

姓名 王怡人 性别 联系方式:邮箱:yiren.wang@csu.edu.cn 课题组首页:http://cmsi.csu.edu.cn
学校 中南大学 部门 学历:博士研究生毕业
学位 在职信息:在职 学历 办公地点:化学楼211
职称 副教授 联系方式 【了解更多】
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个人简介 王怡人,女,1992年出生于湖南长沙。 博士,副教授,硕士研究生导师。 地址:湖南省长沙市岳麓区麓山南路932# 中南大学材料科学与工程学院 邮箱:yiren.wang@csu.edu.cn。 学习和工作经历 2020/10-至今,中南大学材料科学与工程学院,副教授; 2018/5-2020/10,中南大学材料科学与工程学院,讲师; 2014/2~2017/12,澳大利亚新南威尔士大学,材料科学与工程,博士学位。; 2009/9~2013/7 ,中南大学材料科学与工程学院,材料科学与工程,工学学士学位。 科研方向: 基于第一性原理的材料缺陷工程研究,包括纳米功能氧化物与二维功能材料设计及性能调控,材料表面吸附与催化反应,合金界面和析出相研究。 学术论文Journal paper: 1.      X Qiu, Y Wang*, and Y Jiang, Dopants and grain boundary effects in monolayer MoS2: a first-principles study “Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2021, 23, 11937 - 11943 2.      Lutong Shan, Yiren Wang, Shuquan Liang*, Boya Tang, Yongqiang Yang, Ziqing Wang, Bingan Lu*, Jiang Zhou*, “Interfacial Adsorption-Insertion Mechanism Induced by Phase Boundary Towards Better Aqueous Zn-Ion Battery” InfoMat, 2021 3.      Shiyu He, Qi Qian, Zhe Huang, Yuxiang Gong, Jiajing Chen, Yiren Wang*, and Jiang Yong*, “Nucleation of Y–Si–O Nano-clusters in Multi-microalloyed Nano-structured Ferritic Alloys: a First-principles Study”, Acta Metall. Sin. (Engl. Lett.) 34, 955–962 (2021). 4.      X Qiu, Y Wang*, and Y Jiang, “First-principles study of vacancy defects at interfaces between monolayer MoS 2 and Au”, RSC Advances 10 (48), 2020, 28725-28730 5.      Qin Wu, Chen Miao, Wang Yiren*, and Jiang Yong*, “Structures and adhesion of hcp thin film coating interfaces on a single-crystal bcc substrate by PVD: Ti/Mo and Zr/Mo.” Computational Materials Science 174, 109504, 2020 6.      Han Mingming, Huang Jiwu, Liang Shuquan*, Shan Lutong, Xie Xuesong, Yi Zhenyu, Wang Yiren*, Guo Shan, Zhou Jiang*, “Oxygen Defects in β-MnO2 Enabling High-Performance Rechargeable Aqueous Zinc/Manganese Dioxide Battery.” iScience 2020;23:100797. 7.      Fu, L, Wang, Y, Riekehr, L, Räthel, J, Engqvist, H, Xia, W. “Observation of yttrium oxide segregation in a ZrO2‐SiO2 glass‐ceramic at nanometer dimensions.” J Am Ceram Soc. 2020; 00: 1– 12. 8.      Qian Qi, Wang Yiren*, Jiang Yong*, He Cen, and Hu Tao. “Nucleation of Y-X-O (X=Al, Ti, or Zr) NCs in nano-structured ferritic alloys: A first principles comparative study. “Journal of Nuclear Materials,518(2019), 140-148 9.      Liu Yang, Wang Gang, Wang Yiren*, Jiang Yong, and Yi Danqing “Enhanced Cu/graphene adhesion by doping with Cr and Ti: A first principles prediction.” Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China,29(2019) 1721-1727 10.  Miao Chen, Wu Qin, Yixuan Hu, Yiren Wang, Yong Jiang*, Xiaosong Zhou, Shuming Peng*, Yibei Fu, “Prediction on Phase Stabilities of the Zr–H System from the First-Principles” Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters), 2020, 1-9 11.  Zhengqing Liu, Qi Qian, Yong Jiang*, Yiren Wang, Yuman Zhu, Jian-Feng Nie*, “Incoherent tilt grain boundaries stabilized by stacking faults and solute-cluster segregation: a case-study of an Mg-Gd alloy”, Materials Research Letters 8 (7), 2020, 268-274 12.  Chen Miao, Qin Wu, Wang Yiren, and Jiang Yong* “Structure and adhesion of Zr/Mo thin-film interface by PVD: A first-principles prediction.”  Surface and Coatings Technology 378, 125082, 2019 13.  Chaomin Zhang, Dengfeng Yin*, Yong Jiang*, Yiren Wang “Precipitation of L12-phase nano-particles in dilute Al-Er-Zr alloys from the first-principles”, Computational Materials Science, 162, 171-177 14.  Fuhua Cao, Jingxu Zheng, Yong Jiang*, Bin Chen*, Yiren Wang, Tao Hu “Experimental and DFT characterization of eta' nano-phase and its interfaces in Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys.”Acta Materialia, 164 (2019) 207-219 15.  X Luo, LT Tseng, Y Wang, N Bao, Z Lu, X Ding, R Zheng, Y Du, K Huang, “Intrinsic or Interface Clustering-Induced Ferromagnetism in Fe-Doped In2O3-Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors”, ACS applied materials & interfaces 10 (26), 2018, 22372-22380 16.  Wang Yiren, Sean Li, and Jiabao Yi. "Transition metal doped tin monoxide monolayer: a first-principles study." Journal of Materials Chemistry C 8.122 (2018): 4651-4661. 17.  Wang Yiren, Li-Ting Tseng, Peter P. Murmu, Nina Bao, John Kennedy, Mihail Ionescu, Jun Ding, Kiyonori Suzuki, Sean Li, and Jiabao Yi. “Defect engineering induced room temperature ferromagnetism in transition metal doped MoS2.” Materials & Design 121(2017), 77-84. 18.  Wang Yiren, Sean Li, and Jiabao Yi. "Electronic and magnetic properties of Co doped MoS2." Scientific Reports 6 (2016), 24153. 19.  Wang Yiren, Anh Pham, Sean Li, and Jiabao Yi. “Electronic and magnetic properties of transition-metal doped monolayer black phosphorus by defect engineering.” The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120.18 (2016), 9773-9779 20.  Wang Yiren, Y.H. Lu, Sean Li, and Jiabao Yi. “Intrinsic ferromagnetism in Sm doped ZnO."Materials Research Bulletin (2016) 83, 408-413 21.  Wang Yiren, Xi Luo, Li-Ting Tseng, Zhimin Ao, Tong Li, Guozhong Xing, Nina Bao et al."Ferromagnetism and Crossover of Positive Magnetoresistance to Negative Magnetoresistance in Na-Doped ZnO." Chemistry of Materials 27, no. 4 (2015): 1285-1291 22.  Wang Yiren, Jingyuan Piao, Guozhong Xing, Y.H. Lu, Zhimin Ao, Nina Bao, Jun Ding, Sean Li and Jiaba Yi. " Zn vacancy induced ferromagnetism in K doped ZnO. " Journal of Materials Chemistry C 3.45 (2015): 11953-11958. 23.  Sohail Ahmed, Xiang Ding, Nina Bao, Pengju Bian, Rongkun Zheng, Yiren Wang, Peter Paul Murmu, John Vedamuthu Kennedy, Rong Liu, Haiming Fan, Kiyonori Suzuki, Jun Ding, and Jiabao Yi "Inducing high coercivity in mos2 nanosheets by transition element doping. " Chemistry of Materials. 29 (21)(2018)9066–9074 24.  L.T. Tseng, A. Suter, Y.R. Wang, F.X. Xiang, P. Bian, A. Tseng, H.L. Hu, H.M. Fan, R. K. Zheng, X.L. Wang, Z. Salman, T. Prokscha, K. Suzuki, R. Liu, S. Li, E. Morenzoni, and J. B. Yi. “Intrinsic and spatially non-uniform ferromagnetism in Co doped ZnO films.” Physical Review B 96.10 (2017) 25.  H. Saadaoui, X. Luo, Z. Salman, X. Y. Cui, N. N. Bao, P. Bao, R. K. Zheng, L. T. Tseng, Y. H.Du, T. Prokscha, A. Suter, T. Liu, Y. R. Wang, S. Li, J. Ding, S. P. Ringer, E. Morenzoni, and J. B. Yi. “Intrinsic ferromagnetism in diluted magnetic semiconductor Co:TiO2” Physical Review Letters 117.22 (2016), 227202 26.  Tseng, Li-Ting, Yunhao Lu, Hai Ming Fan, Yiren Wang, Xi Luo, Tao Liu, Paul Munroe, Sean Li, and Jiabao Yi. "Magnetic properties in α-MnO2 doped with alkaline elements." Scientific Reports 5 (2015), 09094 27.  Lan, Guoqiang, Wang Yiren, Jiang Yong, Zhou Hongming, and Yi Danqing. "Effects of rareearth dopants on the thermally grown Al2O3/Ni (Al) interface: the first-principles prediction."Journal of Materials Science 49, no. 6 (2014), 2640-2646. 28.  Jiang Yong, Lan Guoqiang, Wang Yiren, and Zhou Songsong. “Interfacial thermodynamics and impurity effects on internally oxidized Cu/Al2O3 interface.” The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals, 2013;23(11), 3154-64. 学术专著章节Book chapter: 1. Wang Yiren, and Jiabao Yi “Ferromagnetism in two-dimensional materials via doping and defect engineering” in Spintronic 2D Materials, (Elsevier, 2020), p. 95. 2. Wang Yiren, and Yi Jiabao. “First principles calculations in exploring the magnetism of oxides based DMS”-“Functional Materials and Electronics” Apple Academic Press (2018): 289. 谷歌学术主页Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=B-2i_44AAAAJ&hl=en

