

姓名 黄允凯 性别
学校 东南大学 部门 电气工程学院
学位 博士 学历 博士研究生
职称 教授 硕士、博士生导师 联系方式 【了解更多】
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个人简介 Personal Profile     黄允凯,男,工学博士,东南大学电气工程学院教授,博士生导师,副院长,江苏省“青蓝工程”中青年学术带头人。分别于1998年、2001年和2007年在东南大学获得工学学士、硕士和博士学位,2005年11月至2006年7月在澳大利亚悉尼科技大学访问学习。长期从事特种电机设计与控制、分布式发电系统、全电化交通工具等方面的教学和研究工作,主持完成各类科研项目30余项,发表SCI收录论文50余篇,获得发明专利30余项。近年来围绕永磁电机、高速电机、盘式电机的设计、计算、分析和控制开展了深入的研究工作,研制的电机在工业鼓风机、电主轴、家用电器、电动工具、纺织机械、机械人等领域中得到成功应用。曾获东南大学“十佳研究生导师”、东南大学青年教师授课竞赛三等奖。2021年,获首届全国教材建设奖“全国优秀教材(高等教育类)一等奖”(排三)。国家级一流本科课程和江苏省省级一流本科课程负责人。近三年发表论文:1.        Y. Du, Y. Huang, B. Guo, F.Peng and J. Dong, "Semi-Analytical Model of Multi-Phase Halbach ArrayAxial Flux Permanent-Magnet Motor Considering Magnetic Saturation," inIEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, early access2.        J. Zhang, F. Peng, Y. Huang, Y.Yao, and Z. Zhu, ‘Online Inductance Identification Using PWM Current Ripple forPosition Sensorless Drive of High-Speed SPMSM’, IEEE Transactions on IndustrialElectronics, pp. 1–1, early access3.        Y. Yao, Y. Huang, F. Peng, J.N. Dong, and Z. Zhu, ‘A General Single-Sensor Damping Framework forLCL-Equipped High-Speed PMSM Drives’, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,vol. 70, no. 5, pp. 5375-5380, May 20234.        Z. Cao, Y. Huang, B. Guo, F.Peng, J. N. Dong, and A. Hemeida, ‘A Novel Hybrid Analytical Model of ActiveMagnetic Bearing Considering Rotor Eccentricity and Local Saturation Effect’,IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 69, no. 7, pp. 7151–7160, July20225.        Y. Yao, Y. Huang, F. Peng, J.Dong, and Z. Zhu, ‘Dynamic-Decoupled Active Damping Control Method forImproving Current Transient Behavior of LCL-Equipped High-Speed PMSMs’, IEEETransactions on Power Electronics, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 3259–3271, Mar. 20226.        Y. Yao, Y. Huang, F. Peng, J.Dong, and Z. Zhu, ‘Compensation Method of Position Estimation Error forHigh-Speed Surface-Mounted PMSM Drives Based on Robust Inductance Estimation’,IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 2033–2044, Feb.20227.        Y. Yao, Y. Huang, F. Peng, andJ. Dong, ‘A Sliding-Mode Position Estimation Method With Chattering Suppressionfor LCL-Equipped High-Speed Surface-Mounted PMSM Drives’, IEEE Transactions onPower Electronics, vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 2057–2071, Feb. 20228.        叶宇豪, 彭飞,黄允凯, 多电机同步运动控制技术综述, 电工技术学报, 卷 36, 期 14, 页 2922–2935,2021.9.        吴文文, 黄允凯,彭飞, 电驱足式机器人关节作动器研究综述, 微电机, 卷 54, 期 09, 页 101–108, 202110.    F. Peng, Z. Cao, J. Dong, andY. Huang, ‘Simplified Quadratic Optimization-Based IPMSM Full-Speed Range RotorPosition Estimation in Synchronous Rotating Frame’, IEEE Transactions onTransportation Electrification, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 1527–1536, Sep. 202111.    J. D. Zhang, F. Peng, Y. K.Huang, Y. Yao and Z. C. Zhu, "A novel low control frequency controlstrategy of high switching frequency inverter for high speed PMSM currentcontrol," 2020 International Conference on Electrical Machines(ICEM), 2020, pp. 2358-2364.12.    F. Peng, Y. Yao, Z. Wang, Y.Huang, H. Yang, and B. Xie, “Position Estimation Method of IPMSM in Full SpeedRange by Simplified Quadratic Optimization,” IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp.109964–109975, 2020.13.    Y. Yao, Y. Huang, F. Peng, J.N. Dong, and H. Zhang, “An Improved Deadbeat Predictive Current Control withOnline Parameter Identification for Surface-Mounted PMSMs,” IEEE Transactionson Industrial Electronics, Vol.67, No.12, pp.10145-10155, Dec. 2020.14.    Y. Yao, Y. Huang, F. Peng, andJ. Dong, “Position Sensorless Drive and Online Parameter Estimation forSurface-Mounted PMSMs Based on Adaptive Full-State Feedback Control,” IEEE Transactionson Power Electronics, Vol. 35, No. 7, pp. 7341-7355, July 2020.15.    Zhi Cao, Yunkai Huang, BaochengGuo, Jianning Dong and Fei Peng, Performance Comparison of Analytical Modelsfor Rotor Eccentricity: A Case Study of Active Magnetic Bearing, Journal ofMagnetics, Vol.25 , No.2, pp.285-292, June 202016.    Guo Baocheng., Yunkai Huang,Fei Peng, Jianning Dong and Yongjian Li. “Analytical Modelling of Misalignmentin Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Machine.” IEEE Transactions on IndustrialElectronics, Vol.67, No.6, pp. 4433-4443, June 202017.    Z. Zhu, Y. Huang, J. Dong, F.Peng, and Y. Yao, “Rotor Eddy Current Loss Reduction with Permeable RetainingSleeve for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine,” IEEE Trans. Energy Convers.,Vol.35, No.2, pp.1088-1097, June 2020 近三年授权专利:1.        黄允凯,姚宇,彭飞,一种用于带LCL输出滤波器的永磁电机双环电流控制方法,发明专利申请号:2020109471369,申请日:2020-09-10,公开号:112187119,公开日:2021-01-05,授权日:2022年3月11日2.        黄允凯,张津栋,彭飞,一种基于电流纹波的电感辨识方法,发明专利号:2021104849281,申请日:2021-04-30,公开号:113179064,公开日:2021-07-27       ,授权日:2022年7月12日3.        黄允凯,储成龙,一种绕线型异步起动永磁同步电机定转子结构,发明专利号201911225936.3,申请日:2019.12.04,公开日:2020.03.27,授权日:2021.10.084.        黄允凯,祝子冲,含有斜槽的分数槽无刷永磁电机转子轭及槽尺寸确定方法,发明专利号2020104559532,申请日:2020-05-26,公开日:2020.09.18,授权日:2021.08.035.        黄允凯,姚宇,彭飞,一种用于无位置传感器下的永磁电机电磁参数辨识方法,发明专利号2020100169301,申请日:2020.01.08,公开日:2020.04.28;授权日:2021.07.136.        黄允凯,张津栋,一种高开关频率逆变器的低控制频率控制方法,发明专利号2019110102998,申请2019.10.23,公开2020.02.18,授权日:2021.04.277.        黄允凯,祝子冲,一种含有转子集成叶片轴向磁通永磁电机的离心式泵,发明专利号202010101280.0,申请日:2020.02.19,授权日:2021.02.198.        黄允凯,祝子冲,一种包含轴向受力导磁护套的高速永磁电机转子,发明专利号2018104926962,申请日期2018.05.22,公开日期2018.10.12,授权日2020.11.039.        黄允凯,祝子冲,一种含有组合式导磁护套的高速永磁电机转子,发明专利号2018104004993,申请日期2018.04.28,公开日期2018.09.28,授权日2020.02.18 10.    黄允凯,许欢,一种永磁同步电机的变PID参数电流环启动方法,发明专利号2016109260499,申请日期2016.10.24,公开日期2017.8.15,授权日2020.01.1411.    黄允凯,夏天琦,基于MMC的电机驱动系统及其离散控制方法,发明专利号2017110962266,申请日期2017.11.09,公开日期2018.03.27,授权日:2020.03.3112.    黄允凯,夏天琦,一种用于高速永磁电机驱动系统的模块化多电平变换器,发明专利号2017106213626,申请日2017.07.27,授权日2020.1.03
