

姓名 韩晓峰 性别
学校 东南大学 部门 建筑学院
学位 博士 学历 博士研究生
职称 副教授 硕士生导师 联系方式 【了解更多】
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个人简介 Personal Profile 韩晓峰博士2009年获博士学位后于建筑学院工作至今。期间主持和参与诸多重要基础教学和国际联合设计教学工作,包括与加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学持续长达7年的联合课程,以及与美国明尼苏达大学、瑞士苏黎世联邦高等工业学院的联合课程。学术研究领域包括,中国传统建筑木构技艺的及其在当代木构建筑中的创新研究,结构、构造和材料的整体表达研究,建筑设计分析方法研究,旧居住区及建筑更新方法研究。已经发表出版多本著作和20多篇学术论文。其中于2016年出版《木构营造》为国内关于现代木构教学及研究的重要著作。他持续在木构建筑和旧建筑更新方面从事实践创作,完成多项高品质建筑,包括2016年完成先锋书店惠山书局改造,该项目获得江苏省建筑学会建筑创作一等奖。他的作品受邀参与多项重要展览,包括2016年威尼斯建筑双年展,以及连续数年参展上海国际设计周展览。Dr. Han Xiaofeng got his PHD degreeat 2009 in SEU. From then on, as Lecturer and associate Professor, he hostedand took part in many important teaching program and international joint-studiowith teachers and students from USA, Swiss, Canada and so on.His academic research topic includes following.The research of construction technique of timber in Chinese traditional architectureand the possible renovation in contemporary timber architecture. The researchof the relationship between structure, construction and materials. The researchof methodology of architectural analysis. The design method of the renovationof old building and community.Dr. Han Xiaofeng haspublished several books and more than 20 papers on wide topics. The book Timber Construction which published in2016 is one of the important book in china discussed timber material. He keepspracticing in design and construction of timber architecture and renovation ofold buildings, and has successfully finished some projects, include the HuiShan Bookstore of Library Avant-Guard which awarded the first prize of 2016 designcreation in architect association in Jiangsu. His projects were invited to takepart in many exhibitions, which include 2016 Venice architecture Biennale,Shanghai international design week.
