姓名 | 卢新彪 | 性别 | 男 |
学校 | 河南大学 | 部门 | 信息学部、人工智能与自动化学院 |
学位 | 博士 | 学历 | 博士研究生 |
职称 | 副教授 | 联系方式 | 【了解更多】 |
邮箱 | 【了解更多】 | 人气 | |
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导航 个人概况 科学研究 教学信息 社会职务 荣誉及奖励 招生信息,卢新彪 职称: 副教授 部门: 信息学部、人工智能与自动化学院 学科: 控制科学与工程 教学部门: 信息学部、人工智能与自动化学院 电话: 邮件: xinbiaolu@126.com 办公地址: 河海大学江宁校区勤学楼5509 通讯地址: 南京市江宁区佛城西路8号 邮编: 211100 7638 访问 个人简介 卢新彪,男,1975年11月生,山东曹县人,工学博士,副教授,硕士生导师,在控制理论与控制工程方向招收学术型硕士生,控制工程方向招收专业型硕士,主要从事多智能体群体智能分析与控制、复杂动态网络同步控制等研究,主讲本科生专业课《嵌入式系统原理及应用》、《最优控制》、《现代控制理论》和《检测技术与仪表》;主将全校公开课《网络科学漫谈》;主讲研究生课程《自适应控制》;邮箱:xinbiaolu@126.com。 个人资料 姓名: 卢新彪 性别: 男 学位: 博士 出生年月: 1975-11 学历: 博士研究生 毕业院校: 上海交通大学 教育经历 2004.09-2008.06,上海交通大学,控制理论与控制工程,工学博士学位 1994.09-1998.07,山东大学,学士学位 2001.09-2004.07,山东大学,硕士学位 工作经历 1998.07-2001.07,山东莱芜钢铁集团 2008.07-,河海大学 2015.12-2016.12,德国洪堡大学,高级访问学者,合作导师 Professor Jürgen Kurths 2012.12-2015.10,河海大学和江苏新安电器有限公司联合招收的博士后 研究领域 1.多智能体群体智能分析与协同控制研究;2.基于深度学习的人体行为识别研究。 科研项目 1、电动汽车谐波消除方法,2013-2015,卢新彪,中国博士后基金,河海大学,中国博士后基金 2、电动汽车充电桩谐波抑制和消除,2013-2015,卢新彪,江苏省博士后基金,河海大学 3、具无穷维复频算子多智能体的函数空间蜂拥与控制,2016-,国家自然科学基金面上项目,河海大学 4、基于深度学习的智慧空调的研发,2020.6-2022.6,2020.7,卢新彪,江苏新安电器有限公司,河海大学 5、深度学习的XX应用,2020.11-2021.4,2020-11,卢新彪,XX单位,河海大学,信息,2020110301,XX单位,39万元 论文 1、Global adaptive strategy to make a complex network attain an inhomogeneous equilibrium,Proceedings of the 2012 24th Chinese Control and Decision Conference,01-JAN-12 2、Positive Bio-circuits Design for Nonlinear Biochemical Networks,Proceedings of the 30th Chinese Control Conference,01-JAN-11 3、Novel approach to cluster synchronization in Kuramoto oscillators,international journal of image, graphics and signal processing,01-JAN-11 4、Controlling a complex dynamical network to attain an inhomogeneous equilibrium,Physica D,01-JAN-10 5、Adaptive Global Synchronization of Directed Networks with Fast Switching Topologies,Proceedings of the 8th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation,01-JAN-10 6、Adaptive approach to global synchronization of directed networks with fast switching topologies,physical letter A,01-JAN-10 7、Global synchronization of directed networks with fast switching topologies,Communication in Theoretical Physics,01-JAN-09 8、Transition from non-synchronization to synchronization of complex networks,Physica A,01-JAN-09 9、Adaptive cluster synchronization in complex dynamical networks,Physics Letter A,01-JAN-09 10、cascading failures in weighted heterogeneous coupled map lattices,the First International Conference on Sustainable Power Generation and Supply,01-JAN-09 11、Adaptive cluster synchronization in coupled phase oscillators,International Conference on Information Engineering and Computer Science,01-JAN-09 12、New approach to cluster synchronization in complex dynamical network,Communication in Theoretical Physics,01-JAN-09 13、Human Activities Recognition Based on Poisson Equation Evaluation and Bidirectional 2DPCA,Proceedings of International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision,09-DEC-14 14、Controllability discrepancy and irreducibility/reducibility of Floquet factorisations in linear continuous-time periodic systems,International Journal of Systems Science,01-JUN-15 15、Stability analysis via contraposition Nyquist approach for sampled-data systems with auxiliary continuous-time feedback,Chinese Control and Decision Conference,17-JUL-15 16、Recognizing human activities using appearance metric feature and kinematics feature,Journal of Electronic Imaging,07-MAY-17 17、Recognizing human activities using appearance metric feature and kinematics feature,JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC IMAGING,01-JAN-17 18、Flocking control of multi-agents based on self-adaptively weighting observers driven only by local position measurements,Proceedings of the 29th Chinese Control and Decision Conference, CCDC 2017,01-JAN-17 19、Complex Scaling Approach for Stability Analysis and Stabilization of Multiple Time-Delayed Systems,MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING,01-JAN-18 20、Event-triggered multi-equilibrium control of dynamical networks,Proceedings of 2018 3rd Asia-Pacific Conference on Intelligent Robot Systems, ACIRS 2018,01-JAN-18 21、Equilibrium-pinning control for complex networks with inter-node coupling strength saturation improvement,International Journal of Modern Physics C ,SCI,2020.1,Huang Chen,Hohai University,Lu Xin Biao,Zhou Jun,Lu Xin Biao,Hohai University,31,1,2050013 22、The optimal synchronizability of complex networks with saturated coupling strength,International Journal of Modern Physics C|,SCI,2020.8,Chen Huang,Hohai university,Xin Biao Lu,Jun Zhou,Xin Biao Lu,Hohai university 23、The optimal synchronizability of WS samll-world saturated network,2020 CCDC,EI,2020-05-23,Huang Chen,Hohaiuniversity,Lu Xinbiao,Zhangchi,Lu Xinbiao,Hohaiuniversity,1919-1923 24、Research on swarm convergence performance of saturated Vicsek modelk,2021 13th international conference on intelligent huaman machine systems and cybernetics,EI ,2021.8,Xin biao Lu,Hohai university,Chi Zhang,Hohai university,49-52 25、Two improved Vicsek models with different coupling strengths between particles,International Journal of modern physics C,SCI ,2021.9,Xinbiao Lu,Hohai university,Chi Zhang,Xinbiao Lu,Hohai university 26、An improved Vicsek model of swarm based on remote neighbor strategy,physica A,SCI,2021.10,Xinbiao Lu,Hohai university,Chi Zhang,Hohai university,accept 27、Research on swarm consistent performance of improved Vicsek model with neighbors' degree,Physica A ,SCI ,2021.10,Xinbiao Lu,Hohai University,Chi Zhang,Hohai University,accept 显示更多 科技成果 1、一种消除电动汽车谐波的装置及方法,2015-12-30,能源与电气学院,发明专利,3 2、一种复杂时延网络聚类同步的方法,2013-05-08,能源与电气学院,发明专利,3 3、一种基于事件驱动的复杂网络平衡点控制的方法,202010094625.4,河海大学,卢新彪、张弛、黄晨、徐嘉雯、周军、黄浩乾、钱惠敏,发明专利,受理 4、一种基于人机交互的智慧型洗衣机控制装置及其控制方法,2020100888653,河海大学,卢新彪,徐嘉雯,张弛,黄晨,周军,黄浩乾,发明,受理 开授课程 1、检测技术与仪表,本科生,85,56 2、电气控制技术(含PLC),本科生,70,32 3、现代控制理论,本科生,94,48 4、自适应控制,研究生,16,36 5、最优控制,自动化,2019.9-2019.11,67,32 6、网络科学导论,全校本科生,2020.3-2020.4,40,16 教学成果 1.河海大学大学生创新创业训练计划项目,校级项目,指导教师2.河海大学2009届优秀本科毕业设计(论文),指导教师 教学资源 1. 河海大学课堂在线,主讲嵌入式系统原理与设计 社会职务 1. 江苏省自动化学会会员2. Journal of Franklin Institute, Communication in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulations, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena,the Asia-Pacific Conference on Intelligent Robot Systems Chinese Control Conference (CCC), Chinese Control and Decision Conference(CCDC)等国际/国内学术期刊、学术会议和学报等的审稿人。 荣誉及奖励 1、河海大学优秀班导师,河海大学,卢新彪,2014,校级 2、河海大学优秀本科毕业设计指导教师,河海大学,卢新彪 3、南瑞继保奖教金奖励,能源与电气学院,卢新彪,2018 4、南京市自然科学论文一等奖,河海大学,卢新彪 招生信息 1.在控制理论与控制工程方向招收学术型硕士生,电子信息的自动化与智能工程方向招收专业型硕士。2.培养硕士生19名:2015级1名,2016级3名,2017级3名,2018级2名,2019级4名,2020级5名,2021级5名,2022级5名。 内容来自dedecms