

姓名 杨坤 性别 现为湖南大学化学化工学院助理教授(
学校 湖南大学 部门 化学化工学院
学位 发明专利包写包过 特惠申请 学历 版权登记666包过 代写全部资料
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基本信息 杨坤,博士,硕士生导师,深圳市海外高层次人才,现为湖南大学化学化工学院助理教授(曾泽兵教授团队)、湖南大学粤港澳大湾区研究院/湖南大学深圳研究院副研究员。长期从事于新型有机/高分子光电磁半导体功能体材料的设计、合成及相关光电器件应用研究。近年来已在国际权威期刊发表学术论文60余篇,其中(共同)一作或者通讯作者论文26篇,h-index为27(google scholar),申请中国专利5项,授权1项。主持国家自然科学青年基金、湖南省优秀青年基金、广东省自然科学面上基金;担任省市级项目函评/会评专家、Adv.Mater.、J. Energy Chem.等知名期刊审稿人。 欢迎对有机半导体材料的开发和光电应用有兴趣的同学,尤其是对化学学科有热情的本科生加入课题组!联系方式:yangk@hnu.edu.cn。

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教育背景与工作经历 2007.09-2011.06  中国科学技术大学,化学系,理学学士,导师:徐铜文教授、程义云教授 2011.09-2012.03  中国科学技术大学,化学系,科研助理,合作导师:梁高林教授 2012.08-2017.05  阿克伦大学,高分子科学系,哲学博士,导师:朱宇教授、程正迪院士 2017.08-2022.08  南方科技大学,材料科学与工程系,博士后/高级研究学者,合作导师:郭旭岗教授



研究兴趣 基于共轭π-体系的新型有机/高分子光电磁功能材料开发及其基础与应用研究



主持项目 -    湖南省自然科学基金-优秀青年基金,主持,2024/01-2026/12,2024JJ4013. -    国家自然科学基金-青年基金项目,主持,2021/01-2023/12,22005133. -    广东省自然科学基金-面上项目,主持,2022/01-2023/12,2022A1515010935. -    中央高校科研启动经费,主持,2023-2027, 531118010910.



代表性论文 After joined HNU: 27. Li, Z, Ni, Y.,* Yang, K.,* Zeng, Z.* Pyridinic Nitrogen-Doping: A Versatile Approach for Precise Structure-Property Manipulations of Nanographenes. Chemistry of Materials, 2024, Accepted. (通讯作者) 26. Zhou, Z.,# Yang, K.,# He, L., Wang, W., Lai, W., Yang, Y., Dong, Y., Xie, S., Yuan, L., Zeng, Z.* Sulfone-Functionalized Chichibabin's Hydrocarbons: Stable Diradicaloids with Symmetry Breaking Charge Transfer Contributing to NIR Emission Beyond 900 nm. Journal of the American Chemistry Society 2024, Accepted. (共同一作) 25. Yang, K.,# Li, Z.,# Huang, Y., Zeng, Z.* Bay/Ortho-octasubstituted Perylene: A Versatile Building Block Towards Novel Polycyclic (Hetero)Aromatic Hydrocarbons. Accounts of Chemical Research, 2024, Accepted. 24、Wu, W., Feng, K.,* Wang, Y., Wang, J., Huang, E., Li, Y., Jeong S.Y., Woo, H.Y., Yang, K.,* Guo, X.* Selenophene Substitution Enabled High-Performance n-Type Polymeric Mixed Ionic-Electronic Conductors for Organic Electrochemical Transistors and Glucose Sensors. Advanced Materials, 2023, 36, 2310503. (https://doi.org/10.1002/adma.202310503)(通讯作者) 23、Guo, J., Zhang, K., Wang, Y., Wei, H., Wang, X., Yang, K.,* Zeng, Z.* Fully-fused Boron-doped Olympicenes: Modular Synthesis, Tunable Optoelectronic Properties, and One-Electron Reduction. Chemical Science, 2023, 14, 4158-4165. (https://doi.org/10.1039/D3SC00342F) (通讯作者) 22、Huang, T., Ding, Z., Liu, H., Chen, P., Zhao, L., Hu, Y., Yao, Y., Yang, K.,* Zeng, Z.* Electron-Transporting Boron-Doped Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons: Facile Synthesis and Heteroatom Doping Positions-modulated Optoelectronic Properties. Chinese Chemical Letters, 2023, in press. (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1001841723008707) (通讯作者) 21、Yang, K., Zuhao, Li, Zeng, Z.* Making Monodispersed Ultralong Graphene Nanoribbons with An Accelerated Iterative Approach. Chem, 2023, 9,2725-2737. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chempr.2023.09.012)   Before joined HNU: 20、Yang, K., Liao, Q. , Huang, J., Zhang, Z., Su, M., Chen, Z., Wu, Z., Wang, D., Lai, Z., Woo, H.Y., Cao, Y.*, Gao, P.,* Guo, X.* Intramolecular Noncovalent Interaction-Enabled Dopant-Free Hole-Transporting Materials for High-Performance Inverted Perovskite Solar Cells. Angewante Chemie International Edition 2021, 61, e202113749. (DOI: 1002/anie.202113749) (Hot Paper) 19、Yang, K., Zhang, X., Harbuzaru, A., Wang, L., Wang, Y., Koh, C.W., Guo, H., Shi, Y., Chen, J., Sun, H., Feng, K., Woo, H.Y., Ortiz, R.P., and Guo, X.* Stable Organic Diradicals Based on Quinoidal Oligothiophene Imide with High Electrical Conductivity. Journal of the American Chemistry Society 2020, 142, 4329-4340. (DOI: 1021/jacs.9b12683) 18、Yang, K., Chen, Z., Wang, Y., Guo, X.* Alkoxy-Functionalized Bithiophene/thiazoles: Versatile Building Blocks for High-Performance Organic and Polymeric Semiconductors. Accounts of Materials Research, 2023, 4, 237-250. (https://doi.org/10.1021/accountsmr.2c00237) 17、Li, J.,# Liu, M.,# Yang, K.,#,* Zhang, J., Wang, Y., Wang, J., Wang, D., Chen, Z., Guo, H., Wei, Z., * Guo, X.,* Selenium Substitution in Bithiophene Imide-Based Polymer Semiconductors Enabling High-Performance n-Type Organic Thermoelectrics. Advanced Functional Materials 2023, 33, 2213911, (https://doi.org/10.1002/adfm.202213911) (通讯兼共一) 16、Li, B.#, Yang, K. #,*, Liao, Q., Wang, Y., Su, M., Li, Y., Shi, Y., Feng. X., Huang, J., Sun, H., Guo, X.* Imide-Functionialized Trarylamine-Based Donor-Acceptor Polymers as Hole Transporting Layers for High-Performance Inverted Perovskite Solar Cell. Advanced Functional Materials, 2021, 2100332. (DOI: 10.1002/adfm.202100332) (通讯兼共一) 15、Li, J.,# Yang, K.,#,* Wang, D., # Wang, Y., Jeong, S., Chen, Z., Guo, H., Woo, H.Y., Guo, X.,* Regioisomeric Cyanated Polythiophenes Bearing Polar Side Chains for n-Type Organic Thermoelectrics. Macromolecules 2023, 56, 2339-2347. (https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.macromol.2c02564)(通讯兼共一) 14、Yang, K., Liao, Q., C. W. Koh, J Chen, M. Su, X. Zhou, Y. Tang, Y. Wang, Zhang, Y., Woo, H.Y.*, and Guo, X.* Improved Photovoltaic Performance of a Nonfullerene Acceptor Based on a Benzo[b]thiophene Fused End Group with Extended π-Conjugation. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2019, 7, 9822-9830. (DOI: 1039/C9TA01111K) 13、Wang, D.,# Li, J.,# Yang, K.,* Wang, Y., Jeong, S.Y., Chen, Z., Liao, Q., Li, B., Woo, H.Y., Deng, X.,* Guo, X.* Terminal Cyano-Functionalized Fused Bithiophene Imide Dimer-Based n-Type Small Molecular Semiconductors: Synthesis, Structure–Property Correlations, and Thermoelectric Performances. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 2023, 15, 9714-9725. (DOI: 1021/acsami.2c20489) (通讯作者) 12、Wang, D.,# Hou, Y.,# Yang, K.,* Wang, Y., Liao, Q., Jeong, S.Y., Jian Li, Woo, H.Y., Deng, X.,* Guo, X.* Aldol condensation-enabled acceptor-acceptor type bithiophene imide polymer semiconductors for n‐type field-effect transistors. Dyes and Pigments 2023, 212, 111138. (DOI: 1016/j.dyepig.2023.111138) (通讯作者) 11、Yang, K., Li, X., Huang, Y-F., Bhatta, R., Liu, J., Tsige, M., Wang, C.L., Cheng, S.Z.D., and Zhu, Y.* Investigation of Hydrogen-Bonding Mediated Molecular Packing of Diketopyrrolopyrrole Based Donor-Acceptor Oligomers in the Solid State. Polymer 2019, 160, 238-245. (DOI: 1016/j.polymer.2018.11.029) 10、Li, R., Dai, Z., Zheng, M., Wang, C., Deng, Z., Zhuang, T., Feng, K., Yang, W., Yang, K.*, and Zhang, H.* Benzo-/Naphthodifuranone Based Polymers: Effect of Perpendicular-Extended Main Chain π-Conjugation on Organic Field-Effect Transistor Performances. Macromolecular Rapid Communication 2021, 2020703. (DOI: 1002/marc.202000703) (通讯作者) 9、Ning, S., Li, S., Yang, K.,* Zhou, F., Song, J.,* Zhou, L.,* J. High Efficiency Electroluminescence of Orange-Red Iridium(III) Complexes for OLEDs with an EQE over 30%. Dyes and Pigments 2021, 195, 109733. (DOI: 10.1016/j.dyepig.2021.109733)(通讯作者) 8、Yang, K., He, T., Chen, X., Cheng, S.Z.D., and Zhu, Y.* Patternable Conjugated Polymers with Latent Hydrogen-Bonding on the Main Chain. Macromolecules 2014, 47 (24), 8479-8486. (DOI: 1021/ma501960t) 7、Yang, K., Weng, L., Cheng, Y.*, Zhang, H., Zhang, J., Wu, Q., Xu, T.* Host−Guest Chemistry of Dendrimer−Drug Complexes. 6. Fully Acetylated Dendrimers as Biocompatible Drug Vehicles Using Dexamethasone 21- Phosphate as a Model Drug. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2011, 115 (10), 11017-11026. (DOI: 1021/jp111044k) 6、Yang, K., Cheng, Y.*, Feng, X., Zhang, J., Wu, Q., and Xu, T.* Insights into the Interactions between Dendrimers and Multiple Surfactants: 5. Formation of Miscellaneous Mixed Micelles Revealed by a Combination of 1H NMR, Diffusion, and NOE Analysis. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2010, 114, 7265-7273. (DOI: 1021/jp1026493) 5、Zhang, H#, Yang, K#, Zhang, K., Zhang, Z., Sun, Q., and Yang, W.* Thionating Iso-Diketopyrrolopyrrole-Based Polymers: From p-type to Ambipolar Field Effect Transistors with Enhanced Charge Mobility. Polymer Chemistry 2018, 9, 1807. (DOI: 1039/C8PY00292D)(共同一作) 4、Zhang, H#, Yang, K.#, Chen, C., Wang, Y., Zhang, Z., Tang, L., Sun, Q., Xue, S., Yang, W.* 1,4-Diketo-pyrrolo[3,4-c]pyrroles (DPPs) Based Insoluble Polymer Films with Lactam Hydrogens as Renewable Fluoride Anion Chemosensor. Polymer 2018, 149, 266-272. (DOI: 1016/j.polymer.2018.07.011)(共同一作) 3、Chen, J.#, Yang, K.#, Zhou, X., and Guo, X.*. Ladder-Type Heteroarene-Based Organic Semiconductors. Chemistry- An Asian Journal 2018, 13, 2587-2560. (DOI: 1002/asia.201800860)(共同一作) 2、Deng, Z.#, Yang, K.#, Li, L., Bao, W., Hao, X., Ai, T., Kou, K.* Solution Processed Air-Stable p-Channel Organic Crystal Field-Effect Transistors of Aminobenzodifuranone. Dyes and Pigments 2018, 151, 173-178. (DOI: 1016/j.dyepig.2017.12.052)(共同一作) 1、Guo, H.; Yang, C. -Y.; Zhang, X.; Motta, A.; Feng, K.; Xia, Y.; Shi, Y.; Wu, Z.; Yang, K.; Chen, J.; Liao, Q.; Tang, Y.; Sun, H.; Woo, H. Y.; Fabiano, S.; Facchetti, A.*; Guo, X.* Transition Metal-Catalysed Molecular n-Doping of Organic Semiconductors. Nature 2021, 599, 67-73. (DOI: 1038/s41586-021-03942-0) 本文来自织梦



