

姓名 王超 性别 王超
学校 哈尔滨工业大学 部门 航天学院
学位 王超 学历 王超
职称 教授 联系方式 【了解更多】
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中文简历 English CV 团队成员 新建主栏目 王超 教授 博士生导师 名称 出生年月及出生地:1983年1月生于黑龙江省哈尔滨市 民族:汉族 工作单位:哈尔滨工业大学航天学院 专业:力学 教育及工作经历 名称 2021年12月-至今 哈尔滨工业大学 教授 2020年08月-至今 哈尔滨工业大学 博士生导师 2016年12月-2018年12月 美国莱斯大学 博士后(合作导师:Jun Lou) 2016年01月-2021年11月 哈尔滨工业大学 副教授 2014年10月-2015年12月 哈尔滨工业大学 讲师 2013年12月-2016年11月 哈尔滨工业大学 博士后(合作导师:赫晓东教授) 2009年10月-2010年09月 澳大利亚悉尼大学 博士(联合培养,合作导师:Liyong Tong) 2008年09月-2013年07月 哈尔滨工业大学 博士(导师:赫晓东教授) 2006年09月-2008年07月 哈尔滨工业大学 硕士 2002年09月-2006年07月 东北石油大学 学士 研究领域 名称 以跨尺度研究思想为主线、力学与材料学学科相结合,设计多功能聚合物基、陶瓷基纳米复合材料,着眼于航空航天、国防以及医-工交叉等领域,研究方向包括以下几个方面: 1. 基于仿生、大数据智能驱动等先进结构设计理念的纳米复合材料的结构设计、制备及其多功能性质表征 2. 基于原位力学测试技术的纳米复合材料力学性能分析 3. 基于分子模拟、有限元分析及连续理论的纳米复合材料性能理论预测 奖项成果 名称 2023年度 黑龙江省青年科技奖 2023年度 中国空军首届航空创意挑战赛三等奖(团队负责人) 2021年度 中国新锐科技人物知社特别奖 2021年度 入选《中国博士后文库》 2021年度 哈工大航天学院第二届思政教学竞赛一等奖 2016年度 CSC国家留学基金青年教师博士后项目 2016年度 入选《2016年度博士后科学基金资助者选介》 2016年度 黑龙江省科学技术奖一等奖(排名5/5) 2015年度 哈尔滨工业大学青年拔尖人才计划(副教授) 2012年度 首届博士研究生国家奖学金 国家教育部 2012年度 中航成都飞机设计所“腾龙”奖学金-优秀奖 2009年度 CSC国家留学基金联合培养博士研究生项目 负责/主持科研项目 名称 国家自然科学基金-面上项目(2项) 国家自然科学基金-青年基金(1项) 国家部委科技创新特区项目(1项) 国家部委重点实验室基金一般项目(2项) 国家重点研发计划战略高技术重点专项(1项) 国家博士后科学基金特别资助项目(1项) 国家博士后科学基金面上项目(1项) 黑龙江省博士后一等资助经费(1项) 哈尔滨工业大学科研创新基金(1项) 学术/社会任职 名称 电器电子工程师协会(IEEE)智能医疗数字化技术委员会理事 中国空间科学学会空间智能专业委员会委员 中国微米纳米技术学会青年工作委员会委员 Wiley旗下期刊Electron青年编委 国家自然科学基金通讯评审专家 教育部学位论文评审专家 我的新闻 名称 [5] 航天学院赫晓东、王超教授团队揭示告诉冲击下二维共价有机框架的力学响应机制 新闻链接:http://news.hit.edu.cn/2023/0522/c1510a233340/page.htm [4] 我校研究团队揭示二维硒原子层的力学各向异性 新闻链接:http://news.hit.edu.cn/2021/1007/c1510a222056/page.htm [3] 留学生遍布世界100多个国家和地区逾八成选择回国发展 新闻链接:http://xhpfmapi.zhongguowangshi.com/vh512/share/6510925?channel=weixin&from=singlemessage&isappinstalled=0 [2] 国际上首次测量出单根碳纳米管与碳纤维之间的接枝强度,相关成果封面报道在碳领域知名期刊《Carbon》 新闻链接:http://news.hit.edu.cn/e6/60/c426a58976/page.psp [1] 校学生会“留学在线”第五期----对话澳大利亚悉尼大学王超 新闻链接:http://today.hit.edu.cn/news/2012/04-20/2655514140RL0.htm 教学 名称 1.讲授课程 《分子模拟基础及应用》,研究生课,32学时,春季学期开课 《微纳米力学测量技术与实践》,本科生课,16学时,春季和秋季开课 2.教学项目 哈工大第八批课程思政教育教学改革项目(本科课程,负责人) 2022年度哈工大航天学院本科课程建设项目(负责人) 招生 名称 1. 招生计划 每年计划招收力学专业博士研究生1-2名,材料学博士研究生1-2名,原则上本硕为211院校,英语通过国家六级考试,如有突出专长(如发表文章、获得奖项等)可不受院校及英语考试限制。拥有复合材料合成、分子模拟、有限元计算、实验力学等研究背景优先考虑。 每年计划招收力学专业硕士研究生2名,有意继续攻读博士研究生或对复合材料背景感兴趣的同学可优先考虑。 2. 相关待遇 享受哈工大博士研究生基本奖学金,每年约40000元。课题组科研经费充足,根据学生每月的工作量及科研成果,提供每月500-3000不等的组内补助。课题组的研究风格为基础研究与工程项目相结合,可根据学生自身特点及擅长领域,安排其创新性研究或应用型研究。研究能力突出的学生鼓励在读期间留学深造。 会议 名称 [9] The 29th Internatinal Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Science, 深圳,2023,邀请报告 [8] 第十二届亚奥复合材料大会,杭州,2023,邀请报告 [7] 第九届中国国际石墨烯创新大会,上海,2022,邀请报告 [6] 第六届全国复合材料力学与工程研讨会,大连,2022,邀请报告 [5] 23届北京国际肝胆胰外科论坛,北京,2022,邀请报告 [4] 首届微纳米与测量技术研讨会,成都,2021,邀请报告 [3] 中国微米纳米技术学会第二十三届学术年会,哈尔滨,2021. 邀请报告 [2] 第二届全国物理力学青年学者学术研讨会,南京,2021. 邀请报告 [1] 第九届固体力学青年学者学术研讨会,浙江杭州,2020. 邀请报告 授权专利 名称 [7] 一种中空氧化锆纤维及其无模板制备方法,ZL 2022 1 0534961.5(排名2/5) [6] 一种单面微球结构的共价有机框架薄膜的制备方法,ZL 2021 1 1572598.8(排名1/6) [5] 一种MXene/海藻酸钠复合纤维的制备方法,ZL 2021 1 1275667.9(排名1/7) [4] 一种MXene/海藻酸钠复合无纺织物的制备方法,ZL 2021 1 1275679.1(排名2/7) [3] 一种超薄气凝胶薄膜的制备方法,ZL 2021 1 0450801.8(排名 2/5) [2] 一种树枝状大分子增强的带孔氧化石墨烯纸的制备方法,ZL 2019 1 1319844.1(排名 1/6) [1] 一种具有表面微球结构的氧化石墨烯纸及其制备方法, ZL 2019 1 1319869.1 (排名 3/6) 书著 名称 [2] 原位力学测试技术及其在纳米材料中的应用,2023,王超,赫晓东,隋超,赵予顺,哈工大出版社 [1] 碳纳米材料的结构设计、力学性质及多功能应用,2022,王超,专著,科学出版社 文章 名称 Note: #Contribute equally, *Corresponding author Year 2024 [59] G. Cheng, C. Sui, W.Z. Hao, J.X. Li, Y.S. Zhao, L.L. Miao, G.X. Zhao, J.J. Li, Y.N. Sang, C.X. Zhao, L. Wen, X.D. He, C. Wang*, Ultra-strong covalent organic framework membrane with smart response to organic vapor, Small, 2401635. [58] W.Z. Hao, C. Sui, G. Cheng, J.J. Li, Y.N. Sang, C.X. Zhao, Y.C. Zhou, Z.F. Zang, Y.S. Zhao, X.D. He, C. Wang*, High-strength polycrystalline covalent organic framework with abnormal thermal transport insensitive to grain boundary, Nano Letters, 2024, 24, 4248. [57] J.X. Li, C. Sui*, Y.N. Sang, Y.C. Zhou, Z.F. Zang, Y.S. Zhao, X.D. He*, C. Wang*, A flexible, reusable and adjustable high-performance energy absorption system inspired by interlocking suture structres, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2024, 296, 112839. [56] K.S. Shi, Y.S. Zhao*, W.Z. Hao, Y.N. Sang, J.J. Li, L.L. Miao, J.X. Li, C. Sui*, X.D. He, C. Wang*, Tunable viscoelasticity of bulk fullerene network via high-temperature annealing, Diamond & Related Materials, 2024, 144, 111030. [55] J.X. Li, Y.S. Zhao*, L.L. Miao, W.Z. Hao, G.X. Zhao, J.J. Li, Y.N. Sang, X.D. He, C. Sui*, C. Wang*, Bouligand-like structured CNT film with tunable impact performance through pitch angle and intertube interaction, Carbon, 2024, 220, 118888. [54] W.Z. Hao, C. Sui*, G. Cheng, J.J. Li, L.L. Miao, G.X. Zhao, Y.N. Sang, J.X. Li, C.X. Zhao, Y.C. Zhou, Z.F. Zang, Y.S. Zhao*, X.D. He, C. Wang*, Dynamic insights into the growth mechanisms of 2D covalent organic frameworks on graphene surfaces, ACS Nano, 2024, 18, 10485. [53] Y.N Sang, Y.S. Zhao*, W.Z. Hao, L.L. Miao, J.X. Li, G.X. Zhao, J.J. Li, C. Sui*, X.D. He, C. Wang*, Ultra-stretchable helical carbon nanotube-woven film, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2024, 16, 10475. [52] Y.N. Sang, C.X. Cui, Y.S. Zhao*, X.P. Zhang, Z.C. Zhang, F. Wang, R. liu, C. Sui*, X.D. He, C. Wang*, A single carbon nanotube-entangled high-performance buckypaper with tunable fracture mode, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2024, 26, 4135. Year 2023 [51] L.L. Miao, C. Sui*, W.Z. Hao, Y.S. Zhao, G.X. Zhao, J.X. Li, J.J. Li, G. Cheng, Y.N. Sang, C.X. Zhao, Z.H. Xu*, X.D. He*, C. Wang*, High impact resistance of 2D MXene with mutiple fracture modes, Nano Letters, 2023, 23, 9065. [50] G.X. Zhao, C. Sui*, L.L. Miao, J.J. Li, L. Wen, G. Cheng, C.X. Zhao, W.Z. Hao, Y.N. Sang, J.X. Li, Z.C. Zhang, Y.S. Zhao, F. Wang, R. Liu, X.D. He*, C. Wang*, Strong and continuous MXene/sodium alginate composite fibers prepared by immersion rotary jet spinning process with outstanding electromagnetic interference shielding performance, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 469, 143983. [49] R.C. Liu, Y.S. Zhao*, C. Sui*, Y.N. Sang, W.Z. Hao, J.X. Li, J.Y. Wu, X.D. He, C. Wang*, Molecular dynamics simulation of carbyne/carbon nanotube gigahertz oscillators, Computational Materials Science, 2023, 222, 112105. [48] J.J. Li, Y.S. Zhao*, W.Z. Hao, L.L. Miao, G.X. Zhao, J.X. Li, Y.N. Sang, G. Cheng, C. Sui*, C. Wang*, Improvement in compressive stiffness of graphene aerogels by sandwiching carbon nanotubes, Diamond and Related Materials, 2023, 135, 109897. [47] W. Z. Hao, Y. S. Zhao*, L. L. Miao, G. Cheng, G. X. Zhao, J. J. Li, Y. N. Sang, J. X. Li, C. X. Zhao, X. D. He*, C. Sui*, C. Wang*, Multiple impact-resistant 2D covalent organic framework, Nano Letters, 2023, 23, 1416. [46] M. W. Niu, Y. S. Zhao*, C. Sui*, Y. N. Sang, W. Z. Hao, J. X. Li, X. D. He, C. Wang*, Mechanical properties of twisted CNT fibers: A molecular dynamics study, Materials Today Communications, 2023, 34, 105378. Year 2022 [45] M. W. Niu, C. X. Cui, R. Tian, Y. S. Zhao*, L. L. Miao, W. Z. Hao, J. X. Li, C. Sui*, X. D. He, C. Wang*, Mechanical and thermal properties of carbon nanotube fibers under tension-torsion loading, RSC Advances, 2022, 12, 30085. [44] M.W. Niu#, L.L. Miao#, Z.H. Xu*, Y.S. Zhao, W.Z. Hao, J.X. Li, J.J. Li, C. Sui*, C. Wang*, Tunable tensile mechanical properties of bilayer graphene through inter-layer rotation, Diamond and Related Materials, 2022, 130, 109522. [43] M.W. Niu, C.X. Cui, R. Tian, Y.S. Zhao*, L.L. Miao, W.Z. Hao, J.X. Li, C. Sui*, X.D. He, C. Wang*, Mechanical and thermal properties in carbon nanotube fibers under tension-torsion loading, RSC Advances, 2022, 12, 30085. [42] Y. F. Zhao, F. Wu, Y. Zhao, C. Sui, C. Wang*, H. Feng*, The effect of binders on the compressive mechannical behavior and impact resistance of graphene self-assembled ball, Computational Materials Science, 2022, 213, 111674. [41] L.L. Miao, L.W. Yang*, C.Y. Wang, G.X. Zhao, J.J. Li, Y.S. Zhao, C. Sui*, X.D. He, Z.H. Xu*, C. Wang*, Anisotropic tensile mechanics of vertically aligned carbon nanotube reinforced silicon carbide ceramic nanocomposites, Carbon, 2022, 199, 241. [40] Y.S. Zhao, L.L. Miao, W.Z. Hao, G.X. Zhao, J.J. Li, J.X. Li, Z. Liu, C. Sui*, X.D. He*, C. Wang*, Two-dimensional carbon nanotube woven highly-stretchable film with strain-induced tunable impacting performance, Carbon, 2022, 189, 539. Year 2021 [39] J.K Qin#, C. Sui#, Z. Qin, J.Y. Wu, H. Guo, L. Zhen, C.Y. Xu, Y. Chai, C. Wang*, X.D. He*, P.D. Ye*, J. Lou*, Mechanical anisotropy in two-dimensional selenium atomic layers, Nano Letters, 2021, 21, 8043. [38] L.L. Shen#, Y.S. Zhao#, P.S. Owuor, C. Wang*, C. Sui, S. Jia, J. Liang, X.D. He, L. Liu*, J. Lou*, A molecular-level interface design enabled high-strength and high-toughness carbon nanotube buckypaper, Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 2021, 2100244. [37] Y. Zhao#, F. Wu#, Y.F. Zhao, L.L. Miao, J.J. Li, C. Sui*, H.F. Tan*, C. Wang*, Self-assembled graphene-oxide-based paper/hollow sphere hybrid with strong bonding strength, Carbon, 2021, 182, 366. [36] Y.F. Zhao, F. Wu, Y. Zhao, X.D. He, C. Sui*, C. Wang*, H.F. Tan*, The Strategy of repairing defective graphene by graphene patch via interlayer cross-linking, Computational Materials Science, 2021, 197, 110645. [35] Y.C. Yang#, Z.G. Song#, G.Y. Lu, Q.H. Zhang, B. Ni, C. Wang, X.Y. Li, L. Gu, X.M. Xie, H.J. Gao*, J. Lou*, Intrinsic toughening and stable crack propagation in hexagonal boron nitride, Nature, 2021, 594, 57. [34] F. Wu, Y.S. Zhao, Y.F. Zhao, C. Sui*, X.D. He, C. Wang*, H.F. Tan*, Impact-resistant carbon nanotube woven films: A molecular dynamics study, Nanoscale, 2021, 13, 5006. [33] Qiyi Fang#, C. Sui#, C. Wang*, T.S. Zhai, J. Zhang, J. Liang, H. Guo, E. Sandoz-Rosado, J. Lou*, Strong and flaw-insensitive two-dimensional covalent organic frameworks, Matter, 2021, 4, 1. [32] Y.F. Zhao#, Y.S. Zhao#, F. Wu#, Yue Zhao, Y.M. Wang, C. Sui, X.D. He, C. Wang*, H.F. Tan*, C. Wang*, The mechanical behavior and collapse of graphene-assembled hollow nanosphere under compression, Carbon, 2021, 173, 600. [31] Y.S. Zhao#, F.H. Xue#, C. Wang*, C. Sui, Q.Y. Peng*, X.D. He*, Roles of twisting-compression operations on mechanical enhancement of carbon nanotube fibers, Carbon, 2021, 172, 41. Year 2020 [30] C. Wang#*, Y.S. Zhao#, Yong Zhang, L.L. Miao, J.Y. Wu, Y.C. Yang, Z.H. Xu, Q.Y. Peng*, X.D. He, C. Sui*, Partially unzipping carbon nanotubes: A route to synchronously improve fracture strength and toughness of nanocomposites inspired by pinning effect of screw, Materials Today Communications, 2020, 25, 101355. [29] Y.S. Zhao#, Q.T. Luo#, J.Y. Wu, C. Sui, L.Y. Tong*, X.D. He*, C. Wang*,Mechanical properties of helically twisted carbyne fibers, International journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2020, 186, 105823. [28] Y.S. Zhao, C. Wang*, L.L. Miao, J.X. Li, Z.H. Xu, C. Sui*, X.D. He*, Molecular dynamics simulations of twisting-induced helical carbon nanotube fibers for reinforced nanocomposites, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2020, 3, 5521.(Cover article) [27] Q. Chen#, Q.Y. Peng#*, X. Zhao, H. Sun, S.S. Wang, Y. Zhu, Z.L. Liu, C. Wang*, X.D. He*, Grafting carbon nanotubes densely on carbon fibers by poly(propylene imine) for interfacial enhancement of carbon fiber composites, Carbon, 2020, 158, 704. Year 2019 [26] Y.S. Zhao, C. Wang*, H.H. Wu, J.Y. Wu*, X.D. He*, Molecular-dynamics study of carbon nanotube mechanical metahelix, Carbon, 2019, 155, 334. [25] Y.B. Zhou#, C.J. Chen#, S.Z. Zhu#, C. Sui, C. Wang, Y.D. Kuang, U. Ray, D.P. Liu, A. Brozena, U.H. Leiste, N. Quispe, H. Guo, A. Vellore, H.A. Bruck, A. Martini, B. Foster, J. Lou, T. Li*, L.B. Hu*, A printed, recyclable, ultra-strong, and ultra-tough graphite structural material, Materials Today, 2019, 30, 17. Year 2018 [24] X. Han#, T. Wang#, P.S. Owuor, S.H. Hwang, C. Wang, J.W. Sha, L.L. Shen, J. Yoon, W.P. Wang, R.V. Salvatierra, P.M. Ajayan, R. Shahsavari*, J. Lou*, Y. Zhao*, J. M. Tour*, Ultra-stiff graphene foams as three-dimensional conductive fillers for epoxy resion, ACS Nano, 2018, 12, 11219. [23] B. Song, P. Loya, L.L. Shen, C. Sui* L. He, H. Guo, W.H. Guo, M.F. Rodrigues, P. Dong, C. Wang, X.D. He, P.M. Ajayan, J. Lou*, Quantitative in situ fracture testing of tin oxide nanowires for lithium ion battery applications, Nano Energy, 2018, 53, 277. [22] C. Sui#, Y.C. Yang#, R.J. Headrick#, Z.X. Pan, J.Y. Wu, J. Zhang, S. Jia, X.W. Li, W.L. Gao, O.S. Dewey, C. Wang*,X.D. He, J. Kono, M. Pasquali, J. Lou*, Directional sensing based on flexible aligned carbon nanotube film nanocomposites, Nanoscale, 2018, 10, 14938. [21] J.Y. Wu*, Q. Shi, Z.S. Zhang, H.H. Wu, C. Wang, F.L. Ning, S.B. Xiao, J.Y. He, Z.L. Zhang*, Nature-inspired entwined coiled mechanical metamaterials: Molecular dynamics simulations, Nanoscale, 2018, 10, 15641. [20] C. Sui, Z.X. Pan, R.J. Headrick, Y.C. Yang, C. Wang*, J.T. Yuan, X.D. He, M. Pasquali*, J. Lou*, Aligned SWCNT-film laminated nanocomposites: Role of the film on mechanical and electrical properties, Carbon, 2018, 139, 680. Year 2017 [19] C. Sui, Y.S. Zhao, Z.S. Zhang, J.Y. He, Z.L. Zhang, X.D. He, C. Wang*,J.Y. Wu*, Morphology-controlled tensile mechanical characteristics in graphene allotropes. ACS omega, 2017, 2, 3977. [18] Y.S. Zhao, C. Wang (Co-supervisor), J.Y. Wu*, C. Sui*, S.Y. Zhao, Z.S. Zhang, X.D. He*, Carbon nanotubes kirigami mechanical metamaterials. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2017, 19, 11032. (Cover article) [17] Z.L. Wei, J.J. Li*, C. Wang, J.G. Cao, Y.T. Yao, H.B. Lu, Y.B. Li, X.D. He, Thermally stable hydrophobicity in electrospun silica/polydimethylsiloxane hybrid fibers. Applied Surface Science, 2017, 392, 260. Year 2016 [16] C. Sui, Q.T. Luo, X.D. He*, L.Y. Tong, K. Zhang, Y.Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, J.Y. Wu*, C. Wang*,A study of mechanical peeling behavior in a junction assembled by two individual carbon nanotubes. Carbon, 2016, 107, 651. Year 2015 [15] C. Wang,X. D. He*, L. Y. Tong, Q. T. Luo, Y. B. Li, Q. Song, X. J. Lv, Y. Y. Shang, Q. Y. Peng, J. J. Li, Tensile failure mechanisms of individual junctions assembled by two carbon nanotubes. Composites Science and Technology, 2015, 110, 159. Year 2014 [14] C. Wang#,Q. Y. Peng#, J. Y. Wu, X. D. He*, L. Y. Tong*, Q. T. Luo, J. J. Li, S. Moody, H. W. Liu, R. G. Wang, S. Y. Du, Y. B. Li*, Mechanical characteristics of individual multi-layer graphene-oxide sheets under direct tensile loading. Carbon, 2014, 80, 279. [13] C. Wang,Y. B. Li*, L. Y. Tong, Q. Song, K. Z. Li, J. J. Li, Q. Y. Peng, X. D. He, R. G. Wang, W. C. Jiao, S. Y. Du, The role of grafting force and surface wettability in interfacial enhancement of carbon nanotube/carbon fiber hierarchical composites. Carbon, 2014, 69, 239. [12] W. Q. Zhao, Y. B. Li*, S. S. Wang, X. D. He, Y. Y. Shang, Q. Y. Peng, C. Wang,S. Y. Du, X. C. Gui, Y. B. Yang, Q. Yuan, E. Z. Shi, S. T. Wu, W. J. Xu, A. Y. Cao*, Elastic improvement of carbon nanotube sponges by depositing amorphous carbon coating. Carbon, 2014, 76, 19. [11] Q. Y. Peng, Y. B. Li*, X. D. He, X. C. Gui, Y. Y. Shang, C. H. Wang, C. Wang,W. Q. Zhao, S. Y. Du, E. Z. Shi, P. X. Li, D. H. Wu, A. Y. Cao*, Graphene nanoribbon aerogels unzipped from carbon nanotube sponges. Advanced Materials, 2014, 26, 3241. Before 2013(Ph.D candidate) [10] C. Wang, X. D. He, L. Y. Tong, Q. Y. Peng, R. G. Wang, Y. B. Li*, Y. X. Li, Theoretical prediction and experimental verification of pulling carbon nanotubes from carbon fiber prepared by chemical grafting method. Composites: Part A, 2013, 50, 1. [9] Y. X. Li, Y. B. Li*, Y. J. Ding, Q. Y. Peng, C. Wang,R. G. Wang, T. Sritharan, X. D. He, S. Y. Du, Tuning the interfacial property of hierarchical composites by changing the grafting density of carbon nanotube using 1,3-propodiamine. Composites Science and Technology, 2013, 85, 36. [8] Q. Y. Peng, Y. B. Li*, X. D. He, H. Z. Lv, P. A. Hu, Y. Y. Shang, C. Wang,R. G. Wang, T. Sritharan, S. Y. Du, Interfacial enhancement of carbon fiber composites by poly(amido amine) functionalization. Composites Science and Technology, 2013, 74, 37. [7] X. D. He (Supervisor), C. Wang,L. Y. Tong, R. G. Wang, A. Y. Cao, Q. Y. Peng, S. Moody, Y. B. Li*, Direct measurement of grafting strength between an individual carbon nanotube and a carbon fiber. Carbon, 2012, 50, 3782. (Cover article) [6] X. D. He (Supervisor)*,C. Wang,L. Y. Tong, Y. B. Li*, Q. Y. Peng, L. Mei, A pullout model for inclined carbon nanotube. Mechanics of Materials, 2012, 52, 28. [5] Q. Y. Peng, X. D. He, Y. B. Li*, C. Wang,R. G. Wang, P. A. Hu, Y. D. Yan, T. Sritharan, Chemically and uniformly grafting carbon nanotubes onto carbon fibers by poly(amidoamine) for enhancing interfacial strength in carbon fiber composites. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2012, 22, 5928. [4] Synthesis and characterization of a new hierarchical reinforcement by chemically grafting graphene oxide onto carbon fibers,Y. B. Li*,Q. Y. Peng, X. D. He, P. A. Hu, C. Wang, Y. Y Shang, R. G. Wang, W. C. Jiao, H. Z, Lv, Synthesis and characterization of a new hierarchical reinforcement by chemically grafting graphene oxide onto carbon fibers. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2012, 22, 18748. [3] Y. Y. Shang, X. D. He, Y. B. Li*, L. H. Zhang, Z. Li, C. Y. Ji, E. Z. Shi, P. X. Li, K. Zhu, Q. Y. Peng, C. Wang, X. J. Zhang, R. G. Wang, J. Q. Wei, K. L. Wang, H. W. Zhu, D. H. Wu, A. Y. Cao*, Super-stretchable spring-like carbon nanotube ropes. Advanced Materials,2012, 24, 2896. [2] M. Lei*, X. D. He, Y. B. Li, R. G. Wang, C. Wang, Q. Y. Peng, Grafting carbon nanotubes onto carbon fiber by use of dendrimers. Materials Letters, 2010, 64, 2505. [1] F. H. Zhang*, R. G. Wang, X. D. He, C. Wang,L. N. Ren, Interfacial shearing strength and reinforcing mechanisms of an epoxy composite reinforced using a carbon nanotube/carbon fiber hybrid. Journal of Materials Science, 2009, 44, 3574. Personal information 名称 Full name: Chao Wang Gender: Male Date of Birth: Jan. 15, 1983 Nationality: Chinese Title: Associate Professor Affiliation: Center for Composite Materials and Structures, School of Astronautics, Harbin Institute of Technology Address: Room 415, Building A, Scientific Park, Yikuang Street, Harbin 150080, P. R. China Telephone: %2B86 18604601282 Email:chaowang@hit.edu.cn Academic Qualifications 名称 Sept. 2008-Jul. 2013 Ph.D Harbin Institute of Technology, China Oct. 2009-Aug 2012 Ph.D The University of Sydney, Austrilia Sept. 2006- Jul. 2008 Master Harbin Institute of Technology, China Sept. 2002- Jul. 2006 Bachelor Northeast Petroleum University, China Professional Affiliations 名称 Dec 2016-Present Visiting scholar Rice University, U.S.A Jun. 2016-Present Associate Professor Harbin Institute of Technology, China Oct. 2014-Dec 2015 Lecturer Harbin Institute of Technology, China Personal Area and Interests 名称 Nano-manipulation techniques Mechanical Tests in individual carbon nanotubes, graphene sheets and other nano-scale materials Molecular simulation Molecular simulation in the mechanical properties of carbon nano-materials and their reinforced composites Continuum modeling Prediction for mechanical properties of nano-materials and their reinforced composites by using continuum theories Research prizes/awards 名称 National Scholarship for Ph.D Graduate student (2012), awarded by Ministry of education from China CASIC Scholarship (2012), awarded by China Aerospace Science & Industry CorpState scholarship Fund (2009), awarded by China Scholarship Council (CSC) Excellent member and group (2006-2007), award by Harbin Institute of Technology Research grant obtained 名称 National Natural Science Foundation of China (Period: Jan. 2015-Dec 2017) China postdoctoral Science Foundation (Period: Sept. 2014-Sept.2016) 教师 名称 博士研究生 名称 硕士研究生 名称 本科生 名称
