姓名 | 侯俊 | 性别 | 男 |
学校 | 河南大学 | 部门 | 环境学院党委、环境学院 |
学位 | 博士 | 学历 | 博士研究生 |
职称 | 教授 | 联系方式 | 【了解更多】 |
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导航 个人概况 科学研究 教学信息 社会职务 荣誉及奖励 招生信息,侯俊 职称: 教授 博士生导师 部门: 环境学院党委、环境学院 学科: 环境科学与工程 教学部门: 环境学院党委、环境学院 电话: 邮件: hjy_hj@hhu.edu.cn 办公地址: 水利馆B431 通讯地址: 江苏省南京市西康路1号 邮编: 210098 3711 访问 个人简介 侯俊,男,1979出生,湖北荆门人。教授,博士生导师。2015年入选首批中国科协—中国水利学会青年人才助力计划,2016年获江苏省杰出青年基金、入选江苏省“333工程”第三层次人才计划,2017年获国家优秀青年基金,2018年入选江苏特聘教授、科技部中青年科技创新领军人才、河海大学“大禹学者计划”第二层次,2020年入选国家级高层次人才计划。入选美国斯坦福大学发布的2020、2021年世界排名前2%科学家排行榜“年度影响力”榜单,以及全球学者库评出的“全球顶尖前10万科学家名单”。1998年9月进入河海大学学习,分别于2002年7月、2005年6月和2010年12月获河海大学环境工程学士、硕士和博士学位,2005年在河海大学留校任教。主要从事河湖水质改善与生态修复工程、水生态修复机制与环境效应、新型材料特性及环境效应等方面的研究与应用工作。近年来主持国家自然科学基金优青项目1项、面上项目2项和青年项目1项、国家重点研发计划课题1项、江苏省杰出青年基金1项等20余项科研项目。技术负责或参与国家重大水专项“入湖河流水质强化改善关键技术与集成技术研发及其工程示范”、“望虞河西岸河网区水系优化和净化容量提升技术研究与工程示范”以及10余条河流的多功能综合治理与水质改善和生态修复工程;水利部“城市水系规划导则编制”、“水生态文明建设概念内涵和指标体系研究”以及20余座城市的生态水系与水环境综合治理规划;国家“973计划”“入湖小流域生态系统特征及水网区生源要素输移过程研究”和“湖泊污染物多介质迁移转化与沉积物基准”、水利部公益性项目“珠江湖库水生态修复技术”、国家自然科学基金重点项目“调水引流改善河湖水环境质量的水动力与水质动态过程及生态效应”、水专项“调水引流工程水质保障与湖体水质改善关键技术及综合评估”等多项湖库富营养化控制与生态修复项目。组织实施国家“十五”“863计划”国家重大科技专项“河流重污染水体水质强化净化与水质改善示范工程”、国家“十一五”水专项“望虞河输水河道水质安全保障示范工程”、国家“十二五”水专项“殷村港入河河道水质净化与生态修复示范工程”、盐城阜宁金沙湖生态涵养区建设工程、白洋淀府河入湖生态湿地工程、江西潦河灌区生态节水型灌排系统建设工程等10余个工程项目。已发表学术论文 200 余篇,其中SCI 论文190余篇(第一或通讯作者90余篇),H 指数为40。出版著作或编著3部《流域水资源保护和水质改善理论与技术》、《生态节水型灌区建设理论技术及应用》、《生态流量丛书-河道内流量增量法技术指南》,国家水利行业标准《城市水系规划导则》(SL431-2008)1项,培训流域与地方相关技术人员2000余人次以上。已授权国家发明专利60余项,获中国专利优秀奖3项(排名第3、3、4);获软件著作权4项。研究成果先后获2016年国家科技进步一等奖(排名第3),2012年国家技术发明二等奖(排名第3),2005年国家科技进步二等奖(排名第9),2013年国家科技进步二等奖(排名第10),2015年农业节水特等奖(排名第2),2013年教育部自然科学一等奖(排名第4),2015年教育部技术发明一等奖(排名第2),2008年教育部技术发明一等奖(排名第3),2017年教育部技术发明一等奖(排名第7)等。讲授本科《环境规划与管理》、《环境生态规划与管理》、《河湖生态工程》、《环境保护:机遇与挑战》,研究生《河湖系统水质改善理论与技术》和《水环境保护与生态修复》课程。现为《International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health》(SCI收录,IF=4.614)“Water Science and Technology” section 主编,“Environmental Science and Engineering” section编委、客座编辑、《Frontiers in Environmental Science》(SCI收录,IF=5.411)“Freshwater Science”section 副主编、《Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology》(SCI收录,IF=2.807)编委,《水资源保护》、《人民珠江》编委;国际水协会(IWA)会员、国际水协会中国青年委员会(IWA-China,YWP)常委(2012—2020)、国际生态经济学会学术专业会员、中国环境学会水环境分会理事、中国水利学会青年委员会委员、中国能源环保高新技术产业协会理事、江苏省水利学会水环境与水生态专业委员会秘书、江苏省湖沼学会理事、江苏省水力发电工程学会理事等。担任国家环境基准专家委员会委员、水利部河湖保护中心专家、生态环境部水污染防治资金项目管理专家;国家科技奖励、教育部科技奖励、湖南省科技奖励、山东科学技术奖励等评审专家;国家重点研发计划“纳米科技”重点专项、国家自然科学基金、江苏省和江西省科技计划项目等评审专家;江苏科技专家,江苏省生态环境厅和江苏省水利工程专业职称评定委员会委员。 个人资料 姓名: 侯俊 性别: 男 学位: 博士 出生年月: 1979-01 学历: 博士研究生 毕业院校: 河海大学 教育经历 1998.09-2002.07,河海大学,环境工程,工学学士学位 2002.09-2005.06,河海大学,环境工程,工学硕士学位 2006.09-2010.12,河海大学,环境工程,工学博士学位 工作经历 2005.06-,河海大学环境学院,水资源保护与生态修复 2018.02-2019.02,美国麻省大学阿默斯特分校,水环境保护,访问学者 研究领域 1. 河湖水质改善与生态修复工程2. 水生态修复机制与环境效应3. 新型材料净污技术及环境效应 科研项目 1、连云港市城市饮用水水源地安全保障规划,2006.01.22-2006.05.31,江苏省连云港市水利局,环境学院 2、城市水系规划原理与应用技术研究,2007.04.24-2008.05.23,水利部综合事业局,环境学院 3、调水引流改善河湖水环境质量的水动力与水质动态过程及生态效应,2009.01.01-2012.12.31,国家自然基金委员会,环境学院 4、太湖沉积物重金属基准及污染潜在生态风险,2009.10.01-,河海大学,环境学院 5、湖泊污染物多介质迁移转化与沉积物基准,2009.01.01-2012.10.16,科学技术部,环境学院 6、重大水利工程影响下河口水环境过程与效应,2010.01.01-,北京师范大学,环境学院 7、流动水域生物膜附着更替过程及净污活性研究,2012.01.01-2014.12.31,国家自然基金委员会,环境学院 8、生物膜对人工纳米材料的生物吸附作用机制研究,2013.11.01-,河海大学淮安研究院,环境学院 9、重大水利工程影响下河口水环境过程与效应,2010.01.01-,北京师范大学,环境学院 10、太湖沉积物酸可挥发性硫化物及其对重金属生物有效性的影响,-2013.12.31,环境学院 11、人工纳米材料在水-生物膜体系中的环境行为及其对生物膜活性影响机理研究,2015.01.01-2018.12.31,国家自然科学基金委员会,环境学院 12、人工纳米材料与蓝藻相互作用机制及生态效应,2015.09.01-2017.09.01,环境学院 13、生态节水型灌区建设理论技术与示范,2015.07.31-2018.07.31,环境学院 14、中国水利学会青年人才资助项目-青年人才助力计划,2015.12.01-,中国水利学会,环境学院 15、湿地生态系统中有机污染物的生物去除机制及影响因素,2016.03.28-2019.03.28,环境学院 16、人工纳米材料与蓝藻相互作用机制及生态效应,2016.07.01-,江苏省科学技术厅,环境学院 17、中国水利学会青年人才资助项目-青年人才助力计划2016,2016.07.01-,中国水利学会,环境学院 18、湖泊重金属多介质迁移和转化过程,2017.01.01-2017.12.31,环境学院 19、太湖重金属水生生物水质基准方法研究,2016.01.01-2016.12.20,中国环境科学研究院,环境学院 20、水利工程环境流量配置与保障关键技术研究,2016.07.01-,中国水利水电科学研究院,环境学院 21、太湖沉积物中典型有机污染物的生物去除机制及影响因素,2016.11.01-,湖泊与环境国家重点实验室,环境学院 22、中国水利学会青年人才资助项目-青年人才助力计划2017,2017.01.01-,中国水利学会,环境学院 23、水环境保护与生态修复,2018.01.01-,国家自然科学基金委员会,环境学院 24、生物膜在微塑料表面附着特征及对其环境行为的影响机理,2020.01.01-,国家自然科学基金委员会,环境学院 25、太湖水力因子对水体自净作用的影响实验测试项目,2019.11.08-,生态环境部环境工程评估中心,环境学院 显示更多 论文 1、A one-pot method for the preparation of graphene-Bi2MoO6 hybrid photocatalysts that are responsive to visible-light and have excellent photocatalytic activity in the degradation of organic pollutants,CARBON,01-JAN-12 2、Enhanced photoelectrocatalytic activity for dye degradation by graphene-titania composite film electrodes,JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,01-JAN-12 3、Growth process of periphytic biofilm under defined local hydrodynamic conditions,Advanced Materials Research,01-JAN-13 4、Photoelectrocatalytic determination of chemical oxygen demand under visible light using Cu2O-loaded TiO2 nanotube arrays electrode,SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL,01-JAN-13 5、Investigation on the application of titania nanorod arrays to the determination of chemical oxygen demand,ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA,01-JAN-13 6、Application of biological index in assessment of the impacts of ecological engineering on river ecosystem health,2011 International Conference on Electric Technology and Civil Engineering, ICETCE 2011 - Proceedings,01-JAN-11 7、Investigation on Ce-doped TiO2-coated BDD composite electrode with high photoelectrocatalytic activity under visible light irradiation,Electrochemistry Communications,01-JAN-11 8、Diversity of NosZ gene in three municipal wastewater treatment plants located in different geographic regions,African Journal of Microbiology Research,01-JAN-12 9、基于平衡分配法的太湖沉积物重金属质量基准及其在生态风险评价中的应用研究,环境科学学报,01-JAN-12 10、卵砾石生态河床对河流水质净化和生态修复的效果,水利水电科技进展,01-JAN-12 11、河湖滨岸缓冲带净污机理及适宜宽度研究进展,水科学进展,01-JAN-09 12、我国饮用水水源地保护法规体系现状及建议,水资源保护,01-JAN-09 13、Nitrogen Distribution and Potential Mobility in sediments of Three Typical Shallow Urban Lakes in China,环境工程科学,01-JAN-09 14、Preparation, characterization and photocatalytic activity of the neodymium-doped TiO2 hollow spheres,APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,01-JAN-10 15、Preparation, characterization, photocatalytic properties of titania hollow sphere doped with cerium,JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,01-JAN-10 16、A facile method for the preparation of titania-coated magnetic porous silica and its photocatalytic activity under UV or visible light,COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS,01-JAN-10 17、A simple method for large-scale preparation of ZnS nanoribbon film and its photocatalytic activity for dye degradation,APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,01-JAN-10 18、A simple method for preparation of superparamagnetic porous silica,JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS,01-JAN-10 19、Photocatalytic performance of Gd ion modified titania porous hollow spheres under visible light,MATERIALS LETTERS,01-JAN-10 20、Controlled synthesis in large-scale of CdS mesospheres and photocatalytic activity,MATERIALS LETTERS,01-JAN-10 21、Research Advances of Flow Characteristics and Contaminant Migration in Environmental Channels,CONFERENCE ON ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION AND PUBLIC HEALTH,01-JAN-10 22、坡度对入渗河岸带表土层氮素截留效果的影响,河海大学学报(自然科学版),01-JAN-11 23、河岸带表土层氮素非饱和入渗运移规律模拟,水科学进展,01-JAN-11 24、Simulation experiment of nitrogen and phosphorus on saturated infiltration and transport process in topsoil layer of riparian zone,2011 International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Neural Computing,01-JAN-11 25、黄花水龙对富营养化水体中氮磷去除效果的研究,环境科学,01-JAN-07 26、木栅栏砾石笼生态护岸技术及其应用,河海大学学报(自然科学版),01-JAN-07 27、Metabolic adaptations to ammonia-induced oxidative stress in leaves of the submerged macrophyte Vallisneria natans (Lour.) Hara,AQUATIC TOXICOLOGY,01-JAN-08 28、我国饮用水水源水质标准现状及建议,中国给水排水,01-JAN-07 29、基于层次分析法的河湖滨岸缓冲带宽度适宜性评价,水资源保护,01-JAN-08 30、Metabolic adaptations to ammonia-induced oxidative stress in leaves of the submerged macrophyte Vallisneria natans (Lour.) Hara.,Aquatic toxicology.,01-JAN-08 31、The effect of hydrodynamics on nitrogen accumulation and physiological characteristics of Vallisneria spiraslis L in eutrophicated water,African Journal of Biotechnology,01-JAN-08 32、Study of heavy metal in sewage sludge and in Chinese cabbage grown in soil amended with sewage sludge,African Journal of Biotechnology,01-JAN-08 33、Preparation of Ag nanoparticles loaded TiO2 nanoplate arrays on activated carbon fibers with enhanced photocatalytic activity,CATALYSIS COMMUNICATIONS,05-AUG-14 34、Seasonal, Spatial Distribution and Ecological Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in Surface Sediments from a Watershed Area in Gonghu Bay in Taihu Lake, China,TERRESTRIAL ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC SCIENCES,01-JAN-14 35、Inhibitory effects of ZnO nanoparticles on aerobic wastewater biofilms from oxygen concentration profiles determined by microelectrodes,JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,15-JUL-14 36、Kinetics and Equilibrium Biosorption of Nano-ZnO Particles on Periphytic Biofilm under Different Environmental Conditions,JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATICS,01-JAN-14 37、Preparation of graphene-carbon nanotube-TiO2 composites with enhanced photocatalytic activity for the removal of dye and Cr (VI),APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL,05-MAR-14 38、Absorption and fluorescence characteristics of chromophoric dissolved organic matter in the Yangtze Estuary,ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,01-JAN-14 39、Synthesis, characterization and photocatalytic activity of BiOBr-AC composite photocatalyst,COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,01-JAN-14 40、Kinetics and thermodynamics of adsorption of methylene blue by a magnetic graphene-carbon nanotube composite,APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,30-JAN-14 41、THE MACROBENTHIC COMMUNITY AND ITS RELATIONSHIP TO THE CONTENTS OF HEAVY METALS IN THE SURFACE SEDIMENTS OF TAIHU LAKE, CHINA,FRESENIUS ENVIRONMENTAL BULLETIN,01-JAN-14 42、The effect of flow velocity on the distribution and composition of extracellular polymeric substances in biofilms and the detachment mechanism of biofilms,WATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,01-JAN-14 43、Solvent-controlled preparation nanostructured TiO2 thin films and photocatalytic properties of with different morphologies,MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN,01-JAN-14 44、Estuarine ecosystem health assessment based on the DPSIR framework: A case of the Yangtze Estuary, China,JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH,01-JAN-13 45、Process Optimization for Microcystin-LR Adsorption onto Nano-sized Montmorillonite K10: Application of Response Surface Methodology,WATER AIR AND SOIL POLLUTION,01-SEP-14 46、Preparation of graphene oxide-loaded Ag3PO4@AgCl and its photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue and O2 evolution activity under visible light irradiation,International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,08-JUL-14 47、Effects of CeO2 nanoparticles on production and physicochemical characteristics of extracellular polymeric substances in biofilms in sequencing batch biofilm reactor,BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY,01-JAN-15 48、Effects of CeO2 nanoparticles on biological nitrogen removal in a sequencing batch biofilm reactor and mechanism of toxicity,BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY,01-JAN-15 49、Effect of CuO nanoparticles on the production and composition of extracellular polymeric substances and physicochemical stability of activated sludge flocs,BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY,01-JAN-15 50、Bi2MoO6 nanosheets deposited TiO2 nanobelts with spatially branched hierarchical heterostructure for enhanced photocatalytic activity under visible light irradiation,COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS,20-DEC-15 51、Graphene and TiO2 co-modified flower-like Bi2O2CO3. A novel multi-heterojunction photocatalyst with enhanced photocatalytic activity,APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,01-JAN-15 52、Modeling the Effects of Hydrodynamic Regimes on Microbial Communities within Fluvial Biofilms: Combining Deterministic and Stochastic Processes,ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,01-JAN-15 53、Response surface modeling and optimization of microcystin-LR removal from aqueous phase by polyacrylamide/sodium alginate-montmorillonite superabsorbent nanocomposite,DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT,01-JAN-15 54、Enhanced stability and dissolution of CuO nanoparticles by extracellular polymeric substances in aqueous environment,JOURNAL OF NANOPARTICLE RESEARCH,01-JAN-15 55、Seasonal and spatial variations of acid-volatile sulphide and simultaneously extracted metals in the Yangtze River Estuary,CHEMISTRY AND ECOLOGY,01-JAN-15 56、The performance of chitosan/montmorillonite nanocomposite during the flocculation and floc storage processes of Microcystis aeruginosa cells,ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,01-JAN-15 57、Early diagenetic alterations of biogenic and reactive silica in the surface sediment of the Yangtze Estuary,CONTINENTAL SHELF RESEARCH,01-JAN-15 58、Effects of pH and natural organic matter (NOM) on the adsorptive removal of CuO nanoparticles by periphyton,ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,01-JAN-15 59、Photocatalytic degradation of tetrabromobisphenol A by a magnetically separable graphene-TiO2 composite photocatalyst: Mechanism and intermediates analysis,CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,01-JAN-15 60、Sediment resuspension under action of wind in Taihu Lake, China,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SEDIMENT RESEARCH,01-JAN-15 61、Interactions between vegetation, water flow and sediment transport: A review,JOURNAL OF HYDRODYNAMICS,01-JAN-15 62、Effect of oxygen vacancy on enhanced photocatalytic activity of reduced ZnO nanorod arrays,APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,01-JAN-15 63、Investigation on graphene and Pt co-modified CdS nanowires with enhanced photocatalytic hydrogen evolution activity under visible light irradiation,DALTON TRANSACTIONS,01-JAN-15 64、A BiOBr/Co-Ni layered double hydroxide nanocomposite with excellent adsorption and photocatalytic properties,RSC ADVANCES,01-JAN-15 65、Preparation of CdS nanoparticle loaded flower-like Bi2O2CO3 heterojunction photocatalysts with enhanced visible light photocatalytic activity,DALTON TRANSACTIONS,01-JAN-15 66、Presence and patterns of alkaline phosphatase activity and phosphorus cycling in natural riparian zones under changing nutrient conditions,JOURNAL OF LIMNOLOGY,01-JAN-15 67、Sorption behavior and modeling of endocrine-disrupting chemicals on natural sediments: role of biofilm covered on surface,ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,01-JAN-15 68、ENVIRONMENTAL FLOWS FOR CRITICAL AREAS OF YANGTZE ESTUARY BASED ON ANALYTICAL SOLUTION FOR SALT INTRUSION,FRESENIUS ENVIRONMENTAL BULLETIN,01-JAN-14 69、Ecological characteristics and environmental factors of phytoplankton during different seasons and in different parts of Taihu Lake,FUNDAMENTAL AND APPLIED LIMNOLOGY,01-JAN-15 70、Preparation of a magnetic graphene oxide-Ag3PO4 composite photocatalyst with enhanced photocatalytic activity under visible light irradiation,JOURNAL OF THE TAIWAN INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS,01-MAY-14 71、Preparation of graphene oxide-loaded Ag3PO4@AgCl and its photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue and O-2 evolution activity under visible light irradiation,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,12-JAN-15 72、Preparation of heterostructured Ag@AgCl/La2Ti2O7 plasmonic photocatalysts with high visible light photocatalytic performance for the degradation of organic pollutants,RSC ADVANCES,01-JAN-16 73、Fabrication of novel p-n heterojunction BiOI/La2Ti2O7 composite photocatalysts for enhanced photocatalytic performance under visible light irradiation,DALTON TRANSACTIONS,01-FEB-16 74、Fabrication of p-type BiOCl/n-type La2Ti2O7 facet-coupling heterostructure with enhanced photocatalytic performance,RSC ADVANCES,01-JAN-16 75、A novel p-n heterostructured photocatalyst for the efficient photocatalytic degradation of different kinds of organic compounds under irradiation of both ultraviolet and visible light,DALTON TRANSACTIONS,01-MAR-16 76、Enhanced photocatalytic properties of the 3D flower-like Mg-Al layered double hydroxides decorated with Ag2CO3 under visible light illumination,MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN,01-AUG-16 77、One-pot synthesis of AgBr/Ag2CO3 heterojunctions with enhanced visible-light photocatalytic activity,MATERIALS LETTERS,15-JAN-16 78、ZnO nanorod arrays co-loaded with Au nanoparticles and reduced graphene oxide: Synthesis, characterization and photocatalytic application,COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS,05-MAR-16 79、Visible light activated photocatalytic degradation of tetracycline by a magnetically separable composite photocatalyst: Graphene oxide/magnetite/cerium-doped titania,JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE,01-APR-16 80、Effect of UV irradiation on the aggregation of TiO2 in an aquatic environment: Influence of humic acid and pH,ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION,01-MAY-16 81、Bismuth oxychloride modified titanium phosphate nanoplates: A new p-n type heterostructured photocatalyst with high activity for the degradation of different kinds of organic pollutants,JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE,15-AUG-16 82、In-situ growth of Ag3VO4 nanoparticles onto BiOCl nanosheet to form a heterojunction photocatalyst with enhanced performance under visible light irradiation,JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS,15-DEC-16 83、Synthesis of novel 2D-2D p-n heterojunction BiOBr/La2Ti2O7 composite photocatalyst with enhanced photocatalytic performance under both UV and visible light irradiation,APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL,05-OCT-16 84、Long-term effects of CuO nanoparticles on the surface physicochemical properties of biofilms in a sequencing batch biofilm reactor,Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology,01-NOV-16 85、Antioxidant enzyme activities as biomarkers of fluvial biofilm to ZnO NPs ecotoxicity and the Integrated Biomarker Responses(IBR) assessment,Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety,01-NOV-16 86、Impacts of CuO nanoparticles on nitrogen removal in sequencing batch biofilm reactors after short-term and long-term exposure and the functions of natural organic matter,Environmental Science and Pollution Research,19-AUG-16 87、Effects of CeO2, CuO, and ZnO nanoparticles on physiological features of Microcystis aeruginosa and the production and composition of extracellular polymeric substances,Environmental Science and Pollution Research,01-OCT-16 88、Keystone indices probabilistic species sensitivity distribution in the case of the derivation of water quality criteria for copper in Tai Lake,Environmental Science and Pollution Research,01-JUN-16 89、Aggregation and removal of Copper oxide (CuO) nanoparticles in wastewater environment and their effects on the microbial activities of wastewater biofilms,Bioresource Technology,01-SEP-16 90、Influence of CeO2 NPs on biological phosphorus removal and bacterial community shifts in a sequencing batch biofilm reactor with the differential effects of molecular oxygen,Environmental Research,01-NOV-16 91、Effects of CeO2 nanoparticles on sludge aggregation and the role of extracellular polymeric substances - Explanation based on extended DLVO,Environmental Research,01-NOV-16 92、Response of wastewater biofilm to CuO nanoparticle exposure in terms of extracellular polymeric substances and microbial community structure,The Science of The Total Environment,18-NOV-16 93、Effects of ZnO Nanoparticles and Zn2+ on Fluvial Biofilms and the Related Toxicity Mechanisms,Science of The Total Environment,15-FEB-16 94、Effect of alginate on the aggregation kinetics of copper oxide nanoparticles (CuO NPs): bridging interaction and hetero-aggregation induced by Ca2+,Environmental Science and Pollution Research,01-JUN-16 95、Influence of Shear Forces on the Aggregation and Sedimentation Behavior of Cerium Dioxide (CeO2) Nanoparticles under Different Hydrochemistry Conditions,Journal of Nanoparticle Research,13-JUL-16 96、Contributions of different fractions of extracellular polymeric substances from waste-activated sludge to Cu (II) biosorption,Desalination and Water Treatment,01-FEB-16 97、应用概率物种敏感度分布法研究太湖铜水生生物水质基准,生态毒理学报,01-JAN-15 98、人工纳米材料与生物膜相互作用机制及影响因素研究进展,微生物学通报,01-JAN-15 99、应用概率物种敏感度分布法研究太湖重金属水生生物水质基准,生态毒理学报,01-MAY-15 100、人工纳米材料在水-生物膜体系中的环境行为与毒性效应研究进展,环境工程学报,01-AUG-16 101、Potential Effects of Metal Nanoparticles on Aquatic Zooplankton,Official Conference Proceedings of The Inaugural European Conference on Sustainability, Energy and the Environment 2013,07-JUN-13 102、Modeling the Biodegradation of Bacterial Community Assembly Linked Antibiotics in River Sediment Using a Deterministic Stochastic Combined Model,ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,16-AUG-16 103、Modeling the Effects of Hydrodynamic Regimes on Microbial Communities within Fluvial Biofilms: Combining Deterministic and Stochastic Processes,ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,03-NOV-15 104、Effects of cerium oxide nanoparticles on the species and distribution of phosphorus in enhanced phosphorus removal sequencing batch biofilm reactor,Bioresource Technology,18-MAR-17 105、Influence of silver nanoparticles on benthic oxygen consumption of microbial communities in freshwater sediments determined by microelectrodes,Environmental Pollution,01-MAR-17 106、Assessing the ecohydrological separation hypothesis and seasonal variations in water use by Ginkgo biloba L. in a subtropical riparian area,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY,01-OCT-17 107、Co-adsorption of perfluorooctane sulfonate and phosphate on boehmite: Influence of temperature, phosphate initial concentration and pH,ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY,01-MAR-17 108、Adsorption of perfluorooctane sulfonate on soils: Effects of soil characteristics and phosphate competition,CHEMOSPHERE,01-FEB-17 109、Spatial distribution of riparian soil phosphorus and its response to hydrologic process,Advances in Water Science,25-JAN-17 110、抗生素在沉积物中的吸附机制及其影响因素,四川环境,01-APR-13 111、Long term effects of cerium dioxide nanoparticles on the nitrogen removal, micro-environment and community dynamics of a sequencing batch biofilm reactor,BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY,01-JAN-17 112、The effect of anthropogenic impoundment on dissolved organic matter characteristics and copper binding affinity: Insights from fluorescence spectroscopy,CHEMOSPHERE,01-JAN-17 113、Application of zero valent iron coupling with biological process for wastewater treatment: a review,REVIEWS IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND BIO-TECHNOLOGY,01-JAN-17 114、Impact of macrozoobenthic bioturbation and wind fluctuation interactions on net methylmercury in freshwater lakes,WATER RESEARCH,01-JAN-17 115、Noble-metal-free nickel phosphide modified CdS/C3N4 nanorods for dramatically enhanced photocatalytic hydrogen evolution under visible light irradiation,DALTON TRANSACTIONS,01-JAN-17 116、Shift in bacterioplankton diversity and structure: Influence of anthropogenic disturbances along the Yarlung Tsangpo River on the Tibetan Plateau, China,SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,01-JAN-17 117、Effects of titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles on the photodissolution of particulate organic matter: Insights from fluorescence spectroscopy and environmental implications,ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION,01-JAN-17 118、Transport, retention, and long-term release behavior of polymer-coated silver nanoparticles in saturated quartz sand: The impact of natural organic matters and electrolyte,ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION,01-JAN-17 119、Combining Heterojunction Engineering with Surface Cocatalyst Modification To Synergistically Enhance the Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution Performance of Cadmium Sulfide Nanorods,ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING,01-JAN-17 120、Combined Monthly Inflow Forecasting and Multiobjective Ecological Reservoir Operations Model: Case Study of the Three Gorges Reservoir,JOURNAL OF WATER RESOURCES PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT,01-JAN-17 121、DEVELOPMENT OF A MULTI-INDEX ECOSYSTEM HEALTH ASSESSMENT MODEL USING BACK-PROPAGATION NEURAL NETWORK APPROACH: A CASE STUDY OF THE YANGTZE ESTUARY, CHINA,ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT JOURNAL,01-JAN-17 122、An improved habitat model to evaluate the impact of water conservancy projects on Chinese sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis) spawning sites in the Yangtze River, China,ECOLOGICAL ENGINEERING,01-JAN-17 123、Insights into the short-term effects of CeO2 nanoparticles on sludge dewatering and related mechanism,WATER RESEARCH,01-JAN-17 124、Comparison of in situ DGT measurement with ex situ methods for predicting cadmium bioavailability in soils with combined pollution to biotas,WATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,01-JAN-17 125、Influence of silver nanoparticles on benthic oxygen consumption of microbial communities in freshwater sediments determined by microelectrodes,ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION,2017-01-01,环境学院 126、Assessment of multi-objective reservoir operation in the middle and lower Yangtze River based on a flow regime influenced by the Three Gorges Project,ECOLOGICAL INFORMATICS,01-JAN-17 127、The Evaluation on the Cadmium Net Concentration for Soil Ecosystems,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH,01-JAN-17 128、Effects of carbon nanotubes on physicochemical properties and sulfamethoxazole adsorption of sediments with or without aging processes,CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,01-JAN-17 129、Response of wastewater biofilm to CuO nanoparticle exposure in terms of extracellular polymeric substances and microbial community structure,SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,01-JAN-17 130、Understanding the transport feature of bloom-forming Microcystis in a large shallow lake: A new combined hydrodynamic and spatially explicit agent-based modelling approach,ECOLOGICAL MODELLING,01-JAN-17 131、The use of zero-valent iron (ZVI)-microbe technology for wastewater treatment with special attention to the factors influencing performance: A critical review,CRITICAL REVIEWS IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,01-JAN-17 132、Heavy metal pollution status and ecological risks of sediments under the influence of water transfers in Taihu Lake, China,ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,01-JAN-17 133、Effects of CeO2, CuO, and ZnO nanoparticles on physiological features of Microcystis aeruginosa and the production and composition of extracellular polymeric substances,ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,01-JAN-17 134、Algal growth and utilization of phosphorus studied by combined mono-culture and co-culture experiments,ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION,01-JAN-17 135、Adsorption behavior of lead on aquatic sediments contaminated with cerium dioxide nanoparticles,ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION,01-JAN-16 136、Assessment of mobilization of labile phosphorus and iron across sediment-water interface in a shallow lake (Hongze) based on in situ high-resolution measurement,ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION,01-JAN-16 137、Transport, retention, and long-term release behavior of polymer-coated silver nanoparticles in saturated quartz sand: The?impact of natural organic matters and electrolyte,Environmental Pollution,01-JAN-17 138、Noble-metal-free nickel phosphide modified CdS/C3N4nanorods for dramatically enhanced photocatalytic hydrogen evolution under visible light irradiation,Dalton Transactions,01-JAN-17 139、Transport and long-term release behavior of polymer-coated silver nanoparticles in saturated quartz sand: The impacts of input concentration, grain size and flow rate,Water Research,01-JAN-17 140、Effects of cerium oxide nanoparticles on the species and distribution of phosphorus in enhanced phosphorus removal sequencing batch biofilm reactor,Bioresource Technology,01-JAN-17 141、Insights into the short-term effects of CeO2nanoparticles on sludge dewatering and related mechanism,Water Research,01-JAN-17 142、The use of zero-valent iron (ZVI)–microbe technology for wastewater treatment with special attention to the factors influencing performance: A critical review,Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology,01-JAN-17 143、Effect of inter-basin water transfer on water quality in an urban lake: A combined water quality index algorithm and biophysical modelling approach,Ecological Indicators,01-JAN-17 144、Robust photocatalytic hydrogen evolution over amorphous ruthenium phosphide quantum dots modified g-C3N4 nanosheet,APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL,01-JAN-18 145、Construction of silver iodide/silver/bismuth tantalate Z-scheme photocatalyst for effective visible light degradation of organic pollutants,JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE,01-JAN-18 146、Chlorpyrifos and 3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridinol degradation in zero valent iron coupled anaerobic system: Performances and mechanisms,CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,01-JAN-18 147、Oxygen vacancies and phosphorus codoped black titania coated carbon nanotube composite photocatalyst with efficient photocatalytic performance for the degradation of acetaminophen under visible light irradiation,CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,01-JAN-18 148、In situ surface engineering of ultrafine Ni2P nanoparticles on cadmium sulfide for robust hydrogen evolution,CATALYSIS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,01-JAN-18 149、Aggregation, sedimentation, and dissolution of CuO and ZnO nanoparticles in five waters,ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,01-JAN-18 150、Nanoparticle tracking analysis versus dynamic light scattering: Case study on the effect of Ca2+ and alginate on the aggregation of cerium oxide nanoparticles,JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,01-JAN-18 151、Phosphate group grafted twinned BiPO4 with significantly enhanced photocatalytic activity: Synergistic effect of improved charge separation efficiency and redox ability,APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL,01-JAN-18 152、Investigation of the rheological behavior of activated sludge in response to CeO2 nanoparticles and potential mechanism,ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,01-JAN-18 153、Strategies and relative mechanisms to attenuate the bioaccumulation and biotoxicity of ceria nanoparticles in wastewater biofilms,BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY,01-JAN-18 154、Effects of Ag and Ag2S nanoparticles on denitrification in sediments,WATER RESEARCH,01-JAN-18 155、Significantly enhanced visible light photocatalytic efficiency of phosphorus doped TiO2 with surface oxygen vacancies for ciprofloxacin degradation: Synergistic effect and intermediates analysis,JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,01-JAN-18 156、Synergistic effect of surface phase junction and surface defects on enhancing the photocatalytic performance of BiPO4,MICRO & NANO LETTERS,01-JAN-18 157、Responses of wastewater biofilms to chronic CeO2 nanoparticles exposure: Structural, physicochemical and microbial properties and potential mechanism,WATER RESEARCH,01-JAN-18 158、Enhanced anaerobic biological treatment of chlorpyrifos in farmland drainage with zero valent iron,CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,01-JAN-18 159、Effect of TiO2 and CeO2 nanoparticles on the metabolic activity of surficial sediment microbial communities based on oxygen microelectrodes and high-throughput sequencing,WATER RESEARCH,01-JAN-18 160、Construction of a composite photocatalyst with significantly enhanced photocatalytic performance through combination of homo-junction with hetero-junction,CATALYSIS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,01-JAN-18 161、Interpretation of the disparity in harvesting efficiency of different types of Microcystis aeruginosa using polyethylenimine (PEI)-coated magnetic nanoparticles,ALGAL RESEARCH-BIOMASS BIOFUELS AND BIOPRODUCTS,01-JAN-18 162、Mechanistic understanding of cerium oxide nanoparticle-mediated biofilm formation in Pseudomonas aeruginosa,ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,01-JAN-18 163、Towards a better understanding on aggregation behavior of CeO2nanoparticles in different natural waters under flow disturbance,Journal of Hazardous Materials,01-JAN-18 164、Influence of CeO2 nanoparticles on viscoelastic properties of sludge: Role of extracellular polymeric substances,ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH,01-JAN-18 165、Influence of extracellular polymeric substances on cell-NPs heteroaggregation process and toxicity of cerium dioxide NPs to Microcystis aeruginosa,ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION,01-JAN-18 166、Changes in Microcystis aeruginosa cell integrity and variation in microcystin-LR and proteins during Tanfloc flocculation and floc storage,SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,01-JAN-18 167、The effects of extracellular polymeric substances on magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles stability and the removal of microcystin-LR in aqueous environments,ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY,01-JAN-18 168、Effects of silver sulfide nanoparticles on the microbial community structure and biological activity of freshwater biofilms,Environmental Science: Nano,01-JAN-18 169、Development of a comprehensive understanding of aggregation-settling movement of CeO2 nanoparticles in natural waters,Environmental Pollution,01-JAN-19 170、Acute effects of nanoplastics and microplastics on periphytic biofilms depending on particle size, concentration and surface modification,Environmental Pollution,01-JAN-19 171、Distinct community structure and microbial functions of biofilms colonizing microplastics,SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,01-JAN-19 172、Zero valent iron supported biological denitrification for farmland drainage treatments with low organic carbon: Performance and potential mechanisms,SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,01-JAN-19 173、Effects of titanium dioxide nanoparticles on algal and bacterial communities in periphytic biofilms,ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION,01-JAN-19 174、Quantitative measurement of aggregation kinetics process of nanoparticles using nanoparticle tracking analysis and dynamic light scattering,JOURNAL OF NANOPARTICLE RESEARCH,01-JAN-19 175、Removing specific extracellular organic matter from algal bloom water by Tanfloc flocculation: Performance and mechanisms,SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,01-JAN-19 176、Effects of cerium oxide nanoparticles on bacterial growth and behaviors: induction of biofilm formation and stress response,ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,01-JAN-19 177、Low concentrations of copper oxide nanoparticles alter microbial community structure and function of sediment biofilms,SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,01-JAN-19 178、Effect of CuO nanoparticles on the production and composition of extracellular polymeric substances and physicochemical stability of activated sludge flocs,Bioresource Technology,01-JAN-15 179、Effects of CeO2 nanoparticles on biological nitrogen removal in a sequencing batch biofilm reactor and mechanism of toxicity,Bioresource Technology,02-SEP-15 180、Aggregation and removal of copper oxide (CuO) nanoparticles in wastewater environment and their effects on the microbial activities of wastewater biofilms,Bioresource Technology,01-SEP-16 181、Effect of alginate on the aggregation kinetics of copper oxide nanoparticles (CuO NPs): bridging interaction and hetero-aggregation induced by Ca(2.),ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,03-JUN-16 182、Enhanced stability and dissolution of CuO nanoparticles by extracellular polymeric substances in aqueous environment,Journal of Nanoparticle Research,03-OCT-15 183、Effects of pH and natural organic matter (NOM) on the adsorptive removal of CuO nanoparticles by periphyton,ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,01-MAY-15 184、Aggregation, sedimentation, and dissolution of CuO and ZnO nanoparticles in five waters,Environmental Science and Pollution Research,06-SEP-18 185、Effects of CeO2, CuO, and ZnO nanoparticles on physiological features of Microcystis aeruginosa and the production and composition of extracellular polymeric substances,ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,01-JAN-17 186、Contributions of different fractions of extracellular polymeric substances from waste-activated sludge to Cu(II) biosorption,Desalination and Water Treatment,01-JAN-16 187、Effects of Nanoplastics on Freshwater Biofilm Microbial Metabolic Functions as Determined by BIOLOG ECO Microplates,International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,21-NOV-19 188、Effects of Nanoplastics on Freshwater Biofilm Microbial Metabolic Functions as Determined by BIOLOG ECO Microplates,International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,21-NOV-19 189、Insights into spatial effects of ceria nanoparticles on oxygen mass transfer in wastewater biofilms: Interfacial microstructure, in-situ microbial activity and metabolism regulation mechanism,Water Research,01-JUN-20 190、Surface Properties and Environmental Transformations Controlling the Bioaccumulation and Toxicity of Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles: A Critical Review,Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology,28-MAY-20 191、Effects of Nanoplastics on Freshwater Biofilm Microbial Metabolic Functions as Determined by BIOLOG ECO Microplates,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH,01-JAN-19 192、The Fate of p-Nitrophenol in Goethite-Rich and Sulfide-Containing Dynamic Anoxic/Oxic Environments,ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,01-JAN-20 193、Transport behavior of micro polyethylene particles in saturated quartz sand: Impacts of input concentration and physicochemical factors,ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION,01-JAN-20 194、Chronic exposure to CuO nanoparticles induced community structure shift and a delay inhibition of microbial functions in multi-species biofilms,JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,01-JAN-20 195、Insights into spatial effects of ceria nanoparticles on oxygen mass transfer in wastewater biofilms: Interfacial microstructure, in-situ microbial activity and metabolism regulation mechanism,WATER RESEARCH,01-JAN-20 196、Effects of silver nanoparticles on coupled nitrification-denitrification in suspended sediments,JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,01-JAN-20 197、Effects of Ag NPs on denitrification in suspended sediments via inhibiting microbial electron behaviors,WATER RESEARCH,01-JAN-20 198、Taxonomic and Functional Responses of Sediment Bacterial Community to Anthropogenic Disturbances in the Yarlung Tsangpo River on the Tibetan Plateau,JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATICS,01-JAN-20 199、Dynamic responses of community structure and microbial functions of periphytic biofilms during chronic exposure to TiO2 NPs,ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE-NANO,01-JAN-20 200、Development of a comprehensive understanding of aggregation settling movement of CeO2 nanoparticles in natural waters,ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION,01-JAN-20 201、Optimization of cyanobacterial harvesting and extracellular organic matter removal utilizing magnetic nanoparticles and response surface methodology: A comparative study,ALGAL RESEARCH-BIOMASS BIOFUELS AND BIOPRODUCTS,01-JAN-20 202、Acute effects of nanoplastics and microplastics on periphytic biofilms depending on particle size, concentration and surface modification,ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION,01-JAN-19 203、A one-pot method for the preparation of graphene-Bi2MoO6 hybrid photocatalysts that are responsive to visible-light and have excellent photocatalytic activity in the degradation of organic pollutants,CARBON,2012-01-01 204、Enhanced photoelectrocatalytic activity for dye degradation by graphene-titania composite film electrodes,JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2012-01-01 205、Growth process of periphytic biofilm under defined local hydrodynamic conditions,Advanced Materials Research,2013-01-01 206、Application of biological index in assessment of the impacts of ecological engineering on river ecosystem health,2011 International Conference on Electric Technology and Civil Engineering, ICETCE 2011 - Proceedings,2011-01-01 207、Investigation on Ce-doped TiO2-coated BDD composite electrode with high photoelectrocatalytic activity under visible light irradiation,Electrochemistry Communications,2011-01-01 208、Diversity of NosZ gene in three municipal wastewater treatment plants located in different geographic regions,African Journal of Microbiology Research,2012-01-01 209、基于平衡分配法的太湖沉积物重金属质量基准及其在生态风险评价中的应用研究,环境科学学报,2012-01-01 210、卵砾石生态河床对河流水质净化和生态修复的效果,水利水电科技进展,2012-01-01 211、河湖滨岸缓冲带净污机理及适宜宽度研究进展,水科学进展,2009-01-01 212、我国饮用水水源地保护法规体系现状及建议,水资源保护,2009-01-01 213、Nitrogen Distribution and Potential Mobility in sediments of Three Typical Shallow Urban Lakes in China,环境工程科学,2009-01-01 214、Preparation, characterization and photocatalytic activity of the neodymium-doped TiO2 hollow spheres,APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2010-01-01 215、Preparation, characterization, photocatalytic properties of titania hollow sphere doped with cerium,JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2010-01-01 216、A facile method for the preparation of titania-coated magnetic porous silica and its photocatalytic activity under UV or visible light,COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS,2010-01-01 217、A simple method for large-scale preparation of ZnS nanoribbon film and its photocatalytic activity for dye degradation,APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2010-01-01 218、A simple method for preparation of superparamagnetic porous silica,JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS,2010-01-01 219、Photocatalytic performance of Gd ion modified titania porous hollow spheres under visible light,MATERIALS LETTERS,2010-01-01 220、Controlled synthesis in large-scale of CdS mesospheres and photocatalytic activity,MATERIALS LETTERS,2010-01-01 221、Research Advances of Flow Characteristics and Contaminant Migration in Environmental Channels,CONFERENCE ON ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION AND PUBLIC HEALTH,2010-01-01 222、坡度对入渗河岸带表土层氮素截留效果的影响,河海大学学报(自然科学版),2011-01-01 223、河岸带表土层氮素非饱和入渗运移规律模拟,水科学进展,2011-01-01 224、Simulation experiment of nitrogen and phosphorus on saturated infiltration and transport process in topsoil layer of riparian zone,2011 International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Neural Computing,2011-01-01 225、黄花水龙对富营养化水体中氮磷去除效果的研究,环境科学,2007-01-01 226、木栅栏砾石笼生态护岸技术及其应用,河海大学学报(自然科学版),2007-01-01 227、Metabolic adaptations to ammonia-induced oxidative stress in leaves of the submerged macrophyte Vallisneria natans (Lour.) 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A novel multi-heterojunction photocatalyst with enhanced photocatalytic activity,APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2015-01-01 252、Modeling the Effects of Hydrodynamic Regimes on Microbial Communities within Fluvial Biofilms: Combining Deterministic and Stochastic Processes,ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2015-01-01 253、Response surface modeling and optimization of microcystin-LR removal from aqueous phase by polyacrylamide/sodium alginate-montmorillonite superabsorbent nanocomposite,DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT,2015-01-01 254、Enhanced stability and dissolution of CuO nanoparticles by extracellular polymeric substances in aqueous environment,JOURNAL OF NANOPARTICLE RESEARCH,2015-01-01 255、Seasonal and spatial variations of acid-volatile sulphide and simultaneously extracted metals in the Yangtze River Estuary,CHEMISTRY AND ECOLOGY,2015-01-01 256、The performance of chitosan/montmorillonite nanocomposite during the flocculation and floc storage processes of Microcystis aeruginosa cells,ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2015-01-01 257、Early diagenetic alterations of biogenic and reactive silica in the surface sediment of the Yangtze Estuary,CONTINENTAL SHELF RESEARCH,2015-01-01 258、Effects of pH and natural organic matter (NOM) on the adsorptive removal of CuO nanoparticles by periphyton,ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2015-01-01 259、Photocatalytic degradation of tetrabromobisphenol A by a magnetically separable graphene-TiO2 composite photocatalyst: Mechanism and intermediates analysis,CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2015-01-01 260、Sediment resuspension under action of wind in Taihu Lake, China,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SEDIMENT RESEARCH,2015-01-01 261、Interactions between vegetation, water flow and sediment transport: A review,JOURNAL OF HYDRODYNAMICS,2015-01-01 262、Effect of oxygen vacancy on enhanced photocatalytic activity of reduced ZnO nanorod arrays,APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2015-01-01 263、Investigation on graphene and Pt co-modified CdS nanowires with enhanced photocatalytic hydrogen evolution activity under visible light irradiation,DALTON TRANSACTIONS,2015-01-01 264、A BiOBr/Co-Ni layered double hydroxide nanocomposite with excellent adsorption and photocatalytic properties,RSC ADVANCES,2015-01-01 265、Preparation of CdS nanoparticle loaded flower-like Bi2O2CO3 heterojunction photocatalysts with enhanced visible light photocatalytic activity,DALTON TRANSACTIONS,2015-01-01 266、Presence and patterns of alkaline phosphatase activity and phosphorus cycling in natural riparian zones under changing nutrient conditions,JOURNAL OF LIMNOLOGY,2015-01-01 267、Sorption behavior and modeling of endocrine-disrupting chemicals on natural sediments: role of biofilm covered on surface,ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2015-01-01 268、ENVIRONMENTAL FLOWS FOR CRITICAL AREAS OF YANGTZE ESTUARY BASED ON ANALYTICAL SOLUTION FOR SALT INTRUSION,FRESENIUS ENVIRONMENTAL BULLETIN,2014-01-01 269、Ecological characteristics and environmental factors of phytoplankton during different seasons and in different parts of Taihu Lake,FUNDAMENTAL AND APPLIED LIMNOLOGY,2015-01-01 270、Photoelectrocatalytic determination of chemical oxygen demand under visible light using Cu2O-loaded TiO2 nanotube arrays electrode,SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL,2013-01-01 271、Investigation on the application of titania nanorod arrays to the determination of chemical oxygen demand,ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA,2013-01-01 272、Preparation of a magnetic graphene oxide-Ag3PO4 composite photocatalyst with enhanced photocatalytic activity under visible light irradiation,JOURNAL OF THE TAIWAN INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS,2014-05-01 273、Preparation of graphene oxide-loaded Ag3PO4@AgCl and its photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue and O-2 evolution activity under visible light irradiation,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2015-01-12 274、Preparation of heterostructured Ag@AgCl/La2Ti2O7 plasmonic photocatalysts with high visible light photocatalytic performance for the degradation of organic pollutants,RSC ADVANCES,2016-01-01 275、Fabrication of novel p-n heterojunction BiOI/La2Ti2O7 composite photocatalysts for enhanced photocatalytic performance under visible light irradiation,DALTON TRANSACTIONS,2016-02-01 276、Fabrication of p-type BiOCl/n-type La2Ti2O7 facet-coupling heterostructure with enhanced photocatalytic performance,RSC ADVANCES,2016-01-01 277、A novel p-n heterostructured photocatalyst for the efficient photocatalytic degradation of different kinds of organic compounds under irradiation of both ultraviolet and visible light,DALTON TRANSACTIONS,2016-03-01 278、Enhanced photocatalytic properties of the 3D flower-like Mg-Al layered double hydroxides decorated with Ag2CO3 under visible light illumination,MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN,2016-08-01 279、One-pot synthesis of AgBr/Ag2CO3 heterojunctions with enhanced visible-light photocatalytic activity,MATERIALS LETTERS,2016-01-15 280、ZnO nanorod arrays co-loaded with Au nanoparticles and reduced graphene oxide: Synthesis, characterization and photocatalytic application,COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS,2016-03-05 281、Visible light activated photocatalytic degradation of tetracycline by a magnetically separable composite photocatalyst: Graphene oxide/magnetite/cerium-doped titania,JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE,2016-04-01 282、Effect of UV irradiation on the aggregation of TiO2 in an aquatic environment: Influence of humic acid and pH,ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION,2016-05-01 283、Bismuth oxychloride modified titanium phosphate nanoplates: A new p-n type heterostructured photocatalyst with high activity for the degradation of different kinds of organic pollutants,JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE,2016-08-15 284、In-situ growth of Ag3VO4 nanoparticles onto BiOCl nanosheet to form a heterojunction photocatalyst with enhanced performance under visible light irradiation,JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS,2016-12-15 285、Synthesis of novel 2D-2D p-n heterojunction BiOBr/La2Ti2O7 composite photocatalyst with enhanced photocatalytic performance under both UV and visible light irradiation,APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL,2016-10-05 286、Long-term effects of CuO nanoparticles on the surface physicochemical properties of biofilms in a sequencing batch biofilm reactor,Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology,2016-11-01 287、Antioxidant enzyme activities as biomarkers of fluvial biofilm to ZnO NPs ecotoxicity and the Integrated Biomarker Responses(IBR) assessment,Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety,2016-11-01 288、Impacts of CuO nanoparticles on nitrogen removal in sequencing batch biofilm reactors after short-term and long-term exposure and the functions of natural organic matter,Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2016-08-19 289、Effects of CeO2, CuO, and ZnO nanoparticles on physiological features of Microcystis aeruginosa and the production and composition of extracellular polymeric substances,Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2016-10-01 290、Keystone indices probabilistic species sensitivity distribution in the case of the derivation of water quality criteria for copper in Tai Lake,Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2016-06-01 291、Aggregation and removal of Copper oxide (CuO) nanoparticles in wastewater environment and their effects on the microbial activities of wastewater biofilms,Bioresource Technology,2016-09-01 292、Aggregation and removal of Copper oxide (CuO) nanoparticles in wastewater environment and their effects on the microbial activities of wastewater biofilms,Bioresource Technology,2016-09-01 293、Influence of CeO2 NPs on biological phosphorus removal and bacterial community shifts in a sequencing batch biofilm reactor with the differential effects of molecular oxygen,Environmental Research,2016-11-01 294、Influence of CeO2 NPs on biological phosphorus removal and bacterial community shifts in a sequencing batch biofilm reactor with the differential effects of molecular oxygen,Environmental Research,2016-11-01 295、Effects of CeO2 nanoparticles on sludge aggregation and the role of extracellular polymeric substances - Explanation based on extended DLVO,Environmental Research,2016-11-01 296、Response of wastewater biofilm to CuO nanoparticle exposure in terms of extracellular polymeric substances and microbial community structure,The Science of The Total Environment,2016-11-18 297、Response of wastewater biofilm to CuO nanoparticle exposure in terms of extracellular polymeric substances and microbial community structure,The Science of The Total Environment,2016-11-18 298、Effects of ZnO Nanoparticles and Zn2+ on Fluvial Biofilms and the Related Toxicity Mechanisms,Science of The Total Environment,2016-02-15 299、Effects of ZnO Nanoparticles and Zn2+ on Fluvial Biofilms and the Related Toxicity Mechanisms,Science of The Total Environment,2016-02-15 300、Effect of alginate on the aggregation kinetics of copper oxide nanoparticles (CuO NPs): bridging interaction and hetero-aggregation induced by Ca2+,Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2016-06-01 301、Effect of alginate on the aggregation kinetics of copper oxide nanoparticles (CuO NPs): bridging interaction and hetero-aggregation induced by Ca2+,Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2016-06-01 302、Influence of Shear Forces on the Aggregation and Sedimentation Behavior of Cerium Dioxide (CeO2) Nanoparticles under Different Hydrochemistry Conditions,Journal of Nanoparticle Research,2016-07-13 303、Influence of Shear Forces on the Aggregation and Sedimentation Behavior of Cerium Dioxide (CeO2) Nanoparticles under Different Hydrochemistry Conditions,Journal of Nanoparticle Research,2016-07-13 304、Contributions of different fractions of extracellular polymeric substances from waste-activated sludge to Cu (II) biosorption,Desalination and Water Treatment,2016-02-01 305、Contributions of different fractions of extracellular polymeric substances from waste-activated sludge to Cu (II) biosorption,Desalination and Water Treatment,2016-02-01 306、应用概率物种敏感度分布法研究太湖铜水生生物水质基准,生态毒理学报,2015-01-01 307、人工纳米材料与生物膜相互作用机制及影响因素研究进展,微生物学通报,2015-01-01 308、应用概率物种敏感度分布法研究太湖重金属水生生物水质基准,生态毒理学报,2015-05-01 309、人工纳米材料在水-生物膜体系中的环境行为与毒性效应研究进展,环境工程学报,2016-08-01 310、Potential Effects of Metal Nanoparticles on Aquatic Zooplankton,Official Conference Proceedings of The Inaugural European Conference on Sustainability, Energy and the Environment 2013,2013-06-07 311、Modeling the Biodegradation of Bacterial Community Assembly Linked Antibiotics in River Sediment Using a Deterministic Stochastic Combined Model,ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2016-08-16 312、Modeling the Effects of Hydrodynamic Regimes on Microbial Communities within Fluvial Biofilms: Combining Deterministic and Stochastic Processes,ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2015-11-03 313、Effects of cerium oxide nanoparticles on the species and distribution of phosphorus in enhanced phosphorus removal sequencing batch biofilm reactor,Bioresource Technology,2017-03-18 314、Influence of silver nanoparticles on benthic oxygen consumption of microbial communities in freshwater sediments determined by microelectrodes,Environmental Pollution,2017-03-01 315、Assessing the ecohydrological separation hypothesis and seasonal variations in water use by Ginkgo biloba L. in a subtropical riparian area,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY,2017-10-01 316、Co-adsorption of perfluorooctane sulfonate and phosphate on boehmite: Influence of temperature, phosphate initial concentration and pH,ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY,2017-03-01 317、Adsorption of perfluorooctane sulfonate on soils: Effects of soil characteristics and phosphate competition,CHEMOSPHERE,2017-02-01 318、Spatial distribution of riparian soil phosphorus and its response to hydrologic process,Advances in Water Science,2017-01-25 319、抗生素在沉积物中的吸附机制及其影响因素,四川环境,2013-04-01 320、Long term effects of cerium dioxide nanoparticles on the nitrogen removal, micro-environment and community dynamics of a sequencing batch biofilm reactor,BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY,2017-01-01 321、The effect of anthropogenic impoundment on dissolved organic matter characteristics and copper binding affinity: Insights from fluorescence spectroscopy,CHEMOSPHERE,2017-01-01 322、Application of zero valent iron coupling with biological process for wastewater treatment: a review,REVIEWS IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND BIO-TECHNOLOGY,2017-01-01 323、Impact of macrozoobenthic bioturbation and wind fluctuation interactions on net methylmercury in freshwater lakes,WATER RESEARCH,2017-01-01 324、Noble-metal-free nickel phosphide modified CdS/C3N4 nanorods for dramatically enhanced photocatalytic hydrogen evolution under visible light irradiation,DALTON TRANSACTIONS,2017-01-01 325、Shift in bacterioplankton diversity and structure: Influence of anthropogenic disturbances along the Yarlung Tsangpo River on the Tibetan Plateau, China,SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,2017-01-01 326、Effects of titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles on the photodissolution of particulate organic matter: Insights from fluorescence spectroscopy and environmental implications,ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION,2017-01-01 327、Transport, retention, and long-term release behavior of polymer-coated silver nanoparticles in saturated quartz sand: The impact of natural organic matters and electrolyte,ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION,2017-01-01 328、Combining Heterojunction Engineering with Surface Cocatalyst Modification To Synergistically Enhance the Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution Performance of Cadmium Sulfide Nanorods,ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING,2017-01-01 329、Combined Monthly Inflow Forecasting and Multiobjective Ecological Reservoir Operations Model: Case Study of the Three Gorges Reservoir,JOURNAL OF WATER RESOURCES PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT,2017-01-01 330、DEVELOPMENT OF A MULTI-INDEX ECOSYSTEM HEALTH ASSESSMENT MODEL USING BACK-PROPAGATION NEURAL NETWORK APPROACH: A CASE STUDY OF THE YANGTZE ESTUARY, CHINA,ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT JOURNAL,2017-01-01 331、An improved habitat model to evaluate the impact of water conservancy projects on Chinese sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis) spawning sites in the Yangtze River, China,ECOLOGICAL ENGINEERING,2017-01-01 332、Insights into the short-term effects of CeO2 nanoparticles on sludge dewatering and related mechanism,WATER RESEARCH,2017-01-01 333、Comparison of in situ DGT measurement with ex situ methods for predicting cadmium bioavailability in soils with combined pollution to biotas,WATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2017-01-01 334、Assessment of multi-objective reservoir operation in the middle and lower Yangtze River based on a flow regime influenced by the Three Gorges Project,ECOLOGICAL INFORMATICS,2017-01-01 335、The Evaluation on the Cadmium Net Concentration for Soil Ecosystems,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH,2017-01-01 336、Effects of carbon nanotubes on physicochemical properties and sulfamethoxazole adsorption of sediments with or without aging processes,CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2017-01-01 337、Response of wastewater biofilm to CuO nanoparticle exposure in terms of extracellular polymeric substances and microbial community structure,SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,2017-01-01 338、Understanding the transport feature of bloom-forming Microcystis in a large shallow lake: A new combined hydrodynamic and spatially explicit agent-based modelling approach,ECOLOGICAL MODELLING,2017-01-01 339、The use of zero-valent iron (ZVI)-microbe technology for wastewater treatment with special attention to the factors influencing performance: A critical review,CRITICAL REVIEWS IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2017-01-01 340、Heavy metal pollution status and ecological risks of sediments under the influence of water transfers in Taihu Lake, China,ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2017-01-01 341、Effects of CeO2, CuO, and ZnO nanoparticles on physiological features of Microcystis aeruginosa and the production and composition of extracellular polymeric substances,ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2017-01-01 342、Algal growth and utilization of phosphorus studied by combined mono-culture and co-culture experiments,ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION,2017-01-01 343、Adsorption behavior of lead on aquatic sediments contaminated with cerium dioxide nanoparticles,ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION,2016-01-01 344、Assessment of mobilization of labile phosphorus and iron across sediment-water interface in a shallow lake (Hongze) based on in situ high-resolution measurement,ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION,2016-01-01 345、Transport, retention, and long-term release behavior of polymer-coated silver nanoparticles in saturated quartz sand: The?impact of natural organic matters and electrolyte,Environmental Pollution,2017-01-01 346、Noble-metal-free nickel phosphide modified CdS/C3N4nanorods for dramatically enhanced photocatalytic hydrogen evolution under visible light irradiation,Dalton Transactions,2017-01-01 347、Transport and long-term release behavior of polymer-coated silver nanoparticles in saturated quartz sand: The impacts of input concentration, grain size and flow rate,Water Research,2017-01-01 348、Effects of cerium oxide nanoparticles on the species and distribution of phosphorus in enhanced phosphorus removal sequencing batch biofilm reactor,Bioresource Technology,2017-01-01 349、Insights into the short-term effects of CeO2nanoparticles on sludge dewatering and related mechanism,Water Research,2017-01-01 350、The use of zero-valent iron (ZVI)–microbe technology for wastewater treatment with special attention to the factors influencing performance: A critical review,Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology,2017-01-01 351、Effect of inter-basin water transfer on water quality in an urban lake: A combined water quality index algorithm and biophysical modelling approach,Ecological Indicators,2017-01-01 352、Robust photocatalytic hydrogen evolution over amorphous ruthenium phosphide quantum dots modified g-C3N4 nanosheet,APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL,2018-01-01 353、Construction of silver iodide/silver/bismuth tantalate Z-scheme photocatalyst for effective visible light degradation of organic pollutants,JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE,2018-01-01 354、Chlorpyrifos and 3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridinol degradation in zero valent iron coupled anaerobic system: Performances and mechanisms,CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2018-01-01 355、Oxygen vacancies and phosphorus codoped black titania coated carbon nanotube composite photocatalyst with efficient photocatalytic performance for the degradation of acetaminophen under visible light irradiation,CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2018-01-01 356、In situ surface engineering of ultrafine Ni2P nanoparticles on cadmium sulfide for robust hydrogen evolution,CATALYSIS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2018-01-01 357、Aggregation, sedimentation, and dissolution of CuO and ZnO nanoparticles in five waters,ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2018-01-01 358、Nanoparticle tracking analysis versus dynamic light scattering: Case study on the effect of Ca2+ and alginate on the aggregation of cerium oxide nanoparticles,JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2018-01-01 359、Phosphate group grafted twinned BiPO4 with significantly enhanced photocatalytic activity: Synergistic effect of improved charge separation efficiency and redox ability,APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL,2018-01-01 360、Investigation of the rheological behavior of activated sludge in response to CeO2 nanoparticles and potential mechanism,ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2018-01-01 361、Strategies and relative mechanisms to attenuate the bioaccumulation and biotoxicity of ceria nanoparticles in wastewater biofilms,BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY,2018-01-01 362、Effects of Ag and Ag2S nanoparticles on denitrification in sediments,WATER RESEARCH,2018-01-01 363、Significantly enhanced visible light photocatalytic efficiency of phosphorus doped TiO2 with surface oxygen vacancies for ciprofloxacin degradation: Synergistic effect and intermediates analysis,JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2018-01-01 364、Synergistic effect of surface phase junction and surface defects on enhancing the photocatalytic performance of BiPO4,MICRO & NANO LETTERS,2018-01-01 365、Responses of wastewater biofilms to chronic CeO2 nanoparticles exposure: Structural, physicochemical and microbial properties and potential mechanism,WATER RESEARCH,2018-01-01 366、Enhanced anaerobic biological treatment of chlorpyrifos in farmland drainage with zero valent iron,CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2018-01-01 367、Effect of TiO2 and CeO2 nanoparticles on the metabolic activity of surficial sediment microbial communities based on oxygen microelectrodes and high-throughput sequencing,WATER RESEARCH,2018-01-01 368、Construction of a composite photocatalyst with significantly enhanced photocatalytic performance through combination of homo-junction with hetero-junction,CATALYSIS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2018-01-01 369、Interpretation of the disparity in harvesting efficiency of different types of Microcystis aeruginosa using polyethylenimine (PEI)-coated magnetic nanoparticles,ALGAL RESEARCH-BIOMASS BIOFUELS AND BIOPRODUCTS,2018-01-01 370、Mechanistic understanding of cerium oxide nanoparticle-mediated biofilm formation in Pseudomonas aeruginosa,ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2018-01-01 371、Towards a better understanding on aggregation behavior of CeO2nanoparticles in different natural waters under flow disturbance,Journal of Hazardous Materials,2018-01-01 372、Influence of CeO2 nanoparticles on viscoelastic properties of sludge: Role of extracellular polymeric substances,ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH,2018-01-01 373、Influence of extracellular polymeric substances on cell-NPs heteroaggregation process and toxicity of cerium dioxide NPs to Microcystis aeruginosa,ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION,2018-01-01 374、Changes in Microcystis aeruginosa cell integrity and variation in microcystin-LR and proteins during Tanfloc flocculation and floc storage,SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,2018-01-01 375、The effects of extracellular polymeric substances on magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles stability and the removal of microcystin-LR in aqueous environments,ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY,2018-01-01 376、Effects of silver sulfide nanoparticles on the microbial community structure and biological activity of freshwater biofilms,Environmental Science: Nano,2018-01-01 377、Development of a comprehensive understanding of aggregation-settling movement of CeO2 nanoparticles in natural waters,Environmental Pollution,2019-01-01 378、Acute effects of nanoplastics and microplastics on periphytic biofilms depending on particle size, concentration and surface modification,Environmental Pollution,2019-01-01 379、Distinct community structure and microbial functions of biofilms colonizing microplastics,SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,2019-01-01 380、Zero valent iron supported biological denitrification for farmland drainage treatments with low organic carbon: Performance and potential mechanisms,SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,2019-01-01 381、Effects of titanium dioxide nanoparticles on algal and bacterial communities in periphytic biofilms,ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION,2019-01-01 382、Quantitative measurement of aggregation kinetics process of nanoparticles using nanoparticle tracking analysis and dynamic light scattering,JOURNAL OF NANOPARTICLE RESEARCH,2019-01-01 383、Removing specific extracellular organic matter from algal bloom water by Tanfloc flocculation: Performance and mechanisms,SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2019-01-01 384、Effects of cerium oxide nanoparticles on bacterial growth and behaviors: induction of biofilm formation and stress response,ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2019-01-01 385、Low concentrations of copper oxide nanoparticles alter microbial community structure and function of sediment biofilms,SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,2019-01-01 386、Effect of CuO nanoparticles on the production and composition of extracellular polymeric substances and physicochemical stability of activated sludge flocs,Bioresource Technology,2015-01-01 387、Effects of CeO2 nanoparticles on biological nitrogen removal in a sequencing batch biofilm reactor and mechanism of toxicity,Bioresource Technology,2015-09-02 388、Aggregation and removal of copper oxide (CuO) nanoparticles in wastewater environment and their effects on the microbial activities of wastewater biofilms,Bioresource Technology,2016-09-01 389、Effect of alginate on the aggregation kinetics of copper oxide nanoparticles (CuO NPs): bridging interaction and hetero-aggregation induced by Ca(2.),ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2016-06-03 390、Enhanced stability and dissolution of CuO nanoparticles by extracellular polymeric substances in aqueous environment,Journal of Nanoparticle Research,2015-10-03 391、Effects of pH and natural organic matter (NOM) on the adsorptive removal of CuO nanoparticles by periphyton,ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2015-05-01 392、Aggregation, sedimentation, and dissolution of CuO and ZnO nanoparticles in five waters,Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2018-09-06 393、Effects of CeO2, CuO, and ZnO nanoparticles on physiological features of Microcystis aeruginosa and the production and composition of extracellular polymeric substances,ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2017-01-01 394、Contributions of different fractions of extracellular polymeric substances from waste-activated sludge to Cu(II) biosorption,Desalination and Water Treatment,2016-01-01 395、Effects of Nanoplastics on Freshwater Biofilm Microbial Metabolic Functions as Determined by BIOLOG ECO Microplates,International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,2019-11-21 396、Effects of Nanoplastics on Freshwater Biofilm Microbial Metabolic Functions as Determined by BIOLOG ECO Microplates,International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,2019-11-21 397、Insights into spatial effects of ceria nanoparticles on oxygen mass transfer in wastewater biofilms: Interfacial microstructure, in-situ microbial activity and metabolism regulation mechanism,Water Research,2020-06-01 398、Surface Properties and Environmental Transformations Controlling the Bioaccumulation and Toxicity of Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles: A Critical Review,Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology,2020-05-28 399、Effects of Nanoplastics on Freshwater Biofilm Microbial Metabolic Functions as Determined by BIOLOG ECO Microplates,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH,2019-01-01 400、The Fate of p-Nitrophenol in Goethite-Rich and Sulfide-Containing Dynamic Anoxic/Oxic Environments,ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2020-01-01 401、Transport behavior of micro polyethylene particles in saturated quartz sand: Impacts of input concentration and physicochemical factors,ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION,2020-01-01 402、Chronic exposure to CuO nanoparticles induced community structure shift and a delay inhibition of microbial functions in multi-species biofilms,JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2020-01-01 403、Insights into spatial effects of ceria nanoparticles on oxygen mass transfer in wastewater biofilms: Interfacial microstructure, in-situ microbial activity and metabolism regulation mechanism,WATER RESEARCH,2020-01-01 404、Effects of silver nanoparticles on coupled nitrification-denitrification in suspended sediments,JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2020-01-01 405、Effects of Ag NPs on denitrification in suspended sediments via inhibiting microbial electron behaviors,WATER RESEARCH,2020-01-01 406、Taxonomic and Functional Responses of Sediment Bacterial Community to Anthropogenic Disturbances in the Yarlung Tsangpo River on the Tibetan Plateau,JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATICS,2020-01-01 407、Dynamic responses of community structure and microbial functions of periphytic biofilms during chronic exposure to TiO2 NPs,ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE-NANO,2020-01-01 408、Development of a comprehensive understanding of aggregation settling movement of CeO2 nanoparticles in natural waters,ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION,2020-01-01 409、Optimization of cyanobacterial harvesting and extracellular organic matter removal utilizing magnetic nanoparticles and response surface methodology: A comparative study,ALGAL RESEARCH-BIOMASS BIOFUELS AND BIOPRODUCTS,2020-01-01 410、Acute effects of nanoplastics and microplastics on periphytic biofilms depending on particle size, concentration and surface modification,ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION,2019-01-01 411、Deciphering the effects of CeO2 nanoparticles on Escherichia coli in the presence of ferrous and sulfide ions: Physicochemical transformation-induced toxicity and detoxification mechanisms,JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2021-07-01 412、Effects of zero valent iron on nitrate removal in anaerobic bioreactor with various carbon-to-nitrate ratios: Bio-electrochemical properties, energy regulation strategies and biological response mechanisms,CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2021-09-01 413、Iodide-Induced Fragmentation of Polymerized Hydrophilic Carbon Nitride for High-Performance Quasi-Homogeneous Photocatalytic H2O2 Production,ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION,2021-11-01 414、Simultaneous Removal of Selenite and Selenate by Nanosized Zerovalent Iron in Anoxic Systems: The Overlooked Role of Selenite,ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2021-05-01 415、In situ prepared algae-supported iron sulfide to remove hexavalent chromium,ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION,2021-04-01 416、Harvesting freshwater microalgae with natural polymer flocculants,ALGAL RESEARCH-BIOMASS BIOFUELS AND BIOPRODUCTS,2021-07-01 417、Comparison of adsorption behavior studies of methylene blue by microalga residue and its biochars produced at different pyrolytic temperatures,ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2021-03-01 418、Attenuation effects of iron on dissemination of antibiotic resistance genes in anaerobic bioreactor: Evolution of quorum sensing, quorum quenching and dynamics of community composition,JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2021-08-01 419、Antibiotic resistance genes attenuation in anaerobic microorganisms during iron uptake from zero valent iron: An iron-dependent form of homeostasis and roles as regulators,WATER RESEARCH,2021-05-01 420、Research progress on degradation of chlorpyrifos by microbial-physicochemical coupling method,Water Resources Protection,2021-01-01 421、间歇性河流中生物膜对干湿胁迫的动态响应,中国环境科学,2021-01-01 422、微生物-物化耦合法降解毒死蜱研究进展,水资源保护,2021-01-01 423、纳米二氧化铈在污水处理系统中的环境行为及其生物毒性效应研究进展,环境工程,2021-01-01 424、纳米二氧化铈的潜在生态风险及毒性作用机制研究进展,生态毒理学报,2021-01-01 显示更多 科技成果 1、景观阶梯式生态石笼护岸净污成型方法,2016-03-23,环境学院,发明专利,3 2、灌区防渗型生态渠道的构建方法,2015-08-12,环境学院,发明专利,3 3、灌区稻田排水沟串联湿地净污系统,2015-04-22,环境学院,发明专利,3 4、置于田埂的水稻田退水水质净化装置,2015-05-13,环境学院,发明专利,3 5、景观塔型水体曝气和生物净化装置及净化方法,2015-07-01,环境学院,发明专利,3 6、南方冬季静水河湖应急高效生态浮床及成形方法,2014-06-11,环境学院,发明专利,3 7、农田排水沟便携式复合人工湿地净化箱,2014-04-02,环境学院,发明专利,3 8、一种可移动式农田排水沟水质净化器,2014-05-14,环境学院,发明专利,3 9、一种山间防止雨水冲刷水土流失的集雨净化系统,2015-09-16,环境学院,发明专利,3 10、外加碳源复合深度净化生态浮床及其净化处理方法,2014-01-01,环境学院,发明专利,3 11、一种净化河流微污染水体的仿生植物,2006-04-05,环境学院,实用新型,3 12、景观型多级阶梯式人工湿地护坡成型方法,2007-02-07,环境学院,发明专利,3 13、景观型多级阶梯式人工湿地护坡成型系统,2006-04-12,环境学院,实用新型,3 14、仿生植物对河流微污染水体的净化方法,2007-03-21,环境学院,发明专利,3 15、景观净污组合型护坡实体砌块,2006-09-27,环境学院,实用新型,3 16、景观式净污组合型护坡空心砌块,2006-09-27,环境学院,实用新型,3 17、河流滨水带生态砼净化槽,2006-03-29,环境学院,实用新型,3 18、植生型河道防渗砌块,2006-05-31,环境学院,实用新型,3 19、环形水槽模拟风浪扰动下水下沉积物再悬浮的方法及装置,2009-07-29,环境学院,发明专利,3 20、污染胁迫下水生生物特性的静态与动态同步试验系统,2011-07-06,环境学院,发明专利,3 21、生态净污型复式河床湿地系统成型方法,2009-12-23,环境学院,发明专利,3 22、大中河道复式平台面源截留净化系统,2009-12-23,环境学院,发明专利,3 23、垂直驳岸固定式自动升降生态浮床载体,2010-06-02,环境学院,发明专利,3 24、植物可更换载体的生态护岸系统,2011-02-16,环境学院,发明专利,3 25、垂直驳岸活枝捆生态护岸成型方法,2011-06-08,环境学院,发明专利,3 26、一种多级水力增氧生态湿地型护坡装置(实用新型),2010-12-08,环境学院,实用新型,3 27、一种适用于高泥沙大流速水体的生态浮床,2011-12-14,环境学院,发明专利,3 28、一种可升降植物沉块与浮块立体耦合净化水质的装置,2012-02-29,环境学院,发明专利,3 29、一种立体耦合净化水体的装置,2011-01-05,环境学院,实用新型,3 30、水位控制与水质净化功能复合的透水溢流坝,2012-02-22,环境学院,发明专利,3 31、河水净化与边坡绿地养护相结合的生态河岸带,2012-02-01,环境学院,发明专利,3 32、一种适用于水位变化水域的圆形可装卸生态浮床,2012-11-28,环境学院,发明专利,3 33、生态渗滤型净水丁坝系统,2011-11-09,环境学院,发明专利,3 34、一种适用于河道正常水位下全断面水体湿地净化系统,2012-04-11,环境学院,发明专利,3 35、一种构建农田排水生态净化系统的方法,2013-02-13,环境学院,发明专利,3 36、一种在顺直河道中构建深潭浅滩的方法,2013-04-03,环境学院,发明专利,3 37、一种适用于入湖河口的移动式植物浮岛链,2012-09-05,环境学院,发明专利,3 38、大水域浅水区候鸟栖息和水质净化复合系统,2012-10-10,环境学院,发明专利,3 39、河流滨水多层复合植物净污带及构建方法,2012-10-24,环境学院,发明专利,3 40、重污染支流口多层植物带水质原位净化方法,2012-07-04,环境学院,发明专利,3 41、河流水下硬质斜坡沉水植物联遍修复方法,2012-05-23,环境学院,发明专利,3 42、城镇污水厂达标尾水水质强化净化方法,2012-10-10,环境学院,发明专利,3 43、硬质钢筋混凝土护岸斜坡生态修复方法,2012-02-01,环境学院,发明专利,3 44、垂直驳岸河湖滨水湿地系统及构建方法,2013-01-16,环境学院,发明专利,3 45、输水型湖荡水质生态改善方法,2013-01-16,环境学院,发明专利,3 46、一种大坡降河流跌水曝气改善水质的方法,2012-07-04,环境学院,发明专利,3 47、重污染河流组合式水质净化丁坝群系统,2013-01-23,环境学院,发明专利,3 48、旱作物农田首级退水水质强化净化装置,2015-06-17,环境学院,发明专利,3 49、用于模拟复杂分层流动水体的装置及模拟方法,2014-06-25,机电工程学院,发明专利,3 50、一种旋转封底式浅层原位采泥器,2014-01-15,机电工程学院,发明专利,3 51、适用于较高流速重污染河道具备自主曝气功能的生态浮床,2016-06-08,环境学院,发明专利,3 52、平原地区灌排耦合生态型灌区水循环利用的节水减污方法,2016-06-29,环境学院,发明专利,3 53、生态型灌区排水系统湿地净污方法,2017-05-17,环境学院,发明专利,3 54、灌区稻田排水沟带状湿地净污系统,2017-03-08,环境学院,发明专利,3 55、一种灌区渠道硬质护坡动物逃生通道,2017-03-22,环境学院,发明专利,3 56、一种灌区水田四周定点排水湿地构建系统,2016-08-24,环境学院,发明专利,3 57、直临河流农田排水岸边湿地净化方法,2017-01-25,环境学院,发明专利,3 58、灌区旱地漫流式排水调蓄净化湿地构建系统,2017-08-11,环境学院,发明专利,3 59、灌区生活污水活性铁-厌氧微生物耦合强化脱氮除磷装置,2017-08-08,环境学院,发明专利,3 60、灌区生活污水零价铁/微生物复合渗滤墙净化系统,2016-06-08,环境学院,发明专利,3 61、活性铁净化器与岸坡湿地系统耦合净化养殖塘排水系统,2016-07-20,环境学院,发明专利,3 62、一种生态秸秆砖或生态秸秆球的制造方法及应用,2017-06-09,环境学院,发明专利,3 63、一种跌水冲击式灌溉水量计量及自动闸门一体化装置,2016-06-29,环境学院,发明专利,3 64、一种比流量式灌溉水量计量控制装置,2017-05-17,环境学院,发明专利,3 65、一种适用于多孔陶瓷基光催化填料快压渗镀膜装置及方法,2017-05-03,环境学院,发明专利,3 66、一种滑动杠杆式灌溉水量控制装置,2017-07-07,环境学院,发明专利,3 67、一种适用于农田排水沟渠的多层转桶式光催化净化池,2017-06-30,环境学院,发明专利,3 68、一种适用于大流速水体的导流式生态浮床,2015-04-01,机电工程学院,发明专利,3 69、一种生物净化与光催化双联污水处理塔,2017-04-12,环境学院,发明专利,3 70、用于多孔陶瓷材料表面负载光催化膜的高压振动镀膜装置,2017-11-10,环境学院,发明专利,3 71、一种多层渗流式光催化与生态净化耦合型护岸,2017-03-29,环境学院,发明专利,3 72、一种城市景观型旋转雨淋式多层光催化生态净化塔,2017-10-03,环境学院,发明专利,3 73、一种适用于静水湖泊的底置式光催化浮岛,2017-09-22,环境学院,发明专利,3 74、一种多层孔腔复合型光催化透水砖及其制备方法和装置,2017-11-10,环境学院,发明专利,3 75、具有光催化水质净化功能的流量自适应型拦水堰,2017-12-19,环境学院,发明专利,3 76、一种适用于灌区排水沟渠的回流式生态净化池,2016-04-06,机电工程学院,发明专利,3 77、一种具有水质净化功能的闸堰一体化装置,2018-01-19,力学与材料学院,发明专利,3 78、一种适用于静水湖泊的自升降式水质净化装置,2018-10-30,力学与材料学院,发明专利,3 79、一种可漂浮于水面的轻质多孔生态砖及其制备方法,2018-05-29,力学与材料学院,发明专利,3 80、灌区稻田排水沟串联湿地净污系统,2015/04/22,环境学院,发明专利,3 81、置于田埂的水稻田退水水质净化装置,2015/05/13,环境学院,发明专利,3 82、景观塔型水体曝气和生物净化装置及净化方法,2015/07/01,环境学院,发明专利,3 83、景观阶梯式生态石笼护岸净污成型方法,2016/03/23,环境学院,发明专利,3 84、灌区防渗型生态渠道的构建方法,2015/08/12,环境学院,发明专利,3 85、南方冬季静水河湖应急高效生态浮床及成形方法,2014/06/11,环境学院,发明专利,3 86、农田排水沟便携式复合人工湿地净化箱,2014/04/02,环境学院,发明专利,3 87、一种可移动式农田排水沟水质净化器,2014/05/14,环境学院,发明专利,3 88、一种山间防止雨水冲刷水土流失的集雨净化系统,2015/09/16,环境学院,发明专利,3 89、外加碳源复合深度净化生态浮床及其净化处理方法,2014/01/01,环境学院,发明专利,3 90、植物可更换载体的生态护岸系统,2011/02/16,环境学院,发明专利,3 91、生态净污型复式河床湿地系统成型方法,2009/12/23,环境学院,发明专利,3 92、大中河道复式平台面源截留净化系统,2009/12/23,环境学院,发明专利,3 93、垂直驳岸固定式自动升降生态浮床载体,2010/06/02,环境学院,发明专利,3 94、一种净化河流微污染水体的仿生植物,2006/04/05,环境学院,实用新型,3 95、景观型多级阶梯式人工湿地护坡成型方法,2007/02/07,环境学院,发明专利,3 96、景观型多级阶梯式人工湿地护坡成型系统,2006/04/12,环境学院,实用新型,3 97、仿生植物对河流微污染水体的净化方法,2007/03/21,环境学院,发明专利,3 98、景观净污组合型护坡实体砌块,2006/09/27,环境学院,实用新型,3 99、景观式净污组合型护坡空心砌块,2006/09/27,环境学院,实用新型,3 100、河流滨水带生态砼净化槽,2006/03/29,环境学院,实用新型,3 101、植生型河道防渗砌块,2006/05/31,环境学院,实用新型,3 102、环形水槽模拟风浪扰动下水下沉积物再悬浮的方法及装置,2009/07/29,环境学院,发明专利,3 103、污染胁迫下水生生物特性的静态与动态同步试验系统,2011/07/06,环境学院,发明专利,3 104、一种可升降植物沉块与浮块立体耦合净化水质的装置,2012/02/29,环境学院,发明专利,3 105、一种立体耦合净化水体的装置,2011/01/05,环境学院,实用新型,3 106、水位控制与水质净化功能复合的透水溢流坝,2012/02/22,环境学院,发明专利,3 107、河水净化与边坡绿地养护相结合的生态河岸带,2012/02/01,环境学院,发明专利,3 108、一种适用于水位变化水域的圆形可装卸生态浮床,2012/11/28,环境学院,发明专利,3 109、垂直驳岸活枝捆生态护岸成型方法,2011/06/08,环境学院,发明专利,3 110、一种多级水力增氧生态湿地型护坡装置(实用新型),2010/12/08,环境学院,实用新型,3 111、一种适用于高泥沙大流速水体的生态浮床,2011/12/14,环境学院,发明专利,3 112、生态渗滤型净水丁坝系统,2011/11/09,环境学院,发明专利,3 113、一种适用于河道正常水位下全断面水体湿地净化系统,2012/04/11,环境学院,发明专利,3 114、一种构建农田排水生态净化系统的方法,2013/02/13,环境学院,发明专利,3 115、一种在顺直河道中构建深潭浅滩的方法,2013/04/03,环境学院,发明专利,3 116、一种适用于入湖河口的移动式植物浮岛链,2012/09/05,环境学院,发明专利,3 117、大水域浅水区候鸟栖息和水质净化复合系统,2012/10/10,环境学院,发明专利,3 118、河流滨水多层复合植物净污带及构建方法,2012/10/24,环境学院,发明专利,3 119、重污染支流口多层植物带水质原位净化方法,2012/07/04,环境学院,发明专利,3 120、河流水下硬质斜坡沉水植物联遍修复方法,2012/05/23,环境学院,发明专利,3 121、城镇污水厂达标尾水水质强化净化方法,2012/10/10,环境学院,发明专利,3 122、硬质钢筋混凝土护岸斜坡生态修复方法,2012/02/01,环境学院,发明专利,3 123、垂直驳岸河湖滨水湿地系统及构建方法,2013/01/16,环境学院,发明专利,3 124、输水型湖荡水质生态改善方法,2013/01/16,环境学院,发明专利,3 125、一种大坡降河流跌水曝气改善水质的方法,2012/07/04,环境学院,发明专利,3 126、重污染河流组合式水质净化丁坝群系统,2013/01/23,环境学院,发明专利,3 127、旱作物农田首级退水水质强化净化装置,2015/06/17,环境学院,发明专利,3 128、用于模拟复杂分层流动水体的装置及模拟方法,2014/06/25,机电工程学院,发明专利,3 129、一种旋转封底式浅层原位采泥器,2014/01/15,机电工程学院,发明专利,3 130、适用于较高流速重污染河道具备自主曝气功能的生态浮床,2016/06/08,环境学院,发明专利,3 131、直临河流农田排水岸边湿地净化方法,2017/01/25,环境学院,发明专利,3 132、灌区旱地漫流式排水调蓄净化湿地构建系统,2017/08/11,环境学院,发明专利,3 133、灌区生活污水活性铁-厌氧微生物耦合强化脱氮除磷装置,2017/08/08,环境学院,发明专利,3 134、灌区生活污水零价铁/微生物复合渗滤墙净化系统,2016/06/08,环境学院,发明专利,3 135、活性铁净化器与岸坡湿地系统耦合净化养殖塘排水系统,2016/07/20,环境学院,发明专利,3 136、一种生态秸秆砖或生态秸秆球的制造方法及应用,2017/06/09,环境学院,发明专利,3 137、一种跌水冲击式灌溉水量计量及自动闸门一体化装置,2016/06/29,环境学院,发明专利,3 138、一种比流量式灌溉水量计量控制装置,2017/05/17,环境学院,发明专利,3 139、平原地区灌排耦合生态型灌区水循环利用的节水减污方法,2016/06/29,环境学院,发明专利,3 140、生态型灌区排水系统湿地净污方法,2017/05/17,环境学院,发明专利,3 141、灌区稻田排水沟带状湿地净污系统,2017/03/08,环境学院,发明专利,3 142、一种灌区渠道硬质护坡动物逃生通道,2017/03/22,环境学院,发明专利,3 143、一种灌区水田四周定点排水湿地构建系统,2016/08/24,环境学院,发明专利,3 144、一种适用于多孔陶瓷基光催化填料快压渗镀膜装置及方法,2017/05/03,环境学院,发明专利,3 145、一种滑动杠杆式灌溉水量控制装置,2017/07/07,环境学院,发明专利,3 146、一种适用于农田排水沟渠的多层转桶式光催化净化池,2017/06/30,环境学院,发明专利,3 147、一种生物净化与光催化双联污水处理塔,2017/04/12,环境学院,发明专利,3 148、用于多孔陶瓷材料表面负载光催化膜的高压振动镀膜装置,2017/11/10,环境学院,发明专利,3 149、一种多层渗流式光催化与生态净化耦合型护岸,2017/03/29,环境学院,发明专利,3 150、一种城市景观型旋转雨淋式多层光催化生态净化塔,2017/10/03,环境学院,发明专利,3 151、一种适用于静水湖泊的底置式光催化浮岛,2017/09/22,环境学院,发明专利,3 152、一种多层孔腔复合型光催化透水砖及其制备方法和装置,2017/11/10,环境学院,发明专利,3 153、具有光催化水质净化功能的流量自适应型拦水堰,2017/12/19,环境学院,发明专利,3 154、一种适用于灌区排水沟渠的回流式生态净化池,2016/04/06,机电工程学院,发明专利,3 155、一种适用于大流速水体的导流式生态浮床,2015/04/01,机电工程学院,发明专利,3 156、一种适用于屋顶绿化的储水保湿型组合种植槽,2019-03-22,力学与材料学院,发明专利,3 157、一种具有生态净化功能的储水型城市道路隔离带,2019-04-30,力学与材料学院,发明专利,3 158、一种自动巡游式多联耦合水质净化器,2019-04-30,力学与材料学院,发明专利,3 159、一种浮水式水质净化药物缓释投放装置,2019-05-24,力学与材料学院,发明专利,3 160、一种可控缓释型水质净化药物投放器,2019-08-06,力学与材料学院,发明专利,3 161、一种适用于灌溉沟渠的倾角式水量计量装置,2018-05-08,环境学院,发明专利,3 162、一种用于灌区污水强化处理的双耦合系统,2018-11-23,环境学院,发明专利,3 163、一种基于荧光染色观察的农药降解菌活性检测方法,2019-08-06,环境学院,发明专利,3 显示更多 开授课程 1、环境规划与管理,本科生,96,40 2、环境规划与管理课程设计,本科生,96,0 3、水环境保护与生态修复,研究生,76,32 4、环境保护:机遇与挑战,本科生,34,16 5、河湖系统水质改善理论与技术,研究生,150,36 6、环境生态规划与管理,本科生,28,40 7、环境生态规划与管理课设,本科生,28,40 8、河湖生态工程,本科生,28,48 教学成果 2021年河海大学“我最喜爱的老师”。 教学资源 社会职务 现为《International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health》(SCI收录,IF=4.614)“Water Science and Technology” section 主编,“Environmental Science and Engineering” section编委、客座编辑、《Frontiers in Environmental Science》(SCI收录,IF=5.411)“Freshwater Science”section 副主编、《Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology》(SCI收录,IF=2.807)编委,《水资源保护》、《人民珠江》编委;担任包括ES&T、Water Research等30 余种环境、水利领域顶级期刊常用审稿人,Water Research、Journal of Hazardous Materials、Bioresource Technology、Environmental Pollution、Chemosphere、Science of The Total Environment、Environmental Research等期刊杰出审稿人,2019年被授予Top Reviewer in the Global Peer Review Awards(Publons,生态环境领域和交叉领域)。国际水协会(IWA)会员、国际水协会中国青年委员会(IWA-China,YWP)常委(2012—2020)、国际生态经济学会学术专业会员、中国环境学会水环境分会理事、中国水利学会青年委员会委员、中国能源环保高新技术产业协会理事、江苏省水利学会水环境与水生态专业委员会秘书、江苏省湖沼学会理事、江苏省水力发电工程学会理事等。担任国家环境基准专家委员会委员、水利部河湖保护中心专家、生态环境部水污染防治资金项目管理专家;国家科技奖励、教育部科技奖励、湖南省科技奖励、山东科学技术奖励等评审专家;国家重点研发计划“纳米科技”重点专项、国家自然科学基金、江苏省和江西省科技计划项目等评审专家;江苏科技专家,江苏省生态环境厅和江苏省水利工程专业职称评定委员会委员。 荣誉及奖励 1、河海大学奖_一等奖(学校级),环境学院党委、环境学院,2004-02-01,学校级,一等奖 2、2005年度国家科学技术奖_二等奖(国家级),环境学院党委、环境学院,2005-12-01,国家级,二等奖 3、2008年度高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(科学技术)_一等奖(省、部级),环境学院党委、环境学院,2008-12-01,省、部级,一等奖 4、第十二届中国专利奖(2010年),环境学院党委、环境学院,2010-12-01,省、部级 5、江苏省专利项目奖,环境学院党委、环境学院,2010-05-11,厅、局级 6、2012年度国家科学技术奖_二等奖(国家级),环境学院党委、环境学院,2012-02-01,国家级,二等奖 7、2013年度国家科学技术奖_二等奖(国家级),环境学院党委、环境学院,2013-01-01,国家级,二等奖 8、2013年度高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(科学技术)_一等奖(省、部级),环境学院党委、环境学院,2013-01-01,省、部级,一等奖 9、2015年度高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(科学技术)_一等奖(省、部级),环境学院党委、环境学院,2015-12-01,省、部级,一等奖 10、第十七届中国专利奖(2015年),环境学院党委、环境学院,2015-12-01,省、部级 11、2014-2015年度(第五届)农业节水科技奖_特等奖(省、部级),环境学院党委、环境学院,2016-05-24,省、部级,特等奖 12、上海市优秀工程咨询成果奖_一等奖(地市级),环境学院党委、环境学院,2013-11-19,地市级,一等奖 13、2016年度国家科学技术奖_一等奖(国家级),环境学院党委、环境学院,2016-12-01,国家级,一等奖 14、2016年度大禹水利科学技术奖_二等奖(省、部级),环境学院党委、环境学院,2016-12-01,省、部级,二等奖 15、第十八届中国专利奖(2016年),环境学院党委、环境学院,2016-12-01,省、部级 16、2017年度高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(科学技术)_一等奖(省、部级),环境学院党委、环境学院,2017-12-01,省、部级,一等奖 显示更多 招生信息 每年招收环境科学与工程博士2名、学术型硕士研究生3名,资源与环境专业型硕士研究生3名。主要开展河湖水质改善与生态修复工程、水生态修复机制与环境效应、新型材料特性及环境效应等方面的研究与应用工作。依托项目:[1]国家优秀青年科学基金项目,51722902,水环境保护与生态修复,130万;[2]国家“万人计划”科技领军人才计划,80万;[3]江苏特聘教授,400万;[4]江苏省重点研发计划项目-社会发展-面上项目,BE2022834,基于生态絮凝材料的高藻水体高效洁净处理及资源化关键技术应用研究,50万;[5]江苏省水利科技项目,2021042,基于改性植物单宁絮凝的湖泊水华和“湖泛”治理技术,30万. 内容来自dedecms