姓名 | 田孟杰 | 性别 | 办公地点:中南大学和平楼 |
学校 | 中南大学 | 部门 | 资源加工与生物工程学院 |
学位 | 联系方式:190708480@qq.com | 学历 | 职务:无 |
职称 | 特聘副教授 | 联系方式 | 【了解更多】 |
邮箱 | 【了解更多】 | 人气 | |
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个人简介 田孟杰 (Ph. D) 个人信息 电子邮箱:mengjietian@csu.edu.cn 出生年月:1992.10 工作单位:中南大学资源加工与生物工程学院 职称:特聘副教授 教育经历 中南大学资源加工与生物工程学院,博士研究生(直博生),导师胡岳华教授,矿业工程专业,2015.09-2019.12 中南大学资源加工与生物工程学院,本科生,矿物加工工程专业,2011.09-2015.06 研究经历 中南大学资源加工与生物工程学院副教授,2020.05至今(胡岳华-孙伟教授科研团队一员),研究工作内容包括: ∙ 锡石、氟碳铈矿等氧化矿以及方铅矿、闪锌矿等硫化矿浮选捕收剂设计与合成 ∙ 氧化矿和硫化矿浮选工艺设计与优化 中南大学资源加工与生物工程学院博士研究生,2015.09-2019.12(导师胡岳华教授),研究工作内容包括: ∙ 金属离子有机配合物捕收剂的应用及其作用机理 获奖情况 2020年度中国有色金属学会优秀博士学位论文奖 2019年度中南大学校长拔尖博士生奖学金 2019年度中南大学优秀研究生 2018年度国家博士生奖学金 发表论文 第一作者(10篇) 1) W. Hu#, M. Tian#, J. Cao, L. Xie, L Gong, W. Sun, Z. Gao, H. Zeng. Probing the Interaction Mechanism between Benzohydroxamic Acid and Mineral Surface in the Presence of Pb2+ Ions by AFM Force Measurements and First-Principles Calculations. Langmuir (IF=3.557), 2020, 36, 8199-8208. (#W. H. and M. T. contributed equally to this work) 2) M. Tian, Z. Gao, S.A. Khoso, W. Sun, Y. Hu. Understanding the Activation Mechanism of Pb2+ Ion in Benzohydroxamic Acid Flotation of Spodumene: Experimental Findings and DFT Simulations. Minerals Engineering (IF= 3.795), 2019, 143, 106006. 3) M. Tian, S.A. Khoso, L. Wang, W. Sun, C. Zhang, Y. Hu. Selective Separation Behavior and its Molecular Mechanism of Cassiterite from Quartz using Cupferron as a Novel Flotation Collector with a Lower Dosage of Pb2+ Ions. Applied Surface Science (IF=6.182), 2019, 486, 228-238. 4) M. Tian, Z. Gao, W. Sun, H. Han, L. Sun, Y. Hu. Activation Role of Lead Ions in Benzohydroxamic Acid Flotation of Oxide Minerals: New Perspective and New Practice. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (IF= 7.489), 2018, 529, 150-160. 5) M. Tian, C. Zhang, H. Han, R. Liu, Z. Gao, P. Chen, L. Wang, Y. Li, B. Ji, Y. Hu, W. Sun. Effects of the Preassembly of Benzohydroxamic Acid with Fe (III) Ions on its Adsorption on Cassiterite Surface. Minerals Engineering (IF= 3.795), 2018, 127, 32-41. 6) M. Tian, Z. Gao, B. Ji, R. Fan, R. Liu, P. Chen, W. Sun, Y. Hu. Selective Flotation of Cassiterite from Calcite with Salicylhydroxamic Acid Collector and Carboxymethyl Cellulose Depressant. Minerals (IF=2.38), 2018, 8, 316. 7) M. Tian, C. Zhang, H. Han, R. Liu, Z. Gao, P. Chen, J. He, Y. Hu, W. Sun, D. Yuan. Novel Insights into Adsorption Mechanism of Benzohydroxamic Acid on Lead (II)-Activated Cassiterite Surface: An Integrated Experimental and Computational Study. Minerals Engineering (IF= 3.795), 2018, 122, 327-338. 8) M. Tian, R. Liu, Z. Gao, P. Chen, H. Han, L. Wang, C. Zhang, W. Sun, Y. Hu. Activation Mechanism of Fe (III) Ions in Cassiterite Flotation with Benzohydroxamic Acid Collector. Minerals Engineering (IF= 3.795), 2018, 119, 31-37. 9) M. Tian, Z. Gao, H. Han, W. Sun, Y. Hu. Improved Flotation Separation of Cassiterite from Calcite Using a Mixture of Lead (II) Ion/Benzohydroxamic Acid as Collector and Carboxymethyl Cellulose as Depressant. Minerals Engineering (IF= 3.795), 2017, 113, 68-70. 10) M. Tian, Y. Hu, W. Sun, R. Liu. Study on the Mechanism and Application of a Novel Collector-Complexes in Cassiterite Flotation. Colloids and Surface a: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects (IF= 3.99), 2017, 522, 635-641. 通讯作者*(10篇) 1) L. Zhang, J. Gao, S.A. Khoso, L. Wang, Y. Liu, P. Ge, M. Tian*, W. Sun. A Reagent Scheme for Galena/Sphalerite Flotation Separation: Insights from First-principles Calculations. Minerals Engineering (IF= 3.795), 2021, 167, 106885. 2) L. Zhang, J. Gao, S.A. Khoso, Y. Liu, M. Tian*. Interaction Mechanism of the Adopted Reagents in the Flotation Recovery of Sphalerite and Pyrite from a Galena Flotation Tailing: First-principles calculations. Colloids and Surface a: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects (IF= 3.99), 2021, 617, 126378. 3) L. Zhang, S.A. Khoso, M. Tian*, W. Sun*. Indium Pre-Enrichment from a Canadian Sulphide Ore via Flotation Technique. Minerals Engineering (IF= 3.795), 2020, 156, 106481. 4) L. Zhang, S.A. Khoso, M. Tian*, W. Sun. Cassiterite Recovery from a Sulfide Ore Flotation Tailing by Combined Gravity and Flotation Separations. Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing (IF=1.256), 2020, 57, 206-215. 5) Y. Wang, S.A. Khoso, X. Luo, M. Tian*. Understanding the Depression Mechanism of Citric Acid in Sodium Oleate Flotation of Ca2+-Activated Quartz: Experimental and DFT Study. Minerals Engineering (IF= 3.795), 2019, 140, 105878. 6) Z.H. Guo, M.J. Tian*, G.M. Qian, Y. Zhou, Z.Y. Gao, Wei Sun. Flotation Separation of Bastnaesite and Fluorite using Styrylphosphonic Acid and Cinnamohydroxamic Acid as Collectors. Journal of Molecular Liquids (IF=6.633), 2022, 362. 7) Z. Cao, X. Wu, S.A. Khoso, W.B. Zhang, Y.L. Liu, M.J. Tian*, J.L. Wang*. Effect Mechanism of Nonane-1,1-Bisphosphonic Acid as an Alternative Collector in Monazite Flotation: Experimental and Calculational Studies. Journal of Rare Earths (IF=4.632), 2022, 40(5), 822-830. 8) Z.H. Guo, S.A. Khoso, J.G. Wang, C.Y. Zhang, Z.Y. Gao, W. Sun, M.J. Tian*, Y.L. Liu*. Interaction Mechanism of 2-Hydroxy-3-Naphthyl Hydroxamic Acid and 1-Hydroxy-2-Naphthyl Hydroxamic Acid in the Flotation Separation of Bastnaesite/Fluorite: Experiments and First-Principles Calculations. Separation and Purification Technology (IF=9.136), 2022, 285. 9) L. Wang, R. Xu, R.H. Liu, P. Ge, W. Sun, M.J. Tian*. Self-Assembly of NaOL-DDA Mixtures in Aqueous Solution: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study. Molecules (IF=4.927), 2022, 26(23). 10). S.Y. Nie#, Z.H. Guo#, M.J. Tian*, W. Sun. Selective Flotation Separation of Cassiterite and Calcite Through Using Cinnamohydroxamic Acid as the Collector and Pb2+ as the Collector. Colloids and Surface a: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects (IF= 3.99), 2023, 666, 131262. (#S.Y. Nie and #M.J. Tian contributed equally to this work) 其它 1) S.A. Khoso, Y. Hu, M. Tian, Z. Gao, W. Sun. Evaluation of Green Synthetic Depressants for Sulfide Flotation: Synthesis, Characterization and Floatation Performance to Pyrite and Chalcopyrite. Separation and Purification Technology (IF=5.774), 2021, 259, 118138. 2) J. He, Q. Zhou, S. Chen, M. Tian, C. Zhang, W. Sun. Interfacial Microstructures and Adsorption Mechanisms of Benzohydroxamic Acid on Pb2+-Activated Cassiterite (110) surface. Applied Surface Science (IF=6.182), 2021, 541, 148506. 3) L. Zhang, W. Zhao, F. Jiang, M. Tian, Y. Yang, P. Ge, W. Sun, X. Ji. Carbon Nanosheets from Biomass Waste: Insights into the Role of a Controlled Pore Structure for Energy Storage. Sustainable Energy & Fuels (IF=5.503), 2020, 4, 3552-3565. 4) X. Luo, Q. Lin, Y. Wang, M. Tian, H. Lai, S. Bai, Y. Zhou. New Insights into the Activation Mechanism of Calcium Species to Quartz: ToF-SIMS and AFM investigation. Minerals Engineering (IF= 3.795), 2020, 153, 106398. 5) S.A. Khoso, Z. Gao, M. Tian, Y. Hu, W. Sun. The Synergistic Depression Phenomenon of an Organic and Inorganic Reagent on FeS2 in Cu-S Flotation Scheme. Journal of Molecular Liquids (IF=5.065), 2020, 299, 112198. 6) P. Chen, X. Chai, M. Tian, W. Chen, S. Wan, Q. Meng, J. Zhai, Y. Gao. The Performance and Adsorption Mechanism of a Novel Collector, Dodecyl Dimethyl Betaine (BS-12), for the Flotation Separation of Ilmenite and Titanaugite. Minerals (IF=2.38), 2020, 10, 116. 7) S.A. Khoso, Z. Gao, M. Tian, Y. Hu, W. Sun. Adsorption and Depression Mechanism of an Environmentally Friendly Reagent in Differential Flotation of Cu-Fe Sulphides. Journal of Materials Research and Technology-Jmr&T (IF=5.289), 2019, 8, 5422-5431. 8) L. Wang, M. Tian, S.A. Khoso, Y. Hu, W. Sun, Z. Gao. Improved Flotation Separation of Apatite from Calcite with Benzohydroxamic Acid Collector. Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review (IF= 2.785), 2019, 40, 427-436. 9) C. Zhang, Z. Xu, Y. Hu, J. He, M. Tian, J. Zhou, Q. Zhou, S. Chen, D. Chen, P. Chen, W. Sun. Novel Insights into the Hydroxylation Behaviors of alpha-Quartz (101) Surface and its Effects on the Adsorption of Sodium Oleate. Minerals (IF=2.38), 2019, 9, 450. 10) S.A. Khoso, Y. Hu, R. Liu, M. Tian, W. Sun, Y. Gao, H. Han, Z. Gao. Selective Depression of Pyrite with a Novel Functionally Modified Biopolymer in a Cu-Fe Flotation System. Minerals Engineering (IF= 3.795), 2019, 135, 55-63. 11) X. Meng, S.A. Khoso, J. Wu, M. Tian, J. Kang, H. Liu, Q. Zhang, W. Sun, Y. Hu. Efficient COD Reduction from Sulfide Minerals Processing Wastewater using Fenton Process. Minerals Engineering (IF= 3.795), 2019, 132, 110-112. 12) R. Liu, H. Lu, L. Wang, M. Tian, W. Sun. Utilization of Ammonium Chloride as a Novel Selective Depressant in Reverse Flotation of Potassium Chloride. Minerals (IF=2.38), 2019, 9, 41. 13) J. He, H. Han, C. Zhang, Y. Hu, D. Yuan, M. Tian, D. Chen, W. Sun. New Insights into the Configurations of Lead(II)-Benzohydroxamic Acid Coordination Compounds in Aqueous Solution: A Combined Experimental and Computational Study. Minerals (IF=2.38), 2018, 8, 368. 14) H. Han, Y. Hu, W. Sun, X. Li, K. Chen, Y. Zhu, A.V. Nguyen, M. Tian, L. Wang, T. Yue, R. Liu, Z. Gao, P. Chen, C. Zhang, J. Wang, Z. Wei, R. Wang. Novel Catalysis Mechanisms of Benzohydroxamic Acid Adsorption by Lead Ions and Changes in the Surface of Scheelite Particles. Minerals Engineering (IF= 3.795), 2018, 119, 11-22. 15) L. Sun, Y. Hu, W. Sun, Z. Gao, M. Tian. Selective Recovery of Mushistonite from Gravity Tailings of Copper-Tin Minerals in Tajikistan. Minerals (IF=2.38), 2017, 7, 242. 16) T. Yue, H. Han, Y. Hu, W. Sun, X. Li, R. Liu, Z. Gao, L. Wang, P. Chen, C. Zhang, M. Tian. New Insights into the Role of Pb-BHA Complexes in the Flotation of Tungsten Minerals. Jom (IF=2.054), 2017, 69, 2345-2351. 17) Z. Yin, W. Sun, Y. Hu, C. Zhang, Q. Guan, R. Liu, P. Chen, M. Tian. Utilization of Acetic Acid-(Hydrazinylthioxomethyl)Thiol-Sodium as a Novel Selective Depressant for Chalcopyrite in the Flotation Separation of Molybdenite. Separation and Purification Technology (IF= 5.774), 2017, 179, 248-256. 授权专利 1) Z. Gao, M. Tian, J. Cao, H. Han, W. Sun, Y. Hu. Model AFM Probe for Oxidized Mineral Collector, Preparation Method and Application Thereof, 2020-3-31, Australia, 2020100499. 2) 高志勇; 田孟杰; 曹建; 韩海生; 孙伟; 胡岳华; 一种氧化矿物捕收剂AFM测定探针及其制备和应用方法,2019-10-23,中国,ZL201911013686.7. 3) 高志勇; 田孟杰; 孙伟; 胡岳华; 一种金红石用选矿组合试剂及其选矿方法, 2017-8-23,中国,ZL201710730887.3. 4) 高志勇; 田孟杰; 高跃升; 耿志强; 孙伟; 胡岳华; 一种锡石浮选捕收剂及其应用,2018-11-20,中国,ZL201710297019.0. 5) 孙伟; 田孟杰; 胡岳华; 王丽; 陈宇枫; 一种黄铜矿与黄铁矿的浮选分离方法, 2018-1-16,中国,ZL201510894024.0.