姓名 | 夏畅 | 性别 | 发明专利4999代写全部资料 |
学校 | 湖南大学 | 部门 | 公共管理学院 |
学位 | 发明专利包写包过 特惠申请 | 学历 | 版权登记666包过 代写全部资料 |
职称 | 软件著作权666包写包过 | 联系方式 | 【发送到邮箱】 |
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基本信息 夏畅,湖南大学公共管理学院,城乡发展与环境治理研究所,副教授,岳麓学者。研究兴趣包括气候适应与国土空间规划、城市演化与地理建模、大数据与智慧城市等。近年来在Landscape and Urban Planning,Annals of the American Association of Geographers, International Journal of Geographical Information Science,Environment and Planning B,Land Use Policy,地理学报,武汉大学学报(信息科学版),人文地理等国内外权威期刊发表论文30余篇,3篇论文入选ESI高被引论文、6篇期刊近三年高被引论文、1篇中国知网学术精要数据库高影响力论文,获授权国家发明专利3项。 织梦好,好织梦
工作经历 2023.09-至今 湖南大学公共管理学院,城乡发展与环境治理研究所,副教授,岳麓学者 2022.09-2023.09 香港大学建筑学院,城市规划与设计系,博士后研究员(Postdoctoral Fellow, 合作导师:叶嘉安院士Anthony G.O. YEH) 本文来自织梦
学习经历 香港大学建筑学院,城市规划与设计系,博士(导师:叶嘉安院士Anthony G.O. YEH、李卫锋副院长) 武汉大学资源与环境科学学院,土地资源管理专业,管理学硕士(导师:王海军教授) 武汉大学资源与环境科学学院,土地资源管理专业,工学学士
学术成果 科研论文 Xia, C. (2024). Escaping environmental hazards? Human mobility in response to air pollution and extreme cold events. Annals of the American Association of Geographers. https://doi.org/10.1080/24694452.2024.2332651. IF: 3.982, JCR Q1,中科院二区,国际地理领域旗舰期刊 Li Y., Zhang X., Xia, C. (2023). Towards a greening city: How does regional cooperation promote urban green space in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area?. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 86, 128033. IF: 6.4, JCR Q1,中科院二区 Xia, C., Anthony G.O. Yeh. (2022). Mobility as a response to environmental hazards in the urban context: A new perspective on mobility and inequality. Travel Behaviour and Society, 27, 192–203. IF: 5.85, JCR Q2,中科院二区 Xia, C., Zhang, A., Anthony G.O. Yeh. (2022). The varying relationships between multidimensional urban form and urban vitality in Chinese megacities: Insights from a comparative analysis. Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 112(1), 141–166. IF: 3.982, JCR Q1,中科院二区,国际地理领域旗舰期刊(被Journal of Planning Literature转载摘要, The Most Cited Articles Published in AAAG in the Past 3 Years) Zhang, A., Xia, C.*, Li, W. (2022). Exploring the effects of 3D urban form on urban air quality: Evidence from fifteen megacities in China. Sustainable Cities and Society, 78, 103649. IF: 10.696, JCR Q1,中科院一区Top Zhang, B., Xia, C.* (2022). The effects of sample size and sample prevalence on cellular automata simulation of urban growth. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 36(1), 158–187. IF: 5.152, JCR Q1,中科院二区,国际地理信息领域权威期刊 Zhang, A., Xia, C.*, Li, W. (2022). Relationships between 3D urban form and ground-level fine particulate matter at street block level: Evidence from fifteen metropolises in China. Building and Environment, 211, 108745. IF: 7.093, JCR Q1,中科院一区Top Xu, G., Su, J., Xia, C., Li, X., Xiao, R. (2022). Spatial mismatches between nighttime light intensity and building morphology in Shanghai, China. Sustainable Cities and Society, 81, 103851. IF: 10.696, JCR Q1,中科院一区Top Xia, C., Zhang, B. (2021). Exploring the effects of partitioned transition rules upon urban growth simulation in a megacity region: a comparative study of cellular automata-based models in the Greater Wuhan Area. GIScience & Remote Sensing, 58(5), 693–716. IF: 6.397, JCR Q1,中科院一区Top(The Most Cited Articles Published in GIScience in the Past 3 Years) Zhang, A., Li, W., WU, J., Lin, J., Chu, J., Xia, C.* (2021). How can the urban landscape affect urban vitality at the block level? A case study of 15 metropolises in China. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science. 48(5), 1245–1262. IF: 3.511, JCR Q2,中科院三区(The Most Cited Articles Published in EPB in the Last 3 Years) Zhang, Y., Xia, C., Liu, Y., Lu, Y., Wang, Y., Liu, Y. (2021). Urban expansion simulation under constraint of multiple ecosystem services (MESs) based on cellular automata (CA)-Markov model: Scenario analysis and policy implications. Land Use Policy, 108, 105667. IF: 6.189, JCR Q1,中科院一区Top,土地利用领域权威期刊 Xia, C., Anthony G.O. Yeh., Zhang, A. (2020). Analyzing spatial relationships between urban land use intensity and urban vitality at street block level: A case study of five Chinese megacities. Landscape and Urban Planning, 193,103669. IF: 8.119, JCR Q1,中科院一区Top(2020-2023年ESI高被引论文, The Most Cited Articles Published in LUP in the Past 3 Years & 2022年期刊Most Cited排名第一) Xia, C., Zhang, A., Anthony G.O. Yeh. (2020). Shape-weighted Landscape Evolution Index: An improved approach for simultaneously analyzing urban land expansion and redevelopment. Journal of Cleaner Production, 244, 118836. IF: 11.072, JCR Q1,中科院一区Top Xia, C., Zhang, B., Wang, H., Qiao, S., Zhang, A. (2020) A minimum-volume oriented bounding box strategy for improving the performance of urban cellular automata based on vectorization and parallel computing technology. GIScience & Remote Sensing, 57(1), 91–106. IF: 6.397, JCR Q1,中科院一区Top(The Most Cited Articles Published in GIScience in the Past 3 Years) Xia, C., Zhang, A., Wang, H., Liu, J. (2020). Delineating early warning zones in rapidly growing metropolitan areas by integrating a multiscale urban growth model with biogeography-based optimization. Land Use Policy, 90, 104332. IF: 6.189, JCR Q1,中科院一区Top,土地利用领域权威期刊 Wang, H., Zhang, B., Xia, C., He, S., Zhang, W. (2020). Using a maximum entropy model to optimize the stochastic component of urban cellular automata models. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 34(5), 924–946. IF: 5.152, JCR Q1,中科院二区,国际地理信息领域权威期刊(The Most Cited Articles Published in IJGIS in the Past 3 Years) Zhang, B., Wang, H., He, S., Xia, C. (2020). Analyzing the effects of stochastic perturbation and fuzzy distance transformation on Wuhan urban growth simulation. Transactions in GIS, 24(6), 1779–1798. IF: 2.568, JCR Q3,中科院三区 Zhang, Y., Liu, Y., Wang, Y., Liu, D., Xia, C., Wang, Z., Wang, H., Liu, Y. (2020). Urban expansion simulation towards low-carbon development: A case study of Wuhan, China. Sustainable Cities and Society, 63, 102455. IF: 10.696, JCR Q1,中科院一区Top Xia, C., Zhang, A., Wang, H., Zhang, B. (2019). Modeling urban growth in a metropolitan area based on bidirectional flows, an improved gravitational field model, and partitioned cellular automata. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 33(5), 877–899. IF: 5.152, JCR Q1,中科院二区,国际地理信息领域权威期刊 Xia, C., Zhang, A., Wang, H., Zhang, B., Zhang, Y. (2019). Bidirectional urban flows in rapidly urbanizing metropolitan areas and their macro and micro impacts on urban growth: A case study of the Yangtze River middle reaches megalopolis, China. Land Use Policy, 82, 158–168. IF: 6.189, JCR Q1,中科院一区Top,土地利用领域权威期刊(2019-2021年ESI高被引论文) Xia, C., Zhang, A., Wang, H., Anthony G.O. Yeh. (2019). Predicting the expansion of urban boundary using space syntax and multivariate regression model. Habitat International, 86, 126–134. IF: 5.205, JCR Q1,中科院一区Top Zhang, A., Xia, C., Chu, J., Lin, J., Li, W., Wu, J. (2019). Portraying urban landscape: A quantitative analysis system applied in fifteen metropolises in China. Sustainable Cities and Society, 46, 101396. IF: 10.696, JCR Q1,中科院一区Top Wu, J., Wang, S., Zhang, Y., Zhang, A., Xia, C. (2019). Urban landscape as a spatial representation of land rent: A quantitative analysis. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 74, 62–73. IF: 6.454, JCR Q1,中科院一区Top Xia, C., Wang, H., Zhang, A., Zhang, W. (2018). A high-performance cellular automata model for urban simulation based on vectorization and parallel computing technology. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 32(2), 399–424. IF: 5.152, JCR Q1,中科院二区,国际地理信息领域权威期刊 张安琪, 夏畅, 林坚, 楚建群. (2018). 景观演化特征指数及其应用. 地理科学进展, 37(6),811–822. 张安琪, 王海军, 夏畅. (2018). 基于空间句法的道路通达度作用分计算, 地理与地理信息科学, 34(3),108–113. 宋丹阳, 夏畅, 王海军. (2018). 基于空间句法的不同道路密度区内土地利用特征研究—以武汉市为例. 测绘地理信息, 43(2),43–47. 朱珏然, 夏畅, 王海军. (2018). 利用生物地理学优化算法挖掘城市扩展元胞自动机模型的转换规则. 地理与地理信息科学, 34(1),6–11+39. 王海军, 夏畅*, 张安琪, 张文婷. (2017). 利用生物地理学优化算法获取城市扩展元胞自动机模型参数, 武汉大学学报·信息科学版, 42(9),1323–1329. 夏畅, 王海军, 张安琪, 邓羽. (2017). 耦合管控效应的城市空间多情景模拟与政策分析. 人文地理, 32(3),68–76. 王海军, 夏畅, 刘小平, 张安琪, 朱珏然, 王慧霞 (2016). 大尺度和精细化城市扩展 CA 的理论与方法探讨. 地理与地理信息科学, 32(5),1–8. 王海军, 夏畅, 张安琪, 刘耀林, 贺三维. (2016). 基于空间句法的扩张强度指数及其在城镇扩展分析中的应用. 地理学报, 71(8),1302–1314.(入选中国知网学术精要数据库高影响力论文) 王海军, 夏畅, 张安琪, 邓羽. (2016). 基于约束性 CA 的大都市郊区城镇增长的情景模拟与管控——以武汉市江夏区为例. 地理科学进展, 35(7),793–805. 王海军, 宋丹阳, 夏畅, 李娜. (2015). 非城市规划专业中《 城市规划原理》 课程建设探讨——以地理信息科学专业为例. 科技创业月刊, 28(17),79–80. 科研著作 Anthony G.O. Yeh, Li Xia, Xia C. (2021). Cellular Automata Modeling for Urban and Regional Planning, In Shi Wenzhong, Michael F. Goodchild, Michael Batty, Kwan Mei-Po, Zhang Anshu. (Eds.). Urban Informatics. Singapore: Springer, 865–883. Book Chapter (A reference book in MIT for their BSc in Urban Science program) 科研专利成果 一种基于最大熵原理的城市CA模型构建方法. 发明专利, ZL 2017 1 1484065.8, 2021. 一种基于向量化和并行计算的高性能城市CA模型构建方法. 发明专利, ZL 2017 1 0980211.X, 2019. 一种基于空间句法的城市扩张边界预测方法. 发明专利, ZL 2015 1 0477655.2, 2017. 一种城市景观量化分析方法, 发明专利, 201811495572.6, 2018. 软件著作权 织梦内容管理系统
科研项目 国家重点研发计划, 港珠澳大桥智能化运维技术集成应用—智能运行与应急处置关键技术课题, 参与 国家自然科学基金(中欧合作项目), 超大城市区域的可持续交通与均等化: 模式、机理与治理, 参与 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 基于手机大数据的中国特大城市群通勤与空间结构研究——以珠三角城市群为例, 参与 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 基于空间异质性和不确定性的城市扩展元胞自动机研究:以武汉市为例, 参与 广东省科技创新战略专项资金, 粤港澳智慧城市联合实验室, 参与 原国土资源部新时期土地利用规划创新研究与技术支撑项目—土地利用演变规律研究课题, 参与 香港策略性公共政策研究项目, 促进香港居民在大湾区的跨境医疗服务使用及跨境流动:近期优先策略及长远政策框架, 参与 深化面向世界的粤港澳全面合作——广州南沙空间方案国际咨询项目, 参与 本文来自织梦