

姓名 杨鑫 性别
学校 中南大学 部门 粉末冶金研究院
学位 工学博士学位 学历 职务:炭/炭复合材料研究所第一党支部支部书记
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个人简介 杨鑫,男,1983年5月生,博士,研究员,博士生导师。现就职于中南大学粉末冶金研究院炭/炭复合材料研究所,作为中南大学耐烧蚀炭/炭复合材料团队核心成员,主持了国家××重大科技工程子课题、国家重点研发计划子课题、××配套项目、国家青年基金、湖南省面上及青年基金、博士后特别资助及面上项目多项,并参与了国家973、863(六项),国家级科研计划“十二五”重点项目,自然科学基金联合基金重点项目,国家××重大科技工程等十多项项目研究。 主要研究领域包括耐烧蚀C/C、炭/陶、炭/陶瓷-金属基复合材料、抗氧化涂层及新型炭材料研究。在国内外知名期刊发表论文90余篇,申请专利十多项。通过前期的研究积累,在超高温陶瓷先驱体合成、基体改性以及C/C复合材料陶瓷涂层设计与制备等方面均形成了创新,有效提升了我国在轻质耐高温热防护材料领域的基础研究能力和创新能力。制备的超高温陶瓷改性C/C复合材料构件通过了航天单位组织的十余次高温风洞考核,大幅提高了C/C复合材料的高温抗氧化、耐烧蚀及抗燃气冲刷性能。 近期发表论文: 1.Hongtao Li, Xin Yang*, Feixiong Chen, Yuanqi Weng, Qianjun Yan, Junyi Yan, Qizhong Huang. Tuning ceramic content, mechanical and ablative properties of C/C-ZrC-ZrxCuy composites via using various C/C skeletons. Ceramics International, 2023, 49:12173-12185. 2.Yuanqi Weng, Xin Yang*, Feixiong Chen, Xiaxiang Zhang, Anhong Shi, Junyi Yan, Qizhong Huang. Structure evolution and ablative mechanism of C/C-ZrC-ZrxCuy composites with low porosity fabricated by pressure assisted reactive melt infiltration. Corrosion Science, 2022, 209:110801. 3.Cunqian Fang, Xin Yang*, Liyuan Chai, Ze Zhang, Yuanqi Weng, Lei Zheng, Xiao Luo, Xiaxiang Zhang, Qizhong Huang*. Ablation property and oxide scale evolution of Y2O3 modified C/C-SiC composites fabricating via precursor infiltration and pyrolysis method. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2023, 43:842-852. 4.Qianjun Yan, Xin Yang*, Xiaxiang Zhang, Sen Wu, Hongtao Li, Qizhong Huang. Effect of graphitization temperature on microstructure, mechanical and ablative properties of C/C composites with pitch and pyrocarbon dual-matrix. Ceramics International, 2023, 49:2860-2870. 5.Cunqian Fang, Xin Yang*, Liyuan Chai, Ze Zhang, Yuanqi Weng, Lei Zheng, Xiao Luo, Xiaxiang Zhang, Qizhong Huang*. Modifying effects of in-situ grown LaB6 on composition, microstructure and ablation property of C/C-SiC-ZrC composites. Corrosion Science, 2022, 209:110672. 6.Anhong Shi, Xin Yang*, Cunqian Fang, Xiao Luo, Xiaxiang Zhang, Yuanqi Weng, Qizhong Huang. Mechanical and ablative properties improvement of HfC-SiC coatings upon introduction of TiC. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2022, 42:4735-4747. 7.Shen Wu, Xin Yang*, Ruitao Zhang, Xiao Luo, Anhong Shi, Ze Zhang, Qizhong Huang. Ablation properties and mechanism of a novel La2Hf2O7 coating. Ceramics International, 2022, 48:22885-22895. 8.Yuanqi Weng, Xin Yang*, Feixiong Chen, Xiaxiang Zhang, Anhong Shi, Junyi Yan, Qizhong Huang. Effect of CVI SiC content on ablation and mechanism of C/C-SiC-ZrC-Cu composites. Ceramics International, 2022, 48(6):7937-7950. 9.Anhong Shi, Xin Yang*, Cunqian Fang, Lei Chen, Jinren Yi, Xiao Luo, Qizhong Huang. Microstructure and ablation behavior of Zr-Ti-Si-C multiphase coating fabricated by solid solution and in-situ reaction. Corrosion Science, 2021, 192: 109852 10.Xiao Luo, Xin Yang*, Qizhong Huang, Zhean Su, Cunqian  Fang, Lei Chen. Ablation mechanism and properties of ZrB2-ZrC-SiC coating with micro-submicron reinforced structure. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2021, 50(8):2678-2685. 11.Xiao Luo, Xin Yang*, Qizhong Huang, Anhong Shi, Cunqian Fang, Yuanqi Weng. Ablative property and mechanism of ZrC-TaC/ZrC-SiC coatings on C/C composites under different heat fluxes. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 2021, 30:1582–1594. 12.Anhong Shi, Xin Yang*, Cunqian Fang, Yuanqi Weng, Xiao Luo, Ze Zhang and Qizhong Huang. Surface optimization of ZrC-SiC inner layer to enhance ablation property of SiC/ZrC-SiC multi-Layer coating for C/C Composites. Coatings, 2021, 184(5):109347. 13.Cunqian Fang, Boyun Huang, Xin Yang*, Anhong Shi, Ze Zhang, Jinren Yi, Qizhong Huang*. Effects of LaB6 on composition, microstructure and ablation property of the HfC-TaC-SiC doped C/C composites prepared by precursor infiltration and pyrolysis. Corrosion Science, 2021, 184(5):109347. 14.Xin Yang*, Xianglong Hu, Zhean Su, Anhong Shi, Yuanqi Weng, Qizhong  Huang*. Effect of fiber-oriented direction on mechanical and ablative performance of C/C-HfC-ZrC-SiC composites. Journal of Asian Ceramic Societies, 2020, 8(4):1162-1174. 15.Hanzhou Liu, Xin Yang*, Cunqian Fang, Anhong Shi, Lei Chen, Qizhong Huang. Ablation resistance and mechanism of SiC–LaB6 and SiC–LaB6–ZrB2 ceramics under plasma flame. Ceramics International, 2020, 46(10):16249-16256. 16.Hanzhou Liu, Xin Yang*, Cunqian Fang, Anhong Shi, Lei Chen, Qizhong Huang. Ablation resistance and mechanism of SiC/ZrB2-ZrC double layer coating for C/C composites under plasma flame. J. Cent. South Univ., 2020, 27(9):2538-2547. 17.Anhong Shi, Xin Yang*, Cunqian Fang, Lei Chen, Yuanqi Weng, Hanzhou Liu, Qizhong Huang. Effect of CNTs addition on microstructure, ablation property and mechanism of ZrC–SiC coating for C/C–ZrC–SiC composites. Vacuum, 2020, 172:099-109. 18.Cunqian Fang, Boyun Huang, Xin Yang*, Kejian He, Lei Chen, Anhong Shi, Ze Zhang, Qizhong Huang*. Effects of LaB6 on the microstructures and ablation properties of 3D C/C-SiC-ZrB2-LaB6 composites. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2020, 40(8): 2781-2790 19.Lei Chen, Xin Yang*, Cunqian Fang, Anhong Shi, Ruirui Liu, Qizhong Huang*. Improved thermal conductivity and ablation resistance of microdiamond‐modified C/C composites after diamond graphitization. Advanced Engineering Materials, 2019, 22(2): 1438-1656 20.Cunqian Fang, Xin Yang*, Kejian He, Lei Chen, Guang Zeng, Anhong Shi, Qizhong Huang*, Boyun Huang. Microstructure and ablation properties of La2O3 modified C/C-SiC composites prepared via precursor infiltration pyrolysis. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2019, 39: 762-772. 21.Lei Chen, Xin Yang*, Qizhong Huang*, Cunqian Fang, Anhong Shi, Ruirui Liu. Influence of diamond graphitization on the microstructure and performance of micro-diamond modified C/C composites. Diamond & Related Materials, 2019, 95: 99-108. 22.Lei Chen, Xin Yang*, Zhean Su, Cunqian Fang, Guang Zeng, Qizhong Huang*. Fabrication and performance of micro-diamond modified C/SiC composites via precursor impregnation and pyrolysis process. Ceramics International, 2018, 44(8):9601-9608. 申请专利情况 1. 杨鑫,苏哲安,黄启忠,一种××改性××材料的方法,××发明专利,授权号:ZL201218000677.7,2014 年11 月5日授权 2. 杨鑫,苏哲安,黄启忠,一种××××材料的制备方法,××发明专利,授权号:ZL201418002532.X,2017 年5月31日授权 3. 杨鑫,黄启忠,苏哲安,一种××与××××材料的制备方法,××发明专利,授权号:ZL201618003431.3,2020 年7月17日授权 4. 杨鑫,苏哲安,黄启忠,薛亮,陶瓷改性及具有陶瓷涂层的C/C 复合材料及其制备方法,××发明专利,授权号:ZL201710228407.3,2020年12月4日授权. 5. 杨鑫,苏哲安,黄启忠. 一种××改性C/C复合材料热防护××的制备方法。××发明专利,申请号:201818003234.0,授权日期,2022年6月9日. 6. 杨鑫,黄启忠. 一种C/C复合材料的超高温陶瓷涂层及其制备方法, 国家发明专利,申请号:201810586081.6,申请日期,2018年6月8日. 7. 杨鑫,王友芳,黄启忠,张明瑜,苏哲安,一种多孔隔热炭材料用SiC复合涂层及其制备方法, 国家发明专利,申请号:202011061194.8,授权日期,2021年11月2日. 8. 杨鑫,石安红,方存谦,黄启忠,一种夹层结构C/C-超高温陶瓷复合材料及其制备方法,国家发明专利,申请号:202111224825.8,申请日期,2020年10月21日. 9. 杨鑫,刘忠国,左远名,黄启忠,一种高导热石墨膜改性C/C复合材料的制备方法,国家发明专利,申请号:202211479700.4,申请日期,2022年11月24日. 10. 杨鑫,左远名,方存谦,刘瑞瑞,黄启忠,一种微纳多尺度陶瓷基体改性C/C复合材料的制备方法,国家发明专利,申请号:202211480055.8,申请日期,2022年11月24日. 工作经历 [1]   2022.9-至今 中南大学  |  粉末冶金研究院炭/炭复合材料研究所  |  炭/炭复合材料研究所第一党支部支部书记  |  研究员 [2]   2011.10-2014.10 中南大学  |  冶金工程博士后流动站  |  助理研究员、副研究员  |  博士后合作导师为柴立元院士 [3]   2013.10-2022.9 中南大学  |  粉末冶金研究院炭/炭复合材料研究所  |  宣传委员、支部书记  |  副研究员 [4]   2011.3-2013.9 中南大学  |  粉末冶金研究院炭/炭复合材料研究所  |  助理研究员 其他联系方式 [1]  邮编: 410083 [3]  通讯/办公地址: 湖南省长沙市岳麓区中南大学主校区粉末冶金研究院 [5]  移动电话: 13974835637 [6]  邮箱: yangxincsu@csu.edu.cn copyright dedecms
