姓名 | 曹勇华 | 性别 | 男 |
学校 | 中南大学 | 部门 | 地球科学与信息物理学院 |
学位 | 在职信息:在职 | 学历 | 研究生(博士)毕业 |
职称 | 副研究员 | 联系方式 | 【了解更多】 |
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个人简介 曹勇华,男,江西吉安人。主要从事与镁铁-超镁铁质岩相关的关键矿产(如钴-镍-铬-铂族元素)富集机理和勘查方法研究。发表SCI论文近20篇,其中以第一/通讯作者在Geological Society of America Bulletin、Geoscience Frontiers、Chemical Geology、Mineralium Deposita(2篇)、American Mineralogist、Lithos、Ore Geology Reviews、Journal of Asian Earth Sciences等国际主流刊物发表论文。主持/参与国家自然科学基金项目(重大、重点、面上、青年)、湖南省自然科学基金、广东省‘珠江人才’计划和博士后面上项目7项。承担本科生《晶体光学》、《地质填图实习》和研究生《高级矿床学》等课程授课工作。常年接收对矿床学、矿物学、地球化学等领域有兴趣的研究生,条件优者,将推荐至加拿大西安大略大学、温莎大学、麦吉尔大学等国外著名高校开展联合培养。 教育背景: l 2005-2009 学士 中南大学 地质工程 l 2009-2011 硕士 中南大学 矿产普查与勘探 (导师:赖健清教授) l 2012-2017 博士 The University of Western Ontario 矿床学 (导师:Robert Linnen, Iain Samson) 科研经历: l 2021/09- 副教授,中南大学地球科学与信息物理学院 l 2018/03-2021/07 助理研究员 中科院广州地球化学研究所(合作者:王焰) l 2017/07-2017/12 博士后 The University of Western Ontario (导师:Robert Linnen) l 2017/03-2017/07 研究助理 The University of Windsor (导师:Iain Samson) l 2017/01-2017/03 地质工程师 Stillwater Canada Inc. (合作者:David Good) 学术荣誉: l 广东省‘珠江人才’海外青年引进计划 (2019-2021) l 中国科学院广州地球化学研究所‘特优’博士后(2021) l 加拿大GAC-MAC奖学金(2017) l 国家留学基金委公派博士生奖学金(2012-2016) 科研方向: l 岩浆通道作用对关键矿产铂族元素超常富集的控制及通道空间定位 l 汇聚板块边缘铜镍硫化物矿床岩浆氧逸度以及硫化物饱和机制 l 峨眉山大火成岩省铜镍硫化物及V-Ti磁铁矿矿床控矿因素 l 关键矿产(钴、铂族元素、铬、铟)的富集机制和赋存状态 l 便携式地球化学分析仪器(pXRF, bSEM-EDS)对关键矿产野外勘查的应用 课程讲授: l 晶体光学(本科生必修课,32学时) l 高级矿床学(留学生选修课,32学时) l地质填图实习(本科生实践课,6学分) 代表性论著(*通信作者,近5年): l Wang YH, Lai, JQ, Cao YH*, Brzozowski M, Mao XC, Peng HW, Ai QX. Controls on the metal tenors of sulfide ores in the Jinchuan Ni-Cu-PGE sulfide deposit, NW China: Implications for the formation of distinct textural types of sulfide ores in magma conduits. Ore Geology Reviews: 2023, 163: 105810. (Q1, IF=3.8) l Cao YH, Wang CY*, Wei Bo. Origin of composite Ni-Cu sulfide- and Fe-Ti oxide-bearing mafic-ultramafic intrusions in the central Asian orogenic belt: Role of external-derived crustal organic carbon in controlling mineralization of post-collisional mafic magmatism. Geological Society of America Bulletin: 2023, published online. (Q1, IF=4.9) l Wang YH, Lai, JQ, Cao YH*. Compositional variations of magnetite in different sulfide ore types in the Jinchuan Ni-Cu-PGE sulfide deposit, NW China: Insights into the mineralizing processes of conduit-type systems. Chemical Geology: 2023, 121679. (Q1, IF=4.1) l Liu JP, Yang JN,Cao YH*, et al. Indium mineralization and genesis of the Bainiuchang Ag–Sn–polymetallic deposit in southeast Yunnan, China: Evidence from mineral chemistry and U–Pb geochronology. Ore Geology Reviews: 2023, 158: 105531. (Q1, IF=3.8) l Cao YH*, Wang CY. Contrasting oxidation states of low-Ti and high-Ti magmas control Ni-Cu sulfide and Fe-Ti oxide mineralization in Emeishan Large Igneous Province. Geoscience Frontiers: 2022, 13(6): 101434. (Q1 top, IF=7.853) l Cao YH, Wang CY*, Wei B, Bao HT. Mantle source and magma oxygen fugacity of Permian Ni-Cu sulfide-bearing mafic-ultramafic intrusions in the Inner Mongolia, North China: Controls on the sulfide saturation of magmas in the Andean-style continental convergent margins. Lithos: 2021, 390-391: 106105. (Q1, IF=4.808) l Cao YH, Wang CY*, Wei B. Magma Oxygen Fugacity of Mafic-Ultramafic Intrusions in Convergent Margin Settings: Insights for the Role of Magma Oxidation States on Magmatic Ni-Cu Sulfide Mineralization. American Mineralogist: 2020, 105: 1841-1856. (Q2, IF=3.529) l Cao YH*, Good D, Linnen R, Samson I, Ruthart R. Genesis of the Low Sulfide-High-Grade PGE Mineralization in the W Horizon, Coldwell Complex, Canada: Quantitative Modeling for PGE Reef-Style Mineralization in Syn-Magmatic Sills. Mineralium Deposita: 2021, 56: 1151-1176. (Q1 Top, IF=5.206) l Cao YH*, Linnen R, Good D, Samson I, McBride J. Igneous Architecture and Implications for Diverse Cu-PGE Mineralization Styles in a Conduit System: An Example from the Area 41 Cu-PGE Occurrence, Coldwell Complex, Canada. Mineralium Deposita: 2019, 54: 867–84. (Q1 Top, IF=5.206) l Cao YH, Wang CY*, Wei B. Magma Oxygen Fugacity of Permian to Triassic Ni-Cu Sulfide-Bearing Mafic-Ultramafic Intrusions in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt, North China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences: 2019, 173: 250–262. (Q2, IF=3.808) l Cao YH*, Linnen R, Good D, Samson I.Applications of the Combined Portable XRF-Benchtop SEM Methodology to PGE Exploration. Ore Geology Reviews: 2018, 101: 32–53. (Q1, IF=4.298) l Cao YH*, Good D, Linnen R, Samson I. The Role of Magma Injection and Crystal Sorting in the Formation of Early Gabbros at the Coldwell Complex, Ontario, Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences: 2019, 23: 1–23. (Q4, IF=1.759) l Cao YH, Linnen RL*, Good DJ, et al. The application of portable XRF and benchtop SEM-EDS to Cu- Pd exploration in the Coldwell Alkaline Complex, Ontario, Canada. Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis: 2016, 16: 193–212. (Q3, IF=2.208) l Li SB, Cao, YH*, Song, ZY, et al. Zircon U-Pb and Pyrite Re-Os Isotope Geochemistry of ‘Skarn-Type’ Fe-Cu Mineralization at the Shuikoushan Polymetallic Deposit, South China: Implications for an Early Cretaceous Mineralization Event in the Nanling Range. Minerals: 2021, 1–24. (Q2, IF=2.989) l Wei B, Wang CY, Lahaye Y, Xie LH, Cao YH. S and C Isotope Constraints for Mantle-Derived Sulfur Source and Organic Carbon-Induced Sulfide Saturation of Magmatic Ni-Cu Sulfide Deposits in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt, North China. Economic Geology: 2019, 4: 787–806. (Q1, IF=5.451) l 暴宏天, 王焰, 曹勇华. 新疆北山地区坡一岩体橄榄石成分特征及其对地幔源区的制约 [J]. 地球化学: 2020, 49: 353-367. l 暴宏天, 王焰, 曹勇华, 魏博. 内蒙古中部二叠纪额布图岩体的橄榄石成分特征及其对辉石岩地幔源区的指示[J]. 大地构造与成矿学.(已录用) l 王焰,钟宏,曹勇华,魏博,陈晨. 我国铂族元素、钴和铬主要矿床类型的分布特征及成矿机制[J]. 科学通报:2020, 65: 3825-3838 承担科研项目情况: l 国家自然科学基金面上项目(课题编号:42272088):汇聚板块边缘铜镍硫化物矿床Co富集机制和赋存状态研究:以中亚造山带克布和哈拉图庙矿床为例(项目负责人) l 国家自然科学基金青年基金(课题编号:41902077):红旗岭地区镁铁-超镁铁质岩体地幔源区及岩浆氧逸度对铜镍硫化物成矿作用的制约(项目负责人) l 湖南省自然科学基金青年基金:岩浆-热液演化过程对金川铜镍硫化物矿床中钴富集成矿的控制(项目负责人) l 中国博士后科学基金面上项目(课题编号:2019M653103):中亚造山带红旗岭镁铁超镁铁质岩体源区和岩浆氧逸度(项目负责人) l 广东省‘珠江人才’海外博士后引进计划(项目负责人) l 国家自然科学基金重点基金(课题编号:41730423):中亚造山带演化过程中的镁铁-超镁铁质岩浆成矿作用(项目骨干) l 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划(课题编号:91962217):镁铁-超镁铁质岩中铂族元素和钴的赋存状态研究(项目骨干) Yonghua Cao CURRICULUM VITAE Address: No.932 South Lushan Road, Changsha Hunan 410083 P.R. China Email: yonghua@csu.edu.cn; Telephone: +8615116260085 EDUCATION Ph.D. Geology 2017 The University of Western Ontario M.Sc. Mineral Resource prospecting and exploration 2011 Central South University B.Sc. Geological Engineering 2009 Central South University RESEARCH INTERESTS Mafic-ultramafic igneous system and related Ni-Cu-PGE-Co-Cr mineralization Mantle and magma redox conditions in convergent margin settings Applying field portable techniques to real-time mineral exploration Targeting magmatic conduits in complex intrusive magmatic systems Occurrence states and enrichment mechanisms of critical elements (Co, PGE, REE, etc.) in various systems Characterization of ore-forming fluids POST-PhD EMPLOYMENT HISTORY February, 2018-present, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences July, 2017-October, 2017, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, The University of Western Ontario April, 2017-June, 2017, Research Associate, University of Windsor AWARDS l The ‘Pearl River’ talent in Guangdong Province. This award was established for excellent PhD that works in Guangdong Province after graduation from an oversea university l GAC-MDD travel grant. This grant was awarded to students who severed as a volunteer in GAC-MAC conference l National Scholarship funded by China Scholarship Council (CSC). This scholarship was set to sponsor excellent students to pursue PhD study in an oversea university l The excellent graduate student award in Central South University l The best MSc thesis pride in Central South University l Chinese National Scholarship RESEARCH EXPERIENCES l The occurrence state and enrichment mechanism of Co and PGE in mafic-ultramafic intrusions (2020-present) l The mantle and magma redox conditions of mafic-ultramafic intrusions in convergent margin settings and their roles in controlling Ni-Cu sulfide mineralization (2018-present) l Investigation of magma conduits and their relationships to Cu-Pd mineralization at W-Horizon of the Marathon deposit, ON, Canada (2017-2020) l The application of pXRF and bSEM-EDS to mineral exploration: a case study in Marathon Cu-PGE deposit, Marathon, ON, Canada. (2013) l Evaluation of prospecting target in the Kusilapu Copper-Lead-Zinc Metallogenic Belt, West Kunlun, Xinjiang, China. (2011) l Characteristics of fluid inclusions in Baiganhu Tungsten Deposit, Qinghai, China. (2010) l Geological characteristics and metallogenic prediction of the Dehelongwa Copper (Gold) Deposit, Qinghai, China. (2009) l Comprehensive Study on ore-bearing Strata in the Saishitang Copper Mine Area, Qinghai, China. (2009) l Geological characteristics and genesis of Yixingzai Gold Deposit, Sanxi, China. (2008) RESEARCH PROJECTS CURRENTLY HELD/INVOLVED Funded time Title Source Total amount (RMB) Role Jan, 2021 The ‘Pearl River’ talent program Guangdong government 600,000 Holder Aug, 2018 Oxygen fugacity of mantle source and magmas of mafic-ultramafic intrusion in the Hongqiling Area: constraints on Ni-Cu sulfide mineralization National Natural Foundation of China (NFSC) 270,000 Holder Feb, 2019 Oxygen fugacity of mantle source and magmas of mafic-ultramafic intrusion in the Hongqiling Area China Postdoctoral Science Foundation funded project 80000 Holder Apr, 2017 Investigation of magma conduits and their relationships to Cu-Pd mineralization at W-Horizon of the Marathon deposit, ON, Canada Mitacs, Canada and Stillwater Canada Inc ~80,000 Holder Aug, 2017 Mafic-ultramafic magmatism and associated mineralization in the history of the central Asian orogenic belt National Natural Foundation of China (NFSC) 3,200,000 Principle partner Nov, 2019 On the occurrence of platinum-group elements and cobalt in mafic-ultramafic rocks National Natural Foundation of China (NFSC) 3,100,000 Principle partner TEACHING EXPERIENCES Time Role Course Place 2012-2014 Teaching Assistant Introduction of Earth Rocks Western University 2014-2016 Teaching Assistant Catastrophic Events in Earth history Western University 2012-2017 SEM Technician Provide training to others Western University ACADEMIC SERVICE Serving as a reviewer for international journals such as Ore Geology Reviews, Economic Geology, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, etc. FEATURED PUBLICATIONS l Yonghua Cao, Christina Yan Wang, Bo Wei, Hongtian Bao. 2021. Mantle source and magma oxygen fugacity of Permian Ni-Cu sulfide-bearing mafic-ultramafic intrusions in the Inner Mongolia, North China: Controls on the sulfide saturation of magmas in the Andean-style continental convergent margins. Lithos, in press. l Yonghua Cao, David Good, Robert Linnen, Iain Samson, Ryan Ruthart. 2021. Genesis of the Low Sulfide-High Grade PGE mineralization in the W Horizon, Coldwell Complex, Canada: Quantitative Modelling for PGE Reef Style Mineralization in Syn-Magmatic Sills. Mineralium Deposita, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00126-020-01033-0 l Yonghua Cao, Christina Yan Wang, Bo Wei. 2020. Magma oxygen fugacity of mafic-ultramafic intrusions in convergent margin settings: insights for the role of magma oxidation states on magmatic Ni-Cu sulfide mineralization. American Mineralogist, 105: 1841-1856. l Yonghua Cao, Robert Linnen, David Good, Iain Samson, John McBride. 2019. Igneous architecture and implications for diverse Cu-PGE mineralization styles in a conduit system: an example from the Area 41 Cu-PGE occurrence, Coldwell Complex, Canada. Mineralium Deposita, 54: 867-884. l Yonghua Cao, Christina Yan Wang, Bo Wei. 2019. Magma oxygen fugacity of Permian to Triassic Ni-Cu sulfide-bearing mafic-ultramafic intrusions in the central Asian orogenic belt, North China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 173: 250-262. l Yonghua Cao, Robert Linnen, David Good, Iain Samson. 2018. Applications of the combined portable XRF-benchtop SEM methodology to PGE exploration. Ore Geology Reviews, 101, 32–53. l Yonghua Cao, Robert Linnen, David Good, Iain Samson, Rachel Epstein. 2016. The application of portable XRF and benchtop SEM-EDS to Cu-Pd exploration in the Coldwell Alkaline Complex, Ontario, Canada. Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis. 16: 193–212. l Yonghua Cao, David Good, Robert Linnen, Iain Samson. 2019. The Role of Magma Injection and Crystal Sorting in the Formation of Early Gabbros at the Coldwell Complex, Ontario, Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences. 23, 1–23. l Yonghua Cao, Robert Linnen, David Good, Iain Samson: Advancing Field Portable Techniques in Exploration by Combining pXRF and Benchtop SEM (bSEM): A Case Study of the Igneous Stratigraphy and Cu-Pd Mineralization of the Eastern Gabbro of the Coldwell Alkaline Complex, Ontario, Canada. In Mineral Resources in a Sustainable World, 13th SGA Biennial Meeting, Nancy, France. A.-S. André-Mayer, M. Cathelineau, P. Muchez, E. Pirard and S. Sindern eds., v. 3, 901-904. l Bo Wei., Christina Yan Wang, Yann Lahaye, Luhua Xie, Yonghua Cao. 2019. S and C Isotope Constraints for Mantle-Derived Sulfur Source and Organic Carbon-Induced Sulfide Saturation of Magmatic Ni-Cu Sulfide Deposits in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt, North China. Economic Geology, 114: 787–806. l Christina Yan Wang, Hong Zhong, Yonghua Cao, Bo Wei, Chen Chen. 2020. Genetic classification, distribution and ore genesis of major PGE, Co and Cr deposits in China: A critical review. Science China Bulletin, 65: 3825-3838.