姓名 | 姬建 | 性别 | 男 |
学校 | 河南大学 | 部门 | 土木与交通学院党委、土木与交通学院 |
学位 | 博士 | 学历 | 博士研究生 |
职称 | 教授 | 联系方式 | 【了解更多】 |
邮箱 | 【了解更多】 | 人气 | |
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导航 个人概况 科学研究 教学信息 社会职务 荣誉及奖励 招生信息,姬建 职称: 教授 博士生导师 部门: 土木与交通学院党委、土木与交通学院 学科: 土木工程 教学部门: 土木与交通学院党委、土木与交通学院 电话: 邮件: ji0003an@e.ntu.edu.sg 办公地址: 河海大学西康路校区 岩土楼 通讯地址: 邮编: 23174 访问 个人简介 姬 建,出生于安徽灵璧,江苏特聘教授(2018)、国家青年人才计划入选者(2016)- 河海大学岩土工程国家重点学科教授、博士生导师,主要从事岩土工程风险分析与可靠性控制、边坡工程与滑坡预测预警、地下空间开发利用、岩土灾害韧性防控理论等领域的科研与教学工作。2012年毕业于新加坡南洋理工大学土木与环境学院,获得博士学位,2014年至2017年就职于澳大利亚莫纳什大学土木工程学院担任讲师级研究员、兼职副教授,2017年9月入职河海大学工作至今。入选中组部第十三批“国家级人才计划”青年项目,获得“江苏特聘教授”荣誉称号。- 获批主持国家自然科学基金项目4项,在岩土工程与工程地质领域国际主流学术期刊上发表SCI论文80余篇。在国际权威期刊《ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering》上发表的论文排在2012年度论文引用榜第一名,获颁国际权威期刊《Computers and Geotechnics》2018 Outstanding Paper Award、国际水文协会IWA 2016 Research Innovation Award 、浙江省科技进步二等奖、河海大学教学成果特等奖等学术奖励。主要学术组织任职包括:岩土工程领域国际SCI期刊《Advances in Civil Engineering》副主编、《Computers and Geotechnics》编委、《Marine Georesources & Geotechnology》编委、河海大学学报自然科学版编委等。- 担任岩土工程科学研究所副所长(2018.03-)- 兼任河海大学国际合作处副处长(2020.04-)- 个人学术主页详见:https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=g2T91aUAAAAJ&hl=enhttps://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jian_Jihttps://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/983270 个人资料 姓名: 姬建 性别: 男 学位: 博士 出生年月: 1983-04 学历: 博士研究生 毕业院校: 新加坡南洋理工大学 教育经历 2008-2012,南洋理工大学【新加坡】,土木工程,哲学博士 2005-2008,西安交通大学,工学硕士 2001-2005,西安科技大学,工学学士 工作经历 2017-至今,河海大学 土木与交通学院,教学科研,教授 2014.04-2017.12,莫纳什大学【澳大利亚】,教学科研,Research Fellow (Lectural), Adjunct Assoc Professor (2021-) 2012.08-2014.04,Ecas-EJ Consultants【新加坡】,工程设计研究,Geotechnical Engineer 2010-2011,南洋理工大学【新加坡】,本科生课程教学,教学助理(TA) 研究领域 (1) 边坡工程与滑坡预测预警(2) 地下空间工程安全(3) 岩土力学数值计算(4) 岩土工程可靠度理论与风险分析(5) 岩土灾害时变分析与韧性防控(6) 智慧岩土工程与随机响应大数据分析 科研项目 1、"国家级人才计划”自由探索基金:岩土力学与岩土工程,2017.-,主持,中组部 2、国家自然科学联合基金重点项目:高海拔区域深切峡谷公路边坡强震响应及崩滑灾害防护机理研究,2022-,主持 3、国家自然科学基金面上项目:边坡地震位移导致跨河谷桥梁墩柱-桩-土基础失稳破坏机理及易损性分析,2020-,主持 4、国家自然科学基金面上项目:地震响应下土质边坡破坏模式概率分析及防灾参量逆可靠度反演方法研究,2018-,主持 5、国家自然科学基金青年项目:考虑岩土体参数空间变异特征的复杂边坡系统可靠度分析,2016-,主持 论文 1、姬建*, 姜振, 殷鑫, 王涛, 崔红志, 张卫杰 (2022). “边坡随机场数字图像特征CNN深度学习及可靠度分析“, 岩土工程学报 2、姬建*, 张哲铭, 夏嘉诚, 闵凡路, 吴志军 (2021), "基于逆可靠度分析的隧道开挖面极限支护压力优化设计", 岩土工程学报 3、姬建, 王乐沛, 廖文旺, 张卫杰, 朱德胜, 高玉峰* (2021), "基于 WUS 概率密度权重法的边坡稳定系统可靠度分析", 岩土工程学报 4、姬建*, 崔红志, 佟斌, 吕庆, 高玉峰 (2023), "基于物理过程不确定性的降雨诱发浅层滑坡易发性快速区划:GIS-FORM技术开发与应用", 岩石力学与工程学报 5、廖文旺, 姬建*, 张童, 吴志军, 张洁 (2021), "考虑降雨入渗参数空间变异性的浅层滑坡时效风险分析", 岩土力学 6、Ji, J.*, Gao, Y.*, Lü, Q., Wu, Z., Zhang, W., and Zhang, C.S. (2019), “China's early warning system progress”, Science 365 (6451), 332-332. (in Letters),https://doi.org/10.1126/science.aay4550 7、Ji, J.*, Zhang T., et al. (2023). “Numerical investigation of post-earthquake rainfall-induced slope instability considering strain-softening effect of soils", Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 171: 107938. 8、Ji, J.*, Wang, Z., Zhang, Z., and Liao W. (2023), “Robust reliability-based design approach by inverse FORM with adaptive conjugate search algorithm", Int. J. Numer. Anal. Meth. Geomech., 47: 1481–1495 9、Sun, Z., ..., and Ji, J*. (2023), “Probabilistic analysis of width‐limited 3D slope in spatially variable soils: UBLA enhanced with efficiency‐improved discretization of horn‐like failure mechanism", Int. J. Numer. Anal. Meth. Geomech., 47: 3129–3157 10、Ji, J.*, Zhang, W., Zhang, T., and Song, J. (2023), "Seismic displacement of earth slopes incorporating co-seismic accumulation of dynamic pore water pressure", Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 52(6): 1884-1907 11、Ji, J.*, Wang, T., Zhang, T., Song, J. and Huang, W. (2023), “DEM Analysis of Dynamic Evolutions of Lateral Soil Arching in Sandy Soil", ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 149(6): https://doi.org/10.1061/JENMDT.EMENG-7108 12、Zhang, Z. and Ji, J.* (2022), “Geotechnical RBDO: Coupling the inverse reliability algorithm with multi-objective reliability-based design optimization of geotechnical systems", Computers and Geotechnics, 152: 105005. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compgeo.2022.105005 13、Cui H., Ji J.*, et al. (2022), “Limit state line-based seismic stability charts for homogeneous earth slopes", Computers and Geotechnics, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compgeo.2022.104749 14、Ji, J.*, Cui H., Zhang T., Song J., and Gao Y. (2022), “A GIS‑based tool for probabilistic physical modelling and prediction of landslides: GIS‑FORM landslide susceptibility analysis in seismic areas, Landslides, 19: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10346-022-01885-9 15、Ji, J.* and Wang, L.P. (2022), “Efficient Geotechnical Reliability Analysis Using Weighted Uniform Simulation Method Involving Correlated Non-normal Random Variables, ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 148: https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)EM.1943-7889.0002101 16、Ji, J., Wang, C.W., Gao, Y.*, and Zhang, L.M (2021), “Probabilistic investigation of the seismic displacement of earth slopes under stochastic ground motion: A rotational sliding block analysis”, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 58 (7), 952-968. https://doi.org/10.1139/cgj-2020-0252 17、Ji, J., Wang, C.W., Cui, H.Z., Li, X.Y., Song, J., and Gao, Y.* (2021), “A simplified nonlinear coupled Newmark displacement model with degrading yield acceleration for seismic slope stability analysis”, Int. J. Numer. Anal. Meth. Geomech., 45(10): 1303-1322. https://doi.org/10.1002/nag.3202 18、Ji J*, Zhang Z, Wu Z, Xia J, Wu Y, Lü Q (2021), “An efficient probabilistic design approach for tunnel face stability by inverse reliability analysis“, Geoscience Frontiers 12 (5), 101210 19、Ji J*, Jiang Z, Zhang Z, Liao W, Wu Z, Lü Q (2021), “Optimum Scheme Selection for Multilayer Perceptron-Based Monte Carlo Simulation of Slope System Reliability“, ASCE International Journal of Geomechanics 21 (10), 06021025 20、Ji J*, Xia J, Zhang Z, Fu G, Kodikara J (2021), “A numerical investigation and probabilistic analysis of excavation earth retaining wall instability caused by underground pipeline leakage“, Computers and Geotechnics 139, 104431 21、Liao, W.W., and Ji, J.* (2021), “Time-dependent reliability analysis of rainfall-induced shallow landslides considering spatial variability of soil permeability”, Computers and Geotechnics, 129, 103903 22、Zhang, W., Ji, J.*, Gao, Y., Li, X., and Zhang, C. (2020), “Spatial variability effect of internal friction angle on the post-failure behavior of landslides using a random and non-Newtonian fluid based SPH method”, Geoscience Frontiers, 11(4), 1107-1121. 23、JT Guo, ZM Zhang, YL Tang, J Ji* (2020), “A Simplified Viscoelastic Solution of the Frost Heaving Force of Cavity Water behind Tunnel Linings”, Advances in Civil Engineering 2020 24、Ji, J.*, Zhang, W.J., Zhang, F., Gao, Y.F., and Lü, Q. (2020), “Reliability Analysis on Permanent Displacement of Earth Slopes Using the Simplified Bishop Method”, Computers and Geotechnics 117, 103286. 25、Ji, J.*, Lai, J.H., Fu, G., Zhang, C., and Kodikara, J. (2020), “Probabilistic Failure Investigation of Small Diameter Cast Iron Pipelines for Water Distribution”, Engineering Failure Analysis, 108, 104239. 26、Ji, J.*, Zhang, C.S., Gao, Y.F., and Kodikara, J. (2019), “Reliability-based design for geotechnical engineering: An inverse FORM approach for practice”, Computers and Geotechnics 111, 22-29. 27、Ji, J., Zhang, C.S., Gao, Y.F., and Kodikara, J. (2018), “Effect of 2D spatial variability on slope reliability: a simplified FORM analysis”, Geoscience Frontiers 9 (6), 1631-1638. 28、Lü, Q., Xiao, Z.P., Ji, J.*, and Zheng, J. (2017), “Reliability based design optimization for a rock tunnel support system with multiple failure modes using response surface method”, Tunneling and Underground Space Technology, 70: 1-10. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tust.2017.06.017 29、Zhang, C.S., Rathnayaka, S., Shannon, B., Ji, J.* and Kodikara, J. (2017), “Numerical interpretation of pressurized corroded cast iron pipe tests”, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 128, 116-124 30、Zhang, C.S., Ji, J.*, Kodikara, J. and Gui, Y.L. (2017), “Evaluation of the performance of a breakage model for high porosity Haubourdin chalk”, Computers and Geotechnics, 90, 113-119 31、Zhang, C.S., Ji, J.*, Kodikara, J. and Rajani, B. (2017), “Hyperbolic constitutive model to study cast iron pipes in 3-D nonlinear finite element analyses”, Engineering Failure Analysis, 75, 26-36 32、Ji, J., Robert, D.J., Zhang, C.S. and Kodikara, J. (2017), “Probabilistic physical modelling of corroded cast iron pipes for lifetime prediction”, Structural Safety 64, 62-75. 33、Ji, J., Zhang, C.S., Gui, Y.L., Lü, Q., and Kodikara, J. (2017), “New observations on the application of LS-SVM in slope system reliability analysis”, ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering 31 (2), 06016002. 34、Ji, J., Zhang, C.S., Kodikara, J. and Yang S.-Q. (2015), “Prediction of stress concentration factor of corrosion pits on buried pipes by least squares support vector machine”, Engineering Failure Analysis, 55, 131-138 35、Ji, J.* and Kodikara, J. (2015), “Efficient Reliability Method for Implicit Limit State Surface with Correlated Non-Gaussian Variables”, Int. J. Numer. Anal. Meth. Geomech., 39(17), 1898-1911 36、Ji, J.* (2014), “A Simplified Approach for Modeling Spatial Variability of Undrained Shear Strength in Out-Plane Failure Mode of Earth Embankment”, Engineering Geology, 183, 315-323 37、Ji, J.* and Chan, C.L. (2014), “Long embankment failure accounting for longitudinal spatial variation – A probabilistic study”, Computers & Geotechnics, 61, 50-56 38、Ji, J.* and Liao, H.J. (2014), “Sensitivity-Based Reliability Analysis of Earth Slopes using Finite Element Method”, Geomechanics and Engineering, 6(6), 545-560 39、Ji, J.*, Liao, H.J. and Low, B.K. (2012), “Modeling 2-D spatial variation in slope reliability analysis using interpolated autocorrelations”, Computers & Geotechnics, 40, 135-146 40、Ji, J.* and Low, B.K. (2012), “Stratified Response Surfaces for System Probabilistic Evaluation of Slopes”, ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, 138(11), 1398-1402 显示更多 科技成果 1、 2、 3、 4、 5、 6、 7、 8、 开授课程 1、基础工程,本科生,32 2、基础工程课程设计,本科生,0 3、岩土工程风险与可靠性分析,研究生,0,32 4、土木工程学科前沿专题讲座,研究生,0,16 5、Soil Mechanics(土力学),本科生,56 6、Soil Mechanics experiment(土力学实验),本科生,0,10 教学成果 撰写全英文教材:张洁, 肖特, 姬建, 曾鹏, 曹子君 (2021). Geotechnical Reliability Analysis: Theories, Methods, and Algorithms (岩土工程可靠性分析:理论、方法与算法). 同济大学出版社: ISBN 978-7-5608-9882-7 教学资源 社会职务 (1) 国际SCI期刊编委 (Editorial Board):Associate Editor:《Advances in Civil Engineering》, HindawiEditorial Board Member:《Computers and Geotechnics》, ElsevierEditorial Board Member:《Marine Georesources & Geotechnology》, Taylor & FrancisAcademic Editor:《Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering》, Elsevier(2) 国内期刊编委:《河海大学学报》自然科学版(3) 国际SCI期刊特邀审稿专家:《Geotechnique》、《Engineering Geology》、《International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics》、《Computers and Geotechnics》、《Engineering Structures》、《Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics》、《Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology》、ASCE Journals等近20个刊物。详见:https://publons.com/author/1439245/jian-ji(4) 国内外学术组织协会会员:ASCE Member,ISSMGE-TC304, Australian Geomechanics Society,International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE),International Society for Rock Mechanics (ISRM),International Association of Engineering Geology and the Environment (IAEG)中国土木工程学会 工程风险与保险研究分会 理事中国岩石力学与工程学会 地面岩石工程专委会 委员国际土力学与岩土工程学会 堤坝工程技术委员会(TC201)委员、风险分析技术委员会(TC304)委员美国土木工程师协会 堤坝边坡工程技术委员会(ASCE-GI-EDS)委员 荣誉及奖励 1、国家青年人才计划,2016,国家级 2、江苏特聘教授,2018,省部级 3、Best Paper Award,2018,期刊《Computers and Geotechnics》,国际奖励 4、应用研究创新奖,2016,国际水文协会 IWA,国际奖励 5、中国水利学会首届科技论文(英文)竞赛奖励,2018,国家级协会 6、河海大学教学成果特等奖,2022,排名1/10 7、浙江省科技进步二等奖,2023,排名5 招生信息 现招收具有土木工程、地质工程、地下与采矿工程、工程力学等相关专业背景的优秀人员进行合作研究,待遇从优:- 博士研究生(2名/年)- 硕士研究生(3名/年)- 高薪招聘博士后1至2名,提供充足的科研经费和研究生联合指导名额,考核优秀者可特评留校工作*热枕欢迎有意向的同学通过电子邮件联系:ji0003an@e.ntu.edu.sg 或 jian.ji@hhu.edu.cn