姓名 | 杨智 | 性别 | 余项;在,期刊发表论文近40 |
学校 | 湖南大学 | 部门 | 工商管理学院 |
学位 | 发明专利包写包过 特惠申请 | 学历 | 版权登记666包过 代写全部资料 |
职称 | 软件著作权666包写包过 | 联系方式 | 【发送到邮箱】 |
邮箱 | 【发送到邮箱】 | 人气 | |
软件产品登记测试 | 软件著作权666元代写全部资料 | 实用新型专利1875代写全部资料 集群智慧云企服 / 知识产权申请大平台 微信客服在线:543646 急速申请 包写包过 办事快、准、稳 |
基本信息 管理学博士、湖南大学二级教授、博士生导师,主要从事营销战略与创新管理研究。教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划入选者。主持国家社科基金重大项目和国家“十三五”科技创新规划前期研究重大项目等国家和省部级重大、重点和一般项目20余项;在Journal of Marketing,Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science,Journal of Business Research和 Industrial Marketing Management等国际顶级或知名商学SSCI期刊发表论文近40篇,国内CSSCI期刊发表论文50余篇;主编包括国家级规划教材在内的教材4本;主持获得国家级教学成果二等奖1次,参与获得国家级教学成果一等奖和二等奖各1次。兼任中国高等院校市场学研究会常务理事、移动数智营销专业委员会主任,湖南省技术经济与管理现代化研究会理事长,湖南省工商管理学会常务副会长。 dedecms.com
研究领域 营销战略与创新管理
讲授课程 高级管理研究方法(博士),管理研究方法(硕士),营销管理(MBA),市场营销学(本科),营销研究方法(本科)
研究成果 近年代表性研究成果(一)英文论文1.Yang, Zhi,Wu, Yueyan, Lu, Chongyu,Tu, Yangjun,Effects of paid search advertising on product sales: a Chinese semantic perspective,JOURNAL OF MARKETING MANAGEMENT,2020,36:1481-1504.(SSCI)2.Yang, Zhi,Thi Thu Huong Nguyen, Hoang Nam Nguyen, hi Thuy Nga Nguye, Thi Thanh Cao),GREENWASHING BEHAVIOURS: CAUSES, TAXONOMY AND CONSEQUENCES BASED ON A SYSTEMATIC LITERATURE REVIEW, JOURNAL OF BUSINESS ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT,2020 21(5): 1486-1507(SSCI)3.Yang, Zhi, Zheng, Yu, Zhang, Yufei, Jiang, Yanhui,Bipolar influence of firm-generated content on customers' offline purchasing behavior: A field experiment in China, ELECTRONIC COMMERCE RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS,2019(SSCI)4.Zuo, Li,Fisher, Gregory J.Yang, Zhi,Organizational learning and technological innovation: the distinct dimensions of novelty and meaningfulness that impact firm performance, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science,2019,47(6):1166-1183(SSCI)5.Zhi Yang, Zhihui Huang, Feng Wang, Chujian Feng ,The double-edged sword of networking: Complementary and substitutive effects of networking capability in China,Industrial Marketing Management,2018,68(1):145-155(SSCI) 6.Man Chen,Zhi Yang,Wenyu Dou,Feng Wang,Flying or dying? Organizational change, customer participation, and innovation ambidexterity in emerging economies,Asia Pacific Journal of Management,2018,35(1): 97–119(SSCI)7. Tu, Yangjun;Yang, Zhi*,Self-Control as Mediator and Moderator of the Relationship Between Social Support and Subjective Well-Being Among the Chinese Elderly, Social Indicators Research,2016, 2: 813-828 (SSCI)8. Tu, Yangjun; Yang, Zhi*;Ma, Chaoqun,The Taste of Plate: How the Spiciness of Food is Affected by the Color of the Plate Used to Serve It,Journal of Sensory studies,2016,31 (1) : 50-60 (SCI)9.Fang, Eric ,Lee, Jongkuk,Yang, Zhi* ,The Timing of Codevelopment Alliances in New Product Development Processes: Returns for Upstream and Downstream Partners,Journal of Marketing,2015,79 (1): 64-82 (SSCI)10.Tu, Yangjun,Chen, Yaguang, Guo, Yi; Yang, Zhi* ,Interpersonal Trust and Self-Perception of Heterosexual Charm Moderate Potential For Betraying One’s Romentic Partner,Social Behavior and Personality ,2015,43(6): 909-920 (SSCI)11.Tu, Yangjun,Yang, Zhi*,Ma, Chaoqun,Touching tastes: The haptic perception transfer of liquid food packaging materials ,Food Quality and Preference ,2015,39 124-130(SCI)12.Yao, Zheng,Yang, Zhi*;Fisher, Gregory J;Ma, Chaoqun;Fang, Eric ,Knowledge complementarity, knowledge absorption effectiveness, and new product performance: The exploration of international joint ventures in China,International Business Review, 2013, 22 (1): 216-227(SSCI)13.Chunyan Xie,Richard P. Bagozzi,Zhi Yang,Emerging Materialism in China: Qualitative and Quantitative Insights,Journal of International Consumer Marketing,,2013,25(1):127–15114.Ma, Chaoqun; Yang, Zhi*;Yao, Zheng; Fisher, Greg; Fang, Eric ,The effect of strategic alliance resource accumulation and process characteristics on new product success: Exploration of international high-tech strategic alliances in China,Industrial Marketing Management,2012, 41( 3 ):469-480(SSCI) (二)中文论文15.姚铮,马超群,杨智,新产品开发网络资源与技术资源匹配关系:基于中国制造业企业的实证研究,中国管理科学,2016,24(4):148-15816.姚铮,马超群,杨智,方二,制造业企业开放式创新中关键资源对新产品开发风险与市场绩效的影响机理研究,中国软科学,2013,6:111-118近年主持的代表性课题1.国家社科基金重大招标项目(18ZDA063): 数据赋能激励制造企业创新驱动发展及其对策研究。2.国家自然科学基金面上项目(71573079):大众参与创客运动的驱动机制及引导政策研究:MOA理论的视角。3.国家“十三五”科技规划前期研究重大招标课题(2014DP20028):“十三五”技术创新的市场导向机制研究。4.湖南省软科学重大招标项目(2012ZK1003):加速湖南省科技成果转化与产业化的现状与推广对策研究。5.湖南省软科学重点项目(2015ZK30980:深化“区校合作”体制机制改革,加速推进我省科技成果转化的对策研究。 织梦好,好织梦