

姓名 马莉 性别 办公地点:材料楼101
学校 中南大学 部门 粉末冶金研究院
学位 博士学位 学历 职务:副教授 研究生导师
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个人简介 马莉,工学博士。自2005年以来主要从事先进涂层与功能薄膜方面的研究,作为关键完成人参与国家863项目、973项目、十三五国家重点研发项目、国家自然科学基金创新群体项目、国家自然科学基金面上等项目6项,近5年主持国家自然科学基金、湖南省科技厅项目、中国博士后面上基金、企业横向项目等科研项目6项,申请国际PCT发明专利6项,授权国际PCT发明专利1项、中国发明专利30余项,发表SCI期刊论文50余篇,参加各类学术会议10余次。指导多名本科生和研究生获得国家级、省级、校级创新创业项目及自由探索项目。2019年指导研究生参加第五届中国“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛荣获湖南省赛一等奖,2019年获湖南省“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛优秀创新创业导师。 教育经历 · 2001-2005 中南大学 大学本科 金属材料工程 · 2005-2011 中南大学 博士研究生 材料学(硕博连读) 工作经历 · 2011-2016 中南大学 讲师 材料学 · 2012-2014 中南大学 博士后 冶金工程博士后流动站 · 2016年晋升为中南大学副教授 · 2017年受聘深圳市真空技术行业协会专家委员会技术组委员 · 2018年受聘湖南省有色金属学会委员 讲授课程 本科生课程:《表面科学与工程》 研究方向 (一)功能薄膜/涂层材料在电催化、电分析、电合成等领域电极材料的应用研究 (1)功能薄膜材料在电化学氧化降解有机废水中的应用研究        相比众多阳极材料,硼掺杂金刚石(BDD)薄膜电极因其具有最宽的电化学窗口、极高的析氧电位、极低的背景电流、极好的耐腐蚀性和化学稳定性,被认为是最理想的阳极材料,是近期学者们研究的一个热点电极材料。本方向主要通过提高比表面积、构建三维孔洞、表面修饰等技术调控BDD电极的宏微观结构,并耦合超声、芬顿法和光催化等技术,研究BDD电极电催化氧化降解难处理有机废水的“构-效关系”,实现难处理有机废水的高效、低成本降解。 (2)功能薄膜材料在生物传感器中的应用研究(主要针对研发用于糖尿病患者检测葡萄糖的生物传感器和帕金森病患者检测多巴胺的生物传感器)        硼掺杂金刚石(BDD)是理想的电极材料,通过表面修饰金属纳米颗粒(如Au、Pt、Ni、Cu等)已获得可满足应用要求的高灵敏度和选择性。本方向利用石墨烯、碳纳米管等碳材料与BDD的高亲和性,通过碳包覆金属纳米颗粒在BDD中的锚定作用,不仅保证高灵敏度和选择性,而且实现长期稳定性。本方向通过研究CVD、磁控溅射和磁电耦合热催化等技术对复合电极微观组织结构的调控机制,阐明复合电极微观组织结构对基础电化学、电极反应微观动力学和检测葡萄糖的影响,以及碳包覆层、金属纳米颗粒和BDD在电化学检测过程中的协同作用机制,实现高性能复合电极的可控制备,为新一代非酶葡萄糖传感器的应用提供理论依据和实验基础。  (3)超硬耐磨减摩涂层在机械加工刀具和模具中的应用研究       硬质合金和工具钢被广泛用于切削工具、成型模具和轴承等动摩擦领域。金刚石是所有天然物质中最硬的材料,加之极高的强度和热导率、极低的摩擦系数、优异的化学稳定性和生物相容性等综合性能,使得金刚石涂层成为动摩擦领域的理想防护材料。因此,硬质合金或钢件表面附上一层高硬、耐磨、抗腐的金刚石,既可使其心部仍然是韧性的,满足工件对刚度等方面的要求,同时又完全可以抑制或减缓磨损、腐蚀、疲劳等破坏过程的发生,充分发挥涂层与基材各自的性能优势,从而使工件获得优异的综合性能,在加工轻质高强材料方面具有十分明显的优势。近年来,随着工业技术的不断发展,汽车工业对这些轻质高强材料的需求不断增加,各种轻质高强复合材料不断涌现(如高强轻合金、碳颗粒增强复合材料、碳纤维增强复合材料等),对各种轻质高强材料的需求日益提升,急需具有高加工效率、低损耗率的新型机械加工工具。本方向主要利用CVD和PVD技术开发可应用于机械加工刀具和模具的超硬耐磨减摩涂层。 二、功能薄膜/涂层材料在电子封装和相变储能领域的应用研究       本方向主要通过CVD、PVD和气压熔渗技术实现石墨烯、碳纳米、金刚石等高导热的碳材料与铝/铜等高导热金属复合构型的“多尺度、多维度、多组分”设计,建立复合材料的“构-效关系”,设计并制备高导热、低热膨胀金属基复合材料,为交通运输、武器装备等领域的新一代大功率元器件提供更高性能的热管理材料。 三、生物医用材料表面功能化及应用研究(医用纯钛、3D打印钛合金生物医用材料的表面功能化)       临床研究表明,种植体的表面成分及微纳结构影响种植体与骨组织的整合过程。粗糙的种植体表面比光滑的表面更有利于成骨细胞的响应,蛋白质-种植体表面、细胞-种植体表面、细菌-种植体表面的相互作用均受表面形貌和表面成分的影响。与蛋白质或细胞大小相当的表面凹陷、突起、微孔均对骨的整合产生重要影响。细胞对微观形貌的响应被称为接触引导,它包括细胞形状、定位、极性等的变化。同时粗糙表面能够增加种植体与新骨之间的机械锁合,从而提高种植体稳定性。因此,许多研究都集中在种植体表面微纳结构和表面成分对细胞增殖分化及基因表达的影响上。本方向主要利用喷砂、酸蚀、碱蚀、阳极氧化、微弧氧化、等离子体刻蚀、等离子体喷涂、化学气相沉积、物理气相沉积以及上述两种或多种方法的复合实现医用纯钛、3D打印钛合金、镁合金等生物医用材料的表面成分及微纳结构的调控,并开展生物医学研究。 学术成果(2016-2021) (1)      Yang, W.; Tan, J.; Chen, Y.; Li, Z.; Liu, F.; Long, H.; Wei, Q.; Liu, L.; Ma, L.; Zhou, K.et al. Relationship between substrate type and BDD electrode structure, performance and antibiotic tetracycline mineralization. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2022, 890. (2)     Liu, F.; Deng, Z.; Miao, D.; Chen, W.; Wang, Y.; Zhou, K.; Ma, L.; Wei, Q. A highly stable microporous boron-doped diamond electrode etched by oxygen plasma for enhanced electrochemical ozone generation. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 2021, 9 (6). (3)       Li, H.; Zhou, K.; Cao, J.; Wei, Q.; Lin, C.-T.; Pei, S. E.; Ma, L.; Hu, N.; Guo, Y.; Deng, Z.et al. A novel modification to boron-doped diamond electrode for enhanced, selective detection of dopamine in human serum. Carbon 2021, 171, 16. (4)       Li, H.; Yang, W.; Ma, L.; Liu, G.; Yu, Y.; Cao, J.; Zhu, R.; Chen, W.; Yu, Z.; Long, H.et al. 3D-printed highly ordered Ti networks-based boron-doped diamond: An unprecedented robust electrochemical oxidation anode for decomposition of refractory organics. Chemical Engineering Journal 2021, 426. (5)       Li, H.; Guo, Y.; Zeng, S.; Wei, Q.; Sharel, P. E.; Zhu, R.; Cao, J.; Ma, L.; Zhou, K.; Meng, L. High-sensitivity, selective determination of dopamine using bimetallic nanoparticles modified boron-doped diamond electrode with anodic polarization treatment. Journal of Materials Science 2021, 56 (7), 4700. (6)       Li, H.; Cao, J.; Wei, Q.; Ma, L.; Zhou, K.; Yu, Z.; Zeng, S.; Zhu, R.; Yang, W.; Lin, C.-T.et al. Antifouling nanoporous diamond membrane for enhanced detection of dopamine in human serum. Journal of Materials Science 2021, 56 (1), 746. (7)       Zhang, L.; Wei, Q.; An, J.; Ma, L.; Zhou, K.; Ye, W.; Yu, Z.; Gan, X.; Lin, C.-T.; Luo, J. Construction of 3D interconnected diamond networks in Al-matrix composite for high-efficiency thermal management. Chemical Engineering Journal 2020, 380. (8)       Zeng, S.; Wei, Q.; Long, H.; Meng, L.; Ma, L.; Cao, J.; Li, H.; Yu, Z.; Lin, C.-T.; Zhou, K.et al. Annealing temperature regulating the dispersity and composition of nickel-carbon nanoparticles for enhanced glucose sensing. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 2020, 859. (9)       Yang, W.; Liu, G.; Chen, Y.; Miao, D.; Wei, Q.; Li, H.; Ma, L.; Zhou, K.; Liu, L.; Yu, Z. Persulfate enhanced electrochemical oxidation of highly toxic cyanide-containing organic wastewater using boron-doped diamond anode. Chemosphere 2020, 252. (10)     Wei, Q.; Liu, G.; Zhu, C.; Zhou, B.; Mei, R.; Ma, L.; Zhang, L.; Yang, W.; Ye, W.; Zhou, K.et al. Ordered structures with functional units (OSFU) enabled highly robust diamond anode for electrochemical decomposing of organic pollutants. Chemical Engineering Journal 2020, 397. (11)    Pu, J.; Cao, J.; Ma, L.; Zhou, K.; Yu, Z.; Yin, D.; Wei, Q. Novel three-dimensional Mo2C/carbon nanotubes composites for hydrogen evolution reaction. Materials Letters 2020, 277. (12)      Miao, D.; Liu, T.; Yu, Y.; Li, S.; Liu, G.; Chen, Y.; Wei, Q.; Zhou, K.; Yu, Z.; Ma, L. Study on degradation performance and stability of high temperature etching boron-doped diamond electrode. Applied Surface Science 2020, 514. (13)      Miao, D.; Liu, G.; Wei, Q.; Hu, N.; Zheng, K.; Zhu, C.; Liu, T.; Zhou, K.; Yu, Z.; Ma, L. Electro-activated persulfate oxidation of malachite green by boron-doped diamond (BDD) anode: effect of degradation process parameters. Water Science and Technology 2020, 81 (5), 925. (14)     Luo, Y.; Ma, L.; Li, L.; Chen, Y.; Zhou, K.; Yi, M.; Deng, B.; Yang, H.; Xia, X.; Hua, T.et al. Effect of bottom micro-crystalline diamond (MCD) layer and top nano-crystalline diamond (NCD) layer onto the tribological behavior of (MCD/NCD) bilayer film. Materials Research Express 2020, 7 (2). (15)    Liu, T.; Miao, D.; Liu, G.; Wei, Q.; Zhou, K.; Yu, Z.; Ma, L. A novel gradient current density output mode for effective electrochemical oxidative degradation of dye wastewater by boron-doped diamond (BDD) anode. Water Science and Technology 2020, 82 (10), 2085. (16)     Li, W.; Liu, G.; Miao, D.; Li, Z.; Chen, Y.; Gao, X.; Liu, T.; Wei, Q.; Ma, L.; Zhou, K.et al. Electrochemical oxidation of Reactive Blue 19 on boron-doped diamond anode with different supporting electrolyte. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 2020, 8 (4). (17)    Li, L.; Wei, Q.; Ma, L.; Luo, Y.; Zhou, K.; Yi, M.; Deng, B.; Chen, Y. Preparation of cemented carbide diamond films by gaseous boronizing pretreatment combines with self-assembly seeding process. International Journal of Refractory Metals & Hard Materials 2020, 87. (18)    Hu, N.; Li, H.; Wei, Q.; Zhou, K.; Zhu, W.; Zhang, L.; Li, S.; Ye, W.; Jiao, Z.; Luo, J.et al. Continuous diamond-carbon nanotube foams as rapid heat conduction channels in composite phase change materials based on the stable hierarchical structure. Composites Part B-Engineering 2020, 200. (19)    Deng, B.; Wei, Q.; Yi, M.; Luo, Y.; Li, L.; Zhou, K.; Ma, L. Coupling Effects of CH4/H-2/Ar Gas Ratios and Hot Filament-Substrate Distance on the Growth of Nanocrystalline Diamond. Journal of Superhard Materials 2020, 42 (3), 157. (20)     Chen, W.; Li, W.; Liu, F.; Miao, D.; Ma, L.; Gao, X.; Wei, Q.; Zhou, K.; Yu, Z.; Yu, Y. Microstructure of boron doped diamond electrodes and studies on its basic electrochemical characteristics and applicability of dye degradation. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 2020, 8 (5). (21)     Cao, J.; Zhang, Z.; Li, H.; Zhu, R.; Li, S.; Ma, L.; Zhou, K.; Wei, Q.; Luo, F. Facile preparation of nickel hydroxide nanoplates on nickel foam for high performance hydrogen generation. Sustainable Energy & Fuels 2020, 4 (10), 5031. (22)      Cao, J.; Li, H.; Zhu, R.; Ma, L.; Zhou, K.; Wei, Q.; Luo, F. Improved hydrogen generation via a urea-assisted method over 3D hierarchical NiMo-based composite microrod arrays. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2020, 844. (23)     Cao, J.; Chen, X.; Li, H.; Pu, J.; Liu, L.; Ma, L.; Zhou, K.; Zhang, Z.; Wei, Q.; Luo, F. A Co/CoO hybrid rooted on carbon cloth as an efficient electrocatalyst for the hydrogen evolution reaction in alkaline solution. Sustainable Energy & Fuels 2020, 4 (4), 1924. (24)    Bao, S.; Wei, Q.; Cao, J.; Li, H.; Ma, L.; An, J.; Lin, C.-T.; Luo, J.; Zhou, K. Hydrophilic modification of carbon nanotube to prepare a novel porous copper network-carbon nanotube/erythritol composite phase change material. Composite Interfaces 2020, DOI:10.1080/09276440.2020.1740520 10.1080/09276440.2020.1740520. (25)      Zhu, W.; Hu, N.; Wei, Q.; Zhang, L.; Li, H.; Luo, J.; Lin, C.-T.; Ma, L.; Zhou, K.; Yu, Z. Carbon nanotube-Cu foam hybrid reinforcements in composite phase change materials with enhanced thermal conductivity. Materials & Design 2019, 172. (26)     Zheng, K.; Longn, H.; Wei, Q.; Ma, L.; Qiao, L.; Li, C.; Meng, L.; Lin, C.-T.; Jiang, Y.; Zhao, T.et al. Non-Enzymatic Glucose Sensor Based on Hierarchical Au/Ni/Boron-Doped Diamond Heterostructure Electrode for Improving Performances. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 2019, 166 (6), E373. (27)      Zhang, L.; Zhou, K.; Wei, Q.; Ma, L.; Ye, W.; Li, H.; Zhou, B.; Yu, Z.; Lin, C.-T.; Luo, J.et al. Thermal conductivity enhancement of phase change materials with 3D porous diamond foam for thermal energy storage. Applied Energy 2019, 233, 208. (28)     Yi, M.; Deng, B.; Xiao, H.; Wei, Q.; Ma, L.; Zhou, K.; Luo, Y.; Li, L.; Zhang, L.; Yu, Z. Gaseous boronizing pretreatment for the deposition of nanocrystalline diamond films on cemented carbide substrates. Materials Research Express 2019, 6 (7). (29)     Ren, X.; Zhu, H.; Liu, N.; Wei, Q.; Pu, J.; Ma, L.; Wang, Y.; Xie, Y.; Wei, B.; Yu, Z.et al. Hydrogenated diamond-like carbon film prepared by RF bias assisting magnetron sputtering. Materials Research Express 2019, 6 (7). (30)     Ren, X.; Bian, Z.; Xie, Y.; Ma, L.; Wei, Q.; Zuo, J.; Wang, X.; Yu, Z.; Zhou, K.; Zhang, L. Fabrication and biological evaluation of titanium surfaces with multistage storage space for potential biomedical application. Materials Research Express 2019, 6 (7). (31)    Mei, R.; Wei, Q.; Zhu, C.; Ye, W.; Zhou, B.; Ma, L.; Yu, Z.; Zhou, K. 3D macroporous boron-doped diamond electrode with interconnected liquid flow channels: A high-efficiency electrochemical degradation of RB-19 dye wastewater under low current. Applied Catalysis B-Environmental 2019, 245, 420. (32)      Hu, N.; Wang, Y.; Li, J.; Wei, Q.; Jiang, Y.; Ma, L.; Yu, Z.; Zhou, K.; Long, H. Manipulation of nanostructured carbon films as field emitters in an electric-and-magnetic-field-assisted chemical vapor deposition process. Surface & Coatings Technology 2019, 359, 459. (33)    Gong, Z.; Hu, N.; Ye, W.; Zheng, K.; Li, C.; Ma, L.; Wei, Q.; Yu, Z.; Zhou, K.; Huang, N.et al. High-performance non-enzymatic glucose sensor based on Ni/Cu/boron-doped diamond electrode. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 2019, 841, 135. (34)    Cao, J.; Li, H.; Pu, J.; Zeng, S.; Liu, L.; Zhang, L.; Luo, F.; Ma, L.; Zhou, K.; Wei, Q. Hierarchical NiMo alloy microtubes on nickel foam as an efficient electrocatalyst for hydrogen evolution reaction. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2019, 44 (45), 24712. (35)      Zhu, H.; Zhao, T.; Wei, Q.; Liu, N.; Ma, L.; Hu, Z.; Wang, Y.; Yu, Z. Corrosion resistance improvement of Mg alloy AZ31 by combining bilayer amorphous DLC:H/SiNx film with N+ ions implantation. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2018, 762, 171. (36)     Zhu, C.; Jiang, C.; Chen, S.; Mei, R.; Wang, X.; Cao, J.; Ma, L.; Zhou, B.; Wei, Q.; Ouyang, G.et al. Ultrasound enhanced electrochemical oxidation of Alizarin Red S on boron doped diamond(BDD) anode:Effect of degradation process parameters. Chemosphere 2018, 209, 685. (37)    Yuan, X.; Kang, Y.; Zuo, J.; Xie, Y.; Ma, L.; Ren, X.; Bien, Z.; Wei, Q.; Zhou, K.; Wang, X.et al. Micro/nano hierarchical structured titanium treated by NH4OH/H2O2 for enhancing cell response. Plos One 2018, 13 (5). (38)     Ye, W.; Wei, Q.; Zhang, L.; Li, H.; Luo, J.; Ma, L.; Deng, Z.; Lin, C.-T.; Zhou, K. Macroporous diamond foam: A novel design of 3D interconnected heat conduction network for thermal management. Materials & Design 2018, 156, 32. (39)    Wang, Y.; Li, J.; Hu, N.; Jiang, Y.; Wei, Q.; Yu, Z.; Long, H.; Zhu, H.; Xie, Y.; Ma, L.et al. Effect of magnetic and electric coupling fields on micro- and nano-structure of carbon films in the CVD diamond process and their electron field emission property. Materials Research Express 2018, 5 (3). (40)     Mei, X.; Wei, Q.; Long, H.; Yu, Z.; Deng, Z.; Meng, L.; Wang, J.; Luo, J.; Lin, C.-T.; Ma, L.et al. Long-term stability of Au nanoparticle-anchored porous boron-doped diamond hybrid electrode for enhanced dopamine detection. Electrochimica Acta 2018, 271, 84. (41)    Mei, R.; Zhu, C.; Wei, Q.; Ma, L.; Li, W.; Zhou, B.; Deng, Z.; Tong, Z.; Ouyang, G.; Jiang, C. The Dependence of Oxidation Parameters and Dyes' Molecular Structures on Microstructure of Boron-Doped Diamond in Electrochemical Oxidation Process of Dye Wastewater. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 2018, 165 (7), H324. (42)    Ma, L.; Zhang, M.-q.; Zhu, C.-w.; Mei, R.-q.; Wei, Q.-p.; Zhou, B.; Yu, Z.-m. Electrochemical oxidation of reactive brilliant orange X-GN dye on boron-doped diamond anode. Journal of Central South University 2018, 25 (8), 1825. (43)     Jiang, Y.; Deng, Z.; Zhou, B.; Wei, Q.; Long, H.; Wang, Y.; Li, J.; Hu, N.; Ma, L.; Lin, C.-T.et al. Nickel-induced transformation of diamond into graphite and carbon nanotubes and the electron field emission properties of resulting composite films. Applied Surface Science 2018, 428, 264. (44)   Zhu, H.; Ma, L.; Liu, N.; Wei, Q.; Wu, D.; Wang, Y.; Long, H.; Yu, Z. Improvement in anti-corrosion property of hydrogenated diamond-like carbon film by modifying CrC interlayer. Diamond and Related Materials 2017, 72, 99. (45)     Wang, Y.; Wei, Q.; Yu, Z.; Long, H.; Deng, Z.; Xie, Y.; Li, J.; Lin, C.-T.; Ma, L.; Zhou, K. Field emission properties of the caterpillar-like structural carbon film grown by magnetic and electric fields coupling HFCVD. Applied Surface Science 2017, 423, 788. (46)     Liu, N.; Zhu, H.; Wei, Q.; Long, H.; Deng, Z.; Yu, Z.; Xie, Y.; Wang, J.; Ma, L.; Zhou, K. A Niobium and Nitrogen Co-Doped DLC Film Electrode and Its Electrochemical Properties. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 2017, 164 (14), H1091. (47)     Li, J.; Wang, Y.; Wei, Q.; Xie, Y.; Long, H.; Deng, Z.; Ma, L.; Yu, Z.; Jiang, Y.; Hu, N.et al. Plasma-enhanced synthesis of carbon nanocone arrays by magnetic and electric fields coupling HFCVD. Surface & Coatings Technology 2017, 324, 413. (48)     Hu, Z.; Deng, Z.; Wei, Q.; Zhao, T.; Wang, Y.; Yu, Z.; Ma, L.; Zhou, K. Roles of Al-doped ZnO (AZO) modification layer on improving electrochemical performance of LiNi1/3Co1/3Mn1/3O2 thin film cathode. Ionics 2017, 23 (11), 2981. (49)     Deng, Z.; Long, H.; Wei, Q.; Yu, Z.; Zhou, B.; Wang, Y.; Zhang, L.; Li, S.; Ma, L.; Xie, Y.et al. High-performance non-enzymatic glucose sensor based on nickel-microcrystalline graphite-boron doped diamond complex electrode. Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical 2017, 242, 825. (50)     Xie, Y.; Zuo, J.; Zhou, B.; Ma, L.; Yu, Z. M.; Wei, Q.; Tang, Z. G. Sandblast-free double-etched titanium for dental implants application. Materials Letters 2016, 176, 74. (51)    Qi, Y.; Long, H.; Ma, L.; Wei, Q.; Li, S.; Yu, Z.; Hu, J.; Liu, P.; Wang, Y.; Meng, L. Enhanced selectivity of boron doped diamond electrodes for the detection of dopamine and ascorbic acid by increasing the film thickness. Applied Surface Science 2016, 390, 882. (52)     Ma, L.; Zhang, L.; Zhao, P.; Hu, N.; Gong, Z.; Ye, W.; Wei, Q.; Zhou, K.; Yu, Z.; Zhang, Y. A new design of composites for thermal management: Aluminium reinforced with continuous CVD diamond coated W spiral wires. Materials & Design 2016, 101, 109. (53)     Li, S.; Ma, L.; Long, H.; Yu, X.; Luo, H.; Wang, Y.; Zhu, H.; Yu, Z.; Ma, M.; Wei, Q. Enhanced electron field emission properties of diamond/microcrystalline graphite composite films synthesized by thermal catalytic etching. Applied Surface Science 2016, 367, 473. 内容来自dedecms
