姓名 | 王洪 | 性别 | 联系方式:https://whcsu.github.io/ |
学校 | 中南大学 | 部门 | 数学与统计学院 |
学位 | 在职信息:在职 | 学历 | 博士研究生毕业 |
职称 | 副教授 | 联系方式 | 【了解更多】 |
邮箱 | 【了解更多】 | 人气 | |
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个人简介 王洪,男,博士,副教授,博士生导师。文学学士(英语专业,中南大学)、工学硕士(计算机应用技术,湖南大学)、理学博士(统计学,中南大学)、计算机科学与技术博士后(中南大学)、生物统计专业博士后(美国加州大学洛杉矶分校UCLA)。国家认证高级程序员(2003年)、系统分析师(2004年)。主要从事机器学习和大数据挖掘等方面的研究工作。在Statistics in Medicine、Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 、Knowledge-Based Systems、Reliability Engineering and System Safety等统计和机器学习期刊发表SCI论文30余篇,获软件著作权1项。主持和参加国家社科基金、国家自科基金项目4项,主持全国统计科研项目重点项目、教育部人文社科基金、湖南省社科基金、湖南省自科基金等省部级目6项,主持企业合作横向课题多项。 是30余种SCI杂志的审稿人,如Statistics in Medicine、Statistica Sinica、Computational Statistics and Data Analysis等知名统计期刊,Artificial Intelligence in Medicine、Computers in Biology and Medicine等知名医学信息学期刊,Neural Networks、Expert System with Applications、Information Sciences、Knowledge-Based Systems等知名机器学习期刊。 代表性论文(#表示共同作者,*表示通讯作者): Zili Liu, Hong Wang*, Simultaneous variable selection and estimation for survival data via the Gaussian seamless-L0 penalty, Statistics in Medicine, 2024, 43(8):1509-1526 (SCI, JCR2区, IF=2) Badamasi Abba, Hong Wang*, Mustapha Muhammad & Hassan S. Bakouch A robust bathtub-shaped failure time model for a two-component system with applications to complete and censored reliability data, Quality Technology & Quantitative Management, 2024, 21:3, 309-339 (SCI, JCR1区, IF=2.614 ) Xuewei Cheng, Hong Wang*, A Generic Model-Free Feature Screening Procedure for Ultra-high Dimensional Data with Categorical Response, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 2023, 229: 107269 (SCI, JCR1区, IF=7.027) Hong Wang, Zhenyuan Shen, Zhelun Tan, Zhuan Zhang, Gang Li*, Fast Lasso-type Safe Screening for Fine-Gray Competing Risks Model with Ultrahigh Dimensional Covariates, Statistics in Medicine , 2022, 41(24): 4941-4960 (SCI, JCR1区, IF=2.497) Badamasi Abba, Hong Wang*, Hassan S. Bakouch, A Reliability and Survival Model for One and Two Failure Modes System with Applications to Complete and Censored Datasets,Reliability Engineering and System Safety,2022, 223: 108460(SCI,JCR1区,IF=6.188) Hong Wang, Ning Li, Shanpeng Li, and Gang Li*, JMcmprsk: An R Package for Joint Modelling of Longitudinal and Survival Data with Competing Risks, R Journal, 2021, 13(1): 53-68 (SCI, JCR1区,IF=3.984) Wang, Hong, and Gang Li*."Extreme Learning Machine Cox Model for High Dimensional Survival Analysis", Statistics in Medicine, 38.12, (2019): 2139-2156, (SCI, JCR1区, IF=1.932) Wang, Hong, and Lifeng Zhou*. "SurvELM: an R package for high dimensional survival analysis with extreme learning machine", Knowledge-Based Systems, 160 (2018):28-33. (SCI,JCR1区, IF=4.396) Zhou, Lifeng, Hong Wang*, and Qingsong Xu. "Survival forest with partial least squares for high dimensional censored data." Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 175 (2018), 12-21.(SCI,JCR1区, IF=2.701) Wang, Hong, and Lifeng Zhou*. "Random survival forest with space extensions for censored data." Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 79 (2017): 52-61.(SCI,JCR1区, IF=2.879) 课题组主页:https://whcsu.github.io/ 研究方向 [1] 分布式学习 [2] 生物医学统计 [3] 大数据分析 [4] 金融统计 [5] 高维数据分析 本文来自织梦