姓名 | 罗景阳 | 性别 | 男 |
学校 | 河南大学 | 部门 | 环境学院党委、环境学院 |
学位 | 博士 | 学历 | 博士研究生 |
职称 | 教授 | 联系方式 | 【了解更多】 |
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导航 个人概况 科学研究 教学信息 社会职务 荣誉及奖励 招生信息,罗景阳 职称: 教授 部门: 环境学院党委、环境学院 学科: 环境科学与工程 教学部门: 环境学院党委、环境学院 电话: 18094249306 邮件: luojy2016@hhu.edu.cn 办公地址: 水利馆B311 通讯地址: 南京市鼓楼区西康路1号 邮编: 210098 5700 访问 个人简介 个人简介 罗景阳(1989-, 博士),教授,博士/硕士生导师,河海大学环境学院副院长,市政工程系主任,湖南湘潭人。2016年毕业于同济大学,获工学博士学位(导师:陈银广教授),同年进入河海大学环境学院市政工程系、污水资源与低碳发展技术研究所工作。 主要从事有毒有害污染物控制理论与技术及有机废物的资源化利用。主持负责国家自然科学面上基金(52070069,执行期:2021-2024年)和国家自然科学青年基金(51708171,已结题 )、江苏省自然科学基金(面上项目)、中国博士后科学基金第62批面上资助、第12批特别资助、省太湖办课题以及国家/教育部重点实验室开放课题等。 目前,以第一作者或者通讯作者在Environmental Science & Technology、Water Research、Applied Energy、Journal of Hazardous Materials、Chemical Engineering Journal、Bioresource Technology等环境类期刊发表SCI论文100余篇(累计ESI 高被引8篇,热点论文3篇),申请授权国家发明专利多10余项,担任Applied Energy, Water Research,Chemical Engineering Journal, Bioresource Technology、Science of the Total Environment,Chemosphere等SCI期刊的审稿人。 担任Frontier in Microbiology的associate editor,Chinese Chemical Letter,Journal of Hazardous Materials Advances、 Resources Environment and Sustainability, Results in Engineering等期刊青年编委以及Applied Science等特刊编辑。 先后获得江苏省青蓝工程优秀青年骨干教师,江苏省环境科学学会“优秀青年科技者”以及河海大学“大禹学者”第四层次人才计划和青年岗位能手称号等。 主讲课程包括“建筑给排水工程”、“工业废水处理(英)”和“文献检索和科技论文写作”等。 个人资料 姓名: 罗景阳 性别: 男 学位: 博士 出生年月: 1989-08 学历: 博士研究生 毕业院校: 同济大学 教育经历 2007-2011,吉林大学,环境工程,学士 2011-2016,同济大学,环境工程,博士 工作经历 2016.11-2020.04,河海大学,教学科研,讲师 2020.05-2020.07,河海大学,教学科研,副教授 2020.07-2023.10,河海大学环境学院,青年教授 2023.10-至今,河海大学,教学科研,教授 研究领域 主要研究方向:1、污水的生物处理及资源化利用;2、有毒有害污染物控制理论与技术。 科研项目 1、南京桥北污水处理厂扩建工程入河排污口论证,2018.10.08-,南京公用水务有限公司,环境学院 2、昆山城镇污水处理厂运行现状及效能提升评估,2018.09.28-,昆山城镇污水处理厂运行现状及效能提升评估,环境学院 3、建邺区河道断面水体达标整治方案编制--南河拖板断面水体达标整治方案编制,2017.03.29-,南京市建邺区环境保护局,环境学院 4、厌氧生物处理耦合零价铁技术强化对污水中人工甜味剂的降解效能及作用机制,2019.01.01-2020.12.31,环境学院 5、千灯镇控源截污专项方案,2018.09.07-,昆山市千灯水利(水务)站,环境学院 6、污泥中典型人工甜味剂在厌氧消化过程中的转化规律及影响行为研究,2018.01.01-,国家自然科学基金委员会,环境学院 论文 1、The Influence of Micro-Oxygen Addition on Desulfurization Performance and Microbial Communities during Waste-Activated Sludge Digestion in a Rusty Scrap Iron-Loaded Anaerobic Digester,ENERGIES,01-JAN-17 2、Improving anaerobic fermentation of waste activated sludge using iron activated persulfate treatment,Bioresource Technology,03-NOV-18 3、Efficient production of short-chain fatty acids from anaerobic fermentation of liquor wastewater and waste activated sludge by breaking the restrictions of low bioavailable substrates and microbial activity,Bioresource Technology,01-NOV-18 4、Inhibition of 1, 4-dioxane on the denitrification process by altering the viability and metabolic activity of Paracoccus denitrificans,Environmental Science and Pollution Research,01-SEP-18 5、Effects of Step Feed Two-Stage A/O Process on the Enhancement of Liquor Wastewater Treatment,Research of Environmental Sciences,01-SEP-18 6、Importance of monitor and control on new-emerging pollutants in conventional wastewater treatment plants,Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection,19-JAN-18 7、An alternative carbon source withdrawn from anaerobic fermentation of soybean wastewater to improve the deep denitrification of tail water,BIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,01-JAN-18 8、Characterizing the free ammonia exposure to the nutrients removal in activated sludge systems,RSC ADVANCES,01-JAN-17 9、The Mechanism of Linear Alkylbenzene Sulphonates Removal in Domestic Laundry Wastewater Through Constructed Rapid Infiltration Systems,Proceedings of the International Workshop on Environmental Management, Science and Engineering (IWEMSE 2018),07-DEC-18 10、浅析新背景优化《建筑给水排水工程》课程教学的途径,理论研究,01-SEP-18 11、 Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Affects Acetic Acid Production during Anaerobic Fermentation of Waste Activated Sludge by Altering Activity and Viability of Acetogen. ,Environmental Science & Technolog,SCI,2016,罗景阳,50(13), 6921 12、Alkyl polyglucose enhancing propionic acid enriched short-chain fatty acids production during anaerobic treatment of waste activated sludge and mechanisms., Water Research,SCI,2015,罗景阳 13、Promoting the anaerobic production of short-chain fatty acids from food wastes driven by the reuse of linear alkylbenzene sulphonates-enriched laundry wastewater. , Bioresource Technology,,SCI,2019,罗景阳,2019,282:301-309. 14、Integrated approach to enhance the anaerobic biodegradation of benz[α]anthracene: A high-molecule-weight polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon in sludge by simultaneously improving the bioavailability and microbial activity.,Journal of Hazardous Materials,,SCI,2019,罗景阳,2019,365:322-330. 15、How Do Biocides That Occur in Waste Activated Sludge Affect the Resource Recovery for Short-Chain Fatty Acids Production.,ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering,SCI,2019,罗景阳,2019,7(1), 1648-1657. 16、 Improved production of short-chain fatty acids from waste activated sludge driven by carbohydrate addition in continuous-flow reactors: Influence of SRT and temperature.,Applied Energy,SCI,2014,罗景阳,2014,113:51-58 17、Synergistic effects of iron and persulfate on the efficient production of volatile fatty acids from waste activated sludge: Understanding the roles of bioavailable substrates, microbial community & activities, and environmental factors.,Biochemical Engineering Journal,SCI ,2019,罗景阳,2019,141, 71-79 18、Stimulating short-chain fatty acids production from waste activated sludge by nano zero-valent iron., Journal of Biotechnology,SCI,2014,罗景阳, 2014,187, 98-105. 19、Enhanced production of short-chain fatty acid by co-fermentation of waste activated sludge and kitchen waste under alkaline conditions and its application to microbial fuel cells. ,Applied Energy,SCI,2013,陈银广,罗景阳,2013,102, 1197-1204 20、Acidogenic Fermentation Facilitates Anaerobic Biodegradation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Waste Activated Sludge.,ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering,SCI,2019,陈银广,罗景阳,2019,7(5), 5404-5411. 21、Enhancing the anaerobic bioconversion of complex organics in food wastes for volatile fatty acids production by zero-valent iron and persulfate stimulation.,Science of the Total Environment,SCI,2019,操家顺,罗景阳,河海大学 22、Potentials and challenges of phosphorus recovery as vivianite from wastewater: A review,Chemosphere,SCI,2019,吴瑒,罗景阳,操家顺,河海大学 23、Review on the determination and distribution patterns of a widespread contaminant artificial sweetener in the environment,ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,SCI,2019,罗景阳,2019, 26(19 ) : 19078-19096 出版年: JUL 2019 24、 Efficient short-chain fatty acids recovery from anaerobic fermentation of wine vinasse and waste activated sludge and the underlying mechanisms,Biochemical Engineering Journal,SCI ,2019,罗景阳,河海大学,2019,145: 18-26 25、Ecotoxicity and environmental fates of newly recognized contaminants-artificial sweeteners: A review, Science of the Total Environment,,SCI,2019,罗景阳,河海大学,2019,653: 1149-1160 26、Potential influences of exogenous pollutants occurred in waste activated sludge on anaerobic digestion: A review,Journal of Hazardous Materials,SCi,2020.01,罗景阳,河海大学环境学院,Volume 383 27、微塑料的环境影响行为及其在我国的分布状况,环境科学研究,中文核心,2019-09,朱莹,环境学院,罗景阳,环境学院,2019,32(9):1437-1447 28、Phosphorus recovery as vivianite from waste activated sludge via optimizing iron source and pH value during anaerobic fermentation,Bioresource Technology,SCI,2019.012,操家顺,环境学院,罗景阳,环境学院, 293期: 122088 29、Promotion of short-chain fatty acids production and fermented sludge properties via persulfate treatments with different activators: Performance and mechanisms,Bioresource Technology,SCI,2020-01,罗景阳,环境学院 30、Integrated approach to enhance the anaerobic biodegradation of benz[alpha]anthracene: A high-molecule-weight polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon in sludge by simultaneously improving the bioavailability and microbial activity.,Journal of Hazardous Materials,05-MAR-19 31、Ecotoxicity and environmental fates of newly recognized contaminants-artificial sweeteners: A review,Science of the Total Environment,25-FEB-19 32、Synergistic effects of iron and persulfate on the efficient production of volatile fatty acids from waste activated sludge: Understanding the roles of bioavailable substrates, microbial community & activities, and environmental factors,Biochemical Engineering Journal,15-JAN-19 33、How Do Biocides That Occur in Waste Activated Sludge Affect the Resource Recovery for Short-Chain Fatty Acids Production,ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering,07-JAN-19 34、Promoting the anaerobic production of short-chain fatty acids from food wastes driven by the reuse of linear alkylbenzene sulphonates-enriched laundry wastewater,BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY,01-JUN-19 35、微塑料的环境影响行为及其在我国的分布状况,环境科学研究,29-SEP-19 36、Review on the determination and distribution patterns of a widespread contaminant artificial sweetener in the environment,ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,01-JUL-19 37、Efficient short-chain fatty acids recovery from anaerobic fermentation of wine vinasse and waste activated sludge and the underlying mechanisms,BIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,15-MAY-19 38、Physicochemical and Biological Effects on Activated Sludge Performance and Activity Recovery of Damaged Sludge by Exposure to CeO2 Nanoparticles in Sequencing Batch Reactors,International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,21-OCT-19 39、Constructed Rapid Infiltration Systems for Urban Runoff Control: Influence of Medium Contents, Medium Depth and Hydraulic Load Cycle,IEEMSE2018,17-JUN-18 40、Potentials and challenges of phosphorus recovery as vivianite from wastewater: A review,Chemosphere,04-JUL-19 41、Enhancing the anaerobic bioconversion of complex organics in food wastes for volatile fatty acids production by zero-valent iron and persulfate stimulation,SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,01-JUN-19 42、Acidogenic Fermentation Facilitates Anaerobic Biodegradation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Waste Activated Sludge,ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING,04-MAR-19 43、Integrated approach to enhance the anaerobic biodegradation of benz[Α]anthracene: A high-molecule-weight polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon in sludge by simultaneously improving the bioavailability and microbial activity,Journal of Hazardous Materials,01-JAN-19 44、Characterization of interactions between a metabolic uncoupler O-chlorophenol and extracellular polymeric substances of activated sludge,ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION,01-JAN-19 45、Phosphorus recovery as vivianite from waste activated sludge via optimizing iron source and pH value during anaerobic fermentation,BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY,01-JAN-19 46、Achieving efficient nitrite accumulation in glycerol-driven partial denitrification system: Insights of influencing factors, shift of microbial community and metabolic function,BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY,01-JAN-20 47、Study on synergistic mechanism of PANDAN modification, current and electroactive biofilms on Congo red decolorization in microbial fuel cells,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,01-JAN-20 48、Novel strategy to stimulate the food wastes anaerobic fermentation performance by eggshell wastes conditioning and the underlying mechanisms,CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,01-JAN-20 49、Continuous waste activated sludge and food waste co-fermentation for synchronously recovering vivianite and volatile fatty acids at different sludge retention times: Performance and microbial response,BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY,01-JAN-20 50、Shifts of microbial community and metabolic function during food wastes and waste activated sludge co-fermentation in semi-continuous-flow reactors: Effects of fermentation substrate and zero-valent iron,BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY,01-JAN-20 51、Fate of typical endocrine active compounds in full-scale wastewater treatment plants: Distribution, removal efficiency and potential risks,BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY,01-JAN-20 52、E ffects of di fferent hypochlorite types on the waste activated sludge fermentation from the perspectives of volatile fatty acids production, microbial community and activity, and characteristics of fermented sludge,BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY,01-JAN-20 53、A novel approach of synchronously recovering phosphorus as vivianite and volatile fatty acids during waste activated sludge and food waste co-fermentation: Performance and mechanisms,BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY,01-JAN-20 54、Enhanced volatile fatty acids production from waste activated sludge with synchronous phosphorus fixation and pathogens inactivation by calcium hypochlorite stimulation,SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,01-JAN-20 55、Revealing hydrodynamic effects on flocculation performance and surface properties of sludge by comparing aeration and stirring systems via computational fluid dynamics aided calculation,WATER RESEARCH,01-JAN-20 56、A study of adsorption of Reactive Brilliant Red (K-2BP) by amino-modified macadamia nut shells,DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT,01-JAN-20 57、Influences of different iron forms activated peroxydisulfate on volatile fatty acids production during waste activated sludge anaerobic fermentation,SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,01-JAN-20 58、Potential influences of exogenous pollutants occurred in waste activated sludge on anaerobic digestion: A review,JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,01-JAN-20 59、Correlations of nitrogen removal and core functional genera in full-scale wastewater treatment plants: Influences of different treatment processes and influent characteristics,BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY,01-JAN-20 60、Comparison analysis on simultaneous decolorization of Congo red and electricity generation in microbial fuel cell (MFC) withl-threonine-/conductive polymer-modified anodes,ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH 显示更多 科技成果 1、 2、 3、 4、 5、 6、 7、 8、 9、 10、 11、 12、 13、 14、 15、 显示更多 开授课程 1、工业废水处理(英),本科生,128,32 2、建筑给水排水课设及课程实习,本科生,130,40 3、生产实习,本科生,130,20 4、建筑给排水工程,本科生,130,40 5、水处理工程(Ⅱ)课设及课程实习,本科生,130,10 6、毕业实习,本科生,126,40 教学成果 1.发表教学论文:浅析新背景优化《建筑给水排水工程》课程教学的途径2.参与“建筑给水排水系统虚拟仿真实验项目”;3. 参与 2019年“课程思政”示范课程建设项目——以所讲本科生课程《工业废水处理(双语)》;4. 2018年江苏省普通高校本科优秀毕业设计(论文)团队 省级 (5/5);5. 河海大学2019届本科毕业设计(论文)优秀指导教师, 校级 (1/1) 教学资源 社会职务 1.河海大学环境学院市政工程系 系主任;2. 担任环境学院2017级给排水科学与工程专业2班班主任;3. 2019年9月-10月,前往新疆克拉玛依中国石油大学(克拉玛依校区)支教一个月。4. 2018年7-8月,与水利部赴内蒙进行“节水达标建设”检查工作,获得河海大学大学生暑期实践活动“先进工作者称号”。 荣誉及奖励 1、 2、河海大学“大禹学者”第四人才计划,河海大学,罗景阳,2018,校级 3、年 江苏省普通高校本科优秀毕业设计(论文)团队,河海大学,操家顺 郑晓英 胡凯 李超 罗景阳,2018,优秀奖,省级 4、河海大学本科毕业设计(论文)优秀指导教师,河海大学,罗景阳,2019,校级 5、河海大学大学生暑期实践活动“先进工作者”称号,河海大学,罗景阳,2018,校级 6、青年岗位能手,河海大学,罗景阳,2020-06,校级,校级 7、江苏省青蓝工程优秀青年骨干教授,河海大学,罗景阳,2022-05,省级,省级 招生信息 本人主要从事(1)污水污泥的生物处理,(2)有机废弃物资源化利用,以及(3)新兴有机污染物的生物降解等方向的研究。热忱欢迎相关专业背景及兴趣的同学加入(每年可招生市政工程学术型硕士研究生3名,土木水利专业型硕士研究生若干)! 团队将提供良好的科研条件、论文指导撰写(目前课题组8名研究生在研二阶段都有1-2篇以上的SCI一区论文)和会议交流的机会。 目前:2019级硕士研究生黄文轩以第一或者导师第一本人第二发表SCI论文6篇,连续两年(2020年和2021年)获得国家研究生奖学金,江苏省优秀硕士论文培育项目; 2020级硕士研究生王凤(以第一或者导师第一本人第二发表SCI论文5篇)和杜韦(以第一或者导师第一本人第二发表SCI论文3篇),获得2022年国家研究生奖学金,并分别入选江苏省优秀硕士论文培育项目以及河海大学优秀硕士论文培育项目; 2021级硕士研究生操旺备(SCI论文1篇)获得2022年国家研究生奖学金。 近3年来,指导国家级创训项目2项目。依托于大学生创新创训,本科生发表高水平SCI论文6篇,中文核心多篇,申请发明专利多项, 指导2名同学获得“河海大学优秀本科毕业生"称号(朱莹(2015级)和李涵(2017级)) dedecms.com