

姓名 唐进君 性别
学校 中南大学 部门 职务:交通运输工程系副主任,智慧交通湖南省重点实验室副主任
学位 博士学位 学历 博士研究生毕业
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个人简介 唐进君,中南大学交通运输学院,教授/博士生导师,湖南省“芙蓉学者”青年学者,交通运输工程系副主任,智慧交通湖南省重点实验室副主任,交通大数据分析与智能交通方向带头人。哈尔滨工业大学交通信息工程与控制专业博士,美国华盛顿大学联合培养博士。致力于运用多源交通流检测数据挖掘城市路网交通流演变规律、运用大规模分布轨迹数据分析城市居民出行特征时空特性、交通拥堵分析等方面研究。在Transportation Research Part C, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, IEEE T on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Analytic Methods in Accident Research, Accident Analysis and Prevention, Journal of Transport Geography, Transportation, Expert Systems With Applications, Information Science等国内外交通领域知名期刊以第一作者/通讯作者发表SCI/SSCI检索论文90余篇,Q1区50余篇(ESI高被引论文14篇,1‰ 热点论文4篇,1%论文10篇),Google Scholar论文总引用4100多次,H指数35,单篇最高引用330次。主持国家自然基金面上/青年基金项目、国家重点研发计划子课题、教育部人文社科项目、湖南省重点研发计划、湖南省自然科学基金面上项目、湖南省交通厅科技创新项目、湖南省教育厅芙蓉学者/优秀青年基金项目、博士后基金面上项目(一等)/特别支助、中南大学创新驱动、中南大学人才引进计划专项、长沙市智能交通发展模式研究、长沙市岳麓大道改扩建优化方案研究、山东省交通规划设计院智慧高速管控(1期+2期)、长安大学重点实验室开放课题、中车四方青藏客车逆变电源GBT寿命预测、国防类评估优化研究、交通规划设计及交通大数据分析横向咨询类项目等20余项目。以第一发明人身份申请/授权国家发明专利20多项,授权软著1项。入选2020/2021/2022年Elsevier中国高被引学者、入选2020/2021/2022年全球前2%顶尖科学家“年度影响力”榜单、获2023年湖南省自然科学优秀学术论文一等奖、获2023年中国交通运输协会科学技术二等奖、获2021年“长沙市城市交通研究项目”湖南省公路学会科学技术一等奖、获2019年第十三届全国交通运输领域青年学术会议优秀论文、获2017年中国智能交通协会优秀博士论文奖。担任30多类交通领域国际ESI期刊审稿专家,担任期刊Journal of Advanced Transportation副主编、《交通运输工程学报》青年编委、《IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica》第一届青年编委、《铁道科学与工程学报》青年编委、《交通运输研究》编委、《Digital Transportation and Safety》编委及IET Intelligent Transport Systems,International Journal of Bio-Inspired Computation等特刊客座主编。担任湖南省多铰接轮运输系统工程技术研究中心副主任、南京理工大学江苏省智能交通信息感知与数据分析工程实验室特聘研究员、CICTP国际会议的区域主编、世界交通大会WTC交叉科学学部交通数据科学理论与方法技术委员会主席、中国交通运输协会青年科学委员会委员、湖南省交通工程学会理事、湖南省系统仿真协会常务理事、湖南省城市文明畅通提升行动计划专家组成员。 研究团队情况:   目前指导/合作指导博/硕士研究生20余名,毕业硕士研究生12名。指导学生累计获得研究生国家奖学金5人次,校长奖学金1人次,其他校级奖学金多项。指导学生获中南大学研究生自由探索科研项目立项6项,省级立项1项。 近年来研究生奖学金情况: 杨一帆:宝钢奖学金(2018) 梁健:米塔尔奖学金(2019);黎乐潇:硕士研究生国家奖学金(2019) 郑兰兰  高凡:硕士研究生国家奖学金(2020);毕伟:顺丰助学金(2020);张新邵:钢联物流奖学金(2020) 高凡 梁健:硕士研究生国家奖学金(2021);曾捷:硕士研究生校长创新奖(2021);李志涛:茅以升铁路专项奖(2021) 李明洋:博士研究生国家奖学金(2023);李志涛:博士研究生校长创新奖(2023);曾捷:硕士研究生国家奖学金(2023);丁希芷:中车株机奖学金(2023) 经过近几年的探索,研究团队逐步形成了较为稳定的三个研究方向:方向一:基于卡口数据的城市路网交通状态演变分析与预测;方向二:基于多源轨迹数据的城市出行分析与公共交通优化;方向三:高速公路主动交通管控与路网诱导; 研究团队成员情况可参见附件信息    课题组人员信息汇总-2022-12-01.pdf 硕/博研究生招生需求:   本课题组以数据采集与挖掘,交通大数据分析与应用,智慧交通系统分析与应用为研究特色,在数据库和编程方面要求具有一定的基础和背景,欢迎具有计算机、信息工程、数学及交通工程背景的同学报考!(课题组欢迎士兵计划、少数民族骨干计划的同学报考加入团队) 论文发表: 2024年 [1]      Zhe Wang, Helai Huang, Jinjun Tang*, Lipeng Hu. "A deep reinforcement learning-based approach for autonomous lane-changing velocity control in mixed flow of vehicle group level". Expert System with Application. 238,122158, 1-13, 2024. (SCI, JCR 1) 中科院1区 Top期刊 [2]      Chuyun Zhao, Jinjun Tang*, Wenyuan Gao, Yu Zeng, Zhitao Li. Many-objective optimization of multi-mode public transportation under carbon emission reduction, Energy. 286, 129627, 1-16, 2023. (SCI, JCR 1) 中科院1区 Top期刊 [3]      Chuyun Zhao, Jinjun Tang*, Yu Zeng, Zhitao Li, Fan Gao. "Understanding the spatio-temporally heterogeneous effects of built environment on urban travel emissions".In: Proceedings of 103th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. January, 2024. (Presentation) [4]      Zhe Wang, Helai Huang, Jinjun Tang*, Mohamed Abdel-Aty. "A deep reinforcement learning-based approach for autonomous lane-changing velocity control in mixed flow of vehicle group level". In: Proceedings of 104th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. January, 2024. (Presentation) [5]      Cheng Hu, Jinjun Tang*, Ke Ji. " Spatial Partitioning for Road Networks: Insights from Incomplete License Plate Recognition Data". In: Proceedings of 103rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. January, 2024. (Presentation) [6]      Cheng Hu, Jinjun Tang*, Ke Ji. " Estimating Critical Parameters for Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram Models Based on Incomplete License Plate Recognition Data". In: Proceedings of 103rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. January, 2024. (Presentation) 2023年 [1]      Jian Liang, Jinjun Tang*, Fan Gao, Zhe Wang, Helai Huang. “On region-level travel demand forecasting using multi-task adaptive graph attention network”. Information Science. 622(2023), 161-177, 2023. (SCI, JCR 1) 中科院1区 Top期刊 [2]      Helai Huang, Xizhi Ding, Chen Yuan, Xinyuan Liu, Jinjun Tang*. “Jointly analyzing freeway primary and secondary crash severity using a copula-based approach”. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 180, 106911, 1-10, 2023. (SCI, JCR 1) 中科院1区 Top期刊 [3]      Jie Zeng , Jinjun Tang*. “ Combining knowledge graph into metro passenger flow prediction: A split-attention relational graph convolutional network”. Expert Systems With Applications. 2023-03, Vol.213, 118790, 1-16. (SCI, JCR 1) 中科院1区 Top期刊 [4]      Jie Zeng, Jinjun Tang*. "Modeling dynamic traffic flow as visibility graphs: a network-scale prediction framework for lane-level traffic flow based on LPR data", IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 24(4), 4173-4188, 2023-04. (SCI, JCR 1) 中科院1区 Top期刊 [5]      Zhitao Li, Jinjun Tang*, Chuyun Zhao, Fan Gao. "Improved centrality measure based on the adapted PageRank algorithm for urban transportation multiplex networks".  Chaos, Solitons & Fractals. 167, 112998, 1-15, 2023. (SCI, JCR 1) 中科院1区 Top期刊 [6]      Zhitao Li, Xiaolu Wang, Fan Gao, Jinjun Tang*, Hanmeng Xu. "Analysis of mobility patterns for urban taxi ridership: the role of the built environment".  Transportation. 2023. In Pressed. (SCI, JCR 1) [7]      Zhitao Li, Fan Gao, Chenxi Xiao, Jinjun Tang*. “The effects of the urban built environment on public transport ridership: similarities and differences”. Travel Behaviour and Society. 2023. In Pressed. (SCI, JCR2) [8]      Zhitao Li, Chen Yuan, Jinjun Tang*, Kexin Zhu, Xiaoyi Pan. "Understanding the mobility of public transport svstems based on weighted multiplex networks". Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 2023, 624, 128977, 1-15. (SCI, JCR 2) [9]      Mingyang Li, Lipeng Hu, Jinjun Tang*. “MSSRGO: A multi-meta-models based global optimization method using selection-rank-based infill sampling strategy”. Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences, 35, 382-392, 2023-01. (SCI, JCR 1) 中科院1区 Top期刊 [10]   Mingyang Li, Jinjun Tang*. "Simulation-based optimization considering energy consumption for assisted station locations to enhance flex-route transit". Energy. 277, 127715, 1-12, 2023. (SCI, JCR 1) 中科院1区 [11]   Mingyang Li, Jinjun Tang*, Jie Zeng, Helai Huang. "A Kriging-based optimization method for meeting point locations to enhance flex-route transit services".  Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics. 11(1), 2023-04. (SCI, JCR 2) [12]   Chuyun Zhao, Jinjun Tang*, Yu Zeng, Zhitao Li, Fan Gao. "Understanding the spatio-temporally heterogeneous effects of built environment on urban travel emissions". Journal of Transport Geography. 112, 103689, 1-20, 2023-08. (SSCI, JCR 1) [13]   Xiaoyi Pan, Jinjun Tang*, Tianjian Yu, Jianming Cai, Yong Xiong, Fan Gao. "Reposition Optimization in the Free-Floating Bike-Sharing System Considering Transferring Travels from Urban Rail Transit". Computers & Industrial Engineering. 178, 109127, 1-13, 2023-03. (SSCI, JCR 1) [14]   Guowen Dai,Jinjun Tang*, Wang Luo."Short-term traffic flow prediction: An ensemble machine learning approach". Alexandria Engineering Journal. 74, 467-480, 2023-05. (SCI, JCR 1) [15]   Qun Chen, Min Li, Chengcheng Wang, Xinyuan Liu, Jinjun Tang*. “Cycle-Based Estimation on Lane-Level Queue Length at Isolated Signalized Intersection Using License Plate Recognition Data”. Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, Vol.149, No.1, 2023-01. (SCI, JCR 3) [16]   Min Li, Jinjun Tang*, Qun Chen, You Liu. “Traffic arrival pattern estimation at urban intersection using license plate recognition data”. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 625, 128995, 1-17, 2023-07. (SCI, JCR 2) [17]   You Liu, Haonan Tuo, Mingfan He, Qiang Fu, Tianjian Yu*, Jinjun Tang*. Mapping Relationship Discovery of Multi-dimensional Architectures in Autonomous Transportation System Based on Text Matching Model. Journal of Advanced Transportation. Vol.2023, 8707205, 1-15, 2023-04. (SCI, JCR 3) [18]   Xianwei Meng, Jinjun Tang*, Fang Yang, Zhe Wang. “Lane-changing trajectory prediction based on multi-task learning”. Transportation Safety and Environment. 2023, 5(4), 1-11. (SCI, JCR 3) [19]   Xinyuan Liu, Chen Yuan*, Jinjun Tang*, Fan Gao, Xizhi Ding. Examining the characteristics between time and distance gaps of secondary crashes. Transportation Safety and Environment. 2023. In Pressed. (SCI, JCR 3) [20]   Xinyuan Liu, Jinjun Tang*, Fan Gao, Xizhi Ding. Time and distance gaps of primary-secondary crashes prediction and analysis using random forests and SHAP model. Journal of Advanced Transportation. Vol.2023, 7833555, 1-19, 2023-04. (SCI, JCR 3) [21]   Ke Ji, Jinjun Tang*, Min Li, Cheng Hu. Distributed Traffic Control Based on Road Network Partitioning Using Normalization Algorithm. Sustainability, 15(14): 11378, 2023-07. (SCI, JCR 2) [22]   唐进君,付强,王骋程*,袁琛,张璇,徐长靖.高速公路可变限速控制策略多目标优化[J].交通运输系统工程与信息. Vol.23, No.2, 2023-04.(EI) [23]   唐进君*,庹昊南,刘佑,付强. 基于BERT-Bi-LSTM-CRF模型的自主式交通系统实体识别方法[J].交通信息与安全, 2023, 录用 [24]   唐进君*,刘佑,庹昊南,何明帆. 基于Petri网的自主式交通系统映射关系评价[J].计算机仿真,2023,录用 [25]   唐进君*,段一鑫,商淑杰,王骋程,陈群. 多特征融合时空图卷积的高速公路交通流量预测[J].公路交通科技,2023,录用 [26]   唐进君*,胡立鹏,李明洋,张璇. 基于kriging遗传算法的高速公路应急车道管控优化[J].系统仿真学报,2023,录用 [27]   庹昊南,刘佑,付强,何明帆, 唐进君*. 基于本体的自主式交通系统知识建模及推理[J].交通运输研究,2023,录用 [28]   陈浩,刘飞扬,唐进君*,曾捷,潘晓艺.考虑内在关联性的城市路网交通运行效率评价[J].测绘科学,2023,48(07):227-234. (CSCD) [29]   Xizhi Ding, Jinjun Tang*, Xinyuan Liu, Chen Yuan. “Jointly Analyzing Freeway Primary and Secondary Crash Severity Using a Copula-Based Approach”. In: Proceedings of 102th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. January, 2023. (Poster) [30]   Jian Liang, Jintao Ke, Hai Wang, Hongbo Ye, Jinjun Tang. "A Poisson-Based Distribution Learning Framework for Short-Term Prediction of Food Delivery Demand Ranges". In: Proceedings of 102th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. January, 2023. (Presentation) [31]   Yuewen Mei, Zheng Li, Ye Tian, Jian Sun, Jinjun Tang* and Qiang Fu. “Simulation-Based Optimization of Variable Speed Limit Control Strategy at Recurrent Bottlenecks”. In: Proceedings of 102th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. January, 2023. (Poster) 2022年 [1]      Jinjun Tang*, Jie Zeng. “Spatiotemporal gated graph attention network for urban traffic flow prediction based on license plate recognition data”. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 37, 3-23, 2022-1. (SCI, JCR 1) [2]      Jinjun Tang, Chuyun Zhao, Fang Liu, Wei Hao*, Fan Gao. “Analyzing travel destinations distribution using large-scaled GPS trajectories: A spatio-temporal Log-Gaussian Cox process”. Physica A, 599, 127305, 2022, 1-16. (SCI, JCR 2) [3]      Jian Liang, Jinjun Tang*, Fang Liu, Yinhai Wang. “Combining Individual Travel Preferences into Destination Prediction: a Multi-module Deep Learning Network”. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 23(8), 2022-08, 13782-13793. (SCI, IF: 9.5, JCR 1) [4]      Fan Gao, Linchuan Yang, Chunyang Han, Jinjun Tang*, Zhitao Li. “A network-distance-based geographically weighted regression model to examine spatiotemporal effects of station-level built environments on metro ridership”. Journal of Transport Geography, 2022-10, 105, 103472: 1-11. (SSCI, JCR 1) [5]      Zhe Wang, Helai Huang, Jinjun Tang*, Xianwei Meng, Lipeng Hu. “Velocity control in car-following behavior with autonomous vehicles using reinforcement learning”. Accident Analysis and Prevention,174, 2022-06, 106729. (SSCI, IF:6.3, JCR 1) [6]      Fan Gao, Jinjun Tang*, Zhitao Li. “Effects of spatial units and travel modes on urban commuting demand modeling”. Transportation, 2022-12, 49(6), pp.1549-1575. (SSCI, IF: 5.1, JCR1) [7]      Mingyang Li, Jinjun Tang*, Xianwei Meng. “Multiple surrogate-model-based optimization method using the multimodal expected improvement criterion for expensive problems”. Mathematics. 10, 4467, 1-21. 2022-11. (SCI, JCR 1) [8]      Zhe Wang, Helai Huang, Jinjun Tang*, Jaeyoung Lee, Xianwei Meng. “Driving angle prediction of lane changes based on extremely randomized decision trees considering the harmonic potential field method”, Transportmetrica A, 18(3): 1601-1625, 2022-11, (*corresponding author). (SCI, IF: 3.49, JCR 2) [9]      Fang Zong, Meng Wang*, Jinjun Tang*, Meng Zeng. “Modeling AVs & RVs' car-following behavior by considering impacts of multiple surrounding vehicles and driving characteristics”. Physica A, Vol. 589, 126625, 2022-03. (SCI, IF: 3.2, JCR 2) [10]   Zhaoxin Liu, Xiaolu Wang, Yufeng Bi, Jun Kong, Run Xu, Yuanpei Chen, Jinjun Tang*. “Travel Patterns Analysis Using Tensor-Based Model from Large-Scale License Plate Recognition Data”. Journal of Advanced Transportation, Volume 2022, Article ID 3930795, 1-14. (SCI, JCR 3) [11]   唐进君,曾捷,段一鑫. 数据驱动的城市路网短时交通流预测[J]. 武汉理工大学学报(交通科学与工程版), 2022, 46(05): 782-791. [12]   张璇,唐进君,黄合来,常方蓉,王杰,袁双林.山区高速公路隧道路段与开放路段的事故影响因素分析[J].交通信息与安全,2022,40(03):10-18. (EI) [13]   唐进君,何泽伦,付强,庹昊南,李载宁.自主式MaaS系统多维架构映射关系设计[J].中国交通信息化,2022(06):86-92. [14]   唐进君,王凯,叶峻青*.基于多准则粒子滤波算法的车辆轨迹重构[J].铁道科学与工程学报, 2022,19(08):2407-2416. (EI) [15]   唐进君,刘鑫源,吉柯,叶峻青*.考虑车道排队特征的城市路网交通事故影响范围估计[J/OL].铁道科学与工程学报, 2022,19(09):2541-2551. (EI) [16]   唐进君,刘佑,付强,庹昊南.基于模糊理论的自主式交通系统多维架构映射关系建模[J].森林工程,2022,38(02):146-153. [17]   吉柯,唐进君*,曾捷,刘鑫源.基于递阶优化的城市区域路网交通控制[J/OL].铁道科学与工程学报:1-10[2022-09-11]. (EI) [18]   孟宪伟,唐进君*,王喆.考虑换道意图的LSTM-AdaBoost车辆轨迹预测模型[J].计算机工程与应用,2022,58(13):280-287. (CSCD) [19]   杨淇铭,唐进君*,付强,刘佑.智能网联交通系统多层次映射关系建模[J].交通科技与经济,2022,24(01):1-8. [20]   Yu, T., Gao, F., Liu, X., Tang, J. A Spatial Autoregressive Quantile Regression to Examine Quantile Effects of Regional Factors on Crash Rates. Sensors 2022, 22(5). 1-17. [21]   Fang Liu, Lanlan Zheng, Mingyang Li, Jinjun Tang. Analysis and Prediction of the Interval Duration between the First and Second Accidents considering the Spatiotemporal Threshold. Journal of Advanced Transportation, Volume 2022, 6312139, 1-14. [22]   Fang Liu, Fan Gao*, Linchuan Yang, Chunyang Han, Wei Hao, Jinjun Tang. “Exploring the spatially heterogeneous effect of the built environment on ride-hailing travel demand: A geographically weighted quantile regression model”. Travel Behaviour and Society. 29, 2022, 22–33. (SSCI, JCR 2) [23]   Ziyuan Pu, Zhiyong Cui, Jinjun Tang, Shuo Wang, Yinhai Wang. “Multi-Modal Traffic Speed Monitoring: A Real-Time System Based on Passive Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Sensing Technology”. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2022, DOI 10.1109/JIOT.2021.3136031. (SCI, JCR 1) [24]   Zhenyuan Fang, Shichao Zhu, Xin Fu∗, Fang Liu∗, Helai Huang, Jinjun Tang. “Multivariate analysis of traffic flow using copula-based model at an isolated road intersection”. Physica A, 599, 127431, 2022, 1-22. (SCI, JCR 2) [25]   Qun Chen, Xiaoyi Pan, Fang Liu*, Yong Xiong, Zhitao Li, Jinjun Tang. “Reposition optimization in free-floating bike-sharing system: A case study in Shenzhen City”. Physica A, 593, 126925, 2022, 1-18. (SCI, JCR 2) [26]   Fang Liu, Wei Bi, Jinjun Tang, Wei Hao*. “Understanding the correlation between destination distribution and urban built environment from taxi GPS data”. Transactions in GIS. 2022, 00:1–26. (SCI, JCR 2) [27]   Jie Zeng, Yong Xiong*, Feiyang Liu, Junqing Ye*, Jinjun Tang. “Uncovering the spatiotemporal patterns of traffic congestion from large-scale trajectory data: A complex network approach”. Physica A, 604, 127871, 2022, 1-18. (SCI, IF: 3.2, JCR 2) [28]   Fan Gao, Jinjun Tang*, Chunyang Han, Xuekai Cen, Zhitao Li. “Uncovering the spatially heterogeneous effects of shared mobility on public transit” In: Proceedings of 101th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. January, 2022. (Poster) [29]   Zhe Wang, Helai Huang, Jinjun Tang*, Xianwei Meng. “Driving Angle Prediction of Lane Changes Based on Extremely Randomized Decision Trees Considering the Harmonic Potential Field Method” In: Proceedings of 101th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. January, 2022. (Poster) [30]   Qiang Fu, You Liu, Haonan Tuo, Jinjun Tang*. “Mapping relationship design of multi-dimensional architecture in the autonomous driving system”. In: The 22nd COTA International Conference. July, 2022. (Poster)   2021年 [1]      Jinjun Tang, Jian Liang, Fang Liu, Jingjing Hao, Yinhai Wang. “Multi- community passenger demand prediction at region level based on spatio-temporal graph convolutional network”, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, Vol.124, 102951, 2021-07, 1-18. (SCI, IF: 8.0, JCR 1) [2]      Jinjun Tang, Yifan Yang, Wei Hao*, Fang Liu, Yinhai Wang. “A data-driven timetable optimization of urban bus line based on multi-objective genetic algorithm”. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 22(4), 2417-2429. 2021-04 (SCI, IF: 6.4, JCR 1) [3]      Jinjun Tang, Weiqi Yin, Chunyang Han*, Xinyuan Liu, Helai Huang. “A random parameters regional quantile analysis for the varying effect of road-level risk factors on crash rates”. Analytic Methods in Accident Research, Vol.29, 2021-3, 100153, 1-20. (SSCI, IF:11.8, JCR 1) [4]      Fan Gao, Jinjun Tang*, Zhitao Li. “Effects of spatial units and travel modes on urban commuting demand modeling”. Transportation, 2021-08, In Pressed. (SSCI, IF: 5.1, JCR1) DOI:10.1007/s11116-021-10219-y. [5]      Jinjun Tang, Fan Gao, Chunyang Han, Xuekai Cen, Zhitao Li. “Uncovering the spatially heterogeneous effects of shared mobility on public transit”. Journal of Transport Geography. 95, 2021, 103134, 1-12. (SSCI, IF:4.9, JCR 1) [6]      Jinjun Tang, Jie Zeng, Yuwei Wang, Hang Yuan, Fang Liu, Helai Huang. “Traffic Flow Prediction on Urban Road Network Based on License Plate Recognition Data: Combining Attention-LSTM with Genetic Algorithm”. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 17(4), 1217-1243, 2021. (SCI, IF: 3.4, JCR 2) [7]      Jinjun Tang, Xinshao Zhang, Weiqi Yin, Yajie Zou, Yinhai Wang. “Missing data imputation for traffic flow based on combination of fuzzy neural network and rough set theory”. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems. 25(5), 439–454, 2021-09. (SCI, IF: 2.5, JCR 2) [8]      Jinjun, Tang, Jian Liang, Tianjian Yu, Yong, Xiong, Guoliang Zeng. Trip destination prediction based on a deep integration network by fusing multiple features from taxi trajectories. IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 15: 1131–1141, 2021-09. (SCI, IF: 2.4, JCR 2) [9]      Zhe Wang, Helai Huang, Jinjun Tang*, Jaeyoung Lee, Xianwei Meng. “Driving angle prediction of lane changes based on extremely randomized decision trees considering the harmonic potential field method”, Transportmetrica A, 2021-07, DOI: 10.1080/23249935.2021.1956013 (*corresponding author). (SCI, IF: 3.49, JCR 2) [10]   Jinjun Tang, Zhitao Li, Fan Gao, Fang Zong*. “Identifying critical metro stations in multiplex network based on D–S evidence theory”. Physica A. Vol.574, 2021, 126018, 1-17. (SCI, IF: 3.2, JCR 2) [11]   Jinjun Tang, Wei Bi, Fang Liu, Wenhui Zhang. “Exploring urban travel patterns using density-based clustering with multi-attributes from large-scaled vehicle trajectories”. Physica A. Vol.561, 2021-01, 125301, 1-15. (SCI, IF: 3.2, JCR 2) Highly Cited [12]   Jinjun Tang, Xinshao Zhang, Tianjian Yu*, Fang Liu. “Missing traffic data imputation considering approximate intervals: a hybrid structure integrating adaptive network-based inference and fuzzy rough set”, Physica A. (*corresponding author) Vol.573, 125776, 2021-07, 1-12. (SCI, IF: 3.2, JCR 2) [13]   Helai Huang, Zhenyuan Fang, Yiwei Wang, Jinjun Tang* and Xin Fu*. “Analysing taxi customer-search behaviour using Copula-based joint model”. Transportation Safety and Environment, 2021, 4: tdab033. [14]   Yajie Zou, Bo Lin, Xiaoxue Yang, Lingtao Wu, Malik Muneeb Abid, Jinjun Tang*, "Application of the Bayesian Model Averaging in Analyzing Freeway Traffic Incident Clearance Time for Emergency Management", Journal of Advanced Transportation, vol. 2021, Article ID 6671983, 1-9, 2021. (SCI, IF:1.9, JCR 2) [15]   Yong Wang, Xiuwen Wang, Xiangyang Guan, Jinjun Tang*, "Multidepot Recycling Vehicle Routing Problem with Resource Sharing and Time Window Assignment", Journal of Advanced Transportation, vol. 2021, Article ID 2327504, 1-21, 2021-05. WOS:000669016300001 [16]   Siyu Luo, Yong Wang*, Jinjun Tang*, Xiangyang Guan, Maozeng Xu, "Two-Echelon Multidepot Logistics Network Design with Resource Sharing", Journal of Advanced Transportation, vol. 2021, Article ID 6619539, 1-28, 2021-10. [17]   Fang Liu, Wei Bi*, Wei Hao, Fan Gao, Jinjun Tang, "An Improved Fuzzy Trajectory Clustering Method for Exploring Urban Travel Patterns", Journal of Advanced Transportation, vol. 2021, 6651718, 1-13, 2021. (*corresponding author)  (SCI, IF:1.9, JCR 3) [18]   Yue Zhang, Yajie Zou, Jinjun Tang, Jian Liang. Long-term prediction for high-resolution lane-changing data using temporal convolution network. Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics, DOI: 10.1080/21680566.2021.1950072, 2021.   2020年 [1]      Jinjun Tang, Yiwei Wang, Wei Hao*, Fang Liu, Helai Huang and Yinhai Wang. “A mixed path size logit based taxi customer-search model considering spatio-temporal factors in route choice”. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 21(4), 1347-1358. 2020-04. (SCI, IF: 6.4, JCR 1) Highly Cited Paper. WOS:000523478400001 [2]      Jinjun Tang, Lanlan Zheng, Chunyang Han, Weiqi Yin, Yue Zhang, Yajie Zou, Helai Huang. “Statistical and machine-learning methods for clearance time prediction of road incidents: A methodology review”. Analytic Methods in Accident Research, Vol.27, 100123, 1-16, 2020-09. (SSCI, IF:11.8, JCR 1) Highly Cited Paper. WOS:000544910300005 [3]      Jinjun Tang, Fan Gao, Fang Liu, Chunyang Han*, Jaeyoung Lee. “Spatial Heterogeneity Analysis of Macro-level Crashes Using Geographically Weighted Poisson Quantile Regression”. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 148, 2020-10, 105833, 1-20. (SSCI, IF:6.3, JCR 1) [4]      Jinjun Tang, Xiaolu Wang, Fang Zong, Zheng Hu. “Uncovering spatio-temporal travel patterns using a tensor-based model from metro smart card data in Shenzhen, China”. Sustainability, Vol.12, No.1475, 1-16, 2020-02. (SCI, IF: 2.5, JCR 2) WOS: 000522460200193 [5]      Jinjun Tang, Lanlan Zheng, Chunyang Han, Fang Liu ,Jianming Cai. "Traffic incident clearance time prediction and influencing factors analysis using extreme gradient boosting model". Journal of Advanced Transportation, Vol.2020, ID: 6401082, 2020-06, 1-14. (SCI, IF: 1.67, JCR3) WOS:000544645500001 [6]      Jinjun Tang, Fan Gao, Fang Liu, Xinqiang Chen. “A Denoising Scheme-Based Traffic Flow Prediction Model Combination of Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition and Fuzzy C-Means Neural Network”. IEEE Access, Vol. 8, 11546-11559, 2020-1. WOS:000525406600072 [7]      Jinjun Tang, Jin Hu, Wei Hao, Xinqiang Chen, Yong Qi. “Markov Chains Based Route Travel Time Estimation Considering Link Spatio-Temporal Correlation”. Physica A. Vol.545, 123759, 2020-05,1-12. (SCI, IF: 3.2, JCR 2) WOS:000526845600082 [8]      Xinqiang Chen, Xueqian Xu, Yongsheng Yang, Huafeng Wu, Jinjun Tang*, Jiansen Zhao. Augmented Ship Tracking Under Occlusion Conditions From Maritime Surveillance Videos. (*corresponding author), IEEE Access. Vol.8, 42884-42897, 2020-04. (SCI, IF: 4.0 , JCR 1) WOS:000524706500007 Highly Cited Paper [9]      Wenhui Zhang, Fan Gao, Shurui Sun, Qiuying Yu, Jinjun Tang*, Bohang Liu. A distribution model for shared parking in residential zones that considers the utilization rate and the walking distance. Journal of Advanced Transportation (*corresponding author). 2020-03, Vol.2020, ID: 6147974,1-11 (SCI, IF:1.9, JCR 2) WOS:000524573900002 [10]   Xinqiang Chen, Yongsheng Yang, Shengzheng Wang, Huafeng Wu, Jinjun Tang*, Jiansen Zhao, Zhihuan Wang. Ship Type Recognition via a Coarse-to-Fine Cascaded Convolution Neural Network, Journal of Navigation, (*corresponding author). 2020-07, Vol.73, No.4, 813-832. (SCI, IF: 1.8 , JCR 1) Highly Cited Paper. WOS:000544382400004 [11]   Ying Yan, Xiangli Yang, Ying Zhang, Jin Hu, Jinjun Tang*, Zhongyin Guo. “Crash Prediction based on Random Effect Negative Binomial Model Considering Data Heterogeneity”, Physica A. (*corresponding author), 2020-06, Vol.547, 123858, 1-12. (SCI, IF: 3.2, JCR 2) WOS:000528206900013 [12]   Xiaoxue Yang, Yajie Zou, Jinjun Tang*, Jian Liang, Muhammad Ijaz. Evaluation of Short-term Freeway Speed Prediction Based on Periodic Analysis Using Statistical Models and Machine Learning Models. Journal of Advanced Transportation (*corresponding author). Vol.2020, 9628957, 2020-01, 1-16. (SCI, IF:1.9, JCR 2) WOS:000510880900005 Highly Cited Paper [13]   Jingjing Hao, Ling Zhang, Xiaofeng Ji, Jinjun Tang*, “Modeling and Analyzing of Family Intention for the Customized Student Routes: A Case Study in China”. Physica A. (*corresponding author), Vol. 542, 2020-03, 123399, 1-16. (SCI, IF: 3.2, JCR 2) WOS:000526839800035 [14]   Xinqiang Chen, Lei Qi, Yongsheng Yang, Qiang Luo, Octavian Postolache, Jinjun Tang*, Huafeng Wu. “Video-based Detection Infrastructure Enhancement for Automated Ship Recognition and Behavior Analysis”. Journal of Advanced Transportation (*corresponding author), 2020-01, 7194342,1-12. (SCI, IF:1.9, JCR 2) WOS:000510880900010 [15]   Zhouyang Du, Jinjun Tang*, Yong Qi, Yiwei Wang, Chunyang Han, Yifan Yang. “Identifying Critical Nodes in Metro Network Considering Topological Potential: A case study in Shenzhen city—China”. Physica A. (*corresponding author), Vol.539, 1-13, 2020-02. (SCI, IF: 3.2, JCR 2) WOS:000503317700038 [16]   Yue Zhang, Yajie Zou, Lingtao Wu, Jinjun Tang, Malik Muneeb Abid. “Exploring the Application of the Linear Poisson Autoregressive Model for Analyzing the Dynamic Impact of Traffic Laws on Fatal Traffic Accident Frequency”. Journal of Advanced Transportation. Vol.2020, 2020-10, ID: 8854068, 1-12. (SCI, IF:1.9, JCR 3) WOS:000583197300001 [17]   Xi Chen, Yinhai Wang , Jinjun Tang , Zhuang Dai, Xiaolei Ma. “Examining regional mobility patterns of public transit and automobile users based on the smart card and mobile Internet data: a case study of Chengdu, China”. IET Intelligent Transport Systems. Vol.14, No.1, 45-55, 2020-1. (SCI, IF:1.8, JCR 3) [18]   Zhengwu Wang, Jie Yu, Wei Hao, Jinjun Tang, Qiang Zeng, Changxi Ma. Rongjie Yu. “Two-Step Coordinated Optimization Model of Mixed Demand Responsive Feeder Transit”. Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, 2020-03, 146(3): 04019082. 1-12. WOS:000526383600011   2019年 [1]      Jinjun Tang, Jian Liang, Chunyang Han, Zhibin Li, Helai Huang. “Crash injury severity analysis using a two-layer Stacking framework”. Accident Analysis and Prevention, Vol.122, 226-238, 2019-01. (SCI, IF: 4.9, JCR 1) Hot Paper and Highly Cited Paper [2]      Jinjun Tang, Shaowei Yu, Fang Liu, Xinqiang Chen, Helai Huang. “A hierarchical prediction model for lane-changes based on combination of fuzzy c-means and adaptive neural network”. Expert Systems with Applications. Vol.130, 265-275, 2019.05. (SCI, IF: 4.2, JCR 1) WOS:000470341900019 [3]      Shen Zhang, Xin Liu, Jinjun Tang*, Shaowu Chen, Yinhai Wang. “Urban spatial structure and travel patterns: analysis of workday and holiday travel using inhomogeneous Poisson point process models”. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. Vol. 73, 68-84, 2019-03. (SSCI, IF: 3.3, JCR 1) [4]      Jinjun Tang, Fan Gao, Fang Liu, Wenhui Zhang, Yong Qi. “Understanding Spatio-Temporal Characteristics of Urban Travel Demand Based on the Combination of GWR and GLM”. Sustainability, Vol.11, No.5525, 1-19, 2019-12. (SCI, IF: 2.5, JCR 2) WOS:000493525500384 [5]      Jinjun Tang, Lexiao Li, Zheng Hu, Fang Liu. Short-term traffic flow prediction considering spatio-temporal correlation: a hybrid model combing type-2 fuzzy c-means and artificial neural network. IEEE Access, Vol. 7, 101009-101018, 2019-12. (SCI, IF: 4.0, JCR 1) [6]      Jinjun Tang, Xinqiang Chen, Zheng Hu, Fang Zong, Chunyang Han, Lexiao Li. “Traffic flow prediction based on combination of support vector machine and data denoising schemes”. Physica A, 2019, Vol.534, 120642, 1-19. (SCI, IF: 3.2, JCR 2) [7]      Ying Yan, Youhua Dai, Xiaodong Li, Jinjun Tang*, Zhongyin Guo. “Driving risk assessment using driving behavior data under continuous tunnel environment”. (*corresponding author), Traffic Injury Prevention. Vol.20, No.8, 807-812, 2019-12. (SSCI, IF:1.4, JCR 3) [8]      Qaing Luo, Jie Yuan, Xinqiang Chen, Shubo Wu, Zhijian Qu, Jinjun Tang*. Analyzing start-up time headway distribution characteristics at signalized intersections. Physica A. (*corresponding author), Vol.535, 1-10, 2019. (SCI, IF: 3.2, JCR 2) [9]      Fang Zong, Xiangru Chen, Jinjun Tang*, Ping Yu, Ting Wu. “Analyzing Traffic Crash Severity with Combination of Information Entropy and Bayesian Network”. (*corresponding author), IEEE Access. Vol.7, 63288-63302, 2019. (SCI, IF: 4.0 , JCR 1) [10]   Yajie Zou, Xinzhi Zhong, Jinjun Tang*, Xin Ye, Lingtao Wu, Muhammad Ijaz, Yinhai Wang. A copula-based approach for accommodating the underreporting effect in wildlife-vehicle crash analysis. Sustainability. No.11, Vol.418, 1-13, 2019-01. (SCI, IF: 2.5 , JCR 2) Highly Cited Paper [11]   Fang Zong, Ping Yu, Jinjun Tang*, Xiao Sun. “Understanding Parking Decisions with Structural Equation Modeling”, Physica A, (*corresponding author) Vol.523, 408-417, 2019. (SCI, IF: 2.5, JCR 2) [12]   Fang Zong, Yongda Tian, Yanan He, Jinjun Tang*, Jianyu Lv. “Trip destination prediction based on multi-day GPS data”, Physica A. (*corresponding author) Vol.515, 258-269, 2019-02. (SCI, IF: 3.2, JCR 2) Highly Cited Paper [13]   R. Ke, Z. Li, J. Tang, Z. Pan, Y. Wang. Real-time traffic flow parameter estimation from uav video based on ensemble classifier and optical flow. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol.20, No.1, 54-64. 2019. (SCI, IF: 5.7, JCR 1)   2018年 [1]      Jinjun Tang, Fang Liu, Wenhui Zhang, Ruimin Ke, Yajie Zou. “Lane-Changes Prediction Based on Adaptive Fuzzy Neural Network”. Expert Systems with Applications. Vol.91, 452-463, 2018-01. (SCI, IF: 4.2, JCR 1) Hot Paper and Highly Cited Paper [2]      Yajie Zou, Xin Ye, Kristian Henrickson, Jinjun Tang*, Yinhai Wang. “Jointly analyzing freeway traffic incident clearance and response time using a copula-based approach”. Transportation Research Part C, (*corresponding author) Vol.86, 2018-01: 171-182. (SCI , IF:6.0, JCR 1) [3]      Jinjun Tang, Jian Liang, Shen Zhang, Helai Huang, Fang Liu. “Inferring driving trajectories based on probabilistic model from large scale taxi GPS data” Physica A, Vol.506, 566-577, 2018-09. (SCI, IF: 3.2, JCR 2) Highly Cited Paper WOS:000437077400046 [4]      Jinjun Tang, Shen Zhang, Xinqiang Chen, Fang Liu, Yajie Zou. “Taxi Trips Distribution Modeling Based on Entropy-maximizing Theory: A Case Study in Harbin City - China”. Physica A, Vol.493, 430-443, 2018-03. (SCI, IF: 3.2, JCR 2) Highly Cited Paper [5]      Jinjun Tang, Yifan Yang, Yong Qi. “A hybrid algorithm for urban transit schedule optimization”, Physica A, Vol.512, 745-755, 2018-12. (SCI, IF: 3.2, JCR 2) WOS:000446151000063 [6]      Shen Zhang, Xin Liu, Jinjun Tang*, Shaowu Cheng, Yong Qi, Yinhai Wang. “Spatio-temporal modeling of destination choice behavior through the Bayesian hierarchical approach”, Physica A, (*corresponding author) Vol.512, 537-551, 2018-12. (SCI, IF: 3.2, JCR 2) [7]      Fang Zong, Jianyu, Lv, Jinjun Tang*, Xiao Wang, Fei Gao. “Identifying Activities and Trips with GPS Data”. IET Intelligent Transport Systems. (*corresponding author) Vol.12, No.8, 884-890, 2018-05. (SCI, IF: 2.0, JCR 3) [8]      Haixiao Wang, Fang Liu, Jinjun Tang*. “Exploring intra-urban travel mobility using large-scale taxi Global Positioning System Trajectories”. International Journal of Vehicle Structures & Systems (*corresponding author) Vol.10, No.2, 150-159, 2018-09. (EI) [9]      Shaowei Yu, Jinjun Tang, Qi Xin. “Relative Velocity Difference Model for the Car-following Theory”.Nonlinear Dynamic. Vol.91, No.3, 1415-1428, 2018-02. (SCI, IF:3.4, JCR 1) Hot Paper and Highly Cited Paper [10]   Baoyu Hu, Yulong Pei, Jinjun Tang, Wei Gao. Common network characteristics of four bus transport networks in northeast china based on a perfect space p. International Journal of Modern Physics B, Vol.32, No.21, 2018-07,1850228, 1-15. (SCI, IF: 0.5, JCR 4) [11]   Xinqiang Chen, Zhibin Li, Yinhai Wang, Jinjun Tang, Wenbo Zhu, Chaojian Shi, Huafeng Wu. “Anomaly Detection and Cleaning of Highway Elevation Data from Google Earth using Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition”. Journal of Transportation Engineering, part A: Systems. 144(5),2018-05, 04018015, 1-14.(SCI, IF: 0.8, JCR 3) [12]   Xianzhe Chen, Yajie Zou, Jinjun Tang, Yichuan Peng*, Lingtao Wu. Analysing the Impact of Traffic Incidents on the Travel Time Reliability of Freeway High-occupancy Vehicle Lanes. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society. Vol.2018, 2018, 7470645, 1-12.(SCI, IF: 0.7, JCR 4) 2017年 [1]      Jinjun Tang, Fang Liu, Yajie Zou, Weibin Zhang, Yinhai Wang. “An Improved Fuzzy    Neural Network for Traffic Speed Prediction Considering Periodic Characteristic”. IEEE Transaction on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 18(9): 2340-2350, 2017-09-1. (SCI, IF: 6.4, JCR 1), Hot Paper and Highly Cited Paper. WOS:000408755500007 [2]      Shen Zhang, Jinjun Tang*, Haixiao Wang, Yinhai Wang, Shi An. “Revealing intra-urban travel patterns and service ranges from taxi trajectories”. (*corresponding author). Journal of Transport Geography. Vol.61, 72-86, 2017-05-01. (SSCI, IF:3.5, JCR 1)  Hot Paper and Highly Cited Paper [3]      Yajie Zou, Hang Yang, Yunlong Zhang, Jinjun Tang*, Weibin Zhang. “Mixture modeling of freeway speed and headway data using multivariate skew-t distributions” (*corresponding author). Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, Vol.13, No.7, 657-678, 2017-05-01. (SCI, IF: 1.9, JCR 2) [4]      Jinjun Tang, Shen Zhang, Yajie Zou, Fang Liu. “An Adaptive Map-Matching Algorithm based on Hierarchical Fuzzy System from Vehicular GPS data”. PLOS ONE. Vol.12, No.12, e0188796, 2017-12. (SCI, IF: 2.8, JCR 1) [5]      Ying Yan, Gengping Li, Jinjun Tang*, Zhongyin Guo. “A Novel Approach for Operating Speed Continuous Predication Based on Alignment Space Comprehensive index”. (*corresponding author). Journal of Advanced Transportation. Vol.2017, 2017-12, ID: 9862949, 1-14. (SCI, IF:1.9, JCR 3) [6]      Yajie Zou, Jinjun Tang*, Lingtao Wu, Kristian Henrickson, Yinhai Wang. “Quantile analysis of freeway incident clearance time”. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers – Transport, (*corresponding author) Vol.170, No.5, 296-304, 2017-10-01. (SCI, IF: 0.3, JCR 4区) [7]      Ying Yan, Shen Zhang, Jinjun Tang*, Xiaofei Wang. “Understanding characteristics in multivariate traffic flow time series from complex network structure”. (*corresponding author). Physica A, Vol.477, 149-160, 2017-07. (SCI, IF: 3.2, JCR 2) [8]      Yinsong Wang, Yajie Zou, Kristian Henrickson, Yinhai Wang, Jinjun Tang, B. Park. “Google earth elevation data extraction and accuracy assessment for transportation applications”. PLoS ONE. Vol.12, No.4, 2017-04-01, e0175756.(SCI, IF: 2.8, JCR 1) [9]      Weibin Zhang, Cole Kopca, Jinjun Tang, Dongfang Ma, Yinhai Wang. “A Systemic Approach for Collision Risk Analysis based on AIS data”. Journal of Navigation, Vol.70, No.5, 1117-1132, 2017-09-01. (SCI, IF: 1.3, JCR 1) [10]   Weibin Zhang, Yong Qi, Kristian Henrickson, Jinjun Tang, Yinhai Wang. “Vehicle traffic delay prediction in ferry terminal based on Bayesian multiple models combination method”. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, Vol. 13, No.5, 467-490, 2017-03-07. (SCI, IF: 1.8, JCR 2) [11]   Weibin Zhang, Yong Qi, Ying Yan, Jinjun Tang, Yinhai Wang. “A method of emission and traveler behavior analysis under multimodal traffic condition”. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, Vol. 52, 139-155, 2017-05-01. (SCI, IF: 1.8, JCR 2) [12]   Jinjun Tang, Shen Zhang, Ying Yan, Weibin Zhang, Zhibin Li, Yinhai Wang. “Inferring driving trajectories based on probabilistic model from large scale taxi GPS data” In: Proceedings of 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. January, 2017. (Poster)    2012-2016年 [1]      Jinjun Tang, Han Jiang, Zhibin Li, Meng Li, Fang Liu, Yinhai Wang. “A Two-layer Model for Taxi Customer Searching Behaviors using GPS Trajectory Data”. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol. 17, No. 11, 3318-3324, 2016-11-01. (SCI, IF: 6.3, JCR 1) [2]      Jinjun Tang, Yajie Zou, John Ash, Shen Zhang, Fang Liu, Yinhai Wang*. “Travel Time Estimation Using Freeway Point Detector Data Based on Evolving Fuzzy Neural Inference System”. PLOS ONE. Vol.11, No.2, e0147263, 2016-02-01. (SCI, IF: 2.8, JCR 1) WOS:000417110700023 [3]      Jinjun Tang, Fang Liu, Weibin Zhang, Shen Zhang, Yinhai Wang*. “Exploring dynamic property of traffic flow time series in multi-states based on complex networks: phase space reconstruction versus visibility graph”. Physica A. Vol.450, 635-648. 2016-05-15. (SCI, IF: 3.2, JCR 2) [4]      Jinjun Tang, Shen Zhang, Fang Liu, Weibin Zhang, Yinhai Wang. “Statistical properties of urban mobility from location-based travel networks”. Physica A, Vol. 461, 694-707, 2016-11-01. (SCI, IF: 3.2, JCR 2) [5]      Han Jiang, Yajie Zou, Shen Zhang, Jinjun Tang*, Yinhai Wang. “Short-term speed prediction using remote microwave sensor data: machine learning versus statistical model”. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. Vol.2016, ID 9236156, 2016-01-19. (* corresponding author) (SCI, IF: 0.7, JCR 3) [6]      Weibin Zhang, Jinjun Tang*, Kris, Yajie Zou, Yinhai Wang. “Hybrid short-term prediction of traffic volume at ferry terminal based on data fusion”. IET Intelligent Transport Systems, (* corresponding author) Vol.10, No.8, 524-534, 2016-09-26. (SCI, IF: 2.0, JCR 3) [7]      Xiaofei Wang, Siqi Yang, Xinwei Li, Jintao Du, Jinjun Tang*. “Analysis on Accidents Distribution of Freeway under Various Conditions in China”. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, (*corresponding author) Vol.8, No.8, 1-12, 2016-04. (SCI, IF: 0.7, JCR 4) [8]      Weibin Zhang, Yajie Zou, Jinjun Tang, Ash John, Yinhai Wang. “Short-term Prediction of Vehicle Waiting Queue at Ferry Terminal based on Machine Learning Method”. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 1-13, 2016-01-01, DOI: 10.1007/s00773-016-0385-y. (SCI, IF: 0.8, JCR 3) [9]      Jinjun Tang, Fang Liu, Yinhai Wang, Hua Wang. “Uncovering urban human mobility from large scale taxi GPS data”. Physica A, Vol.438, No.15, 140-153, 2015-11-15. (SCI, IF: 3.2, JCR 2) [10]   Jinjun Tang, Yinhai Wang, Hua Wang, Fang Liu. “On missing traffic data imputation based on fuzzy c-means method by considering spatial temporal correlation”. Transportation Research Record. No.2528, 86-95, 2015-10-01. (SCI, IF: 0.5, JCR 4) [11]   Shen Zhang, Jinjun Tang, Hua Wang, Yinhai Wang. “Enhancing Traffic Incident Detection Using Spatial Point Pattern Analysis in Social Media”. Transportation Research Record. No. 2528, 69-77, 2015-09-01. (SCI, IF: 0.5, JCR 4) [12]   Jinjun Tang, Hua Wang, Yinhai Wang, Xiaoyue Liu, Fang Liu. “Hybrid Predicting Approach Based on Weekly Similarity for Traffic Flow at Different Temporal Scales”. Transportation Research Record, No. 2443, 21-31, 2014-10-01. (SCI, IF: 0.5 , JCR 4) [13]   Jinjun Tang, Guohui Zhang, Yinhai Wang, Hua Wang, Fang Liu. “A Hybrid Approach to Integrate Fuzzy C-means Based Imputation Method with Genetic Algorithm for Missing Traffic Volume Data Estimation”. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, Vol.51, 2015-02-01, 29-40. (SCI, IF: 8.0, JCR 1) [14]   Jinjun Tang, Yinhai Wang, Hua Wang, Sheng Zhang, Fang Liu. “Dynamic Analysis of Traffic Time Series at Different Temporal Scales: A Complex Networks Approach”. Physica A, 405,303-315, 2014-07-01. (SCI, IF: 3.2, JCR 2) [15]   Jinjun Tang, Yinhai Wang, Fang Liu. “Characterizing Traffic Time Series Based on Complex Network Theory”. Physica A, Vol.392, No.18, 4192-4201, 2013-09-15. (SCI, IF: 3.2, JCR 2) [16]   Jinjun Tang, Fang Liu, Zhibin Li, Yinhai Wang. “Exploring intra-urban travel mobility from taxi GPS data”. In: Proceedings of 95th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. January, 2016. (Poster) [17]   Jinjun Tang, Han Jiang, Zhibin Li, Meng Li, Fang Liu, Yinhai Wang. “A Hierarchical Model for Taxis’ Customer Searching Behaviors using GPS Trajectory Data”. In: Proceedings of 95th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. January, 2016. (Poster) [18]   Jinjun Tang, Fang Liu, Ziyuan Pu, Hua Wang, Yinhai Wang. “A Time-dependent Model Based on Entropy-maximizing Theory for Taxi Trips Distribution in Harbin City”. In: Proceedings of 95th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. January, 2016. (Poster) [19]   Weibin Zhang, Yajie Zou, Jinjun Tang, John Ash, Yinhai Wang. “Short-term Prediction of Vehicle Waiting Queue at Ferry Terminal based on Machine Learning Method”. In: Proceedings of 95th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. January, 2016. (Poster) [20]   Jinjun Tang, Yinhai Wang, Hua Wang, Fang Liu. “On Missing Traffic Data Imputation based on Fuzzy C-means Method by Considering Spatial Temporal Correlation”. In: Proceedings of 94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. January, 2015. (Poster) [21]   Shen Zhang, Jinjun Tang, Hua Wang, Yinhai Wang. “Enhancing Traffic Incident Detection Using Spatial Point Pattern Analysis in Social Media”. In: Proceedings of 94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. January, 2015. (Presentation) [22]   Jinjun Tang, Guangning Xu, Yinhai Wang, Hua Wang, Shen Zhang, Fang Liu. “Traffic Flow Prediction Based on Hybrid Model Using Double Exponential Smoothing and Support Vector Machine”. In: Proceedings of 16th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC13), Hague, 130-135, 2013. (EI) [23]   Shen Zhang, Jinjun Tang. “Study on the Dynamic Relationships between Weather Conditions and Free-Flow Characteristics on Freeways in Jilin”. In: Proceedings of 16th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC13), Hague, 1493-1498, 2013. (EI) [24]   Jinjun Tang, Yinhai Wang, Hua Wang, Fang Liu. “Complex Network Approach for the Complexity and Periodicity in Traffic Time Series”. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 13th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals (CICTP 2013), Shenzhen, 2602-2610, 2013. (EI) 2009-2012年 [1]      唐进君,刘芳. “基于路径预测的不确定性推理组合地图匹配算法”. 测绘学报, Vol.39, No.5, 546-550, 2010-05-01. (EI) [2]      唐进君,刘芳,曹凯. “基于云模型的交通流数据挖掘”. 内蒙古农业大学学报(自然科学版), Vol.31, No.1, 177-181, 2010-01-01. (北大核心) [3]      唐进君,曹凯.“基于多准则融合的信任理论地图匹配算法”. 测绘科学, Vol.34, No.5, 14-15, 2009-05-01. (北大核心) [4]      Jinjun Tang, Kai Cao. “An On-Line Estimation Algorithm of Driver’s Learning Process”. Journal of Shandong University (Natural Science), Vol.44, No.7, 83-88, 2009-07-01. (北大核心) [5]      唐进君,曹凯. “一种自适应轨迹曲线地图匹配算法”. 测绘学报, Vol.37, No.3, 308-315, 2008-03-01. (EI) [6]      唐进君,曹凯. “基于分层模糊控制的地图匹配算法”. 山东大学学报(工学版), Vol.38, No.4, 42-46, 2008-04-01. (北大核心) [7]      曹凯,于少伟,唐进君. “基于分层模糊控制的智能车辆的横向控制模型”. 计算机应用, Vol.27, No.12, 3112-3115, 2007. (北大核心) [8]      曹凯,唐进君,刘汝成. “基于Fréchet距离准则的智能地图匹配算法”. 计算机工程与应用, Vol.43, No.28, 223-226, 2007-04-01. (北大核心) [9]      马建军,唐进君,曹凯. “一种新的智能地图匹配算法”. 计算机应用, Vol.27, No.12, 3116-3118, 2007-06-01. (北大核心) [10]   唐进君,曹凯. “基于云模型不确定性推理的地图匹配算法”. 计算机仿真, Vol.24, No.10, 220-224, 2007-10-01. [11]   Fang Liu, Shoulin Zhu, Chunhua Qi, Jinjun Tang. “A Novel Adaptive Map-Matching Algorithm in Vehicular Navigation System”. In: Proceedings of 7th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD), 796-800, 2010. (EI) [12]   Jinjun Tang, Guozhong Wang, Fang Liu, Jin min Tang. “An Iterative Control for Driving Model Based on Fuzzy Neural Network”. In: Proceedings of 6th IEEE International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC), 1537-1541, 2010. (EI) [13]   Kai Cao, Jinjun Tang, Lulu Zhou. “Driving Behavior Control Based on an On-line Learning Algorithm”. In: Proceedings of 4th IEEE International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC), 368-371, 2008. (EI) 教育经历 [1]   2013.9-2013.10 英国皇家理工学院、伯明翰大学等知名院校 哈尔滨工业大学“优秀博士生赴英国国际交流项目” [2]   2014.12-2016.6 华盛顿大学(西雅图)  |  智能交通信息检测与数据挖掘技术 联合培养博士研究生 [3]   2012.9-2016.11 哈尔滨工业大学  |  交通信息工程及控制  |  博士学位  |  博士研究生毕业 工作经历 [1]   2022.9-至今 中南大学  |  教授/博导 [2]   2016.12-2022.9 中南大学  |  交通运输工程学院  |  副教授/博导 研究方向 [1]  交通大数据与智能交通系统 其他联系方式 [3]  通讯/办公地址: 中南大学铁道校区交通楼332 [6]  邮箱: jinjuntang@csu.edu.cn 织梦好,好织梦
