

姓名 董志波 性别 董志波
学校 哈尔滨工业大学 部门 材料科学与工程学院
学位 董志波 学历 董志波
职称 教授 联系方式 【了解更多】
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个人信息 授课与招生 科学研究 论文专著 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 董志波,工学博士,哈尔滨工业大学 焊接技术与工程专业 教授/博导 焊接学会 焊接力学及结构设计与制造专业委员会 副主任 焊接学会 计算机辅助焊接工程专业委员会 委员 研究方向:焊接应力与变形调控及测试技术;焊接结构可靠性评价与寿命预测;金属3D打印宏微观的模拟仿真;焊接知识建模与过程优化;软件平台设计与开发。科研项目:主持国家自然科学基金、专项专题等纵向,与航空航天院所、高校、钢厂、船厂、动车等单位开展合作研究。发表学术论文100余篇,SCI收录60余篇,EI收录40余篇。 学习工作经历 名称 时间 工作经历 2006.03-至今 哈尔滨工业大学 焊接专业 讲师/副教授/教授 2014.04-至今 哈尔滨工业大学 焊接专业 博导 2011.04-至今 哈尔滨工业大学 焊接专业 硕导 2014.08-2015.07 英国曼彻斯特大学 材料科学 访问学者(Zhu Liu 教授) 2007.07-2010.06 哈尔滨工业大学 电气学院 博士后(王淑娟 教授) 2002.09-2006.03 哈尔滨工业大学 博士学位 魏艳红 教授 2000.09-2002.07 哈尔滨工业大学 硕士学位 方洪渊 教授 1996.09-2000.07 哈尔滨工业大学 本科学位 田锡唐 教授 授课情况 名称 《焊接结构学》本科生课程 《焊接工程缺欠分析》本科生课程 《焊接过程模拟与仿真基础》本科生课程 《焊接过程建模基础》研究生课程 《焊接新技术讲座》研究生课程 《焊接与连接前沿与进展》研究生课程 招生情况 名称 欢迎踏实上进的同学来本课题组攻读学士、硕士和博士! 硕士与本科招生:每年招收2名硕士和2名本科, 主要研究方向:焊接过程模拟与仿真,平台开发,应力与变形控制。 博士招生:每年招收2名, 主要研究方向:微观模拟,大数据知识建模,结构疲劳、应力与变形测试方法等研究方向。 在读学生 名称 博士研究生:李清华,李承昆,席鑫,韩放,张植航 硕士研究生:李浩男,王程程,王瀚,朱晓庆 本 科 生:许传鑫 毕业学生 名称 2022年:硕士研究生:周守振(航天院所) 本科生:李浩男(本校读研),王宇轩(二学位) 2021年:博士生:杨来山,郭军礼 硕士研究生:陶聪聪(中兴) 本科生:张植航(本校读研),沈晨(读研) 2020年:硕士研究生:卢伟泽(韶音科技) 本科生:周守振(本校读研),韩放(考研) 2019年:硕士研究生:肖杰立(上海核电) 本科生:于澔(日本留学),王晨(考研),张明洋(毕业) 2018年:硕士研究生:刘诚诚(宁德新能源),任新星(比亚迪),刘晓娟(沈阳黎明) 本科生:陈翰(上海振华),卢伟泽(本校读研) 2017年:硕士研究生:武继胜(沈阳工作) 本科生:周健(株洲),李天元(留学),肖杰立(读研) 2016年:硕士研究生:张琪(北京IT) 本 科 生:刘诚诚(本校读研),刘焕(工作) 2015年:硕士研究生:刘铁铮(万洲),刘应世(株洲) 本 科 生:武继胜(本校读研),梁红 2014年:博士研究生:郑文健(浙江工业大学) 硕士研究生:代召起(长春大众) 本 科 生:张琪(读研),李思颖(韩国留学) 2013年:硕士研究生:张家铭(长春大众) 本 科 生:刘铁铮(本校读研);胡万良(深圳读研);孙海洋(工作) 2012年:硕士研究生:张德雨(青岛四方) 本 科 生:项金元(工作);王大为(深圳读博) 2011年:硕士研究生:刘播(湖南大学工作) 本 科 生:高雪娇(韩国留学) 2010年:本 科 生:孙唯富(工作);李靖(中联重科) 2009年:本 科 生:刘播(湖南大学) 2009年:本 科 生:姜晓宇(唐山),纪春雨(沈阳黎明) 2007年:本 科 生:田宁(美国工作);亚伟(荷兰工作) 研究领域 名称 制造全过程的虚实映射与模拟仿真 基于大数据分析的知识建模与优化 焊接软件平台设计与开发 焊接应力变形控制方法与焊接结构可靠性评价 专利与软著 名称 董志波;卢伟泽.焊接结构疲劳寿命预测系统, 2020SR0308514. 董志波;郭军礼.带缺陷焊接结构的安全可靠性评定系统, 2020SR0308428. 陈洁;董志波;占小红;王玉华;刘红兵;张家铭;郑文健. Invar钢板多层多道焊接的变形模拟方法. CN201310196079.5, 2013-05-23 董志波;郑文健;宋奎晶;张家铭;郭军礼;王帅丽;魏艳红. 一种激光焊接热源模型的建立方法. ZL2013100201985, 2013-01-18 魏艳红;董志波;宋奎晶;郑文健;马瑞;占小红;方坤;张家铭. 一种焊接过程热影响区组织演变的模拟方法. CN201210247239.X, 2012-07-17 论文期刊 名称 2024年 董志波,李承昆,王程程,韩放,张植航,滕俊飞,吕彦龙. 残余应力对GH3230层板焊缝热疲劳寿命影响规律研究,中国机械工程,2024 董志波,王程程,李承昆,李峻臣,赵耀邦,历吴恺, 徐爱杰. 复杂载荷、极端环境下焊接结构疲劳寿命预测研究综述,中国机械工程,2024 2023年 Laishan Yang, Jing Yang, Fang Han, Zhihang Zhang, Qinghua Li, Zhibo Dong*, Lei Wang, Nana Ofori-Opoku, Nikolas Provatas*. Hot cracking susceptibility prediction from quantitative multi-phase field simulations with grain boundary effects. Acta Materialia,2023, 250:118821, https://doi.org /10.1016/j.actamat.2023.118821. Qinghua Li, Chengcheng Wang, (Bo Liu), (Laishan Yang), (Rui Ma), Fang Han ,Zhihang Zhang, Chengkun Li, Han Wang, Zhibo Dong*.The effect of nanopores on the mechanism of martensitic transformation in pure iron during the heating-cooling cycle: A molecular dynamics study. Materials Today Communications,2023,37: 107481 2022年 Laishan Yang, Zhibo Dong*, Lei Wang, Nikolas Provatas*. Improved multi-order parameter and multi-component model of polycrystalline solidification. Journal of Materials Science & Technology,2022,(101):217-225. Qinghua Li, Zhibo Dong*, Shouzhen Zhou, Fang Han, Chengkun Li, Hao Chang,and Zhipeng Zhang.Investigation of Grain Boundary Content on Crack Propagation Behavior of Nanocrystalline Al by Molecular Dynamics Simulation . Phys. Status Solidi B, 2022 ,259(1): 2100570. Zhibo Dong*, Ziao Zhang, Wei Hu*, Peng Gong, Zan Lv. Microstructure and mechanical properties of friction stir lap welded dissimilar Al/Ti alloys by ultrasonic assistance. Arch. Metall. Mater.2022, 67(1): 91-96. Fangfang Liu, Shouzhen Zhou, Zhibo Dong*, Fang Han.The Prediction of Ferrite Ratio in HAZ of EH36 Steel Electro-gas Welding Joints Based on Leblond Equation. Steel research International, 2022,DOI: 10.1002/srin.202200258. 李承昆,董志波,王瀚,韩放,滕俊飞,吕彦龙. 密排阵列孔柱层板冷却结构服役寿命预测分析. 焊接学报, 2022, 43(11):101-106. 2021年 Fangfang Liu,Congcong Tao,Zhibo Dong*,Shouzhen Zhou.Prediction of welding residual stress and deformation in Electro-gas welding using artificial neural network.Materials Today Communications. 2021,29:102786 Junli Guo, Zhibo Dong*, Hongyuan Fang. Strength Calculation and Equal Load-Carrying-Capacity Design of an Undermatched HSLA Lap Joint under Out-of-Plane Bending. Metals,2021, 11(1):1-15 Qinghua Li, Zhibo Dong*,Shude Ji, Laishan Yang. Effects of Welding Parameter on Atom-Scale Interfacial Diffusion Behavior of Al/Cu Dissimilar Friction Stir Welding. Phys. Status Solidi B, 2021, 2100123 董志波*,卢伟泽,相靓宇,方洪渊. 低匹配对接接头的抗冲击等承载设计方法. 中国机械工程, 2021, 32(6):729-733 许谦,胡广旭,董志波*,任新星,方洪渊.基于相变与收缩耦合的1Cr12 焊缝冷却动态力学行为研究. 中国机械工程,2021,32(3):341-347 刘安, 胡广旭, 董志波. 铝合金搅拌摩擦焊热源模型建模专家系统. 电焊机, 2021,51(02): 10-16 2020年 Junli Guo, Zhibo Dong* and Hongyuan Fang. Equal Load Carrying Capacity Design of Butt Joints Based on Plastic Limit Loads,2020,doi:10.1088/1757-899X/774/1/012008 董志波*, 周守振, 武继胜, 方洪渊. 基于轮廓法与固有应变理论焊接纵向残余应力的三维重构. 中国科学: 技术科学, 2020,50(7):957-963 许谦, 胡广旭,董志波*,许红祥,方洪渊. QTT 天线轨道重力弯矩下多层多道焊角变形预测.焊接学报, 2020, 41(8): 10-13 Qi Wen,Ruixiu Guo,Qi Song,Zhibo Dong*.Active-passive filling friction stir repairing of casting defects in ZL210 aluminum alloys.The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2020, 106:5307–5315 Qi Wen, Dengchang Li, Shude Ji,Zhibo Don*g.Improving Interfacial Microstructures and Tensile Properties of Active–Passive Filling Friction Stir Repaired ZL210 Aluminum Alloys by Optimizing Shoulder Morphologies.Trans Indian Inst Met,2020, 73(9):2181– 2190 Zan Lv, Song Han, Wei Hu, Zhibo Dong*.Solid-State Repair of Casting Defects in ZL210 Aluminum Alloy. JMEPEG, 2020, 29:5886–5893 Mengjia Xu, Bosheng Liu, Zhibo Dong* and Zhenmin Wang. Influence of Microstructure Evolution on Reheat Cracking Behavior of T23 Steel Weld Joint. ISIJ International, 2020, 60(6):1291–1300 Chen GQ , Liu JP,Dong ZB*. Underlying reasons of poor mechanical performance of thick plate aluminum-copper alloy vacuum electron beam welded joints.VACUUM, 2020,182,DOI:10.1016/j.vacuum. 2020:100667 宋奎晶,董志波,李洋,等. 铝合金搅拌摩擦焊液冷流道承压力学模型. 电子机械工程, 2020, 36(2): 30-33 宋奎晶,董志波,李洋,等. 铝合金搅拌摩擦焊液冷流道承压力学模型. 电子机械工程, 2020, 36(21): 46-50 董曼淑,刘龙,董志波. 重型复杂结构件过渡槽焊接变形工艺研究. 机械制造文摘—焊接分册, 2020, 34-39 Mengjia Xu, Bosheng Liu, Yunqiang Zhao, Zhenmin Wang & Zhibo Dong. Direct joining of thermoplastic ABS to aluminium alloy 6061-T6 using friction lap welding. Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 2020, 25(5):391–397 Chun Li, Xiaoqing Si, Shiwei Bian, Zhibo Dong, Yongxian Huang, Junlei Q , Jicai Feng, Jian Cao.Diffusion bonding of Ti and Zr at ultra-low temperature via surface nano-crystallization treatment. Materials Science & Engineering A, 2020, 785:139413 Yuming Xie, Yongxian Huang, Feifan Wang, Xiangchen Meng, Junchen Li, Zhibo Dong, Jian Cao. Deformation-driven metallurgy of SiC nanoparticle reinforced aluminum matrix nanocomposites. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020, 823:153741 Yuming Xie, Yongxian Huang, Xiangchen Meng, Feifan Wang, Long Wan, Zhibo Dong, Jian Cao. Friction rivet joining towards high-performance wood-metal hybrid structures.Composite Structures, 2020, 247:112472 2019年 Zhibo Dong*, Qi Song, Xinxin Ai, Zan Lv.Effect of joining time on intermetallic compound thickness and mechanical properties of refill friction stir spot welded dissimilar Al/Mg alloys.Journal of Manufacturing Processes,2019,42:106-112 Zhibo Dong*,Kang Yang, Rong Ren, Guoqiang Wang, Lei Wang, Zan Lv. Friction Stir Lap Welding 0.8-mm-Thick 2024 Aluminum Alloy with the Assistance of Stationary Shoulder.Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance,2019,28(11):6704–6713 Zhibo Dong*,Wei Hu,Xinxin Ai, Zan Lv.Effect of Rotation Speed on Intermetallic Compounds and Failure Load of RFSSW-ed Dissimilar Al/Mg.Trans Indian Inst Met, 2019,72(9):2249-2256 郭军礼, 董志波*, 刘雪松,王 苹, 方洪渊. 基于等承载思想的低匹配T 型接头设计.机械工程学报,2019,55(06):1-10 Xue Wen, Ping Wang,Zhibo Dong, Hongyuan Fang.A Novel Method for Assessing Material Heterogeneity-Induced Interfacial Stress Singularities of Dissimilar Joints Under Normal Loading. JOM,2019, 71(12): 4891-4898 Xue Wen, Ping Wang,Zhibo Dong, Hongyuan Fang.A Fracture Mechanics-Based Optimal Fatigue Design Method of Under-Matched HSLA Steel Butt-Welded Joints with Imperfections. Applied Sciences,2019, 9(17): 3609 Xiangchen Meng, Yongxian Huang, Yuming Xie, Junchen Li, Meng Guan, Long Wan,Zhibo Dong, Jian Cao. Friction self-riveting welding between polymer matrix composites and metals. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 2019, 127(12):105624 Chun Li, Xiaoqing Si, Jian Cao, Junlei Qi, Zhibo Dong. Jicai Feng. Residual stress distribution as a function of depth in graphite/copper brazing joints via X-ray diffraction. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2019, (35):11:2470-2476 Chun Li, Xiaoqing Si, Lei Chen, Junlei Qi, Zhanguo Liu, Yongxian Huang, Zhibo Dong, Jicai Feng, Jian Cao. Non-destructive measurement of residual stress distribution as a function of depth in sapphire/Ti6Al4V brazing joint via Raman spectra. Ceramics International, 2019, 45(3): 3284-3289 2018年 Qiang Wang, Zhongjie Yan, Xuesong Liu, Zhibo Dong, Hongyuan Fang.Understanding of fatigue crack growth behavior in welded joint of a new generation Ni-Cr-Mo-V high strength steel. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 2018, 194(1): 224-239 Wen, X, Wang, P, Dong, Z, Liu, Y, Fang, H. Nominal Stress-Based Equal-Fatigue-Bearing-Capacity Design of under-matched HSLA Steel Butt-welded Joints .Metals, 2018, 8:880 Wen, X., Wang, P., Dong, Z., Fang, H. Dong.Nominal stress based equal fatigue bearing capacity design of HSLA steel V-shaped butt-welded joints. In MATEC Web of Conferences. 2018, 221:01009(EDP Sciences) 董志波*, 郭军礼, 杨来山.焊接过程宏微观数值模拟与仿真的研究现状.精密成形工程, 2018, 10(1):40-51 付吉远, 董志波. LD10管管对接摩擦焊的工艺设计.吉林建筑大学学报, 2018,35(5):31-35 杨建国, 董志波, 郑文健, 贺艳明. 对线性不稳定动力学的影响焊接熔池凝固过程联生结晶晶体学取向. 机械工程学报,2018,54(2):62-69 2017年 Qiang Wang, Xuesong Liu, Zhongjie Yan, Zhibo Dong.On the mechanism of residual stresses relaxation in welded joints under cyclic loading. International Journal of Fatigue, 2017, 105: 43-59 Qiang Wang, Xuesong Liu, Zhongjie Yan, Zhibo Dong. Non-saturated cyclic softening and uniaxial ratcheting of a high-strength steel: Experiments and viscoplastic constitutive modeling.Mechanics of Materials, 2017, 113: 112-125 Qiang Wang, Xuesong Liu, Zhongjie Yan, Zhibo Dong. Mixed mode fatigue crack growth behavior of Ni-Cr-Mo-V high strength steel weldments. International Journal of Fatigue, 2017, 102: 79-9 2016年 Wang Q,Liu X S,Wang P, Dong ZB FangH Y. Numerical simulation of residual stress in 10Ni5CrMoV steelweldments. Journal of Materials Processing Technology,2017, 240: 77-86 Wang Q, Liu X S, Wang P, Dong ZB, Fang H Y. A combined computational and experimental study on vibration stress relief for large welded DH36 steel tube. Journal of Vibroengineering,2016,18(3):1486-1496 王佳杰, 方洪渊, 张敬强, 董志波, 刘雪松. 弹性状态低匹配焊接接头弯曲等承载设计准则与设计方法. 焊接学报,2016,37(7):53-56 2015年 K.J. Song, Y.H. Wei, Z.B. Dong.Constitutive model coupled with mechanical effect of volume change and transformation induced plasticity during solid phase transformation for TA15 alloy welding. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2015, 39(7): 2064-2080 K.J. Song, Y.H. Wei, Z.B. Dong. Cellular Automaton Modeling of Diffusion, Mixed and Interface Controlled Phase Transformation.Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, 2015, 36(2):136-148 K.J. Song, Y.H. Wei, K. Fang Z.B. Dong.Cellular automaton-based study of factors that affect dynamic solid phase transformation kinetics. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2015, 39(17):5058-5072 2014年 董志波, 刘雪松, 马瑞, 刘建光, 王苹. 《MSC.Marc 工程实例详解》. 人民邮电出版社, 2014 Zhibo Dong*, Wenjian Zheng. Dynamic evolution of initial instability during non-steady-state growth. Physical Review E, 2014, 89(6):062403 W.J. Zheng, Z.B. Dong*, Y.H. Wei. Phase field investigation of dendrite growth in the welding pool of aluminum alloy 2A14 under transient conditions. Computational Materials Science, 2014, (82):525–530 W.J. Zheng, Z.B. Dong*, Y.H. Wei.Onset of the initial instability during the solidification of welding pool of aluminum alloy under transient conditions. Journal of Crystal Growth, 2014, 402: 203-209 W.J. Zheng, Z.B. Dong*, Y.H. Wei. Phase field investigation on sidebranching dynamics in transient growth. Crystal Research and Technology,2014, 49 (10):777-784 K.J. Song, Z.B. Dong*, Y.H. Wei. Cellular automaton modelling of dynamic recrystallisation microstructure evolution during friction stir welding of titanium alloy. Materials Science and Technology,2014, 30(6):700-711 K.J. Song, Y.H. Wei, Z.B. Dong.Virtual front tracking cellular automaton modeling of isothermal β to α phase transformation with crystallography preferred orientation of TA15 alloy. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering,2014, 22(1): 015006 K.J. Song, Y.H. Wei, Z.B. Dong. Visco-Elastic-Plastic Constitutive Model for A7N01-T6 Alloy Welding and Analytical Solutions with Finite Element Codes. Applied Mechanics and Materials,2014, 446-447:284-287 宋奎晶, 魏艳红, 董志波, 马瑞. 焊接热循环和变形历史相关的A7N01-T6本构关系. 焊接学报, 2014, 35(4):87-94 宋奎晶, 魏艳红, 马瑞, 董志波.TA15钛合金焊接热影响区组织演变的数值模拟.焊接学报, 2014, 35(2):28-32 2013年 王佳杰, 董志波*, 方洪渊. 低匹配对接接头形状参数对三点弯曲应力集中系数的影响. 焊接学报, 2013, 34(1):73-76 K.J. Song, Y.H. Wei, Z.B. Dong. Numerical simulation of b to a phase transformation in heat affected zone during welding of TA15 alloy. Computational Materials Science, 2013, (72):93-100 占小红, 陈洁, 董志波. 铝合金T 型接头双激光束双侧同步焊接温度场模拟. 沈阳工业大学学报, 2013,35(3):279-284 杨建国, 王佳杰, 董志波. 随焊冲击碾压整形对低匹配等承载接头硬度与残余应力的影响. 焊接学报, 2013, 34(3):37-40 2012年 Dong Zhibo*, Wei Yanhong. Welding sequence optimization of TA15 airplane wall panels. Materials Science Forum, 2012, 704-705(11):1045-1450 Jiajie Wang, Z.B. Dong, Hongyuan Fang. Cold bending properties of Under-Matched butt joints for high strength steel. Advanced Materials Research, 2012, 557:1308- 1312 王佳杰, 董志波, 方洪渊. 弹性阶段低匹配对接接头三点弯曲余高形状设计.焊接学报, 2012, 33(8):37-40 Wei Yanhong, Hu Guangxu, Dong Zhibo. A customized system for simulation of welding thermal process.China Welding, 2012, 21(3):61-66 魏艳红, 胡广旭, 董志波. 曲线路径动态焊接热源建模. 沈阳工业大学学报, 2012,34(4): 385-390 王佳杰, 杨建国, 张敬强, 董志波, 方洪渊. 随焊冲击碾压整形新方法及等承载接头拉伸与疲劳性能. 焊接学报, 2012, 33(11):35-38 2011年 Dong Zhibo*. Solute Redistribution with Shear Flow in Molten Pool of Ni-Cr Alloy. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2011, 27(23): 183-188 Y. H. Wei, Z. B. Dong*. Stress distributions of welding joints in titanium–steel composite pressure vessel under working conditions. Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 2011, 16(8):709-716 Hu Guanxu, Dong zhibo, Wei Yanhong. Investigation on automated loading of dynamic 3D heat source during welding simulation. China Welding, 2011, 20(2):41-45 董志波*, 马瑞, 王勇, 魏艳红. 焊接凝固裂纹数值模拟与预测系统后处理设计. 焊接学报, 2011, 32(3):27-31 Wei Yan-Hong, Zhan Xiao-Hong, Dong Zhi-Bo. Development and application of software packages in welding engineering.Frontiers of Materials Science, 2011:1-8 魏艳红, 王勇, 董志波. 纯金属TIG焊熔池等轴晶生长的相场法模拟. 焊接学报, 2011, 32(3):1-4 2010年 Dong Zhibo*, Xu Yanli, Wei Yanhong, Ma Rui, Wang Shujuan and Zhai Guofu. Three-dimensional turbulent model of heat transfer and fluid flow in GTAW process. China Welding, 2010, 19(2): 23-27 董志波*, 马瑞, 王勇. 镍基合金焊接熔池凝固组织模拟. 焊接学报, 2010, 31(10):27-31 胡广旭, 董志波, 魏艳红.典型飞机构件焊接数值模拟系统研制. 焊接学报, 2010, 31(6):105-108 马瑞, 董志波, 魏艳红. 镍基合金焊缝凝固组织演变过程模拟和仿真. 焊接学报, 2010, 31(7):43- 46 闫久春, 王浪平, 方洪渊, 董志波. 加强工程实践能力的培养 推广“国际焊接工程师”培训教学的实践体会. 焊接, 2010, (1):8-10 2009年 Z.B.Dong* and Y.H.Wei. Expert system for evaluating the safety of pressure vessels. China Welding, 2009, 18(2): 21-24 董志波*, 占小红, 魏艳红. 焊接凝固裂纹三维数值模拟与预测系统的前处理设计. 焊接学报, 2009, 30(8):21-25 Zhan XH, Dong ZB, Wei YH. Simulation of grain morphologies and competitive growth in weld pool of Ni-Cr alloy. Journal of Crystal Growth, 2009, 311(23-24):4778- 4783 Ma R, Dong ZB*, Wei YH. Columnar grain growth pattern with fluid flowing in molten pool. Crystal Research and Technology, 2009, 44(11): 1197-1204 Xiaohong Zhan, Zhibo Dong and Yanhong Wei. Stochastic modeling of columnar dendritic grain growth in weld pool of Al-Cu alloy. Crystal Research and Technology, 2009, 44(4):414-420 占小红, 董志波, 魏艳红. Ni-Cr二元合金焊接熔池柱状枝晶生长模拟. 中国有色金属学报, 2009, 19(8):1431-1436 王敏, 董志波*, 魏艳红, 高巍. 基于人工神经网络的钛合金焊接接头机械性能预测. 航空制造技术, 2009, (16):79-82 董志波*, 马瑞, 魏艳红, 乔红来. 基于企业局域网络共享的焊接工艺设计专家系统. 焊接, 2009, s1: 146-148 魏艳红, 占小红, 董志波, 马瑞, 王勇. 基于CA模拟焊缝凝固过程枝晶生长的分析. 焊接学报, 2009, 30(3):13-16 Yanhong Wei, Yanli Xu, Zhibo Dong, Xiaohong Zhan. Three-dimensional Monte Carlo simulation of discontinuous grain growth in HAZ of stainless steel during GTAW process. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2009, 209(3):1466-1470 魏艳红, 徐艳利, 孙燕洁, 董志波. A-TIG焊接熔深增加机理. 焊接学报, 2009, 30(2):37-40 2008年 X.H. Zhan, Z.B. Dong, Y.H. Wei and Y.L. Xu. Dendritic Grain Growth Simulation in Weld Molten Pool Based on CA-FD Model. Cryst. Res. Technol.2008, 43(3): 253-259 Wang Min, Dong Zhibo*, Yu lan and Wei yanhong. Numerical simulation of temperature fields for T-joint during TIG welding of titanium alloy, China Welding, 2008, 17(3):6-9 Zhan XH, Wei YH, Dong ZB. Cellular automaton simulation of grain growth with different orientation angles during solidification process. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2008, 208(1-3):1-82 Xiaohong Zhan, Yanhong Wei, Zhibo Dong. Dendritic Grain Growth Simulation in Molten Pool of Nickel Base Alloy Weld. China Welding. 2008,17(1): 6-11. 占小红,魏艳红,马瑞,董志波. Al-Cu合金凝固枝晶生长的数值模拟. 中国有色金属学报, 2008,18(4):710-716 2007年 董志波*,魏艳红. 遗传算法与神经网络结合优化焊接接头力学性能预测模型. 焊接学报, 2007, 28(12):69-73 Yanli Xu, Zhibo Dong and Yanhong Wei. Marangoni convection and weld shape variation in A-TIG welding process. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2007, 48(2):178-186 Y. H. Wei, X. H. Zhan, Z. B. Dong and L. Yu. Numerical simulation of columnar dendritic grain growth during weld solidification process. Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 2007, 12(2): 138-146 Yanhong WEI, Yanli XU, Zhibo DONG and Jilin XIAO. Three Dimensional Monte Carlo Simulation of Grain Growth in HAZ of Stainless Steel SUS316. Key Engineering Materials, 2007, 353-358:1923-1926 2006年 Z.B.Dong* and Y.H.Wei. Three dimensional modeling welding solidification cracks in multipass welding. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2006, 46:156-165 Z.B.Dong* and Y.H.Wei. Predicting weld solidification cracks in multipass welds of SUS310 stainless steel. Computational Materials Science, 2006, 38:459-466 Y.H.Wei and Z.B.Dong*. Modeling the Trans-Varestraint Test with Finite Element Method. Computational Materials Science, 2006,35:84-91 董志波*, 魏艳红.不锈钢焊接凝固裂纹的数值模拟. 材料科学与工艺, 2006, 14(4):353-357 徐艳利, 魏艳红, 董志波. 焊接接头组织模拟进展. 材料科学与工艺, 2006, 14(2):181-185 徐艳利, 魏艳红, 董志波. 不同软件模拟不锈钢GTAW温度场结果的比较. 焊接学报, 2006, 27(1):9-16 2005年 Z.B.Dong* and Y.H.Wei. Three Dimensional Numerical Simulation of the Driving Force to Solidification Cracking. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2005, 21(3):399- 402 Z.B.Dong* and Y.H.Wei. Simulating Weld Hot Crack of T-type Joints of Aluminum Plates with ANN. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2005, 14(4): 25- 30 Y.H.Wei and Z.B.Dong*. Three Dimensional Numerical Simulation of Weld Solidification Cracking. Modeling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 2005, 13(3): 437-454 董志波*, 魏艳红. 厚板不锈钢焊接凝固裂纹驱动力的三维数值模拟. 金属学报, 2005, 41(2):214- 218 董志波*, 魏艳红. 有限元法修正可调拘束实验测量的焊接凝固裂纹阻力曲线. 金属学报, 2005, 41(7): 780-784 董志波*, 魏艳红. 焊接凝固裂纹数值模拟的研究及其进展. 焊接, 2005, (11):19-23 2004年 Z.B.Dong*,Y.H.Wei. Three Dimensional Numerical Simulation of Welding Temperature Fields in Stainless Steel. China Welding, 2004, 13(1): 11-16 董志波, 魏艳红. 不锈钢焊接温度场的三维数值模拟.焊接学报, 2004,25(2):93-98 魏艳红, 董志波. 焊接凝固裂纹的数值模拟与预测. 机械工程学报, 2004,40(7):93-98 2002年 方洪渊,董志波,徐文立. 随焊锤击防止薄板焊接热裂纹的工艺研究.焊接,2002, (3):17-20 会议论文 名称 董志波, 郑文健, 魏艳红. 铝合金焊接熔池凝固组织演变过程的定量相场研究. 第十八次全国焊接学术会议, 2013年10月,江西南昌 Zhibo Dong, Zheng Wenjian and Yanhong. Phase Field Simulation of Solidification Microstructure Growth in Electron Beam welding pool. the 65th Annual Assembly & International Conference of the International Institute of Welding. Denver, Colorado, USA, July 7-15 2012 Zhibo Dong, Zheng Wenjian and Yanhong. Phase field simulation during directional solidification of welding pool in a binary alloy. 2nd International Symposium on Computer-Aided Welding Engineering, Jinan, China, 23-26 Aug, 2012 董志波, 马瑞, 魏艳红, 乔红来. 基于企业局域网络共享的焊接工艺设计专家系统. 第五届全国计算机在焊接中的应用学术与技术交流会. 2008年10月29日-11月3日. 广西南宁: 143-147 董志波, 王敏, 魏艳红. 钛合金飞机壁板不同焊接顺序条件下应力与变形的数值模拟. 第五届全国计算机在焊接中的应用学术与技术交流会. 2008 年10月29日-11月3日. 广西南宁: 295-298 董志波, 王敏, 魏艳红. TA15钛合金飞机壁板TIG焊接顺序优化的研究. 第十二届中国体视学与图像分析学术会议论文集, 2008 董志波, 王敏, 于澜. TA15钛合金飞机壁板TIG焊接残余应力和变形的数值模拟. 计算机与现代焊接技术交流会山东大学威海国际学术中心. 2007年8月24-26日 Zhibo Dong, Yanhong Wei and Yanli Xu. Software system for three-dimensional modeling of weld solidification cracks, Proceedings of international symposium on computer-aided welding engineering. October 19-22, 2006, Jinan, China, p330-335
