

姓名 杨海林 性别
学校 中南大学 部门 粉末冶金研究院
学位 博士学位 学历 博士研究生毕业
职称 教授 联系方式 【了解更多】
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个人简介    杨海林,工学博士(后),教授,博士生导师。2011年入职中南大学粉末冶金研究院;曾任布鲁内尔大学(Brunel University London)Research fellow(研究员)。主持国家自然科学基金2项,主持重点研发计划子课题1项,湖南省自然科学 基金1项,以及横向课题4项;作为重要骨干参与广东省重点研发计划,湖南省创新引领,国家自然科学基金,国家支撑计划,英国TSB项目(Code: RRR1025R32031)等项目6项。发表SCI论文90余篇,其中第一/通讯作者60余篇,主要包括Scripta Materilia, Journal of Materials Science and Technology, Corrosion Science, Materials Science and Engineering A, Materials and Design,Ceramics International,Materials Science and Engineering C,Journal of Materials Science等;授权专利5。担任国际著名学术期刊Scripta Materilia, Corrosion Science, Materials Science and Engineering A, Materials Science and Engineering C,Int. J. Refractory Metals & Hard Mater.等期刊的长期审稿人,同时兼任是中国有色金属学会会员、中国生物材料学会会员;获2018年度第十五届湖南医学科技三等奖(排3);指导学生荣获2018年全国大学生生物创新设计竞赛二等奖;中南大学优秀共产党员(2次);2020年度中南大学优秀班导师;2020年江苏省科技镇长团省级优秀团员等荣 誉称号;曾任2021年全国粉末冶金大会难熔金属与硬质合金分会主席;2020年第五届全国特种粉末冶金及复合材料会议3D打 印金属材料分会主席;扬州市新型电力装备产业产才对接专家成员。   研 究方向(粉末冶金新材料) n  3D打印铝合金及高熵合金 n  难熔金属硬质合金与金属陶瓷 n  难熔金属基生物材料   工作经历 n 2021.09 – 至今,中南大学,粉末冶金研究院,教授/博士生导师/硕士生导师 n 2015.09–2021.08,中南大学,粉末冶金研究院,副教授/博士生导师/硕士生导师 n  2011.3 – 2015.08,中南大学,粉末冶金研究院,讲师/硕士生导师 n  2013.05 –2015.06,Brunel University London, Research Fellow    教育经历 n  2005.09–2010.12,中南大学,粉末冶金研究院,材料学,博士(硕博连读) n  1999.09–2003.06,合肥工业大学,材料学院,金属材料工程,学士   联系方式:      地址:湖南省长沙市岳麓区麓山南路932号 粉末冶金研究院783楼308办公室   邮编:410083   邮箱:y-hailin@csu.edu.cn   科研项目 1.  国家自然科学基金面上项目,52071343,高强韧铝合金增材制造形性协同调控机理研究,2021-2024,在研,主持 2.   国家重点研发计划,2020YFB0311300ZL,电子器件用Al-Si合金板带材制造与应用技术,2020-2022,在研,主持 3.   国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,51404302,股骨颈骨折修复用内固定高孔隙Ti-Nb基生物材料研究,2015-2017,结题,主持 4.   教育部/山东魏桥协同育人项目,高强韧Al-Mg2Si合金激光增材制造形性协同调控研究,2021-2022,在研,主持 5.    湖南省自然科学基金面上项目,2020JJ4732,低模量表面多孔Zr-(Ta/Nb)-Ti齿科种植体材料制备及相关科学问题研究,2020-2022,在研,主持 6.    广东省重点研发计划,2020B010185001,适应于涂层刀具的硬质合金基体材料研究,2020-2023,在研,课题骨干 7.    湖南省创新引领计划,2020GK4019,掘进机用高性能特粗晶硬质合金盾构刀具规模化制备技术研究及产业化,2020-2022,在研,课题骨干 8.    国家自然科学基金面上项目,51274247,股骨组织坏死与修复用多孔钽基生物材料研究,2015-2017,结题,参与 9.     国家支撑计划(863),2012BAE06B00,稀贵金属的高效利用,2012-2014,结题,参与 10.  企业横向,高强韧性冷镦模用硬质合金研究与开发2018-2020,在研,主持 11.  企业横向,高性能Ti(C,N)基金属陶瓷开发 2017-2019,在研,主持 12.  企业横向,激光选区制造(SLM)制备高导热模具用H13钢及其相关性能研究 2021-2022,在研,主持 13.  校级,2021YJSKSA14,统筹理工科研究生课程思政建设研究,2021-2023,在研,主持   学术论文(2016-至今) 2023年 1. Feipeng Yang, Jianying Wang, Tao Wen, Xinhai Ai, Xixi Dong**, Hailin Yang*, Shouxun Ji. Microstructure and mechanical properties of pseudo binary eutectic Al-Mg2Si alloy processed by laser powder bed fusion. Journal of Materials Research and Technology 24 (2023) 2187-2199 2. Feipeng Yang, Jianying Wang, Tao Wen, Shilong Huang, Zhilin Liu, Shouxun Ji, Hailin Yang*. Laser powder bed fusion of a novel high strength Al-Mg alloy via Si and Zn microalloying. Materials Letters 343 (2023) 134358 3.  Hailin Yang, Ling Zou, Akram Nasser Juaim, Chenxu Ma, Mengzhen Zhu, Fei Xu, Xiaona Chen, Yinzhou Wang, Xiongwen Zhou*. Copper release and ROS in antibacterial activity of Ti-Cu alloys against implant-associated infection. Rare Metals 42 (2023) 2007–2019 4. Yineng Zhang, Hailin Yang*, Akram Nasser Juaim*, Xiaona Chen, Chang Lu, Ling Zou, Yinzhou Wang, Xiongwen Zhou. Biocompatibility and osteogenic activity of Zr−30Ta and Zr−25Ta−5Ti sintered alloys for dental and orthopedic implants. Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 33(2023) 851-864 5. Lingyun Feng, Xixi Dong, Mingxu Xia, Xiangzhen Zhu, Gang Ji, Hailin Yang, Bin Wang, Eric A. Nyberg, Shouxun Ji. Development of high thermal conductivity, enhanced strength and cost-effective die-cast Mg alloy compared with AE44 alloy. Journal of Materials Research and Technology 22 (2023) 2955-2966 6. Anjing Wang, Jianying Wang, Feipeng Yang, Tao Wen, Hailin Yang*, Shouxun Ji*. Improved strength–ductility synergy of a CoCrNi medium-entropy alloy by ex-situ TiN nanoparticles. Advanced Engineering Materials 25(2023) 2200939 7. Xiao Kang, Jianying Wang, Feipeng Yang, Xin Zhang, Youwang Tu, Lei Zhang*, Hailin Yang**. A novel CoCrNi/W/Agx medium-entropy alloy matrix composite reinforced by Ag nanoparticle and self-lubricating mechanism under ambient air and high vacuum conditions. Wear 516-517 (2023) 204586 8.Tao Wen, Feipeng Yang, Jianying Wang, Hailin Yang*, Junwei Fu**, Shouxun Ji.Ultrastrong and ductile synergy of additively manufactured H13 steel by tuning cellular structure and nano-carbides through tempering treatment. Journal of Materials Research and Technology 22(2023) 157-168 9. Jianying Wang, Jianpeng Zou, Hailin Yang*, Xixi Dong, Peng Cao, Xiaozhou Liao, Zhilin Liu*, Shouxun Ji. Ultrastrong and ductile (CoCrNi)94Ti3Al3 medium-entropy alloys via introducing multi-scale heterogeneous structures. Journal of Materials Science & Technology 135 (2023) 241-249 2022年 1. Xixi Dong, Lingyun Feng, Shihao Wang, Gang Ji, Ahmed Addad, Hailin Yang, Eric A. Nyberg, Shouxun Ji. On the exceptional creep resistance in a die-cast Gd-containing Mg alloy with Al addition. Acta Materialia 232 (2022) 117957 2. Hailin Yang, Akram Nasser Juaim, Ling Zou, Mengzhen Zhu, Xiaona Chen, Chenxu Ma, Xiongwen Zhou. Antibacterial activity and mechanism of newly developed Zr-30Ta and Zr-25Ta-5Ti alloys against implant-associated infection. Rare Metals (2022) 41(12):4176-4187 3.  Jue Liu, Jianming Ruan, Jian Yin, Pinghua Ou, Hailin Yang. Fabrication of multilevel porous structure networks on Nb-Ta-Ti alloy scaffolds and the effects of surface characteristics on behaviors of MC3T3-E1 cells. Biomedical Materials. 17 (2022) 065025 4. Feipeng Yang, Jianying Wang, Tao Wen, Lei Zhang, Xixi Dong, Dong Qiu, Hailin Yang*, Shouxun Ji. Developing a novel high-strength Al–Mg–Zn–Si alloy for laser powder bed fusion. Materials Science & Engineering A 851 (2022) 143636  5.  Jianying Wang, Jianpeng Zou, Hailin Yang*, Hua Huang, Zhilin Liu, Shouxun Ji. Strength improvement of CoCrNi medium- entropy alloy through introducing lattice defects in refined grains. Materials Characterization 193 (2022) 112254.  6. Jianying Wang, Feipeng Yang, Hailin Yang*, Lijun Zhang, Yingying Zhang, Zhilin Liu, Shouxun Ji. Effect of heat treatment on the microstructure and mechanical properties of an Al-5Mg2Si-2Mg alloy processed by laser powder bed fusion. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 920 (2022) 165944 7.  Xinhai Ai, Jianying Wang, Tao Wen, Feipeng Yang, Xixi Dong, Hailin Yang*, Shouxun Ji. A high Fe-containing AlSi12 alloy fabricated by laser powder bed fusion. Journal of Materials Research and Technology 18(2022) 4513-4521 8.  Jianying Wang, Jianpeng Zou, Hailin Yang*, Lijun Zhang, Zhilin Liu, Xixi Dong, Shouxun Ji. Exceptional strength-ductility synergy of additively manufactured CoCrNi medium-entropy alloy achieved by lattice defects in heterogeneous microstructures. Journal of Materials Science & Technology 127 (2022) 61–70 9. Jianying Wang, Jianpeng Zou, Hailin Yang*, Zhilin Liu, Shouxun Ji. High strength and ductility of an additively manufactured CrCoNi medium-entropy alloy achieved by minor Mo doping. Materials Science & Engineering A 843 (2022) 143129 10.   Chenxu Ma, Mengzhen Zhu, Jianying Wang, Xiongwen Zhou, Haixia Xing, Shouxun Ji, Hailin Yang*. Mechanisms of improving the mechanical and antibacterial properties of Ti-3wt.%Cu alloys. Materials Letters 319 (2022) 132263 11.   Fei Lei, Tao Wen, Feipeng Yang, Jianying Wang, Junwei Fu, Hailin Yang*, Jiong Wang*, Jianming Ruan, and Shouxun Ji. Microstructures and mechanical properties of H13 tool steel fabricated by selective laser melting. Materials 15(2022) 2686. 12.   Hailin Yang*, Mengzhen Zhu, Jianying Wang, Chenxun Ma, Xiongwen Zhou, Haixia Xing, Erlin Zhang, Shouxun Ji. Optimization of mechanical and antibacterial properties of Ti-3wt%Cu alloy through cold rolling and annealing. Rare Metals 41(2) (2022) 610–620 2021年    1. Hailin Yang*, Yingying Zhang, Jianying Wang, Zhilin Liu, Chunhui Liu, Shouxun Ji*. Additive manufacturing of a high strength Al-5Mg2Si-2Mg alloy: Microstructure and mechanical properties. Journal of Materials Science & Technology 91 (2021) 215–223 2.  Rengui He, Qiumin Yang, Bin Li, Jia Lou, Hailin Yang*, Jianming Ruan. Grain growth behaviour and mechanical properties of coarse-grained cemented carbides with bimodal grain size distributions. Materials Science & Engineering A 805 (2021) 140586 3. Dewi Chrystal Krishnadath, Wei Ruan, Hailin Yang, Jue Liu, Xiongwen Zhou*. Influence of low modulus Co-Zr alloys surface modification on protein adsorption and MC3T3-E1, NIH3T3 and RAW264.7 cell behavior. Journal of biomaterials applications 35(8) (2021) 1061–1070 4.  Xiao Kang, Iolanda Di Bernardo, Hailin Yang, Juan F. Torres, Lei Zhang*. Metal-organic framework microdomains in 3D conductive host as polysulfide inhibitor for fast, long-cycle Li-S batteries. Applied Surface Science 535 (2021) 147680 5. Xiao Kang, Shuang Yu, Hailin Yang, Yang Sun, Lei Zhang*. Tribological behavior and microstructural evolution of lubricating film of silver matrix self-lubricating nanocomposite. 9(5) (2021) 941-951 6. Tiaomei Zhang, Pinghua Ou, Jianming Ruan, Hailin Yang. Nb-Ti-Zr alloys for orthopedic implants. Journal of biomaterials applications 35(10) (2021) 1284–1293 7. Pinghua Ou, Hao C, Liu J, Hailin Yang, Rengui He, Tiaomei Zhang, Wang, Y, Jianming Ruan. Evaluation of biocompatibility and osseointegration of Nb–xTi–Zr alloys for use as dental implant materials. Biomedical Materials (Bristol) 16(3) (2021) 035020 2020年 1. Hua Huang, Jianying Wang, Hailin Yang*, Shouxun Ji, Hailiang Yu, Zhilin Liu. Strengthening CoCrNi medium-entropy alloy by tuning lattice defects. Scripta Materialia 188 (2020) 216-221  2. Jianying Wang, Wenhao Li, Hailin Yang*, Hua Huang, Shouxun Ji, Jianming Ruan, Zhilin Liu. Corrosion behavior of CoCrNi medium-entropy alloy compared with 304 stainless steel in H2SO4 and NaOH solutions. Corrosion Science 177 (2020) 108973 3. Bin Li, Rengui He, Hailin Yang*, Dan Zou, Yanjun Liu, Yong Liang, Qiumin Yang, Yongxia Li. Effect of Re addition on the microstructure and mechanical properties of WC-10Co cemented carbides fabricated by chemical coating method. International Journal of Refractory Metals & Hard Materials 93 (2020) 105344   4. Guolin Xue, Hailin Yang*, Haixia Xing, Chuanren Ye, Jue Liu, Jinglei Miao, Jianming Ruan. Effect of Ti on microstructure, mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of Zr-Ta-Ti alloys processed by spark plasma sintering. Journal of Central South University. 27 (2020) 2185-2197 5. Rengui He, Bin Li, Pinghua Ou, Chenghui Yang, Hailin Yang*, Jianming Ruan*. Effects of ultrafine WC on the densification behavior and microstructural evolution of coarse-grained WC-5Co cemented carbides. Ceramics International 46 (2020) 12852-12860    6. Jianying Wang, Hailin Yang*, Hua Huang, Jianpeng Zou, Shouxun Ji, Zhilin Liu. High strength-ductility Co23Cr23Ni23Mn31 medium-entropy alloy achieved via defect engineering. Materials Science & Engineering A 796 (2020) 139974   7.  Xixi Dong, Hamza Youssef, Yijie Zhang, Hailin Yang, ShihaoWang, Shouxun Ji. Advanced heat treated die-cast aluminium composites fabricated by TiB2 nanoparticle implantation. Materials & Design 186 (2020) 108372  8.  Jue Liu, Qiumin Yang, Jian Yin*, Hailin Yang*. Effects of alloying elements and annealing treatment on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Nb-Ta-Ti alloys fabricated by partial diffusion for biomedical applications. Materials Science & Engineering C 110 (2020) 110542  9.   龚涤凡, 李詠侠, 杨海林, 邹丹,刘艳军. 纳米SiC对Ti(C,N)基金属陶瓷微观组织与性能的影响. 粉末冶金材料科学与工程 2020 25(4) 321-329 10.  陈立宝,杨海林,宋旼,韦伟峰. 新工科背景下打造材料类“金课”的创新路径研究. 教育教学论坛 2020 (53) 155-157 2019年 1. Jianying Wang, Hailin Yang*, Zhilin Liu**, Shouxun Ji, Ruidi Li, Jianming Ruan. A novel Fe40Mn40Cr10Co10/SiC medium-entropy nanocomposite reinforced by the nanoparticles-woven architectural structures. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 772 (2019) 272-279  2. Jianying Wang, Hailin Yang*, Hua Huang, Jianming Ruan, Shouxun Ji. In-situ Mo nanoparticles strengthened CoCrNi medium entropy alloy. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 798 (2019) 576-586 3. Jianying Wang, Jinghua Fang, Hailin Yang*, Zhilin Liu, Ruidi Li, Shouxun Ji, Yun Wang, Jianming Ruan*. Mechanical properties and wear resistance of medium entropy Fe40Mn40Cr10Co10/TiC composites. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China 29(7) (2019) 1484-1494  4.  Jianying Wang, Hailin Yang*, Hua Huang, Jianming Ruan, Shouxun Ji. Microstructure and mechanical properties of SiC whisker reinforced CoCrNi medium entropy alloys. Materials Letters 254 (2019) 77-80  5.  Jianying Wang, Hailin Yang*,Zhilin Liu, Ruidi Li, Jianming Ruan, Shouxun Ji. Synergistic effects of WC nanoparticles and MC nanoprecipitates on the mechanical and tribological properties of Fe40Mn40Cr10Co10 medium-entropy alloy. Journal of Materials Research and Technology 8(4) (2019) 3550-3564   6. Jue Liu, Xiongwen Zhou, Huifeng Wang, Hailin Yang*, Jianming Ruan*. In vitro cell response and in vivo primary osteointegration of highly porous Ta-Nb alloys as implant materials. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials  107(3) (2019) 573-581 7. Jianying Wang, Hailin Yang*, Jianming Ruan, Yun Wang, Shouxun Ji. Microstructure and properties of CoCrNi medium-entropy alloy produced by gas atomization and spark plasma sintering. Journal of Materials Research  34(12) (2019) 2126-2136 8. Xixi Dong, Hailin Yang, Xiangzhen Zhu, Shouxun Ji*. High strength and ductility aluminium alloy processed by high pressure die casting. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 773 (2019) 86-96  9. Xiangzhen Zhu, Hailin Yang, Xixi Dong, Shouxun Ji*. The effects of varying Mg and Si levels on the microstructural inhomogeneity and eutectic Mg2Si morphology in die-cast Al-Mg-Si alloys. Journal of Materials Science  54(7) (2019) 5773-5787 10. Ning Wu, Fengdan Xue, Jianying Wang, Hailin Yang, Fenghua Luo*, Jianming Ruan**. Effect of TiN addition on the microstructure and mechanical properties of TiB2-FeNi based cermets. Materials Science and Engineering: A (2019) 743 546-557   11. Ning Wu, Fengdan Xue, Jianying Wang, Hailin Yang, Fenghua Luo*, Jianming Ruan**.Effects of TiB2 particle size on the microstructure and mechanical properties of TiB2-based composites. Ceramics International (2019) 45(1) 1370-1378 12. Baoqi Wang, Wei Ruan, Jue Liu, Taomei Zhang, Hailin Yang, Jianming Ruan. Microstructure, mechanical properties, and preliminary biocompatibility evaluation of binary Ti–Zr alloys for dental application. Journal of Biomaterials Applications 33(6) (2019) 766-775 2018年 1.  Meng He, Jianying Wang, Rengui He, Hailin Yang*, Jianming Ruan**. Effect of cobalt content on the microstructure and mechanical properties of coarse grained WC-Co cemented carbides fabricated from chemically coated composite powder. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 766 (2018) 556-563  2.   Jinglei Miao, Jue Liu, Huifeng Wang, Hailin Yang*, Jianming Ruan**. Preparation of porous Ta−10%Nb alloy scaffold and its in vitro biocompatibility evaluation using MC3T3-E1 cells. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China 28(10) (2018) 2053-2061 3. Lin Chang, Jue Liu, Hailin Yang, Jianming Ruan, Shouxun Ji. Effects of Zr Contents on the Microstructure, Mechanical Properties and Biocompatibility of Ta-Zr Alloys. Materials Science Forum  914 (2018) 37-44 4.  Rengui He, Jianying Wang, Meng He, Hailin Yang*, Jianming Ruan**. Synthesis of WC composite powder with nano-cobalt coatings and its application in WC-4Co cemented carbide. Ceramics International 44(9) (2018) 10961-10967 2017年  1.  Hao Chen, Qiumin Yang, Jiangao Yang, Hailin Yang, Liyong Chen, Jianming Ruan, Qizhong Huang. Effects of VC/Cr3C2 on WC grain morphologies and mechanical properties of WC-6wt.%Co cemented carbides. Journal of Alloys and Compounds  714 (2017) 245-250  2.  Shouxun Ji, Hailin Yang, Xiaopeng Cui, Zhongyun Fan. Macro-heterogeneities in microstructures, concentrations, defects and tensile properties of die cast Al–Mg–Si alloys. Materials Science and Technology  33(18) (2017) 2223-2233  3. Ning Wu, Fengdan Xue, Qiumin Yang, Hailin Yang*, Jianming Ruan**. Microstructure and mechanical properties of TiB2-based composites with high volume fraction of Fe-Ni additives prepared by vacuum pressureless sintering. Ceramics International 43(1)  (2017) 1394-1401 4.  Jue Liu, Lin Chang, Hairong Liu, Yongsheng Li, Hailin Yang*, Jianming Ruan**. Microstructure, mechanical behavior and biocompatibility of powder metallurgy Nb-Ti-Ta alloys as biomedical material. Materials Science and Engineering: C  71 (2017) 512-519 5. Jue Liu, Jianming Ruan, Lin Chang, Hailin Yang*, Wei Ruan**. Porous Nb-Ti-Ta alloy scaffolds for bone tissue engineering: Fabrication, mechanical properties and in vitro/vivo biocompatibility. Materials Science and Engineering: C  78 (2017) 503-512 6. Qiumin Yang, Jiangao Yang, Hailin Yang*, Guohua Ni, Jianming Ruan**. Synthesis of ultrafineWC-10Co composite powders with carbon boat added and densification by sinter-HIP. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials  62 (2017) 104-109  7.  Qiuming Yang, Jiangao Yang*, Hailin Yang, Hao Chen, Wei Su, Jianming Ruan**. Synthesis of ultrafine WC-Co composite powders under hydrogen atmosphere with in situ carbon via a one-step reduction-carbonization process. International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology  14(2) (2017) 220-227  8.  常林,刘珏,杨海林,阮建明. 生物医用Ta-Zr 合金的制备及性能.中国有色金属学报 27(10) (2017) 2046-2052 2016年 1. Qiumin Yang, JiangaoYang, Hailin Yang*, Jianming Ruan**. The effects of fine WC contents and temperature on the microstructure and mechanical properties of inhomogeneous WC-(fine WC-Co) cemented carbides. Ceramics International 42(16) (2016) 18100-18107  2.   Jianming Ruan, Hailin Yang*, Xiaojun Weng, Jinglei Miao, Kechao Zhou. Preparation and characterization of biomedical highly porous Ti–Nb alloy. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine 27(4) (2016) 76 3.   Qiumin Yang, Jiangao Yang, Hailin Yang*, Wei Su, Jianming Ruan**.Synthesis and Characterization of WC-Co Nanosized Composite Powders With in situ Carbon and Gas Carbon Sources. Metals and Materials International (2016) 22(4) 663-669 4. Yan Wang, Wu Chen, Tuo Wang, Hailin Yang, Xidong Hui, Lei Zhang*.Crystallization behavior of sub-surface in (Zr,Cu)95Al5 bulk metallic glass induced by different counter-face materials. Materials & Design (2016) 111 213-221 5.  Xiaojun Weng, Hailin Yang, Jian Xu, Xiaosheng Li, Qiande Liao, Jing Wang. In vivo testing of porous Ti-25Nb alloy serving as a femoral stem prosthesis in a rabbit model. 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J. Refractory Metals & Hard Mater., Ceramics Int.等期刊的长期审稿人 扬州市新型电力装备产业产才对接专家成员  江苏省科技镇长团团员(2018-2021) 教育经历 [1]   2013.6-2015.7 Brunel University London [2]   2005.9-2011.1 中南大学  |  材料学  |  博士学位  |  博士研究生毕业 [3]   1999.9-2003.7 合肥工业大学  |  材料科学与工程  |  学士学位  |  大学本科毕业 其他联系方式 [6]  邮箱: y-hailin@csu.edu.cn copyright dedecms
