

姓名 李鸿 性别 李鸿
学校 哈尔滨工业大学 部门 能源科学与工程学院
学位 李鸿 学历 李鸿
职称 教授 联系方式 【了解更多】
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个人信息 教学科研 学术成果 招生信息 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 动力工程及工程热物理学科教授/博导,中国航天第三专业信息网电推进专委会委员,中国宇航学会电推进专委会青年委员(召集人)。讲授《航天电推进装置及结构》等本科生课程以及《等离子体物理》等研究生课程。主要从事航天电推进理论与技术的研究;近年来聚焦在下一代超高参数霍尔电推进技术、霍尔推力器寿命评估及优化技术以及电推力器物理过程数值模拟等方面。主持及参与国家自然基金面上、重点项目,国防技术基础科研项目,国防基础科研项目、航天科技及科工集团项目等20余项;多个研究成果应用到了我国航天科技集团下属的电推进工程单位,入选中国高等学校十大科技进展,获国家科学技术进步二等奖1项,省部级一等奖3项。 工作经历 标题 访问学者 起讫时间 2012.12—2013.12 职位/职称 工作单位 西班牙 马德里理工大学 航天工程系 简单介绍 标题 讲师 起讫时间 2013.06—2018.12 职位/职称 工作单位 哈尔滨工业大学 能源科学与工程学院 先进动力技术研究所 简单介绍 标题 副教授 起讫时间 2019.01—2023.12 职位/职称 工作单位 哈尔滨工业大学 能源科学与工程学院 先进动力技术研究所 简单介绍 标题 教授 起讫时间 2024.01—今 职位/职称 工作单位 哈尔滨工业大学 能源科学与工程学院 先进动力技术研究所 简单介绍 标题 起讫时间 职位/职称 工作单位 简单介绍 教育经历 标题 高中 起讫时间 1997.09—2000.07 所学专业 学习机构 湖北省沙市中学(原沙市三中) 学历 简单介绍 标题 工学学士 起讫时间 2000.09—2004.07 所学专业 热能与动力工程 学习机构 哈尔滨工业大学 能源科学与工程学院 学历 简单介绍 标题 工学硕士 起讫时间 2004.09—2006.07 所学专业 动力机械及工程 学习机构 哈尔滨工业大学 能源科学与工程学院 学历 简单介绍 标题 工学博士 起讫时间 2006.09—2011.07 所学专业 动力工程及工程热物理 学习机构 哈尔滨工业大学 能源科学与工程学院 学历 简单介绍 科研项目 项目名称 后加载磁场霍尔推力器工作特性及优化研究 项目来源 国家自然科学基金委面上项目 开始时间 2021.01 结束时间 2024.12 项目经费 58 担任角色 负责 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 进行中 简单介绍 项目名称 磁屏蔽霍尔推力器加速区电子传导特性研究 项目来源 国家自然科学基金青年项目 开始时间 2016.01 结束时间 2018.12 项目经费 20 担任角色 负责 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 霍尔推力器******实验方法研究 项目来源 国家部委计划 开始时间 2017.01 结束时间 2018.12 项目经费 120 担任角色 负责 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 变推力变比冲霍尔电推进关键基础问题研究 项目来源 国家自然科学基金重点项目 开始时间 2018.01 结束时间 2022.12 项目经费 292 担任角色 参与 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目执行负责人 项目名称 霍尔推力器******防护研究 项目来源 国家部委计划 开始时间 2018.01 结束时间 2019.12 项目经费 300 担任角色 参与 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目执行负责人 奖项成果 奖项名称 ******霍尔推进技术 获奖时间 2024.01 完成人 第二完成人 所获奖项 省部级技术发明一等奖 简单介绍 奖项名称 磁聚焦霍尔推进技术 获奖时间 2019.12 完成人 第五完成人 所获奖项 国家科学技术进步二等奖 简单介绍 奖项名称 ******霍尔推力器关键技术 获奖时间 2018.12 完成人 第三完成人 所获奖项 军队科技进步一等奖 简单介绍 奖项名称 ******霍尔推进技术 获奖时间 2018.02 完成人 第五完成人 所获奖项 教育部技术发明一等奖 简单介绍 奖项名称 高效率高比冲磁聚焦霍尔推进技术 获奖时间 2016.12 完成人 学术骨干 所获奖项 中国高等学校十大科技进展 简单介绍 期刊论文 名称 2024: Daren Yu, Chao Zhong, Xingyu Liu, Hong Li*. Study on a hybrid-produced magnetic-field Hall thruster. Acta Astronautica 2024, 220: 297-304.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actaastro.2024.04.035 Xingyu Liu, Hong Li*, Xingdong Che, Shangmin Wang, Wei Mao, Yongjie Ding, Liqiu Wei and Daren Yu. High-voltage discharge optimization of a hybrid-wall Hall thruster. Journal of Propulsion and Power 2024, published online, accessed April 30, 2024.http://arc.aiaa.org/doi/abs/10.2514/1.B39061 Xingyu Liu, Hong Li*, Zhongyu Jiang, Yongjie Ding, Liqiu Wei, Daren Yu, and Wei Mao. Improving the Specific Impulse of Hall Thrusters Using a Wide Channel Design. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 2024, 57(25): 255202.https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6463/ad33fb Xingyu Liu, Hong Li*, Xingdong Che, Yongjie Ding, Liqiu Wei, Daren Yu, and Wei Mao. Optimizing a Hall Thruster with Aft-Loaded Magnetic Field by Aft-Loading Design of Gas Flow. Vacuum 2024, 222: 112987.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vacuum.2024.112987 Xingyu Liu, Hong Li*, Zezhong Peng, Yongjie Ding, Liqiu Wei, Daren Yu, and Wei Mao. Experimental Study on the Discharge of a Xenon-Assisted Krypton Hall Thruster. Acta Astronautica 2024, 216: 295-303.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actaastro.2024.01.017 2023: Demai Zeng, Hong Li*, Jinwen Liu, Yanlin Hu, Yongjie Ding, LiqiuWei, Daren Yu. Optimization of a Long-Lifetime Hall Thruster with an Internally Mounted Cathode. AIAA Journal. 2023, 61(10): 4259-4266.https://doi.org/10.2514/1.J062246 Xingyu Liu, Hong Li*, Qiaohui Yu, Yongjie Ding, Liqiu Wei, Daren Yu, Shangmin Wang, and Yanlin Hu. On Inward Deflection of Excitation Magnetic Field in a Hall Thruster Operating at High Discharge Voltage. Vacuum 2023, 212: 112060. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vacuum.2023.112060 Xingyu Liu, Hong Li*, Zhongkai An, Yongjie Ding, Liqiu Wei, Daren Yu, and Wei Mao. High-Voltage Discharge Characteristics of a Hybrid-Wall Hall Thruster with an Aft-Loaded Magnetic Field. Acta Astronautica 2023, 203: 214-225.https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.actaastro.2022.11.054 Zhaoyu Wang, Hong Li*, Yanlin Hu, Chao Zhong, Yongjie Ding, Liqiu Wei, Daren Yu. Expanding the design freedom of the chamfered wall shape of a magnetically shielded Hall thruster. Vacuum 2023, 207: 111603.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vacuum.2022.111603 2022: Chao Zhong, Hong Li*, Yanlin Hu, Zhaoyu Wang, Yongjie Ding, Liqiu Wei, and Daren Yu. Radial Position Effects of Externally Mounted Hollow Cathode on a Magnetically Shielded Hall Thruster. Applied Physics Letters 2022, 121(26): 264101.https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0129741 Xingyu Liu, Hong Li*, Junbo Tang, Yongjie Ding, Liqiu Wei, Daren Yu, and Yanlin Hu. Method for Calculating Thrust Vector Eccentricity Angle of Electric Thruster. AIAA Journal 2022, 60(9): 5060-5069.https://doi.org/10.2514/1.J061328 Demai Zeng, Hong Li*, Jinwen Liu, Yongjie Ding, Liqiu Wei, Daren Yu, and Yanlin Hu. Comparison of Discharge Characteristics of a Hall Thruster with Different Cathode Arrangements. Journal of Propulsion and Power 2022, 38(4): 686-689.https://doi.org/10.2514/1.B38643 Chao Zhong, Hong Li*, Yanlin Hu, Xu Zhang, Yongjie Ding, Liqiu Wei, and Daren Yu. On Cathode Position and Inclination Angle in Magnetically Shielded Hall Thrusters. Journal of Propulsion and Power 2022, 38(2): 181-189.https://doi.org/10.2514/1.B38436 Demai Zeng, Hong Li*, Jinwen Liu, Yongjie Ding, Liqiu Wei, Daren Yu, and Wei Mao. Numerical study of the effect of aft-loaded magnetic field on multiple ionizations in Hall thruster. Plasma Science and Technology 2022, 24: 074005.https://doi.org/10.1088/2058-6272/ac5788 刘星宇, 李鸿*, 毛威, 丁永杰, 魏立秋, 于达仁. 霍尔推力器能量损失系统性评价方法. 推进技术 2022, 43(7): 200868.https://10.13675/j.cnki. tjjs. 200868 2021: Haotian Fan, Hong Li*, Wei Mao, Yongjie Ding, Liqiu Wei, and Daren Yu. Improving the Hall Thruster Global Efficiency over a Wide Flow-Rate Range. Journal of Propulsion and Power 2021, 37(4): 625-33.https://doi.org/10.2514/1.B38208 Minghao Ding, Hong Li*, Yongjie Ding, Liqiu Wei, Wei Mao, Liang Han, and Daren Yu. Effect of Disruption of Anode Potential Symmetrical Supply on Hall Thruster Discharge. Physics of Plasmas 2021, 28(3): 033501.https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0041994 Minghao Ding, Hong Li*, Yongjie Ding, Liqiu Wei, Wei Mao, Daren Yu, and Yong Cao. Performance and Plume Characteristics of a Hall-Effect Thruster with Asymmetrical Gas Supply. Vacuum 2021, 190: 110285.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vacuum.2021.110285 Zhaoyu Wang, Hong Li*, Chao Zhong, Jinwen Liu, Yongjie Ding, Liqiu Wei, and Daren Yu. Simulation of Pole Erosion in Magnetically Shielded and Unshielded Hall Thrusters. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 2021, 49(4): 1351-56.https://doi.org/10.1109/tps.2021.3064891 Zhaoyu Wang, Hong Li*, Chao Zhong, Yanlin Hu, Yongjie Ding, Liqiu Wei, and Daren Yu. Matching Characteristics of Magnetic Field Configuration and Chamfered Channel Wall in a Magnetically Shielded Hall Thruster. Plasma Science and Technology 2021, 23(10): 104008.https://doi.org/10.1088/2058-6272/ac2121 2020: Haotian Fan, Hong Li*, Yongjie Ding, Liqiu Wei, and Daren Yu. Effects of the Peak Magnetic Field Position on Hall Thruster Discharge Characteristics. Advances in Space Research 2020, 66(8): 2024-34.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asr.2020.06.036 Hong Li, Shengyi Hu, Demai Zeng, Yongjie Ding*, Liqiu Wei, Daren Yu, and Zhiyong Gao. Numerical Simulation of the Effect of Backpressure on the Discharge Characteristics of a Hall Effect Thruster. The European Physical Journal D 2020, 74(2): 29.https://doi.org/10.1140/epjd/e2019-100331-7 Jinwen Liu, Chao Zhong, Hong Li*, Yongjie Ding, Liqiu Wei, and Daren Yu. The Influence of the Inclination of Strong Magnetic Field Lines on the Performance and Plume Divergence of a Magnetically Shielded Hall Thruster. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 2020, 53(24): 245201.https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6463/ab79db Hongbo Su, Hong Li*, Yongjie Ding*, Liqiu Wei, Xu Zhang, Chaoying Zhou, and Daren Yu. Simulation Study on the Influence of Magnetic Field in the near-Anode Region on Anode Power Deposition of Aton-Type Hall Thruster. Plasma Science and Technology 2020, 22(9): 094013.https://doi.org/10.1088/2058-6272/aba188 Guojun Xia, Hong Li*, Yongjie Ding, Liqiu Wei, Shaowen Chen, and Daren Yu. Performance Optimization of a Krypton Hall Thruster with a Rotating Propellant Supply. Acta Astronautica 2020, 171: 290-99.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actaastro.2020.03.021 Guojun Xia, Hong Li*, Ximing Zhu, Zhongxi Ning, Shaowen Chen, Daren Yu, and Chaoying Zhou. Effects of Rotating Supply Mode on the Ionization Parameters of a Krypton Hall Thruster. Vacuum 2020, 181: 109664.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vacuum.2020.109664 Guojun Xia, Xingyu Liu, Hong Li*, Yongjie Ding*, Liqiu Wei, Shaowen Chen, and Daren Yu. Performance Improvement of Hall Thrusters with High Discharge Voltage. Vacuum 2020, 172: 109052.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vacuum.2019.109052 2019: Minghao Ding, Hong Li*, Yongjie Ding*, Hui Liu, Daren Yu, and Xiaogang Wang. Experimental Study of the Effect of Propellant Asymmetrical Distribution on Anode Current in a Hall Effect Thruster. Physics Letters A 2019, 383: 3108-13.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physleta.2019.07.008 Yongjie Ding, Hongbo Su, Hong Li*, Boyang Jia, Liqiu Wei*, Wuji Peng, Yanlin Hu, Wei Mao, and Daren Yu. Measurement Method for Plume Divergence Angle of Hall Thrusters. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 2019, 37(1): 012902.https://doi.org/10.1116/1.5037440 Yongjie Ding, Lei Wang, Haotian Fan, Hong Li*, Weifeng Xu, Liqiu Wei, Peng Li, and Daren Yu. Simulation Research on Magnetic Pole Erosion of Hall Thrusters. Physics of Plasmas 2019, 26(2): 023520.https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5077041 Hong Li, Yongjie Ding*, Lei Wang, Haotian Fan, Peng Li, Liqiu Wei, and Daren Yu. Effect of Magnetic-Field Intensity near an Intermediate Electrode on the Discharge Characteristics of a Hall Thruster with a Double-Peaked Magnetic Field. The European Physical Journal D 2019, 73(9): 198.https://doi.org/10.1140/epjd/e2019-100162-6 Hong Li, Haotian Fan, Xingyu Liu, Minghao Ding, Yongjie Ding*, Liqiu Wei, Daren Yu, and Xiaogang Wang. Effect of Magnetic Field Configuration on Discharge Characteristic of a Hall Effect Thruster with a Variable Channel. Vacuum 2019, 162: 78-84.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vacuum.2019.01.036 Jinwen Liu, Hong Li*, Yanlin Hu, Xingyu Liu, Yongjie Ding*, Liqiu Wei, Daren Yu, and Xiaogang Wang. Particle-in-Cell Simulation of the Effect of Curved Magnetic Field on Wall Bombardment and Erosion in a Hall Thruster. Contributions to Plasma Physics 2019, 59(8): e201800001.https://doi.org/10.1002/ctpp.201800001 2018: Yongjie Ding, Hongbo Su, Boyang Jia, Hong Li*, Liqiu Wei*, Peng Li, Hezhi Sun, and Daren Yu. Comparative Study of Annular–Cylindrical Combined Channel with Annular Channel Hall Thruster. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 2018, 46(12): 4051-59.https://doi.org/10.1109/tps.2018.2866336 Yongjie Ding, Hongbo Su, Boyang Jia, Hong Li*, Liqiu Wei*, Peng Li, Hezhi Sun, and Daren Yu. Effects of Annular-Cylindrical Combined Channel Hall Thruster Length on the Discharge Characteristics. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 2018, 36(6): 062601.https://doi.org/10.1116/1.5037740 Hong Li, Xingyu Liu, Zhiyong Gao, Yongjie Ding*, Liqiu Wei, Daren Yu, and Xiaogang Wang. Particle-in-Cell Simulation for Effect of Anode Temperature on Discharge Characteristics of a Hall Effect Thruster. Plasma Science and Technology 2018, 20(12): 125504.https://doi.org/10.1088/2058-6272/aaddf2 Hong Li, You Wu, Minghao Ding, Yongjie Ding*, Liqiu Wei, Daren Yu*, and Xiaogang Wang. Discharge Characteristics of a Kilowatt Hall Effect Thruster with a Variable Channel. Vacuum 2018, 153: 291-99.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vacuum.2018.04.035 Hong Li*, Guojun Xia, Wei Mao, Jinwen Liu, Yongjie Ding*, Daren Yu, and Xiaogang Wang. Experimental and Numerical Investigation of a Hall Thruster with a Chamfered Channel Wall. Chinese Physics B 2018, 27(10): 105209.https://doi.org/10.1088/1674-1056/27/10/105209 Jinwen Liu, Hong Li*, Wei Mao, Yongjie Ding*, Liqiu Wei, Jianzhi Li, Daren Yu, and Xiaogang Wang. Experimental Study of Effect of Magnetic Field on Anode Temperature Distribution in an Aton-Type Hall Thruster. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 2018, 51(8): 185201.https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6463/aab8f1 Jinwen Liu, Hong Li*, Xu Zhang, Yongjie Ding*, Liqiu Wei, Jianzhi Li, Daren Yu, and Xiaogang Wang. On Matching the Anode Ring with the Magnetic Field in an Aton-Type Hall Effect Thruster. 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