姓名 | 郭光华 | 性别 | 联系方式:E-mail: guogh@mail.csu.edu.cn Tel: 0731-88830517 |
学校 | 中南大学 | 部门 | 学历:研究生(博士)毕业 |
学位 | 在职信息:在职 | 学历 | 办公地点:中南大学新校区物理楼438 |
职称 | 教授 | 联系方式 | 【了解更多】 |
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个人简介 男,教授,博士生导师。 1988年毕业于吉林大学物理系,获理学学士和硕士学位;1999年毕业于莫斯科大学物理系,获数理博士学位。1999年至今在中南大学物理与电子学院从事科研与教学工作。2000年评为教授,2004年评为博士生导师,2013年晋升为二级教授。担任中国固体物理研究会常务理事、湖南省物理学会常务理事,国家科技奖励评审专家,国家自然科学基金、高校博士点科研基金和多个省、市自然科学基金评审专家,“固体物理”国家精品课程和国家精品资源共享课程负责人,Phys. Rev. Lett.,Appl. Phys. Lett., Phys. Rev. B 等国内外科学期刊的审稿人。主要从事磁学和自旋电子学研究,主持多项国家级和省部级科研项目,发表学术论文100多篇。 主要研究领域: 1. 磁学和磁性材料:(1)纳米磁体的磁动力学性质和超快反磁化过程,畴壁、斯克明子等拓扑磁结构的动力学性质;(2)自旋波的激发、传播以及多场调控,磁子晶体和磁子自旋器件;(3)磁性纳米材料的制备和应用。 2. 自旋电子学与自旋器件:(1)自旋流的产生、输运和探测以及自旋流的多场量子调控;(2)电荷-自旋间的相互转换以及所涉及的物理现象,如自旋霍尔效应、自旋塞贝克效应、自旋泵浦效应等;(3)自旋输运相关的物理现象(如巨磁电阻效 应、自旋转移力矩等),自旋转移力矩驱动的畴壁、斯克明子等拓扑磁结构的运动,自旋转移力矩驱动的磁反转;(4)基于自旋力矩操作的自旋电子器件,如自旋转移力矩振荡器、畴壁、斯克明子等磁拓扑结构的存储器件和逻辑器件等。 3. 二维体系的电子结构、自旋结构和自旋输运:(1)单层或多层范德瓦尔斯层状材料的电子结构、自旋结构和磁性以及多场量子调控;(2)多种异质结体系(如2D/重金属、2D/铁磁体、拓扑绝缘体/铁磁体等)中自旋-轨道耦合的调控、电荷-自旋转换及相应的新物理现象;(3)二维材料中自旋的注入、自旋的输运和多场量子调控。 主持的科研项目: 1. 反铁磁磁子自旋流和极化相关的磁子输运,国家自然科学基金(12274469),2023.1-2026.12 2. 二维范德瓦尔斯层状材料/铁磁体异质结电荷-自旋转换和电场调控研究,国家自然科学基金(12074437),2021.1-2024.12 3. 可重构的磁构型磁子晶体及其动态调控,国家自然科学基金(11674400),2017.1-2020.12 4. 磁子自旋流驱动的畴壁动力学研究。国家自然科学基金(11374373),2014.1-2017.12 5. 自旋纳电子材料的微磁结构和反磁化机制的研究。国家自然科学基金(60571043),2006-2008 6. 全磁子畴壁自旋器件的关键问题研究。湖南省自然科学基金重点项目(13JJ2004),2013-2015 7. 纳米线畴壁动力学研究。教育部,博士点基金-博导类(20120162110020),2013-2015 学术成果 2022年 1. Xi-guang Wang, Lu-lu Zeng, Yao-zhuang Nie, Ziyan Luo, Qing-lin Xia, and Guang-hua Guo*. Manipulation of the polarized magnon transmission in trilayer magnonic spin-valve. Phys. Rev. B 105, 094416 (2022) 2. Man Zhao, Xi-guang Wang, Ziyan Luo, Qing-lin Xia, Yao-zhuang Nie, Rui Xiong, and Guang-hua Guo*. Reconfigurable Spin-wave Coupler Based on Domain Wall Channels. Phys. Rev. Appl. 17, 064013 (2022) 3. X.-G. Wang, Guang-hua Guo, A. Dyrdal, J. Barnas, V. K. Dugaev, S. S. P. Parkin, A. Ernst, and Chotorlishvilv. Skyrmion echo in a system of interacting skyrmions. Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 126101 (2022) 4. X.-G. Wang, L. Chotorlishvili, G. Tatara, A. Dyrdał, Guang-hua Guo, V. K. Dugaev, J. Barnas, S.S.P. Parkin, and A. Ernst. Skyrmion lattice hosted in synthetic antiferromagnets and helix modes. Phys. Rev. B 106, 104424 (2022) 5. Xi-guang Wang, Dominik Schulz, Guang-hua Guo, and Jamal Berakdar. Magnon Dynamics in Parity-Time-Symmetric Dipolarly Coupled Waveguides and Magnonic Crystals. Phys. Rev. Appl. 18, 024080 (2022) 6. L. Chotorlishvili, Xi-guang Wang, A. Dyrdał, Guang-hua Guo, V. K. Dugaev, J. Barna´s , and J. Berakdar. Rectification of the spin Seebeck current in noncollinear antiferromagnets. Phys. Rev. B 106, 014417 (2022) 7. Ju-Jian Liao, Yao-Zhuang Nie, Xi-guang Wang, Qing-lin Xia, Rui Xiong, Guang-hua Guo*. Prediction of antiferromagnetic metal-rich chalcogenide monolayers M2X (M = Ti, Zr, Hf and X = S, Se, Te) with high Néel temperature. Appl. Surf. Sci. 586, 152821 (2022) 2021年 1. G. Liu, Xi-guang Wang, Z. Z. Luan, L. F. Zhou, S. Y. Xia, B. Yang, Y. Z. Tian, Guang-hua Guo*, J. Du, and D. Wu. Magnonic Unidirectional Spin Hall Magnetoresistance in Pt/YIG. Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 207206 (2021) 2. Xi-guang Wang, Yao-Zhuang Nie, L. Chotorlishvili, Qing-lin Xia, J. Berakdar, and Guang-hua Guo*. Electron-magnon spin conversion and magnonic spin pumping in antiferromagnet/heavy metal heterostructure. Phys. Rev. B 103, 064404 (2021). 3. Jun-jie Guo, Zi-yan Luo, Ju-jian Liao, Yao-zhuang Nie, Qing-lin Xia, Rui Xiong, Guang-hua Guo*. Anisotropic magnetoresistance and planar Hall effect in type-II Dirac semimetal PtTe2. J. Appl. Phys. 130 (23), 233901 (2021) 4. Xi-guang Wang, Guang-hua Guo, Jamal Berakdar. Enhanced sensitivity at magnetic high-order exceptional points and topological energy transfer in magnonic planar waveguides. Phys. Rev. Appl. 15, 034050 (2021). 5. Zhen-wei Zhou, Xi-guang Wang, Yao-zhuang Nie, Qing-lin Xia, Guang-hua Guo*. Spin wave frequency comb generated through nonlinear interaction between propagating spin wave and oscillating domain wall. J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 534, 168046 (2021). 6. Jian-min Zhang, Yao-zhuang Nie, Xi-guang Wang, Qing-lin Xia, and Guang-hua Guo*. Strain modulation of magnetic properties of monolayer and bilayer FePS3 antiferromagnet. J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 525, 167687 (2021). 7. Jun-jie Guo, Qing-lin Xia, Xi-guang Wang, Yao-zhuang Nie, Rui Xiong, Guang-hua Guo*. Temperature and thickness dependent magnetization reversal in 2D layered ferromagnetic material Fe3GeTe2. J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 527, 167719 (2021). 8. Wei Chen, Jian-min Zhang, Xi-guang Wang, Qing-lin Xia, Yao-zhuang Nie, and Guang-hua Guo*. Ferromagnetism in PtTe2 monolayer introduced by doping 3d transition metal atoms and group VA and VIIB atoms. J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 518, 167433 (2021). 2020年 1. Yaozhuang Nie, Jianmin Zhang, Wei Chen, Qinglin Xia, Xiguang Wang, and Guang-hua Guo*. First-principles design of a Dirac semimetal: A NP monolayer. Phys. Rev. B 101, (235443) 2020. 2. Xi-Guang Wang, Guang-hua Guo, Jamal Berakdar. Electric steering of spin excitation in nanostructured synthetic antiferromagnet. Appl. Phys. Lett. 117, 242406 (2020). 3. Xi-guang Wang, Guang-hua Guo, Jamal Berakdar. Steering magnonic dynamics and dynamic permeability at exceptional points in a parity-time symmetric waveguide. Nat. Commun. 11:5663 (2020). 4. Zhen-wei Zhou, Xi-guang Wang, Yao-zhuang Nie, Qing-lin Xia, Guang-hua Guo*. Strong high-frequency spin waves released periodically from a confined region. Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys. 91, 30601 (2020). 5. Xi-guang Wang, Yao-Zhuang Nie, Qing-lin Xia, and Guang-hua Guo*. Dynamically reconfigurable magnonic crystal composed of artificial magnetic Skyrmion lattice. J. Appl. Phys. 128, 063901 (2020). 6. Wei Chen, Jian-min Zhang, Qing-lin Xia, Yao-zhuang Nie, and Guang-hua Guo*. Na-Based Monolayer Photocatalysts with Extremely High Intrinsic Electric-Field for Water Splitting. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 22, 16007 (2020). 7. Wei Chen, Jian-min Zhang, Yao-zhuang Nie, Qing-lin Xia, and Guang-hua Guo*. Tuning magnetic properties of single-layer MnTe2 via strain engineering. J. Phys. Chem. Solids 143, 109489 (2020). 8. Wei Chen, Jian-min Zhang, Yao-zhuang Nie, Qing-lin Xia, and Guang-hua Guo*. Electronic structure and magnetism of MTe2 (M = Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co and Ni) monolayers. J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 508, 166878 (2020). 9. Yan Shao, Wenxing Lv, Junjie Guo, Baotao Qi, Weiming Lv, Shangkun Li, Guanghua Guo, Zhongming Zeng. The current modulation of anomalous Hall effect in van der Waals Fe3GeTe2/WTe2 heterostructures. Appl. Phys. Lett. 116, 092401 (2020). 10. Aihemaitijiang Sidike, Guanghua Guo, Xiaobo Li, Dongde Li, Yaozhuang Nie, Biaobing Cao, Haiming Duan, and Mengqiu Long. Spin Dependent Electronic Transport Properties of Zigzag Black Phosphorene Nanojunctions Induced by H, Li, O, Co Asymmetric Edge saturations. Phys. Lett. A 384, 126123 (2020). 11. Jing-jing Wang, Wei Tang, Hai-peng Xie, Ke Wang, Guang-hua Guo*. Exchange Bias and Coercivity in the Vicinity of Magnetic Compensation Point in GdFeCo Amorphous Film. Acta Physica Polonica A 137, 368-373 (2020). 2019年 1. Zhen-wei Zhou, Xi-guang Wang, Yao-zhuang Nie, Qing-lin Xia, Zhong-ming Zeng, Guang-hua Guo*. Left-handed polarized spin waves in ferromagnets induced by spin-transfer torque. Phys. Rev. B. 99, 014420 (2019) 2. Jian-ming Zhang, Yao-zhuang Nie, Qing-lin Xia, Rui Xiong, Guang-hua Guo*. Electronic structures and magnetic properties of CrSiTe3 single-layer nanoribbons. Phys. Lett. A 383, 2346-2351 (2019) 3. Xi-guang Wang, L. Chotorlishvili, Guang-hua Guo, and J. Berakdar. High-fidelity magnonic gates for surface spin waves. Phys. Rev. Appl. 12, 034015 (2019). 4. Xi-guang Wang, L. Chotorlishvili, Guang-hua Guo, C.-L. Jia, and J. Berakdar. Thermally assisted skyrmion drag in a nonuniform electric field. Phys. Rev. B. 99, 064426 (2019) 5. Ma, Huifang; Wan, Zhong; Li, Jia; Wu, Ruixia; Zhang, Zhengwei; Li, Bo; Zhao, Bei; Qian, Qi; Liu, Yuan; Xia, Qinglin; Guo, Guang-hua; Duan, Xidong; Duan, Xiangfeng. Phase Tunable Synthesis of Ultrathin Layered Tetragonal CoSe and Non-Layered Hexagonal CoSe Nanoplates. Advanced Mater. 31, 1900901 (2019). 6. Jiu-hua Luo, Bo Li, Jian-min Zhang, Mian-zeng Zhong, Qing-lin Xia, Yao-zhuang Nie, Guang-hua Guo*. Bi Doping-Induced Ferromagnetism of Layered Material SnSe2 with Extremely Large Coercivity. J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 486, 165269 (2019) 7. Wei Tang, Zhen-wei Zhou, Xi-guang Wang, Yao-zhuang Nie, Qing-lin Xia, Zhong-ming Zeng, Rui Xiong, Guang-hua Guo*. Domain wall deppinning in Ni80Fe20/Pt bilayer nanostrips under the combined action of magnetic field and spin-orbit torque. J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 482, 274-279 (2019) 2018年 1. Xi-guang Wang, Yao-zhuang Nie, Qing-lin Xia, Guang-hua Guo*. Electrical spin injection through dual ferromagnetic electrodes in nonlocal spin valves. Phys. Rev. B 98, 184427 (2018). 2. Xi-guang Wang, Zhen-wei Zhou, Yao-zhuang Nie, Qing-lin Xia, Guang-hua Guo*. Self-consistent study of local and non-local magnetoresistance in YIG / Pt bilayer. Phys. Rev. B 97, 094401 (2018) 3. Jia Li, Bei Zhao, Peng Chen, Ruixia Wu, Bo Li, Qinglin Xia, Guanghua Guo, Jun Luo, Ketao Zang, Zhengwei Zhang, Huifang Ma, Guangzhuang Sun, Xidong Duan, and Xiangfeng Duan. Synthesis of Ultrathin Metallic MTe2 (M = V, Nb, Ta) Single-Crystalline Nanoplates. Adv. Mater. 1801043 (2018). 4. Xi-guang Wang, Levan Chotorlishvili, Guang-hua Guo, and Jamal Berakdar. Electric field controlled spin waveguide phase shifter in YIG. J. Appl. Phys.124, 073903 (2018). 5. Yuan Xiang, Qinglin Xia, Yanping Liu, Yuandong Peng, Daowei Wang, Yaozhuang Nie, Guanghua Guo*. Observation of Ferromagnetism in Black Phosphorus Nanosheets with High Magnetization by Liquid Exfoliation. Solid State Communications 281, 1-5 (2018). 6. Yi-fu Chen, Zhi-xiong Li, Zhen-wei Zhou, Qing-lin Xia, Yao-zhuang Nie, Guang-hua Guo*. Nonlinear gyrotropic motion of skyrmion in a magnetic nanodisk. J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 458, 123-128 (2018) 7. Xi-guang Wang, Levan Chotorlishvili, Guang-hua Guo, Jamal Berakdar. Electric control of emergent magnonic spin current and dynamic multiferroicity in magnetic insulators at finite temperatures. Phys. Lett. A 382, 1100-1107 (2018) 2017年 1. Yaozhuang Nie, Mavlanjan Rahman, Pei Liu, Aihemaitijiang Sidike, Qinglin Xia, and Guanghua Guo*. Room Temperature Half-Metallicity in Monolayer Honeycomb Structures of Group-V Binary Compounds with Carrier doping. Phys. Rev. B 96, 075401 (2017) 2. Xi-guang Wang, Zhi-xiong Li, Zhen-wei Zhou, Yao-zhuang Nie, Qing-lin Xia, Zhong-ming Zeng, L. Chotorlishvili, J. Berakdar, and Guang-hua Guo*. Conversion of electronic to magnonic spin current at a heavy-metal magnetic-insulator interface. Phys. Rev. B 95, 020414(R) (2017) 3. Wei Tang, Zhen-wei Zhou, Yao-zhuang Nie, Qing-lin Xia, Zhong-ming Zeng, Guang-hua Guo*. Spin wave modes of width modulated Ni80Fe20 / Pt nanostrip detected by spin-orbit torque induced ferromagnetic resonance. Appl. Phys. Lett. 111, 172407 (2017) 4. Mavlanjan Rahman, Ke-chao Zhou, Qing-lin Xia, Yao-zhuang Nie, Guang-hua Guo*. Spin-dependent transport properties of zigzag phosphorene nanoribbons with oxygen-saturated edges. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 19, 25319 - 25323 (2017) 5. Xi-guang Wang, Levan Chotorlishvili, Guang-hua Guo, and Jamal Berakdar. Generation of open-circuit spin current on GHz scale in structured Pt/YIG by electric fields. J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 50, 495005 (2017) 6. Mavlanjan Rahman, Ke-chao Zhou, Yao-zhuang Nie, Guang-hua Guo*. Electronic structure and magnetism of layered compounds SrBO2 (B = Ni, Co, Mn ): A theoretical investigation. Solid State Communications 266, 6-10 (2017) 7. Can Zou, Jia Sun, Guangyang Gou, Ling-An Kong, Chuan Qian, Guozhang Dai, Junliang Yang, and Guang-hua Guo*. Polymer-electrolyte gated nanowire synaptic transistors for neuromorphic applications. Appl. Phys. A 123, 596 (2017) 8. Zhi-xiong Li, Yi-fu Chen, Zhen-wei Zhou, Yao-zhuang Nie, Qing-lin Xia, Dao-wei Wang, Guang-hua Guo*. Creation of skyrmion through resonance excitation. J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 433, 216-221 (2017) 9. Xi-guang Wang, Alexander Sukhov, Levan Chotorlishvili, Chenglong Jia, Guang-hua Guo, Jamal Berakdar. Electrically driven magnetic antenna based on multiferroic composites. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 29, 095804 (2017) 10. Pei Liu, Yao-zhuang Nie, Qing-lin Xia, and Guang-hua Guo*. Structural and Electronic Properties of Arsenic Nitrogen Monolayer. Physics Letters A. 381, 1102-1106 (2017) 11. Daowei Wang, Yan Zhou, Zhi-xiong Li, Yaozhuang Nie, Xi-guang Wang, Guang-hua Guo*. Magnonic band structure of domain wall magnonic crystals. IEEE Trans. Magn. 53 (3), 1300110 (2017) 2016年 1. X.-G. Wang, L. Chotorlishvili, G.-H. Guo, A. Sukhov, V. Dugaev, J. Barnaś, and J. Berakdar. Thermally induced magnonic spin current, thermomagnonic torques and domain wall dynamics in the presence of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction. Phys. Rev. B 94, 104410 (2016) 2. Zheng-min Xiong, Su-qin Ge, Xi-guang Wang, Zhi-xiong Li, Wei Tang, Qing-lin Xia, Dao-wei Wang, Yao-zhuang Nie, Zhong-ming Zeng, Guang-hua Guo*. Spin waves in the soft layer of exchange-coupled soft/hard bilayers. AIP Advances 6, 055220 (2016). 3. D. Wang, Yulan Dong, Yan Zhou, Xi-guang Wang, Jun He, Guang-hua Guo*. Domain wall motion driven by adiabatic spin transfer torque through excitation of nonlinear dynamics. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter. 28 (20), 206005 (2016). 4. Zhi-xiong Li, Meng-ning Wang, Yao-zhuang Nie, Dao-wei Wang, Qing-lin Xia, Wei Tang, Zhong-ming Zeng, Guang-hua Guo*. Spin-wave propagating spectrum in magnetization-modulated cylindrical nanowires. J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 414, 49-54 (2016). 5. Can Wang, Qinglin Xia, Yaozhuang Nie, Rahman Mavlanjan, and Guanghua Guo*. Strain Modulated Bandgaps and Effective Masses of Puckered Arsenene. AIP Advances 6, 035204 (2016) 6. Xiaotao Hu, Chuan Qian, Fangmei Liu, Jia Sun, Junliang Yang, Guang-hua Guo*, Yongli Gao. Low contact resistance in solid electrolyte-gated ZnO field-effect transistors with ferromagnetic contacts. J. Mater. Chem. C. 4, 150-156 (2016). 2015年 1. Yao-zhuang Nie, Mavlanjan Rahman, Dao-wei Wang, Can Wang, Guang-hua Guo*. Strain induced topological phase transitions in monolayer honeycomb structures of group-V binary compounds. Sci. Rep. 5, 17980 (2015) 2. Guang-fu Zhang, Zhi-xiong Li, Xi-guang Wang, Yao-zhuang Nie, Guang-hua Guo*. Shape-manipulated spin-wave eigenmodes of magnetic nanoelements. Chin. Phys. B 24 (9), 097503 (2015). 3. Zhi-xiong Li, Xi-guang Wang, Dao-wei Wang, Yao-zhuang Nie, Wei Tang, Guang-hua Guo*. Reconfigurable magnonic crystal consisting of periodically distributed domain walls in a nanostrip. J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 388, 10-15 (2015). 4. Can Wang, Qinglin Xia, Yao-zhuang Nie, and Guang-hua Guo*. Strain-induced gap transition and anisotropic Dirac-like cones in monolayer and bilayer phosphorene. J. Appl. Phys. 117, 124302 (2015). 5. Guang-fu Zhang, Zhi-xiong Li, Xi-guang Wang, Yao-zhuang Nie, Guang-hua Guo*. Shape-tuned dynamic properties of magnetic nanoelements during magnetization reversal. J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 385, 402-406 (2015). 6. Xi-guang Wang, Guang-hua Guo*, Zhi-xiong Li, Dao-wei Wang, Yao-zhuang Nie, Wei Tang. Spin-wave propagation in domain-wall magnonic crystal. Europhys. Lett. 109, 37008 (2015). 7. Mavlanjan Rahman, Yao-zhuang Nie, Guang-hua Guo*. First-principles study of the electronic structure and Magnetism of SrFe0.5Ru0.5O2. J. Phys. Chem. Solids 81, 88-92 (2015). 8. Mavlanjan Rahman, Yao-zhuang Nie, Guang-hua Guo*. Electronic structures and magnetism of SrFe1-xMnxO2: A theory investigation. J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 379, 117–123 (2015). 教育经历 [1] 1985.9-1988.7 吉林大学 | 物理学 | 硕士学位 | 硕士研究生 [2] 1981.9-1985.7 吉林大学 | 物理学 | 学士学位 | 大学本科毕业 [3] 1995.9-1999.12 俄罗斯莫斯科州立大学 博士 | 博士研究生毕业 织梦内容管理系统