doped carbon materials for lithium-ion batteries. Chemistryopen, 2020, 9(5): 582-587.2019年(85) Kong QH, Sun YL, Zhang CJ, Guan HM,Zhang JH*, Wang DY, Zhang F. Ultrathin iron phenyl phosphonate nanosheets with appropriate thermal stability for improving fire safety in epoxy. Composites Science and Technology, 2019, 182: 107748.(IF=5.160, 二区)(84) Su DQ, Tang ZH, Xie JF, Bian ZX,Zhang JH*, Yang DD, Zhang D, Wang JC, Liu Y, Yuan AH, Kong QH. Co, Mn-LDH nanoneedle arrays grown on Ni foam for high performance supercapacitors. Applied Surface Science, 2019, 469: 487-494. (IF=4.439, 二区,ESI 高被引, 热点论文)(83) Xingmei Guo*, Cheng Qian, Ruhua Shi, Wei Zhang, Fei Xu, Silu Qian, Junhao Zhang, Hongxun Yang, Aihua Yuan, Tongxiang Fan*, Biomorphic Co-N-C/CoOx composite derived from natural chloroplasts as efficient electrocatalyst for oxygen reduction reaction. Small, 2019, 15, 1804855. (一区,高被引论文)(82)Chen JL, Liu HL, Wan XH, Xue YC,Zhang JH*, Liu YJ, Guo XM, Kong QH, Yuan AH*. Constructing Cu2O@Ni-Al LDH core-shell structure for high supercapacitor electrode material. Journal of Nanoparticles Research,  2019, 21(10): 215.(81) Guo XM, Liu HL, Xue YC, Chen JL, Wan XH,Zhang JH*, Liu YJ, Yuan AH*, Kong QH, Fan H. NiAl layered double hydroxide flowers with ultrothin structure grown on 3D graphene for high-performance supercapacitors. 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