姓名 | 彭佑铭 | 性别 | 男 |
学校 | 中南大学 | 部门 | 湘雅二医院 |
学位 | 主要任职:教授,博士生导师,硕士生导师 | 学历 | 博士研究生毕业 |
职称 | 教授 | 联系方式 | 【了解更多】 |
邮箱 | 【了解更多】 | 人气 | |
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个人简介 Youming Peng, Professor of Internal Medicine, Doctoral Supervior, Chief Physician, Second Xiangya Hospital, Central South University. Professor Peng worked in Nephrology department of Second Xiangya Hospital in 1982 when graduated from Hunan Medical University and then earned his Master degree and Doctor’s degree in major of nephrology from Central South University.Professor Peng served as vice-director in Hemodialysis Center in 1992, and served as director in Hemodialysis Center and vice-director in nephrology department in 1993. In 2000, Professor Peng studied in Nephrology department in Vanderbilt University in Unite States for one year and in 2001 served as director in nephrology department in Second Xiangya Hospital.From 2007 to 2015 Professor Peng served as the director in medicine systems and in 2002 he involved in establishing the Kidney disease research institute(Second Xiangya Hospital) and served as the vice-director. Professor Peng is engaged in the clinical and research work in the field of kidney disease and serves as a member of the American society of nephrology and the international society of nephrology, the guest reviewers of 《KDOQI 2005》, evaluation experts of the National natural science foundation of youth and surface project, blood purification society member of the six provinces of central south, Kidney disease group member of the six provinces of central south, the eighth kidney disease branch of Chinese medical association member, Blood purification branch of China hospital management institute member, member of Renal physician branch of China physicians association, director of Hunan province medical association board, director of Hunan province physicians association board. Professor Peng also served as the editorial board for many magazines focused on kidney diseases and reviewers for many professional magazines abroad. Professor Peng has published more than 300 academic papers, editor in chief of 9 academic works, participated in 15 teaching materials, achieved 8 invention patents. He had 4 national issues,12 provincial subjects, 25 prizes for the hospital or medical new technology, 7 awards of Provincial science and technology achievement and the second award of the national scientific and technological progress. 教育经历 [1] 2000.8-2001.9 美国Vanderbilt大学肾脏科 访问学者 [2] 1993.9-1996.8 湖南医学大学湘雅二医院 | 内科学 | 博士学位 | 博士研究生毕业 [3] 1982.12-1987.6 湖南医学院湘雅二医院 | 内科学 | 硕士学位 | 硕士研究生毕业 [4] 1977.3-1982.12 湖南医学院 | 临床医学 | 学士学位 | 本科毕业 工作经历 [1] 1993.9-至今 中南大学湘雅二医院 | 肾内科 | 教授 一级主任医师 [2] 2007.9-2015.9 中南大学湘雅二医院 | 湖南省肾脏疾病及血液净化重点实验室 | 副主任 大内科主任 教授 [3] 2001.9-2015.9 中南大学湘雅二医院 | 肾脏病研究所 | 副所长 教授 [4] 2001.9-2007.9 中南大学湘雅二医院 | 肾内科 | 主任 教授 [5] 1993.9-2001.9 湖南医科大学湘雅二医院 | 血液净化中心;肾内科 | 主任;副主任;教授 [6] 1987.7-1993.9 湖南医科大学湘雅二医院 | 血液净化中心 | 副主任 副教授 [7] 1982.12-1987.6 湖南医学院湘雅二医院 | 肾内科 | 主治医师 社会兼职 [1] 2003.11-2007.11 湖南省医学会肾脏病学专业委员会第六届副主任委员 [2] 2011.10-2016.10 湖南省医学会第十三届暨湖南省医师协会第二届理事会理事 [3] 中华医学会肾脏病分会第8届委员会委员(2009年) [4] 全省卫生系列高级专业技术职务任职资格评审委员会学科组评委(2008) [5] 《KDOQI 2005》特约审稿人 [6] 中国中西医结合肾病学会委员(2005) [7] 《中华肾脏病杂志》特约审稿人(2004) [8] 湖南省肾病学会副主任委员(2004) [9] 湖南省血液透析质量控制中心主任(2004) [10] 美国肾脏病学会会员和国际肾脏病学会会员(2000) [11] 《中国血液净化》杂志常务编委(2003) [12] 湖南省血液净化学会主任委员(2004) [13] 《中南大学学报(医学版)》编委(2004年) 研究方向 [1] IgA Nephropathy [2] Chronic Kidney Disease [3] Hemodialysis dedecms.com