姓名 | 王加强 | 性别 | 男 |
学校 | 中南大学 | 部门 | 能源科学与工程学院 |
学位 | 博士学位 | 学历 | 博士研究生毕业 |
职称 | 副教授 | 联系方式 | 【了解更多】 |
邮箱 | 【了解更多】 | 人气 | |
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个人简介 王加强,浙江温州人,工学博士,副教授,硕士研究生导师,香港城市大学和美国内布拉斯加大学林肯分校访问学者,美国内布拉斯加大学林肯分校联合培养博士,建筑节能领域Top期刊Building and Environment 年度最佳论文获得者,第三届全国暖通空调杰出青年,荣获中国技术市场协会金桥奖(2022)、《暖通空调》期刊2022年“优秀论文”奖、中南大学本科教学质量优秀奖(2022)、湖南省制冷学会学术年会优秀论文奖(2023)、首届全国暖通空调智能化学术年会优秀论文奖(2023);兼任低碳健康湖南省重点实验室管委会委员、暖通空调产业技术创新联盟智能化专业委员会委员、CAHVAC青年学术委员会委员、湖南省制冷学会理事、湖南省制冷学会青年委员会委员,担任《佳木斯大学学报(自然科学版)》专家委员会委员、Sustainability(IF:3.889)和《中南大学学报(自然科学版)》期刊客座编辑,Energy and Buildings、Building Simulation,Journal of Cleaner Production、Building and Environment 等十余本期刊审稿人。主要从事建筑节能、建筑综合能源系统优化、建筑能源系统容错优化控制、智能建筑、空调系统虚拟传感器校正及故障诊断等相关理论与应用研究。 主要课题 近五年,在建筑节能领域,主持或参与10余项国家、省部级研究项目,代表性项目如下: [1] 湖南省自然科学基金面上项目,2024JJ5436,2024-2026,主持,在研. [2] 国家自然科学基金青年项目,52108101,2022-2024,主持,在研. [3] 智能建筑安徽省重点实验室开放课题,IBES2022KF05,2023-2025,主持,在研. [4] 郴州国家可持续示范区建设项目,2022sfq27/28,2023-2024,参与,在研. [5] 湖南省自然科学基金青年项目,2021JJ40759,2021-2023,主持,结题. [6] DC增程式水冷集散控制高校合作项目,华为委托开发项目,参与,结题. [7] 湖南省高新技术产业科技创新引领计划项目,2020GK4057,2021-2023年,合作单位负责人,结题. [8] 湖南省重点研发项目,2020WK2012,2021-2023年,参与,结题. [9] 高架站自然通风热舒适性模拟分析, 2021-2022, 企业委托项目(中铁十一局集团),主持,结题. [10] 绿色建筑国家重点实验室开放基金项目,LSKF202108,2021-2022,主持,结题. [11] 中南大学科研启动经费项目,数据中心冷却系统智能控制关键技术研究,2019-2022,主持,结题. [12] 国家重点研发-国家国际合作项目,数据中心自然水源分区冷却系统的研究与示范,2017YFE0105800, 2017-2020,参与,结题. 学术论文 近几年,在建筑节能、建筑综合能源领域,发表国高水平学术论文40余篇(其中一作/通讯20篇),代表期刊论文如下: [1] Yiqun Zhu, Q. Zhang*, L. Zeng, J. Wang, S. Zou. An advanced control strategy of hybrid cooling system with cold water storage system in data center. Energy. 2024. (SCI) [2] Jiaqiang Wang,Y. Tian, Z. Qi*, L. Zeng, P. Wang, S. Yoon. Sensor fault diagnosis and correction for data center cooling system using hybrid multi-label random Forest and Bayesian Inference. Building and Environment. 2023. (SCI) [3] Yiqu Zhu, Q. Zhang, L. Zeng, J. Wang, S. Zou, H. Zheng. An advanced control strategy for optimizing the operation state of chillers with cold storage technology in data center. Energy & Buildings 301 (2023) 113684. (SCI) [4] Jiaqiang Wang, X. Tong, C. Yue, W. Liu, Q. Zhang, L. Zeng, G. Huang* .Real-time temperature distribution reconstruction via linear parameter-varying state-space model and Kalman filter in rack-based cooling data centers. Building and Environment. 2023. (SCI) [5] Xiaoxi Tong, Jiaqiang Wang*, Weiwei Liu, Chang Yue, Quan Zhang, Linfeng Zhang. A time-varying state-space model for real-time temperature predictions in rack-based cooling data centers. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2023. (SCI) [6] Yu Yang, Zhiqiang Liu, Nan Xie, Jiaqiang Wang*, et al. Multi-criteria optimization of multi-energy complementary systems considering reliability, economic and environmental effects. Energy. 2023. (SCI) [7] Yaoyue Tian, Jiaqiang Wang*, Zhaohui Qi, Chang Yue, Peng Wang, Sungmin Yoon. Calibration method for sensor drifting bias in data center cooling system using Bayesian Inference coupling with Autoencoder. Journal of Building Engineering. 2023. (SCI) [8] Xiaowei Ma, Quan Zhang, Jiaqiang Wang, et al. Sensitivity analysis and optimization of structural parameters of a phase change material based multi-tube heat exchanger under charging condition. The Journal of Energy Storage. 2022. (SCI) [9] Yawovi Souley Agbodjan, Jiaqiang Wang*, Yanping Cui, Liu Zhiqiang**, Luo Zhengyi. Bibliometric analysis of Zero Energy Buildings research, challenges and solutions. Solar Energy. 2022. (SCI) [10] Weiwei Liu, Xiaoxi Tong, Jiaqiang Wang*, Chang Yue, Quan Zhang. Real-time temperature predictions via state-space model and parameters identification within rack-based cooling data centers. Journal of Building Engineering.2022. (SCI) [11] Zhiqiang Liu, Yanping Cui, Jiaqiang Wang *, et al. Multi-objective optimization of multi-energy complementary integrated energy systems considering load prediction and renewable energy production uncertainties. Energy. 2022. (SCI) (高被引论文) [12] Yawovi Souley Agbodjan, Zhiqiang Liu*, Jiaqiang Wang**, et al. Modeling and optimization of a multi-carrier renewable energy system for zero energy consumption buildings. Journal of Central South University. 2022. (SCI) [13] 张宁,张泉,黄振霖,王加强*等.数据中心湖水源自然冷却系统现场性能测试分析[J].暖通空调,2022,52(2):70-74. (《暖通空调》期刊年度优秀论文) [14] Jiaqiang Wang, Zhenlin Huang, Zhiqiang Liu, et al. In-situ sensor correction method for data center cooling systems using Bayesian Inference coupling with autoencoder. Sustainable Cities and Society. 2022. (SCI) [15] Tianyi Zhao, Jiteng Li, Peng Wang*, Sungmin Yoon, Jiaqiang Wang. Improvement of virtual in-situ calibration in air handling unit using data preprocessing based on Gaussian mixture model. Energy & Buildings. 2021. (SCI) [16] Sikai Zou, Quan Zhang*, Chang Yue, Jiaqiang Wang, Sheng Du. Study on the performance and free cooling potential of a R32 loop thermosyphon system used in data center. Energy & Buildings. 2021. (SCI) [17] Jiteng Li, Peng Wang, Tianyi Zhao*, Sungmin Yoon, Jiaqiang Wang. The effects of multidimensional data clustering on the accuracy of virtual in-situ calibration in the photovoltaic/Thermal heat pump system. Journal of Building Engineering. 2021. (SCI) [18] Chang Yue, Quan Zhang*, Zhiqiang Zhai, Jiaqiang Wang, et al. Numerical study on flow and thermal characteristics of a micro-channel separated heat pipe under various surface wettability. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering. 2021. (SCI) [19] Zhiqiang Liu, Zhenlin Huang, Jiaqiang Wang*, et al. A novel fault diagnosis and self-calibration method for air-handling units using Bayesian Inference and virtual sensing. Energy & Buildings. 2021.(SCI, Best Research Award Nomination) [20] Jiaqiang Wang, Zhenlin Huang, Chang Yue, et al. Various uncertainties self-correction method for the supervisory control of a hybrid cooling system in data centers. Journal of Building Engineering. 2021. (SCI) [21] 刘志强,黄振霖,王加强*等. 基于贝叶斯推理的数据中心用精密空调故障软修复方法研究. 中南大学学报. 2021. (EI) [22] Sikai Zou,Quan Zhang*,Li Ling,Jiaqiang Wang,Xiaowei Ma, Sheng Du, Chang Yue. Experimental investigation on the thermal performance of a water-cooled loop thermosyphon system under fan failure conditions. International Journal of Refrigeration, 2020. (SCI) [23] Guodong Cui, Shufeng Pei, Zhenhua Rui, Jiaqiang Wang. Whole process analysis of geothermal exploitation and power generation from a depleted high-temperature gas reservoir by recycling CO2. Energy. 2020. (SCI) (高被引论文) [24] Yuan Li, Quan Zhang*, Jiaqiang Wang, et al. Field investigation on operation parameters and performance of air conditioning system in a subway station. Energy Exploration & Exploitation.2020. (SCI) [25] Xiaowei Ma, Quan Zhang*, Jiaqiang Wang, et al. A coupled CFD approach for performance prediction of fin-and-tube condenser. Numerical Heat Transfer Applications. 2020. (SCI) [26] Jiaqiang Wang, Quan Zhang*, Yuebin Yu, Sungmin Yoon. Impact of uncertainties on the supervisory control performance of a hybrid cooling system in data center. Building and Environment. 2019. (SCI, Best Paper Award最佳论文) [27] Jiaqiang Wang, Quan Zhang*, Sungmin Yoon, Yuebin Yu. Reliability and availability analysis of a hybrid cooling system with water-side economizer in data center. Building and Environment. 2019. (SCI) [28] Jiaqiang Wang, Quan Zhang, Yuebin Yu, Xiaoming Chen, Sungmin Yoon. "Application of model-based control strategy to hybrid free cooling system with latent heat thermal energy storage for TBSs." Energy & Buildings 167 (2018) 89-105.(SCI) [29] Jiaqiang Wang, Quan Zhang* and Yuebin Yu. "An Advanced Control of Hybrid Cooling Technology for Telecommunication Base Stations." Energy and Buildings 133, (2016): 172-184.(SCI) [30] Sungmin Yoon, Yuebin Yu*, Jiaqiang Wang, Peng Wang. Impacts of HVACR temperature sensor offsets on building energy performance and occupant thermal comfort. Building Simulation. 2018. (SCI) [31] Peng Wang, Sungmin Yoon*, Jiaqiang Wang, Yuebin Yu. Automated reviving calibration strategy for virtual in-situ sensor calibration in building energy systems: Sensitivity coefficient optimization. Energy & Buildings 198 (2019) 291–304. (SCI) [32] Sikai Zou,Quan Zhang*,Yuebin Yu,Chang Yue,Jiaqiang Wang,Xiaowei Ma. Field study on the self-adaptive capacity of multi-split heat pipe system (MSHPS) under non-uniform conditions in data center. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019. (SCI) [33] Jiaqiang Wang, Quan Zhang and Yuebin Yu*. Intelligent control of hybrid cooling for telecommunication base stations, Proceedings of the eSim Building Performance Simulation Conference. [34] 唐辉, 张泉*, 王加强, 陈晓明,雷奥君. 面向任务调度的自然水冷数据中心控制策略. 低温与超导. 2018. (CSCD) 专著 [1] 中国数据中心冷却技术年度发展报告2021,中国制冷学会数据中心冷却工作组. [2] 中国数据中心冷却技术年度发展报告2020,中国制冷学会数据中心冷却工作组. 专利成果 近几年,在建筑节能领域,申请专利10余项,代表性专利如下: [1] 徐靖文,王加强,郭洋,等. 一种增设相变储能和余热回收模块的倾斜式服务器雾化喷淋式液冷系统, 中国发明专利,2023107469423. [2] 丁卫科,王加强,邓伟其,等. 一种服务器雾化喷淋式液冷系统及其控制方法,中国发明专利,2023107391861. [3] 王加强,李文涛,陈锴成,廖沁纯,唐艺丹. 一种服务器集成直接雾化喷淋式液冷系统及其控制方法,中国实用新型专利,2023206460060. [4] 王加强,张幔,李杰,张泉. 一种多组运转方式相结合的制冷系统. 中国实用新型专利,ZL 202220801650.6. [5] 王加强,黄振霖,刘志强,张宁,岳畅. 基于贝叶斯推理及虚拟传感的冷却盘管故障智能检测诊断方法及装置. 中国发明专利,ZL 202010489596.1. [6] 张泉, 王加强, 郭超, 陈晓明, 罗新波. 一种储能式相变空调系统与其控制方法. 中国发明专利,ZL 2015 1 0103567.6. [7] 张泉, 沙正勇, 崔兵, 吴东波, 王加强. 具有相变蓄冷的双冷凝器数据中心冷却系统及其控制方法. 中国发明专利,ZL 2016 1 0273460.0. [8] 张泉,孟凡希,王加强,马小威,张荩文. 相变储能冷量分配单元、应用该单元的空调系统以及空调系统的控制方法,中国发明专利,ZL201911352966.0. [9] 张泉, 王加强,沙正勇,崔兵,陈飞虎. 增设相变模块的双蒸发器机房空调系统,中国实用新型专利,ZL 201920192662.1. [10] 王加强, 张泉,郭超, 陈晓明, 罗新波. 一种储能式相变空调系统. 中国实用新型专利,ZL 201320878175.3. [11] 张泉,沙正勇,凌伟,崔兵,吴东波,王加强. 一种相变储能双蒸发器太阳能热泵采暖系统,ZL201620490469.2 软件著作权 [1] 王加强,仝小溪,邓伟其. 数据中心机柜冷却温度场快速预测软件V1.0. 2022.10,登记号:2023SR0314621. [2] 张泉,陈晓明,王加强等. 相变储能空调机组性分析及优化设计软件. 2014.4,登记号:2014SR118267. 团队主要成员 岳 畅,中南大学,助理教授,地铁及数据中心高效换热设备研发. SOULEY AGBODJAN Yawovi,国际留学生,博士研究生,中南大学,零能耗多能互补系统优化. 田耀月,中南大学,2021级硕士研究生,数据中心精密空调传感器故障自动检测诊断及校正方法 邓伟其,中南大学,2022级硕士研究生,数据中心末端冷却系统温度状态重构及智能调控算法研究 郭 洋,中南大学,2022级硕士研究生,零碳数据中心多能互补系统优化设计 何帮翼,中南大学,2022级硕士研究生,数据中心智能AI控制算法研发 已毕业 黄振霖,中南大学,2019级硕士,基于贝叶斯推理的空调系统软故障诊断及校正方法研究,研究生国奖、省级研究生创新项目. 崔燕萍,中南大学,2020级硕士,考虑不确定性的多能互补综合能源系统优化研究,陈国达教育基金二等奖、2篇论文. 仝小溪,中南大学,2020级硕士,数据中心服务器机柜动态温度场实时预测及重构技术研究,研究生创新项目、3篇论文. 杨 宇,中南大学,2020级硕士,多能互补综合能源系统可靠性性评估及规划研究,研究生创新项目、1篇论文. 教育经历 [1] 2013.9-2019.4 湖南大学 | 供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程 | 博士学位 | 博士研究生毕业 [2] 2017.10-2018.10 内布拉斯加大学林肯分校 联合博士培养 [3] 2016.6-2016.8 香港城市大学 访问学者 [4] 2015.6-2015.10 内布拉斯加大学林肯分校 访问学者 [5] 2009.9-2013.6 湖南大学 | 建筑环境与设备工程 | 本科 | 本科 工作经历 [1] 2019.6-至今 中南大学 | 能源科学与工程学院 | 在岗 研究方向 [1] 建筑节能、建筑能源系统优化控制、虚拟传感器、空调系统故障检测诊断、智能建筑等相关理论与应用研究 其他联系方式 [3] 通讯/办公地址: 中南大学能源学院113 [6] 邮箱: jiaqiangwang@csu.edu.cn 织梦内容管理系统