

姓名 叶崇 性别 发明专利4999代写全部资料
学校 湖南大学 部门 材料科学与工程学院
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基本信息 叶崇,男,河南西平人,博士、研究员、博士生导师,国家高层次青年人才,先进炭材料及应用技术湖南省重点实验室主任。主要致力于高导热中间相沥青碳纤维及其复合材料的基础理论研究与国产化研制工作,兼任全国碳纤维标准化技术委员会委员。项目成果相继获2019年度湖南省技术发明一等奖及2020年度国家科技进步二等奖。 办公地址:先进炭材料及应用技术湖南省重点实验室 联系方式:yec@hnu.edu.cn 织梦好,好织梦


研究领域 (一)高品质沥青的结构及性能调控与制备 开展催化裂化油浆组分的精准分离与定向转化过程基础研究,开发中间相沥青及各向同性沥青高纯化制备方法,揭示沥青中灰分的脱除机制,构建沥青的结构及性能与碳纤维结构及性能之间的关联。 (二)中间相沥青炭纤维结构调控与制备 开展中间相沥青炭纤维微观结构的调控及其形成机制研究,构建中间相沥青炭纤维结构-导热-力学性能之间的耦合关系,探究中间相沥青炭纤维低成本制备技术。 (三)中间相沥青炭纤维织物结构设计与复合材料制备 开展中间相沥青炭纤维织物的结构设计,开发结构及性能可控的高导热C/C和炭纤维/树脂复合材料的制备技术,构建基于复合材料微观和宏观结构特征的多尺度热传导模型,阐明导热机理。 copyright dedecms


研究概况 主持军委装备发展部军工项目、湖南省重点领域研发计划、湖南省十大技术攻关项目、长沙市揭榜挂帅项目、国家及省级人才项目、平台建设项目、企事业单位委托项目等近20项。



学术成果 科研论文 [1] Zhijie Xiang, Fei Wang, Kui Shi*, Chong Ye*, Zhen Fan, Gen Liao, Chengfei Li, Dong Huang, Fei Han, Hongbo Liu, Jinshui Liu*. Functionalized graphene assisted the formation of mesocarbon microbeads with ultra-large size and loose microcrystalline structure from petroleum pitch for sodium-ion batteries anode. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2023, 175, 106171. [2] Gen Liao, Kui Shi*, Chong Ye*, Zhen Fan, Zhijie Xiang, Chengfei Li, Dong Huang, Fei Han, Hongbo Liu, Jinshui Liu*. Influence of resin on the formation and development of mesophase influid catalytic cracking (FCC) slurry oil. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2023, 172, 105997 [3] Ningyuan Zhang, Dong Huang, Xiang Chen, Chong Ye*, Shipeng Zhu, Zhen Fan, Fei Han, Hongbo Liu, Jinshui Liu. Improving the interlaminar bonding and thermal conductivity of polymer composites by using split-radial mesophase pitch-based carbon fiber as reinforcement. Composites Part B-Engineering, 2023, 252, 110509. [4] Biao Li, Dong Huang*, Tongqi Li, Chong Ye*, Xingming Zhou, Zhen Fan, Ningyuan Zhang, Fei Han, Hongbo Liu, Jinshui Liu*. The positive role of mesophase-pitch-based carbon fibers in enhancing thermal response behavior in Carbon/Carbon composite. Materials characterization, 2023, 196, 112630. [5] Dong Huang, Qianli Liu, Peng Zhang, Chong Ye*, Fei Han, Hongbo Liu, Zhihai Feng*, Shipeng Zhu, Zhen Fan, Jinshui Liu*, Hao Wang. Thermal response of the two-directional high-thermal-conductive carbon fiber reinforced aluminum composites with low interface damage by a vacuum hot pressure diffusion method. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2022, 905: 1-11. [6] Huang Wu, Dong Huang, Chong Ye*, Ting Ouyang, Shipeng Zhu*, Zhen Fan, Gaoming Ye, Xiao Wu, Kui Shi, Fei Han, Hongbo Liu, Jinshui Liu*. Engineering microstructure toward split free mesophase pitch based carbon fibers. Journal of Materials Science, 2022, 57(4):2411-2423. [7] Ze Li, Zhao Jiang, Ting Ouyang*, Yafang Zhang, Chong Ye*, Jinshui Liu. Unveiling the microcrystal structure evolution of carbon fibers induced by thermal soaking of mesophase pitch. Journal of Materials Science, 2022, 57(7):4556-4568. [8] Dong Huang, Qianli Liu,  Yuefeng Zhang, Chong Ye*, Shipeng Zhu, Zhen Fan*, Fei Han, Hongbo Liu, Jinshui Liu*. Ablation behavior and thermal conduction mechanism of 3D ZrC-SiC-modified carbon/carbon composite having high thermal conductivity using mesophase-pitch-based carbon fibers and pyrocarbon as heat transfer channels. Composites Part B-Engineering, 2021, 224: 109201. [9] Chong Ye, Huang Wu, Shipeng Zhu, Zhen Fan, Dong Huang*, Fei Han, Jinshui Liu*, Jianxiao Yang, Hongbo Liu. Microstructure of high thermal conductivity mesophase pitch-based carbon fibers. New Carbon Materials, 2021, 36(5): 980-986. [10] Dong Huang, Ruixuan Tan, Chong Ye*, Shipeng Zhu, Zhen Fan, Peng Zhang, Huang Wu, Fei Han, Hongbo Liu, Jinshui Liu*. Preparation and properties of the three-dimensional highly thermal conductive carbon/carbon-silicon carbide composite using the mesophase-pitch-based carbon fibers and pyrocarbon as thermal diffusion channels. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2021, 41(8):4438-4446.科研著作 科研专利成果 [1] 叶崇、向逸风、伍孝等. 一种加氢及链转移改性精制中间相沥青的方法. 中国发明专利. 专利号:ZL202010291747.2 [2] 叶崇、黄东、伍孝等. 一种全自动干燥炉. 中国发明专利. 专利号:ZL202010302549.1 [3] 叶崇、黄东、伍孝等. 一种干燥炉. 中国发明专利. 专利号:ZL202010302550.4 [4] 叶崇、刘玲、黄东等. 一种碳蜂窝及其制备方法.专利号:ZL202010348455.8 [5] 叶崇、刘玲、黄东等. 一种高导热C/SiC复合材料及其制备方法. 专利号:ZL202010402393.4 [6] 叶崇、刘玲、黄东等. 一种自催化高导热C/C复合材料及其制备方法.专利号:ZL202010437046.5 [7] 叶崇、陈坤、余洋等. 一种中间相沥青的制备方法. 专利号:ZL202011419380.4 [8] 叶崇、伍孝、余洋等. 一种沥青基炭纤维及其制备方法. 专利号:ZL202011419370.0 [9] 叶崇、刘玲、黄东等. 一种高导热碳纤维预浸料及其制备方法. 专利号:ZL202011358480.0 [10] 叶崇、刘玲、黄东等. 一种高导热碳纤维粉及其制备方法. 专利号:ZL202011363995.X软件著作权



奖励与荣誉 2019    湖南省技术发明一等奖 2020    国家科技进步二等奖 2020    湖南省“湖湘青年英才”支持计划 2021    “湖湘工匠”年度人物提名奖 2023    国家高层次青年人才




