姓名 | 黄璟胜 | 性别 | 男 |
学校 | 河南大学 | 部门 | 水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院 |
学位 | 博士 | 学历 | 博士研究生 |
职称 | 研究员 | 联系方式 | 【了解更多】 |
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头像,黄璟胜 研究员 水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院 导航 个人概况 科学研究 教学信息 社会职务 荣誉及奖励 招生信息,个人简介 黄璟胜,江苏特聘教授(2018),博士生导师,河海大学水资源研究所副所长,从事地下水机理研究与数值模拟,建构了精准且低计算成本的多尺度水流耦合模型。成果成功用于新西兰、美国、法国、加拿大、台湾的野外试验场。在国际知名期刊Advances in Water Resources、Hydrology and Earth System Sciences、Journal of Hazardous Materials、Journal of Hydrology、Water Resources Research等发表论文31篇。合作出版专著1本。现任国际期刊Hydrogeology Journal(中科院二区)副主编。近三年持续获批国家自然科学基金青年科学基金、面上项目。研究成果荣获省级科研奖励3项。 个人资料 姓名: 黄璟胜 性别: 男 学位: 博士 出生年月: 1984-03 学历: 博士研究生 毕业院校: 台湾交通大学 教育经历 2004年9月-2008年1月,台湾交通大学,土木工程学系,学士 2008年9月-2009年6月,台湾交通大学,环境工程,硕士 2009年9月-2013年2月,台湾交通大学,环境工程,博士 工作经历 2013年3月-2016年8月,台湾交通大学,环境工程研究所,博士后 2017年9月-迄今,河海大学,水文水资源学院,教授 2019年1月-迄今,SCI期刊,《Hydrogeology Journal》,副主编 2019年5月-迄今,河海大学,水资源研究所,副所长 研究领域 地下水流与地下水污染传输机理研究与数值模拟河水-地下水相互作用抽水试验与示踪试验非达西流机理研究与数值模拟未饱和地下水流数值模拟偏微分方程式的解析方法与数值方法 科研项目 1、有限节点闭合解析方法-高效且精准的地下水流数值模拟,2018.01.01-2020.12.31,水文水资源学院 2、耦合多孔介质达西流与裂隙非达西流的有限节点闭合解析方法,2019.01.01-,国家自然科学基金委员会,水文水资源学院 论文 1、Analysis of radially convergent tracer test in a two-zone confined aquifer with vertical dispersion effect: asymmetrical and symmetrical transports,Journal of Hazardous Materials,2019.05,Huang, C.-S.,河海大学,C. Tong,W.-S. Hu,H.-D. Yeh, T. Yang,377, 8-16 2、An analytical approach for the simulation of flow in a heterogeneous confined aquifer with a parameter zonation structure,Water Resources Research,2016.11,Huang, C.-S.,河海大学,H.-D. Yeh,52(11), 9201– 9212 3、Estimating stream filtration from a meandering stream under the Robin condition,Water Resources Research,2015.05,Huang, C.-S,河海大学,H.-D. Yeh,51(6), 4848-4857 4、Groundwater flow to a pumping well in a sloping fault zone unconfined aquifer,Water Resources Research,2014.05,Huang, C.-S.,河海大学,S. Y. Yang,H.-D. Yeh,50(5), 4079-4094 5、 A general analytical solution for groundwater fluctuations due to dual tide in long but narrow islands,Water Resources Research,2012.05,Huang, C.-S.,河海大学,C. H. Chang ,H.-D. Yeh,48(5), W05508 6、Review of analytical models to stream depletion induced by pumping: Guide to model selection,Journal of Hydrology,2018.04,Huang, C.-S.,河海大学,T. Yang,H.-D. Yeh,561, 277-285 7、Stream filtration induced by pumping in a confined, unconfined or leaky aquifer bounded by two parallel streams or by a stream and an impervious stratum,Journal of Hydrology,2014.03,Huang, C.-S.,河海大学,W. S. Lin,H.-D. Yeh,513, 28-44 8、An analytical solution for a radial collector well near a stream with a low-permeability streambed,Journal of Hydrology,2012.04,Huang, C.-S.,河海大学,P. R. Tsou, H.-D. Yeh,446-447, 48-58 9、A general analytical model for head response to oscillatory pumping in unconfined aquifers: effects of delayed gravity drainage and initial condition,Hydrology and Earth System Sciences,2019.03,Huang, C.-S.,河海大学,Y.-H. Tsai,H.-D. Yeh,T. Yang,23, 1323-1337 10、Approximate analysis of three-dimensional groundwater flow toward a radial collector well in a finite-extent unconfined aquifer,Hydrology and Earth System Sciences,2016.01,Huang, C.-S.,河海大学,J.-J. Chen,H.-D. Yeh,20(1), 55-71 11、 Approximate solution of transient drawdown for constant-flux pumping at a partially penetrating well in a radial two-zone confined aquifer,Hydrology and Earth System Sciences,2015.06,Huang, C.-S.,河海大学,S. Y. Yang,H.-D. Yeh,19(6), 2639-2647 12、 A general analytical solution for flow to a single horizontal well by Fourier and Laplace transforms,Advances in Water Resources,2011.02,Huang, C.-S.,河海大学,Y. L. Chen,H.-D. Yeh,34(5), 640-648 13、 Discussion of "Integral and closed form analytical solutions to the transport contaminant equation considering 3D advection and dispersion" by Luan Carlos de S. M. Ozelim and Andre Luis Brasil Cavalcante,International Journal of Geomechanics,2014.08,Huang, C.-S.,河海大学,H.-D. Yeh,14(5), 07014001 14、 Analysis of unconfined flow induced by constant rate pumping based on the lagging theory,Water Resources Research,2019.04,Lin, Y.-C.,Huang, C.-S. ,H.-D. Yeh,55, 3925-3940 15、An analytical solution for tidal fluctuations in unconfined aquifers with a vertical beach,Water Resources Research,2010.10,Huang, C.-S.,河海大学,Y. C. Chang,D. S. Jeng,H.-D. Yeh,46(10), W10535 16、Analysis of three-dimensional unsaturated-saturated flow induced by localized recharge in unconfined aquifers,Hydrology and Earth System Sciences,2018.07,Chang, C. H.,Huang, C.-S. ,H.-D. Yeh,22(7), 3951-3963 17、Three-dimensional transient groundwater flow due to localized recharge with an arbitrary transient rate in unconfined aquifers,Hydrology and Earth System Sciences,2016.03,Chang, C.-H.,Huang, C.-S.,H.-D. Yeh,20(3), 1225-1239 18、Groundwater fluctuations in heterogeneous coastal leaky aquifer systems,Hydrology and Earth System Sciences,2010.10,Chuang, M. H.,Huang, C.-S.,G. H. Li,H.-D. Yeh,14(10), 1819-1826 19、Stream depletion rate with horizontal or slanted wells in confined aquifers near a stream,Hydrology and Earth System Sciences,2010.08,Tsou, P. R.,H.-D. Yeh,Huang, C.-S.,Z. Y. Feng,14(8), 1477-1485 20、Approximate solution for a transient hydraulic head distribution induced by a constant-head test at a partially penetrating well in a two-zone confined aquifer,Journal of Hydraulic Engineering-ASCE,2014.03,Yang, S. Y.,Huang, C.-S.,C. H. Liu,H.-D. Yeh,140(7), 04014030 21、Transient analysis for fluid injection into a dome reservoir,Advances in Water Resources,2011.08,Kuo, C. C.,Huang, C.-S. ,H.-D. Yeh,34(12), 1553-1562 22、An improved approach for water quality evaluation: TOPSIS-based informative weighting and ranking (TIWR) approach,Ecological Indicators,2018.02,Li, Z.,Huang, C.-S. ,C.-Y. Xu,T. Yang,89, 356-364 23、Improving monthly streamflow prediction in alpine regions: integrating HBV model with Bayesian neural network,Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment,2018.06,Ren, W. W.,Huang, C.-S. ,C. Y. Xu,T. Yang,32(12), 3381 - 3396 24、New analytical models for flow induced by pumping in a stream‐aquifer system: A new Robin boundary condition reflecting joint effect of streambed width and storage,Water Resources Research,2020.05,Huang, C.-S.,河海大学,Z.-C. Wang,Y.-C. Lin,H.-D. Yeh, T. Yang,56, e2019WR026352 25、Assessing the impacts of climate change and land use/cover change on runoff based on improved Budyko framework models considering arbitrary partition of the impacts,Water,2020,Xiong M.,河海大学,Huang, C.-S. , T. Yang,12, 1612 26、A new uncertainty estimation technique for multiple datasets and its application to various precipitation products,Hydrology and Earth System Sciences,2020.04,Zhou, X.,J. Polcher,T. Yang, Huang, C.-S.,Zhou, X.,24, 2061–2081 27、Evaluating the area and position accuracy of surface water paths obtained by flow direction algorithms,Journal of Hydrology,2020.01,Li, Z.,C.-Y. Xu,P. Shi,T. Yang,583, 124619 28、Rainfall–runoff processes and modelling in regions characterized by deficiency in soil water storage,Water,2019.09,Shi P.,C.-Y. Xu,B. Yong,T. Yang,11, 1858 29、Impact of fractional probability distributions on statistics of hydraulic conductivity, dynamics of groundwater flow and solute transport at a low-permeability site,HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES,2020-10-15 30、A New Approach to Three-Dimensional Flow in a Pumped Confined Aquifer Connected to a Shallow Stream: Near-Stream and Far-From-Stream Groundwater Extractions,WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH,2021-04-01 31、A low-cost model for slug tests in a confined aquifer with skin-zone effect,Journal of Hydrology,SCI,2022.7.24,Wang, C.,College of Hydrology and Water Resources, Hohai University,C.-S. Huang,C. Tong,C.-S. Huang,College of Hydrology and Water Resources, Hohai University,State Key Laboratory of Hydrology-Water Resources and Hydraulic Engineering, Center for Global Change and Water Cycle, Hohai University,612, 128273 显示更多 科技成果 开授课程 1、水文地质与工程地质,本科生,15,32 2、地下水资源开发利用(英),本科生,32,24 教学成果 教学资源 社会职务 荣誉及奖励 1、台湾财团法人中技社科技研究奖学金,台湾财团法人中技社,黄璟胜,2012年12月1日 2、2020年江苏省青年地理科技奖个人奖,江苏省地理学会,黄璟胜,2020年11月21日,省级,省级 3、第二届江苏省海洋湖沼学会青年科技奖,江苏省海洋湖沼学会,黄璟胜,2022.7.12,省级,个人奖 招生信息 职称: 研究员 博士生导师 部门: 水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院 学科: 理论经济学,数学,地质学,水利工程 教学部门: 水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院 电话: 15951727711 邮件: cshuang0318@hhu.edu.cn 办公地址: 江苏省南京市西康路1号 通讯地址: 江苏省南京市西康路1号 邮编: 210098 5525 访问