

姓名 王沛 性别
学校 河南大学 部门 新能源学院
学位 博士 学历 博士研究生
职称 教授 联系方式 【了解更多】
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头像,王沛 教授 教师主页校级站点 导航 个人概况 科学研究 教学信息 社会职务 荣誉及奖励 招生信息,个人简介 王沛,男,江苏淮安人,1986年生,工学博士,教授,博士生导师,新能源科学与工程系书记,太阳能及多能互补研究所所长,江苏省可再生能源学会理事,入选河海大学首批“大禹学者”计划(2017),江苏省双创博士计划(2016),江苏省青年科技托举工程(2019),河海大学首批优秀研究生导师团队(2020)。2008年获得河海大学热能与动力工程学士学位,同年保送进入河海大学水利水电工程(新能源及抽水蓄能方向)硕博连读,国家公派联合培养博士(加州大学 Kambiz Vafai),清华大学能源与动力工程系博士后(姜培学院士)。担任SCI期刊《Energy Storage and Saving》青年编委。主要研究兴趣包括:太阳能热发电与制氢技术,低碳综合能源系统优化设计与运行,水电站、抽水蓄能电站及泵站水力学。主持国家自然科学基金重点项目(课题)、国家重点研发计划项目(课题)、国网总部科技计划项目、江苏省自然科学基金、教育部重点实验室开放基金,参与“973”,“863”等国家级项目课题二十余项。一作及通讯作者高水平论文29篇,其中ESI高被引论文2篇(总他引1200次以上)。主讲《传热学》、《计算流体力学基础》、《新能源导论》等课程。电话:13851884286;邮箱:franciswp2012@163.com 个人资料 姓名: 王沛 性别: 男 学位: 博士 出生年月: 1986-02 学历: 博士研究生 毕业院校: 河海大学 教育经历 2012.09-2014.02,加州大学,Mechanical Engineering,联合培养博士 2018.12-2021.03,清华大学,能源与动力工程,博士后 工作经历 2013.12-2016.6,河海大学,讲师 2016.7-2018.12,河海大学,副教授,系主任 2019.7-2022.4,河海大学,青年教授,系书记 2022.4-至今,河海大学,教授,系书记 研究领域 1、多孔介质多相多场(流-热-力-化)耦合建模与分析;2、太阳能光伏/光热(塔式、槽式)发电系统优化设计与动态建模;3、可再生综合能源系统(水-风-光-氢)配置/运行与低碳评价。 科研项目 1、大孔隙多孔介质内自由表面流的流动结构及输运特性研究,2016.01.01-2018.12.31,国家自然科学基金委员会,能源与电气学院 2、管道内气水耦合瞬变流的多维度数值建模及研究,2015.09.01-2016.09.30,水利水电学院 3、光热发电机理模型研究,2015.12.18-,中国电力科学研究院南京分院,能源与电气学院 4、新疆亚曼苏水电站输水发电系统调节保证设计计算与分析,2016.04.16-,中国电建集团成都勘测设计研究院有限公司,水利水电学院 5、海水淡化成套装备及技术示范,2018.01.01-2019.12.31,水资源高效利用与工程安全国家工程研究中心 6、跨洲联网条件下北非地区太阳能资源规模化开发与利用模式研究,2018.01.01-,国网安徽省电力有限公司电力科学研究院,能源与电气学院 7、国网新源控股宜兴公司厂房环境监测及控制技术研究,2016.07.01-,华东宜兴抽水蓄能有限公司,能源与电气学院 论文 1、Numerical study of heat transfer enhancement in the receiver tube of direct steam generation with parabolic trough by inserting metal foams,APPLIED ENERGY,2013-1-1,Wang, Pei,Liu, D. Y,Wang, Pei 2、Analysis of Radiative Effect under Local Thermal Non-Equilibrium Conditions in Porous Media-Application to a Solar Air Receiver,NUMERICAL HEAT TRANSFER PART A-APPLICATIONS,2014-5-15,Wang, Pei,Vafai, K,Vafai, K 3、Analysis of collimated irradiation under local thermal non-equilibrium condition in a packed bed,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER,2015-1-1,Wang, Pei,Vafai, K,Vafai, K 4、Analysis on the collimated irradiation in a solar air receiver with porous media,PROCEEDINGS OF THE 17TH IAHR INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COOLING TOWER AND HEAT EXCHANGER,2015-9-30,Wang, Pei,Liu, D. Y,Wang, Pei 5、Analysis of the volumetric phenomenon in porous beds subject to irradiation,UPPER("Numerical Heat Transfer Part a-Applications"),2016-1-1,Wang, Pei,Vafai, K,Vafai, K 6、Conjugate heat transfer modeling and asymmetric characteristic analysis of the heat collecting element for a parabolic trough collector,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCES,2016-5-1,Wang, Pei,Liu, D. Y,Wang, Pei 7、Application of field theory on the non-uniform thermal boundary condition analysis on a parabolic trough collectors,UPPER("2016 IEEE International Conference on Power and Renewable Energy, ICPRE 2016"),2016-10-21,Wang, Pei,Xu,Chang,Wang, Pei 8、A unified heat transfer model in a pressurized volumetric solar receivers,UPPER("Renewable Energy"),2016-12-1,Wang, Pei,Liu, D. Y,Wang, Pei 9、Experimental and theoretical evaluation on the thermal performance of a windowed volumetric solar receiver,ENERGY,2017-1-15,Wang, Pei,Li, J. B,Wang, Pei 10、Modeling and Analysis of an Efficient Porous Media for a Solar Porous Absorber With a Variable Pore Structure,JOURNAL OF SOLAR ENERGY ENGINEERING-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME,2017-7-18,Wang, Pei,Vafai, K,Vafai, K 11、Thermo-Fluid Optimization of a Solar Porous Absorber With a Variable Pore Structure,JOURNAL OF SOLAR ENERGY ENGINEERING-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME,2017-8-23,Wang, Pei,Li, J. B,Vafai, K 12、Partially shaded heat collector element - A practical approach to performance improvement,RENEWABLE ENERGY,2018-12-1,Wang, Pei,Li, J. B,Wang, Pei 13、Turbulent Aggregation and Deposition Mechanism of Respirable Dust Pollutants under Wet Dedusting using a Two-Fluid Model with the Population Balance Method,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH,2019-9-11,Wang, Pei,Shen,Shuai,Wang, Pei 14、Acceptance-Rejection Sampling Based Monte Carlo Ray Tracing in Anisotropic Porous Media,UPPER("Energy"),2020-3-28,Wang, Pei,Li, J. B,Wang, Pei 15、Experimental characterization on pore parameter and the irradiation absorption efficiency of a series SiC foam specimens,ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT,2020-4-10,Wang, Pei,Li, J. B,Vafai, K 16、Study on Spectral Radiative Heat Transfer Characteristics of a Windowed Receiver with Particle Curtain,UPPER("Energies"),2021-5-1,Wang, L,Yang, L ,Wang, Pei 17、Non-uniform and volumetric effect on the hydrodynamic and thermal characteristic in a unit solar absorber,UPPER("Energy"),2021-5-28,Wang, Pei,Li, J. B,Jiang, P. X 18、Optimization on the gradually varied pore structure distribution for the irradiated absorber,UPPER("Energy"),2021-11-30,Li, J. B,Wang, Pei,Liu, Deyou 19、A dual-scale transport model of the porous ceria based on solar thermochemical cycle water splitting hydrogen production,UPPER("Energy Conversion and Management"),2022-10-28,Wang, Pei,R.K. Wei ,Vafai, K 20、Prediction of the SnO2-based sensor response for hydrogen detection by artificial intelligence techniques,UPPER("International Journal of Hydrogen Energy"),2023-7-6, Cheng,Shi,Wang, Pei,Wang, Pei 21、Gas Loss Mechanism in the High-Pressure Air Cushion Surge Chamber of Hydropower Station for Transient Process,WATER,2023-8-24,Xia, Yong,Wang, Pei,Wang, Pei 22、Peak shaving auxiliary service analysis for the photovoltaic and concentrating solar power hybrid system under the planning-dispatch optimization framework,UPPER("Energy Conversion and Management"),2023-9-11,Wang, Pei,Hu, Bangjie,Kambiz Vafai  23、DSG槽式真空集热管内金属泡沫强化传热的数值研究,中国电机工程学报,2012-1-1,王沛,刘德有,王沛 24、太阳能真空集热管内多孔介质强化传热的三维数值模拟,太阳能学报,2012-12-28,王沛,刘德有,王沛 25、塔式太阳能熔盐吸热器传热特性及㶲分析,中国电机工程学报,2019-6-20,王沛,李嘉宝,王沛 26、光热驱动多孔氧化铈热化学循环解水制氢非热质平衡模型,化工学报,2022-4-12,王沛,魏荣阔,王沛 27、太阳能热化学反应器多场耦合及协同优化研究,太阳能学报,2022-9-16,王沛,李嘉宝,王沛 28、塔式太阳能热发电用空气吸热器研究综述,华电技术,2015-9-1,王沛,刘德有,王沛 29、基于分布参数模型的塔式熔盐吸热器换热过程动态特性研究,可再生能源,2018-3-6,李嘉宝,王沛,赵亮 30、GaAs/AlAs多量子阱超快动力学探究及其在热载流子太阳能电池中的应用,江苏省工程热物理学会第十二届学术会议,2018-6-15 31、异维度钙钛矿材料中载流子热弛豫机理研究及其在热载流子太阳能电池中的应用,江苏省工程热物理学会第十二届学术会议,2018-6-15 32、含液滴固-液二元颗粒体系湍流聚并行为机理研究,第十届全国流体力学年会-杭州,2018-11-12,王沛,申帅,王沛 33、InN/InxGa(1-x)N多量子阱声子瓶颈效应机理研究,江苏省工程热物理学会第十三届学术会议,2019-6-15 34、窗式颗粒幕吸热器腔内耦合传热机理建模研究,可再生能源,2021-3-10,王莉,王沛,王沛 35、抽水蓄能电站高大地下厂房气流试验与数值模拟,水利水电科技进展,2020-1-10,王沛,王坤坤,王沛 36、计及置信容量的光热电站储热容量优化配置,电力工程技术,2022-9-22,王湘艳,陈宁,王沛 37、Phenomenon of White Mist in Pipelines Rapidly Filling with Water with Entrapped Air Pockets,JOURNAL OF HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING,2013-1-1,Zhou, Ling,Liu, Deyou,Zhou, Ling 38、Optimization of a seawater once-through cooling system with variable speed pumps in fossil fuel power plants,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCES,2015-6-1,Xia, Lin,Liu, Deyou,Liu, Deyou 39、Optimal number of circulating water pumps in a nuclear power plant,NUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND DESIGN,2015-7-1,Xia, Lin,Liu, Deyou,Liu, Deyou 40、CFD analysis of pre-cooling water spray system in natural draft dry cooling towers,UPPER("Applied Thermal Engineering"),2016-9-20,Xia, Lin,Gurgenci, Hal,Xia, Lin 41、CFD Approach for Column Separation in Water Pipelines,UPPER("Journal of Hydraulic Engineering-ASCE"),2016-10-1,Wang, Huan,Zhou, Ling,Zhou, Ling 42、Real-time dynamic analysis for complete loop of direct steam generation solar trough collector,UPPER("Energy Conversion and Management"),2016-11-9,Guo, Su,Liu, D. Y,Guo, Su 43、Water Consumption Comparison between a Natural Draft Wet Cooling Tower and a Natural Draft Hybrid Cooling Tower – an Annual Simulation for Luoyang Conditions,UPPER("Heat Transfer Engineering"),2017-3-31,Xia, Lin,Li, Jishun,Xia, Lin 44、Dynamic Behavior of Entrapped Air Pocket in a Water Filling Pipeline,JOURNAL OF HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING,2017-4-22,Zhou, Ling,Wang, Huan,Zhou, Ling 45、A second-order Finite Volume Method for pipe flow with water column separation,UPPER("Journal of Hydro-environment Research"),2017-12-28,Zhou, Ling,Wang, Huan,Zhou, Ling 46、Conceptual analogy for modelling entrapped air action in hydraulic systems,JOURNAL OF HYDRAULIC RESEARCH,2018-1-1,Zhou, Ling,Wang, Huan,Zhou, Ling 47、Experimental investigation of the heat and mass transfer phenomena in a counterflow wet cooling tower with foam ceramic packing,ADVANCES IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING,2018-1-26,Kong, Qing Jie,Zhao, Xue Yi,Zhao, Xue Yi 48、Investigation on The Effect of Indium Composition on Ultrafast Carrier Dynamics in InGaN Alloys,JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS,2018-12-28,Zhang, Yi,Tang, Liangliang,Zhang, Yi 49、Rapid air expulsion through an orifice in a vertical water pipe,JOURNAL OF HYDRAULIC RESEARCH,2019-5-8,Zhou, Ling,Pan, Tianwen,Zhou, Ling 50、Primitive Form Godunov-Type Scheme for Two-Phase Homogeneous Water Hammer Flows,JOURNAL OF HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING,2020-5-8,Xue, Zijian,Zhou, Ling,Zhou, Ling 51、Quantitative study on the mechanisms underlying the phonon bottleneck effect in InN/InGaN multiple quantum wells,UPPER("Applied Physics Letters"),2020-5-11,Zhang, Yi,Tang, Liangliang,Zhang, Yi 52、Expulsion of Entrapped Air in a Rapidly Filling Horizontal Pipe,JOURNAL OF HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING,2020-7-1,Zhou, Ling,Cao, Yun,Zhou, Ling 53、Phase change process of nanoparticle enhanced PCM in a heat storage including unsteady conduction,JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS,2020-7-1,Shafee, Ahmad,Sheikholeslami, M,Babazadeh, Houman 54、Thermal performance analysis of phase change materials (PCMs) embedded in gradient porous metal foams,UPPER("Applied Thermal Engineering"),2020-7-16,Ali Ghahremannezhad,Huijin Xu,Vafai, K 55、Unsteady friction in transient vertical-pipe flow with trapped air,JOURNAL OF HYDRAULIC RESEARCH,2021-1-5,Zhou, Ling,Cao, Yun,Zhou, Ling 56、Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics with Unsteady Friction Model for Water Hammer Pipe Flow,JOURNAL OF HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING,2021-12-22,Pan, Tianwen,Zhou, Ling,Zhou, Ling 57、DSG槽式太阳能集热器非线性分布参数模型及动态特性,中国电机工程学报,2014-4-15,郭苏,刘德有,郭苏 58、腔式太阳能高温空气吸热器传热过程数值模拟,可再生能源,2010-7-20,刘德有,许昌,刘德有 显示更多 科技成果 1、一种基于三维CFD的液柱分离-弥合水锤的模拟方法,2018-10-23,水利水电学院,发明专利,3 2、基于Godunov格式的有压管道中水柱分离的模拟方法,2018-10-23,水利水电学院,发明专利,3 3、管道内水-气耦合瞬变流的模拟方法,2018-08-17,水利水电学院,发明专利,3 4、一种基于三维CFD的滞留气团热力学特性模拟方法,2017-11-24,水利水电学院,发明专利,3 5、基于有限体积法的输水管道中空穴流的模拟方法,2017-12-26,水利水电学院,发明专利,3 6、一种基于三维CFD的滞留气团热力学特性模拟方法,2017/11/24,水利水电学院,发明专利,3 开授课程 1、传热学,本科生,176,32 2、生产实习,本科生,76,32 3、新能源专业课程导论,本科生,79,16 4、流场数值模拟,本科生,38,24 教学成果 教学资源 社会职务 国际太阳能学会ISES会员国际水利学会IAHR会员江苏省可再生能源学会理事国家自然科学基金通讯评审人Energies 客座编辑Energy Storage and Saving青年编委Journal of Solar Energy Research Updates编委 荣誉及奖励 招生信息 博士:每年在新能源科学与工程招收博士研究生1~2人;硕士:每年在可再生能源发电、流体机械招收学硕,清洁能源技术、动力工程招收专硕共5人。 职称: 教授 博士生导师 部门: 新能源学院 学科: 动力工程及工程热物理 教学部门: 新能源学院 电话: 13851884286 邮件: franciswp2012@163.com 办公地址: 西康路1号 通讯地址: 西康路1号 邮编: 210098 12396 访问 本文来自织梦
