

姓名 孟维晓 性别 孟维晓
学校 哈尔滨工业大学 部门 电子与信息工程学院
学位 孟维晓 学历 孟维晓
职称 教授 联系方式 【了解更多】
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个人信息 教学和人才培养 科学研究 CURRICULUM VITAE 论著(PUBLICATIONS) 新建主栏目 最新动态 新闻标题 2023年个人连续第4次斯坦福大学全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单 发布时间 2023年10月10日 前十高校分别是清华、浙大、上交大、北大、哈工大、华科、复旦、天大、中南与中科大;这是一份全球前2%顶尖科学家入围数量排名,排名的规则是基于Scopus数据库,统计的论文涵盖SSCI、SCI、EI期刊、EI会议,再以论文被引次数、h指数、hm指数等进行综合评估。 新闻标题 郭政荣获2023校优秀硕士学位论文 发布时间 2023年6月11日 新闻标题 学术论文荣获ICC 2023国际会议最佳论文奖 发布时间 2023年6月6日 工作经历 名称 时间 工作经历 1990.07-2005.07 哈尔滨工业大学,历任助教、讲师、副教授 2005.08-至今 哈尔滨工业大学,教授 2006.04-至今 哈尔滨工业大学,教授、博士生导师 2016.05-2022.03 哈尔滨工业大学电子与信息工程学院,副院长 1998.12-1999.12 日本电话电报公司移动通信网株式会社(NTT DoCoMo),高级访问研究员 2001.08-2001.09 香港大学电气与电子工程系,访问学者 2017.01-2017.02 美国加州大学河滨分校电气与计算机系,高级访问学者 教育经历 名称 1986.09-1990.07 哈尔滨工业大学无线电工程系电子仪器及测量技术专业,本科毕业并获工学学士学位; 1992.09-1995.03 哈尔滨工业大学无线电工程系通信与信息系统学科,硕士研究生直攻博士学位; 1995.03-2000.04 哈尔滨工业大学电子与通信工程系信息与通信工程学科,博士毕业并获得工学博士学位。 主要学术任职 名称 一、国内外主要学术兼职 2021.07~2026.07 中国指挥与控制学会空天防务体系工程专业委员会常务委员 2020.10~2025.10 卫星导航系统与装备技术国家重点实验室特聘研究员 2018.10~至今 黑龙江省科技经济顾问委员会专家组成员 2016.12~至今 中国电子学会会士 2012.05~至今 IEEE ComSoc Harbin Chapter (IEEE通信学会哈尔滨分会)主席 2009.12~2021.06 中国电子学会信号处理分会委员 2011.11~至今 黑龙江省电子学会常务理事 2010.11~至今 IEEE 高级会员 2003.11~至今 中国通信学会高级会员 2002.05~2016.11 中国电子学会高级会员 二、期刊编委 2020.03~至今 《中国空间科学技术》期刊编委 2017.11~至今 《电信科学》期刊编委 2014.07~2017.07 IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials期刊编委 2014.07~2020.11 IEEE Wireless Communications期刊编委 2014.05~2016.4 PHYCOM Journal 期刊编委 2011.09~2014.09 SPRINGER/Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET) 期刊客座编委 2011.09~2014.09 WILEY/Security and Communication Networks (SCN) 期刊客座编委 2010.10~2019.09 WILEY/Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing ( WCMC) 期刊编委 三、国际会议组委 Mobile & Wireless Networks Symposium Co-Chair, 2024 IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC2024), June 9-13, 2024, Denver, Colorado, USA TPC-Co-Chair, Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications, APCC 2022, Oct. 19-21, 2022, Jeju Island, Korea General Co-Chair, IEEE International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC2021) , June 28-July 2, 2021, Harbin, China General Co-Chair, 12th EAl International Conference on Wireless and Satellite Systems (WiSATS2021), July 31-Aug. 2, 2021, Harbin, China Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks Symposium Co-Chair, 2020 IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC2020), June 7-11, 2020, Dublin, Ireland Workshop Leading Co-Chair, 2020 International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communication (ICNC2020), Feb. 17-20, 2020, Hawaii, United States Technical Program Co-chair, 11th EAI International Conference on Ad Hoc Networks (ADHOCNETS 2019), Nov 18-21, 2019, Queenstown, New Zealand Publicity Co-Chair, 8th IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (IEEE/CIC ICCC2019), Aug. 11-13, 2019, Changchun, China Technical Program Co-chair, 2019 EAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Communications and Networks (AICON2019). May 25-26, 2019, Harbin, China Workshop Leading Co-Chair, 2019 IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC2019), May 20-24, 2019, Shanghai, China General Co-chair, 2019 EAI International Conference on Wireless and Satellite Systems (WiSAT 2019), Jan 12-13, 2019, Harbin, China Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks Symposium Co-Chair, IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (IEEE Globecom 2018), Dec 9-123, Abu,Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Integrated Networks for Space, Terrestrial and Oceanic Information Systems Symposium Co-Chair, IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China, 16-18 August 2018, Beijing, China Best Paper Award (BPA) Committee, 2018 IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC2018), May 20-24, Kansas City, MO, USA Technical Program Committee (TPC) Co-Chair, the 11th International ICST Conference on Communications and Networking in China (Chinacom’16), Sept. 24-26, 2016, Chongqing, China Awards Co-Chair, 2015 IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC2015), June 8-12, London, United Kingdom Wireless Networking Symposium Co-Chair, IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (IEEE Globecom 2015), Dec. 6-10, San Diego, CA, USA Service and Applications Track Leading Co-Chair, 2013 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (IEEE WCNC 2013), April 7-10, Shanghai, China TPC Leading Co-Chair, 2011 6th International ICST Conference on Communications and Networking in China, Aug.17-19, 2011, Harbin, China General vice-Chair, 2011 4th Forefront Wireless Communications& Optical Communications and Network Technology, Aug.15-16, 2011, Harbin, China TPC Leading Co-Chair, 2010 3rd Forefront Wireless Communications& Optical Communications and Network Technology, July 28-30, 2011, Dalian, China 荣誉称号 名称 2005年 获优秀黑龙江省优秀留学人员报国奖 2008年 入选教育部新世纪优秀人才计划 基本信息 名称 哈尔滨工业大学电子与信息工程学院长聘教授、博士生导师。研究方向:无线通信与网络、天空地信息传输与组网、通信感知一体化,主持完成科研项目30余项,出版学术专著5部,发表学术论文300余篇,获国家部委和省科技奖10项、国际学术奖8项,授权国家发明专利60余项。获优秀黑龙江省留学人员报国奖,入选育部新世纪优秀人才计划。兼任中国-智利ICT“一带一路”联合实验室(筹)主任、中国电子学会会士、中国指控学会常务委员、黑龙江省电子学会常务理事、IEEE 通信学会哈尔滨分会主席、多个国际国内权威杂志编委。连续4年入选斯坦福大学发布的全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单,学术论文荣获ICC 2023国际会议最佳论文奖。 讲授课程 名称 无线电测控技术课程简介: 无线电测控技术课程原名为遥测遥控,是一门本科生重要的必修课程,它是通信原理在工程实际中的应用技术,特别针对我校的航空航天特色。因此,本门课在通信与信息系统学科的教学计划中占有重要的地位。结合课堂教学和实验的各个环节,让学生得到专业基础理论实际应用能力和动手实践分析解决问题能力的培养,为了今后走向工作岗位打下坚实基础。所以,本课程不仅要进行知识的传授,更要让学生对实际工作预先了解,把所学知识得到灵活的应用,尤其是航天事业中,遥测遥控技术举足轻重。本课程以介绍现代无线电测控的基本理论和先进技术为主,全书共分为两大部分,第一部分包括了无线电测控测控基本概念、传感器技术、无线电遥测遥控技术及其主要技术指标、检验纠错编码技术等;第二部分包括航空航天测控技术概论、雷达原理、导弹测控系统、航天测量技术等。本课程除授课和实验外,给学生留解决实际问题以及相关方案设计的课后作业三次,发挥学生的想象能力,培养学生分析实际问题和解决实际问题能力以及相互之间的协作精神。本课程被评为2005年哈工大优秀课程。 数据通信网络课程简介: 数据通信网络课程较全面地讲授了现代数据通信和网络各个领域的基本原理、理论、基础知识,具体内容包括:网络模型、物理层信号、数字传输、模拟传输、多路复用、传输介质、电路交换和电话网络、高速数字接入、差错检测和控制、数据链路控制协议、点到点接入、多址技术、以太局域网、无线局域网、骨干网、虚拟局域网、蜂窝网和卫星网、虚拟电路交换: 帧中继和ATM、网内寻址和路由、IPv4和IPv6、UDP 和TCP、流量控制和服务质量、客户机/服务器、互联网和企业网、网络安全等。结合国际会议论文集和期刊文献,及时地反映现代数据通信和网络技术的新进展和新趋势。本课程获2013年度哈工大研究生教学成果二等奖。 卫星定位导航原理课程简介:卫星定位导航是一门本科生重要的必修课程。该课程通过讲解卫星定位与导航系统的基本组成、工作原理、各种组合导航技术、增强技术、以及多个复杂应用系统,使学生全面掌握多种全球卫星导航系统(GNSS)的关键核心技术原理和应用。同时,结合教学和实验的各个环节,让学生在学到知识的同时,通过动手实验获得更多直观感性的认识和灵活应用的能力,从而为我国的卫星定位导航领域培养优秀的工程技术人员。本课程教材被评为2015年省优秀高等教育成果一等奖和2014年校优秀教材奖,本课程获2015年度哈工大教学成果二等奖。 数字通信原理课程简介:本门课程以传统而经典的数字传输理论和无线通信原理为主,主要讲授数字通信的基本原理和分析过程,主要内容包括:数字通信的基本结构、数字调制原理、高斯信道下的最佳接收机、通过带限信道的数字通信、自适应均衡、多信道与多载波系统、衰落信道的传输与容量和多天线系统等。让信息与通信工程学科的研究生在本科通信原理课程学习的基础上,从信源的数字信号产生到终端接收的完整通信过程中。进一步深入学习现代通信体系中深层次的工程技术原理和数字通信的数学分析方法,培养学生掌握扎实的基础理论和系统深入的专业知识,为今后从事本学科领域的深入研究和工程实践打下坚实的理论基础。 导航与定位专题课程简介:导航与定位是本专业硕士研究生的一门专题课,定位与导航是当代多学科交叉而衍生出的新兴学科。对于位置信息服务的需求将逐渐渗透到生产与生活、航空与航天的各个领域。导航与定位专题课程主要面向信息与通信工程专业类学生,立足于现代导航与定位的基本原理与最新进展,结合我校航天特色,让学生学习主流导航与定位的工作原理,了解未来导航与定位的前沿,拓展视野开拓思路。让学生对通信专业知识及其交叉学科技术产生浓厚兴趣,为今后进一步深造或工作奠定坚实的基础。 教学成果 名称 孟维晓,中国电子教学学会优秀博士学位论文优秀指导教师奖,2021 刘北佳,孟维晓,第八届全国大学生移动通信5G技术大赛黑龙江省赛区本科组三等奖指导教师,2021 孟维晓,韩帅,迟永钢. 《卫星定位导航原理》教材。黑龙江省高等教育研究成果一等奖,2015;哈尔滨工业大学优秀教材,2014 孟维晓,迟永钢,韩帅等. “卫星定位导航原理与应用”课程建设,哈工大教学成果二等奖,2015 孟维晓,高玉龙等. 研究生“数据通信网络课程创新性教学与实践方法”,获哈尔滨工业大学研究生教学二等奖,2012 孟维晓,王钢编著. 《现代无线电测控技术》,获黑龙江省高等教育研究成果优秀奖,2006 孟维晓,王钢等. 本科“遥测遥控”,获哈尔滨工业大学优秀课程,2005 桃李满天 名称 类别 序号 姓名 性别 指导期间 毕业课题及答辩成绩 毕业去向 本科生 1 刘敬民 男 1995.3-7 HX260对讲机的集群升级设计/中 北京 2 高庆华 女 1997.3-7 专用集群数字加密软件设计/优 北京 3 杨晓明 男 1997.3-7 普通电话机的集群升级改造/良 英国 4 王晓辉 女 1998.3-7 TETRA空中接口协议分析/良 深圳 5 崔龙峰 男 1998.3-7 第三代移动通信方案比较/良 北京 6 倪达峰 男 2000.3-7 智能天线RLS算法分析/良 出国 7 王季刚 男 2000.3-7 扇型小区线型阵列天线设计/良 沈阳 8 穆强 男 2001.3-7 蜂窝系统智能天线的性能分析/优 研究生 9 罗好斌 男 2001.3-7 智能天线系统动态信道分配研究/良 重庆 10 王鲁宁 男 2002.3-7 移动网无线信道分配演示系统设计/良 研究生 11 徐颖 女 2002.3-7 基于GPS的测绘仪设计/优 研究生 12 曲成刚 男 2002.3-7 隧道地形电波传播分析及组网优化/良 哈工大 13 吴宣利 男 2002.3-7 基于CPLD的集群基站控制器设计/优 研究生 14 张琳 女 2002.3-7 公众移动网计算机仿真平台设计/良 研究生 15 程阳 女 2003.3-7 CDMA网络基站配置的仿真研究/良 深圳中兴 16 张元元 女 2003.3-7 用户GSM短消息平台的设计与开发/优 大连松下 17 林墨 男 2003.3-7 汇编和C语言在通信用DSP中复合开发/良 研究生 18 崔剑 男 2003.3-7 航天遥测遥控新技术的研究与分析/优 研究生 19 曾中梁 男 2003.3-7 基于无线市话的数据传输技术分析/中 波导公司 20 叶准 男 2003.9-2004.7 基于DSP的多路ACELP语音编码技术/优 研究生 21 陈一 男 2003.9-2004.7 集群系统电话接口单元的研究与设计/良 武汉 22 韩帅 男 2003.9-2004.7 动态信道分配算法的分析与研究/良 考研 23 周异雯 女 2003.9-2004.7 用户短消息平台的研究与设计/良 研究生 24 张丹妹 女 2003.9-2004.7 数字化会议系统的研究与设计/优 英国 25 王文静 女 2004.12-2005.7 基于维特比算法的软判决译码性能限的分析与验证/优 研究生 26 王 峥 女 2004.12-2005.7 基于改进遗传算法的智能天线波束形成/良 研究生 27 郭智炜 男 2004.12-2005.7 无线传输技术的仿真研究/良 研究生 28 毕莹 女 2004.12-2005.7 移动通信的计费标准评估/良 研究生 29 韩翀 女 2004.12-2005.7 基于DSP的语音编码技术电路原理设计/良 30 高波 男 2004.12-2005.7 基于DSP的语音编码技术电路软件设计/良 研究生 31 邱维江 男 2006.2-2006.7 智能水表系统电路分析与设计/良 定向生 32 秘志峰 男 2006.2-2006.7 GOLAY码的编解码设计与实现/中 青岛海尔 33 李平 男 2006.2-2006.7 AVS整形变换技术的研究/良 航天二院 34 吴燕鸣 女 2006.2-2006.7 AVS熵编码技术的研究/优 研究生 35 孟君 女 2006.2-2006.7 智能天线技术的研究与仿真/良 研究生 36 古枭雄 男 2007.3-2007.7 卫星信道OFDM技术的分析/中 青岛 37 陆扬 男 2007.3-2007.7 宽带无线接入系统OFDM技术性能分析/良 研究生 38 董琳 女 2007.3-2007.7 MIMO信道容量分析/优中优 研究生 39 王海燕 女 2007.3-2007.7 WIMAX系统自适应调制技术研究/良 荷兰 40 陈博 男 2008.3-2008.7 基于双频GPS的大气折射率测量方法/良 工作 41 张计娜 男 2008.3-2008.7 多进制QAM在下一代通信系统中的性能分析/良 工作 42 荣毅 男 2008.3-2008.7 WiMAX系统中预失真放大器的设计与仿真/良 北邮研究生 43 于聪 男 2008.3-2008.7 未做毕设 44 何颖 女 2009.3-2009.7 AGNSS定位解算方法研究/良 研究生 45 张娜 女 2009.3-2009.7 卫星定位解算方法/良 研究生 46 刘博 男 2009.3-2009.7 2D-CDMA资源分配算法研究/优中优 研究生 47 邹德岳 男 2009.3-2009.7 基于XILINX的弱信号捕获算法/优 研究生 48 陈雷 男 2010.3-2010.7 高灵敏度捕获算法研究与实现/优中优 研究生 49 方睿 女 2010.3-2010.7 导航接收机阵列抗干扰算法研究/优 研究生 50 宋德琦 女 2010.3-2010.7 宽带多媒体集群控制程序设计/良 美国 51 吕雯文 女 2010.3-2010.7 导航信号捕获算法的FPGA实现/良 深圳 52 王宏宇 男 2011.3-2011.7 多天线协作的功率控制算法/优中优 研究生 53 陈星 男 2011.3-2011.7 高动态导航跟踪算法的研究与实现/优秀 研究生 54 郑艺 女 2011.3-2011.7 多天线终端协作伙伴选择方法/优秀 研究生 55 顾书鹏 男 2011.3-2011.7 宽带无线信道的建模与仿真/良好 青岛 56 赵世龙 男 2011.3-2011.7 光电器件特性研究/良好 双学位 57 彭曦 女 2012.3-2012.7 LTE分布式基站布设方法/优中优 港科研 58 王柏岩 男 2012.3-2012.7 AMR语音编解码研究与实现/优秀 研究生 59 罗德巳 男 2012.3-2012.7 TCP/IP通信平台设计/优秀 研究生 60 高书莹 女 2012.9-2013.7 基于网络编码的无线自组网路由算法/优中优 研究生 61 巩紫君 男 2012.9-2013.7 星座不完整情况下的北斗系统定位解算方法/优秀 研究生 62 张德坤 男 2012.9-2013.7 广域低能耗无线传感器路由与组网方法/优秀 研究生 63 李瑞青 男 2013.1-2013.7 北斗室内定位系统精度分析 工作 64 刘猛 男 2013.12-2014.7 无线体域网监控节点的设计与实现/良好 研究生 65 安迪 男 2013.12-2014.7 安卓系统老年关爱终端软件设计与实现/良好 研究生 66 岳晋 男 2013.12-2014.7 基于地图匹配与滤波的WiFi精确定位方法/优秀 研究生 67 张懿 男 2014.12-2015.7 全双工通信组网功率分配算法/良 直博 68 张晗 女 2014.12-2015.7 基于行为分析的定位服务推送/优中优 研究生 68 李毅 男 2014.12-2015.7 智能无线抄表终端设备研究与实现/优 研究生 70 张晓凯 男 2014.12-2015.7 智能无线抄表集中器设备研究与实现/良 外校研 71 李殊勋 男 2015.12-2016.7 空地链路阵列天线动态波束形成方法研究与应用/优 研究生 72 刘天琦 女 2015.12-2016.7 SCMA低复杂度接收机设计/优 研究生 73 邹博阳 男 2015.12-2016.7 基于802.15.4的无线抄表网络的设计与测试/优 研究生 74 曹海文 男 2015.12-2016.7 传感器网络中的数据特征分析及异常检测/良 外校研 75 鞠世豪 男 2016.12-2017.7 反馈受限下协作多点传输中SINR估计算法研究/良 纽约大学 76 张子悦 女 2016.12-2017.7 LEO/MEO轨道卫星组网分析与优化/中 定向生 77 夏天聪 男 2016.12-2017.7 基于机器学习的手写数字识别与分类研究/良 瑞典 78 李阳 男 2017.12-2018.7 基于无人机的燃气泄漏监测与传输系统设计与实现/良 研究生 79 陈倩 女 2017.12-2018.7 蜂窝网络中关于 D2D无线资源分配的研究/优 直博 80 李瑞恩 男 2017.12-2018.7 空基通信网络时空覆盖特性分析与改进/良 研究生 81 闫富朝 男 2018.9-2019.7 基于nanoBEE软件无线电平台的人工噪声产生方法研究/校百优 研究生 82 夏萌 女 2018.9-2019.7 空基无线网络容量分析与按需资源调度方法/良 美国加州大学伯克利分校 83 杨宇轩 男 2018.9-2019.7 广域空基通信网络卫星补盲方法研究/良 再考研 84 李丽锦 女 2019.9-2020.7 基于业务驱动的空天地网络路由协议分析与改进/良 保研 85 戚航瑀 男 2019.9-2020.7 MANET的路由协议研究与动态网络拓扑可视化实现/良 保研 86 王远征 女 2019.9-2020.7 基于深度学习的海上多点搜寻中的路径规划方法/中 再考研 87 张海英 女 20120.9-2021.7 88 罗晓萌 女 20120.9-2021.7 89 郭政 男 20120.9-2021.7 90 张宇聪 男 20120.9-2021.7 91 杨臻毅 男 20120.9-2021.7 92 统招硕士生 1 穆强 男 2001.9-2003.7 自适应阵列天线系统时域均衡技术研究 航天501部 2 吕永霞 女 2001.9-2003.7 基于智能天线的CDMA2000上行链路性能研究 深圳中兴 3 王鲁宁 男 2002.9-2004.7 基于MIMO的空时分组码技术研究(校优秀硕士毕业生) 北京704 4 吴宣利 男 2002.9-2004.7 DAPSK调制解调相关技术研究 博士研究生 5 陈莉娜 女 2002.9-2004.7 FDD模式下的智能天线下行波束形成技术/省、校优秀毕业,金牌 上海华为 6 古磊 男 2003.9-2005.7 智能天线波束形成与MIMO空时编码 结合技术的研究(金牌优秀毕业生) 上海华为 7 韩宇辉 女 2003.9-2005.7 支持不同类型网络接口的非对称交换结构的研究 哈理工 8 王尔馥 女 2003.9-2005.7 基于遗传算法神经网络的自适应波束形成(银牌优秀毕业生) 博士研究生 9 叶准 男 2004.9-2006.7 双星定位终端信号处理器的设计与实现 威海分校 10 韩松峰 男 2004.9-2006.7 基于ARM的数字集群协议栈 杭州诺基亚 11 张超 男 2004.9-2006.7 MIMO-OFDM无线信道模拟器的研究 上海华为 12 周异雯 女 2004.9-2006.7 电波传播的Ray-Trace预测方法研究 上海中兴 13 唐琳 女 2004.9-2006.7 基于DSP的空时分组码的研究与实现/金奖 北京3COM 14 王文静 女 2005.9-2007.7 卫星导航信号精码直捕技术的研究与改进/银牌 本校博士生 15 王峥 女 2005.9-2007.7 宽带多载波无线传输资源分配方法研究/金牌,省优秀毕业生 美国 16 韩帅 男 2005.9-2007.7 高灵敏度卫星导航信号短码捕获技术研究 本校博士生 17 徐宝碧 男 2005.9-2007.7 智能天线AD HOC性能分析与方案设计 上海华为 18 陈平 女 2005.9-2007.7 卫星导航系统信息结算方法研究 杭州UT思达康 19 吴燕鸣 女 2006.9-2008.7 射频功放线性化技术的研究与改进 上海华为 20 孟君 女 2006.9-2008.7 基于麦克风阵列的语音增强算法 阿尔卡特 21 何启明 男 2006.9-2008.7 高动态GNSS软件接收机载波跟踪算法研究 上海802 22 郭振宁 男 2006.9-2008.7 WiMAX系统中智能天线技术的应用研究 天津中兴 23 殷作亮 男 2006.9-2008.7 基于麦克风阵列的MUSIC声源定位算法研究 博士生 24 陆扬 男 2007.9-2009.7 OFDM系统资源分配方法研究 大唐电信 25 董琳 女 2007.9-2009.7 GNSS接收机自适应阵列天线抗干扰算法研究与改进/金牌,优秀毕业生 上海华为 26 王继伟 女 2007.9-2009.7 模糊逻辑信号强度识别算法的设计与验证 天津宝洁 27 苏慧锐 男 2007.9-2009.7 辅助GALILEO导航系统增强接收算法的分析与实现 南京中兴 28 王方堂 男 2007.9-2009.7 高动态接收机跟踪算法的研究 延期 29 万青 女 2008.9-2010.7 新体制导航信号的捕获算法研究/金牌,优秀毕业生 普天 30 马若飞 男 2008.9-2010.7 导航弱信号捕获算法的研究与实现/优秀论文、优秀毕业生 博士生 31 王厦 男 2008.9-2010.7 MIMO系统多天线移动终端的协作模型建立与信道容量分析 杭州华为 32 彭浪 男 2008.9-2010.7 室内Radio-map建立方法与性能分析 上海华为 33 田小路 女 2009.9-2010.7 协作MIMO系统跨层资源优化分配算法 航天503 34 刘博 男 2009.9-2011.7 多天线协作MIMO信号检测/优秀毕业生,金牌 上海NI 35 何颖 女 2009.9-2011.7 WLAN室内定位AP快速布置方案/银牌 北京华为 36 邹德岳 男 2009.9-2011.7 高灵敏快速捕获IP核的研究和实现 博士生 37 陈雷 男 2010.9-2012.7 室内外无缝导航接收机载噪比估计与互相关干扰抑制 博士生 38 方睿 女 2010.9-2012.7 双向中继信道中的网络编码技术研究/优秀毕业生,金牌 上海小卫星 39 李欣禹 男 2010.9-2012.7 多天线终端协作MIMO系统跨层设计研究 上海华为 40 范国强 男 2010.9-2012.7 WiMAX物理层MIMO-OFDM技术研究 越南留学生 41 王宏宇 男 2011.9-2013.7 多用户MIMO下行链路资源分配算法/银牌 54所 42 陈星 男 2011.9-2013.7 OCDMA系统关键技术研究 NI 43 郑艺 女 2011.9-2013.7 LTE-A系统中载波聚合的资源分配方案设计与研究/优秀论文 三院 44 王柏岩 男 2012.9-2014.7 非对称结构分布式信源编码的研究 北京NI 45 罗德巳 男 2012.9-2014.7 卫星导航接收机抗欺骗式干扰方法研究 成都29所 46 赵聪 女 2012.9-2014.7 基于位置指纹的WLAN室内定位算法研究 青岛 47 张德坤 男 2013.9-2015.7 非正交多址方式的研究 深圳中兴 48 巩紫君 男 2013.9-2015.7 传感器定位方法研究/优秀 加拿大博 49 高书莹 女 2013.9-2015.7 多用户MIMO下行预编码方法/金牌 北京 50 刘猛 男 2014.9-2016.7 基于互补码的全双工多用户通信系统传输机理研究 北京 51 岳晋 男 2014.9-2016.7 三维水下传感器网络组网与定位技术研究 南京中兴 52 安迪 男 2014.9-2016.7 智能终端多源定位融合及其效能评估算法的设计与实现 深圳中兴 53 张懿 男 2015.9-2017.7 不做硕士论文 直博 54 张晗 女 2015.9-2017.7 稀疏码多址系统低复杂度检测研究/银牌 深圳腾讯 55 李毅 男 2015.9-2017.7 基于信道状态信息的单节点高精度室内定位方法/金牌 杭州移动 56 刘天琦 女 2016.9-2018.7 基于可配置天线的单节点室内定位系统的设计与实现 北京铁路信号 57 邹博阳 男 2016.9-2018.7 工业机器人通信组网方案与路径规划算法的研究 深圳招商银行 58 何晓琳 女 2017.9-2019.7 空地协同无线通信网络容量分析与资源分配方法 上海华为 59 赵英伯 男 2017.9-2019.7 多用户单节点室内定位的算法改进与系统性能分析 上海华为 60 李阳 男 2018.9-2020.7 多无人机协作传输系统中功率优化和预编码设计研究 攻博 61 于盛 男 2018.9-2020.7 基于强化学习多无人机路径规划算法研究及实现 北京猿辅导 62 闫富朝 男 2019.9-2021.7 63 邱琳 女 2019.9-2021.7 64 李丽锦 女 2020.9-2022.7 65 戚航瑀 男 2020.9-2022.7 博士生 1 韩帅 男 2007.9-2011.6 GNSS系统弱信号捕获方法研究与应用 留校 2 王文静 女 2008.3-2013.10 卫星导航系统高动态跟踪算法研究 黑龙江商大 3 张光华 男 2008.3-2013.5 GNSS辅助增强方法研究 东北石油大学 4 刘恩晓 男 2009.9-2013.12 多重天线阵列结构的GNSS接收机抗干扰方法研究 山仪所,41所 5 杨洪娟 女 2009.9-2013.10 网络编码与协作通信技术研究 哈工大威海 6 李国栋 男 2010.3-2016.3 CC-CDMA 的码构造及系统设计方法 哈理工 7 阮中迅 男 2009.9-2013.6 认知无线电多天线协作方法研究 越南 8 马若飞 男 2010.9-2014.10 智能电网中异构通信网络的共存问题研究 出国,哈工大威海 9 孙思月 女 2010.9-2014.5 基于互补码的多用户无线传输技术及码设计方法 上海小卫星 10 邹德岳 男 2011.9-2016.5 异构无线系统室内外无缝定位技术研究 大连理工 11 陈雷 男 2012.9-2017.7 全双工无线通信网络功率分配方法研究/外审全优 上海大疆 12 李琳 女 2012.9-2017.12 Massive MIMO 系统上行链路低复杂度检测算法研究 南邮 13 赵万龙 男 2013.9-2018.10 多源融合定位理论与方法研究 哈工大威海 14 刘春鹏 男 2013.9-2019.5 密集 D2D 通信的关键技术研究 哈工程 15 孙文彬 男 2014.9-2020.9 多用户机会波束成形理论与方法 西北工大 16 Merhawit 女 2014.9-2017.7 基于SLNR的全双工多用户MIMO频谱效率优化方法 埃塞俄比亚 17 徐赛 男 2015.9-2020.6 相关主窃信道安全波束成形及合作干扰方法研究 西北工大太仓校区 18 张懿 男 2016.9- 19 郭继冲 男 2016.9- 20 李殊勋 男 2017.9- 21 张开宇 男 2018.9- 22 陈倩 女 2018.9- 23 郭斌 女 2019.9- 24 李阳 男 2020.9- 副导师博士生 1 赵俊义 男 2005.12-2009.12 MIMO-OFDM系统信道估计算法研究 回部队 2 于启月 女 2006.9-2010.11 二维块扩频CDMA技术在宽带无线通信中相关问题的研究 留校 3 韩宇辉 女 2007.9-2012.5 多天线终端协作式MIMO关键技术研究 哈理工 4 邱杨 女 2013.9- 5 郭利辉 男 2013.9- 部委计划 1 齐成行 男 2002.9-2004.7 基于RLS算法的空时联合均衡技术 海拉尔 2 岳武 男 2005.9-2007.7 TETRA系统软件无线电实现方法 沈阳 3 梁秀娟 女 2009.9-2011.7 基于GNSS的电离层延迟模型建立与误差分析 大连 4 吴萌 女 2010.9-2012.7 基于模糊加权的无缝导航切换算法研究 北京 5 孙吉功 男 2015.9-2017.7 卫星导航多径分析与LabVIEW平台的信号源设计 北京 招生信息 名称 方向一:无线通信与网络 方向二:空天地传输与组网 方向三:通感融合与通导一体 研究领域 名称 无线通信 空天地网络 通感融合 主要研究方向: 无线通信理论与网络技术,空天地信息传输,通信感知融合与安全 科研与学术获奖 名称 Meng Weixiao. Selected into the Top 2% of the World's Scientists by Stanford University, from 2020 to 2022 for 3 consecutive years. https://elsevier.digitalcommonsdata.com/datasets/btchxktzyw/4 Yiliang Liu, Hsiao-Hwa Chen, Liangmin Wang and Weixiao Meng, Artificial Noisy MIMO Systems Under Correlated Scattering Rayleigh Fading—A Physical Layer Security Approach, IEEE Systems Journal Best Paper Award, 2021 Lin Li, Weixiao Meng, Cheng Li. Successive Cancellation based Semi-definite Relaxation Detection and Decoding for Polar Coded Uplink Multiuser Massive MIMO System. The IEEE International Conference on Signal, Information and Data Processing 2019. December 1l-13, 2019 in Chongqing, China. The excellent Paper Award. 刘树东、孟维晓、刘毅、李国燕、张艳、郝志鹏、郁有建、张龙. 油田采油智能调控装置及巡检监控系统研发与应用. 天津市科技进步二等奖,2019 IEEE亚太地区最佳通信分会奖(亚太唯一,全球4个),2018 IEEE全球最佳通信分会奖(全球唯一),2018 IEEE ComSoc会员推进与全球活动个人贡献奖,2018 孟维晓,马琳,韩帅,徐玉滨,谭学治等. 多源融合高精度室内外无缝定位导航技术,黑龙江省技术发明二等奖,2017 孟维晓,张中兆,韩帅,迟永钢,高玉龙等. 高性能卫星导航接收机信号处理技术,黑龙江省技术发明二等奖,2014 孟维晓,沙学军,顾学迈,张中兆,张乃通等. 宽带无线传输理论与多天线空时信号处理,黑龙江省自然科学二等奖,2009 徐玉滨,孟维晓,迟永钢,高玉龙,沙学军等. 基于软件无线电的北斗有源定位系统用户机研制,黑龙江省科技进步二等奖,2011 沙学军,张钦宇,孟维晓,吴宣利,张中兆等. 超宽带高速无线接入理论及其验证平台,黑龙江省自然科学二等奖,2011 张乃通,徐玉滨,孟维晓,王北松,赵刚等. 警用自动级无线指挥调度系统,国家部委科技进步一等奖,1999 Shuai Han, Yi Zhang, Weixiao Meng and Ningqing Liu. Power Allocation for Full Duplex Decode-and-Forward Cooperative Relay System, The 10th EAI International Wireless Internet Conference (WiCON 2017), December 16-17, 2017, Tianjin, P.R. China. 大会最佳论文奖 李琳,孟维晓. A Novel Bitwise Factor Graph Belief Propagation Detection Algorithm for Massive MIMO System. ChinaCom2016最佳论文奖,2016.10 Merhawit Berhane Teklu, 孟维晓,张懿,陈雷. Spectral Efficiency for Single-cell Full-duplex MU-MIMO system based on SLNR Precoding. ICEICT2016最佳学生论文奖,2016.08 李殊勋,孟维晓,张中兆,陶滢. 基于LCMV的空地阵列天线凝视波束形成方法. 第一届空间信息网络学术论坛优秀论文. 2016.08 Zheng Wang, Weixiao Meng. A New Subcarrier Allocation Scheme with Proportional Constraints for Multimedia Transmission in OFDMA System. International Conference on Telecommunications. 国际学术会议优秀论文奖, 2006年12月,The Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET) 颁发 孟维晓,2008年入选教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划 孟维晓,2005年获黑龙江省优秀留学人员报国奖 科研项目 名称 主持各级各类科研项目30余项,累计科研经费4000余万元。 1. 国家863计划主题项目1项 2. 国家重点研发计划课题1项 3. 国家重大科技专项课题6项 4. 国家自然科学基金各类项目10项,其中:重大计划重点项目1项,重点合作交流3项,面上5项,青年1项 5. 其他国家级、部委项目和课题5项 6. 企业横向合作项目15项 授权发明专利 名称 序号 专利名称 发明人 1 基于遗传算法的智能天线复合波束形成方法 孟维晓,史兢,张乃通,谭学治 2 结合空时分组编码的智能天线下行波束形成方法 孟维晓,古磊,徐玉滨 3 一种对GPS弱信号的全比特捕获方法 孟维晓,姜冰心,韩帅,张中兆 4 分数傅立叶变换域超宽带脉冲信号调制与解调方法 沙学军,吴宣利,孟维晓等 5 一种MIMO信道模拟器的控制方法及其实现装置 孟维晓,张超,孙华丽 6 全球卫星导航系统弱信号下的自适应相干累积联合捕获方法 孟维晓,韩帅,王文静,马若飞,万青,陈曦 7 基于四维UKF的高动态GNSS载波的开环补偿跟踪方法 孟维晓, 陈曦, 王文静, 韩帅 8 一种微弱GNSS信号的差分相干累积捕获方法 韩帅, 谢松,王文静,孟维晓, 张中兆 9 基于WLAN的支持向量机室内定位网络构建方法及定位方法 徐玉滨,邓志安,孟维晓,马琳,沙学军 10 智能天线下行链路波束形成方法 孟维晓,沙学军,陈莉娜 11 导航接收机盲自适应空时阵列抗干扰方法 刘恩晓,孟维晓,方睿,史雨薇 12 基于最大似然检测的二维块扩频系统中的残留多用户干扰抑制方法. 于启月,孟维晓,刘博 13 基于4天线的空时循环延迟传输分集的二维块扩频系统 于启月,孟维晓,刘博 14 基于二维块扩频系统的多用户MIMO空间复用系统 于启月,孟维晓,刘博 15 基于并行干扰取消及迭代检测的二维块扩频系统中的残留多用户干扰抑制方法 于启月,孟维晓,陈曦 16 基于二维最小均方误差检测算法的二维块扩频系统中的残留多用户干扰抑制方法. 于启月,孟维晓,张娜 17 协作通信系统中基于自适应的权重簇头分配方法 于启月,孟维晓,张娜,陈曦 18 基于二维块扩频技术的多用户协作虚拟4天线空时循环延迟传输分集系统. 于启月,孟维晓,阮中迅 19 基于TD-LTE的宽带多媒体集群架构系统 孟维晓、王彬、魏守明、张成文 20 基于TD-LTE的宽带多媒体集群系统集群调度服务器鉴权方法 孟维晓、郎改平、贾蕴、徐贵森,张中兆,张成文,孙永亮 21 基于近邻概率法的WLAN室内定位方法设计 徐玉滨,周牧,孟维晓,马琳,沙学军,谭学治,邓志安 22 神经网络区域训练的WLAN室内定位方法 徐玉滨,孙颖,孟维晓,沙学军,马琳,谭学治 23 一种数字集群系统调度台强插选择性录音方法 叶亮、李庆忠、孟维晓、王孝、谭学治、刘鑫、张琪、何朝阳 24 基于滑动时间窗的WLAN室内WKNN跟踪方法 徐玉滨,孟维晓,周牧,马琳,谭学治,吴少川 25 一种GNSS数据/导频混合信号的频域相干联合捕获方法 孟维晓,万青,马若飞,韩帅 26 WLAN室内分步式RD-ANFIS定位方法 马琳,徐玉滨,周牧,孟维晓,刘宁庆,王孝 27 基于FCM和最小二乘曲面拟合法的WLAN室内优化ANN定位方法 徐玉滨,周牧,马琳,沙学军,孟维晓,谭学治 28 一种数字集群系统调度台组呼选择性录音方法 叶亮、刘鑫、谭学治、孟维晓、马琳、孙鹏飞、陈海宝 29 一种数字集群系统调度台强插后选择性录音方法 叶亮、李庆忠、孟维晓、王孝、谭学治、刘鑫、张琪、何朝阳 30 基于无线传感网的医护定位及告警方法 叶亮,李月,石硕,沙学军,孟维晓,吴少川,李卓明 31 基于峰值比较的导航卫星信号捕获方法 孟维晓,韩帅,邹德岳,马若飞,李殿为 32 基于代价函数的室内无线定位与室外无线定位的无缝切换方法 孟维晓,邹德岳,于启月,吴萌,刘恩晓,陈雷,马琳 33 一种基于Rayleigh衰减信道的修正型Jakes模块 陈晓华,王文静,孟维晓 34 基于三维互补码的多载波MISO系统的通信方法 陈晓华,孟维晓,孙思月,陈星 35 多载波互补码CDMA系统接收端信号干扰消除方法 孟维晓,孙思月,陈晓华 36 Type-II型HARQHARQ重传系统中最优生成多项式的获取方法及应用该方法的重传系统 于启月,杨堃,孟维晓,于洪涛,陈雷 37 联合数据可分区编码和分组前向纠错码的多媒体数据流传输方法 于启月,吴萌,孟维晓,林舒 38 下行多用户MIMO的最大化等效信道增益乘积用户选择方法 于启月,史雨薇,王宏宇,孟维晓 39 基于GNSS的指纹定位技术实现室内、外环境无缝切换的定位方法 韩帅,邹德岳,孟维晓,陈雷,刘恩晓,马若飞 40 基于MFSK调制方式的物理层网络编码的无线通信方法 于启月,张德有,孟维晓,李亚添 41 协作MIMO系统的协作伙伴选择方法 孟维晓,阮中迅,邱杨 42 基于正交频分复用的物理层网络编码通信系统功率分配技术的无线通信方法 于启月,罗德巳,孟维晓 43 智能手机的方向校正方法 孟维晓,邹德岳,韩帅,贾子庆,李缙强 44 一种适用于无线传感器网络节点定位的基于误差矫正的联合质心定位方法 孟维晓,张德坤,何晨光 45 一种采用广义三维互补码的CDMA-MIMO系统的信号发送与接收方法 孟维晓,孙思月,陈晓华 46 一种基于粒子滤波的稳健GNSS抗欺骗方法 韩帅,巩紫君,罗德巳 47 一种适用于传感器网络节点定位的分布式联合迭代定位方法 孟维晓,张德坤,于启月,何晨光 48 消除多天线方向偏差的WLAN定位方法 韩帅,李缙强,孟维晓 49 一种自生长式的指纹库自主建立方法 孟维晓,邹德岳,韩帅,陈雷,巩紫君 50 基于人类行为学的位置跟踪方法 孟维晓,安迪,韩帅,邹德岳,赵万龙 51 多输入多输出通信方法 陈晓华,刘权,孟维晓,许宏铭 52 针对单个节点功率受限的双跳全双工DF中继系统最优功率分配方法 韩帅,陈雷,孟维晓 53 针对总功率和单节点功率联合受限的双跳全双工DF中继最优功率分配方法 孟维晓,陈雷,韩帅 54 一种基于RSS和测距无偏估计的WSN节点定位方法 孟维晓,岳晋,韩帅,巩紫君,张德坤 55 能够降低复杂度的基于和均方误差最小原则的下行多用户MIMO系统预编码方法 孟维晓,高书莹,赵震 56 基于模糊聚类的室内定位AP选择方法 孟维晓,任博雅,韩帅 57 适用非正交多址系统的新用户差异性选择接入方法 孟维晓,张德坤,于启月 58 一种面向超表网络的动态按比分簇时隙路由建立方法 孟维晓,李毅,韩帅,邹博阳 59 基于异构网络多干扰系统包碰撞模型的误包性能检测方法 陈晓华,张洪,陈舒怡,孟维晓 60 一种基于中国剩余定理和多天线三边定位的单节点室内定位方法 孟维晓,李毅,韩帅,蔚保国,邹德岳 61 一种基于功率延迟分布与波达角测距的单节点室内定位方法 韩帅,李毅,孟维晓,蔚保国,邹德岳 62 基于最大容量的SCMA系统三级功率分配方法 韩帅,郭诚,宋志群,孟维晓 63 全双工毫米波双向中继中基于正交匹配追踪的自干扰抑制混合预编码方法 孟维晓,张懿,韩帅 科研团队 名称 韩帅 准聘教授 http://homepage.hit.edu.cn/hanshuai 马琳 准聘教授 http://homepage.hit.edu.cn/malin 何晨光 省青年名师、副教授 http://homepage.hit.edu.cn/hechenguang 叶亮 副研究员 http://homepage.hit.edu.cn/yeliang 陈舒怡 中国科协青托、助理教授 http://homepage.hit.edu.cn/chenshuyi BASIC INFORMATION 名称 Name: Weixiao Meng Present Occupation: Professor Affiliation: School of Electronics and Information EngineeringHarbin Institute of TechnologyTelephone: %2B8645186402981Fax: %2B8645186402981E-mail: wxmeng@hit.edu.cn Birth Date: March 18, 1968 Nationality: P. R. China Business Address: Room 1937, Technology Innovation Building, HIT Science ParkNo.2 Yikuang Street, Nangang District, Harbin, Heilongjiang, 150080, P.R. China Home Address: N/A Preferred Mailing Address: Business EDUCATION 名称 B.Sc. of Electronics Instrument and Measurement Technology,Harbin Institute of Technology,China,July 1990 M.Sc. of Communications and Information System,Harbin Institute of Technology,China,Feb. 1995 Ph.D. of Information and Communications Engineering,Harbin Institute of Technology,China,July 2000 PROFESSIONAL HISTORY 名称 2016~present Tenure TrackProfessor School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology 2008~present Vice Director Engineering Research Center of Dedicated Communication Systems, Ministry of Education, China 2005~present Professor School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology 2000~2005 Associate Professor School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology 1995~2000 AssistantProfessor Department of Electronics and Communication, Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology 1992~1995 Assistant Lecture Department of Electronics and Communication, Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology 2017.1~2 Senior Visiting Scholar University of California, Riverside, USA 2001.8~9 Visiting Scholar Hong Kong University 1998~1999 Visiting Researcher NTT DoCoMo, Yokosuka, Japan SUMMARY OF RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 名称 Weixiao Meng(SM’10)received the B.Eng., M. Eng., and Ph.D. degrees from Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), Harbin, China, in 1990, 1995, and 2000, respectively. From 1998 to 1999, he worked at NTT DoCoMo on adaptive array antenna and dynamic resource allocation for beyond 3G as a senior visiting researcher. He is now a full professor of the School of Electronics and Information Engineering of HIT. His research interests include broadband wireless communications, space-air-ground integrated networks and wireless localization technologies. He has published 4 books and over 300 papers on journals and international conferences. He is the Chair of IEEE Communications Society Harbin Chapter, a Fellow of the China Institute of Electronics, a senior member of the IEEE ComSoc and the China Institute of Communication. He has been an editorial board member for Wiley’s WCMC Journal from 2010 to 2017, an area editor for PHYCOM journal from 2014 to 2016, an editorial board for IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials from 2014 to 2017 and IEEE Wireless Communications since 2015. He acted as leading TPC co-chair of ChinaCom2011 and ChinaCom2016, leading Services and Applications track co-chair of IEEE WCNC2013, Awards co-chair of IEEE ICC2015 and Wireless Networking Symposia co-Chair of IEEE Globecom2015, AHSN Symposia co-Chair of IEEE Globecom2018, leading Workshop co-Chair of IEEE ICC2019 and IEEE ICNC2020, AHSN Symposia co-Chair of IEEE ICC2020. In 2005 he was honored provincial excellent returnee and selected into New Century Excellent Talents (NCET) plan by Ministry of Education (MOE), China in 2008, and the Distinguished Academic Leader of Harbin. Under his leading, Harbin Chapter won IEEE ComSoc Chapter of the Year Award, Asia Pacific Region Chapter Achievement Award, and personal Member & Global Activities Contribution Award in 2018. In 2021, he won the Best Paper Award of IEEE System Journal. ACADEMIC AWARDS 名称 Yiliang Liu, Hsiao-Hwa Chen, Liangmin Wang and Weixiao Meng, Artificial Noisy MIMO Systems Under Correlated Scattering Rayleigh Fading—A Physical Layer Security Approach, 2021 IEEE Systems Journal Best Paper Award “Research and Application of Intelligent Control Device for Oil Production and Inspection Monitoring System”. Second Prize for Science and Technology Progress, Tianjin, 2019 2018 IEEE ComSoc Chapter of the Year Award 2018 IEEE ComSoc Asia Pacific Region Chapter Achievement Award 2018 IEEE ComSoc Member & Global Activities Contribution Award “Multi-source Fusion High Precision Indoor and Outdoor Seamless Positioning and Navigation Technology”, Second Class Awards for Technique Inventions, Heilongjiang Province, 2017 Shuai Han, Yi Zhang, Weixiao Meng and Ningqing Liu. Power Allocation for Full Duplex Decode-and-Forward Cooperative Relay System, The 10th EAI International Wireless Internet Conference (WiCON 2017), December 16-17, 2017, Tianjin, P.R. China. (BEST PAPER AWARD) Lin Li, Weixiao Meng. A Novel Bitwise Factor Graph Belief Propagation Detection Algorithm for Massive MIMO System. ChinaCom2016 2016 (BEST PAPER AWARD) Merhawit Berhane Teklu, Weixiao Meng, Yi Zhang, Lei Chen. Spectral Efficiency for Single-cell Full-duplex MU-MIMO system based on SLNR Precoding. ICEICT2016,2016 (BEST STUDENT PAPER AWARD) “Receiver Signal Processing Technologies of High Performance GNSS”, Second Class Awards for technique inventions, Heilongjiang Province, 2014 “Ultra-Wide Band High-Speed Wireless Access Theory and Verification Platform”, Second Class Awards for Natural Science, Heilongjiang Province, 2011. “Software Radio Based Terminal of BeiDou-1 Active Positioning System”, Second Class Awards for Technology Progress Heilongjiang Province, 2011. “Broadband Wireless Transmission Theory and Multi-antenna Space-time Signal Processing”, Second Class Awards for Natural Science Heilongjiang Province, 2009. “New Century Excellent Talents plan of MOEChina”, 2008. “Modern Telemetry and Telecontrol Technology”, Provincial education scientific research achievement of Heilongjiang Province for the work, 2006. Provincial excellent returnee, 2005. “Smart Autonomous Base Station Trunking Dispatch System”, Second Class Awards of Advancement in Technology COSTIND, 2003. “Wireless PCM Relay and Switching System”, Third Class Awards of Advancement in Technology COSTIND, 2000. “Wireless Command and Dispatch System for Police Automatic-level”, First Class Awards of Advancement in Technology COSTIND, 1999. “Subscriber Wireless Local Loop System”, Second Class Awards for Natural Science Heilongjiang Province, 1999. “Multifunctional Communication Command and Dispatch System”, Second Class Awards of Advancement in Technology CASIC, 1997. “Multi-channel Shared Communication and Alarm System”, Third Class Awards of Advancement in Technology CASIC, 1996. LIST OF DOCTORAL STUDENTS SUPERVISED 名称 Year 2006 (1) Xing Zhiqiang: Joint Space Time Block Code and Beamforming for Multiuser Multi-Antenna System (Co-supervised) Year 2007 (2) Shi Jing: Improvement of DOA Estimation Method and Genetic Composite Beamforming on Smart Antennas (Co-supervised) Year 2009 (3) Zhao Junyi: The Research on Channel Estimation Algorithms in MIMO-OFDM Wireless Communications Systems (Co-supervised) Year 2010 (4) Yu Qiyue: Research on Related Issues of 2-Dimensional Block Spread CDMA for Broadband Wireless Communications (Co-supervised) Year 2011 (5) Han Shuai: Research on Acquisition Technologies on GNSS High Sensitivity Signal Year 2012 (6) Han Yuhui: Cooperative Partners Selection Methods for Mobile Terminals with Multi-antenna (Co-supervised) Year 2013 (7) Wang Wenjing: Synchronization Algorithms and Its Applications on GNSS High Dynamic Signal (8) Zhang Guanghua: Positioning Technologies on Assistant GNSS System (9) Yang Hongjuan: Cooperative Pattern Study for Mobile Terminals with Multi-antenna (10)Nguyen Trung Tan: Research of Cooperative Relay Transmission Technology Based On Cognitive Radio Year 2014 (11)Liu Enxiao: Anti-interference Algorithms for GNSS terminals with Antenna Array (12)Ma Ruofei: Research on Coexistence Issues of Heterogeneous Communication Networks in Smart Grid (13)Sun Siyue: Broadband Wireless Communication based on Complementary Codes Year 2016 (14)Li Guodong: Research on Code Construction and System Design for CC-CDMA (15)Zou Deyue: Heterogeneous Wireless Systems Based Seamless Positioning Technologies Year 2017 (16)Chen Lei: Research on Power Allocation in Full-Duplex Wireless Communication Network (17)Merhawit Berhane Teklu: Spectral Efficiency Optimization of Full-Duplex Mu-Mimo Based on SLNR Scheme Year 2018 (18)Li Lin: Research on Low Complexity Detection Algorithm For Uplink Massive MIMO System (19)Zhao Wanlong: Research on Multi-Source Fusion Positioning Theory and Method Year 2019 (20)Liu Chunpeng: Research on Key Techniques for Dense D2d Communications Year 2020 (21)Xu Sai: Research on Secure Beamforming and Cooperative Jamming for Correlated Main and Wiretap Channels (22)Sun Wenbin: Theory and Method of Multiuser Opportunistic Beamforming In progress (23)Zhang Yi: TBD (24)Guo Jichong: TBD (25)Li Shuxun: TBD (26)Chen Qian: TBD (27)Li Yang: TBD PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES (TECHNICAL) 名称 Technical Volunteer Chair, IEEE Communications Society Harbin Chapter. (2012~ ) IEEE Senior Member. (2010~) Fellow, Chinese Institute of Electronics. (2016~) Journal Editorship Editorial Board, IEEE Wireless Communications. (2014~2020) Editorial Board, IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials (COMST).(2014~2017) Editorial Board Member, Wiley Journal of Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (WCMC). (2012~2017) Guest Editorial Board Member, Wiley Journal of Security Communications Networks (SCN). (2011~2014) Guest Editorial Board Member, ACM/Springer Journal of Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET). (2011~2014) Editorial Board, PHYCOM Journal. (2014~2016) Editorial Board, Telecommunications Science (in Chinese). (2017~) Editorial Board, Journal of Chinese Space Science and Technology. (2020~) International Conference Organization Committee Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks Symposium Co-Chair, 2020 IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC2020), Dublin, Ireland Workshop Co-Chair, 2020 International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communication (ICNC2020), Feb. 17-20, Hawaii, United States Technical Program Co-chair, 11th EAI International Conference on Ad Hoc Networks (ADHOCNETS 2019), Nov 18-21, 2019, Queenstown, New Zealand Publicity Co-Chair, 2019 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC2019), 11-13 August 2019, Changchun, China Technical Program Co-chair, 2019 EAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Communications and Networks (AICON2019). May 25-26, 2019, Harbin, China General Co-chair, 2019 EAI International Conference on Wireless and Satellite Systems(WiSAT 2019), Jan 12-13, 2019, Harbin, China Workshop Co-Chair, 2019 IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC2019), Shanghai, China Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks Symposium Co-Chair, IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (IEEE Globecom 2018) Integrated Networks for Space, Terrestrial and Oceanic Information Systems Co-Chair, IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China, 16-18 August 2018, Beijing, China Best Paper Award (BPA) Committee, 2018 IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC2018) Technical Program Committee (TPC) Co-Chair, the 11th International ICST Conference on Communications and Networking in China (Chinacom’16), Chongqing, China, September, 2016 Awards co-chair, 2015 IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC2015) Wireless Networking Symposia co-Chair, IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (IEEE Globecom 2015) Leading Track Chair, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, Service and Application Track, Shanghai, China, 7-10, April, 2013. Vice General Chair, 2011 4th Forefront Wireless Communications& Optical Communications and Network Technology. Harbin, China, August 14-16, 2011 Technical Program Committee (TPC) Leading Co-Chair, the Sixth International ICST Conference on Communications and Networking in China (Chinacom’11), Harbin, China, August 17-19, 2011 Technical Program Committee (TPC) Chair, 2010 3rd Forefront Wireless Communications& Optical Communications and Network Technology. Nanjing, China, December 1-3, 2010 Technical Program Committee (TPC) member (Wireless Communication and Networking), the 2009 IEEE GLOBECOM (GC’09), Hawaii, USA, November 2009 Technical Program Committee (TPC) member (Wireless LANs and Wireless PANs), the 2009 ACM International Conference on Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (IWCMC’09), Leipzig, Germany, June 2009. Technical Program Committee (TPC) member (Wireless Communication and Networking), the 2009 Canadian Electrical and Computer Engineering Conference (CCECE’09), St. John’s, NL, Canada, May 2009. Technical Program Committee (TPC) member (Wireless LANs and Wireless PANs), the 2008 ACM International Conference on Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (IWCMC’08), Crete Island, Greece, August 2008. Technical Program Committee (TPC) member (Networking Security and Information Assurance), the 2008 International Conference on Communications and Networking in China (ChinaCom’08), Hangzhou, China, August 2008. 出版书籍(BOOKS) 名称 孟维晓,王钢. 《现代无线电测控技术》, 电子工业出版社,2003.11(55.2万字) 孟维晓,马永奎,高玉龙译. 《辅助GPS原理与应用》,电子工业出版社,2013.01(50.4万字) 孟维晓,韩帅,迟永钢. 《卫星定位导航原理》. 哈尔滨工业大学出版社,2013. 09(45.2万字) 韩帅,孟维晓,彭木根译. 《分子通信与纳米网络:基础理论到实用系统》, 哈尔滨工业大学出版社. 2017.04 (22万字) 杨明川,丁睿,郭庆,孟维晓. 《卫星移动信道传播特性分析与建模》,人民邮电出版社,2020.12(28.3万字) 期刊论文(JOURNAL PAPERS) 名称 孟维晓, 张乃通. Dynamic Optimal CCI Weight Channel Pre-evaluative Assignment in Adaptive Array Antenna System. Chinese Journal of Electronics. 2001, 10 (2): 264-269 Xing Zhiqiang, Meng Weixiao and Zhou Tingxian. A Novel Spatial-Temporal Propagation Model for Multi-antenna System in Urban Environment. Chinese Journal of Electronics. 2006, 15(2): 313-318 Meng Weixiao, Wang Zheng. On a Novel Subcarrier Allocation Scheme based on Hungarian Method for OFDMA system. Chinese Journal of Electronics. 2008, 17(1): 130-135 Qiyue Yu, Fumiyuki Adachi, Weixiao Meng. Adaptive Code Assignment Algorithm for A Multi-user/Multi-rate CDMA System. IEICE Transactions on Communications. 2009, E92-B(05):1600-1607 张成文,廖明宏,张中兆,孟维晓. Resource allocation for multiuser STBC-BF MIMO-OFDM downlink with imperfect channel information. JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND ELECTRONICS. 2009, 20(4): 687-693 Mu Zhou, Ying Sun, Yubin Xu, Zhi‘an Deng, Weixiao Meng. WLAN Indoor Location Method Based on Artificial Neural Network. High Technology Letters. Vol.16, No.3, Sep., 2010, pp. 227-234 韩帅, 王文静, 陈曦, 孟维晓. 基于UKF准开环结构的高动态载波跟踪环路. 航空学报, 2010, 31(12): 2393-2399(导航863, EI: 20110313600961) 王文静,陈曦,孟维晓. 基于UKF 的GNSS高动态载波跟踪环路设计与性能分析. 高技术通讯. 2011,21(9): 898-902(导航863, EI: 20114314457832) Qiyue Yu, Weixiao Meng, Fumiyuki Adachi. An adaptive weighted clustering algorithm for cooperative communications. IEICE Transactions on Communications, v E94-B, n12, December 2011: 3251-3258 Wang Tianqi*, Li Cheng, Meng Weixiao, Chen Hsiao-Hwa, Guizani Mohsen. EM-Based Adaptive Frequency Domain Estimation of Doppler Shifts with CRLB Analysis for CDMA Systems. IEEE Transactions on Communications. January,2012, 60(1): 198-208 Xianye Ben, Weixiao Meng, Rui Yan. Dual-ellipse fitting approach for robust gait periodicity detection. Neurocomputing. March 2012, 79(1):173-178 Ben, XY; Jiang, MY; Wu, YJ; Meng, WX. Gait feature coupling for low-resolution face recognition. ELECTRONICS LETTERS. 2012, 48(9): 488-489 Ben Xianye, Meng Weixiao, Yan, Rui, Wang, Kejun. An improved biometrics technique based on metric learning approach. Neurocomputing, November 2012, (97): 44-51 Meng Weixiao, Liu Enxiao, Han Shuai, Yu Qiyue. Research and development on satellite positioning and navigation in China. IEICE Transactions on Communications, 2012, E95-B(11): 3385-3392 Leung Victor C.M., Adachi Fumiyuki, Meng Weixiao, Liang Qilian. MONET Special Half-Issue "Recent Advances on Communications and Networking in China". Mobile Networks and Applications, 2013, 18(2): 171-173 Ruofei Ma*, Hisao-Hwa Chen, Yu-Ren Huang, and Weixiao Meng, “Smart Grid Communications: Its Challenges and Opportunities”, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2013, 4(1): 36-46 Yang Hongjuan, Li Bo, Meng Weixiao*. Performance analysis of physical-layer network coding in decode-and-forward cooperative communications. Information Technology Journal. 2013, 12(6): 1220-1226 Li Shao-Qian, Chen Zhi, Yu Qi-Yue, Meng Wei-Xiao and Tan Xue-Zhi. Toward future public safety communications: The broadband wireless trunking project in china. IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine. 2013, 8(2): 55-63 Qiyue Yu, Weixiao Meng*, Shu Lin. Packet Loss Recovery Scheme with Uniquely-decodable Codes for Streaming Multimedia over P2P Networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications. 2013, 9(31): 142-154 Yishuai Chen*, Baoxian Zhang, Changjia Chen, WeixiaoMeng and Cheng Li. Performance Investigation on Request Collisions in Peer-To-Peer Live Streaming Systems:Problems and Algorithms. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 2013, 9(31): 189-199 Meng Wei-Xiao, Sun Si-Yue, Chen Hsiao-Hwa and Li Jin-Qiang. Multi-user interference cancellation in complementary coded CDMA with diversity gain. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters. 2013, 2(3): 303-306 Ben Xianye*, Meng Weixiao, Yan, Rui and Wang, Kejun.Kernel coupled distance metric learning for gait recognition and face recognition. Neurocomputing, Novernber, 2013, 120(SI): 577-589 Yu Qi-Yue, Meng Wei-Xiao*, Adachi Fumiyuki. Two-dimensional block-spread CDMA relay using virtual-four-antenna STCDTD. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2013, 62(8): 3813-3827 Meng Weixiao*, Chen Xi, Li Cheng, Zhang Baoxian, Zhang Zhongzhao. UKF-based iterative channel estimation using two-Dimensional block spread coding for uplink transmission in multicarrier CDMA networks. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2013, 62(9): 4444-4457 Mo Yun, Zhang Zhongzhao, Meng Weixiao, Ma Lin, Wang Yao. A spatial division clustering method and low dimensional feature extraction technique based indoor positioning system. Sensors, 2014, 14(1): 1850-1876 Weixiao Meng*, Ruofei Ma, and Hsiao-Hwa Chen, “Smart Grid Neighborhood Area Networks - A Survey”, IEEE Network,2014,28(1):24-32 Han Shuai, Venkatesan R., Chen Hsiao-Hwa, Meng Weixiao, Li Cheng, Yang Pei-Yu. A complete complementary coded MIMO system and its performance in multipath channels. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, April 2014, 3(2): 181-184 Liang QL, Leung VCM, Meng WX, Adachi, F. Cooperative Communications and Sensing. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (WCMC). Sept., 2014, 14(13): 1201-1203 Siyue Sun, Qiyue Yu, Weixiao Meng*, Hsiao-Hwa Chen*, Evolution from symbol-level space-time coded MIMO to chip-level space-time coded MIMO: A review, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (WCMC). 2014, 14(13): 1219-1230 Qiyue Yu, Weixiao Meng*, and Fumiyuki Adachi. Combined code reuse scheme with two-dimensional OVSF codes assignment algorithm for uplink multi-user/multi-rate block spread multi-cellular CDMA. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (WCMC). 2014, 14(13): 1314-1328 Xiaoming Chen, Hsiao-Hwa Chen*, and Weixiao Meng. Cooperative Communications for Cognitive Radio Networks - from Theory to Applications. IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials. Sept., 2014, 16(3): 1180-1192 Mo Yun, Zhang Zhongzhao*, Lu Yang, Meng Weixiao, Agha Gul. Random Forest Based Coarse Locating and KPCA Feature Extraction for Indoor Positioning System. MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING, 2014 Shi Yuwei, Yu Qiyue, Meng Weixiao*, Zhang Zhongzhao. Maximum product of effective channel gains: An innovative user selection algorithm for downlink multi-user multiple input and multiple output. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2014, 14(18): 1732-1740 Sun SY, Chen HH, Meng WX*. A Survey on Complementary-Coded MIMO CDMA Wireless Communications. IEEE COMMUNICATIONS SURVEYS AND TUTORIALS. 2015, 17(1): 52-69 Yang Hongjuan, Chong Peter H. J., Meng Weixiao*, Li Bo, Guan Yong Liang. Cooperative quadrature physical layer network coding in wireless relay networks. International Journal of Communication Systems, 2015, 28(1): 112-126 Sun Siyue, Chen Chih-Wei, Chu Shin-Wei, Chen Hsiao-Hwa*, Meng Weixiao. Multiuser-Interference-Free Space-Time Spreading MIMO Systems Based on Three-Dimensional Complementary Codes. IEEE Systems Journal, 2015, 9(1): 45-57 Li Guo-Dong, Meng Wei-Xiao*, Chen Hsiao-Hwa. I/Q Column-Wise Complementary Codes for Interference-Resistant CDMA Communication Systems. IEEE Systems Journal. 2015, 9(1): 4-12 Ben Xianye*, Jiang Mingyan, Yan Rui, Meng Weixiao, Zhang, Peng. Orthogonal multilinear discriminant analysis and its subblock tensor analysis version. Optik, 2015, 126(3): 361-367 Chen L, Han S, Meng WX*, Optimal Power Allocation for Dual-Hop Full-Duplex Decode-and-Forward Relay. IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS. 2015, 19(3): 471-474 Enxiao Liu, Weixiao Meng*, and Shuai Han. A dense overlapped linear subarray architecture for interference suppressing in small-scale arrays. International Journal of Communication Systems, 2015, 28(5): 990-1000 Sun Si-Yue, Chen Hsiao-Hwa, Meng Wei-Xiao. A Framework to Construct Three-Dimensional Complementary Codes for Multiuser MIMO Systems. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 2015, 64(7) : 2861-2874 Han Shuai, Gong Zijun, Meng Weixiao*, Li Cheng. An indoor radio propagation model considering angles for WLAN infrastructures. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2015, 15(16): 2038-2048 Yu Qi-Yue, Zhang De-You, Chen Hsiao-Hwa, Meng Wei-Xiao#. Physical-Layer Network Coding Systems With MFSK Modulation. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2016, 65(1): 204-213 Yu Qi-Yue, Li Ya-Tian, Xiang Wei, Meng Wei-Xiao*, Tang Wen-Yan. Power Allocation for Distributed Antenna Systems in Frequency-Selective Fading Channels. IEEE Transactions on Communications. Jan. 2016, 64(1): 212-222 Yu Qi-Yue, Meng Wei-Xiao*, Yang Ming-Chuan, Zheng Li-Ming and Zhang Zhong-Zhao VIRTUAL MULTI-BEAMFORMING FOR DISTRIBUTED SATELLITE CLUSTERS IN SPACE INFORMATION NETWORKS. IEEE Wireless Communications. 2016, 23(1): 95-101 Han Shuai, Luo Desi, Meng Weixiao*, Li Cheng. Antispoofing RAIM for Dual-Recursion Particle Filter of GNSS Calculation. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems. 2016, 15(2): 836-851 Chen Lei, Han Shuai, Meng Weixiao*, Li Cheng. Power Allocation for Single-Stream Dual-Hop Full-Duplex Decode-and-Forward MIMO Relay. IEEE Communications Letters. 2016, 20(4): 740-743 Ben Xianye*, Meng Weixiao, Wang Kejun, Yan Rui. An adaptive neural networks formulation for the two-dimensional principal component analysis. Neural Computing and Applications, 2016, 27(5): 1245-1261 Chen Shuyi, Ma Ruofei, Chen Hsiao-Hwa*, Meng Weixiao. A Segmented Packet Collision Model for Smart Utility Networks Under WLAN Interferences. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. 2016, 15(5): 3506-3517 Zhao Wanlong, Han Shuai, Meng Weixiao*, Zou Deyue. A Testbed of Performance Evaluation for Fingerprint Based WLAN Positioning System. KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems. 2016, 10(6): 2583-2605 Han Shuai, Gong Zijun, Meng Weixiao*, Li Cheng. Automatic Precision Control Positioning for Wireless Sensor Network. IEEE Sensors Journal. 2016, 16(7): 2140-2150 Sun Si-Yue*, Hu Yin-Long, Chen Hsiao-Hwa, Meng Wei-Xiao. Joint Pre-Equalization and Adaptive Combining for CC-CDMA Systems Over Asynchronous Frequency-Selective Fading Channels. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2016, 65(7): 5175-5184 Ben Xianye, Zhang Peng, Meng Weixiao, Yan Rui, Yang Mingqiang, Liu Wenhe and Zhang Hui. On the distance metric learning between cross-domain gaits Neurocomputing. October 5, 2016, v208 :153-164 Qiu Yang, Chen Hsiao-Hwa, Meng Wei-Xiao. Channel modeling for visible light communications—a survey. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, October, 2016, 16(14): 2016-2034 Li Lin, Meng Weixiao*, Ju Shihao. A novel artificial bee colony detection algorithm for massive MIMO system. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing. 2016, 16(17): 3139-3152 Ma Ruofei, Chen Shuyi, Chen Hsiao-Hwa and Meng Weixiao. Coexistence of Smart Utility Networks and WLANs in Smart Grid Systems. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. 2016, 15(12): 8313-8324 Zou Deyue, Meng Weixiao*, Han, Shuai. TOWARD UBIQUITOUS LBS: MULTI-RADIO LOCALIZATION AND SEAMLESS POSITIONING. IEEE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS. DEC 2016, 23(6): 107-113 Han Shuai, Gong Zijun, Meng Weixiao. FUTURE ALTERNATIVE POSITIONING, NAVIGATION, AND TIMING TECHNIQUES: A SURVEY. IEEE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS. DEC 2016, 23(6): 154-160 Liu Xiqing, Chen Hsiao-Hwa, Chen Shuyi and Meng Weixiao. Symbol Cyclic-Shift Equalization Algorithm-A CP-Free OFDM/OFDMA System Design. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY. JAN 2017, 66(1): 282-294 Ma Ruofei, Chen Hsiao-Hwa, Meng Weixiao. Dynamic Spectrum Sharing for the Coexistence of Smart Utility Networks and WLANs in Smart Grid Communications. IEEE NETWORK. JAN-FEB 2017, 31(1): 88-96 Chen Shuyi, Ma Ruofei, Chen Hsiao-Hwa, Zhang Hong, Meng Weixiao. Machine-to-Machine Communications in Ultra-Dense Networks - A Survey. IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials. 2017, 19(3): 1478-1503 Han Shuai, Chen Lei, Meng, Weixiao* and Li Cheng. Improve the Security of GNSS Receivers through Spoofing Mitigation. IEEE ACCESS 2017, 5:21057-21069 Liu Chun-Peng, He Chen-Guang, Meng Wei-Xiao*. A Tractable Multi-RATs Offloading Scheme on D2D Communications. IEEE ACCESS 2017, 5: 20841-20851 Sun, Yongliang; Meng, Weixiao; Li, Cheng. Human Localization Using Multi-Source Heterogeneous Data in Indoor Environments. IEEE ACCESS 2017, 5: 812-822 Li Lin, Meng Weixiao, Li Cheng. Semidefinite further relaxation on likelihood ascent search detection algorithm for high-order modulation in massive MIMO system. IET COMMUNICATIONS. APR 2017, 11(6): 801-808 Yu Qi-Yue, Guo Ji-Chong, Gao Shu-Ying and Meng Wei-Xiao. Minimum Sum-Mean-Square-Error Frequency-Domain Pre-Coding for Downlink Multi-User MIMO System in the Frequency-Selective Fading Channel. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS. JUN 2017, 16(6): 3573-3589 Chen Lei, Zhu Qiping, Meng Weixiao and Hua Yingbo. Fast Power Allocation for Secure Communication With Full-Duplex Radio. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING. JUL, 2017, 65(14): 3846-3861 Liu Xi-Qing, Chen Hsiao-Hwa, Lyu Bo-Yu, Meng Wei-Xiao. Symbol Cyclic Shift Equalization PAM-OFDM-A Low Complexity CP-Free OFDM Scheme. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY. July, 2017, 66(7): 5933-5946 Chen Lei, Meng Weixiao, Hua Yingbo. Optimal power allocation for a full-duplex multicarrier decode-forward relay system with or without direct link. SIGNAL PROCESSING. Aug. 2017, 137: 177-191 Berhane Teklu Merhawit, Meng Wei-Xiao, Chen Lei and Li Cheng. SLNR-Based Precoding for Single Cell Full-Duplex MU-MIMO Systems. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY. Sep. 2017, 66(9): 7877-7887 Chen Shuyi, Zhao Tianyu, Chen Hsiao-Hwa, Lu Zhiping and Meng Weixiao. Performance Analysis of Downlink Coordinated Multipoint Joint Transmission in Ultra-Dense Networks. IEEE NETWORK. Sep. 2017, 31(5): 106-114 Han Shuai, Xu Sai, Meng Weixiao, and Li Cheng. An Agile Confidential Transmission Strategy Combining Big Data Driven Cluster and OBF. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY. 2017, 66(11): 10259-10270 Han Shuai, Guo Cheng, Meng Weixiao and Li Cheng. A flexible resource scheduling scheme for an adaptive SCMA system. Computer Networks. 2017, 129(SI):384-391 Shuyi Chen, Tianyu Zhao, Hsiao-Hwa Chen, Weixiao Meng. Downlink Coordinated Multi-Point Transmission in Ultra-Dense Networks with Mobile Edge Computing. IEEE Network. 2018,33(2): 152 –159 Liu Xiqing, Syu Hong-Ming, Chen Hsiao-Hwa, Meng Weixiao and Wei Meng. Complementary Coded Scrambling Multiple Access and Its Performance in Downlink MIMO Channels. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS. FEB 2018, 17(2): 835-847 Zhao Wanlong, Han Shuai, Hu Rose Qingyang, Meng Weixiao and Jia Ziqing. Crowdsourcing and Multisource Fusion-Based Fingerprint Sensing in Smartphone Localization. IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL. April, 2018, 18(8): 3236-3247 Qiu Yang, Chen Shuyi, Chen Hsiao-Hwa and Meng Weixiao. VISIBLE LIGHT COMMUNICATIONS BASED ON CDMA TECHNOLOGY. IEEE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS. April 2018, 25(2): 178-185 Liu, Chun-Peng, He, Chen-Guang and Meng, Wei-Xiao, Analysis of D2D-pairing scheme based on Voronoi diagram in cellular networks. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS. April, 2018, 31(6): Han Shuai, Xu Sai, Meng Weixiao* and Li Cheng. Dense-Device-Enabled Cooperative Networks for Efficient and Secure Transmission. IEEE NETWORK, April, 2018, 32(2): 100-106 Liu Xiqing, Chen Hsiao-Hwa, Wang Xiang, Meng, Weixiao. Time domain precoding for OFDM/OFDMA systems without cyclic prefix. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2018, 67(6): 5510-5514 Han Shuai, Zhang Yi, Meng Weixiao*, Chen Hsiao-Hwa. Self-interference-cancelation-based SLNR precoding design for full-duplex relay-assisted system. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2018, 67(9): 8249-8262 Sun Yongliang, He Yu, Meng Weixiao, Zhang Xinggan. Voronoi diagram and crowdsourcing-based radio map interpolation for GRNN fingerprinting localization using WLAN. Sensors. 2018, 18(10) Han Shuai, Zhang Yi, Meng Weixiao*, Zhang Zhensheng. Precoding Design for Full-Duplex Transmission in Millimeter Wave Relay Backhaul. Mobile Networks and Applications. October 1, 2018, 23(5): 1416-1426 Sun Wenbin, Yu Qiyue, Meng Weixiao*, Leung Victor C.M. Transmission mechanism and performance analysis of multiuser opportunistic beamforming in rayleigh and rician fading channels. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2018, 67(10): 9459-9473 Liu Tianqi, Han Shuai, Meng Weixiao, Li Cheng, Peng Mugen. Dynamic power allocation scheme with clustering based on physical layer security. IET Communications, 2018,12(20), 2546-2551. Shuai Han ; Yi Li ; Weixiao Meng* ; Cheng Li ; Tianqi Liu ; Yanbo Zhang. Indoor Localization With Single Wi-Fi Access Point Based on OFDM-MIMO. IEEE Systems Journal, 2019, 13(1): 964 – 972. Xiaonan Liu ; Zan Li ; Nan Zhao ; Weixiao Meng ; Guan Gui ; Yunfei Chen ; Fumiyuki Adachi. Transceiver Design and Multihop D2D for UAV IoT Coverage in Disasters. IEEE Internet of Things Journal . 2019, 6(2): 1803 – 1815. Yi Zhang, Ming Xiao, Shuai Han, Mikael Skoglund, Weixiao Meng. On Precoding and Energy Efficiency of Full-Duplex Millimeter-Wave Relays. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. 2019, 18(3): 1943 – 1956. Sai Xu ; Shuai Han ; Yanan Du ; Weixiao Meng ; Lei He ; Chengwen Zhang. AN-Aided Secure Beamforming Design for Correlated MISO Wiretap Channels. IEEE Communications Letters. 2019, 23(4): 628 – 631. Ben Xianye, Zhang,Peng, Lai Zhihui, Yan Rui, Zhai Xinliang,Meng Weixiao. A general tensor representation framework for cross-view gait recognition. PATTERN RECOGNITION. June 2019, 90: 87-98 Xiqing Liu ; Hsiao-Hwa Chen ; Weixiao Meng ; Bo-Yu Lyu. Successive Multipath Interference Cancellation for CP-Free OFDM Systems. IEEE Systems Journal. June 2019, 13(2): 1125 – 1134. Sai Xu ; Shuai Han ; Wei-Xiao Meng ; Yanan Du ; Lei He. Multiple-Jammer-Aided Secure Transmission With Receiver-Side Correlation. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. 2019, 18(6): 3093 – 3103 Qi-Yue Yu ; Huan-Ying Li ; Wei-Xiao Meng ; Wei Xiang. Sparse Code Multiple Access Asynchronous Uplink Multiuser Detection Algorithm. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 2019, 68(6): 5557 – 5569 Xianye Ben, Gong Chen Gong, Peng Zhang, Xitong, Jia Qiang Wu, Weixiao Meng. Coupled Patch Alignment for Matching Cross-View Gaits. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2019, 28 (6): 3142-3157 Han Shuai, Xu Sai, Meng Weixiao, Li, Cheng. Improving secrecy for correlated main and wiretap channels using cooperative Jamming. IEEE Access. 2019, 7: 23788 – 23797 Shuai Han ; Yiteng Huang ; Weixiao Meng ; Cheng Li ; Nuo Xu ; Dageng Chen. Optimal Power Allocation for SCMA Downlink Systems Based on Maximum Capacity. IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2019, 6(7): 1480 - 1489 Wanlong Zhao; Shuai Han; Weixiao Meng*; Dajun Sun; Rose Qingyang Hu. BSDP: Big Sensor Data Preprocessing in Multi-Source Fusion Positioning System Using Compressive Sensing. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 2019, 68(9): 8866-8880. Han, Shuai Han; Yi Zhang; Weixiao Meng; Cheng Li; Zhensheng Zhang. Full-Duplex Relay-Assisted Macrocell with Millimeter Wave Backhauls: Framework and Prospects. IEEE Network. Sep-Oct., 2019, 33(5): 190-197 Merhawit Berhane Teklu; Wei-Xiao Meng*; Cheng Li. Spectral efficiency evaluation of full-duplex mode of communications based on SLNR approach. International Journal of Communication Systems. Oct., 2019, 32(15). e4006 Zhang Wenbin, Wei Yuming, Wu Shaochuan, Meng, Weixiao*, Xiang Wei. Joint Beam and Resource Allocation in 5G mmWave Small Cell Systems. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY, 2019, 68(10): 10272-10277 Yu Qi-Yue, Chen,Hsiao-Hwa, Meng Wei-Xiao. A Unified Multiuser Coding Framework for Multiple-Access Technologies. IEEE SYSTEMS JOURNAL. Dec. 2019, 13(4): 3781-3792 Yu Qi-Yue, Li, Ya-Tian, Meng, Wei-Xiao and Xiang, Wei. Uniquely Decodable Codes for Physical-Layer Network Coding in Wireless Cooperative Communications. IEEE SYSTEMS JOURNAL. Dec. 2019, 13(4): 3956-3967 Guo Ji-Chong, Yu Qi-Yue, Sun Wen-Bin, Meng Wei-Xiao, Xiang Wei. Hybrid Pre-Coding Based on Minimum SMSE Considering Insertion Loss in mmWave Communications. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS. 2019, 67(12): 8707-8724 Xu Sai, Han Shuai*, Meng Weixiao, He Lei. QoS-Based Robust Cooperative-Jamming-Aided Beamforming for Correlated Wiretap Channels. IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING LETTERS, 2020, 27: 216-220 Qiu Yang, Chen Hsiao-Hwa* Li Jinqiang, Meng Weixiao. VLC-CDMA Systems Based on Optical Complementary Codes. IEEE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS. FEB. 2020, 27(1): 147-153 Chen Shuyi, Liu Xiqing, Zhao Tianyu, Chen Hsiao-Hwa*, Meng Weixiao. Performance Analysis of Joint Transmission Schemes in Ultra-Dense Networks - A Unified Approach. IEEE-ACM TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORKING. FEB. 2020: 28(1): 154-167 Xu Sai, Han Shuai*, Meng Weixiao. Correlation-Based Cooperative Jamming to Enhance Secrecy With Receiver-Side Correlation. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY. 2020, 69(2): 1903-1912 Ben Xianye*, Gong Chen, Zhang Peng, Meng Weixiao. Coupled Bilinear Discriminant Projection for Cross-View Gait Recognition. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY. MAR. 2002, 30(3): 734-747(2020年高被引) Xu Sai, Han Shuai*, Meng, Weixiao. Correlation-Based Secure Transmission for Correlated MISO Wiretap Channels. IEEE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS. 2020, 9(3):302-305 Guo Ji-Chong, Yu Qi-Yue*, Meng Wei-Xiao. Energy-Efficient Hybrid Precoder With Adaptive Overlapped Subarrays for Large-Array mmWave Systems. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS. 2020, 19(3): ?1484-1502 Sun Wen-Bin, Yu Qi-Yue*, Guo Ji-Chong, Meng Weixiao*. A Joint Iterative Optimal Resource Allocation Algorithm for Non-Orthogonal Multi-User and Multi-Weight Opportunistic Beamforming Systems. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY, 2020, 69(3): 2864-2877 Xu Sai, Han Shuai*, Meng Weixiao. Robust Beamforming Design for Correlated MISO Wiretap Channels Under Channel Uncertainty. IEEE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS. 2020, 9(4): 553-557 Zou Deyue, Chen Shuyi, Han Shuai*, Meng Weixiao. Design of a Practical WSN Based Fingerprint Localization System. MOBILE NETWORKS & APPLICATIONS. APRIL, 2020, 25(2): 806-818 Liu Yiliang, Chen Hsiao-Hwa*, Wang Liangmin, Meng Weixiao. Artificial Noisy MIMO Systems Under Correlated Scattering Rayleigh Fading-A Physical Layer Security Approach. IEEE SYSTEMS JOURNAL. JUNE, 2020, 14(2): 2121-2132 Liu Yiliang, Wang Wei, Chen Hsiao-Hwa*, Wang Liangmin , Cheng Nan, Meng Weixiao, Shen Xuemin. Secrecy Rate Maximization via Radio Resource Allocation in Cellular Underlaying V2V Communications. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY, July 2020, 69(7): 7281-7294 Sun Yongliang*, Meng Weixiao, Li Cheng. Panoramic Camera-Based Human Localization Using Automatically Generated Training Data. IEEE ACCESS. 2020, 8: ? 48836-48845 Li Lin* Hou Huijun, Meng Weixiao. Convolutional-Neural-Network-Based Detection Algorithm for Uplink Multiuser Massive MIMO Systems. IEEE ACCESS. 2020, 8: 64250-64265 Wang Xiang , Liu Xiqing, Chen Hsiao-Hwa*, Meng Weixiao. Complementary Coded CDMA Systems with CP-Free OFDM. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, October 2020, 69(10): 11515-11528 Chen Qian, Meng Weixiao*, Han Shuai, Li Cheng. Service-Oriented Fair Resource Allocation and Auction for Civil Aircrafts Augmented Space-Air-Ground Integrated Networks. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, November 2020, 69(11): 13658-13672 Zhang Yi, Xiao Ming, Han Shuai*, Skoglund, Mikael, Meng Weixiao. Power Scaling of Full-Duplex Two-Way Millimeter-Wave Relay With Massive MIMO. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY. Dec. 2020, 69(12): 15298-15313. Luo Xuewen, Chen Hsiao-Hwa*, Meng Weixiao. How Much Can Radio Resource Allocation Help to Improve Secrecy Capacity of V2V Underlay Cellular Networks? IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY. Dec. 2020, 69(12): 14932-14944. Bai Junhang, Sun Yongliang*, Meng Weixiao, Li Cheng. Wi-Fi Fingerprint-Based Indoor Mobile User Localization Using Deep Learning. WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS & MOBILE COMPUTING. Jan. 2021, 2021. Chen Qian, Meng Weixiao*, He Chenguang. Graph-Based Resource Allocation for Air-Ground Integrated Networks. MOBILE NETWORKS & APPLICATIONS. Jan. 2021. Zheng Jun*, Li Cheng, Chong Peter Han Joo, Meng Weixiao. MONET Special Issue on Towards Future Ad Hoc Networks: Technologies and Applications (II). MOBILE NETWORKS & APPLICATIONS. Jan. 2021. Han Shuai*, Xu Sai*, Meng Weixiao*, He Lei. Channel-Correlation-Enabled Transmission Optimization for MISO Wiretap Channels. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS, Feb. 2021, 20(2): 858-870. Liu Yiliang*, Wang Wei, Chen Hsiao-Hwa, Lyu Feng, Wang Liangmin, Meng Weixiao, Shen Xuemin. Physical Layer Security Assisted Computation Offloading in Intelligently Connected Vehicle Networks. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS. Jun. 2021, 20(6), 3555-3570. Chen Qian, Meng Weixiao*, Han Shuai, Li Cheng, Chen Hsiao-Hwa. Reinforcement Learning-Based Energy-Efficient Data Access for Airborne Users in Civil Aircrafts-Enabled SAGIN. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GREEN COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING. Jun. 2021, 5(2): 934-949. Chen Shuyi*, Zhao Tianyu, Chen Hsiao-Hwa, Meng Weixiao. Network Densification and Path-Loss Models Versus UDN Performance-A Unified Approach. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS. Jul. 2021, 20(7): 4058-4071. Luo Xuewen, Liu Yiliang, Chen Hsiao-Hwa*, Meng Weixiao. Artificial Noise Assisted Secure Mobile Crowd Computing in Intelligently Connected Vehicular Networks. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY. Aug. 2021, 70(8), 7637-7651. Ma Ruofei, Wang Ruisong, Liu Gongliang*, Meng Weixiao, Liu Xiqing. UAV-Aided Cooperative Data Collection Scheme for Ocean Monitoring Networks. IEEE INTERNET OF THINGS JOURNAL. Sep. 2021, 8(17): 13222-13236. Guo Ji-Chong, Yu Qi-Yue*, Sun Wen-Bin, Meng Wei-Xiao. Robust Efficient Hybrid Pre-Coding Scheme for mmWave Cell-Free and User-Centric Massive MIMO Communications. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. Dec. 2021, 20(12): 8006-8022. Li Shuxun, Chen Qian, Li Zhe, Meng Weixiao*, Li Cheng. Civil Aircraft Assisted Space-Air-Ground Integrated Networks: Architecture Design and Coverage Analysis. China Communications. Jan., 2022, 19(1): 29-39 Wu Shaochuan, Wei Yuming, Zhang Shuo, Meng Weixiao*. Proportional-Fair Resource Allocation for User-Centric Networks. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Feb., 2022, 71(2): 1549-1561 Chen Qian, Meng Weixiao, He Chenguang. Graph-Based Resource Allocation for Air-Ground Integrated Networks. Mobile Networks and Applications. April 2022, 27(2): 492-501 Chen Qian, Meng Weixiao*, Li Shuxun, Li Cheng, Chen Hsiao-Hwa. Civil Aircrafts Augmented Space-Air-Ground-Integrated Vehicular Networks: Motivation, Breakthrough, and Challenges. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. April, 2022, 9(8): 5670-5683 Liu Chunpeng*, Meng Wei-Xiao, Li Cheng, Ma Maode. Active Computing Toward 5G Internet of Things. IEEE Wireless Communications. April, 2022, 29(2): 124-130 Zhang Yi, Han Shuai*, Meng Weixiao, Li Xunan, Chen Yue. Asymptotic Analysis and Precoding Design of Integrated Access and Backhaul in Full-Duplex mmWave Networks. China Communications. May, 2022, 19(5): 24-45 Han Shuai*, Li Jixi, Meng Weixiao, Guizani Mohsen, Sun Siyue. Challenges of Physical Layer Security in a Satellite-Terrestrial Network. IEEE Network. May, 2022, 36(3): 98-104 Sun Wen-Bin, Meng Wei-Xiao*, Guo Ji-Chong, Li Cheng. Multiuser MIMO Opportunistic Beamforming Communications: State-of-the-Art and Perspectives. IEEE Wireless Communications. June, 2022, 29(3): 95-101 Sun Wen-Bin, Meng Wei-Xiao*, Guo Ji-Chong, Li Cheng. Fairness-Based Resource Allocation for Multiple Weights Opportunistic Beamforming in Internet of Things Networks. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. June, 2022, 9(12): 10022-10035 Wu Shaochuan, Liu Luyang, Zhang Wenbin, Meng Weixiao*, Ye Qiang, Ma Yongkui. Revenue-Maximizing Resource Allocation for Multitenant Cell-Free Massive MIMO Networks. IEEE Systems Journal. June, 2022, 16(2): 3410-3421 Han Yingchao, Meng Weixiao*, Wang Xiaodong. Design and Experimental Analyses of an Accuracy Verification System for Airborne Target Tracking via Radar Guidance Systems. Applied Sciences-Basel. Jul 2022, 12(14) Chen Qian, Meng Weixiao*, Han Shuai, Li Cheng, Chen Hsiao-Hwa. Robust Task Scheduling for Delay-Aware IoT Applications in Civil Aircraft-Augmented SAGIN. IEEE Transaction on Communications. Aug. 2022, 70(8): 5368-5385. Li Shuxun, Chen Qian, Meng Weixiao*, Li Cheng. Civil Aircraft Assisted Space-Air-Ground Integrated Networks: An Innovative NTN of 5G and Beyond. IEEE Wireless Communications. Aug., 2022, 29(4): 64-71 Ben Xianye, Ren Yi, Zhang Junping, Wang Su-Jing*, Kpalma Kidiyo, Meng Weixiao, Liu Yong-Jin*. Video-Based Facial Micro-Expression Analysis: A Survey of Datasets, Features and Algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. Sept. 2022, 44 (9): 5826-5846(高被引) Lamas Felipe I. I.*, Pezoa, Jorge E. E., Godoy Sebastian E. E., Saavedra Gabriel A. A., Torres Sergio N. N., Montalva Gonzalo A. A., Meng Weixiao. Dual Reconstructive Autoencoder for Crowd Localization and Estimation in Density and FIDT Maps. IEEE Access. Nov. 2022, 10: 117399-117410 Li Zhiqiang, Wang Shiji, Han Shuai*, Meng Weixiao, Li Cheng. Joint Design of Beam Hopping and Multiple Access Based on Cognitive Radio for Integrated Satellite-Terrestrial Network. IEEE Network. JAN-FEB 2023, 37(1): 36-43 Chen Qian, Meng Weixiao*, Han Shuai, Li Cheng, Chen Hsiao-Hwa. IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking. Feb. 2023, 9(1): 223-238 Chen Qian, Meng Weixiao*, Quek Tony Q. S., Chen Shuyi. Multi-Tier Hybrid Offloading for Computation-Aware IoT Applications in Civil Aircraft-Augmented SAGIN. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications. Feb. 2023, 41(2): 399-417 Sun Wen-Bin, Xie Jian*, Yang Xin, Wang Ling*, Meng Wei-Xiao. Efficient Computation Offloading and Resource Allocation Scheme for Opportunistic Access Fog-Cloud Computing Networks. IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking. Apr. 2023, 9(2): 521-533 Han Yingchao, Meng Weixiao*, Tang Wei. Capsule-inferenced Object Detection for Remote Sensing Images. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 2023, 6: 5260-5270 Teklu Merhawit Berhane, Choi Dong-You*, Meng Wei-Xiao. Full-duplex multi-user MIMO communication systems performance optimization using leakage-based precoding. Scientific Reports. May 2023, 13 (1) 会议论文(CONFERENCE PAPERS) 名称 Qiyue Yu, Sha Wang, Weixiao Meng and Fumiyuki Adachi. Uplink Code Assignment Algorithm for A 2-Dimensional Block Spread CDMA Cellular System. The 12th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC2009), Sendai, Japan. Sep. 2009(国家自然科学基金2008) Qiyue Yu, Sha Wang, Weixiao Meng and Fumiyuki Adachi. 2-Dimensional Block Spread CDMA with frequency-domain Space-Time Coded Transmit Diversity. The 12th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC2009), Sendai, Japan. Sep. 2009(国家自然科学基金2008) Zhongzhao Zhang, Jingning Wang, Weixiao Meng. Gain and Cost Analysis in Cooperative Diversity Systems. The 12th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC2009), Sendai, Japan. Sep. 2009(国家自然科学基金2008) Qiyue Yu, Weixiao Meng, Bo Liu and Fumiyuki Adachi. Application of Cyclic Delay Transmit Diversity to uplink 2-Dimensional Block Spread CDMA with Frequency-Domain Equalization. The 20th Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications Symposium 2009 (PIMRC’09). Tokyo, Japan. Sep. 2009(国家自然科学基金2008, Ei: 20102212969046) Weixiao Meng, Yang Lu, and Sha Wang, Li Yan. A New Resource Allocation Algorithm for Single-User OFDM Systems. The 5th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing (WiCOM 2009), Beijing, China, Sept., 2009(国家自然科学基金2008, Ei:20100112610150) Weixiao Meng, Jiwei Wang,Lang Peng,Yubin Xu. ANFIS-based Wireless LAN indoor positioning algorithm. The 5th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing (WiCOM 2009), Beijing, China, Sept., 2009(国家自然科学基金2008,Ei:20100112610469) Han Shuai, Wan Qing, Wang Wen-jing, Meng Wei-xiao, Zhang Yi. Cooperative Acquisition Algorithms for New GNSS Signals. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, v 7651, 2010, International Conference on Space Information Technology 2009, ICSIT2009. Beijing, China, Nov. 26-27, 2009(导航863, EI: 20102413009352) Han Shuai, Ma Ruo-fei, Wang Wen-jing, Meng Wei-xiao, Zhang Yi. FFT-Based L1 C/A and L2c Combined Acquisition Techniques. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, v 7651, 2010, International Conference on Space Information Technology 2009, ICSIT2009. Beijing, China, Nov. 26-27, 2009(导航863, EI: 20102413009353) Wang Wen-jing, Chen Xi, Han Shuai, Meng Wei-xiao, Zhang Yi. A Novel High Dynamic Carrier Tracking Loop Using Unscented Kalman Filter. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, v 7651, 2010, International Conference on Space Information Technology 2009, ICSIT2009. Beijing, China, Nov. 26-27, 2009(导航863, EI: 20102413009319) Qiyue Yu, Na Zhang, Weixiao Meng and Fumiyuki Adachi, A Novel Stability Weighted Clustering Algorithm for Multi-hop Packet Radio Virtual Cellular Network, IEEE Wireless Communication Network Conference (WCNC2010), Sydney, Apr. 18-21, 2010. (国家自然科学基金2008, Ei: 20103113110353) Q.Y.Yu, N.Zhang, W.X. Meng and F. Adachi, A Novel Fairness Weighted Clustering Algorithm for Multi-hop Packet Radio Virtual Cellular Network, IEEE VTS APWCS2010, Taiwan, May, 2010. (国家自然科学基金2008) Qing Wan, Weixiao, Meng and Shuai Han. A FFT-based Space-Differential Cooperative Algorithm for In-Phase and Orthogonal Data/Pilot Signal Acquisition. 23rd International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation 2010, ION GNSS 2010 Portland, USA. Sept. 21-24, 2010: V4, 3290-3297. (导航863, EI: 20112814131729) Shuai. Han, Wenjing. Wang, Xi Chen, Weixiao, Meng. Design and Capability Analyze of High Dynamic Carrier Tracking Loop Based on UKF. 23rd International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation 2010, ION GNSS 2010 Portland, USA. Sept. 21-24, 2010: V3, 1960-1966. (导航863, EI: 20112814131601) Weixiao Meng, Xi Chen, Qiyue Yu, Zhongzhao Zhang. Joint UKF and MMSE Channel Estimation for Uplink 2-Dimensional Block Spread MC-CDMA with Cyclic Delay Transmit Diversity. 2010 IEEE Global Communications Conference, GLOBECOM 2010, Miami, USA. Dec. 5-10, 2010. (导航863, 国家自然科学基金2008, 新世纪人才计划, EI: 20110613650127, ISTP: BXG34) Yubin Xu, Zhi’an Deng, Weixiao Meng. An Indoor Positioning Algorithm with Kernel Direct Discriminant Analysis. 2010 IEEE Global Communications Conference, GLOBECOM 2010, Miami, USA. Dec. 5-10, 2010. (WLAN 863, EI : 20110613649874) Yubin Xu, Mu Zhou, Weixiao Meng, Lin Ma. Optimal KNN Positioning Algorithm via Theoretical Accuracy Criterion in WLAN Indoor Environment. 2010 IEEE Global Communications Conference, GLOBECOM 2010, Miami, USA. Dec. 5-10, 2010. (WLAN 863, EI: 20110613649874) Chen Xi, Li Cheng, Meng Weixiao, Zhang Zhongzhao. UKF based iterative joint channel estimation for uplink two dimensional block spread wireless networks. IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC2011), Kyoto, Japan. June 5-9, 2011(国家自然科学基金2008, EI: 20113514287577) Guanghua Zhang, Weixiao Meng, Jingqiu Ren, Yuwei Shi. Range Distance Compensation Algorithm for Assisted GNSS Positioning. 6th International ICST Conference on Communications and Networking (CHINACOM 2011), Harbin, August 17-19, 2011(Ei: 20121214869194) Deyue Zou, Wenjing Wang, Shuai Han and Weixiao Meng, Design of High Sensitivity GPS Signal Acquisition Circuit with New Frequency Domain Search Strategy, 6th International ICST Conference on Communications and Networking in China (CHINACOM 2011), Harbin, Aug. 17-19, 2011. (Ei: 20121214869067) Bo Liu, Weixiao Meng, Qiyue Yu, Xi Chen. Frequency-domain Iterative Inter-code Interference Combined with Parallel Interference Cancellation for Cooperative-MIMO Multi-code DS-CDMA. 6th International ICST Conference on Communications and Networking in China (CHINACOM 2011), Harbin, Aug. 17-19, 2011. (国家自然科学基金2008, 新世纪人才计划, Ei: 20121214868993) Trungtan Nguyen, Weixiao Meng, Hongyu Wang. Channel Capacity Analysis on Cooperative MIMO with Antenna Spatial Correlation and Multi-path. 6th International ICST Conference on Communications and Networking in China (CHINACOM 2011), Harbin, Aug. 17-19, 2011. (国家自然科学基金2008, 新世纪人才计划, Ei: 20121214869110) Ying He, Weixiao Meng, Lin Ma, Zhian Deng. Rapid deployment of APs in WLAN indoor positioning system. 6th International ICST Conference on Communications and Networking in China (CHINACOM 2011), Harbin, Aug. 17-19, 2011. (Ei: 20121214869127) Na Zhang, Ningqing Liu, Meng Wu, Weixiao Meng. Research on Mobile Hidden Station for Weighted Clustering Algorithm in MANET System. 6th International ICST Conference on Communications and Networking in China (CHINACOM 2011), Harbin, Aug. 17-19, 2011. (Ei: 20121214869009) Xianye Ben, Shi An, Weixiao Meng, Ze Wang. Subpattern Complete Two Dimensional Locality Preserving Principal Component Analysis and its application to gait recognition. 6th International ICST Conference on Communications and Networking in China (CHINACOM 2011), Harbin, Aug. 17-19, 2011. (Ei: 20121214869032) Qiyue Yu, Weixiao Meng, Fumiyuki Adachi. A Code Assignment Algorithm for Multi-user/Multi-rate 2-Dimensional Block Spread SC-CDMA. 6th International ICST Conference on Communications and Networking in China (CHINACOM 2011), Harbin, Aug. 17-19, 2011. (国家自然科学基金2008, 新世纪人才计划, Ei: 20121214869105) Yuhui Han, Weixiao Meng, Adaptive Decode-and-Forward Cooperative Diversity with Multiple-antenna Terminals, 6th International ICST Conference on Communications and Networking in China(Chinacom 2011), Harbin, Aug. 17-19, 2011. (国家自然科学基金2008, Ei: 20121214868991) Wu Meng, Yu Qiyue and Meng Weixiao. Application of fountain code to GPS navigation data structure design. 7th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, WiCOM 2011. Wuhan, China. September 23-25, 2011. (国家自然科学基金2008, Ei: 20114414461706) Fang Rui, Meng Weixiao and Yu Qiyue. Application of network coding on Network Address Translation. 7th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, WiCOM 2011. Wuhan, China. September 23-25, 2011. (国家自然科学基金2008, 新世纪人才计划, Ei: 20114414461938) Ma Lin, Xu Yubin, Meng Weixiao and Li Cheng. An ant colony based congestion elusion routing scheme for MANET. 2011 IEEE Global Communications Conference, GLOBECOM 2011. Huston, USA. Dec. 5-9, 2011. (WLAN 863, EI: 20120814799328, ISTP: BYU77) Weixiao Meng, Yuhui Han and Ye Zhang. Adaptive Algorithm and Relay Selection for Decode-and-forward Cooperative Multiple-antenna Terminals. 8th International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing (ICICS 2011), Dec 13-16, 2011, Singapore.( 国家自然科学基金2008, Ei: 20121915005888) Meng Weixiao, He Ying, Deng Zhian. Li, Cheng. Optimized access points deployment for WLAN indoor positioning system. IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, WCNC. Paris, France. April 1-4, 2012: 2457-2461. (Ei: 20123115298653, 室内863) Sun Siyue, Yu Qiyue, Meng Weixiao, Li Cheng. A configurable dual-mode algorithm on delay-aware low-computation scheduling and resource allocation in LTE downlink. IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, WCNC. Paris, France. April 1-4, 2012: 1444-1449. (Ei: 20123115298452, 重大专项总体2011) Xu Yubin, Deng Zhian, Ma Lin, Meng Weixiao, Li Cheng. Signal perturbation based support vector regression for Wi-Fi positioning. IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, WCNC. Paris, France. April 1-4, 2012: 3123-3127. (Ei: 20123115298785) Meng Weixiao, Liu Enxiao, Han Shuai. A novel collaborative navigation architecture based on decentralized and distributed Ad-hoc networks. 2012 IEEE International Conference on Communications, ICC 2012, Ottawa, ON, Canada, June 10-15, 2012: 606-610 (Ei: 20130215894110) Yang Hongjuan, Meng Weixiao, Li Bo, Wang Gang. Physical layer implementation of network coding in two-way relay networks. 2012 IEEE International Conference on Communications, ICC 2012, Ottawa, ON, Canada, June 10-15, 2012: 671-675 (Ei: 20130215893836) Chen Lei, Meng Weixiao, Han Shuai and Liu Enxiao. A cross-correlation mitigation method based on subspace projection for GPS receiver. 25th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation 2012, ION GNSS 2012. Nashville, TN, United states. September 17-21, 2012: 1428-1434(Ei:20132816480189, 2012年863) Ma Ruofei, Meng Weixiao, Chen Hsiao-Hwa, Huang Yu-Ren. Coexistence of smart utility networks and WLAN/ZigBee in smart grid. 2012 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm 2012), Tainan, Taiwan, November 5-8, 2012: 211-216 (Ei: 20131616212886) Meng Weixiao, Fang Rui, Li Cheng, Yu Qiyue. Soft Network Coding Design in Two-way Relay Channel. 2012 IEEE Global Communications Conference, GLOBECOM 2012. Anaheim, CA, USA. Dec. 3-7, 2012: 4441-4446 (Ei: 20132016338846) Zou Deyue, Meng Weixiao and Han Shuai. Euclidean distance based handoff algorithm for fingerprint positioning of WLAN system. 2013 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference(WCNC 2013), Shanghai, China, April7-10, 2013: 1564-1568(Ei:20133416644316, 2012年863) Yu Hongtao, Sun Siyue, Yu Qiyue, He Chenguang, Meng Weixiao, Tan Xuezhi, Zhang Zhongzhao. A survey of trunking communications over LTE: Implementation framework, application requirements, and quality of service. 2013 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference(WCNC 2013), Shanghai, China, April7-10, 2013: 4439-4444 (Ei:20133416644813, 重大专项) Ren Jingqiu, Zhang Guanghua, Lu Weidang and Meng Weixiao. A relay handoff algorithm in cooperative diversity system. 2013 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference(WCNC 2013), Shanghai, China, April7-10, 2013: 4701-4705(Ei:20133416644856) 陈雷, 韩帅, 邹德岳, 孟维晓。 基于北斗指纹节点的室内外无缝导航定位系统的设计。第四届中国卫星导航学术年会, CSNC 2013, 武汉, 中国, 2013年5月15日-17日 Sun Siyue, Meng Weixiao, Chen Hsiao-Hwa. Uplink pre-equalization for CC-CDMA systems under frequency selective fading. IEEE International Conference on Communications, ICC 2013, Budapest, Hungary, June 9-13, 2013: 5317-5321. (Ei: 20140117169062) Li Yatian, Chen Ping, Yu Qiyue and Meng Weixiao. Packet loss recovery algorithm based on row-column coding and RS coding. 8th International ICST Conference on Communications and Networking in China, CHINACOM 2013. Guilin, China, Aug 14-16 2013: 877-881(Ei: 20140717327895) Zou Deyue, Meng Weixiao, Han Shuai, Gong Zijun and Yu Baoguo. User aided self-growing approach on radio map construction for WLAN based Localization. 26th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation, ION GNSS 2013, Nashville, TN, United States, Sept. 16-20, 2013: v 2, p 991-997(Ei: 20141817638499) Luo Desi, Yu Qiyue and Meng Weixiao. Optimum power allocation for OFDM in physical-layer network coding over a flat frequency-selective fading channel. 9th International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing, ICICS 2013, Tainan, Taiwan, Dec. 10-13, 2013(Ei: 20141817670470) Chen Lei, Han Shuai, Meng Weixiao. The Performance Analysis of Acquisition for GNSS Signal Over Frequency Non-selective Fading Channel. CHINA SATELLITE NAVIGATION CONFERENCE (CSNC) 2014 PROCEEDINGS, VOL I( Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering), Nanjing, China, 2014, 303 LNEE(VOL. 1): 583-594(Ei: 20143218045212, CPCI-S, 2012年863, 公安部重点实验室) Meng Weixiao, Zhang Dekun, Zhao Yao and Li Cheng. Distributed joint iterative localization algorithm for WSN. IEEE International Conference on Communications, ICC 2014, Sydney, Australia, June 9-13, 2014: 379-384(Ei 20143818170226, 农垦重大专项) Zhang De-you, Yu Qi-yue, Meng Wei-xiao and Li Cheng. 2FSK modulation for multiuser physical-layer network coding network. IEEE International Conference on Communications, ICC 2014, Sydney, Australia, June 9-13, 2014: 514-519(Ei 20143818170248, 农垦重大专项) Han Shuai, Luo Desi, Meng Weixiao and Li Cheng. A novel anti-spoofing method based on particle filter for GNSS. IEEE International Conference on Communications, ICC 2014, Sydney, Australia, June 9-13, 2014: 5413-5418 (Ei 20143818171059, 2012年863) Zou Deyue, Meng Weixiao, Han Shuai. An accuracy estimation algorithm for fingerprint positioning system. Proceedings - 2014 4th International Conference on Instrumentation and Measurement, Computer, Communication and Control (IMCCC 2014), Harbin, China. Sept. 18-20, 2014: 573-577 (Ei: 20150500470245) Sun Siyue, Han Shuai, Yu Qiyue, Meng Weixiao, Li Cheng. A survey of two kinds of complementary coded CDMA wireless communications. 2014 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2014), Austin, USA, Dec. 8-12, 2014: 468-472 (Ei: 20151100632764) Meng Weixiao, Zhang Dekun, Wang Yuxin, Li Cheng. An extended centroid localization algorithm based on error correction in WSN. 2014 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2014), Austin, USA, Dec. 8-12, 2014: 442-447 (Ei: 20151100632482) Luo Desi, Yu Qiyue, Meng Weixiao, Li Cheng. Pre-coding for multi-user physical network coding over a flat fading channel. 2014 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2014), Austin, USA, Dec. 8-12, 2014: 4366-4370 (c 20151100632336) Chen Lei, Han Shuai, Meng Weixiao, Gong Zijun. A spoofing mitigation algorithm based on subspace projection for GNSS receiver. China Satellite Navigation Conference, Xi’an, May13-15, CSNC 2015/Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, v 340, 2015: 727-737(Ei: 20154501492545) Han Shuai, Zhao Cong, Meng Weixiao, Li Cheng. Cosine similarity based fingerprinting algorithm in WLAN indoor positioning against device diversity. IEEE International Conference on Communications, London, United Kingdom, June 8-12,2015 (ICC 2015) (Ei: 20160201791593) Mo Yun, Zhang Zhongzhao, Meng Weixiao Agha Gul. Space division and dimensional reduction methods for indoor positioning system. IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2015), London, United Kingdom, June 8-12, 2015 (Ei: 20160201791686) Li Guo-Dong, Meng Wei-Xiao, Chen Hsiao-Hwa. On performance of I/Q column-wise complementary coded CDMA communication systems. Source: IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2015), London, United Kingdom, June 8-12, 2015: 2888-2893 (Ei: 20160201792108) Han Shuai, Zhang Yu, Meng Weixiao, Li Cheng. GPS anti-spoofing technology based on RELAX algorithm in smart grid. Proceedings of the 2015 10th International Conference on Communications and Networking in China (CHINACOM 2015). Shanghai, China. Aug. 15-17, 2015: p637-642 (Ei: 20163202685148) Ren Boya, Han Shuai, Meng Weixiao, Li Cheng, Wu Xuanli and Sha Xuejun. Enhanced turbo detection for SCMA based on information reliability. 2015 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC 2015). Shenzhen, China. Nov. 2-4, 2015 (Ei: 20162002400583) Han Shuai, Chen Lei, Meng Weixiao, Li Cheng. Outage probability of multi-hop full-duplex DF relay system over Nakagami-m fading channels. 2015 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC 2015). Shenzhen, China. Nov. 2-4, 2015 (Ei: 20162002400703) Xu Yubin, Fu Yunhai, Meng Weixiao, Li Cheng. A novel CC selection scheme for spectrum aggregation in cognitive radio. 2015 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2015), San Diego, USA, Dec. 6-10, 2015 (Ei: 20161902354861) Han Shuai, Yue Jin, Meng, Weixiao and Li Cheng. A novel flip ambiguities detection algorithm for WSN localization. 2015 IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps 2015). San Diego, USA, Dec. 6-10, 2015 (Ei: 20162302457138) Zhao Wanlong, Meng Weixiao, Chi Yonggang, Han Shuai. Factor graph based multi-source data fusion for wireless localization. IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Doha, Qatar, April 3-6, 2016 (Ei: 20164102892571) Zhang Han, Zhang De-Kun, Meng Wei-Xiao, Li, Cheng. User pairing algorithm with SIC in non-orthogonal multiple access system. 2016 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2016), Kuala Lumpur. May 21-25, 2016 (Ei: 20163302715306) Sun Wen-Bin, Yu Qi-Yue, Meng Wei-Xiao, Li Cheng. Random beamforming for multiuser multiplexing in downlink correlated Rician channel. 2016 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2016), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. May 21-25, 2016 (Ei: 20163302715129) Han Shuai, Guo, Cheng, Meng Weixiao, Cheng Li, Cui Yang and Tang Wenyan. The uplink and downlink design of MIMO-SCMA system. 2016 International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2016), Paphos, Cyprus, September 26, 2016, p 56-60 (Ei: 20164502992191) He ChenGuang; Zhang KaiYu; Gao YuLong; Meng WeiXiao. The requirement for mobile relay nodes under highway scenarios. Communications, Signal Processing, and Systems - Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Communications, Signal Processing, and Systems. 2018,423: 127-135(EI: 20174704427899) He Chenguang; Liang Tingting; Wei Shouming; Meng Weixiao. ACO-GA combined algorithm for solving spectrum allocation problem in D2D communications. Communications, Signal Processing, and Systems - Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Communications, Signal Processing, and Systems. 2018, 423: 117-125. (EI: 20174704427898) Zhang Han, Han Shuai, Meng Wei-Xiao. Multi-stage message passing algorithm for SCMA downlink receiver. 2016 IEEE 84th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Fall 2016), Montreal, QC, Canada, September 18-21, 2016 (Ei: 20171403544072) Li Lin, Meng Weixiao. A novel bitwise factor graph belief propagation detection algorithm for massive MIMO system. 11th EAI International Conference on Communications and Networking in China, ChinaCom 2016, Chongqing, China. September 24-26, 2016: 453-462. (Ei: 20174204280083, 国家自然科学基金61471143) He Chenguang, Liang Tingting, Wei Shouming and Meng, Weixiao. Performance analysis of routing algorithms based on intelligent optimization algorithms in cluster Ad Hoc network. 11th EAI International Conference on Communications and Networking in China, ChinaCom 2016, Chongqing, China. September 24-26, 2016: 129-137. (Ei: 20174204280049, 公安部重点实验室) Zhao Wanlong, Han Shuai, Meng Weixiao, Gong Zijun. RSSI based positioning fusion algorithm in wireless sensor network using factor graph. 11th EAI International Conference on Communications and Networking in China, ChinaCom 2016, Chongqing, China. September 24-26, 2016: 577-586. (Ei: 20174204279321) Liu Chunpeng, He Chenguang, Meng Wei-Xiao. Analysis of network-off communications usability in trunking networks. 2016 IEEE 13th International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP2016). Chengdu, China, , November 6-10, 2016: 1827-1831 (Ei: 20171403516326) Han Shuai, Tai Xiangxue, Meng Weixiao and Li Cheng. A resource scheduling scheme based on feed-back for SCMA grant-free uplink transmission. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2017), Paris, France. May 21-25, 2017 (Ei: 20173504100107) Li Lin, Meng Weixiao and Li Cheng. Compressed sensing based semidefinite relaxation detection algorithm for overloaded uplink multiuser massive MIMO system. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2017), Paris, France. May 21-25, 2017 (Ei: 20173504099159) Zhou Yongkang, Yu Qiyue, Meng Weixiao, Li Cheng. SCMA codebook design based on constellation rotation. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2017), Paris, France. May 21-25, 2017 (Ei: 20173504100109) Xu Sai, Han Shuai, Meng Wei-Xiao, Li Cheng and Cui Yang. A big data based dynamic bandwidth allocation strategy with secrecy constraints. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2017), Paris, France. May 21-25, 2017 (Ei: 20173504099206) (最佳论文提名) He Chenguang, Zhang Kaiyu, Han Shuai, Meng Weixiao and Li, Cheng. Analysis the energy consumption of three wireless vehicle transmission model in shadow-fading environment. 2017 International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2017), Valencia, Spain, June 26-30, 2017, p 934-938 (Ei: 20173404074456) Liu Chun-Peng, He Chen-Guang, Meng Wei-Xiao and Han, Shuai. A design of D2D-pairing scheme on Voronoi diagram. 2017 International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2017), Valencia, Spain, June 26-30, 2017, p 202-205 (Ei: 20173404074430) Liu Yinan, Ma, Lin, Wang Xuedong, Meng Weixiao. An epipolar geometry-based approach for vision-based indoor localization. 2017 International Conference on Communications, Signal Processing, and Systems. Harbin, China, July 14, 2017 - July 16, 2017 (Ei: 20182505348554) Sun Yongliang, Liao Yinhua, Zhao Kanglian, Meng Weixiao. Utility-based delay tolerant networking routing protocol in VANET. 2017 International Conference on Communications, Signal Processing, and Systems. Harbin, China, July 14, 2017 - July 16, 2017 (Ei: 20182505348542) Han Shuai, Li Yi, Meng Weixiao, He Chenguang. A new high precise indoor localization approach using single access point. 2017 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2017), Singapore, Dec. 4-8, 2017 (Ei: 20181905140901) Zou Boyang; Meng Weixiao; Li Lin; Han Shuai. A low-complexity discrete gbest-guided artificial bee colony algorithm for massive MIMO detection. Wireless Internet - 10th International Conference, WiCON 2017, Proceedings. 230: 75-84. (EI: 20182305292514) Han Shuai, Zhang Yi, Meng Weixiao, Liu Ningqing. Power allocation for full duplex decode-and-forward cooperative relay system. Wireless Internet - 10th International Conference, WiCON 2017. Tianjin, China. December 16-17, 2017 -(Ei: 20182305292501) Sun Yongliang; Liao Yinhua; Zhao, Kanglian; Meng, Weixiao. Utility-based delay tolerant networking routing protocol in VANET. Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Communications, Signal Processing, and Systems, 2019,463:258-265(EI: 20182505348542) Liu Yinan; Ma Lin; Wang, Xuedong; Meng, Weixiao. An epipolar geometry-based approach for vision-based indoor localization. Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Communications, Signal Processing, and Systems, 2019,463: 2643-2652 (EI: 20182505348554) Liu Chun-Peng, Ma Maode He Chen-Guang Meng, Wei-Xiao. Modeling and analysis on double-tiered device-to-device communications in vehicle networks. IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, WCNC. Barcelona, Spain. April 15-8, 2018: 1-6. (Ei: 20182705393300) Gao Ciyuan; Han Shuai; Wang Xuedong; Meng Weixiao ; Gao Fang. Performance Analysis of Beamforming Algorithms in Physical Layer Security, 14th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference, IWCMC 2018, p 768-773. (EI: 20184005881813) Huang Yiteng; Han Shuai; Guo Shizeng; Meng Weixiao; Li Cheng. Power Allocation for SCMA Downlink Systems Based on Maximum Energy Efficiency. 14th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference, IWCMC 2018, p 1197-1202. (EI:20184005881936) Liu Mingyu; Han Shuai; Zhang Yu; Meng Weixiao. A cooperative anti-spoofing technology based on subspace projection. China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC) 2018 Proceedings. 2018, 498: 91-100(EI: 20182005203447) Liu Xiaonan ; Gui Guan ; Zhao Nan ; Meng Weixiao; Li Zan; Chen Yunfei ; Adachi Fumiyuki. UAV Coverage for Downlink in Disasters: Precoding and Multi-hop D2D. 2018 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China, ICCC 2018, Aug. 16-18, 2018, p 341-346 (EI: 20191206665778) Chen Qian; Han Shuai; Meng Weixiao. Optimal Mode Selection for D2D Communication Underlaying Cellular Networks. 2018 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China, ICCC 2018, Aug. 16-18, 2018, p 364-368 (EI: 20191206665824) Zhou Fuhui; Zhang Xiongjian; Hu Rose Qingyang and Weixiao Meng; Papathanassiou Apostolos; Meng Weixiao. Resource Allocation Based on Deep Neural Networks for Cognitive Radio Networks. 2018 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China, ICCC 2018, Aug. 16-18, 2018, p 364-368 p 40-45. (EI: 20191206665810) Liu Xiaonan; Gui Guan; Zhao Nan; Meng Weixiao; Li Zan; Chen, Yunfei; Adachi, Fumiyuki. UAV Coverage for Downlink in Disasters: Precoding and Multi-hop D2D-2018 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China, ICCC 2018. Aug. 16-18, 2018, 341-346. (EI: 20191206665778) He Chenguang; Zhang Wenbin; Meng Weixiao; Cui Yuwei. A power allocation algorithm for D2D-direct communication in relay cellular networks. Proceedings of Ad Hoc Networks - 10th EAI International Conference, Queeestown,New Zealand, ADHOCNETS 2018. 2019,v 258: 59-70, (EI: 20185206306497) He Xiaolin; Ma Lin; Meng, Weixiao. Binocular vision-based human ranging algorithm based on human faces recognition. Proceedings of Artificial Intelligence for Communications and Networks - 1st EAI International Conference, AICON 2019, 287: 414-424(EI: 20192907211291) Xia Huiyun;Han, Shuai; Li, Cheng; Meng, Weixiao. Joint PHY/MAC layer AN-assisted security scheme in SVD-based MIMO HARQ system. Proceedings of 2019 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China, ICCC 2019, 328-333, (EI: 20194407603118) Yan Fuchao, Meng Weixiao, Liu Yiliang. Artificial Noise Assisted MISO System-Power allocation and its SDR Implementation. 11th International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP), Xian, CHINA, OCT 23-25, 2019. Zhao Yingbo, Meng Weixiao, Li Yang. System Performance Analysis of Multi-user Single-node Indoor Positioning. IEEE International Conference on Computing, Communications and IoT Applications (IEEE ComComAp). Shenzhen, CHINA, OCT 26-28, 2019 Yu Sheng, He Chen-Guang, Meng Wei-Xiao, Wei Shuai, Wei Shou-Ming. Heterogeneous Network Selection Algorithm Based on Deep Q Learning. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Communications, Signal Processing, and Systems, CSPS 2019. Chen Qian; He Xiaolin; Meng Weixiao. Air-Ground Cooperative Access Control Algorithm Based on Q-Learning.2020 International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications, ICNC 2020, p461-465, February 2020. Zhang Yi-Peng, Yu Qi-Yue, Liu Zi-Jing, Zhou Yong-Kang, Meng Wei-Xiao. Antenna-Resource-Based SCMA in Downlink Multiuser Transmission Systems, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, v2020-May, May 2020, 2020 IEEE 91st Vehicular Technology Conference, VTC Spring 2020 – Proceedings Guo Ji-Chong, Yu Qi-Yue, Meng Wei-Xiao, Xiang Wei. Ergodic Energy Efficiency of mmWave System Considering Insertion Loss under Dynamic Subarray Architecture, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, May 2020, 2020 IEEE 91st Vehicular Technology Conference, VTC Spring 2020 – Proceedings. Chen Xinwu, Xu Sai, Han Shuai*, Wang Jinming, Meng Weixiao. SINR-OP Based Robust AN-Aided Beamforming for Correlated MISO Eavesdropping Channels. ICC 2021-IEEE International Conference on Communications. Montreal, Canada, Jun. 14-23, 2021, pp. 1-5. Wang Jinming, Xu Sai, Han Shuai*, Chen Xinwu, Meng Weixiao. Joint Beamforming Design Combined with Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Selection. 2021 International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (IWCMC). Harbin, China, Jun. 28-Jul. 2, 2021, pp. 2157-2162. Hou Huijun*, Li Lin, Meng Weixiao. Deep Neural Network Based Detection Algorithm for High-Order Modulation in Uplink Massive MIMO. 2021 International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (IWCMC). Harbin, China, Jun. 28-Jul. 2, 2021, pp. 1326-1331. 大会/特邀报告(Keynote/Invited Speech) 名称 孟维晓,空天融合通信组网设计与任务调度. 2023空天防务体系工程高层论坛. 2023年7月22日,北京(大会特邀报告) 孟维晓,空天地一体化巨址通信组网与应用. 2022星地同频技术研讨会. 2022年12月2日,北京(大会特邀报告) 孟维晓,互信双赢,打造信息通信国际合作新典范. 中国—太平洋联盟教育合作对话, 2022年11月12日,北京(大会特邀报告) 孟维晓,面向umMTC的广域泛在物联与巨址接入. 无线汇·紫禁之巅-5.5G教授论坛,2021年7月16日-17日,北京(大会特邀报告) 孟维晓,面向5G扩展的空天立体覆盖网络. 2020年卓越高校校友联盟长三角5G论坛,2020年7月4日,苏州(大会特邀报告) 孟维晓,联合LEO 和民航的空天地一体化网络与波束形成. 空间探测技术与应用高峰论坛,2019年9月5日,北京(大会特邀报告) 孟维晓,5G及其在警用中的思考. 5G移动通信技术在公安移动警务应用研讨会,2019年7月25日,成都(大会特邀报告) Weixiao Meng. Global Seamless Air-based Wireless Communication Networks. 2019 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Electronic Information and Communication Technology, Jan. 21, 2019 (Keynote Speech) 孟维晓,面向全球无缝的空基无线通信网络. 新一代信息通信技术与首都科技创新论坛,2018年11月9日,北京(大会特邀报告) 孟维晓,卫星导航与无线通信的深度融合. 2018中国卫星定位协会导航应用专业委员会,2018年10月12日,哈尔滨(大会特邀报告) 孟维晓,天空地一体化网络下的位置服务:增强与安全. 第九届中国卫星导航学术年会,2018年5月23日,哈尔滨(大会特邀报告) Weixiao Meng. Beamforming for the Space-Air-Ground Integrated Networks. 2017 Workshop of Antenna Technologies, Shenzhen, Dec. 12, 2017(Keynote Speech) 孟维晓. 天空地一体化网络与波束形成. 东北石油大学. 2017年11月26日 Han Shuai, Chen Lei, Meng Weixiao, Li Cheng. Outage probability of multi-hop full-duplex DF relay system over Nakagami-m fading channels. 2015 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC 2015). Shenzhen, China. Nov. 2-4, 2015 (Invited Paper) Weixiao Meng. Adaptive Algorithm and Relay Selection for Decode-and-forward Cooperative Multiple-antenna Terminals. 7th International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing (ICICS 2011), Dec. 13-17,2011, Singapore (Invited Paper) Weixiao Meng. Research and Development on Satellite Positioning and Navigation in China. 2011 Joint Conference on Satellite Communications. Dec. 12-13, 2011, Nagoya, Japan (Invited Talk) Weixiao Meng. Research and Development on Satellite Positioning and Navigation in HIT. Global Center of Excellence (GCOE) , Tohoku University, Dec. 14-15, 2011, Sendai, Japan (Invited Talk) Weixiao Meng. Research and Development of Broadband Wireless Access Technology and Its Applications. FWOCNT 2010, Dec. 3-5, 2010, Nanjing, China (Keynote Speech) 孟维晓. 定位技术在ICT服务中的应用. 第13届全国青年通信学术会议. 2008.10.31-11.2, 山东烟台(大会特邀报告) Multi-antenna Wireless Communication and Intelligent Signal Processing. 1st Korea University-Harbin Institute of Technology International Workshop, Aug. 19-21, 2007, Seoul, Korea (Invited Talk)
