

姓名 向平 性别
学校 中南大学 部门 职务:XIANG Ping, PhD, Professor
学位 博士学位 学历 博士研究生毕业
职称 教授 联系方式 【了解更多】
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个人简介 向平,教授,博士生导师,湖南省引进海外高层次人才计划入选专家,2012年博士毕业于香港城市大学,2012-2017年在香港城市大学历任博士后研究员,副研究员。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目,发表SCI论文100余篇,包括ESI高被引以及多篇顶级top一区SCI论文,获得专利授权3项,软件著作权3项。曾作为中南大学优秀教师代表得到全国政协副主席的亲切接见。受多所国际高校访问邀请,如英国斯旺西大学,格拉斯哥斯特拉斯克莱德大学,韩国群山大学,达特茅斯学院等。 研究方向:计算固体力学,计算力学无网格法,计算力学有限元法,板壳力学,计算微纳米力学及生物力学,高速铁路车-轨-桥耦合动力学,光纤传感监测,装配式建筑。English personal homepage:https://faculty.csu.edu.cn/xiangping/en/index.htm ★招收 计算固体力学,车-轨-桥耦合动力学,计算力学无网格方法,板壳力学领域博士研究生;(博士招收力学、数学功底好,对力学计算等纯理论研究有浓厚兴趣,有强烈进取心的学生)    招收 计算固体力学,车-轨-桥耦合动力学,计算力学无网格方法,板壳力学领域,装配式建筑,光纤传感结构健康监测等方向硕士生,以及博士后。 目前指导硕士生、博士生15人,博士后1人,以及有关本科生参与科研项目。指导学生获得大学生创新创业项目7项(大多数为国家级,1-2万元),研究生创新项目1项(2021年,1万元),指导研究生发表SCI论文人均3篇以上,包括JCR1区SCI论文。欢迎将来有志从事科研工作的学生加入团队。 联系方式:pxiang2-c@my.cityu.edu.hk;pxiang@csu.edu.cn;  欢迎联络攻读硕士、博士及入站从事博士后研究工作,每信必复! 发表论文Selected Publications [1] Zhao H, Wei B, Jiang LZ, Xiang P, Zhang XB, Ma HK, et al. A velocity-related running safety assessment index in seismic design for railway bridge. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 2023;198. [2] Zhao H, Wei B, Guo PD, Tan JC, Xiang P, Jiang LZ, et al. Random analysis of train-bridge coupled system under non-uniform ground motion. Advances in Structural Engineering. 2023;26:1847-65. [3] Xiang P, Ma HK, Zhao H, Jiang LZ, Xu SP, Liu X. Safety analysis of train-track-bridge coupled braking system under earthquake. Structures. 2023;53:1519-29. [4] Xiang P, Guo PD, Zhou WB, Liu X, Jiang LZ, Yu ZW, et al. Three-Dimensional Stochastic Train-Bridge Coupling Dynamics Under Aftershocks. International Journal of Civil Engineering. 2023;21:1643-59. [5] Wang HP, Yin JY, Yang SH, Chen C, Fang Y, Xiang P. Parametric reflection of the quasi-distributed optical fiber sensors with flexible packaging layer for bending strain measurement. Optics and Laser Technology. 2023;158. [6] Shao ZJ, Li XM, Xiang P. A new computational scheme for structural static stochastic analysis based on Karhunen-Loeve expansion and modified perturbation stochastic finite element method. Computational Mechanics. 2023. [7] Liu X, Jiang LZ, Xiang P, Lai ZP, Liu LL, Cao SS, et al. Probability analysis of train-bridge coupled system considering track irregularities and parameter uncertainty. Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines. 2023;51:2918-35. [8] Liu X, Jiang LZ, Xiang P, Jiang LQ, Lai ZP. Safety and comfort assessment of a train passing over an earthquake-damaged bridge based on a probability model. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering. 2023;19:525-36. [9] Kuang YC, Wang YM, Xiang P, Tao L, Wang K, Fan F, et al. Experimental and Theoretical Study on the Fatigue Crack Propagation in Stud Shear Connectors. Materials. 2023;16. [10] Kuang YC, Wang K, He YH, Zhao H, Xiang P. Fatigue behaviour of corroded stud based on crack growth theory. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Structures and Buildings. 2023;176:2-12. [11] Ding FX, Lu YQ, Xiong SN, Xiang P. Reliability of Tie Bar Concrete-Filled Steel Tubular Stub Columns Under Axial Compression. International Journal of Civil Engineering. 2023. [12] Chen J, Shi H, Li J, Guo MQ, Ding FX, Shao ZJ, et al. Mechanical properties of CFSST with steel reinforcement cage under biaxial eccentric compression. Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 2023;204. [13] Zhou T, Jiang LZ, Xiang P, Liu X. Effects of near-fault pulse-type ground motion on train-track-bridge coupled system with nonlinear supports. Nonlinear Dynamics. 2023;111:6213-38. [14] Zhou T, Jiang LZ, Liu X, Xiang P, Lai ZP. Running safety of high-speed railway vehicles on the elastoplastic track-subgrade-bridge system under near-fault pulse-type earthquakes. Engineering Structures. 2023;280 [15] Zhou XH, Liu PC, Zhou QS, Xiang P, Zhang H, Tian JF. Study on the tension and compression stress-strain relationship of Phyllostachys Edulis bamboo parallel to the grain. Industrial Crops and Products. 2022;177. [16] Zhou T, Jiang LZ, Xiang P, Lai ZP, Zhang YT, Liu X. Effects of near-fault pulse-type ground motions on high-speed railway simply supported bridge and pulse parameter analysis. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering. 2022. [17] Zhou T, Jiang LZ, Liu X, Xiang P, Lai ZP, Zhang YT. An efficient simplified model for high-speed railway simply supported bridge under earthquakes. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering. 2022. [18] Zhao H, Wei B, Jiang LZ, Xiang P. Seismic running safety assessment for stochastic vibration of train-bridge coupled system. Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering. 2022;22. [19] Yan JW, Wang JK, Chen HY, Xiang P. High Temperature Exposure Assessment of Graphene Oxide Reinforced Cement. Frontiers in Materials. 2022;9. [20] Xia Q, Xiang P, Peng LX, Wang HP, Jiang LZ. Interlayer shearing and bending performances of ballastless track plates based on high-order shear deformation theory (HSDT) for laminated structures. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures. 2022. [21] Xia Q, Xiang P, Jiang LZ, Yan JW, Peng LX. Bending and free vibration and analysis of laminated plates on Winkler foundations based on meshless layerwise theory. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures. 2022;29:6168-87. [22] Wu X, Ding FX, Xiang P, Wang Y, Yu ZW, Liu CL. Multiaxial Damage Ratio Strength Criteria for Fiber-Reinforced Concrete. Journal of Engineering Mechanics. 2022;148. [23] Wang HP, Gao WY, Xiang P, Bao Y. Editorial: Innovative Use of FRP and Nanofiber-Based Materials in Engineering. Frontiers in Materials. 2022;9. [24] Tan JC, Xiang P, Zhao H, Yu J, Ye BL, Yang DL. Stochastic Analysis of Train Running Safety on Bridge with Earthquake-Induced Irregularity under Aftershock. Symmetry-Basel. 2022;14. [25] Liu X, Jiang LZ, Xiang P, Lai ZP, Zhang YT, Liu LL. A stochastic finite element method for dynamic analysis of bridge structures under moving loads. Structural Engineering and Mechanics. 2022;82:31-40. [26] Liu X, Jiang LZ, Xiang P, Feng YL, Lai ZP, Zhou W. Running Safety of High-Speed Railway Train on Bridge During Earthquake Considering Uncertainty Parameters of Bridge. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics. 2022;22. [27] Liu X, Jiang LZ, Xiang P, Feng YL, Lai ZP, Sun XY. Evaluation of optimal ground motion intensity measures of high-speed railway train running safety on bridges during earthquakes. Structural Engineering and Mechanics. 2022;81:219-30. [28] Liu PC, Qin YY, Zhou QS, Xiang P, Zhou XH, Shan Y. Experimental investigation on the physical and mechanical properties of P. edulis bamboo and their correlations. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products. 2022;80:569-84. [29] Guo FQ, Ji YQ, Liao QY, Liu B, Li CJ, Wei SQ, et al. The Limit of the Lateral Fundamental Frequency and Comfort Analysis of a Straddle-Type Monorail Tour Transit System. Applied Sciences-Basel. 2022;12. [30] Fu HW, Zhou XH, Zhou QS, Xiang P, Zhou ZB, Fu Q. An Improved Model for Design Fatigue Load of Highway Bridges Considering Damage Equivalence. Buildings. 2022;12. [31] Ding FX, Wu X, Gao W, Xiang P, Yu ZW. Damage ratio strength criterion for cast iron. Journal of Materials Research and Technology-Jmr&T. 2022;18:5362-9. [32] Deng XH, Wang SX, Chen J, Ding FX, Zhang Q, Xiang P. Experimental investigation on the effect of local debonding of longitudinal reinforcement on seismic performance of precast concrete columns. Journal of Building Engineering. 2022;46. [33] Chen J, Liu Z, Xiang P, Zhang XB, Yang CQ, Ding FX, et al. Mechanical performances of high-strength concrete-filled steel tubular medium-long columns with square cross section. Structural Concrete. 2022;23:2562-75. [34] Chan YWS, Zhou Z, Xiang P. Experimental analysis of BFRP strengthened short steel tube with built-in FBG sensors under axial compression. Thin-Walled Structures. 2022;173. [35] Zhang XY, Xia Q, Ye BL, Yan WR, Deng ZH, Xiang P. Seismic Performances of SRC Special-Shaped Columns and RC Beam Joints Under Double-Direction Low-Cyclic Reversed Loading. Frontiers in Materials. 2021;8. [36] Xiang P, Xia Q, Jiang LZ, Peng LX, Yan JW, Liu X. Free vibration analysis of FG-CNTRC conical shell panels using the kernel particle Ritz element-free method. Composite Structures. 2021;255. [37 Xiang P, Wei ML, Sun MM, Li QS, Jiang LZ, Liu X, et al. Creep Effect on the Dynamic Response of Train-Track-Continuous Bridge System. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics. 2021;21. [38] Xiang P, Huang W, Jiang LZ, Lu DG, Liu X, Zhang Q. Investigations on the influence of prestressed concrete creep on train-track-bridge system. Construction and Building Materials. 2021;293. [39] Wang HP, Song T, Yan JW, Xiang P, Feng SY, Hui D. Improved Analytical Method for Interfacial-Slip Control Design of Steel-Concrete Composite Structures. Symmetry-Basel. 2021;13. [40] Wang HP, Feng SY, Gong XS, Guo YX, Xiang P, Fang Y, et al. Dynamic Performance Detection of CFRP Composite Pipes based on Quasi-Distributed Optical Fiber Sensing Techniques. Frontiers in Materials. 2021;8. [41] Liu X, Jiang LZ, Xiang P, Zhou WB, Lai ZP, Feng YL. Stochastic finite element method based on point estimate and Karhunen-Loeve expansion. Archive of Applied Mechanics. 2021;91:1257-71. [42] Liu X, Jiang LZ, Xiang P, Lai ZP, Feng YL, Cao SS. Dynamic response limit of high-speed railway bridge under earthquake considering running safety performance of train. Journal of Central South University. 2021;28:968-80. [43] Liu PC, Xiang P, Zhou QS, Zhang H, Tian JF, Argaw MD. Prediction of Mechanical Properties of Structural Bamboo and Its Relationship with Growth Parameters. Journal of Renewable Materials. 2021;9:2223-39. [44] Li SS, Xiang P, Wei BA, Zuo CJ, Jiang LZ, He WK. Interface friction effects on scaling a vertical spring-viscous damper isolation system in a shaking table test. Structures. 2021;33:1878-91. [45] Li SS, Xiang P, Wei BA, Zuo CJ, Jiang LZ, He WK. A Numerically Scaled Spring-Friction System and Validation by Shaking Table Test. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics. 2021;21. [46] Li SS, Xiang P, Wei B, Tan H, Fu Y. Mathematical model and results for seismic responses of a nonlinear isolation system. Earthquakes and Structures. 2021;21:301-11. [47] Li CQ, Sheng BY, Lai ZP, Jiang LZ, Xiang P. Two-Step Unconditionally Stable Noniterative Dissipative Displacement Method for Analysis of Nonlinear Structural Dynamics Problems. Shock and Vibration. 2021;2021. [48] Jiang LZ, Zhou T, Liu X, Xiang P, Zhang YT. An Efficient Model for Train-Track-Bridge-Coupled System under Seismic Excitation. Shock and Vibration. 2021;2021. [49] Jiang LZ, Liu C, Peng LX, Yan JW, Xiang P. Dynamic Analysis of Multi-layer Beam Structure of Rail Track System Under a Moving Load Based on Mode Decomposition. Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies. 2021;9:1463-81. [50] Hu YJ, Huang K, Zeng Q, Feng Y, Ke Q, An Q, et al. Single-cell analysis of nonhuman primate preimplantation development in comparison to humans and mice. Developmental Dynamics. 2021;250:974-85. [51] Ding FX, Xiong SN, Zhang HY, Li G, Zhao PZ, Xiang P. Reliability analysis of axial bearing capacity of concrete filled steel tubular stub columns with different cross sections. Structures. 2021;33:4193-202. [52] Ding FX, Wu X, Xiang P, Yu ZW. New Damage Ratio Strength Criterion for Concrete and Lightweight Aggregate Concrete. Aci Structural Journal. 2021;118:165-78. [53] Deng ZH, Xu CC, Zeng J, Wang HP, Wu XP, Xiang P. Seismic performance and shear bearing-capacity of truss SRC beam-column frame joints. Advances in Structural Engineering. 2021;24:1311-25. [54] Chan YWS, Wang HP, Xiang P. Optical Fiber Sensors for Monitoring Railway Infrastructures: A Review towards Smart Concept. Symmetry-Basel. 2021;13. dedecms.com
