姓名 | 杨声 | 性别 | 男 |
学校 | 中南大学 | 部门 | 能源科学与工程学院 |
学位 | 博士学位 | 学历 | 博士研究生毕业 |
职称 | 副教授 | 联系方式 | 【了解更多】 |
邮箱 | 【了解更多】 | 人气 | |
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个人简介 杨声,男,博士,副教授,博士生导师,湖南省杰出青年基金获得者;本科硕士毕业于大连理工大学,博士毕业于华南理工大学。长期从事能源资源高效转换与利用的研究,研究方向为能源/化工系统工程,研究内容包括燃料电池的传质传热与系统优化,可再生分布式能源系统规划与运行优化,新型热力循环系统,化工过程模拟与优化,流程工业过程技术经济分析和生命周期评价。目前主持国家级重点项目、国家重点研发子课题,国家自然科学基金青年基金及湖南省自然科学基金等纵向项目10项与企业横向项目11项。兼任中国化工学会过程模拟与仿真专业委员会青年委员,中国化工学会信息技术应用委员会青年委员,湖南仪器仪表学会理事。目前已发表学术论文80余篇,其中一作/通讯在能源领域高质量期刊已发表72篇(JCR一区66篇,其中《Energy Conversion and Management》15篇、《Energy》15篇),英文专著4部,译著3部。 邮箱:ceshyang@csu.edu.cn 工作经历 2018.1- 2023.1 中南大学能源科学与工程学院 特聘副教授 2023.1- 至今 中南大学能源科学与工程学院 副教授 教育经历 2008.9- 2012.6 大连理工大学 大学本科毕业 2012.9- 2014.6 大连理工大学 硕士研究生毕业 2014.9- 2017.10 华南理工大学 博士研究生毕业 科研项目 1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,主持,2021-2023 2. J科委1XX工程,主持,2022-2024 3. 国家重点研发计划“氢能技术”(2023YFB4006204),子课题负责人,2023-2026 4. 湖南省杰出青年科学基金,主持,2023-2025 5. 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划,参加,2019-2022 6. 国家自然科学基金重点基金,参加,2018-2022 7. 中南大学创新驱动,主持,2020-2022 8. 湖南省自然科学基金青年基金,主持,2022-2024 9. 811源创基金,主持,2020-2022 10. 低碳转化科学与工程重点实验室开放基金,主持,2019-2021 11. 横向项目(12项),主持 学术论文 一作/通讯 2024年 1. Aixiang Xu, Xinyu Luo, Tingting Song, Yizhang Wang, Li Xiang, Yawen Xiong, Zhiqiang Liu, Sheng Yang*. Integrated life cycle assessment and emergy analysis of liquid dehumidification absorption refrigeration driven by solar energy. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2024,236, 121540. 2. Sheng Yang, Hengshuai Sun, Zhiqiang Liu, Chengwei Deng, Nan Xie*. Process modeling and analysis of a combined heat and power system integrating solid oxide fuel cell and organic Rankine cycle for poultry litter utilization. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2024, 236, 121897. 3. Jingyuan Liu, Tian Zhou*, Sheng Yang*. Advanced exergy and exergoeconomic analysis of a multi-stage Rankine cycle system combined with hydrate energy storage recovering LNG cold energy. Energy, 2024, 288:129810. 4. Peizhi Yang, Yongqian Zhang, Chengwei Deng, Zhiqiang Liu, Jiapeng Chen, Sheng Yang*. Thermodynamic performance comparison of a SOFC system integrated with steam reforming and dry reforming by utilizing different fuels. Energy Conversion and Management, 2024, 300: 117981. 5. Sheng Yang, Geng Wang, Zhiqiang Liu, Chengwei Deng, Nan Xie*. Energy, exergy and exergo-economic analysis of a novel SOFC based CHP system integrated with organic Rankine cycle and biomass co-gasification. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2024, 53: 1155-1169. 6. Riyang Shu, Yuankai Lin, Linxuan Zhou, Bowen Luo, Sheng Yang*, Zhipeng Tian, Chao Wang, Zhengjun Shi, Ripsa Rani Nayak, Navneet Kumar Gupta*. Enhenced lignin hydrogenolysis through synergy-induced bimetallic NiCu catalyst for chemocatalytic production of aromatic monomers. Chemical Engineering Science, 2024, 286, 119654. 7. Aixiang Xu, Lanxiang Yang, Zhiqiang Liu, Yawen Xiong, Xinmeng Xiao, Chengwei Deng*, Sheng Yang*. Sustainability evaluation of a PEMFC system for coalbed methane recovery based on life cycle assessment and emergy analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2024, 434: 140344. 8. Han Lei, Chengwei Deng, Zhiqiang Liu*, Sheng Yang*. Effects of tongue skeletal muscle-based mass transfer channel wettability on proton exchange membrane fuel cell performance. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2024, 61: 545-558. 9. Sheng Yang, Anman Liang, Songqing Peng, Zhiqiang Liu, Chengwei Deng, Nan Xie*. Energy, exergy and exergo-economic analysis of a novel HT-PEMFC based cogeneration system integrated with plasma gasification of food waste. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2024, 246: 122924. 2023年 1. Nan Xie, Zhenyu Xiao, Wei Du, Chengwei Deng, Zhiqiang Liu, Sheng Yang*. Thermodynamic and exergoeconomic analysis of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell/absorption chiller CCHP system based on biomass gasification. Energy, 2023, 262: 125595. 2. Aixiang Xu, Lanxiang Yang, Mengjin Xu, Tingting Song, Hong Chen, Li Xiang, Zhiqiang Liu, Sheng Yang*. A cascade lithium bromide absorption refrigeration/dehumidification system for efficient energy recovery: Development, 3E optimization and Life cycle assessment. Journal of Cleaner Production,2023, 383:135286. 3. Lingzhi Yang, Hang Hu, Sheng Yang*, Shuai Wang, Feng Chen, Yufeng . Life cycle carbon footprint of electric arc furnace steelmaking processes under different smelting modes in China. Sustainable Materials and Technologies, 2023, 35: 00564. 4. Sheng Yang, Songqing Peng, Zhenyu Xiao, Zhiqiang Liu, Chengwei Deng, Wei Du, Nan Xie. Energetic and exergetic analysis of a biomass-fueled CCHP system integrated with proton exchange membrane fuel cell. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2023,48: 13603-13616. 5. Aixiang Xu,Yizhang Wang,Tingting Song,Nan Xie,Zhiqiang Liu,Sheng Yang*. Thermodynamic analyses of an innovative system combined dehumidification, cooling and heating driven by solar energy. Energy Conversion and Management, 2023,279: 116757. 6. Tian Zhou, Jiayu Liu, Jingyuan Liu, Jingzheng Ren, Shijie Ding, Sheng Yang*. 4E analysis and multi-objective optimization of a cascade LiBr/H2O refrigeration and Organic Rankine cycle integrated system for power generation. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2023, 225:120142. 7. Peizhe Cui,Yaru Zhou,Tingting Song,Zaifeng Xu,Jifu Zhang,Yangyang Liu,Yinglong Wang,Huaqing Qi,Lei Han,Sheng Yang*.Thermodynamic and economic analysis of ammonia synthesis process integrating liquified natural gas cold energy with carbon capture and storage.ACS Sustainable Chemistry Engineering, 2023, 11:3052-3064. 8. Jifu Zhang, Peizhe Cui, Sheng Yang*, Yaru Zhou, Wei Du, Yinglong Wang, Chengwei Deng*, Shuai Wang. Thermodynamic analysis of SOFC-CCHP system based on municipal sludege plasma gasification with carbon capture. Applied Energy, 2023, 336:120822. 9. Aixiang Xu, Yizhang Wang, Lanxiang Yang, Xinyu Luo, Tingting Song, Zhiqiang Liu, Sheng Yang*. Modeling and optimization of a solar-driven system coupled with liquid dehumidification and absorption refrigeration based on advanced exergy and exergoeconomic analyses. ACS Sustainable Chemistry Engineering, 2023, 11: 8386-8403. 10. Aixiang Xu, Yizhang Wang, Tingting Song, Yawen Xiong, Zhiqiang Liu, Sheng Yang*. Emergy evaluation of a solar-powered cascade system for dehumidification, cooling and heating in hot summer and cold winter areas of China. Energy, 2023,278:128057. 11. Wenlong Xiao, Yonglin Li, Zhengming Yi*, Sheng Yang*. He'an Luo. Experiments and model development of p-nitrochlorobenzene and naphthalene purification in a continous tower melting crystallizer. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2023, 64: 9-17. 12. Zhiqiang Liu, Tianfeng Tao, Chengwei Deng, Sheng Yang*. Proposal and analysis of a novel CCHP system based on SOFC for coalbed methane recovery. Energy, 2023, 283, 128996. 13. Aixiang Xu, Lanxiang Yang, Wei Huang, Yunchang Zhang, Haiwu Long, Zhiqiang Liu, Chengwei Deng, Sheng Yang*. Exergy, economic, exergoeconomic and enviromental (4E) analysis and multi-objective optimization of PEMFC system for coalbed methane recovery. Energy Conversion and Management, 2023, 297, 117734. 14. Sheng Yang, Beilin Liu, Xiaolong Li, Zhiqiang Liu, Yue Liu, Nan Xie, Jingzheng Ren*. Flexibility index for a distributed energy system design optimization. Renewable Energy, 2023, 219: 119423. 15. Beilin Liu, Zhiqiang Liu, Jingzheng Ren, Nan Xie, Sheng Yang*. Real-time operational optimization considering a flexibility index for multi-energy complementary integrated energy systems. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023, 428: 139415. 16. Sheng Yang, Zhengpeng Jin, Feng Ji, Chengwei Deng, Zhiqiang Liu*. Proposal and analysis of a combined cooling, heating, and power system with humidity control based on solid oxide fuel cell. Energy, 2023, 284: 129233. 17. 雷涵,李小龙,邓呈维,杨声*. 基于三维非等温多相模型的质子交换膜燃料电池局部传质机理.华东理工大学学报(自然科学版),2023,49(6):1-8. 2022年 1. Sheng Yang, Lu Zhang, Dongran Song. Conceptural design, optimization and thermodynamic analysis of CO2 capture process based on Rectisol. Energy, 2022,244:122566. 2.Changrong Liu, Hanqing Wang, Zhiyong Wang, Zhiqiang Liu, Yifang Tang, Sheng Yang*.Research on life cycle low carbon optimization method of multi-energy complementary distributed energy system: A review. Journal of Cleaner Production,2022, 366: 130380. 3.周天,赵叶静,刘志强,李国选,崔培哲,杨声*. 生物质制氢与煤制氢过程的技术经济分析与生命周期评价.中南大学学报(自然科学版),2022.53(7): 2733-2745. 4.Changrong Liu, Yifang Tang, Hanqing Wang, Zhiqiang Liu, Sheng Yang*. Life cycle performance of a distributed energy system in comparison with a conventional energy system for building central heating and cooling in China. Journal of Central South University,2022,29: 2357-2376. 5.Longquan Li, Zhiqiang Liu, Chengwei Deng, Nan Xie, Jingzheng Ren, Yi Sun, Zhenyu Xiao, Kun Lei, Sheng Yang*.Thermodynamic and exergoeconomic analyses of a vehicular fuel cell power system with waste heat recovery for carbin heating and reactants preheating. Energy, 2022, 247: 123465. 6. Tian Zhou, Jiayu Liu, Jingzheng Ren, Sheng Yang*. Conceptual design, modelling and optimization of an integrated system by combining Organic Rankine Cycle and absorption refrigeration cycle for efficient energy recovery. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2022, 133:104276. 7. Tian Zhou, Jiayu Liu, Jingzheng Ren, Sheng Yang*. Comprehensive Assessment of a Coupled LiBr/H2O Absorption Refrigeration/ORC System for Low-Grade Residual Heat Recovery Based on Advanced Exergy and Exergoeconomic Analysis. ACS Sustainable Chemistry Engineering, 2022,10(18):5825-5837. 8.杨声,肖振宇,刘志强,邓呈维,杜玮,孙毅.质子交换膜燃料电池堆流量分配特性的参数分析.中南大学学报(自然科学版),2022, 12(53):4627-4636. 9. 张陆,杨声*. 低温甲醇洗碳捕集改进与优化. 化工进展,2022,41(11):6167-6175. 10. Mengxiao Yu, Xiaobin Liu, Zhiqiang Liu, Sheng Yang*. Energy, exergy, economic and environmental (4E) analysis of a novel power/refrigeration cascade system to recover low-grade waste heat at 90-150 ℃. Journal of Cleaner Production,2022,363: 132353. 11. Peizhe Cui, Zaifeng Xu, Dong Yao, Huaqing Qi, Zhaoyou Zhu, Yinglong Wang, Xin Li, Zhiqiang Liu,Sheng Yang*.Life cycle water footprint and carbon footprint analysis of municipal sludge plasma gasification process. Energy, 2022,261, 125280. 12. Xiaobin Liu, Mengxiao Yu, Zhiqiang Liu, Sheng Yang*. Exergy analysis and advanced energy analysis of novel power/refrigerastion cascade system for recovering low grade waste heat at 90-150 ℃. ACS Sustainable Chemistry Engineering, 2022,10, 9184-9193. 13. Tian Zhou, Jingyuan Liu, Jingzheng Ren, Sheng Yang*. Thermodynamic analysis and optimization of a multi-stage Rankine cycle power system combining with hydrate energy storage for liquefied natural gas cold energy utilization. Journal of energy storage, 2022, 56: 105974. 14. Wenlong Xiao, Binggui Huang, Xu Ma, Zhengming Yi*, He'an Luo, Sheng Yang*. Analysis and opitimization of a novel coupling process for industrial cresol separation. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2022,61, 17342-17350. 2021年 1. Aixiang Xu, Mengjin Xu, Nan Xie, Jiawei Liang, Keman Zeng, Guangxiao Kou, Zhiqiang Liu, Sheng Yang*. Performance of a cascade lithium bromide absorption refrigeration/dehumidification process driven by low-grade waste heat for hot summer and cold winter area in China, Energy Conversion and Management, 2021, 228:113664. 2. Zhiqiang Liu, Yifang Tang, Huairong Zhou, Sheng Yang*. Life cycle performance of a distributed energy system in comparison with a conventional energy system for district heating and cooling in China, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 288:125663. 3. Peizhe Cui, Dong Yao, Zhaoyuan Ma, Yuanyuan Shen, Xingyi Liu, Kexu Li, Zhaoyou Zhu, Zhiqiang Liu, Jun Gao, Yinglong Wang, Sheng Yang*. Life cycle water footprint comparison of biomass-to-hydrogen and coal-to-hydrogen processes, Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 773:145056. 4. Longquan Li, Zhiqiang Liu, Chengwei Deng, Jingzheng Ren, Feng Ji, Yi Sun, Zhenyu Xiao, Sheng Yang*. Conventional and advanced exergy analyses of a vehicular proton exchange membrane fuel cell power system, Energy, 2021, 222: 119939. 5. Qinghe Li, Zhiqiang Liu, Yi Sun, Sheng Yang*, Chengwei Deng*. A review on temperature control of proton exchange membrane fuel cells, Processes, 2021, 9(2), 235. 6. Huairong Zhou, Wenliang Meng, Dongliang Wang, Guixian Li*, Hongwei Li, Zhiqiang Liu, Sheng Yang*. A novel coal chemical looping gasification scheme for synthetic natural gas with low energy consumption for CO2 capture: modeling, parameters optimiaztion, and performance analysis, Energy, 2021, 225: 120249. 7. Sheng Yang, Lu Zhang, Nan Xie, Zhaohui Gu, Zhiqiang Liu*.Thermodynamic analysis of a semi-lean solution process for energy saving via Rectisol wash process, Energy, 2021, 226: 120402. 8. Aixiang Xu, Mengjin Xu, Zhiyong Wang, Yonghuan Li, Hong Chen, Keman Zeng, Guangxiao Kou, Zhiqiang Liu, Sheng Yang*. Energy, exergy, economic analysis and multi-objective optimization of a cascade coupling system driven by low-grade waste heat in hot summer and cold winter areas of China, ACS Sustainable Chemistry Engineering, 2021(9):5728-5739. 9. Huaqing Qi, Peizhe Cui, Zhiqiang Liu, Zaifeng Xu, Dong Yao, Yinglong Wang, Zhaoyou Zhu*, Sheng Yang*. Conceptual design and comprehensive analysis for novel municipal sludge gasification-based hydrogen production via plasma gasifier, Energy Conversion and Management,2021,2021:114635. 10. Peizhi Yang, Mingxuan Yuan, Zhiqiang Liu, Nan Xie, Yongjian Liu, Sheng Yang*. Multi- objective optimization and life cycle assessment of a cascade system integrating LiBr/H2O absorption refrigeration with transcritical CO2 power cycle,Energy Conversion and Management, 2021, 244,114453. 11. Dongran Song, Songyue Zheng, Sheng Yang*, Jian Yang, Mi Dong, Mei Su, Young Hoon Joo. Annual Energy Production Estimation for Variable-speed Wind Turbine at High-altitude Site. Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy,2021,9(3):684-687. 12.Changrong Liu, Hanqing Wang, Zhiqiang Liu, Zhiyong Wang, Sheng Yang*. Research on Bi-level Collaborative Optimization Method for Planning and Operation of Multi-energy Complementary System; Energies, 2021,1471943. 13. Aixiang Xu, Mengjin Xu, Nan Xie, Yawen Xiong, Junze Huang, Yingjie Cai, Zhiqiang Liu, Sheng Yang*. Thermodynamic Analysis of a Hybrid System Coupled Cooling, Heating and Liquid Dehumidification Powered by Geothermal Energy. Energies, 2021, 14, 6084. 2020年 1. Guoxuan Li, Peizhe Cui, Yinglong Wang, Zhiqiang Liu, Zhaoyou Zhu, Sheng Yang*. Life cycle energy consumption and GHG emissions of biomass-to-hydrogen process in comparison with coal-to-hydrogen process, Energy, 2020, 191: 116588. 2. Zhiqiang Liu, Nan Xie, Sheng Yang*. Thermodynamic and parametric analysis of a coupled LiBr/H2O absorption chiller/Kalina cycle for cascade utilization of low-grade waste heat. Energy Conversion and Management, 2020, 205: 112370. 3. Yinglong Wang, Yigang Liu, Xiaobin Liu, Wanxiang Zhang, Peizhe Cui, Mengxiao Yu, Zhiqiang Liu, Zhaoyou Zhu, Sheng Yang*. Advanced energy and exergoeconomic analyses of a cascade absorption heat transformer for the recovery of low grade waste heat. Energy Conversion and Management, 2020, 205:112392. 4. Nan Xie, Zhiqiang Liu*, Sheng Yang*, Chenghua Tan. Energy efficiency analysis of postcombustion hydrate-based CO2 capture with Tetrahydrofuran and Tetra-n-butylammonium Bromide. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2020, 59: 802-813. 5. Sheng Yang, Zhenyu Xiao, Chengwei Deng, Zhiqiang Liu, Huairong Zhou, Jingzheng Ren, Tian Zhou*. Techno-economic analysis of coal-to-liquid process with different gasifier alternatives. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 253: 120006. 6. Nan Xie, Zhiqiang Liu, Zhengyi Luo, Jingzheng Ren, Chengwei Deng, Sheng Yang*. Multi-objective optimization and life cycle assessment of an integrated system combining LiBr/H2O absorption chiller and Kalina cycle. Energy Conversion and Management, 2020, 225:113448. 2019年 1. Peizhe Cui, Mengxiao Yu, Zhiqiang Liu, Zhaoyou Zhu, Sheng Yang*. Energy, exergy, and economic (3E) analyses and multi-objective optimization of a cascade absorption refrigeration system for low-grade waste heat recovery. Energy Conversion and Management, 2019, 184: 249-261. 2. Sheng Yang, Chengwei Deng, Zhiqiang Liu. Optimal design and analysis of a cascade LiBr/H2O absorption refrigeration/transcritical CO2 process for low-grade waste heat recovery. Energy Conversion and Management, 2019, 192: 232-242. 3. Dongran Song, Junbo Liu, Jian Yang, Mei Su, Sheng Yang*, Xuebing Yang, Young Hoon Joo. Multi-objective energy-cost design optimization for the variable-speed wind turbine at high-altitude sites. Energy Conversion and Management, 2019, 196: 513-524. 4. Yinglong Wang, Guoxuan Li, Zhiqiang Liu, Peizhe Cui, Zhaoyou Zhu, Sheng Yang*. Techno-economic analysis of biomass-to-hydrogen process in comparison with coal-to-hydrogen process. Energy, 2019,185: 1063-1075. 5. Mengxiao Yu, Peizhe Cui, Yinglong Wang, Zhiqiang Liu, Zhaoyou Zhu, Sheng Yang*. Advanced exergy and exergoeconomic analysis of cascade absorption refrigeration system driven by low-grade waste heat. ACS Sustainable Chemistry Engineering, 2019, 7: 16843-16857. 2018年 1. Sheng Yang, Qianqian Chen, Zhiqiang Liu, Yifan Wang, Zhiyong Tang, Yuhan Sun. Performance analysis of wind energy integrated with natural-gas-to-methanol process. Energy Conversion and Management, 2018, 173: 735-742. 2. Sheng Yang, Yifan Wang, Jun Gao, Zhiqiang Liu, Zhien Zhang. Performance analysis of a novel cascade absorption refrigeration for low-grade waste heat recovery. ACS Sustainable Chemistry Engineering, 2018, 6(7): 8350-8363. 3. Sheng Yang, Donghui Ma, Peizhe Cui. Liquid–Liquid Equilibrium Data and Correlation for the Quaternary Systems Water + Polyphenol (Hydroquinone, Catechol, and Resorcinol) + Methyl Isobutyl Ketone + Methylbenzen. Journal of Chemistry Engineering Data, 2018, 63 (1): 63–68 2017年 1. Sheng Yang, Zhiqiang Liu, Yifan Wang, Zhiyong Tang, Qianqian Chen, Yuhan Sun. Performance analysis of solar energy integrated with natural-gas-to-methanol process. Energy Conversion and Management, 2017, 150: 375-381. 2. Sheng Yang, Yu Qian, Yongjian Liu, Yifan Wang, Siyu Yang. Modeling, Simulation, and techno-economic analysis of Lurgi Gasification and BGL Gasification for coal-to-SNG. Chemistry Engineering Research and Design, 2017, 117: 355-368. 3. Sheng Yang, Siyu Yang Yifan Wang, Yu Qian. Low grade waste heat recovery with a novel cascade absorption heat transformer process. Energy, 2017, 130:461-472. 4. Sheng Yang, Yu Qian, Yifan Wang, Siyu Yang. BGL gasifier for coal-to-SNG: A comparative techno-economic analysis. Energy, 2017, 133: 158-170. 5. Sheng Yang, Yu Qian, Yifan Wang, Siyu Yang. A novel cascade absorption heat transformer process using low grade waste heat and its application to Coal to synthetic natural gas. Applied Energy, 2017, 202:42-52. 2016年 1. Sheng Yang, Yu Qian, Siyu Yang. Development of a Full CO2 Capture Process Based on the Rectisol Wash Technology. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2016, 55(21): 6186-6193. 2. Sheng Yang, Jianeng Liang, Siyu Yang, Yu Qian. A novel cascade refrigeration process using waste heat and its application to Coal-to-SNG. Energy, 2016, 115: 486-497. 3. 杨声, 梁嘉能, 杨思宇, 钱宇. 煤制气中甲烷化余热利用集成串级吸收式制冷新工艺. 化工学报, 2016, 3(67) 779-787.