

姓名 黄殷 性别 学位:博士学位
学校 中南大学 部门 物理学院
学位 毕业院校:美国路易斯安那州立大学 学历 博士研究生毕业
职称 副教授 联系方式 【了解更多】
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个人简介 黄殷,湖南长沙人。 2012年12月毕业于美国路易斯安那州立大学(http://www.lsu.edu/),获电子工程博士学位,导师:Professor Georgios Veronis (http://www.ece.lsu.edu/gveronis/edu/gveronis/)。2013年7月入职中南大学。物理与电子学院光电信息科学与工程系,副教授。主要从事研究:微纳光子学、表面等离激元、非厄米光学系统与奇异点等。课题组研究涉及理论建模和数值模拟等多个方面。通过结构对光波的调控,发现新颖的物理现象,实现光信息传输和处理等各种应用。主持有国家自然科学基金、湖南省自然科学基金等项目。 期刊论文(仅限"第一作者"或"通讯作者*"): 21. S. Huang, J. Wang, D. Wu, Y. Huang*, and Y. Shen*, Projecting colorful images through scattering media via deep learning, Optics Express, 31(22), 36745, 2023.  20. J. Luo, J. Liang, D. Wu, Y. Huang* , Z. Chen, Z. Liu, D. Zou, F. Li, and Y. Shen*, Simultaneous dual-channel data transmission through a multimode fiber via wavefront shaping, Applied Physics Letters, 123, 151106, 2023.  19. Y. Huang*, Y. Shen*, G. Veronis, Switching between topological edge states in plasmonic systems using phase-change materials, Optics Express, 30(25), 44594, 2022. 18. Y. Huang*, Y. Shen*, G. Veronis, Topological edge states at singular points in non-Hermitian plasmonic systems, Photonics Research, 10(3), 747, 2022 (highlighted as the "Today's Top Downloads" paper). 17. Y. He, D. Wang, R. Zhang, Z. Cao, Y. Huang*, Y. Shen*, Genetic-algorithm-assisted coherent enhancement absorption in scattering media by exploiting transmission and reflection matrices,Optics Express, 29(13), 20353, 2021.  16. Y. Huang*, L. Wang, Y. Shen*, G. Veronis, Switching between singular points in non-PT-symmetric multilayer structures using phase-change materials, Optics Express, 29(1), 454, 2020.  15. G. Huang, D. Wu, J. Luo, Y. Huang*, Y. Shen*, Retrieving the optical transmission matrix of a multimode fiber using the extended Kalman filter, Optics Express, 28(7), 9487, 2020 (highlighted as the "Today's Top Downloads" paper).14. Y. Huang*, Y. Shen*, G. Veronis, Non-PT-symmetric two-layer cylindrical waveguide for exceptional-point-enhanced optical devices, Optics Express, 27(26), 37494, 2019 (highlighted as an "Editors' Pick" paper).13. Z. Zhen, Y. Huang*, Y. Feng, Y. Shen*, Z. Li, An ultranarrow photonic nanojet formed by an engineered two-layer microcylinder of high refractive-index materials, Optics Express, 27(6), 9178, 2019.12. Y. Huang*, Z. Zhen, Y. Shen*, C. Min, G. Veronis, Optimization of photonic nanojets generated by multilayer microcylinders with a genetic algorithm, Optics Express, 27(2), 1310, 2019.11. Y. Huang*, Y. Shen, C. Min, G. Veronis, Switching photonic nanostructrues between cloaking and superscattering regimes using phase-change materials, Optical Materials Express, 8(6), 1672, 2018 (highlighted as an "Editors' Pick" paper).10. Y. Huang*, Y. Shen, C. Min, G. Veronis, Switching of the direction of reflectionless light propagation at exceptional points in non-PT-symmetric structures using phase-change materials, Optics Express, 25(22), 27283, 2017.9. Y. Huang, Y. Shen, C. Min, S. Fan, G. Veronis*, Unidirectional reflectionless light propagation at exceptional points, Nanophotonics-Berlin, 6(5), 977, 2017.8. Y. Huang*, C. Min, G. Veronis, Broadband near total light absorption in non-PT-symmetric waveguide-cavity systems, Optics Express, 24(19), 22219, 2016 (highlighted as the "Today's Top Downloads" paper).7. Y. Huang*, C. Min, S. Tao, G. Veronis, Design of compact Mach–Zehnder Interferometer based slow light enhanced plasmonic waveguide sensors, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 34(11), 2796, 2016.6. Y. Huang*, G. Veronis, C. Min, Unidirectional Reflectionless Propagation in Plasmonic Waveguide-Cavity Systems at Exceptional Points, Optics Express, 23(23), 29882, 2015.5. Y. Huang*, C. Min, P. Dastmalchi, G. Veronis, Slow-Light Enhanced Subwavelength Plasmonic Waveguide Refractive Index Sensors, Optics Express, 23(10), 14922, 2015.4. Y. Huang, C. Min, G. Veronis*, Compact Slit-Based Couplers for Subwavelength Metal-Dielectric-Metal Plasmonic Waveguides, Optics Express, 20(20), 22233, 2012.3. Y. Huang, C. Min, L. Yang, G. Veronis*, Nanoscale Plasmonic Devices Based on Metal-Dielectric-Metal Stub Resonators, International Journal of Optics, 2012(2012), 372048, 2012.2. Y. Huang, C. Min, G. Veronis*, Subwavelength Slow-Light Waveguides Based on a Plasmonic Analogue of Electromagnetically Induced Transparency, Applied Physics Letters, 99(14), 143117, 2011 (cited times > 200, google scholar).1. Y. Huang, Y. Lu*, A Defect Effect to Light Transmission through Bend Coupled Cavity Waveguide in a Two Dimensional Photonic Crystal, Chinese Physics Letters, 26(4), 047805, 2009.书籍(章节):3. Y. Huang*, L. Wang, Y. Shen, C. Min, G. Veronis, Phase Change Materials: Technology and Applications (Compact Reconfigurable Optical Devices Using Phase-Change Materials, Chapter 2), Nova Science Publishing, 2020.2. Y. Huang*, C. Min, G. Veronis, Reviews in Plasmonics 2016 (Compact Slow-Light Enhanced Plasmonic Waveguide Refractive Index Sensors, Chapter 5), Spring International Publishing, 2017.1. G. Veronis*, C. Min, Y. Huang, L. Yang, Integrated Nanophotonic Resonators: Fundamentals, Devices and Applications (Nanophotonic Resonators for Enhancement of Absorption and Transmission Cross Sections of Subwavelength Plasmonic Devices, Chapter 4), Pan Stanford Publishing, 2015.会议报告: "Compact couplers for subwavelength metal-dielectric-metal plasmonic waveguides," CLEO, San Jose, CA, USA, 2012. 获奖活动: 2004年12月:第二十一届北京市大学生物理竞赛非物理类B组二等奖。2009年8月- 2012年7月:科研助理(Research Assistantship)奖学金奖。2012年8月-12月:LSU 研究生院Dissertation Year Fellowship award 奖学金奖。 教育经历 [1]   2009.8-2013.1 Louisiana State University (Baton Rouge, USA)  |  Electrical Engineering  |  PhD [2]   2007.9-2009.7 Beijing Jiaotong University (Beijing)  |  Physics  |  Master [3]   2003.9-2007.7 North China University of Technology (Beijing)  |  Electrical Engineering  |  Diploma [4]   2000.9-2003.7 长郡中学(长沙、本部) 高中 [5]   1997.9-2000.7 长郡中学(长沙、本部) 初中 [6]   1991.9-1997.7 工农桥小学(长沙) 工作经历 [1]   2017.10-至今 中南大学  |  物理与电子学院光电信息工程系  |  副教授 [2]   2013.7-2017.9 中南大学  |  物理与电子学院光电信息工程系  |  讲师 [3]   2013.2-2013.6 长沙隆泰微波热工有限公司  |  电磁计算工程师  |  与湖南大学合作建立大型工业微波加热腔体电磁场计算模型负责人 社会兼职 [1]   期刊审稿: Photonics Research, Optics Express, Optics Letters, Nanotechnology, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, IEEE Access, Sensors, Plos One, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Journal of Optics, Optical Engineering, Progress in Electromagnetics Research. 内容来自dedecms
