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个人简介 (一)基本信息 美国加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)社会学博士 湖南大学副教授,硕士生导师,岳麓学者 湖南大学涉侨理论创新研究中心 主任 湖南大学侨联 副主席   (二)研究领域 医疗社会学,医患关系,医患沟通,会话分析,计算机辅助分析,抗生素滥用   (三)教授课程 社会学导论、社会科学研究方法、高级定性研究方法   (四)研究生、博士后招收方向(近期) 1. 医疗社会学,医患关系,医患沟通 2. 会话分析,计算机辅助分析 3. 抗生素滥用   (五)对研究生、博士后的期待 1. 对研究方向有兴趣,对研究工作有恒心 2. 有较好的中英文阅读与写作能力   (六)联系方式 邮箱:ncwang@hnu.edu.cn 办公室:公共管理学院办公楼110 (请预约)



学术成果       Google Scholar:  网页入口     (一)专著(英文) Wang, N. C. (In Print). The Social Nature of Antibiotic Overprescription in China: Medical Conversations, Doctor-Patient Relationships, and Decision-Making. London: Routledge. (二)科研论文(英文) Wang, N. C. (2023). Claiming or Abdicating Medical Authority: Treatment Recommendation Actions, Doctor-Patient Relationships, and Antibiotic Overprescription in Chinese Paediatrics. Sociology of Health & Illness. https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-9566.13733【SSCI索引, JCR:Q1(at the point of submission)】 Jenkins, L., Ekberg, S. & Wang, N. C. (Accepted). Communication in Paediatric Care: A State-of-the-Art Review of Conversation Analytical Research. Research on Language & Social Interaction. 【SSCI索引, JCR:Q1】 Wang, N. C. (2022). Pre-Visit Use of Non-Prescribed Antibiotics among Child Patients in China: Prevalence, Predictors, and Association with Physicians’ Prescribing of Antibiotics at Medical Visits. Antibiotics, 11(11), Article 11. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/antibiotics11111553. 【SCI索引, JCR:Q1】 Wang, N. C. & Yuetong Liu. (2021). Going Shopping or Consulting in Medical Visits: Caregivers’ Role in Antibiotic Prescribing in China. Social Science & Medicine, 114075. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2021.114075.【SSCI/SCI索引, JCR:Q1】 Wang, N. C. (2020). Understanding Antibiotic Overprescribing in China: A Conversation Analysis approach. Social Science & Medicine, 262, 113251. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2020.113251.【SSCI/SCI索引, JCR:Q1】 Wang, N., Song, Y., & Xia, F. (2020). Studying Challenges in Medical Conversation with Structured Annotation. Proceedings of the First Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Medical Conversations, the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), 12–21. 全文URL: https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/2020.nlpmc-1.3 【EI索引, CCF-A】 Wang, N., Song, Y., & Xia, F. (2018). Coding Structures and Actions in Medical Conversations. Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), BioNLP Workshop. 全文URL: https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/W18-2309 【EI索引, CCF-A】 Wang, N., Song, Y., & Xia, F. (2018). Constructing a Chinese Medical Conversation Corpus Annotated with Conversational Structures and Actions. Proceedings of the 11th edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC). 全文URL: https://aclweb.org/anthology/L18-1464 【EI索引, CCF-B】 Wang, N. (2017). Negotiation of Antibiotic Treatment in Medical Consultations: A Corpus-based Study. Proceedings of the 55th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), Student Research Workshop. 全文URL: https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/P17-3023 【EI索引, CCF-A】 Wu, X., Li, Z., & Wang, N. (2018). Independent Freshman Admission Program (IFAP) in China’s Higher Education: Evidence from Three National Elite Universities in Beijing. Chinese Sociological Review, 51(1), 1–28. https://doi.org/10.1080/21620555.2018.1452608 【SSCI/SCI索引, JCR:Q1】 (三)科研论文(中文) 王楠, 赵立见, 王顺尧, 姚宇, 李岭. 开展遗传病筛查的卫生经济学考量——以唐氏综合征为例 [J]. 中华医学遗传学杂志, 2022, 39(10) : 1053-1057. 【CSCD索引】 贺骏,王顺尧,张晶晶,周世豪,旷洋,丁甲,杨梦月,林嘉伟,丁思意,刘少兰,彭欢欢,王楠*,刘激扬.长沙市不同唐氏综合征筛查策略的性能以及卫生经济学分析[J].中华医学遗传学杂志,2022,第39卷(8): 803-808.【CSCD索引】 王东波,贺骏,马玉婷,席惠,张萌,黄海霞,饶丽娟,张彬彬,米春梅,周波,廖哲辉,戴镭,欧阳新宇,张阳,王海燕,王新,张朝晖,姚穗,谈珍瑜,杨静,钟薇,王楠,刘激扬,周良荣.长沙市无创产前检测民生项目结果的回顾性分析及成本效果研究[J].中华医学遗传学杂志,2022,第39卷(3): 257-263 【CSCD索引】 王楠,周世豪,王顺尧,旷洋,祖月娥,解若彬,杨梦月,彭欢欢,刘激扬,贺骏.长沙市唐氏综合征患者经济负担及女性照护者心理与社会歧视评估[J].中华医学遗传学杂志,2022,第39卷(1): 11-15.【CSCD索引】 王楠,张惟.警惕言语压力导致临床抗生素滥用[J].语言战略研究,2021,第6卷(6): 80. 【CSSCI索引,北大中文核心,人大复印报刊资料全文转载】 王楠,张惟.处方建议的会话分析研究[J].现代外语,2020,第43卷(1): 44-55.【CSSCI索引,北大中文核心,人大复印报刊资料全文转载】 (四)书籍章节 Wang, N. C. (2023). Resistance to Treatment Recommendations: An Interactional Resource to Increase Information Exchange and Promote Shared Decision-Making in Medical Encounters. In Zayts-Spence, O. and Bridges, S. M. (Eds.). Language, Health and Culture. London: Routledge, 60-81. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003095866 【Routledge英文编著】 Wang, N. (2019). Progressing in Medical Conversations: Overall Organization as a Resource for the Joint Management of Chinese Pediatric Interactions. In H-Y. Tao & H-J. Chen (Eds.). Chinese for Specific and Professional Purposes: Theory, Pedagogical Applications, and Practices. Singapore: Springer Nature, 245-265. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-13-9505-5_11 【Springer英文编著】 Benoit-Barné, C., Marson, S., Wang, N., & Yang, Y. (2019). Decentering the Analysis: The Authority of Spectators, Journalists and Others. In N. Bencherki, F. Matte, & F. Cooren (Eds.). Authority and Power in Social Interaction. New York: Routledge. DOI: https://doi.org/10.4324/9781351051668 【Routledge英文编著】 dedecms.com


研究项目   1. 湖南省健康民生项目卫生经济评估 (2023,华大基因委托科研项目)【主持】   2. 胎儿结构异常WGS与其他检测方法的卫生经济学对比评估 (2023年,华大基因委托科研项目)【主持】 3. 湖南大学哲学社会科学青年学术提升计划 (2023年,湖南大学资助科研项目)【主持】 4. 抗生素处方滥用的社会成因——一个微观社会学研究(2022年,教育部哲学社会科学研究后期资助一般项目)【主持】 5. 湖南省公众抗生素使用行为及认知的现状及改善研究(2022年,湖南省教育厅科学研究项目人文社科类优秀青年项目)【主持】 6. 健全重大突发公共卫生事件舆论引导机制研究(2021年,国家社会科学基金重点项目)【参与】 7. 湖南省公立妇幼保健机构预算与绩效管理一体化研究(2021年,湖南省卫健委重点项目)【参与】 8. 安徽省阜阳市健康民生项目实施的社会经济效益评估(2021年,安徽省阜阳市卫健委委托项目)【主持】      9. 湖南省郴州地区重型地中海贫血患者社会经济负担评估(2021年,湖南省郴州市第一人民医院委托项目)【主持】 10. 湖南省长沙市健康民生项目(无创产前基因检测)实施的社会经济效益评估(2020年,湖南省长沙市卫健委委托项目)【主持】      11. Modeling Medical Conversation for Intelligent Medical Assistants (2018年,腾讯人工智能实验室委托项目)【合作主持】



学术服务 (一)学术团体 ASA - American Sociological Association 美国社会学学会 ACL - Association of Computational Linguistics 国际计算语言学学会 ISCA - International Society of Conversation Analysis 国际会话分析学会 ICSA - International Chinese Sociology Association 国际华人社会学学会 (二)同行评审 Sociology of Health & Illness Social Science & Medicine Social Science & Medicine - Qualitative Research Social Forces Social Psychology Quarterly Chinese Sociological Review Research on Language & Social Interaction Health Communication Journal of Pragmatics Pragmatics Medical Decision-Making 公共行政评论 中华医学遗传学杂志 语言学研究 内容来自dedecms


会议报告   (一)主旨演讲(境内) 《老年人疫苗接种决策的社会学研究》. 药物利用研究2023研讨会. 上海市卫生和健康发展研究中心. 2023年10月29-30日. 《医患沟通,医患关系与中国抗生素处方滥用》. 制度性场景视频分析研讨会. 清华大学公共管理学院, 2023年8月15-16日. 《开展遗传病筛查的卫生经济学考量:以长沙市唐氏综合征NIPT筛查为例》. 第十一届中国出生缺陷防控论坛-卫生技术评价与经济政策分会场:经济学视角下的出生缺陷防控. 2023年4月2日. 《儿科门诊抗生素处方滥用成因的社会学研究》. 药物利用研究2022研讨会. 上海市卫生和健康发展研究中心. 2022年10月29-30日. Going Shopping or Consulting in Medical Visits: Caregivers’ Role in Pediatric Antibiotic Prescribing in China. “叙事医学与健康文化学术工作坊”暨国家社科基金重大项目构建人类卫生健康共同体研究与数据库建设学术研讨会. 北京大学医学人文学院. 2021年10月17日. 《质性研究方法与应用》论坛召集人主旨发言. 第十界社会理论工作坊CJS学术论坛. 2021年7月31日. 《医患沟通,医疗权威与中国抗生素处方滥用》. 第二届北大医学人文国际会议. 北京大学医学人文研究院,2018年11月15-16日. 《美国医疗体制及医生职业发展历程综述》. 中国社会科学院经济研究所,2013年9月11日.   (二)主旨演讲(境外) Medical CA – How to Get Started and Avoid Common Pitfalls. Chinese Language, Interaction and Multimodality Methods Workshop (CLIMM). University of Alberta, Aug. 12-14, 2022. Delivering Treatment Recommendations in Chinese Pediatric Consultation: A Conversation Analytic Study of Physicians’ Prescribing Behaviors and Medical Authority. The International Symposium on Communication in Health Care: Human Dimension in Medicine and Healthcare. The School of Humanities, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Feb. 11-12, 2019. Bridging Sociology and Computational Linguistics. Invited talk at Department of Linguistics, University of Washington, Seattle, USA, Jan. 23, 2018. Parent Communication Practices of Advocating Antibiotic Treatment: A Comparative Study in Chinese and American Pediatrics. Invited talk at Conversation Analysis Working Group, Department of Sociology, UCLA, Los Angeles, USA, Mar. 16, 2017. Is China’s Antibiotic Overuse Problem Driven by Physicians’ Financial Incentives? Invited talk at Health Working Group, Department of Sociology, UCLA, Los Angeles, USA, Feb. 5, 2016. Making Requests in Doctors’ Office: Data from Chinese Pediatric Interactions. Conversation Analysis and Multi-modality in Chinese Interaction, International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC2013), Edmonton, Canada. Jun. 14, 2013. Preliminaries to Prescribing: The Sequential Organization of Prescription Decisions in Chinese Pediatric Consultations. Invited talk at Conversation Analysis Working Group, Department of Sociology, UCLA, Los Angeles, USA, Nov. 18, 2012.   (三)会议报告 Going Shopping or Consulting in Medical Visits: A Study of Caregiver’s Resistance to Treatment Recommendations. Regular Session in Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis, the 116th Annual American Sociological Association Meetings. Virtual, August 6-10, 2021. Overt Advocacy for Antibiotic Prescriptions: A Comparative Study of Caregiver Communicative Behaviors in Chinese and American Pediatric Settings. Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis: Conflict, Stance, or Participation in Social Interaction Session, the 114th American Sociological Association (ASA) Annual Meeting, New York, USA, 2019. Desires for Antibiotics, Prescribing Culture, and Antibiotic Resistance. The Asia Conference of International Chinese Sociological Change: Forty Years of China’s Reform and Social Change. The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, China, Dec. 19, 2018. Deontic Rights and Accountability in Treatment Recommendations: A Conversation Analytic Study in Chinese Pediatric Consultations. The 5th International Conference on Conversation Analysis (ICCA), Accountability for Intersubjectivity Panel. Loughborough, United Kingdom, 2018. Parent Communication practices of advocating antibiotic treatment: a comparative study in Chinese and US pediatrics. The 6th International Meeting on Conversation Analysis and Clinical Encounters, Bristol, UK. 2017. Is shared decision-making really good for reducing antibiotic overuse: A study of treatment recommendation delivery practices in doctor-patient interaction in China. The 102nd Annual National Communication Association Conference, Philadelphia, USA. 2016. Analyzing Authority and Power in Interaction: A case analysis of one Q-A adjacency pair using Conversation Analysis. The preconference workshop at the International Communication Association Conference, Fukuoka, Japan. June, 2016. Analyzing Authority and Power in Interaction: Promise of and Cautions from Ethnography of Communication. The Preconference Workshop at the International Communication Association Conference, Fukuoka, Japan. June, 2016. Patient-related factors to antibiotic overuse in China: Self-medication, desires for antibiotics, and use of IV drip. The American Sociological Association (ASA) 2015 Annual Meeting, Chicago, USA. Aug., 2015. Patient lobbying practices in pediatric visits. The 4th International Conference on Conversation Analysis, Los Angeles. June, 2014. Maximizing patients’ input in medical consultations: a study of patient initiation in Chinese pediatric interaction. Paper presented in the 3rd Annual Public Conference on Multilingualism in Institutional Contexts, Los Angeles, USA. November, 2012. Jointly accomplishing treatment decision: physician-parent interaction in pediatric settings in mainland China. The 3rd International Conference on Conversation Analysis, Manheim, Germany. July, 2010. Withholding acceptance: parent’s participation in treatment decisions in pediatric consultations in a Chinese hospital. The 8th International Interdisciplinary Conference on Communication, Medicine and Ethics (COMET), Boston, USA. June, 2010. Physician-parent interaction in treatment decision in a pediatric department in a mainland China hospital. Paper presented at Frontiers in Medical and Health Science Education 2009: Making Sense in Communication, Hong Kong SAR, China. December, 2009. 内容来自dedecms



