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学校 | 江苏科技大学 | 部门 | 周思中,教授,理学院 |
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周思中 教授 理学院 个人邮箱: zsz_cumt@163.com 办公地点: 通讯地址: 邮政编码: 传真: 您是第5135 位访问者 个人简介 周思中,理学硕士,江苏科技大学教授,江苏省“六大人才高峰”高层次人才,江苏省“333工程”第三层次中青年学术带头人,江苏省“青蓝工程”优秀青年骨干教师,镇江市优秀教育工作者,江苏科技大学优秀青年骨干教师,主持和参与国家自然科学基金项目3项,参与国家社会科学基金项目2项,参与山东省自然科学基金面上项目1项,主持和参与江苏省高校自然科学基金项目3项,参与省教研课题1项,参与校教研课题3项,出版学术专著5部,独自或第一作者发表SCI收录论文120余篇,其中ESI高被引论文17篇,现任美国数学会《Mathematical Reviews》评论员、欧洲数学会《Zentralblatt MATH》评论员、国际期刊《International Journal of Discrete Mathematics》编委、2012年4月至2016年10月《Journal of Discrete Mathematics》编委,科研成果获江苏省教育科学研究成果奖(高校科学技术研究类自然科学奖)三等奖1项,江苏省社科联“省社科应用研究精品工程”奖优秀成果二等奖1项,镇江市优秀科技论文(专著)一等奖1篇(2010年)、二等奖1篇(2008年)、三等奖1篇(2016年),2021年镇江市优秀科技论文(专著)奖1篇等。 研究方向 图论及其应用 教育经历 2000.09~2003.06, 中国矿业大学,硕士1995.09~1999.07, 中国矿业大学,本科 课程教学 高等数学、矩阵分析、线性代数、复变函数、积分变换、图论、复变函数与积分变换等课程 科研团队 江苏科技大学特色科技创新团队,图论及矩阵理论在数据处理中的应用,第二负责人,2018.01~2020.12 科研项目 (1) 图参数与分数因子的存在性研究, 山东省自然科学基金面上项目 (项目编号:ZR2023MA078) 起止时间:2024.01~2026.12, (参与人:2/6),在研(2) 支撑子图的存在性若干问题研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目(项目编号:11371009),2014.01~2017.12(主持人,已结题);(3) 图因子及其在计算机科学和网络理论中的应用,江苏省“六大人才高峰”高层次人才资助项目(项目编号:2017-JY-022),2017.10~2021.10(主持人,已结题);(4) 图中存在因子的若干参数条件,江苏省高校自然科学项目(项目编号:10KJB110003),2010.09~2012.12(主持人,已结题);(5) 江苏省“青蓝工程”优秀青年骨干教师支持计划项目,2008.12~2012.12(主持人,已结题);(6) 图的因子与正交因子分解,江苏省高校自然科学项目(项目编号:07KJD110048),2007.09~2008.12(主持人,已结题);(7) 特殊图的整数流及群连通性问题的研究,国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(项目编号:11501256),2016.01~2018.12(第二,已结题);(8) 基于特征值的信息粒化及其在知识获取中的应用研究,国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(项目编号:61503160),2016.01~2018.12(第二,已结题);(9) 产业技术创新联盟中知识转移的创新机制与价值增值实现研究,国家社会科学基金一般项目(项目编号:11BGL039),2011.06~2013.12(第三,已结题);(10) 产业技术创新联盟企业动态能力提升的创新机制与实现路径研究,国家社会科学基金重点项目(项目编号:14AGL001),2014.06~2016.12(第三,已结题);(11) 基于结构声辐射模态的舰船舱室空气噪声预报,国防预研行业基金项目(项目编号:2008CH010G),2008~2011(第五,已结题);(12) 基于多种分析技术的随机通信网络模型研究,江苏省高校自然科学项目(项目编号:14KJD110002),2014.09~2016.12(第三,已结题)。 获奖动态 (1)江苏省教育科学研究成果奖(高校科学技术研究类自然科学奖)三等奖(独自),2016年。(2)江苏省“六大人才高峰”高层次人才,2017年。(2)江苏省第五期“333工程”第三层次中青年学术技术带头人,2016年。(3)江苏省“青蓝工程”优秀青年骨干教师,2008年。(4)镇江市优秀教育工作者,2013年。(5)江苏科技大学优秀青年骨干教师,2008年。(6)江苏省社科联“省社科应用研究精品工程”奖优秀成果二等奖(第二),2015年。(7)镇江市优秀科技论文(专著)奖(1/2),2021年。(8)镇江市优秀科技论文(专著)一等奖(独自),2010年。(9)镇江市优秀科技论文(专著)二等奖(独自),2008年。(10)镇江市优秀科技论文(专著)三等奖(独自),2016年。(11)江苏科技大学2008/2009学年教学新秀奖,2009年。 教学随笔 论文著作 2009年以来在Discrete Mathematics, Discrete Applied Mathematics, European Journal of Combinatorics, Applied Mathematics Letters, Chaos Solitons & Fractals, Comptes Rendus Mathematique Paris, Information Processing Letters, Acta Mathematica Sinica (English Series), Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory, Periodica Mathematica Hungarica, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, Aequationes Mathematicae, Bulletin Mathematique de la Societe des Sciences Mathematiques de Roumanie, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society等SCI期刊上发表的部分学术论文。[90] Sizhong Zhou, Remarks on restricted fractional (g,f)-factors in graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics,DOI: 10.1016/j.dam.2022.07.020 (SCI)[89] Sizhong Zhou, Yang Xu, Zhiren Sun, Some results about star-factors in graphs, Contributions to Discrete Mathematics, Accept. (SCI)[88] Sizhong Zhou, Yuli Zhang, Zhiren Sun, The Aα-spectral radius for path-factors in graphs, Discrete Mathematics 347(5)(2024)113940. (SCI)[87] Sizhong Zhou, Zhiren Sun, Hongxia Liu, D-index and Q-index for spanning trees with leaf degree at most k in graphs, Discrete Mathematics 347(5)(2024)113927. (SCI)[86] Sizhong Zhou, Jiancheng Wu, Two sufficient conditions for graphs to admit path factors, Fundamenta Informaticae 191(1)(2024)67–77. (SCI)[85] Sizhong Zhou, Hongxia Liu, Two sufficient conditions for odd [1,b]-factors in graphs, Linear Algebra and its Applications 661(2023)149–162. (SCI) (ESI高被引论文)[84] Sizhong Zhou, Zhiren Sun, Hongxia Liu, Some sufficient conditions for path-factor uniform graphs, Aequationes Mathematicae 97(3)(2023)489–500. (SCI) (ESI高被引论文)[83] Sizhong Zhou, Yuli Zhang, Sufficient conditions for graphs to have strong parity factors, RAIRO-Operations Research 57(5)(2023)2465–2471. (SCI)[82] Sizhong Zhou, Hongxia Liu, Characterizing an odd [1,b]-factor on the distance signless Laplacian spectral radius, RAIRO-Operations Research 57(3)(2023)1343–1351.(SCI)[81] Sizhong Zhou, Quanru Pan, Lan Xu, Isolated toughness for fractional (2,b,k)-critical covered graphs, Proceedings of the Romanian Academy, Series A: Mathematics, Physics, Technical Sciences, Information Science 24(1)(2023)11–18. (SCI)[80] Sizhong Zhou, Zhiren Sun, Qiuxiang Bian, Isolated toughness and path-factor uniform graphs (II), Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 54(3)(2023)689–696. (SCI) (ESI高被引论文)[79] Sizhong Zhou, Path factors and neighborhoods of independent sets in graphs, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica-English Series 39(2)(2023)232–238. (SCI) (ESI高被引论文)[78] Sizhong Zhou, Degree conditions and path factors with inclusion or exclusion properties, Bulletin Mathematique de la Societe des Sciences Mathematiques de Roumanie 66(1)(2023)3–14. (SCI) (ESI高被引论文)[77] Sizhong Zhou, Qiuxiang Bian, Zhiren Sun, Two sufficient conditions for component factors in graphs, Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory 43(3)(2023)761–766. (SCI) (ESI高被引论文)[76] Sizhong Zhou, Some results on path-factor critical avoidable graphs, Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory 43(1)(2023)233–244. (SCI) (ESI高被引论文)[75] Sizhong Zhou, A neighborhood union condition for fractional (a,b,k)-critical covered graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics 323(2022)343–348. (SCI, EI)[74] Sizhong Zhou, A note of generalization of fractional ID-factor-critical graphs, Fundamenta Informaticae 187(1)(2022)61–69. (SCI)[73] Sizhong Zhou, Qiuxiang Bian, The existence of path-factor uniform graphs with large connectivity, RAIRO-Operations Research 56(4)(2022)2919–2927. (SCI)[72] Sizhong Zhou, Jiancheng Wu, Hongxia Liu, Independence number and connectivity for fractional (a,b,k)-critical covered graphs, RAIRO-Operations Research 56(4)(2022)2535– 2542. (SCI)[71] Sizhong Zhou, Qiuxiang Bian, Quanru Pan, Path factors in subgraphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 319(2022)183–191. (SCI, EI) (ESI高被引论文)[70] Sizhong Zhou, Hongxia Liu, Yang Xu, A note on fractional ID-[a,b]-factor-critical covered graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 319(2022)511–516. (SCI, EI) (ESI高被引论文)[69] Sizhong Zhou, Jiancheng Wu, Yang Xu, Toughness, isolated toughness and path factors in graphs, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 106(2)(2022)195–202. (SCI) (ESI高被引论文)[68] Sizhong Zhou, Jiancheng Wu, Qiuxiang Bian, On path-factor critical deleted (or covered) graphs, Aequationes Mathematicae, 96(4)(2022)795–802. (SCI) (ESI高被引论文)[67] Sizhong Zhou, Hongxia Liu, Discussions on orthogonal factorizations in digraphs, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica-English Series, 38(2)(2022)417–425. (SCI) (ESI高被引论文)[66] Sizhong Zhou, Sun Zhiren, Yang Fan, A result on $P_{\geq3}$-factor uniform graphs, Proceedings of the Romanian Academy, Series A: Mathematics, Physics, Technical Sciences, Information Science,23(1)(2022)3–8. (SCI)[65] Sizhong Zhou, Zhiren Sun, Hongxia Liu, On $P_{\geq3}$-factor deleted graphs, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica-English Series, 38(1)(2022)178–186. (SCI) (ESI高被引论文)[64] Sizhong Zhou, Binding numbers and restricted fractional (g,f)-factors in graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 305(2021)350–356. (SCI, EI)[63] Sizhong Zhou, A result on fractional (a,b,k)-critical covered graphs, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica-English Series,37(4)(2021)657–664.(SCI) (ESI高被引论文)[62] Sizhong Zhou, Zhiren Sun, Hongxia Liu, Isolated toughness and path-factor uniform graphs, RAIRO-Operations Research, 55(3)(2021)1279–1290. (SCI, EI)[61] Zhou Sizhong, A Fan-type result for the existence of restricted fractional (g,f)-factors, Proceedings of the Romanian Academy, Series A: Mathematics, Physics, Technical Sciences, Information Science, 22(1)(2021)3–10. (SCI)[60] Sizhong Zhou, Zhiren Sun, A neighborhood condition for graphs to have restricted fractional (g,f)-factors, Contributions to Discrete Mathematics, 16(1)(2021)138–149. (SCI)[59] Sizhong Zhou, Quanru Pan, The existence of subdigraphs with orthogonal factorizations in digraphs, AIMS Mathematics, 6(2)(2021)1223–1233. (SCI)[58] Sizhong Zhou, A result on restricted fractional (g,f)-factors in graphs, Bulletin Mathematique de la Societe des Sciences Mathematiques de Roumanie, 63(4) (2020)407–416. (SCI)[57] Sizhong Zhou, Zhiren Sun, Quanru Pan, A sufficient condition for the existence of restricted fractional (g,f)-factors in graphs, Problems of Information Transmission, 56(4)(2020)332–344. (SCI, EI)[56] Zhou Sizhong, Remarks on path factors in graphs, RAIRO-Operations Research, 54(6)(2020)1827–1834. (SCI, EI)[55] Zhou Sizhong, Zhang Tao, Xu Zurun, Subgraphs with orthogonal factorizations in graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 286(2020)29–34. (SCI, EI)[54] Zhou Sizhong, Sun Zhiren, Binding number conditions for $P_{\geq2}$-factor and $P_{\geq3}$-factor uniform graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 343(3)(2020), 111715. (SCI, EI) (ESI高被引论文)[53] Zhou Sizhong, Sun Zhiren, Some existence theorems on path factors with given properties in graphs, Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, 36(8)(2020)917–928. (SCI) (ESI高被引论文)[52] Zhou Sizhong, Liu Hongxia, Xu Yang, Binding numbers for fractional (a,b,k)-critical covered graphs, Proceedings of the Romanian Academy, Series A: Mathematics, Physics, Technical Sciences, Information Science, 21(2)(2020)115–121. (SCI)[51] Zhou Sizhong, Yang Fan, Xu Lan, Two sufficient conditions for the existence of path factors in graphs, Scientia Iranica, 26(6)(2019)3510–3514. (SCI)[50] Zhou Sizhong, Sun Zhiren, Liu Hongxia, Sun toughness and $P_{\geq3}$-factors in graphs, Contributions to Discrete Mathematics, 14(1)(2019)167–174. (SCI)[49] Zhou Sizhong, Xu Yang, Sun Zhiren, Degree conditions for fractional (a,b,k)-critical covered graphs, Information Processing Letters 152(2019), 105838. (SCI, EI)[48] Zhou Sizhong, Some results about component factors in graphs, RAIRO-Operations Research, 53(3)(2019)723–730. (SCI, EI) (ESI高被引论文)[47] Zhou Sizhong, Xu Lan, Xu Zurun, Remarks on fractional ID-k-factor-critical graphs, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series, 35(2)(2019)458–464. (SCI)[46] Zhou Sizhong, Sun Zhiren, Neighborhood conditions for fractional ID-k-factor-critical graphs, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series, 34(3) (2018), 636–644. (SCI)[45] Zhou Sizhong, Liu Hongxia, Zhang Tao, Randomly orthogonal factorizations with constraints in bipartite networks, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 112 (2018) 31–35. (SCI, EI)[44] Zhou Sizhong, Zhang Tao, Some existence theorems on all fractional (g,f)-factors with prescribed properties, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series, 34(2) (2018), 344–350. (SCI)[43] Zhou Sizhong, Sun Zhiren, Xu Zurun, A result on r-orthogonal factorizations in digraphs, European Journal of Combinatorics, 65(2017), 15–23. (SCI)[42] Zhou Sizhong, Wu Jiancheng, Zhang Tao, The existence of $P_{\geq3}$-factor covered graphs, Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory, 37(2017), 1055–1065. (SCI)[41] Zhou Sizhong, Xu Lan, Xu Yang, Randomly orthogonal factorizations in networks, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 93(2016), 187–193. (SCI, EI)[40] Zhou Sizhong, Yang Fan, Sun Zhiren, A neighborhood condition for fractional ID-[a,b]-factor-critical graphs, Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory, 36(2)(2016), 409–418. (SCI)[39] Zhou Sizhong, Binding number and minimum degree for fractional ID-k-factor-critical graphs, Utilitas Mathematica, 99(2016), 273–280. (SCI)[38] Zhou Sizhong, Sun Zhiren, Xu Yang, A theorem on fractional ID-(g,f)-factor-critical graphs, Contributions to Discrete Mathematics, 10(2)(2015), 31–38. (SCI)[37] Zhou Sizhong, Bian Qiuxiang, An existence theorem on fractional deleted graphs, Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 71(1)(2015), 125–133. (SCI)[36] Bian Qiuju, Zhou Sizhong, Independence number, connectivity and fractional (g,f)-factors in graphs, Filomat 29(2015), 757–761. (SCI)[35] Zhou Sizhong, Liu Hongxia, Xu Yang, A result on the existence of fractional k-factors in graphs, Utilitas Mathematica 96(2015), 125–130. (SCI)[34] Zhou Sizhong, A new sufficient condition for graphs to be (a,b,k)-critical graphs, Ars Combinatoria 118 (2015), 191–199. (SCI)[33] Zhou Sizhong, Bian Qiuju, Subdigraphs with orthogonal factorizations of digraphs (II), European Journal of Combinatorics 36(2014), 198–205. (SCI)[32] Zhou Sizhong, Sun Zhiren, On all fractional (a,b,k)-critical graphs, Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series30(4) (2014), 696–702. (SCI)[31] Zhou Sizhong, Binding numbers for fractional ID-k-factor-critical graphs, Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series 30(1) (2014), 181–186.(SCI)[30] Zhou Sizhong, Remarks on orthogonal factorizations of digraphs, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 91(10) (2014), 2109–2117. (SCI, EI)[29] Zhou Sizhong, Bian Qiuxiang, Sun Zhiren, Binding numbers for all fractional (a,b,k)-critical graphs, Filomat 28(4)(2014), 709–713. (SCI)[28] Zhou Sizhong, Sun Zhiren, Ye Hui, A toughness condition for fractional (k,m)-deleted graphs, Information Processing Letters, 2013, 113(8): 255–259. (SCI, EI)[27] Zhou Sizhong, Minimum degree, independence number and (a,b,k)-critical graphs,Ars Combinatoria, 2013, 108: 425–430. (SCI)[26] Zhou Sizhong, Toughness and the existence of Hamiltonian [a,b]-factors of graphs, Utilitas Mathematica, 2013, 90: 187-197. (SCI)[25] Zhou Sizhong, A new neighborhood condition for graphs to be fractional (k,m)-deleted graphs, Applied Mathematics Letters, 2012, 25(3): 509–513. (SCI, EI)[24] Zhou Sizhong, Xu Lan, Sun Zhiren, Independence number and minimum degree for fractional ID-k-factor-critical graphs, Aequationes Mathematicae, 2012, 84(1-2): 71–76. (SCI)[23] Zhou Sizhong, Sun Zhiren, Liu Hongxia, A minimum degree condition for fractional ID-[a,b]-factor-critical graphs, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 2012, 86(2): 177–183. (SCI)[22] Zhou Sizhong, Bian Qiuxiang, Xu Lan, Binding number and minimum degree for fractional (k,m)-deleted graphs, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 2012, 85(1): 60–67. (SCI)[21] Zhou Sizhong, On fractional (k,m)-deleted graphs,Utilitas Mathematica, 2012, 89: 193–201. (SCI)[20] Zhou Sizhong, Duan Ziming, Binding number and minimum degree for (a,b,k)-Critical Graphs,Utilitas Mathematica, 2012, 88: 309-315. (SCI)[19] Zhou Sizhong, A sufficient condition for graphs to be fractional (k,m)-deleted graphs, Applied Mathematics Letters, 2011, 24 (9): 1533–1538. (SCI, EI)[18] Zhou Sizhong, Binding numbers and [a,b]-factors excluding a given k-factor, Comptes rendus Mathematique, 2011, 349 (19-20): 1021–1024. (SCI)[17] Zhou Sizhong,Some new sufficient conditions for graphs to have fractional k-factors,International Journal of Computer Mathematics,2011,88(3): 484–490. (SCI)[16] Zhou Sizhong, Wu Jiancheng, Randomly orthogonal factorizations of bipartite graphs, Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, 2011, 41(1): 337–348. (SCI)[15] Zhou Sizhong, Xu zurun, Zong Minggang, Some new sufficient conditions for graphs to be (a,b,k)- critical graphs, Ars Combinatoria, 2011, 102: 11-20. (SCI)[14] Zhou Sizhong, Degree conditions and fractional k-factors of graphs, Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society, 2011, 48(2): 353–363. . (SCI)[13] Zhou Sizhong, A sufficient condition for a graph to be an (a,b,k)-critical graph, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 2010, 87(10): 2202–2211. (SCI)[12] Zhou Sizhong, A sufficient condition for a graph to be a fractional (f,n)-critical graph, Glasgow Mathematical Journal, 2010, 52(2): 409-415. (SCI)[11] Zhou Sizhong, A new sufficient condition for a graph to be (g,f,n)-critical, Canadian Mathematical Bulletin,2010, 53(2): 378–384. (SCI)[10] Zhou Sizhong, A result on fractional k-deleted graphs,Mathematica Scandinavica,2010, 106(1): 99-106. (SCI)[9] Zhou Sizhong, Pu Bingyuan, Xu Yang, Neighborhood and the existence of fractional k-factors of graphs, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society,2010,81(3): 473-480. (SCI)[8] Zhou Sizhong, A neighborhood condition for graphs to be fractional (k,m)-deleted graphs, Glasgow Mathematical Journal, 2010, 52(1): 33-40. (SCI)[7] Zhou Sizhong, Independence number, connectivity and (a,b,k)-critical graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 2009, 309(12): 4144-4148. (SCI,EI)[6] Zhou Sizhong, Shen Qiqing,On fractional (f,n)-critical graphs,Information Processing Letters, 2009,109(14): 811-815. (SCI,EI)[5] Zhou Sizhong, A minimum degree condition of fractional (k,m)-deleted graphs, Comptes rendus Mathematique, 2009, 347(21-22): 1223–1226. (SCI)[4] Zhou Sizhong, A result on (g,f,n)-critical graphs, Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii Ovidius Constanta-Seria Matematica, 2009, 17(2): 265–276. (SCI)[3] Zhou Sizhong, Liu Hongxia, Xu Yang, A degree condition for graphs to have connected (g,f)-factors, Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society, 2009, 35(1): 199-209. (SCI)[2] Zhou Sizhong, Some results on fractional k-factors,Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics, 2009, 40(2): 113-121. (SCI)[1] Zhou Sizhong, Liu Hongxia, Neighborhood conditions and fractional k-factors, Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society, 2009, 32(1): 37-45. (SCI) 专利成果