

姓名 林杰 性别 林杰
学校 哈尔滨工业大学 部门 物理学院
学位 林杰 学历 林杰
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基本信息 学生培养 论文专利 新建主栏目 林杰 物理学院 教授 博士生导师 名称 研究领域:微纳光学与传感 研究内容:微纳器件、超表面、光学感知与成像、精密测量、微波器件、微纳加工技术 主持和参研国家自然科学基金联合基金“叶企孙”基金项目(重点支持)、面上项目、国家重点研发计划课题、863计划、国家科技重大专项、国家重大科学仪器设备开发专项、国家部委项目等20项。在Engineering(中国工程院院刊)、Nano Letters、Laser & Photonics Reviews、Nanoscale、Nanophotonics等学术刊物发表SCI、EI论文80篇。申请国际国内发明专利30项,授权10项。 首批黑龙江省高层次人才 黑龙江省科技奖二等奖 黑龙江省高校科技奖一等奖 全国光电测量标准化技术委员会委员 中国仪器仪表奖学金-金国藩青年学子奖学金 应用光学青年编委 精密工程与量测仪器国际会议(ISPEMI)副秘书长(2012,2014,2018) 部分主持和参研项目 2024.01-2027.12,主持,国家自然科学基金-联合基金-“叶企孙”基金 2023.10-2025.12,序二,其他重点课题 2022.10-2024.09,主持,国家级纵向课题 2022.11-2024.11,序二,国家级纵向课题 2021.10-2024.10,序二,国家级纵向课题 2020.11-2022.11,主持,国家级纵向课题 2018.01-2020.12,主持,省部级课题 2017.01-2020.12,主持,国家自然科学基金面上项目 2016.06-2020.11,主持,国家重点研发计划 2015.03-2018.03,主持,科技部863子课题 2013.01-2016.12,序二,国家自然科学基金面上项目 2011.01-2013.12,主持,国家自然科学基金青年基金 2011.10-2014.09,参加,国家重大仪器专项 2010.01-2012.12,序二,国家自然科学基金面上项目 2010.01-2012.12,序二,国家自然科学基金青年基金 2009.01-2010.12,序二,科技部863计划 2009.04-2014.12,参加,国家科技重大专项 职业经历 2007.7-至今,哈尔滨工业大学,讲师/副教授/教授 2013.8-2015.2,加拿大Dalhousie大学,电子与计算机工程系,博士后 授课 本科生:信息光学(2008-2022),现已停课,若感兴趣,来信咨询 硕士生:量子光学(2022-至今) 博士生:量子理论导论、量子理论基础与量子光学 创新研修课:微纳器件与光学感知(全校大二以上本科) >>>>>招生计划<<<<< 欢迎对微纳光学与感知、精密测量、微纳加工/MEMS等领域感兴趣的同学,来读博、读研、做毕业设计、创新研修、创新创业训练。要求具有良好的物理学、光学等背景,诚实勤奋。 实验室地址:哈工大科学园科创大厦K1003室 招生方向:微纳光学、超表面、光场调控、光学超分辨、光学感知、激光雷达 招收对象:博士研究生、硕士研究生、本科生毕设、创新研修、创新创业训练、学业导师 博士生招生执行优秀生源快响行动,随时申请、提前入校,有意者联系我。“学校一般每月集中一次对学院上报的优秀生源快响名单进行复审,并确定其预录取资格”,详情见链接,长期有效,欢迎咨询 http://yzb.hit.edu.cn/2023/0609/c8824a313710/page.htm 1.直接攻博(推免):面向取得推荐免试生资格(简称推免生)的优秀应届本科毕业生直接选拔博士研究生的招生方式。入学后即取得博士学籍。直接攻博招生工作在每年的推免生接收阶段进行。 2.硕博连读:面向我校非应届毕业硕士生进行选拔,取得硕博连读资格的下一年度转为博士学籍。 3.推荐攻博:面向我校应届硕士毕业生进行选拔,取得推荐攻博资格、在按时获得硕士学位和硕士毕业证书后,取得博士研究生入学资格。 4.申请考核:“申请考核”是面向符合报考条件的所有优秀考生选拔博士研究生的招生方式。“申请考核”每年度一般进行两次,第一次在秋季学期进行,为面上招生。第二次在春季学期进行,为补充招生,详情见研究生院通知。 团队信息发布 长期开设本科生创新研修课《微纳器件与光学感知》(16学时,1学分,全校大二至大四学生),重点关注光学传感中的微纳器件设计理论与加工工艺,欢迎感兴趣的同学选课。 >>>2023年8月,Applied Physics Letters发表了课题组关于铷原子磁力计的研究 >>>2023年7月15日,郝俊博同学通过博士答辩。祝贺 >>>2023年6月11日,校毕业典礼,研究室毕业本科生7人(张雅淇、古月、张一凡、孙宏伟、刘至舒、尹邦鑫、刘畅),毕业硕士研究生8人(叶子林、徐悦东、王一飞、吴博昌、崔峰源、李忠良、肖日涛、刘嘉玮),祝贺 >>>2023年4月1日,团队成功研制了一款折衍混合光学成像系统(可见光) >>>2020年7月30日,我研究室学生陈辰在光学超构表面与偏振成像方面取得重要进展,论文发表在Nano Lettters,详情见:https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.nanolett.0c01877 新闻链接见:http://ise.hit.edu.cn/news/118/6806 >>>2020年7月,博士生杨大海等人完成了关于手性光场产生及其传输特性的理论和试验研究工作,相关成果信息如下:Dahai Yang, Chang Li, Zhigang Yao, Xiangdong Huang, Yan Li, Peng Jin, and Jie Lin. "Multiparameter Controllable Chiral Optical Patterns". Phys. Rev. Applied 14, 014066 – Published 22 July 2020 论文链接:https://journals.aps.org/prapplied/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevApplied.14.014066 >>>2020年4月30日,博士研究生马龙和关健博士完成了关于平面透镜的工作,相关成果信息如下:Long Ma, Jian Guan, Yiqun Wang, Chen Chen, Jianlong Zhang, Jie Lin, Jiubin Tan, Peng Jin. Diffraction-limited axial double foci and optical traps generated by optimization-free planar lens. NANOPHOTONICS (2020) https://doi.org/10.1515/nanoph-2019-0482 >>>2020年3月,在全光攻击检测研究的新工作,相关成果见:SHUAISHUAI ZHU, XIAOBO LV, XIAOHUA FENG, JIE LIN, PENG JIN, LIANG GAO. Plenoptic Face Presentation Attack Detection. IEEE ACCESS 8 (2020) DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2980755 >>>2020年3月,博士研究生钟慧在高性能金属网栅设计方面取得进展,相关成果见:HUI ZHONG, YU HAN, JIE LIN, PENG JIN. Pattern randomization: an efficient way to design high-performance metallic meshes with uniform stray light for EMI shielding. Optics Express Vol. 28, No. 5: 7008 (2 March 2020) >>>2017-06-28,祝贺陈航、沈艳梅、王艾琳通过硕士答辩。陈航将继续在我组攻读博士学位 >>>2017-06-22,祝贺王月、郝俊博完成本科毕业设计。王月同学考取了清华大学硕士研究生。郝俊博同学将在本组读研 >>>2016年08月28日,在2016年8月28日举行的哈尔滨国际马拉松比赛中,本组博士研究生张宇完成半程马拉松 >>>2016年08月25日,获国家自然基金面上项目资助 >>>2016年7月15日,下午四点香港浸会大学Hongyu Liu教授做有关inverse scattering的学术报告:Inverse Scattering, Metamaterial Cloaking and Their Applications。并与我组学生进行了讨论 >>>2016年7月7日上午9:00,武汉墨光科技来在超精密光电仪器工程研究所针对Sim3D-Max,DIFFRACT,RP Fiber Power等软件进行专题讲座 >>>2016-06-27,符浩、郭子奇、李丹阳通过本科毕业答辩 >>>2016年5月29日,在黑龙江省教育厅高等教育处和黑龙江省光学学会主办的黑龙江省第一届大学生光电设计竞赛中,指导的本科生王凡祎、周博闻获创意组一等奖,在现场决赛中获银奖。http://today.hit.edu.cn/news/2016/06-03/6673321160RL0.htm 学 生 名称 科研助理 2023.7----至今,张雅淇 2021.7-2022.2,李清扬 本科生毕设 2024年,高泽昊、文子韬、彭铂宁、*** 2023年,张雅淇、尹邦鑫、刘 畅、刘至舒 2022年,孟祥昕、杨治蓉(光电子) 2021年,叶子林、屈子傲、李全智(光电子) 2020年,刘青鑫 2019年,王 磊、李 畅 2018年,姚嘉诚、刘佩哲 2017年,王 月、郝俊博 2016年,李丹阳、郭子奇 2015年,陈 辰、马 静 2014年,赵弘扬 2013年,李增光、何洪礼 2012年,关 健(仪器仪表奖学金)、刘 锋、陈方旭 2011年,尹 可(优秀毕设、仪器仪表奖学金)、李聿达 2010年,黄鑫岩 2009年,赵丕扬 2008年,马 骁 硕士研究生 2024年,*** 2023年,隋云灏、邵 磊* 2022年,刘金铭、葛 磊、曹丹琳*、孙德洋*、孙新凯* 2021年,叶子林*、徐悦东* 2020年,邹圣瑛(优秀学位论文) 2019年,李 畅、李毅威 2018年,尹 杨、刘 阳 2017年,郝俊博、李庆莹 2016年,李丹阳 2015年,陈 辰、陈 航 2014年,赵弘扬、刘 欢 2013年,温 凤、张继涛 2012年,关 健(研国奖) 博士研究生 2024年,*** 2023年,徐悦东 2022年,邹圣瑛 2021年,李 畅*、胡建阳* 2020年,刘 阳* 2019年,杨大海* 2018年,郝俊博*(长光卫星) 2017年,陈 航(优秀毕业生) 2016年,陈 辰 2014年,关 健(副导师,研国奖) 2012年,马 龙(副导师) 期刊论文/Journal papers 名称 Chen Hang, Feng Jianan, Jiang Minwei, Wang Yiqun, Lin Jie*, Tan Jiubin, Jin Peng. Diffractive Deep Neural Networks at Visible Wavelengths. ENGINEERING 7(10): 1483-1491 (2021) (中国工程院院刊) Lin Han#, Jie Lin#, Jun Liu, Eli Fahrenkrug, Yalu Guan, Kai Sun, Yiqun Wang, Kong Liu, Zhijie Wang*, Zhanguo Wang, Shengchun Qu, and Peng Jin*. Spatioselective Growth on Homogenous Semiconductor Substrates by Surface State Modulation. NANO LETTERS 21(14): 5931–5937 (2021) https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.nanolett.1c00689 Chen Chen#, Yiqun Wang#, Minwei Jiang, Jian Wang, Jian Guan, Baoshun Zhang, Lei Wang, Jie Lin*, Peng Jin*. Parallel Polarization Illumination with a Multifocal Axicon Metalens for Improved Polarization Imaging. NANO LETTERS 20(7): 5428–5434 (2020) https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.nanolett.0c01877 Jian Wang, Xiaohao Jia, Zhaotong Wang, Weilong Liu, Xiaojun Zhu, Zhitao Huang, Haichao Yu, Qingxin Yang, Ye Sun, Zhijie Wang, Shengchun Qu, Jie Lin*, Peng Jin* and Zhanguo Wang. Ultrafast plasmonic lasing from metal/semiconductor interface. NANOSCALE 12(31): 16403-16408 (2020) (封面论文). https://doi.org/10.1039/D0NR02330B Jian Wang, Xiaohao Jia, Yalu Guan, Kuankuan Ren, Haichao Yu, Zhijie Wang, Shengchun Qu, Qingxin Yang, Jie Lin, Zhanguo Wang, Peng Jin. The Electron-Hole Plasma Contributes to Both Plasmonic and Photonic Lasing from CH3NH3PbBr3 Nanowires at Room Temperature. LASER & PHOTONICS REVIEWS 15(6): 2000512 (2021) DOI: 10.1002/lpor.202000512 Hui Zhong, Nan Liu, Zhihui Yang, Jie Lin*, Zhijie Wang, Shengchun Qu, and Peng Jin*. Visible-Infrared Transparent Coding Metasurface Based on Random Metal Grid for Broadband Microwave Scattering. ACS Appl. Electron. Mater. 3(11): 4870–4876 (2021) (内封面论文) https://doi.org/10.1021/acsaelm.1c00699 Chang Li, Jie Lin, Chen Chen, Junbo Hao, Zilin Ye, Yiqun Wang, Lei Wang, Peng Jin. Single-shot wide-field full-Stokes polarization imaging. Optics and Lasers in Engineering 173: 107860 (2024) Jianan Feng, Hang Chen, Dahai Yang, Junbo Hao, Jie Lin, Peng Jin*. Multi-wavelength diffractive neural network with the weighting method. Optics Express 31(20): 33113-33122 (2023) Jun Wang, Jie Lin, Peng Jin, Shutian Liu, and Keya Zhou*. Fano resonance in a microring resonator with a micro-reflective unit. Optics Express 31(19): 31587-31596 (2023) Minwei Jiang, Hao Zhai, Chunyu Jiang, Jian Wang, Chen Chen, Qi Zhang, Dongmin Wu, Baoshun Zhang, Zhongming Zeng, Jie Lin, Yiqun Wang, Peng Jin. Characterization of 87Rb MEMS vapor cells for miniature atomic magnetometers. Applied Physics Letters 123: 062406 (2023) Junbo Hao, Jie Lin*, Xin Ye, Chen Chen, Feng Tang, Zhongliang Li, Chang Li, Jianyang Hu, Peng Jin*. Polarization-optimized metasurface Fresnel zone plate for on-axis intensity redistribution. Optics Communications 540: 129504 (2023) Jiamin Chen, Lei Wang, Jie Lin, YuxuanTang. A pendulum actuator for environmental vibration isolation based on magnetostrictive composite material. Sensors and Actuators Reports 4: 100134 (2022) Junbo Hao, Jie Lin, Chen Chen, Zilin Ye, Chang Li, Dahai Yang, Yiqun Wang, Peng Jin. Sub-diffraction focusing by a meta spiral zone plate. Optics and Lasers in Engineering 159: 107202 (2022) Dahai Yang, Jie Lin, Chen Chen, Chang Li, Junbo Hao, Baiying Lv, Keya Zhou, Yiqun Wang, Peng Jin. Multi-wavelength high-order optical vortex detection and demultiplexing coding using a metasurface. Adv. Photon. Nexus 1(1): 016005 (2022) Junbo Hao, Ting Ma, Zilin Ye, Chen Chen, Dahai Yang, Keya Zhou, Yiqun Wang, Peng Jin, Jie Lin. Simulation for multiwavelength large-aperture all-silicon metalenses in long-wave infrared. Nanotechnology 33: 225203 (2022) Xiaobo Lv, Zhihui Yang, Yiwei Li, Xinmin Guo, Jie Lin, Peng Jin. Lenslet-based snapshot full-Stokes imaging spectropolarimeter. Optics & Laser Technology 148: 107758 (2022) Jin An, Lin Jie, Liu Bin, Wang Lei, Jin Peng. Moire fringes-based measurement of radial error motion of high-speed spindle. OPTICS AND LASERS IN ENGINEERING 150: 106852 (2022) Xiaobo Lv, Zhihui Yang, Yifei Wang, Keya Zhou, Jie Lin, and Peng Jin. Channeled imaging spectropolarimeter reconstruction by neural networks. Optics Express 29(22): 35556-35569 (2021) https://doi.org/10.1364/OE.441850 Keya Zhou, Qi Liu, Jie Lin, Peng Jin, Qingxin Yang, Shutian Liu. Extraordinary transmission in an add-drop filter configuration driven by Nonconservative Coupling. Optics Letters 46(20): 5284-5287 (2021) DOI 10.1364/OL.440822 Long Ma, Jian Guan, Yiqun Wang, Chen Chen, Jianlong Zhang, Jie Lin, Jiubin Tan, Peng Jin. Diffraction-limited axial double foci and optical traps generated by optimization-free planar lens. NANOPHOTONICS 9(4): 841-853 (2020), DOI10.1515/nanoph-2019-0482,https://doi.org/10.1515/nanoph-2019-0482 吕晓波,刘宇丰,李毅威,朱帅帅,林杰,金鹏. 快照式光谱光场成像技术. 光学·精密工程 29(2): 220-230 (2021) Xiaobo Lv, Yiwei Li, Shuaishuai Zhu, Xinmin Guo, Jianlong Zhang, Jie Lin, Peng Jin. Snapshot spectral polarimetric light field imaging using a single detector. OPTICS LETTERS 45(23): 6522-6525 (2020) DOI: 10.1364/OL.409476 Nghia Nguyen-Huu, Jaromír Pitora, Michael Cada , Trung Nguyen-Thoi, Youqiao Ma , Kiyotoshi Yasumoto, B. M. Azizur Rahman , QiangWu , Yuan Ma, Quang Hieu Ngo, Lin Jie, Hiroshi Maeda. Ultra-Wide Spectral Bandwidth and Enhanced Absorption in a Metallic Compound Grating Covered by Graphene Monolayer. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 27(1): 8500108 (2021) DOI: 10.1109/JSTQE.2020.2984559 Dahai Yang, Chang Li, Zhigang Yao, Xiangdong Huang, Yan Li*, Peng Jin*, and Jie Lin*. Multiparameter controllable chiral optical patterns. Phys. Rev. Applied 14, 014066 (22 July 2020) Xiaobo Lv, Shuaishuai Zhu, Xinmin Guo, Jianlong Zhang, Jie Lin, Peng Jin.. Full-Stokes polarimetric light-field imaging using only a single detector. Optics and Lasers in Engineering 129: 106071 (2020) HUI ZHONG, YU HAN, JIE LIN, PENG JIN. Pattern randomization: an efficient way to design high-performance metallic meshes with uniform stray light for EMI shielding. Optics Express 28(5): 7008 (2 March 2020) SHUAISHUAI ZHU, XIAOBO LV, XIAOHUA FENG, JIE LIN, PENG JIN, LIANG GAO. Plenoptic Face Presentation Attack Detection. IEEE ACCESS 8 (2020) DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2980755 金岸, 缪寅宵, 刘冬冬, 林杰, 金鹏, 王雷. 主轴动态回转误差测量技术. 光学·精密工程 28(10): 2227-2243 (2020) YU ZHANG, SHUAISHUAI ZHU, JIE LIN, PENG JIN. High-quality panchromatic image acquisition method for snapshot hyperspectral imaging Fourier transform spectrometer. Optics Express 27(20): 28915 (2019) Ran Chen, Jie Lin, Peng Jin, Michael Cada, Yuan Ma. Photonic nanojet beam shaping by illumination polarization engineering. Optics Communications 456: 124593 (2019) Yu Zhang, Hongwei Lei, Shuaishuai Zhu, Wei Li, Jie Lin, Jianlong Zhang, Yang Li, Peng Jin. In vivo monitoring of rashes caused by systemic lupus erythematosus disease using snapshot spectral imaging. J. Biophotonics 13: e201960067 (2020) https://doi.org/10.1002/jbio.201960067 Dahai Yang, Yan Li, Duo Deng, Jingfu Ye, Yi Liu, Jie Lin. Controllable rotation of multiplexing elliptic optical vortices. J Phys D: Appl Phys 52: 495103 (2019) Yinxiao Miao, Yongshun Zhao, Huiping Ma, Minwei Jiang, Jie Lin, Peng Jin. Design of diffractive optical element projector for a pseudorandom dot array by an improved encoding method. APPLIED OPTICS 58(34): G169-G176 (2019) Hang Chen, Jian Wang, Yue Gao, Cheng-Chih Hsu, Peng Jin, Jie Lin. Two-dimensional reflective optical encoder based on point source illuminated grating imaging. Proc. of SPIE 11053: 1105313 (2019) An Jin, Jiamin Chen, Wenguo Yang, Jie Lin, Lei Wang, Peng Jin. Measurement of spindle radial error based on target trajectory tracking. Measurement 146: 179-185 (2019) Shuaishuai Zhu, Liang Gao, Yu Zhang, Jie Lin, Peng Jin. Complete plenoptic imaging using a single detector. Optics Express 26(20): 26495 (October 2018) Jian Guan, Nan Liu, Chen Chen, Xiangdong Huang, Jiubin Tan, Jie Lin*, Peng Jin. Non-iterative dartboard phase filter for achieving multifocal arrays by cylindrical vector beams. Optics Express, 26(18): 24075-24088 (3 Sep 2018) Yu Han, Hui Zhong, Nan Liu, Yuxuan Liu, Jie Lin, Peng Jin. In Situ Surface Oxidized Copper Mesh Electrodes for High-Performance Transparent Electrical Heating and Electromagnetic Interference Shielding. Advanced Electronic Materials 4(11): 1800156 (2018) Cheng-Chih Hsu, Hang Chen, Hsien-Yao Tseng, Shih-Chieh Lan, Jie Lin. High displacement resolution encoder by using triple grating combination interferometer. Optics and Laser Technology 105: 221-228 (2018) Jian Guan, Jie Lin*, Chen Chen, Yuan Ma, Jiubin Tan, Peng Jin. Transversely polarized sub-diffraction optical needle with ultra-long depth of focus. Optics Communications 404(1): 118-123 (2017) Jie Lin*, Jian Guan, Feng Wen, Jiubin Tan. high-resolution and wide range displacement measurement based on planar grating. Optics Communications 404(1): 132-138 (2017). Yu Han, Yuxuan Liu, Lin Han, Jie Lin*, Peng Jin*. High-performance hierarchical graphene/metal-mesh film foroptically transparent electromagnetic interference shielding. Carbon 115: 34-42 (2017) Bin Liu, Jie Lin, Huan Liu, Yuan Ma, Lei Yan and Peng Jin. Diaphragm based long cavity Fabry-Perot fiber acoustic sensor using phase generated carrier. Optics Communications, 382: 514-518 (2017) 张宇,朱帅帅,赵梁玉,林杰,金鹏. 快照成像光谱仪快速光谱重构算法. 哈尔滨工业大学学报,49(3): 29-34 (2017) Haichao Yu, Kuankuan Ren, Qiang Wu, Jian Wang, Jie Lin, Zhijie Wang, Jingjun Xu, Rupert Oulton, Shengchun Qu and Peng Jin. Organic-inorganic perovskite plasmonic nanowire lasers with low thresholds and good thermal stability. Nanoscale 8: 19536-19540 (2016) Shuaishuai Zhu, Yu Zhang, Jie Lin, Liangyu Zhao, Yanmei Shen and Peng Jin. High resolution snapshot imaging spectrometer using a fusion algorithm based on grouping principal component analysis. OPTICS EXPRESS 24(21): 2462424640 (2016) Bin Liu, Jie Lin, Huan Liu, An Jin, Peng Jin. Extrinsic Fabry-Perot fiber acoustic pressure sensor based on large-area silver diaphragm. Microelectronic Engineering 166: 50–54 (2016) 刘彬, 刘欢, 林杰, 金鹏. 银薄膜结构的高灵敏度Fabry-Perot光纤声压传感器. 哈尔滨工业大学学报 48(3): 11-14 (2016) doi: 10.11918/j.issn.0367-6234.2016.03.002 Jie Lin, Hongyang Zhao, Yuan Ma, Jiubin Tan and Peng Jin. New hybrid genetic particle swarm optimization algorithm to design multi-zone binary filter. Optics Express, 24(10): 10748-10758 (2016) Yu Han*, Jie Lin*, Yuxuan Liu, Hao Fu, Yuan Ma, Peng Jin, Jiubin Tan. Crackle template based metallic mesh with highly homogeneous light transmission for highperformance transparent EMI shielding. Scientific Reports 6: 25601; doi: 10.1038/srep25601 (2016) Hongyang Zhao, Jie Lin, Jiubin Tan, Peng Jin. Multi-focus of modulated polarized Airy beam. Optics and Laser Technology 81: 107-114 (2016) Long Ma, Jie Lin, Yuan Ma,Bin Liu, Jiubin Tan, Peng Jin. Yagi-Uda optical antenna array collimated laser based on surface plasmons. Optics Communications 368: 197-201 (2016) Bin Liu,Jie Lin, Jian Wang,Chen Ye,Peng Jin. MEMS-Based High-Sensitivity Fabry-Perot Acoustic Sensor with a 45 Angled Fiber. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 28(5): 581-584 (2016) Jie Lin, Ran Chen, Peng Jin, Michael Cada, Yuan Ma. Generation of longitudinally polarized optical chain by 4π focusing system. Optics Communications 340, 69-73 (2015) Jie Lin, Ran Chen, Haichao Yu, Peng Jin, Yuan Ma, Michael Cada. Generation of hollow beam with radially polarized vortex beam and complex amplitude filter. J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 31(7), 1395-1400 (2014) Jie Lin, Ran Chen, Haichao Yu, Peng Jin, Michael Cada, Yuan Ma. Analysis of sub-wavelength focusing generated by radially polarized doughnut Gaussian beam. Opt. & Laser Tech. 64, 242–246 (2014) Long Ma, Jie Lin, Peng Jin, Phil Prewett, Zhengang Lu, Jiubin Tan. The focusing performance of an aperiodic double layer metallic grating. Microelectronic Engineering 123, 112-116 (2014) Jie Lin, Yuan Ma, Peng Jin, Graham Davies, Jiubin Tan. Longitudinal polarized focusing of radially polarized sinh-Gaussian beam. Opt. Express 21(11), 13193-13198 (2013) Long Ma, Jie Lin, Yuan Ma, Peng Jin, Jiubin Tan. Subwavelength focusing of micro grating-Fresnel lens. Optics Communications 298-299, 242-245 (2013) Nan Liu, Jingbei Liu, Jie Lin, Graham Davies, Peng Jin, Dou Zhang. Model of curing shrinkage and kinetic parameters of an acrylate-based ultraviolet-embossing resist based on free volume theory. J. Micro/Nanolith. MEMS MOEMS 12(2), 023005 (2013) Tao Liu, Jiubin Tan, Jian Liu, Jie Lin. Creation of subwavelength light needle, equidistant multi-focus, and uniform light tunnel. Journal of Modern Optics 60(5), 378-381 (2013) Tao Liu, Jiubin Tan, Jie Lin, Jian Liu. Generating super-Gaussian light needle of 0.36λ beam size and pure longitudinal polarization. Optical Engineering 52(7), 074104 (2013) Lin Mei, Jingbei Liu, Yongjiang Huang, Jie Lin, Jun Shen, Jiubin Tan, Peng Jin. Experimental study on formability of bulk metallic glass as mold for microstructure replication. Microelectronic Engineering 98, 142–146 (2012) Jie Lin, Ke Yin, Yuda Li, Jiubin Tan. Achievement of longitudinally polarized focusing with long focal depth by amplitude modulation. Optics Letters 36, 1185-1187 (2011) Guo-Ai Mei, Jia-Sheng Ye, Yan Zhang, Jie Lin. Metallic cylindrical focusing micromirrors with long axial focal depth or increased lateral resolution. J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 28: 1051-1057 (2011) Peng Jin, Nan Liu, Jie Lin, Jiubin Tan, Philip D. Prewett. Replication of micro-optical elements with continuous relief by ultraviolet embossing with thiol-ene-based resist. Applied Optics 50: 4063-4067 (2011) Jie Lin, Jian Liu, Jiubin Tan. Focus depth characteristics of lenses with long focal depth designed by a focal depth function. Optics Communications 283: 3213–3217 (2010) Liu Jian-Long, Lin Jie, Zhao Hai-Fa, Zhang Yan, Liu Shu-Tian. Numerical analysis of surface plasmon nanocavities formed in thickness-modulated metal insulator metal waveguides. Chin. Phys. B 19: 054201 (2010) Jie Lin, Jiubin Tan, Jian Liu, Shutian Liu. Rigorous electromagnetic analysis of two dimensional micro-axicon by boundary integral equations. Optics Express 17: 1466-1471 (2009); The article has been selected by the editor-in-chief, Gregory Faris, for publication in the Virtual Journal for Biomedical Optics 4(4) (2009) Jie Lin. Effect of illumination types on focusing performance of closed-boundary cylindrical microlenses. Optics Communications 282: 748-751 (2009) Jianlong Liu, Jie Lin, Haifa Zhao, Shutian Liu. Analysis of closed-boundary cylindrical microlenses with long focal depth designed by the general focal length function. Optics Communications 281: 4188-4193 (2008) Jie Lin, Jianlong Liu, Jiasheng Ye, Shutian Liu. Design of microlenses with long focal depth based on the general focal length function. J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 24: 1747-1751 (2007) Jie Lin, Jiasheng Ye, Shutian Liu. The finite-thickness model applied to designs of closed-boundary cylindrical microlenses with small f-numbers. Optics Communications 273: 43–49 (2007) Jie Lin, Jiasheng Ye, Shutian Liu. Rigorous electromagnetic analysis of dual-closed-surface microlens arrays. Optics Communications 278: 232–239 (2007) Jie Lin, Jiasheng Ye, Jianlong Liu, Shutian Liu. Focal performance analysis of closed-boundary cylindrical microlenses made of uniaxial crystal. Optics & Laser Technology 39: 1514–1521 (2007) Zhengjun Liu, Haifa Zhao, Jianlong Liu, Jie Lin, M. A. Ahmad, Shutian Liu. Generation of hollow Gaussian beams by spatial filtering. Optics Letters 32: 2076-2078 (2007) M. A. Ahmad, Lin Jie, Qian Yan, Ma Zhi-Min, Ma Ai-Qun, Liu Shu-Tian. Amplitude-squared squeezing of the generalized odd-even coherent states of the anharmonic oscillator in a finite-dimensional Hilbert space. Chinese Physics 16: 1351-1356 (2007) Jie Lin, Jiasheng Ye, Shutian Liu. Focusing performance of the closed-boundary cylindrical microlenses analyzed by the boundary element method. Optics Communications 266: 25–31 (2006) 会议相关/Conferences 名称 金鹏,刘彬,钟志,林杰,方尔正,MEMS光纤声压传感器技术(专著),科学出版社,ISBN:9787030693273,2022年3月,第1版,平装,16开,170页(227千字) 国际会议论文集,编者:谭久彬,林杰,Proc of SPIE 11053 (2019) 国际会议论文集,编者:林杰,Proc of SPIE 8759(2013) 冯佳楠,胡建阳,林杰,金鹏. 基于权重的多波长衍射光学神经网络。Advanced Photonics论坛:智能光子学,主办单位:中国激光杂志社、承办单位:清华大学。2023年10月31日-11月2日,北京香山(海报) 林杰. 衍射光学神经网络研究进展。Advanced Photonics论坛:智能光子学,主办单位:中国激光杂志社、承办单位:清华大学。2023年10月31日-11月2日,北京香山(邀请报告) 林杰,Micro-nano optical elements and optical sensing。中俄科技论坛(The Third China-Russia Forum on Science and Technology):第二届中俄先进光子学与光学研讨(智能光学传感)。主办:工信部、科技部,承办:哈尔滨工业大学,(邀请报告),2023年10月25日,哈尔滨 Jie Lin, Jianyang Hu, Jinming Liu, Zilin Ye, Lei Ge, Peng Jin. Spatial Imaging System Based on Diffractive Optical Element. International Nanophotonics and Nanoenergy Conference (INPEC 2023), August 21-24, 2023, Wuxi Jie Lin. Design, fabrication and application of metasurface optical elements: from the visible to infrared (lnvited). The 5th International Conference on Photonics and Optical Engineering (icPOE 2022) & The 14th Annual Meeting on Photonics West China, June 9-11, 2023, 西安 李畅,胡建阳,林杰,金鹏. 波长和轨道角动量复用的超构表面设计. 第十六届中国微纳电子技术交流与学术研讨会暨2023年微纳电子产业融合创新发展论坛,2023年5月12-14日,青岛,邀请报告,分会主持 Junbo Hao, Zhognliang Li, Wei Wang, Keya Zhou, Zilin Ye, Dahai Yang, Chang Li, Jie Lin, Peng Jin. Design of an all-silicon long-wave infrared meta spiral zone plate. Proc. SPIE 12617: 1261722 (2023). (9th Symposium on Novel Photoelectronic Detection Technology and Applications (NDTA 2022), 2022, Hefei, China) 林杰,基于超表面的大视场偏振成像,第十五届中国微纳电子技术交流与学研讨会,2022年10月28日-30日,厦门,邀请报告 Xuyao Zhang, Yuedong Xu, Shenying Zou, Peng Jin, Jie Lin, Shu Lin. “Design of band-pass microwave filter based on metal micro coaxial structure”, IEEE MTT-S International Wireless Symposium (IEEE IWS 2022), Aug 12-15, 2022, Harbin, China (Poster) 林杰, Metalens for polarization imaging. International Nanophotonics and Nanoenergy Conference (INPEC 2021),NOV 19-21, 2021, Guandong (plenary speaker, 线上) Guan Jian, Zhang Lin, Lin Jie, Xiao Zhenzhong, Fu Yu. Comparison of Polarization-controllable Multifocal Arrays Generated by Radially and Azimuthally Polarized Beams. HOLOGRAPHY, DIFFRACTIVE OPTICS, AND APPLICATIONS X. Proceedings of SPIE 11551: 115511Q (2020)DOI: 10.1117/12.2574779 张宇,雷红韦,李洋,林杰,金鹏. 用于红斑狼疮皮疹活跃度评定的快照成像光谱仪. 2018年光电成像和光学前沿技术、高功率高能激光技术学术交流会,中国合肥,2018年9月19-日21日. Danyang Li, Jian Guan, Peng Jin, Jie Lin. Optimization algorithm to shape optical beam for laser direct writing. ISPEMI 2018 Kunming, China, August 8-10, 2018, POSTER Jian Guan, Jie Lin, Jiubin Tan, Peng Jin. Shaping the Focal Fields of Cylindrical Vector Beams. Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP) Guangzhou, China, November 10-13, 2017. Jie Lin, Hang Chen, Peng Jin, Jiubin Tan. High-resolution and wide range three-dimensional displacement measurement based on grating. 13th International Symposium on Measurement Technology and Intelligent Instruments (ISMTII),September 22-27, Oral, Session chair of Surface Metrology, Xi'an, China, 2017 陈辰,刘宇明,金鹏,林杰。中国宇航学会结构强度与环境工程专业委员会暨中国航天第十专业信息网2017年度学术交流会(哈尔滨),2016年08月24日-25日,口头报告 林杰,陈航,陈辰,撖琳,金鹏。基于外差的光栅位移粗/细测量系统的研究。中国航天科技集团公司第十专业信息网2016年学术交流会(北京),2016年12月9日,口头报告 Feng Wen, Jian Guan, Jiubin Tan, Jie Lin. A wide range three-axis grating encoder for stage motion measurement. 2015 International Symposium on Measurement Technology and Intelligent Instruments (ISMTII 2015). Taiwan, China Ran Chen, Michael Cada, Yuan Ma,Jie Lin, Peng Jin. Photonic nanojet effect of surface nanostructured dielectric micro-cylinders. 2015 Photonics North, October 5, 2015, 2015 Photonics North Peng Jin, Shuaishuai Zhu, Yu Zhang, Jie Lin. High-SNR static Fourier-transform imaging spectrometer based on differential structure. Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proc. of SPIE 9328, 2015 Jie Lin, Ran Chen, Peng Jin, Michael Cada, and Yuan Ma. Super-resolution Focusing with Polarized Optical Beam. Proceeding of the IEEE 28th Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer ngineering Halifax, Canada, May 3-6, 2015 Ran Chen, Jie Lin, Peng Jin, Michael Cada and Yuan Ma. Photonic nanojets generated by rough surface micro-cylinders. Proceeding of the IEEE 28th Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer ngineering Halifax, Canada, May 3-6, 2015 Jie Lin. Super-resolution focusing with polarized optical beam. 2014 Dalhousie Postdoctoral Fellows Research Day. 3-min oral presentation. October 10th, 2014, (Halifax, Canada) Nan Liu, Lining Sun, Peng Jin, Jie Lin, Jiubin Tan. Temperature effect of Vapor-phase self-assembled monolayer for anti-sticking layers used in UV-embossing. International Conference on Manipulation, Manufacturing and Measurement on the Nanoscale (3M-NANO), Aug. 26-30, (Suzhou, CHINA) (2013) Jie Lin, Jian Guan, Long Ma, Peng Jin, Guoliang Jin and Jiubin Tan, The focusing performance of a radially polarized Bessel-Gaussian beam and sinh-Gaussian beam, The 11th International Symposium of Measurement Technology and Intelligent Instruments, July 1st-5th, (ISMTII 2013, German) (2013) Jie Lin, Jian Guan, Long Ma, Peng Jin, Jun Lin, Jiubin Tan. Effects of parameters of Bessel-Gaussian on the achievement of optical needle with longitudinal polarization. Proc. of SPIE 8759, 875937 (ISPEMI2012, China) (2013) Jie Lin, Ke Yin, Yuda Li. Achievement of longitudinally polarized long focal depth using amplitude filtering. 10th International Symposium on Measurement Technology and Intelligent Instruments (ISMTII2011, Korea) 2011 Jie Lin, Jian Liu, Chenguang Zhao. Design of diffractive microlenses using general focal length function. Proc. of SPIE 7133, 713336 (2009) 专利/Patents 名称 林杰、陈航、关健、金鹏、谭久彬,一种外差式二/三维光栅位移粗/细测量系统,中国,2016106563199 林杰、陈航、关健、金鹏、谭久彬,一种外差式一/二维光栅位移粗/细测量系统,中国,2016106563201 林杰,李丹阳,关健,金鹏,谭久彬。一种外差式六自由度光栅运动测量系统,中国专利 林杰,关健,李丹阳,谭久彬,金鹏。一种外差式四自由度光栅运动测量系统,中国专利 林杰;关健;金鹏;谭久彬。一种可测竖直位移的三维光栅位移测量系统。中国,已授权,CN201310675316.6. 林杰;关健;金鹏;谭久彬。一种可测竖直位移的两轴光栅位移测量系统。中国,已授权,CN201310675318.5. 林杰;关健;金鹏;谭久彬。一种使用双频激光的两轴光栅位移测量系统。中国,已授权,CN201310675317.0. 林杰;关健;金鹏;谭久彬。一种使用双频激光的三维光栅位移测量系统。中国,已授权, CN201310674590.1. 刘阳,张勇飞,林杰,金岸,金鹏。一种基于合作目标光栅的主轴径向回转误差测量装置,中国,授权公告日:2020年8月11日,专利号:ZL 2020 2 0323889.8(实用新型) 贾智艳,闵一多,林杰。一种具有光强传感器的智能眼镜,中国,授权公告日:2021年11月09日,专利号:ZL 2021 2 1346624.0(实用新型) 金鹏,于海超,王健,林杰,谭久彬,王兴。一种基于钙钛矿纳米线的表面等离激元激光器,中国,CN105591285A 金鹏;刘彬;林杰;刘欢。一种基于FBG的膜片式高精细度F-P光纤声压传感器。中国,CN201510696098.3. 金鹏;刘欢;刘彬;林杰。一种基于FBG的膜片式低精细度F-P光纤加速度传感器。中国,CN201510696083.7. 金鹏;刘彬;王健;林杰。一种基于FBG的膜片式高精细度F-P光纤加速度传感器。中国,CN201510696063.X. 金鹏;刘欢;刘彬;林杰。一种基于FBG的膜片式低精细度F-P光纤声压传感器。中国,CN201510696186.3. 金鹏;刘彬;王健;林杰。基于45°光纤的差动光纤珐珀加速度传感器及加工方法。中国,CN201510508643.1. 金鹏;王健;林杰;刘欢。基于45°光纤的非本征光纤珐珀加速度传感器及加工方法。中国, CN201510508641.2. 张继涛;金鹏;王健;于海超;林杰。基于气液驱动的频率连续可逆重构的微带天线。中国,CN201510487019.8. 张继涛;金鹏;于海超;王健;林杰。微带天线介质板夹腔结构气液复合驱动频率调节方法。中国,CN201510487020.0. 金鹏;张继涛;于海超;王健;林杰。基于微流道介质板结构的四参数可逆重构微带天线。中国, CN201510487179.2. 金鹏;张继涛;于海超;林杰;谭久彬。一种基于金属非均匀栅格化的双频段微带天线。中国, CN201510454667.3. 金鹏;刘彬;撖琳;林杰;刘欢;王健。一种基于FBG光纤的中心波长稳定装置与方法。中国, CN201510061572.5. 金鹏;刘彬;撖琳;林杰;刘欢;王健。一种基于FFP-TF的中心波长稳定装置与方法。中国,CN201510061544.3. 金鹏;朱帅帅;张宇;林杰。一种差分快照式成像光谱仪与成像方法。中国,已授权, CN201410150852.9. 金鹏;朱帅帅;张宇;林杰。一种差分快照式成像方法。中国,CN201510616260.6. 金鹏;朱非甲;林杰;谭久彬。一种检测与识别金属网栅缺陷的方法。中国, CN201410131635.5. 金鹏;朱帅帅;张宇;林杰。一种基于偏振分光器的快照式成像光谱仪与成像方法。中国,已授权, CN201410053302.5. 金鹏;朱帅帅;张宇;林杰。一种基于偏振分光器的高空间分辨率快照式成像光谱仪与成像方法。中国,已授权, CN201410053286.X. 金鹏;朱帅帅;张宇;林杰。一种基于偏振分光器的高空间分辨率快照式成像方法。中国,CN201510333220.0. 金鹏;张宇;朱帅帅;林杰。一种快照光谱成像中基于模板的阵列图像配准方法。中国, CN201410052688.8. 金鹏;张宇;朱帅帅;林杰。一种针对透镜阵列的阵列图像配准模板。中国, CN201410052678.4. 金鹏;于海超;林杰;谭久彬。一种基于圆环形金属网栅的透红外辐射微带天线。中国,已授权, CN201310499218.1. 于海超;金鹏;刘国盛;王杰;林杰;谭久彬。一种基于随机金属网栅的透红外辐射微带天线。中国专利, CN201310500207.0. 于海超;金鹏;刘国盛;王杰;林杰;谭久彬。一种基于随机网栅及透红外半导体的透红外辐射微带天线。中国专利, CN201310500208.5. 金鹏;于海超;林杰;谭久彬。基于圆环形金属网栅及透红外半导体的透红外微带天线。中国专利,CN201310499203.5. 金鹏;马龙;林杰;谭久彬。一种激光器。中国专利,CN201210371710.6.
