

姓名 周创鑫 性别 学位:博士学位
学校 中南大学 部门 学历:博士研究生毕业
学位 毕业院校:中国科学院工程热物理研究所 学历 办公地点:中南大学校本部升华后楼703
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个人简介 周创鑫,男,1996年生,工学博士,讲师。长期从事航空发动机气动热力学研究。参与包括国家自然科学基金重点项目、LJ专项、MJ专项在内的多项重大科研项目,并依托项目发表了十余篇SCI索引论文。 论文列表: [1] Zhou C, Li Z, Huang S, et al. Numerical Investigation on the Aerodynamic Performance and Flow Mechanism of a Fan with a Partial-Height Booster Rotor[J].      Aerospace Science and Technology, 2020, 109(4): 106411. [2] Zhou C, Zhao S, Lu X. Investigating the Aerodynamic Design of a Novel Tandem Fan with a Partial-Span Booster Rotor[J]. Aerospace Science and Technology,      2022, 132(12): 108018. [3] Zhou C, Zhao S, Lu X. Flow Mechanism of a New Concept Transonic Tandem Fan Stage under the Design and Off-Design Conditions[J]. Aerospace, 2022,      9(11): 686. [4] Zhou C, Zhao S, Yang C, et al. The Matching Characteristics and Flow Mechanisms of Partial-Height Booster Rotor and Fan Rotor for a High-Throughflow      Fan[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanic Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2022, 236(23): 11240-11255. [5] Zhou C, Zhao S, Lu X. Investigations on the Unsteady Flow Mechanism of the High-Throughflow Fan with Partial-Height Booster Rotor[J]. Proceedings of the      Institution of Mechanic Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 2023, 237(5): 939-952. [6] Zhou C, Zhao S, Yang C, et al. The Mechanism of Axial Arrangement Affecting the Performance for Tandem Rotor with Partial-Height Booster Rotor in      High-Throughflow Fan[R]. GPPS Paper, TC-0123, 2021. [7] 周创鑫, 李紫良, 赵胜丰等. 前置部分叶高增压转子风扇气动性能研究[J]. 工程热物理学报, 2021, 42(06): 1413-1422. [8] 周创鑫, 成金鑫, 黄松等. 基于贝塞尔曲面参数化方法的1.5级高负荷轴流压气机气动优化[J]. 航空动力学报, 2021, 36(04): 673-686. [9] Cheng H, Zhou C, Lu X, et al. Robust Aerodynamic Optimization and Design Exploration of a Wide-Chord Transonic Fan under Geometric and Operational      Uncertainties[J]. Energy, 2023: 128011. [10] Li Z, Han G, Zhou C, et al. Quantitative Analysis on Influence of Secondary Flow for Centrifugal Impeller Internal Flow[J]. Physics of Fluids, 2023, 35: 076113. [11] Cheng H, Li Z, Zhou C, et al. Effect of Blade Surface Cooling on a Micro Transonic Axial Compressor Performance at Low Reynolds Number[J]. Applied Thermal        Engineering, 2023: 120353. [12] Cheng H, Zhou C, Li Z, et al. Uncertainty quantification and sensitivity analysis on the aerodynamic performance of a micro transonic compressor[J]. Aerospace        Science and Technology, 2023, 141: 108569. [13] Zhou S, Zhao S, Zhou C, et al. Optimal Design and Analysis of a High-Load Supersonic Compressor Based on a Surrogate Model[J]. Aerospace, 2022,        9(11): 686. [14] Cheng H, Wang M, Zhou C, et al. Influence of Surface Roughness on a Highly Loaded Axial Compressor Stage Performance at Low Reynolds Number[J].        International Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2021, 2021: 1-18. [15] Huang S, Zhou C, Yang C, et al. Effect of Backward Sweep on Aerodynamic Performance of a 1.5-Stage Highly Loaded Axial Compressor[R]. ASME Paper,        GT2020-14262, 2020. [16] 周仕佶, 周创鑫, 赵胜丰等.基于表面热膜测试的低速风扇附面层流动研究[J]. 推进技术, 2023, 44(05): 264-271. 联系方式: zhouchuangxin@hotmail.com 教育经历 [1]   2018.9-2023.6 中国科学院工程热物理研究所  |  动力机械及工程  |  工学博士学位  |  博士研究生毕业 [2]   2014.9-2018.6 湖南大学  |  能源与动力工程  |  工学学士学位  |  大学本科毕业 工作经历 [1]   2023.7-至今 中南大学  |  航空航天技术研究院  |  讲师  |  在职 研究方向 [1]  航空发动机内流气动热力学 [2]  高性能叶轮机械设计及优化

