

姓名 陈儒军 性别 办公地点:中南大学新校区地科楼321室
学校 中南大学 部门 地球科学与信息物理学院
学位 联系方式:电话:13787080374; QQ:554035269; 微信:chen_rujun112358; Skype:chen.rujun.12358 学历 职务:Associate Professor
职称 副教授 联系方式 【了解更多】
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个人简介 陈儒军,男,土家族,贵州思南人。中南大学地球科学与信息物理学院副教授、博士研究生导师,中南大学AIoT(人工智能物联网)与地质地球物理创新创业教育中心负责人。1992年毕业于思南二中,1996年毕业于中南工业大学应用地球物理专业,1999年和2003年分别获中南大学地球探测与信息技术硕士和博士学位,从事地球物理信号处理及伪随机电磁法仪器研制。2003-2004年在中煤科工集团重庆研究院任访问学者, 从事防爆高密度电法仪研制,2004-2011年先后在中南大学控制科学与工程博士后流动站、中南大学计算机科学与技术博士后流动站、中国石油集团东方地球物理公司博士后科研工作站开展智能伪随机电磁仪、陆上三维电磁仪和直接油气检测电磁系统研制,2003年博士毕业后留校任教,2005年被评副教授,硕士研究生导师。现任中国地球物理学会地球物理技术委员会委员、中国仪器仪表学会地质仪器分会理事、湖南省地球物理学会理事、IEEE Committee on Waveform Generation, Measurement, and Analysis委员,SEG、AGU、EAGE和IEEE会员。主要从事精密地球物理仪表与测量、地球物理勘探技术和地球物理信号处理有关的教学与科研工作。获得国家发明专利授权38项,省部级一等奖3项、二等奖1项、三等奖1项;与谷湘平教授等共同发现包括田红旗矿在内的新矿物3种,发表期刊论文和会议论文100余篇,被国际激电权威、AGU会士Revil教授盛赞为可在野外环境下获取一流激电数据的真正天才。主持和参与研制成功多种精密电法和电磁法勘探仪器、实现了批量生产和在全国20多个省、自治区、直辖市获得规模应用,创造了近千亿元的潜在经济价值。目前正在研究人工智能、物联网、4G/5G、无线传感器网络、精密测量、北斗导航卫星等先进技术在地球物理仪器与勘探中的应用,为实现低成本、大规模、高精度、高效率、大深度、高可靠性地球物理勘探与监测提供支撑。 论文详情可访问如下网站:ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Rujun_Chen ResearcherID: https://publons.com/researcher/1360212/rujun-chen/ ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9484-7485 教育经历 [1]   1999.9-2003.6 中南大学  |  地球探测与信息技术  |  博士学位  |  博士研究生毕业 中南大学信息物理工程学院物探所,导师何继善院士、罗维斌教授级高工(时任石油物探仪器总厂总工程师),博士论文研究伪随机多频电磁法观测系统 [2]   1996.9-1999.6 中南工业大学  |  地球探测与信息技术  |  硕士学位  |  研究生(硕士)毕业 中南工业大学(现中南大学)地学与环境工程学院物探所,导师张宪润教授,硕士论文研究多频激电数字信号处理 [3]   1992.9-1996.7 中南工业大学  |  应用地球物理  |  学士学位  |  大学本科毕业 中南工业大学(现中南大学)地质与城乡建设工程系物探所,导师仇勇海教授,学士论文研究砷的硫化物及脱砷 工作经历 [1]   2005.10-至今 中南大学  |  地球科学与信息物理学院  |  副教授  |  地球物理仪器与信号处理有关的教学与科研工作 [2]   2008.8-2012.3 中国石油集团与中南大学  |  东方地球物理公司博士后科研工作站及中南大学计算机科学与技术博士后流动站  |  Postdoc  |  完成 2008 - 2012,联合培养企业博士后,中南大学计算机科学与计算博士后流动站、中国石油集团东方地球物理公司博士后科研工作站,研究直接油气检测电磁系统,导师蔡自兴教授、何展翔教授级高工(时任东方地球物理公司综合物化探事业部总工程师) [3]   2004.3-2007.8 中南大学  |  控制科学与工程博士后流动站  |  Postdoc  |  完成 研究智能伪随机多频电磁法观测系统,导师蔡自兴教授 [4]   2003.9-2005.9 中南大学  |  信息物理工程学院  |  讲师 社会兼职 [1]   IEEE Access,审稿人 [2]   Geophysical Journal International,审稿人 [3]   Journal of Geophysical Research – Solid Earth,审稿人 [4]   2017.8-至今     GEOPHYSICS,审稿人 [5]   IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement,审稿人 [6]   Chinese Journal of Geophysics- Chinese Edition,审稿人 [7]   2017.9-至今     Journal of Asian Earth Sciences,审稿人 [8]   Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems (GI), 审稿人 [9]   Journal of Environmental & Engineering Geophysics,审稿人 [10]   Journal of Applied Geophysics,审稿人 [11]   2013.8-至今     中国地球物理学会地球物理技术专业委员会,委员 [12]   Journal of Central South University,审稿人 [13]   2011.5-至今     I2MTC(国际仪表与测量会议),技术委员会委员,审稿人 研究方向 [1]  地球物理仪器 [2]  地球物理信号处理 [3]  岩石物理 [4]  地球物理勘探 [5]  智能地球物理 其他联系方式 [1]  邮编: 410083 [3]  通讯/办公地址: 中南大学新校区地科楼321室 [5]  移动电话: 13787080374 [6]  邮箱: chrujun@csu.edu.cn 团队成员 团队名称:人工智能物联网(AIoT)与地质地球物理实验室 团队介绍:研究人工智能和物联网在地质和地球物理中的应用,包括在地球物理仪器、地球物理信号处理、岩石物理、地球物理勘探、地质灾害监测与预警、环境与工程地球物理等方向研究中融入人工智能和物联网。团队拥有高级职称研究人员6人,工程师3人,研究生18人,大学生创新创业团队成员8人。欢迎对AIoT在地质地球物理中应用感兴趣的同行和同学加入。 何兰芳 中国科学院矿产资源研究重点实验室,高级工程师,从事岩石电磁学和应用地球电磁学研究。   邱宁 中国科学院南海海洋研究所,副研究员,主要从事海洋地质与地球物理研究    淳少恒 博士,副教授,负责采集系统研发姓 名:淳少恒          性 别:男民 族:汉              出生年月: 1988-9 籍 贯:湖北钟祥        政治面貌:中共党员 电 话:151-5064-8387    E - Mail:chunsh123@126.com 研究方向:逻辑电路设计,地球物理仪器设计,协作源定位和巡航, 分布式时钟同步 个人经历:2021/09至今      无锡职业技术学院     集成电路系          副教授2016/09~2021/06   东南大学          控制科学与工程       学术型博士 2015/07~2016/08   华为                 单板硬件          硬件工程师 2012/09~2015/06   中南大学       地球探测与信息技术  学术型硕士(推免生) 2008/09~2012/06   中南大学       地球信息科学与技术       学士(8/88) 期刊论文:[1]YuPing Tian, Shaoheng Chun (共同一作), Gan Chen, Siheng Zong, Yan Huang, Bo Wang. Delay Compensation Based Time Synchronization Under Random Delays: Algorithm and Experiment [J]. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2021,29(1): 80-95. (SCI, JCR一区, IF=5.2)[2]Shaoheng Chun, YuPing Tian. Multi-targets localization and elliptical circumnavigation by multi-agents using bearing only measurements in two dimensional space [J]. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2020, 30(8): 3250-3268. (SCI,JCR一区,IF=3.5)[3]Shaoheng Chun. Bearing-only Based Formation Circumnavigation Guided by Multiple Non-cooperative Targets [J]. IEEE Access, 2020, 28: 228377-228391. (SCI,JCR一区,IF=3.7)[4]淳少恒,陈儒军,耿明会. 伪随机m序列及其在电法勘探中的应用进展[J]. 地球物理学进展,2014,29(1):0439-0446.(CSCD核心)[5]淳少恒,陈儒军,向毕文,卢祥弘. OCXO时钟修正机制在电法勘探采集中的应用研究[J]. 地球物理学进展,2015, 4: 1870-1881. (CSCD核心)[6]淳少恒,陈儒军,成沁宇,何馨. 软开关机在高可靠性分布式电法仪器中的设计[J]. 地球物理学进展,2015,2: 928-933. (CSCD核心)[7]Fabao Yan, Jianxin Liu, Shaoheng Chun. Study of the Way to Firmware Program Upgrade in FPGA Reconfiguration of Distributed Geophysical Instruments[J], Sensors & Transducers, 2014,172(6):130-138. (EI) 会议论文: [1]Shaoheng Chun, YuPing Tian, Gan Chen, Siheng Zong. Circuit Design and Physical Experiment of Time Synchronization for WSNs [C]. In: Proceedings of 6th Chinese Automation Congress (CAC), 2018, 2487–2492. (EI) [2]Shaoheng Chun, YuPing Tian, Gan Chen. Target Localization and Elliptical Circumnavigation with Bearing Measurements in 2D Space [C]. In: Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Control and Automation (ICCA), 2019, 16–19. (EI) 发明专利:[1]田玉平, 淳少恒,王博,陈干,宗思恒. 一种应用于无线传感网的无误差累积的时钟同步系统 [P]. 专利号: ZL201810429099.5[2]淳少恒,陈儒军. 激电发送机的无线控制系统和方法[P],CN201310309165.2. 个人文集:[1]高大维,淳少恒. 劲草文集. 长沙:中南大学出版社,2011.   刘春明 教授级高级工程师,从事金属矿地球物理勘探、城市地球物理、环境与工程地球物理、环境与地质灾害监测与预测研究   郭振威 特聘副教授,研究方向为海洋地球物理勘探、油气勘探方向、矿产资源勘查、城市物探以及地下水资源勘探   姚红春 工程师,负责软件开发姓名:姚红春     性别:男    民族:汉政治面貌:党员    籍贯:四川资中出生年月:1986.10   文化程度:硕士毕业学校:中南大学     毕业时间:2012.06联系电话:13739075802    邮箱:yhc511025@163.com研究方向:无线分布式采集系统研究、数字信号处理算法研究、地球物理仪器采集控制软件设计、电磁法信号处理算法研究及软件设计、激电信号处理算法研究及软件设计。学习经历: 2005-2009   中南大学   地球探测与信息技术    学士 2009-2012   中南大学   地球探测与信息技术    硕士(推免生)工作经历:2010.6-2011.3   在中石油东方地球物理勘探有限责任公司担任软件工程师,作为核心技术人员参加“陆上大地电磁采集系统”的开发。2012.06-2019.12 在湖南强军科技有限公司作为研发部副总工程师与中南大学合作开发了大地电磁采集系统、音频大地电磁采集系统、三维无线分布式谱激电采集系统、CSAMT采集系统、TEM采集系统、集中式地震/SIP采集系统、复电阻率标本测试仪等,并作为勘探服务部副总工程师参加了铬铁矿、铅锌矿、锑矿、钼矿、地热等资源共10余个野外勘探项目,并作为主要技术负责人完成了勘探技术培训、仪器设备维护升级、野外施工设计、数据处理、数据反演、成果解释及报告编写等工作。2019.12-至今 在中南大学负责仪器研发及野外勘探技术指导。成果:发表文章10余篇,获得国内发明专利5项、美国发明专利1项、实用新型专利及外观专利5项,登记软件著作权9项     申瑞杰 工程师、博士研究生,负责硬件研发   陈思文 工程师,负责地质与地球物理勘探   Lubang Jacob Peter(鲁邦) 矿产资源勘探,2020Personal information Address:  Juba City Republic of South SudanContact: +8615608449971, (WeChat,)         Email: jbl.jacobz24@gmail.com                                             Date of birth: 01/1/1991: Nationality South SudanesePERSONAL STATEMENT Highly motivated and result orientated individual, As a recent graduate from universityOf central south university I held several internships within leading companies. These internships enabled me to gain experience in the field and learn how to work under any condition.  Major: Geological resources and geological engineering 2020 Research direction: Mineral resources exploration and Prospecting using Geophysical methods such as Resistivity, Induced polarization (IP), TEM and Geological methods in finding Mineral and Economic ore reserves. Education:·       Currently pursuing masters in engineering geology (interested mainly in mineral exploration and prospecting), Central South University 2020·       Bachelor degree in engineering Science (mining engineering) department of geological resources and safety engineering, Central South university 2016-2020During this period, studied the principles and techniques of mineral exploration, and underground and surface mining operations, as well as, mineral processing technologies. Studies include rock mechanics, rock fragmentation, plant and mine design, mine ventilation, surveying, valuation, industrial hygiene, mineral law, mine safety, computing, mineral processing, solution mining and operations research.Thesis topic; scheme design of overhand cut and fill underground mining method for tungsten mine at Yaogangxian mining area.The purpose of this designed method is to allow for safe extraction of ores in many areas where stope instability is prone (weak rock) or highly stressed ground conditions. SKILLSLanguage: Bari nativeOther languages; English, Arabic, Chinese, good communication skills.Computer: Microsoft Access, computer skills ability to use different softwares.   Internships: ·       Engineering design for Mining methods and underground spacing at Chengzhou mining company, Chengzhou cityJuly 2018  ·       Scheme Design of Filling Mining Method for Cut Wall of Black Tungsten Mine at Yaogangxian mining company limited.  June 2020    Pitiya REGEAN Pu(潘仁普) 金属矿物探,2020   法礼 Farid Ullah 地质地球物理,2021   古巴拉 (Hanaa Gamal) SIP prospecting for ore deposit, 2021Hanaa Gamal Abd-El Azeem GhobaraNationality : Egyptian    Phone No.  (+20)1287172528               Email : geo.hanaagamal@gmail.com hanaagamalghobara@gmail.comwechat Id : HanaaGhobara-96About me: My name is Hanaa , I am from Egypt. I have completed my undergraduate studies in geosciences from facuty of science Tanta university in Egypt, with excellent grade.Then I spent one year studying in pre-master studying petrology and geochemistry of rocks and minerals.After finishing I felt that I still need to gain deeper in that research field because it is really an exciting  and important field. EDUCATIONPre-Master in Petrology and Geochemistry of Rocks and Minerals, Tanta University , Egypt . 2019 – 2020Project: Economic Importance of Metamorphic Rocks and Minerals – Excellent B. Sc. Geology, Faculty of Science, Tanta University , Egypt. 2015 – 2019Cumulative grade: Excellence with honours - GPA: [3.61] - Rank: 2nd over department.Projects: Made 2 graduation projects·        Mineral Exploration and Economics "applied at El Beida Area, Eastern Desert of Egypt" – Excellent.·        Sand Mining “strategies and Environmental impacts” – Excellent. Jun 2015 : GENERAL SECONDARY EDUCATION :  Ebiar secondary school for girls, Kafr Elzayat ,El Gharbia , Egypt. RESEARCH/AREA oF INTEREST : Research interest includes Geophysical prospecting , intelligent Geophysics ,  Minerals and  Economic ores Exploration by using different geological and geophysical exploration methods  such as non ferrous metal mineral exploration based on Induced Polarization (IP) .Also , I have great interest in all aspects of geology such as petrology , Geochemistry of rocks and minerals and their economic importance . TRAINING AND EXPERIENCENuclear Materials AuthorityIntern – 2018·        Attended training in Ore Dressing Department.·        Worked on some topics like determining minerals identification, minerals properties, locations of elements, determination of mineral composition and measurement of liberation.Agiba Petroleum CompanyIntern – 2017·        Attended training in Exploration Department for two weeks.·        Studied topics like Operation Geology, Geophysics and Advanced Petrophysics.Khalda Petroleum CompanyIntern – 2017·        Attended training in Exploration Department for two weeks.·        Studied topics like Mineral wealth and its importance, Remote sensing, Drilling, Preparing wells for completion, Casing Design, Basic open hole logging.Egyptian Petroleum research instituteIntern – 2016·         Attended Training about Scientific research “geophysical methods in exploration of economic ores.·        Studied topics like Drilling fluids and Petroleum Geology.FIELD TRIPS  -Field trip to Quseir, Al Bahr Al Ahmar, Egypt for about five days on March 2020 .-Field trip to Sinai , St Catherine and Taba for about five days on March 2019.-Field trip to El Fayoum for about four days on March 2018.- Field trip to Abu Rawash on March 2017. EXTRA ACTIVITIES AND CONFERENCES :  -A member of El Medan association of Tanta Science Student Union (2019).- A member of American Association of petroleum Geologists  (AAPG - TUSC ) .-A member of Scientific Research Team and Human Resource Team .-Event about Scientific programs used in field of geology at Tanta university in 2017.-Event about " How you can start Scientific research ?" by Sclumberger company at Tanta University  in 2018 .COMMUNICATION AND INTERPERSONAL SKILLS Communication skills ◦   Good communication skills◦   Able to concentrate for long period◦   Attention to detailsPersonal Skills ◦   Good in teamwork and adaptability .◦   Strategic thinking◦   Problem solving◦   Learning new things in short time◦   Interactive and fast enough to learn new technologies and sciences.LANGUAGE SKILLS·        Arabic: Native - Mother Tongue.·        English: Professional working proficiency – B2 level. DIGITAL SKILLS social Media Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, Access, Power Point, Outlook. Google suite (Gmail Google Drive Google Slide Google Docs Google Sheets Google Forms Google). Video Conferencing (Zoom Skype Google Hangout) .   Ijaz Ahmed (伊贾兹) 地质与地球物理,2021PERSONAL INFORMATION Address: Village Billand Kalla, Tehsil & District Karak (27000) KPK, PakistanContact: +923489064174, ijazkhattakgeologist (WeChat)Email: ijazahmed2107@gmail.com Sex Male: Date of Birth 05/03/1999: Nationality Pakistani PERSONAL STATEMENTI am self-motivated, hard working with professional attitude. I have the ability to work independently in remote locations. I am good in collection of representative samples from field, I have also knowledge of field geology such as section measurements, practical expertise at field sample collection for different aggregate tests, furthermore sample preparation work in lab for microscopic analysis. I am oriented with ArcMap as GIS and RS were my major courses in my BS 7th semester. WORK EXPERIENCE1: Team Lead Cohort ManagementIDEAGIST Global (7900 international drive suite 300, Bloomington, Minnesota 54425 USA, www.ideagist.comI worked as a Team Lead during the project of “Kamyaab Jawan” under Ideagist Global.2: Assistant Lab Techinician MATRACON Pakistan Pvt (Main camp Ambiri Kalla N55 Karak, Pakistan n55p1aceg.matraconjv@gmail.com I worked in project “Dualization of Indus Highway N55 from Sarai Ghambila to Kohat” EDUCATIONBS GEOLOGY (2016-2020)Department of Geology, Khushal Khan Khattak University Karak KP. Pakistan.Major Subjects:Stratigraphy, Mineralogy, Palaeontology, Sedimentology, Geophysics, RS & GIS, Geo tectonics, Environmental Geology, Economic Geology, Hydrogeology, Engineering Geology, GeophysicsThesis topic:Aggregate suitability study of Eocene (Kohat) Limestone in Southern Kohat plateau.Group 2: Ground water quality assessment in UC Chokara and adjoining areas, District Karak, Khyber PakhtunkhwaCGPA: 3.87/4.00  SKILLSMother Tongue: PashtoOther Languages: Urdu, EnglishCommunication SkillsGood communication skills gained through my experience as a Student, Social worker and during my work experience having interaction with different kinds of people.Managerial SkillsI have strong interpersonal organizational skills gained during work as a team lead in Ideagist global during COVID-19 situation, where I assisted the company in managing cohort students in excellent way.Job Related SkillsI have the ability to deliver positive results under pressure. In construction site I learn to perform different aggregates test. I can manage time perfectly. I can be useful candidate for managing a group of peoples single handed according to the situation.Computer SkillsGood command of Microsoft Office™ tools, Arc Map and Google Earth. Having typing speed of 25W/M.Other SkillsKnowledge of section measurement and samplingAble to prepare geological field reportsI have Practical expertise of sample preparation.HobbiesTravelling and exploring the nature.Surfing InternetReading BooksSubjects of InterestsEconomic Geology, Engineering Geology, Environmental Geology, RS & GIS, Geotechnical Engineering, Hydrogeology, GeophysicsConferenceSustainability in current scenario challenges and solutions, Suresh Giyan Vihar University India (05-07 Nov 2020).WorkshopReformulating Earth Observation analytics from pixels to intelligence with AI/ML, Suresh Giyan Vihar University India (20 Oct 2020).Honours and Awards2nd Position (Silver Medal), BS Geology Khushal Khan Khattak University Karak.1st Position SSC, Sublime Model High School, BISE Kohat.    Jamal (贾马尔) 地质地球物理,2021JAMAL WADOODPersonal information_________________________________________ Date of birth:                     March 05, 1999Sex:                            MaleNationality:                PakistaniAddress:                                  Bela Korona Rajjar Bypass Road Tehsil and District Charsadda, 24420, KPK, PakistanCell:                                  +92-310-9709269Email:                          jamalwadood267@gmail.comWechat ID:                        geojamal (scan QR code) Education ___________________________________________________  2017 - 2021                Bachelor of Science from Bacha Khan University, Pakistan                                                Major: Geology                                                  2015 - 2017                  FSc. from Institute of Professional Leaders College Charsadda,                                                    Pakistan                                                Major: Science (Medical) 2013 - 2015                   SSC from The Muslim Public School Charsadda, Pakistan                                                Major: Science                            Research Interest ____________________________________________I am interested in using integrated modern geological and geophysical techniques for the exploration and exploitation of the mineral resources in Pakistan. honors and awards ___________________________________________ 2021                Merit Certificate                        Awarded by Bacha Khan University Chsarsadda for securing 3rd position in                                                                                                             BS-Geology (2017-2021) 2019             Creative Writing CertificateAwarded by DigiSkills under Ministry Of Information Technology and Telecom, Government of Pakistan 2017             Talent AwardAwarded during intermediate studies organized by Jamiat Talba Charsadda  2016      Merit ScholarshipAwarded by Institute of Professional Leaders College Charsadda 2016             Best Student of the YearAwarded by Institute of Professional Leaders College Charsadda                Professional Organization Member ___________________________      ·       American Association of Petroleum Geoscientists (AAPG)·       Pakistan Association of Petroleum Geoscientists (PAPG)·       All Pakistan Geoscientist Association (APGA) Publications ___________________________________________________ Peer-reviewed journal articles Wadood, B., Khan, S., Li,H., Wadood, J., Ahmad., S., & Khan, A. (2021). The Middle Permian (Capitanian) carbonate platform evolution and stratigraphic architecture of a Neo-Tethys rim basin, Central Pakistan. Geological Journal. 56(8), 4080-4101. Ahmad., S., Wadood., B., Khan, S., Naseer, A., Wadood, J. 2021. Late Cretaceous pelagic laminites at the northwestern margin of Indian plate, Pakistan: implications for basin bathymetry and ophiolite emplacement. Carbonates and Evaporites, 36 (2), 1-15. Wadood, B., Aziz, M., Ali, J., Khan, N., Wadood, J., Khan, A., Shafiq, M., Ullah, M. (2020).                Depositional, diagenetic and sequence stratigraphic constrain on reservoir characterization: a case study of Middle Jurassic Samana Suk Formation, western Salt Range, Pakistan. Journal of Sedimentary Environments, 6 (1), 131-147.Wadood, B., Khan, S., Ahmad, S., & Wadood, J. (2019). Sequence stratigraphic framework of the Maastrichtian shelfal to deep marine strata of Lower Indus Basin, Pakistan: implications for the petroleum potential. Carbonates and Evaporites, 34(3), 757-769.Abstracts PUBLISHED IN CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS______________________ Wadood, B., Khan, S., Ahmad, S., Wadood, J. 2018. Sequence Stratigraphy and Reservoir Characterization of the Mughal Kot Formation, Mughal Kot Section, Central Indus Basin, Pakistan. 5th International Conference Earth Sciences Pakistan 2018, 11-13 August 2018. Baragali Summer Campus, University of Peshawar Conferences/WORKHOPS/INTERNSHIPS ATTENDED__________________Ø  Pakistan Association Of Petroleum Scientists (PAPG) 2018, 1 September 2018 at Islamabad, Pakistan Ø  One day webinar on “Nanotechnology- An overview with focus on Drilling Fluids held on October 03, 2020 online session by Learn Vault under the banner of knnamp Drilling Fluids.Ø  One day webinar on “Oil Field Manager Principles and Practice” online session organized by Online Petroleum Academy Ø  Completed Two months “Summer Internship 2020”, organized by Marietta College US, SPE Egypt, PioPetro.Ø  Completed Six weeks Internship about “ Food quality and Water Treatment” organized by PepsiCo Pakistan.Ø  Also completed two weeks workshop on “Peaceful Coexistence” organized by University of Peshawar.    贾炜 (Jawad Ahmad) 地质与地球物理,2021Personal Information:Date of Birth: 17th Feb 1999P.O & Village Mayar Jandool District Dir Lower KP, Pakistan.Nationality: Pakistan, Passport No. CX1175511, Phone: No 00923000246365. Personal Email:Geojawad123@yahoo.com ,WeChat: jawad789987 ,QQ: jawad789.Academics:Bachelor of Sciences (BS-Geology/Earth-science), Session 2016 to 2020.Department of Geology, Abdul Wali khan University Mardan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. 501–600th World University Rankings 2020.GPA Obtained: CGPA 3.65/4.00ObjectiveResult Ordinated with Field Exploration Geologist with Experience of successfully Coordination, Managing Leading Operational activities of cross functional Departments concern with the Rock Engineering, Tunnel Assessment, Down Hole Logging, Surface and Subsurface Geological Mapping and Mineral Exploration Also Have the ability to work under Pressure without Compromising on QualityExperience·       Worked as a Field Geologist in Netracon Technologies (Pvt) Ltd in CASA 1000 H.V.D.C Transmission Line Project, Tajikistan to Pakistan, October 2020 -March 2021.·       Worked as a Geologist at Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Oil and Gas Company Limited( KPOGCL) from September to January 2019.The Training included but not limited to the following modules;·       Logging·       Geotechnical Survey·       Petrel Software·       Analysis of different Wells Data·       Surface and Subsurface Geological MappingKey Skills ·       Geology (Prospect Generation ,Drilling Coring etc. ·       GIS/Remote Sensing ·       Static Data Analysis ·       Mineralogy/Crystallography Reserve Technical Analysis ·       Business Development And Marketing ·       Planning, Designing , Attributes Operational of survey Research/Area of Interest: Research interest includes Engineering Geologist, Structural Geology, Geoheritage, Petroleum Geology, Geodynamics and Regional Tectonics, Interpretations of Subsurface Structures using Seismic Data and Sedimentology                  Paper submitted ·       Yaseen, Jawad Ahmad, Afraseyab et al., (2020) First detailed Preliminary assessment of Geological features from Hingol National Park, Baluchistan to Evaluate the Potential of the Area to Become Global Geopark, Geoheritage IF 3.36 (Under review).·       Anjum N, Yaseen, Jawad Ahmad et al., (2020) Petrology and Geochemical characterizations of Tanawal Formation (Quartzose Rocks) and its uses for industries from Topi, Swabi, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. Journal of Geological Society of Malaysia, University of Malaya ( Review Completed).·       Yaseen, Rehman, Jawad Ahmad et al., (2020) Physico-mechanical investigation of exposed rocks and fine materials in Kaiigah Upper Kohistan Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan, Indian Geotechnical Journal (With Editor).·       Yaseen, Jawad Ahmad, Anjum et., al (2020) Mapping, Quantification And Inventories Of Key Geoheritage Sites From Precambrian To Quaternary Successions In The Salt Range, Pakistan, Geoheritage IF 3.36 (Revision R2).·       Yaseen, M., Jaroslav Presk, Jawad Ahmad et, al. 2019 Geochemical and             Mineralogical investigation of Chromite Deposits along MKT Zone, Southern Chitral, Northern Pakistan, UNESCO UCTE, 2019 Krakow, Poland (Under Review). Articles Published ·       Yaseen, M., Wahid, S., Ahmad, S. et al. Tectonic evolution, prospectivity and structural studies of the hanging wall of Main Boundary Thrust along Akhurwal-Kohat transect, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa: implications for future exploration. Arab J Geosci 14, 277 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12517-021-06651-0·       Ishaq, K., Wahid, S., Yaseen, M. et al. Analysis of subsurface  structural trend and stratigraphic architecture using 2D seismic data: a case study from Bannu Basin, Pakistan. J Petrol Explore Prod Technol (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13202-021-01110-8  Field Excursion / Field Works ·        Three days Geological Field to Kohat area of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and the submission of geological field report to the Department of Geology , Abdul Wali Khan University.·        Seven days Geological field in the areas of Salt Range, studying geology of Khewra Gorge, Nammal Gorge and Chichali Gorge and the submission of detailed geological field report to Department of Geology , Abdul Wali Khan University.·        Three days Geological field to Margala Hills (Himalayas foothills) North of the Pakistan and the submission of detailed geological field report Department of Geology , Abdul Wali Khan University.·        Nine Days Geological field to the Kohistan island Arc , MKT, MMT in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (Northern areas) and submission of the detail Geological field report Department of Geology , Abdul Wali Khan University.Research Project/Thesis Title:First detailed Preliminary assessment of Geological features from Hingol National Park, Baluchistan to Evaluate the Potential of the Area to Become Global Geopark.Research Internship:Conducted two months internship at the Geological Survey of Pakistan (GSP) Ministry of Energy (Petroleum Division) from July to August 2019. The training included but not limited to the following modules;·  X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) and X-Ray Diffraction  ·  Thin section ·  Gemology ·  Petrology, Chemical Laboratories ·  Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA) and Thermo-Gravimetric Analysis (TGA) ·  Scanning Electronic Microscope (SEM) ·  Geographic Information System (GIS) Seminar Attend:·        Annual technical workshop (ATW-2018 Hydrocarbon Exploration Techniques).·       Annual technical conference 2018(Challenges and strategies to sustain E&P Growth) by SPE & AAPG.·        Annual technical conference 2017(Oil and Gas show) by SPE & AAPG.·        University Seminar 2017(Scope of Geology) By KPOGCL.·        University Seminar 2016 (Seismic Waves) By KPOGCL.Membership:·        SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineering).·        IAPG (International Association for promoting Geoethics).·        EAGE (European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers). Computer Proficiency·     Microsoft Windows, Internet·     Geographical information system (GIS) ·     Google Earth, EMS (Exploration Management System) ·     Microsoft Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point, MS Outlook ·     Coral Draw ·     Good Typewriting speed (50w/pm)Languages ·          English, Urdu, Pashto.    Shah Fahad 地质地球物理,2021 Shah Fahad                                  Contact:   +923455720144Email:       shahf4600@gmail.com     Personal Information: Father Name:             Marghoob Khan. Birth Date:                  1 May 1997.CNIC:                            16101-5599286-9Domicile:                         Mardan, KPK.Nationality:                    Pakistani.Religion:                           Islam.Married Status:            Single.  Address:                       Village Ismail zai tehsil Garhi Kapura,                                       District Mardan, KPK Pakistan.Objective: To seek a challenging job in a prestigious organization where I can utilize my professional potential in strategic decision making of organization with an opportunity of career growth. Having an apex vision to serve with dedication, passion and professional commitment, integrity in an agile way by utilizing my utmost potential.Academics:· BS Geology (4 years, 2016-2020) (3.83 CGPA): o   Department of Geology, Abdul Wali khan University Mardan.o   3rd Position. · Higher Secondary School Certificate (Pre-Medical 2015):  o   Edwardes College Peshawar, BISE Peshawar.o   Grade: A· Secondary School Certificate (Science, 2013):o   Mardan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.o   Grade: A1 Major courses studied in Bs:            Geology and Geomorphology                            Sedimentory petrology            Igneous petrology                                                Metamorphic petrology            Sequence stratigraphy                                        Petroleum geology            Basin modeling                                                     Engineering geology            Geology of Pakistan                                             Geophysics            Economic geology                                                Hydrogeology            Environmental geology                                       Minerology            Seismic interpretation Geological Field Experience:o   Geology and sedimentology of salt Range (Eastern, central, western).o   Detailed field trip covering stratigraphy, lithofacies, paleontology and sedimentary depositional System of Attock cherat ranges.o   Geology of Northern areas of Pakistan (Malaknd, Swat, shangla, Besham, chilas and jijal complex).o   Geology of Hazara basino   Field trip to Mohammand Dam. Awards and Honors:o   Awarded by Prime Minister LAPTOP Scheme.o   Third position in BS Geology.o   Awarded by Cash Prize in Pakistan association of petroleum Geoscientist (PAPG) Geology.o   Awarded by Shield Prize in All Pakistan geoscientist association (APGA) workshop.Work Experience: o   One-year Experience as Geologist at National Engineering Services Pakistan (NESPAK).o   One-month internship in Sedimentology and geotechnical Lab, National Center of excellence in Geology.o   Four-month internship in Koto hydropower project with Sichuan-Sarwar-Silian-Chongqing Luyang. o   Pakistan museum of National History Islamabad, Pakistan (PMNH). Computer Skills:·    Arc Gis                       ·   Geographix Software             ·  Corel draw Software      ·  Microsoft Office         ·    Email Communication           ·   Internet surfing and browsing.                        ·   Internet search for Scientific Publications at regular basis. Course:o   Basic Training in geological Mapping by using different software’s. o   Technical and Vocational Training Course related material testing from haris institute of technology Peshawar register with trade testing board Peshawar Pakistan.Languages:·       Read, Write and Speak English, Pashto and Urdu. Interests ·       Reading books · Travelling · Playing (Cricket, Football).   彭鑫 嵌入式软件开发,2021彭鑫,2021级硕士研究生专业:地球探测与信息技术研究方向:嵌入式Linux软件开发兴趣:对物联网,Linux操作系统,计算机底层原理比较感兴趣。当前学习:目前正在学习研究STM32微控制器,并移植到地球物理仪器中。   刘峰海 嵌入式硬件开发,2021湖南郴州人自我介绍:对硬件的知识感兴趣,目前正在学习电路板设计和模拟电路知识,致力于将高性能stm32芯片应用于地球物理仪器   刘瑨 地球物理仪器手机APP开发,2021专业:地球探测与信息技术研究方向:地球物理仪器介绍:从事基于Android的地球物理仪器物联网App开发,对Java,算法比较感兴趣,正在研究将地球物理仪器的控制系统移植到手机上,以提高野外勘探的效率。   Haziq Khan Muhamamd 地下水勘探与评价,2020   Osama Abdul-Rahim 地球物理勘探,2020   侯胜蓝 基于AIoT瞬变电磁接收机,2020   蒋恩华 智能地球物理信号处理, 2020   王飞飞 基于碳化硅功率器件的TEM发送机, 2020   刘志同 手机APP采集与信号处理, 2019   殷昊 地球物理信号采集, 2019   李生杰 硕士论文,宽带岩矿石标本频谱激电测试仪研究,2021年毕业,去华为工作。   王子辉 硕士论文,物联网技术在地球物理仪器中的应用研究,2021年毕业,去华为工作   陈兴生 硕士论文,便携式岩矿石频谱激电响应 测试仪的研制,2020年毕业,去中兴通讯工作。   王小杰 硕士论文,基于STM32和Android APP的岩矿石频谱激电响应测控系统研制,2020年毕业,武汉市选调生。

