姓名 | 王俊普 | 性别 | 男 |
学校 | 中南大学 | 部门 | 基础医学院 |
学位 | 博士学位 | 学历 | 博士研究生毕业 |
职称 | 副教授 | 联系方式 | 【了解更多】 |
邮箱 | 【了解更多】 | 人气 | |
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个人简介 王俊普,男,汉族,37岁,副教授,研究生导师,医学博士,临床医学博士后,九三学社社员。目前就职于中南大学湘雅医院病理科/基础医学院病理学系超微结构教研室;主要从事消化道肿瘤病理/超微病理/线粒体脑肌病基础研究与临床。先后获得湖南省青年骨干教师(2022)、中南大学“十佳青年”(2023)、第九届中南大学教学“三十佳”(2018)、中南大学新医疗技术成果奖二等奖(2018)及实验技术成果奖三等奖(2018)、“党委出题党外调研”成果一等奖(2021)、优秀班导师(2022)、湘雅医院“薪传计划”青年骨干培训班“我为医院高质量发展献良策”二等奖(2021)、优秀学员(2022)、优秀组长(2022)等荣誉。已发表教学科研论文40余篇(教学及管理类多篇),第一作者/通讯作者SCI论文10余篇,单篇最高影响因子28.50。主持国家自然科学基金、中国博士后科学基金、湖南省自然科学基金(青年和面上项目)及研究生和本科生教改项目等10余项,参与国家级和省部级课题多项;获得国家专利20余项。《中国普通外科杂志》中青年编委,多个CSCD和SCI期刊(International journal of oncology;Frontiers in Immunology等)特邀审稿人。 擅长方面: 1. 超微病理诊断(主攻肾脏、肝脏、神经肌肉、呼吸等系统、肿瘤及感染性疾病基础研究与临床超微病理诊断)。 2. 各类透射电镜(TEM)和扫描电镜(SEM)课题服务与咨询。 3. 消化道肿瘤病理研究/超微病理研究/线粒体脑肌病研究。 4. 《医学超微结构与超微病理》、《病理学》、《生物医学电镜技术》等课程的医学本科生、硕士、博士研究生教学。 Junpu Wang, Male,Associate professor, Supervisor of Master’s Candidates, MD, PD, Postdoctoral Fellow, member of Jiusan Society. Currently working in the Department of Pathology/School of Basic Medicine, Xiang-ya Hospital, Central South University. Main research topics: basic and clinical research of gastrointestinal tumor Pathology/Ultramicroscopic Pathology/ Mitochondrial encephalomyopathy. Successively obtained the 9th Teaching “Top 30” of Central South University, the New Medical Technology Achievement Award of Central South University and the Experimental Technology Achievement Award. At present, more than 40 teaching and scientific research papers have been published, among them, multiple SCI papers have been published as the first author/corresponding author. Apart from that, has presided over more than 10 projects including the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Postdoctoral Science Foundation of China, the Natural Science Foundation of Hunan Province (Youth and General project), and the Postgraduate and Undergraduate Education Reform Projects, At the same time, has participated in a number of national and provincial projects and has obtained more than 20 national patents. In addition, the Young and middle-aged editorial board member of The Chinese Journal of General Surgery and the Guest reviewer of several SCI journals (International journal of oncology; Oncology Reports, etc.). Areas of expertise: 1.Ultramicroscopic Pathological Diagnosis (mainly focusing on basic research and clinical ultramicroscopic pathological diagnosis of renal, liver, neuromuscular,respiratory and other systems and infectious diseases); the project services and consultations of Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM); 2.Gastrointestinal Tumor Pathology research /Ultramicroscopic Pathology research/Mitochondrial encephalomyopathy research; 3.Teaching for medical undergraduates, masters and doctoral students in the courses of《Medical ultrastructure and Ultramicroscopic Pathology》, 《Pathology》and《Electron Microscopy Technology》,etc. Appointment to academies: Member of Chinese Society of Pathology Member of Chinese Research Hospital Association Member of Hunan Pathology Society Committee member of Hunan Neuroscience Society Committee member of Hunan Association for Instrumental Analysis Committee member of Professional Committee of Ultramicro and Molecular Pathology, Chinese Research Hospital Association Contact information: OFFICE Phone/mobile phone +86-73184805411/+86-015974192157 E-mail wang-jp2013@csu.edu.cn / wjp6662008@163.com Address Department of Pathology, Xiang-ya Hospital, Central South University, Changsha, Hunan 410083, P.R. China, Department of Pathology, School of Basic Medicine, Central South University, Changsha, Hunan, P.R. China P.O.box104, School of Xiang-ya medicine, Central South University, NO.110 Xiang-ya Road, Changsha city, Hunan province, P.R. China. 教育经历 [1] 2014.4-2018.6 中南大学 | 临床医学 | 博士后 | 博士后 湘雅医院 [2] 2008.9-2013.6 中南大学 | 基础医学 | 医学博士学位 | 博士研究生毕业 基础医学院 硕博连读 [3] 2003.9-2008.6 中南大学 | 医学 | 医学学士 | 大学本科毕业 湘雅医学院 工作经历 [1] 2016.9-至今 中南大学 | 基础医学院/湘雅医院 | 副教授 [2] 2013.6-2016.9 中南大学 | 湘雅医院 | 讲师 [3] 2013.8-2016.9 中南大学 | 基础医学院 | 讲师 社会兼职 [1] 中华医学会病理学分会会员中国研究型医院学会会员湖南省病理学会会员湖南省神经科学学会学会湖南省分析测试学会会员中国研究型医院学会超微与分子病理学专业委员会会员 研究方向 [1] 肿瘤病理研究 [2] 超微病理研究 [3] 线粒体脑肌病研究 其他联系方式 [1] 邮编: 410008 [3] 通讯/办公地址: 87 Xiangya Road [4] 办公室电话: 0731-84805411 [6] 邮箱: wang-jp2013@csu.edu.cn 团队成员 团队名称:消化系统肿瘤病理 李景和 王惠玲 张馨 向瑶 彭颖 王姗 周伟弘 李清姣 曾建 周筱茹 周佳玉 团队名称:线粒体肌病 吴晓英 史冬玲 孙淑媛 曾建 团队名称:超微病理 吴晓英 李进 王惠玲 dedecms.com